1 - fc iA A- Home Newspaper Published in the Interest oNPepid 8A1I3BTJRY, N. C., WEDNESDAY, OClIffiE.13TH, 1915. . WH.' STEW AI VOL. XI. NO, 43 FOURTH SEBTES Jsrer Drawn for Hot Court Geieial telaittri Nol i Blocker id Feij, al Coort No'ffl Circasv Rlfier . $Mm Siw. Utile Res!st3iice toaDiiwfjtiEiiciiiitlij I r , : f f'- 1 Cf.CucpUiJqsUBctfcd 13 Airauge a Row ti Asripioril Oisphi tt Bileigb. Ths board of count f com mif fioDM held .Iwq dfti regaUr ISoth, tutstan Monday, and 'Totdy, il mmbera being pres fn wUhqhairmau H . CL Tf ott pretidiu ";r II wai ordered that Saperin tendeut Thorn on rep'aco yard aud filifeuce for F. L Agner. , Dr. B. W. COjtrie reported all the ccnuif mikitotiooi ia good keahhy ld sauitary oonditioo . Mm. Patterion reported. 10 white nd 4 colored inmates at the coun ty home: 1 It waeorgered that M. K. Mil Ur be oaniiuned aB Eurreybr QDder the uperTiiion of the State High way engineer at a salary of $5 for the time-he work?. Ordered that J. L. Oaskey be paid C$ rot damage to his crops by road;' Orler that the State Highway ngineer.make survey of the old Beattie Ford road from A. L. Deal's farm to Iredell County Hue Ordardjha,t fi. L. Reavis be fjiren It wat ordered that Edwin G. R. fiolloway be made standard keep er for R6wan Ooaht?. Ordered: that, W. B. Ornmptoc proceed with the county exhibit lor the State fair at Raleigh It waa ordered, that all matter relative to assessmeutB on teal es tate be deferred, Ordered, by the board that a ear wey be mads of road from Han tith'i ferry to a point in old Mocks villa road near J C Ooughenour's. The jury hit for the November ttrm of Rowan Superior o :urt was drawn and it is as follows: , - First Week : C . W. Beaver, J. H . Albrigbt, D. Cowan Shaver, 21. L. Roidgers, Luther A. Lentz, W. D. drabara, J F. Efird. J. H. Gobble, H. II. Overcash, C. M. Babbit, Gilbert Iseoh-ur, Albert I Lyerly, L A. Corriher, W. J. Terperman, G. J. Albright, John Ij. Stirewalt, J. A. Blackwelder, H. 0. Farmer, J. A . Peeler, Mury Feeler, L J Klottx, A. L Barrier, John R Beaver, T. C. Niblook, H. B. Baily, W. L. Kimball, J. H MorgaD, O C.Harrington, C F. Raiaey, R. M. Eller, B R. A. Baver, T. E. Swiseaood. Brunner Sloop, J. C Lin?le, S. F. Laztn by, E. Lock Kaniker. Second. Week: A. W. Albright, O T. Raskin. G. W. Feepermau, J 0. Trexter, R. White Albright, B H Miller, J fan D. M. Deal, H. H Wiuecuff, P, D. Linn. J. F. Wagoner, B. W. Freeze, John W. Miller, Sr., R S. Moore, T. A Beaver, 0. A. Simsn, L. T. llol ahouser, - Lawson Poole, Dolph Moss, Luther Hedge, H J. Hg lr, John L. Leflr, Sr., J. S. Cauble, J. E. Brigga, Mtlas Arey. At a previous call meeting of the board the following was pass ed: Ordered bv the board that the 'a 8tate Highway Commission be em powered to lecate all roads in Row- an County, and it is further order ed that M E. Miller be em ploy nd to assist the highway engineer and that he be under the direction of of said highway engineer. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they eannot reach the seat of tbe dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take interna remediss. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internally, and acts di reotly upon the blood and mucu ous surface. Hall' Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beat phy iciana in this o.untry fpr years nd ia a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonic known, combined with the best blood pursers, acting directly on the mUoous surfaces . The per feot cojpbihatjou of the two in rtdiedtfis what produces suoh wonder0V results in caring oa tarrh. 8end fur teatimonais J, CHENEY & CO., Props., 8 ld by Druggists, prioe 75i. ttmim Pa mil. Pill. for Uoa, terns of Uterast tor bit Raiders Gathtred ui CouUeusei tor Outck Assfmafttioa. The first oopcrete result pf the preliminary labors b( the naval oonsultiug heard on inventions, created by Secretary Dajuieli, de velc pad "when formal announce ment was made tha? the board had unanimously approved a plan for the istablishment of a great re searc'i and experimental labora tory for the Uuued States Navy The plan, as adopted, was prc- posed by Thomas A Edison, chairman of the board. It. calls for the establishment of a laboja- tory at a cost of $5,000,Q0O for urounds. buildtnga and equip mens, to be operated at an annual expenditure of from $2,600,000 to $3,000,000 Th board reoom- mends that the .laboratory be lo oated on tidewater of sumciejit. depth to permit a dreadnoughtto come to the dock, and that it be near, but not in a large city. Ab thus described, the laboratory would be near some large port on the Atlantic Coast. Alberto Garcia Grenades, min ister of the interior in the Hoerta cabinet, was executed Saturday in Mexico City, according to State Department advices, charged with complicity in the killing of Pres. dentMadero. Granados was one f the most able of Huerta's cab- inei.t members and was known throughout Mexico as a diplomat otno little ability. Shortly after the assassination of President Ma- i dero dispatches from Mexioo City mentioned his name ai being con nected with the plot to overthrow tha Mexican president. With Mayor Thompson's , order closing saloons on Sunday effec tive at midnight Satardap, !! ands of temperance advocates pa- raded the streets of Chicago in one of the most striking anti-saloon demonstrations in the city's his tory. ine paraae ionowea tne refusal of Judge David E. Matohett to issue an injunction preventing the enforcement of the mayor's order which would close 7,152 saloons. Chief f of Police Healey after a telephonio com munioatijn with the mayor an noanoed that arrests would be made Sunday for violation of the order Nevertheless the organised liquor interests spread the word amoug saloonkeepers to "clamp the lid ou tifcbt after midnight." For four hours Saturday afterliqiior, have your The c-urt . r r . I mT-XZ'- I .I J 1 I . .. A n n A nocn more snan mty mercoauc sailors ran riot at the Chesapeake aud Ohio Railway Company's pier. No 9, at Newport News; Va , aud fcefjre the combined police force of the railway company oonld quail tha disturbance, tvo of the men were rushed overboard aud drowned, several were severe ly injured, others painfully but uot seriously hurt, and four were arrested and jailed on charges of mutiny, with charges of murder! expected to be preferred later. It was persistently rumored that the men were supplied with liquor by after a few moments' thought, parties whose purpose waa to "But I don't want to have you in make trouble for the British gov my court again nor do I want to ernment, but British Vice-Consul hear of you. Settle down aud live Kentworthy could throw no light peaceful and law-abiding. That on this report The men were) will do." from the British steamers Ber- As might have (been expected windale and Terek, and the Nor- with theae words "Old Man" Fra wegian steamer Maricopa, all of ley reoovered his hearing iaan in which were here to load cargoes, ilftut. He heard what Judge Crazed with drink and devoid of Boyd had aaid and stepping brisk weapons the men fought furiously ly forward, extended his large with their bare fists aud anything else that could be found handy. Facts For Suttefera. Pain resnlts from ivj try or cop-j-ation. Be it neuralgia, rheuma tism, lumbago, neuritia, topth ache, sprain, bruise, sore,' stiff muscles or whatever pain yog bftve yields to Sloans Liuiment -brings new fresh blood, disiolf es the con sestion. relieves the injury; the circulation is free ftnd your, pain leaves at if bv magic The nature of iti qualities penetrate immedi- ately to the aore pot. T Dpnffr p06, lOU keep on suffering Get a botMe of Sioana Liuimeot. Use it. It means instant jUef. Price 2fjc and 60o. $1 00 bottle holda aiz "Old Mia" D,!! Frtlerof Stanly En gaged Judge Boil in Cooisrsation. The fallowing from Monday's Charlotte Observer scnoerns Da ,Vid Fraley of Stanly, pretty well -known throughout this seouou: Old " Man' Dave Fraley cf 8tau!yfCoatyr was one of the pic turesque characters here last week upon enforced atfeudauce ru Fed era! Court. ;Old Man' Fraley ia a blookader of reuown aud a typo that is fait disappearing in this daj of advauced civijiiation. He is tall and lauky, wears a heavy suit of short whiskers cn his face and is a typical baok woods cou -tryVnajnT lHe factthpt he is hard of hearing' only adds t the uniqueness of his demeanor. But to begin at the beginning. At a term of court some time Jbaok ''Old v Mjftn'' Fraley was charged with, illicit distilling, foond guilty and fined $100. Judge,Bpyd7 who; passed senteuce on him, r qui red as is usual in such cases, that "he" appear at a Isubsequent term of court and show his good behaviCir, iu the interim Nft w Ojd Mao? Fraley, who does not care muoh about the law and the courts,' paid no attention at all to this order and consequently 'never showed up. Thereupon the officers were instructed to be on the lookout for him and a capias was issued. Deputy Marshall MoKeuiie of Salisbury was en trusted with iheHxesution of the paper nd after a lo'rig search finally capcirec the old man in the wo. da il& a Winchetter rifle aqros his houlder. Oaly this achievement on the part of Dep ntm afftrahal MoKuuzie accounts Vfor "Old Man" Fraley'a presence ; in ocurt here tW week When "t"hd cletk trailed ' out "Dave" Fraley 's name, the old man appeared to be very deaf and the call had to be repeated before he would arise. He then lifted himself out of his aeat in the" rear of the room and stocd without a quiver or a word while Judge Boyd was addressing him. (4Well you are here at last, Mr. Fraley," Judge Bojd remarked in a loud tone. This observation had been re peated several timet, to all of which the old man replied with the exclamation, in a sharp, rasp ing voioe, ,4He?" Then Judge Bjyd ask d "Yju haven't for gotten how to make blockade I o - - r royiu lauuuu, iur an wom a.. 1 quaiuted with the old fellbw and his record. Of cuts? "Old Man" Fraley did not hear this. Then it was that Judge Boyd ordered the old man to appioach a little Closer. Heebofflid up and took hit stand directly in front of the bensh, with his hand to bis ear and was calm ai d con tent as though he were superiL- tending the operations of a big blockade still. "Well, I've deoided to let ycu go home," remarked Judge Boyd hand, whioh Judge Boyd took. I ! Shake," remarked he. "And Judged if I can ever' return the fa- vor, oall on me Old Man it Fraley evidently regarded Judge Boyd s clemency as a personal favor. " "All you can do for me," re plied Judge Boyd, "is to wish me welL" With this the old man, who made a picturesque figure in the enter fhe big and crowded court room" the old manwhoee past ' haa . been one of notable t I .j-Vamfln in hlnftkaHincr oirr, la- MaiX ib- a; . - ' . . the lierof many a fight with reVenlfeer, ?tePPed baok Bev- aril feetfiiited hii right hand to Miss Julian to Appear- Here Wiih Carf Hageobeck WiliiiKflw. In all the oircas wrld there u no bareback rid ar ; letter known than Miss Julian. Shi ia not Only the highest raid ocua' rider is world, but she iB theofiiy womfcu who baa sac0'8sfullyfprfbrmed somersault on the bj4$-: rosined bauooh of a gallfplfig horses Single, forward anjf; b'aokward snmarsftnlts a r e j una u :b ;speoialty, and she d)aier these to a TV , "limbar up," as she expresses it; Miss Julian is tig principal bareback rider with tfcte. Carl Ha-genbeck-Waliaoe Circus, whioh comes to 'Salisbury, Wednesday, November 8rd, for performance at 2 and 8 p. m., and a parade at 10 o 3;Ook. When the big e bow is over and Daliie Julian emerger from, her private dressing tent t'oue would pick her- for a debutante or socrety girl- She is slim of build and is just past hej twentieth year, aud is unmarried. Her brother, Fred Julian, travels with the show and is a mi mber of the executive staff. ' Miss Julian is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College.;! In school she was remarkably fond of ath- - f lelicB. One summer her farther, who is a baukor in Fall River, Maes., spent a week wiih the Carl! Hagenbeok- WalUoe Oirens, along with him bsing his daughter, DaI lie The daughter had always yearned for life under the canvas, and ber father believed that a weak of roughiug it would lemove alt traces for a desire t follow a circus. The week with Vs show saw the little oolleg.gjrl blosscm into a full -fledged ciroti star. Under the gujdan of Dad DjckTill, the famous oirous eques trian director, Miss Julian devel oped into a remarkable rider. She has duplicated every feat perfcrm ed by a in ah rider, aud has left her ai&tar riders far in the back groutid . fbe colds of Mankind cured by Finest Have ycu ever gone through a typical prne forest when yon had a cold? What a vigorous impulse it seut I H iw you cpeued wide yoor Juugs to take in those invig orating aud mysterious qualities. Yea, Dr BjII s Pine Tar-Honey p -sseaaes those stimulating quali ties aud cverjomts hacking coughs. The iuner lining of the throat is strengthened in its attack against cMd g'rnn. Evary family ueedB a bottle coutaut!y at band. 25s. Every effort i being made by United State ( fficera aud railroad dteotive to track the bandits who Friday held up and robbed Baltimore and Ohio paaeeuger ttain N . 1 at Central Station, Wheel i -g, V . Va. A report re ceived Saturday faid they are be ing tiailel towards the Ohioiver in tue q:re:iijn oi Dis6erviJiey W. Vt. Railroad police have beeu ordered to that city where a large force of deputies and police is beiug assembled. For Indigestion. Never take pepsin and prepara tions containing pepsin or other digestive fermeuts for indigestion, as the more yu taxe tue more von will have to take. What is needed is a toaio like Chamber- Iain's Tablets that will enable the stomach to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable every where. "Jedge. I hope that we 'both will meet up thar." And with this "Old Man" Fra ley left the room. But the situation waB more than tbe crowd could stand and a ripple went about the court room. There wbs no doubting however that the old man was serious and voiced M 1 the firm conviction vnat ne was bound for "up thar" in spite o his achievements and exploits "down below?' Judge Boyd was fully equal to the oocasiqn and nodded his head and waved his hand in unison with the expres sion of the gesture. old nian'a word and HindeDtinrs Uaklnii Progress Aagainst Dvnisk, No Progress ob Ptft ef Line. . "Oct. 10 -Hard fighting contin cter on the French, - Russian Ser- iJbian and AustroItalian fronts. , - With Belgrade the old capital if Serbia, in their hands, the Teu tonic forces are pressing forward against Serbs both: in the' east and wttss. in an euaeavor to move southward and gain oontorl of the main railway line. The Austra-Hungarians on the west hve advanced to the town of Obrenovao, while on' the east the Serbs' have; bleu dislodged from :j several positions on the southern back of the Danube by atroog German forces. ' ::.. In the fighting along the lower reaches of the Driua River the Austro'Grermani lost heavily in unsuccessful attacks, according to Niah, whioh in annoanoiug th fall of Belgrade, deolared, that the city was not given up without desperate iesiataLoe. Ad vices from the Serbian fron tier, coming by way of Berlin, are that Belgrade was n.tgreatly damaged by the bombardment preceding its capture. Both Berlin and Paris olaim gains in the vicinity of, Tabure in the ohamgane region of France. Tfce French assert that to the southeast of the town thev can- tured a German trench, while Berlin says the German rt gained a atrip of territotyover a f ront of two and one half miles and, in addition, took several trenches to the east of Souohez, Oa tb,e remainder of the front from 3)lgium to the Vosges Mountains there has been serious fitting with heavy gum bombs positions atbng a front qf nearly five miles north of the L railroad running west from Dvinsk' bave been taken by Field Marshall von Hiudeuburg's men according to Berlin aud a fie roe Russian counter-attack has been repulsed, There aho has been hard fighting to the southeast and across the border in Galicia, in which both Berlin and Vienna' declare their forces have made progress. Along" theTIsoiizy front the Italians have repulsad with heavy losses Austrian -attacks on num erous sectors. The situation in Greece is un- caaufeed. ine new Ureek cabinet has goue exhaustively into the (nation in di.cuasions held in Athena, bat has net yet 'made known what its policy will be. Athens dispatches make reference to a secret treaty between Bulgaria aud Germany signed last July the text of which, it is reported, haa been placed in the hands of the Greek Premier by the Entente Powers and will be the subject of 'grave debite" on the opening of the Greek Parliament Monday. Coughs Tbtt are Stopped I Careful people see that they are stopped. Dr. King's New Dis- ocvery is a remeay or tried merit. It has held its own on the market for 46 years. Youth and old 'age testify to its soothing and healing qualities. Pneumonia and lung troubles are often caused by delay of treatment. Dr. King's New Discovery stops those hacking coughs aud relieves la grippe ten denoips. Money back if it fails 50c. aud $1.09. Weather Fosecas1 for October. From 1st to 8tb, oool showers and some wind. From 8th to 15th. changeable to oool, with slight rains From 15th to 22nd, fair and cool, if wind is southwest slight showers, and, if wind is. northeast at from 6 to 8 a, m,, on the 15th, look for heavy frost, ; inside of these seveo days. Fr-im 22nd to 80th; rain and wind, some stormy like aLd oool. This month will show up some warm, cold and uncertain weather as this is the obange mouth be tween summer and autumn and lots of wind this month; ' Hksry Reid, Routt No. 8, SftUibgrji II. 0 Says There Wii);iB9 Well .Fir cil Biltlu, v That wptfilg Vera Crnttex,v VCl6 General Carranza reoeiveawith greatjileare the ewt;iha4 P.nc.: ington had decided to reoommend recognition of thepartjr lediby 4u uiojkiuu, xeiegrajns from usr. ranza 'agents at Washiugtot brought the news andr the- firsf chief wis congratulated ijt his as sociates. Tne Washington- telo grams were read iu 'the theatsri and received with great enthusi asm:. General Ca; ranza will nor alter his plans fur a trip througl xhe northern; States, beginning to morrow. m; "This news puts an end to all ffforta of our. enemies to :brTnT; bout foreign intervention," salt eceril Carranza after receiving ae telegrams. "They continu aeir intrigues and their attack a the newspapers, but reoognitioi 'f the eonstitutionalistGovern aent naturally will rob them, ol ix fruit of their efforts. "When peace is absolutely re itored and t'ranqaility really es tablished amnesty' will be grantee ill those persous, but vuot now, f p permit them to return at thu time would mean theirmaohina tions within the Republic "The i m mediate effect of -1 hi ues will be a .great, moral strengthening oi constitutionalism and a corresponding disheartening of opposing factions. x There will be no no more formftl battles. Fighting of that sort already has -ended, but naturally the struggle to put down minor outl reaks aud ;lawlessneh3 must be continued for .. - ... tergrating rapidly and theirl chiefs are surienderine. This development will bring the sur render of the leaders of the oppo sition, sinoe the news of recogni tion will remove from them furth- er hope of success. This appli s not only to those actually fighting in the field, but to those"! who are intriguing, both within the conn try and abroad. 'NaWB of the coming recogni tion is pleasing, sinoe it will re new and strengthen the friendly relations between Mexico and oth er NatiouB." George 0. Oarothers, Amerioau consular agent, telegraphed the State jepartment the substance of a long interview he had had with General Villa at Juarez in which the latter explained in line with utterances to the press last night that he intended to contin ue fighting Carranza. No men tion was made of withdrawing protection to foreigners as report ed in press dispatohes, but officials realize that the legal responsibili ty for protection of foreigners restB alwaws with the rooognized gov ernment for all paitB of the ooun try whether iu rebellion or not. Americans for -this reason were re cently advised to withdraw from uorthern Mexioo, but many of them have tailed to heed tho Statu Department's advie. The Wash ington Government during the Taft administration took the posi tion, however, that eveu when a recoguiz id government existed in Mexioo the leaders of rebellious factions were personally responsi ble for the acts of their followers and gave warning to that effiot. This precedent, probably wilt be followed in the event of difficul ties now in northern Mexioo, ' "Mexico City, Oct., IO.Nowb of the d;oision to recognize he Car ranza Government was ruoivsd with gruat j if by the military ele- meut here. All , the newspapers iasuai extra editions. General Pablo Couzalts, commander of the Oarrauza forces in Mexioo City, will hold a reception tomor row in oeiebration of the event." Oir Letterheads ban't be matohtd in price, quality or workmanship; The real Salisbury Printing Office, West Innes Street,' up stairs. Ditto billheads"; note bead, staie. menta. envelopati K oi frim 49 ?ntm mm eitiei 1$ rjMlfflr ictua jfiri limits T Charlotte Observer. -r: . '" ' " You cin't sue a eonntv hnk aW A(e a u , -Tfiak is the, )Lg and the'.hort Df reoent 8opreine0(mrrdt. cislcu !ofaria3lris-ai- In. yidcato of Hipp venup Fr rellhtchai argued befdre the 'gh tribunal a, f ew weeka-sgd" by 3aroirrliftftr6 of the looftl 'liW ?ltm pit Walton & i Tftliftf erio? be oourt sustained the Qobfentioa' bat the highvay cammisiioners1 f Leej County srre iable In dam gesto persona whertre Injured' y. thir neglect of duty; It if id that thai oint had fhot been raiaadj id this atate" heretofore in" lie importancarof the deeiaioii. It was contended by the plain iff, a former MedltleTiburgfpttn, iat f the' defendftnt HrTvloift- ton of. the'duties ftnd obligfttioni n posed upon them j k IcuoV gWlligeutly Afid' earefeftilf approich on ihe Sah2 ord side of the Lockvilie 'briAg' " iLe County to be and remain ut of repair, YnlleTeTTmdTTn ft audition dangerdua to 'thoaef '"og .the bridge for" ft a pftoe of4 verOdaye prior to and ihelud ug the 17th day of Foveinber, .914. Iduribg atll of which aaid time ,be tijnbera and: joista of the laid pprojach were in a rotten, wsakv ted djaugeroua corditiou that on he 6th day of Oct6W,I0nthd !efendants, whirV in ft meeting .ssembled . at Sanford, wereduly md formally advised nnotifii hat, tbfi hrirf o; ' . Ul iUf-Vl? Mnd&io. On H6rhif& J,,us wo muies attacned to ft ! "8ui o Bppiuaua ooiiapsea ud driver and mules Were hurt.' The defendants demurred to the complaint on the . ground that there was no commudity of inter -st amongst the defendants with respect to the alleged cause Of action and because" it had " not been alleged that they aoted other than negligently A. A.. Seawell appeared for the defendants, f he case came up at Lee County court May 13 and Judge Bond overruled the demurrer. Judge Hoke, author of the de cision says that authority is to the effect where the wrongful acts of two or more persons concur in producing asingle injury and with r without concert among them, tbey may be treated as joint tbrt feasors and, as a rule, sued sepa rately or together at the election i the plaintiff. Recommend Chamberlain's Remedy.; Cough "Last winter I used a bottle of hamberUin's Cough Remedy ;f or bad bronohial oough. Ifel,t its enefioial effect immediately and efore I had finished the bottle I as cured . I never tire of recom mending this ' remedy? to my friends," writes Mrs; William Bright, Ft. Wayne, Iud. Ob tainable everywhere. Out of Order. 1 The Woman's Christian Tern peranoe Union ia divided on the question off woman auffrage. It ahpuld have had no cause to give v nsideration to the matter in ftny bapeor form. This organization -hould consider itself barred from participation in the political q lestions of the day by the very name it bears. It ia oomposed of body of christian women engag d u the promotion of the cause t temperance and just what'call it should have to be bothering it self ovar the matter otwoman ufferage is hard to understand. 3y the same token. Governor Craig waa out of order in volun teering to give the woman his viewa on the queation, ftLd Judge Clark was not happy in the choioo of' en audienoe. They were dis oussing matters foreign to ht bdsihesa for 'whioh the Woman a Ohrnitfan Temperance Union (rjvaa cflled to traniact. Charlotte Observer, ,7

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