V-"- LOCAL NEWS of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS, iVIARRIAGES L 196 dr.siiay ev The young up!e woo. were awarded diploma last whiter for m -iking high g ads iu dairy farai wt rk ar uow reaeiviug fame from the ffiee of Dairy Farming Among those receiving diplomat iu ilin D'nn'y arrt tfji) following : Mirths Torunr, Pului- Graham aud K-ttbleeu Ci i e 1 1 , all of Mt Lhltt. Sunday's papers gAVa a list r f savnty new iawyeis who were li emived to practice y the Supreme Curt, among thorn beiug two f rv ui Salisbury, Willi&m Lynch aud Bn Jlj'Jubh na. Bdward 0. Jerome wh rooently moved tr GHuai' r ; was also a member of the successful clues. 0. ver W . Stewart of Chicago, will spak in the old court house Saturday light, September 11th, .peak on thesulj.ct of prohibi- SlQICff MCatfiu l)f COOtafil! tiou aud is said to Le ver interesting. g, at JU o crCK. the- marriRirA nf Mioa . ' W, Elizabeth, the. accomplished daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C M. Van P ole: aud William Earnest Beaver, bou of MrV antf Mrs. D A. .Biav-rr, took place at the home of the bride's parents. on South Ellis Street, iu the presence of the rel atives aud friends of those inter ested, Rev. M. M. ,Ki uuard, D D , pastor of St. John's B. L. Church, rfficiatiug. The home waB beautifully decorated for the occasiou, the b ide was dresied in a traveling suit, aud after the ceremony thrs ccuple left for a trip to points in the north. TheBe are spleudid young people aud will - Tai Assessments Go Up State Tlx Cf mm ssion Ofders hcreast. Riwmlncuased 10 Per Cent. The State Tax Commission (ali as the c rporation commission) has increased the assessment on real estate iu 77 of the 100 coun ties of the State, the iuorease ranging from 6 to 80 per cent. The increase in Rwan is 10 per cent In one eouuty, Pasquotank, tb. assessment was decreased 5 per cent., iu 19 counties uo change was made aud iu three the assess menti are t j Le passed upon. The increase ordeied, says the News aud Observer, will add to the tax books $80,918,955 Thi. with he increase in corporation exoess, bank stock, building and loan as socutions aud public service cor - : 7 r make their home in Saliabnrv i; , i.u-.ai - - I pjfHIlUUH, Will .wo vva- ueing employed by .Baaaaftj alnft ftf nrnnflrtv ;n the Mr.. Besver the Southern Railway. Miss Ada btirewalt, a trietid of the bride was present and made excellent music. State, based upon estimated re turn from three counties not yet reprtiug, of -$900,000,000. Tb.e total value of all property for the year 1914 was $807,072,788 mak ing au increase in the taxable nrnnorfcv nf thp Stfttft for the year Iu the fifth and deciding game 1915 of ftbont $99 000 000. or 11 or tne series for tbe amatenr A farewell service was he'd at ohampionship Spenoer forfeited gt JamPB J L. Church, Rock well, Sunday prior to the leaving of Rev. and Mrs. John K. Linn ai missionaries to Japan. Mr. Li in is a sou of Rev. and Mrs J A Linu of Rockwell, and is highly es teemed as indicated by the largely attended meeting. The Spencer Graded School opened Monday morning with a spleudid enrollment aud will u doubt have another Buosessfu term uuder the direction of Prof B irut-s, saperiuteudeut, and Mrs. L it-. B Carrick priujipal of the grauimar school. Tha Cleveland public school will open Monday, Sptomber 20th. Dr. Thomas G. Coughenhour. gon of Mr aud Mrs. T. A. Cough euh our of Salisbury, who was been located at Palmeruiile for sevra' years, has decided to move to Charlotte for the practice of hit profession, dentist. Dr. Coughen hour is well q lipped for his pro fessioo, is a courteous geutlemai the game Monday to Oooleemee iu l . l : 1 . cue suira inning, witn the score standiug 8 to 0 in favor of Coolee mee. Spencer left the-field, claim lLg the umpire had made a bad decision at one of the bases, Spen oer made one error, Cooleemee loue Cooleemee got four hits, per oeut. The heghest per centage of in- crease, 3U, 11 applied to tnree counties, Alleghauey, Sampson aud Sootland. It is farther ordered that the in crease in assessment in the above name counties shall not be appli ed in th year 1915 to the real J. F. Lverly a Rood citizen of the Grace Church neigh borhood, who has been mak ing his home lately with J. F. Cooper, a step-son in Chiua Grove, died Saturday after noon from the effects of heart failure. The funeral was held from St Marks' E. L. Church, China Grove, Sun day afternoou, being con ducted by his pastor, Eev. G. O. Ritchie of Grace Church, assisted by Rev. W. H. Riser Mr. Lyerly was about 74 years old and a highly es teemed citizen in his neigh borhood The remains of Lawrence, the twenty-two year old son of Thornton Lingle, of the Salem Church neighborhood, who died from the effects of menirgitis Friday afternoon, was intered at the Salem Church grave yard, after a funeral service at the Church by his pastor, Rev. G. O. Ritchie, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lingle was a splendid young man and was highly esteemed by his neighbors and many friends. Whenever You Need 4 General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless CDUl Tome is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the R UK A LH E WS Written by OUR CORRESPONDENT. GOLD KNOB. Sept. 6. The month of August was the wettest yet. N. A. Trexler has gone to Landis to tio some surveying. Carr C. Barger, railway mail clers, is at home taking a rest. Misses Lucy Barrier, Mol lie and Mrs, H. A. Trexler have gone to Wilmington where they will repiesent the miss onary society of St. Peter's Church in the State Convention which" meets at that place. The county road force is getting along slowly on ac count of bad weather. At a recent meeting of the school committee for the dis trict Mies Mary Lyerly was chosen principal and Miss Mollie Holshouser assistant for the Gold Knob school this winter. Miss Nellie Park will teach again at Park Academy near Organ Church. The committmen are to be congratulated in securing the service of these splendid young ladies. The patrons of Gold Knob school have decided to seat the school room with steel I needed and which will add much to the life of the school. Mrs. Lucy Moore of near nrnno f on, Knlr nr hm ki no weuicnown tonic properaesoiuuim spencr two. .Batteries: Spen- nrrot:n. nnr trt the real nro uounxy ;er, Graham and Mpore; Coolee- of rliofkd companies oat- & P SOcents. is visiting friends and rela o dowu to Concord in their an-, tomobiles at the home ooming, September 8th and 9th, to see the big parade and the big crowds of people. Miss Maggie Wagoner at High Point is spend irg several months with hefaont at Fth W. S. Barnha-dt has the con- ' tract and 19 pnttn g a metal lool on John A. Peeler's barn. M G, M. Fisher is doing sev eral hundred dollars worth cf work on his lot here building and remodeling the two story resi dence. It will be painted outside and inside and it will improve the looks of our little town as it is in the center of the village. The old barn at Albert Miler's was built in 1832 and it has a part of the first roof that was ever put on it. Who ever can beat that trot oat yoar barn. J. L Shupiug was down at lis mother's birthday dinner at Faith the other day. Miss Effie Fraley has more boarder than any other boarding houee in Faith and she sets a fine tatK The mayor, John D. A. Fhhtr, dosen't have cases up before him very'oftin as we have suoh a quiet good town, but the other Light one cf the foreigners broke the rule of our little town. A ljrge orowd was out to hear the trial, le was ft d twenty-five dollars aid cost and the oost was fcur dillars aud ninety-five cnte. rhen he immediately left the town for s me of tbe north ru oitieB. Good . Venus. There were about ,200 people who went to Winston-Saltm las Friday to spend the day t the orphanage of the Methodise Church near that city. They had a picnic and a very pleasant oat in. mee, Hobaou sud Lesler. side of their right of ways, the in crease in the assessments of the property of the bankiug and rail road oornoratious 'lavina been em- Salisbury's hot air artists, braced and covered in the assess- "Bitef Trip Woodman Camp tarmiily Opened. Charlotte Observer. With their huge axes hangiug or "hnost.Hrs will ha thir . .... u 4U I w.ru.ug u uy t. , " mnr, or ineaa comorufciuuB iiv sub i j 1 1 3 r 1 aoeri wuo may ue prowiiuK arouua mw 1 ine per-cen- d iikewi,e lhe eTmbol of achiev . r . I J age 01 u.cre.. ruu .u ment, aid and . welcome to all oounwes, nowever, wuu HPuu vVoodmen and friends of Wood- to the ral property of banks and men h ma ioionrn for aftftH railroads next year ana tnereaittr. The commission states that the returns made by tne counties show au actual decrease in tbe as tivo8 here this week. Miss Frances Trexler who has been visiting in Salisbury for the past week is home again. Lee. vh n 11 1 T" v I a rk r -w 4- ' I . -. -3 . , 11T , , commission itself. aim weunesaay ana, it is said, will go by automobile to the following points on Tuesday: Granite Quarry, Rockwell, Gold Hill, Ores cent, Faith, China Grove, Landis, Mt. Ulla. Bear Pop lar, Cleveland, Barber,- Sal' isbury, and to Franklin, sessmeuts over previous years Woodleaf. Cooleemee, Mocks- ville, Yadkin College. Lex iugton, Linwood, Spencer, and will no doubt succeed as all oallSDUry, on Wednesday. Silisbury boys do when g:vu lowing. THE PROPER COURSE The Yost re-union is being held at Mt. H.pe Reformed Oharob MBh,Blt,M P'leSS VilUB tO EW) aud a larg) orowd is in attend- SillSDUff Citizen. a n ww now to act in au emergency is Tbe Salisbury schools expect to fcuowledge of inestimable worth, None Equal toChambetlain. on with them, the aunual encamp ment cf the Uniform Rtnk, Wood men of the World, was convened iu this city Monday. It will con tinue in session throughout the week, ooucludi g Saturday a t uoon, when the big flag, emblem 'I have tried most all of the I of fraternity, patriotism and ad- oough cures and find that there is vancement, will be lowered and none tnat equal Cough Remedy. Chamberlain's the camp will then be formally T Hob nufar filtoaivm nromnt relief." BC1Brou J e . I rr I Ofk : 11. r writes W. V. Harner. Montpelnr, r u.uip. m u mi Iud. When you have a oold give est" as tbe beautiful tented city this remedy a trial aud see for lie called, and there is every ad- yourself what a spleudid medioine janoi 0f a ,egulsr army pest, with IS IS. UUiiKiuauit) Hfmjwuais. FAITH. dept. 4. Rey. Harvey Welktr aud Banks Peeler have returned from Pennsylvania where they have been spending a month vis iting relatives and friends. Fisher & MoOombs have just received au order for auother car load of millstones. C C. Wvatt of near Gold Hill. has returned from City Point, Va., where he has been at work for several months at the big powder works near Petersburg . He says there are all kinds of peo. pe thera from all couutries J. T. Wyatt has received an rder for a large pair of millstones aDd they are I emg gotten cut. Li .M, Peeler is hauling granite open Monday, September 20th. Two automobiles collided on West lcnes Street last Thursday night a. id considerable damag was done to tbe one driven by J. R Curlee of Cooleemee, the other being driven by J. . Alexander of Statesville. The matter was heard iu the County Ccur& Friday morning aud Mr. Alexander was riued $10 and cost. Each olaimbd that tLere was room i.r the other to pa88, but Mr. Alexander was to aud this is particularly true of the di83ases and Ills of the human body. If you suffer with kidney bacKacne, urinary aisoraers, or r ri - ti . 1 auy rorm 01 aianey irouoie. tne advice contained in the following stitement should add a valuable assest to your store of knowledge. 01 cans witn nowaer ana snot. LldleS LutheriB UiSSiOP SlCielj EleCtl Lbere are the Woodmen sxs, which are in themselves symbols of warefar, waref-re agaiust ig I. . . - . ',:u u: it - the single exception that instead 0,OCKB JUI'U ' grains wen n- Officers. Wilmington, 8ept. 2 The 80th John A. Fisher is having a new roof PQt on his residence. Several people from Faith will annual convention of the Wo- meu's Heme aud Foreign Mission arv societies of the North Caro- - j What could be more convmcing lina Lutheran Synod began at 8t. pruci CIUUUJ -uu . pani. r.nthMrAn chnroh here this a, w w mr.rni. a with a lanze number of norance, vioe aud superstition. There is tbe commissary depart ment, the mess ball, tents for tbe ins ruction of SB sera, parade grounds aud even a hospital con tingent. Tbe camp ii guarded by sentinels ana every tuing is col- Kiduey Pills than the statement nr a natiaiurv citizen wno naea thm and who nnbliclv tell, of fch-i delegstes in attundanoe. lne ' i . I ' . .1 j . j 1: a. - : 1 : . t benefit derived? oonrention will continue through qucibu accuraio v nuiur; ruiee Mr. J. F. Barber, 510 W. Inuis Une wee Mrs. R. L. Patterson. "d regulations. It is a camp in ays. My back f a-i;.iinr-. tha nraident ii nre every sense of the term. of misery when- . .. .... . . . . m rn . I The first formal exercises of the occurred Monday had photographs taken showing the only medicine for that trouble Columbia, S. 0., conducted a mis- morning at w o eioox wneu guards the positions of the machines as I T have taken them for years and Linn atnri v. The afternoon see- were mounted and then at 10 they stood after the accident. they have always b?eu beneficial.'' Linn h-an w,th devotional serv- o'olook the big flag was raised. t-. m .1 .11 j 1 11 ri 1 " 1 . . . . x'rice Ow, ac an ueuiwrtj. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Yon know what you are taking, as the formula is ited on every laoei, snowing it is nine and Iron in a tasteless form. . . ... . . a.1 t Quinine onves one nuuni, tn builds uo the system, so cents Piles Cujw .u 6 to 14 Days 'OW 5mgRist will refund iiioney if VAZO '1NTJS4ENX fails to cure 'av case pf Itch' tg 10 Bleeding or Protrudii sr Piles in6(o 14d.-, S fifs ao-i'tcMon eve Sase and 1 esL " I ALL OUR ' NEIGHBORHOOD There Is Hardly A Womsn Who Does Not Rely Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. j Princeton, 111. "I had inflammation, : hard headaches in the back of my neck and a weakness all caused by female trouble, and I took; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-, pound with such ex cellent results that I am now feeling fine. I recommend the Compound and praise it to all. I shall be, glad to have yon publish my letter.' There is scarcely a neighbor around me who does not use your medicine. "Mrs, J. F. Johnson, R. No. 4, Box 30, Prince ton, Illinois. Experience of a Nurse. Poland,N.Y. "In my experience as a nurse I certainly think Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is a great medicine. I wish all women with fe male troubles would take it. I took it when passing through the Change of Life with great results and I always re commend the Compound to all my pa tients if 1 know of their condition in time. I will gladly do all I can to help others to know of this great medicine." Mrs. Horace Newman, Poland, Her kimer Co., N. Y. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice write Iiy&a E. Pinkham Medicine Co (confidential) Lynn, Mass. lift) ' V f When purchasing silver- j - ware remember that in i - silver plate no name stands for higher quality or greater durability than the re-, ' nowned trade mark 1847 ROGERS BROS. TRIPLE Ask your dealer to show you the various exquisite patterns in which the "Silver Plate That Wears" can be had. The wide lati tude for choice in knives, forks, spoons and fancy serving pieces assures satis faction to every taste. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for cata logue rtC-L," showing all designs. MER1DEN BRITANNIA CO. (International Silrer Co., 8nceMorO ' MCRIOCM. CONN. the right and ouly a loot or so St.,' Salisbury, fr i m tha rnrh orhila tha reafe n I I a Inl th krat orQ tn Mr Hnrfa - - rtnt of ,Har SldlUg. At 11 O dock thlS mom Mr. Alexauder took an anneal aud T find Doan'e Kidney Pills are ing Df- J- 0. Seegers, of enoampment AVERY 8-16, THREE PLOW OUTFIT. Don't dimply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs, Birber had. Foster-Mil Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey which burn Co,, Props Buffalo, N. Y. The Next Best Thing to the Piae For est for Cold is goes to the very root of ccld trou bles. It clears the throat and gives relief from that clogged aud staffed feeling. The pines have been the friend of man in driving away colds. Moreover, the pine honey qualities are peculiarly ef fective 10 fighting children's colds. Remember that a cold broken at the start greatly removes tbe possibility of complications, 25c. ioes conducted by Mrs M. O.J. Krens. of Columbia. The differ ent officers made their reports Mrs. Patterson told of the progress of tha year in the home and for eign fields. Other reports were o - made by tbe treasurer, Mrs A. W Wiuecoff . tiausbnrv : mission etndv. Mrs. B. A. Shenk, Win Master uewey wnneim is aeaa fc g , thanks offering. Mrs as a result of injuries received last U Liuu. Rookwell: vouna oeo Wednesdsy atternoon wnen ne was ild,g BecreUryt Miss 0. Oline, Concord; children's secretary, Mrs, V Y, Boer, Lexington; The oeremonies incident to the lifting of the flag were very beau tiful and impressive. Dewey Wlelni Dies From At- lomo1)lle Ths Mdxlcm Border Trouble. Wahsington, Sept. 5. All Un ited States troops on the Mexican 9truok by au automobile driven by I. S. Brown, a liveryman of Spen oer. Tbe accident happened in front of Wilhelm's home at the Slisbnrv-SDenoer dividing line Th scalping psrty of the Mill- ftnd u ig gad tQ hate been an border were uuder orders tonight pi0 wine demonstration on Mocksville Road, beyond the Western i. i i : i i I u uv iu iuiuwHB 6j meet any , -, -. . ri j emergency. War Department Railroad and opposite road to Fair (rounds. official, laid extraordinary vigi. -m, - A 4 A Don't r.liss it. Seals Picnic SatirJay. bridge section will hold their pic nics Saturday evening, September 11th, when the scalps will bp counted and premiums awarded. The Dicnio will be held at thp Western Slope Ranch Ball Park, near Ed. Davie',-in the Lingle school neighborhood. There will be tTO games of base ball played on the grounds. The public is cordially invited to attend and bring eats. avoidable. The machine was go. ing at a modern rate of speed and, QyQQd q( Nofh Carolina elected it is said, Mr. Brown, fearing some cffi(erB for the en8aing year this of the boys standing ny tne roau- afternoou fallows: . President, side, Wil.helm being in tbe crown, would try to run across in front of the machine, oalled to them net to do so. As the machine lance had been ordered as a result of repeated raids in Amerioan territory bv Mexican bricranrin and Miss- Gillian MiUer soldiers, and renewed reports of preparation for an organized in- j . vasion trom acrrobs the Rio Grande in the States of Coahuila and Nue0 Leon. ATlong as the raiders continue to appear ouly ip small bands, it historian, Salisbury. Wilmington, Sept 8. The Woman's Home and Foreign Mis iouarv Society of the Lotheran FARM POWER CO., Salisbury, N. C. r nnimn iirr it oame near vounff Wilhelm. who was standing by the roadside with one fcot on a bicycle pedal turned Miss Constauee Chne, of Concord ; third vice president, Mrs. I. H. O Fisher, of Mount Pleasant; re cording secretary, Mrs. E. A. Hhenk, oc WinBtcn-baiem; cor responding secretary, Mrs George F. MoAHister, of Mount Pleasant: is understood none of them wil. be followed iuto their own territory. bat officials indicated toLight that the Amerioan commanders would net faesitat9 to pursue the enemy until they were completely routed shculd anything resembling" an organized invasion of the United Ji A STJUS3AR0 FAUILY REBEDt For over forty years it has been used as A TONIC AND STOMACH REM-' EDY. Peruna aids the ap petite and gives new,, life to digestion. . . ' i i i jt a. : i l tne wneei ioobb auu turuiug .uuub . w vVinAnol? L, 07 . . . , r am -fall that the machine "Z 7..' . atatos no encouuserea. .7 . i L: tt: P Silisbury, young people's sec-1 persisteut reports that some of rf tary aud treasurer, Miss Laura Efirl, of China Grove; children's struok him in che chin. His jaw bones and collarbone ware broken nA ha war otherwise minred uu " " I . J . II- tTTM 'Ph. Wn- r-nHered him nnoonaoi- 8uc"Bry QO treasurer, miss wil- ous and although medical aid was helmina Rook, of Charlotte. secured at once and he was rushed ' to the sanatorium be aever re trained consciousnwf and died D Sunday mornitfg at 0 :80. . l : :j l-: tne Kiextoau raiuers siain wore Carrausa uniforms have reached officials here. Rumors have oome too, that, there is a concerted i f i i move uy uuinuii itsaaers in Neuvo Leon and Coahuiia to Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly arouse Mexican sentiment against The oid standard sneni strengthening tonic, tne ran-Amerioan movement for Maiariaj-nriehe. the hw. hiid. on Vt. re-establishment of constitutional A true Tonic. For adalts, and children, fiOc I Government 4Q tue Republic. 1 YOU carit exject a crop of mone at the end of your earnin? season if You jdorft plants lew douaw mine JDarurt nww. IFE i5 iuit a matter of farminf of findincC h feriae soil inaood fieU cTtrcaJdnj Jjound ani Wui patieni. Tke JiaWestinJ corner last tiie main Work mart Le done VJule w least result are 5lov7in.,,- 'arksA Kaufman. WE PAYI4PER CENT. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Salisbuy, N. C. i i J

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