S -r V , - - - -I " 0 - .- is:-, - yi":!v.V--'- , 4J (The Carolina Watchman V7all STEWART, Editor and Owner ItSshed Every Wednesday. I2J West Ianet Street SU6SCRIPTX0N PRICE t tTkaehmanv t yestt t 7S Record, I fes . ".W The Piogiesslv Parmer, I year. tOO I AM 3 tor a year each, only (t50 .. - Entered M second-class matter January 19th, 1905, at the poet office at Salisbury, N.C, under the actofCoosiessofHarcb Srd, 1879. Salisbury, N. 0M "Oct. 13, '15. Proclamations by the Rojemor seem to be getting in fall time nowadays, and Thanksgiving is right around the oorner. Judging by the space oooapied on the front page of the newspa pers one might think some one is going to get married. & - Oh, if we oould only hear of some good old time Demooratio prinoiplee being preached and a few being praotioed I - There will be a oampaigu issue in Rowan next year something like this : How dome the people of Rowan County have to go to a man from Biohmond, Va , to get a permit to use the old oourt house? Thjc Watchman thinks it a mistake to start the moonlight eohools with brass band taoties. It is evident the highups are try ing to oorrall the glory, while the underpaid teachers are to do the work. It is said the tax question is going to be a campaign issue in South Carolina, and it might be added the same is likely to ooour in this State. The people already have enough and as the Dutch man would plsnty." say, "too mueh is a A St. Louis man, 77 years old tells how he managed to live so long, giving ths daily swinging of dumb-bells, light Indian elubs, etc., as the reason, but of course he is tryingHo get up a class in physical culture. John Pethel of this county, who served through out the war and got plenty of xeroise by swinging an axe and following a plow, is now 07 and no one would give a cent for his advice. It might be too practical And remind one of honest labor. Silialin Mm Probably the worst feature of the prasent tax system is that those who make improvements are the greatest sufferers. The farm er who improves an old gully Wished hill side helps to build a road, has his laud drained, paints his house or adds in any way to the value, appearanoe and comfort of his surroundings does not go far before he fiuds the tax assessor has materially increased, if not doubled the taxable value of his plaoe and thus improve ments are to some extent prohib ited. This should not be, in fact a system that would encourage improvements would be the better way. The Carolina Watchman, a Democratic paper published at Salisbury, ranee an awful howl because the Corporation Com mission has raised the tax in Rowan. If our neighbor dosen't wans high tsxes, why does he vote for a orowd every two years that hai done nothing but increase taxes? Did any ene ever hear of the Democrats radniintr iiruf Don't all speak at once please. iavie Keoora. we vote for the lesser of two evils. It was a republican repre sentative who forced the $800,000 bond issue on the citisens of David son County knowing that there was at least a' 1200 majoritv against such a measure. It seems more appropriate to invite those who believe in sush rough-riding over the rights of the people to join the republican party. A Clorjei System Needs Attention Are you bilious, diiy and list less? Dr. King's Nw Life Pills taxeu at onoe seises, upon consti pation and starts the bowels mov ing naturally aud easily, More over it aots without griping. Neg lect of a clogged system often leads to most serious complica tions . Poiionous matters and . a body poorly functioning need im mediate attention. If you wish to wake up tounrrow morning happy in mind and entirely satis fled, start your treatment tonight. 25c a bottle Serbita Army Tos Scill for Pnlosgea RislifHci igBsTlMiiifs;; Ldpn, &S-erbiaf is being attaoked f romltbe north and the east The Anitrjs-Qerman, after their capture of -Belgrade aud Seoaendria, i'reVstdf anbing southward, while the; Bulgarians have sent foroes to endeavor to iutet rupt communications north and south of Nish, the warltime Capital of Serbia, and attack the Serbs on the flink if they are driven back by Qermau field Marshal von Mackenseu.. The situation lsadmjtted to.be a very serious one, not only for Serbia, but for" the allied cause. It is asserted that the Serbians are inflicting very heavy lessee both on the Austro Germans and Bulgarians but with their army of about a quarter of a million men they are believed to have little chance of making any pro longed resistant against three or four hundred thousand Austro- Germans and probably 200.000 Bulgarian b. They are arranging for the transfer of the Capital to Honastir, in the extreme south western oorner of the kingdom. Greeoe anoarentlv has decided t3 ignore the treaty under which sne is supposed to go to the as Bistauce of her Serbian aliv in case of an attack, Premier Zaimis having said when officially noti tied of the Bulgarian attaok that Greece "remains in a position o Armed neutralitv " The followers of the Quadruple Entente, however, have desidad to take energetio aotion. As soon as the news of the Bulgarian at- lac, on oeiDia was received in London the Bulgarian Minister. was nanaea nis passports and It Viviani. the French Prima Minia ter, in the Chamber of Deputies toaay declared that Franca, Great Britain and Russia had decided to take joint aotion and that to- morrow "Russian troops will be fighting by the side of onn." An Anglo-French foroe is known to be landing in Saloniki, but there is considerable speculation as to where Russia will enter the Balkan conflict. It is reported mas urana uuke Nicholas is to command the Russian Balkan army, which it is believed in mil itary ciroles here would m.ka tho Bulgarian people less willing to flrrVlfc mrmminnt D il . "&"- uuuii, busre oeing a deep veneration amoncr tha Rnl garian peasants for the Emperor ui nuii iuu nia iamny. it is understood that Italy has deoided not to co-oguarate Sith the Allies in the Balkans, the kalian vjrovernment oeiug cf the opinion that troops oannot be soarred for any campaign than that in Trento and rriest. Now that Austria and Germany nave entered on their Balkan en terprise whioh is interpreted as the first step toward an endeavor to secure a German Empire in the near east there can be no drawing oaoK, out tne Aline hape that with a vigorous offensive both on the esst aud the west thev will h to at least to prevent the sending of any large reinforcements to lield Marshal vou Mnokensen. Ibe French in both the Cham pagne and Artois reeicna nf Frtna continue their offeLSive, but not on the ssale of the recent attaoks " uiitiau aiter toeir suocess in repelling the big German attaok are prepainng for another mrve but at what point only the com manding geueral know. Now that they have started, it is believed here that the British and Fmnoh on tne western Hue will civa kh (Germans no rest. It is much the same on the eaat eru front. The Austro German having brooght their offensive to an end, except in the regi n of Uviosk. the Russians have rann perated wonderfully and are strik ins baok in their familiar . .uo uuiua oiaim anotner anr " M AviiisK, dub tney are stiii ngntmg to .the weat of III onset, ineyalso anncuuee tbt Russian counter-attacks have han repulted south of tha Pripes River in voinynia and in Galicia. The Russians seeminirlv hva entirely ressiued thn initifcia especially in G!icia. Here it is reported from Petrograd that the Rbrsnians have' won a viotory on the River Stripa The territory on whioh this battle was f.ugbt marks the extreme left of the Rus sian battle line. The Russian of fensive on this front started sever el weeks ago when suocesses werf won at Tarnpof and Trembowla. Austro - German - reinforcements were rushed up and hard and in oeessnt fighting has taken place since. General Count von Botb mer emmands the Austro Ger mans in. this sector and the Ger man offioial report of the "German toops" with him is unchanged. Chronic Censtipatloa. "About two years ago when I began using Chamberlain V Tab lets I had been suffering for some time with stomach trouble and ohronio oonstination. Mt annAi- tion improved rapidly through u he use or these tablets. Sinoe takirnr four or five bottles of tham m health has been fine'1 writes Mrk John Newton, Irving, N. Y Ob tainable, every where. : J; J. Clement & Son, of Woodleaf, are the possessors of an Inter national Harvester Mogul tractor recently purchased from the Salisbury Hardware & Furniture Comnany. This useful little machine baa becoma widely known ai the "small farm traotor for all farm work." It ii a tractor of 4wheel. general purpose type, whioh can be used for all plowiug, seeding, harvesting, hauling, and for the running of all snch machines as ensilage cutters and shredders, feed grinders, and other power machines in general use on North Carolina farms. The owners expeot to use it for all these purposes and to do with it, in the oourse of a year, a great deal of the work for which at pres ent they are using horses. D. C. Bissett, of Bailey, says he read in a recent issue of the The News and Observer an account of a centerarian who died at the age of 107, and that he was the father of of twenty-two childien, Mr. Bissett says he knos a man who lives in Bailey, Frank Finob, who was fifty years old last August, and is the father of twenty-four ohildren ; that he is now bale and hearty and seemingly in the prime of life. Tboats Jefferson Upheld Water Wagon. Boston, Oct. 9. Gifts to Har vard University aggregation $115, 601.74 and and a letter writteu by Thomas Jefferson from Montioello in 1719 relative to a diet for un dergraduates have been announc ed. The letter is the gift of J . Ooolidge, of Boston. For breakfast," wrote Mr.. Jef ferson, "wheat or oorn bread, at the the choice, of eaoh particular, with butter and milk coffee au lait, at the ohoice of eaoh. No meat . For dinner, a soup; a dish of alt meat, a dish of fresh meat and as great a variety of vegeta bles, well cooked, as you please. "For supper, oorn or wheat bread at their choice, and milk or ooffee au lait, also- al their ohoice, but no meat. " "Their drink at all times water, a young stomach needing no stim ulating drinks and the habit of using them being dangerous. And I should recommend sb late a din ner as th rules of their school will admit. No game of chtnee to be permitted in the house." Will Put Only Americans on Guard. Sacramento. Cal . Oct. 9. Eight employees of the Mei d jcino state Hospital and two at the Home for the Adult Blind at Oak land have been dismissed at the order of the State Board of Con trol beoause they were not citizens of the United States. The action was taken in accord with the opinion recently given by the Attorney General that no one not a citizen could remain upou the State pay roll. If this is good doctrine in Call fornia it would probably be gocd doctrine elsewhere and in more limited areas. The spit it of loy alty is a necesity if our country and its free institutions are to be perpetuated. Near Fa:rmont, eleven miles uuth of Lumberton, Frfd ay night John Prevatt; a white man ab ut thirty years old, was shot", death resulting in thirty minutes. Pre vatt is said t have gone homo drunk, had a row , with his. wi f e and in some way received the con tents of a shot gun in his right breast His wife claims he shot himself Vrdiot of coroner's jury was that he oame to his death at the hands of unknown party to them. Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published: From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providencer R. I. Providence, R L For the benefit of women who suffer as I have done I wish to state what Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it caused a displacement I have always been weak and I overworked after my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros tration, from which I didnot recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink, hams Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her PovidenRL01116 S T KlCHMOND 84 Progress Avenue, From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y. Pbbf, N.T. u Before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I was very irregular and had much pain. I had lost three children, and felt worn out all the time. This splendid medicine helped me as nothing else had done, and I am thankful every day that I took it." Mrs. Maria Ibwin, R.F.D. 1, Peru, N.Y. From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass. SOUTH QtJUTOY. Mass ThA rrn 5 rtg1 m fo? aiong fcime and 1 nofc get any relief. I saw Jjydia K. Pinkham's Vpe-fitahiA rvm-rwnn nA vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had mushed the first bottle. I continued taking it all through middle life and am now a strong, healthy woman and earn mv own living " Mra ikv ii Dungan, Forest Avenue, West Quincy, Mass, I -JteTTrlte to LYDIA E. PINK HAM MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for ad vice! Your letter will be opened, read and answered J mm ww w wuu UU. UA PUlVt WlUlUeUCea LY Ha fwRkwCM Red Devil Lye .Makes rain-water of the hardest water and your clothes let go the dirt. SAVES CLOTHES Red Devil Lye la powdered, and dissolves in stantly. Is in sifting-top cans and you can use much or little without waste. It is the up-to-date lye. No cutting of cans, no waiting. You will never asm the out-of-date hard or j bail lye ogam, once you try Red DeviL Get a eon prove it to younelf. BIG CANS' lb Drive Out Malaria - - 'X":; , r And Build Up The' System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what ym are taking, as the formula is :ed on every label, snowing it , is tne ana iron in a tasteless form, Qainine drives out . malaria. -the beta bcilds up the system. - SO cents for Prompt Printing caH at the Real Salisbury Printing Offica, 120 Weit Innei St., up stain. Oar Second Sheets shonid be in every offioe40oper 1.000 7; The real Salisbnry Printing Office, 120 West Innes Street, up stairs. -i JJfoYouWaat NewStomach? If you do "Digestoneine" will - gveyou one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY '. SALISBURY, N.C. or.kino's new Discover tym Surely teo The! Couoh- Winter Sloes for tie Family Coming right down to the point, it you want real good solid leather shoes for either men, women, boys and chil dren that will stand the hard winter wear, we have them. These shoes were made ex pressly for us and you know we have the rep utation of selling- good shoes. We sell for CASH and at moderate is -why we both loose if you don't buy shoes from US. prices, your This winter Men's Blucher cap toe winter shoes from $2, $2.50, $3, $3.25, $3.50 and $4.00. Boys' black cap toe winter shoes from $1.75, $2.00, and $2.50 Women's nice kid or box calf shoes solid leather insole for $1.50 Full line of children's shoes all kind and style. All moderate ly priced. Elkin shoes for men, women, b o y s and girls. GONE HERE FOR YOUR WINTER ijH0E SHOES Salisbury, North Carolina. ATTENTION! Fall Suits and Furnishing Goods are Coming in at the Big Store of V. WALLACE & SONS in car load lots. Without a doubt we have the best VALUE in Suits ever placed on Sale at We have also purchased a solid car load of which we have placed on sale at 9c OUR HAT STOCK is the largest and most complete to be found in the city. SEE V. WALLACE & SONS, "AND SAVE MONEY." I Ik

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