00 cot A Home' NWAper Published in the' .Interest of the Peopie and 7for Honesty irfr Governmental Afhiii ... i - t ' i " . i i' : -, . - u i- . . 'i 1 ' 1 - - VOL, XL HO. 46 BOTHTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, G , WEfiNESDAYv HOVEHBER 3RD; 1915. Wm. HASTE!2!a Slale BeilEis Clniil iiionTipi Fa'ceiWili Out i Sa; ham Htiion BiIiariaK Cajfore Pipr h ari - v-.-'-rrr .. -v. . I isCwciDtr.ud f aVlfcs&ito Wiat tf T. A 0 rbin of Wins-Saoi was iustantly killed Friday morn in when his five-pasi(Pnger ea h:t the eud cf . a bridge" on th fetetesvi lie- W hrftou -Salem, road gvm miles from "town tbrowitrg Mr r.r.r(iin into the Ofadk RDd- piunn g him , underneath. In con pa; 7 with Ctbiu was J; R. 8impani of Su keadk-le, Guilford County. Mr. Simpson was also tbrowu into the oiek and had hi leg pinned u-idet tha car, but managed to ext ioare himself within a; few minutes with- only few bruises. Th9 mystery which surrounded the disappearance of T. , E Can-nw.-the young A deft; man wh we autawaa fouud hanging over the Trent - river Vrige near Newbaft -early M outlay morning, OoWf 25s waa cleared op hursday whei news reached here that Cannon had been heard tr mil. Norfolk and that ha waa We and well. City and county officers have dragging the river nef r where th -h-z;, found thre days an eharge after charge -f dynamit had been exploded in an effort t briug the body to the sorf ace. . Little Belle Tolley. eight eai old daughter of Mr. and Mrs . W. D." Ttklley, met instant deatti in front of the Orange Street school building, Asheville, Friday if ftarnoon wheu she waa struok by an atttomc bile driven and owned by Mrs. Thomas B Teasley. The Uttar prostrated because" of . the aooid ut. waa formally arrairiged iu police oourt yeaterday morning, BvMlaiiOe introduced at the oorot netfe bearing was to the .effect I that .the machine was being drivin at A moete-- P whW 4 child attempted to cross "the treat in front of it and later, believing that she cculd not avoid the car, turned in her steps aud tatted toward that aide of the trtet from which she came. Held up at the point of a pistol and robbed of $60 by a Negro, Ed. Wright, of the Battleboro section, near Rocky Mount, was relieved of the money for which he had wold a small load of tobacco on the; local market Saturday, ac cording to the report to the police. Th robbery according, to the po lice' findings, took p'aoe at a point known as Cowlick creek, about a mile and a half from thia ohy, and the Negro held up Mr. Wright atd three other friends on the 'Wagon at the time and care fully went through their packets. The1 police and a force of deputies hurried to the acene on the receipt of the report and they sooured the woods for a considerable diitaLC in hoDa of fiodine the Negro, but as vet he has not been apprehend- ed. The handle works of Levering Manufacturing Co., jai outs de of Wilmington was destroyed by fire Sunday morning, presumably front Spark from boiler, entailing lots of about $25,000 fully covered by insurance. The building waa of brick and originally was built or the Clarendon Column Works, but for more than a year has been mad for the handle plant. It is citurled on Smith's creek just outside the4 city limits. The ttock alone was valued at $10,000. H. C. Nix, aged about 28 years, was knocked down by. a freight car on the StateBville railway yards Spoday and his left arm was so badly crushed by a wheel of the oar that it had to be urn onUfed. Nix waa walking close o this frack when a train of caia Jmshd in the same directign b a thiftijug engine came up behind iiim." A oorner of the oar struok Bis shoulder and a hen he fell his left hand wett aside the traok and the trucks of the. oar oaogbt his aim.' The noise of another train prevented Nix from heariug;the one which struok him. He was immediately taken to the sana torium'; where the injured mem Jbec was amputated. Nix had -been working in Lenoir and. w s at fcoe on A visit. TijiBg ts Retck Riga taf foitaU If Oil Jaiaa! Roate, Fig&gli lit Wist' - London, N . v 1, -The Germans have oconpied Kraguyeatz, the arsenal town of Serbia. while their Bulgarian Allies are posh ing their way through the moan tains to Nish, Servia's war capi tal. From all sides the Germans, Austrian! - and Bulgarians ' are slowly closing in on the Serbian armies, the position of which grows graver daily. They are fighting fiercely however to save their country and have inflicted inch losses on Field Marshal von Maokensenv force that he has. been oompelled to send for re inforcements and leave -the mora eeriout work of invading the eastsrn and sonthern part of the ibantry to the Bolgrians, ; who have had .more : experience in adiiiutainwa'rf are such as the" Sarbiaus are waging. ; I From thtt jonotion of the Darra.' be auoU f imok rivera in the north east to Uskup, in the aotiith .the :te,ibivB -fffc ihi towna int' the r monntaina but f f5m tftkup aouthfrard they have fewijthcked, aa the Berbiana ia ibat iefritory have been reuif otc- ep bthV Frenoh "and British with modern guns and with fanners, who gained valuable experience in Franoe and GTallipoii. f, -Beyond the forces' .landed, at Saloniki, which German Wtioatea places at 70,000 men, there is no news of further, aasiatanoe' being sent by the allies to Serbia. Basaian" transports ave' been reported off Varna but the report Jaoka confirmation. There is, howiver, evidence in dispatohes fron Buofaareas that the" people of floumania at least desire inter- vtfntion-a brought on the king and cabinet to induce them to join the allies and permit a Russian foroe to at tack Bulgaria from the east. Greece continues her friendly neu trality. The Germans, having failed iu two months of almost incessant attacks to reaoh Riga and Dviusk by various routes, are now trying along the railway which skirts the shores at the gulf of Riga from Tokum and have, aooording to their reports, reached a point west of Schlbk. Thia ia a very slight advance and much low ground, over which it is difficult to' move, Jies between them and their objective In the Drinsk sector, both to the west and southwest of that city, the Russians have begun an offensive, apparently in anticipa tion of renewed attaoks by the Germans and they are also on the move in the lake district east of the Dinsk Vilna Railway and in Volhynir and Galicia The re sult of those various battles has not been disolosed, if, indeed, they are oonoluded. Those at the scuthern end of the line are doubt less designed to prevent the Ger mans and Austriana from sending reinforcements to Serbia. In France the battle for the Buttle de Tahure, which the Ger mane recaptured from the Frenoh, is still in progress, without chang ing the positions of -he to armiea. There has been some fighting at other points in the west. What the attaoks on this front have cost is shown by a re port issued by Fi .Id Marshal Sir John French tonight. He says that the published lists of the German casualties disclose that 83ven German battalions which took part in the Loos fighting, presumably a ' German conntel- attack. loat 80 per cent of their streugth, Beware of cneap snDstitnus. In these days of keen oompetion 1B .?y.- f f f lie ahould ' f e e that- they Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy and not take substitutes sold for the sake of extra Droflt. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has stood the test and been, approved for mire than forty ysawf wtem- To BHf fbret-Bif Sessions Hoissbir 16, 17 2fl3 IB UW RIIUOM Beduced. railroad ratefrnpon all syaVema tn-Korth i "Carolina having I been' off rtdf the State Farmers' UnTotr for its' convention in Der !ham;. Ntvmbei 16. 17 aud 18, Prof; W. Qi Crosby, duoatioual seoretirytis ;enoouraged to hop for .the grftest crowd of all ojn vetxtfona, W TAe roavdt-rp fare has been reduced atooost to the single rate and. the oat gives farmers in the remotest portion' of North Caro lina b- lowest possible rate. The delegates will not be the sole bea efioiaries cf" ifchis oonoetsion and tthose whoire net delegates miy have thariviiege of attending ithe convention, hearing the ad dresses ind parttcipstiug in the toaraT6fih several institutions of jjQte iu Durh&m arith the trip to gQhapel Hill to go through the CnfiriitvC 7TSer.Cflioa:iias endeayored to -make- the fsijt to the convention ytvenMf: busiest farmer by bringiujg lhat meeang the etrontjjtr C&Aes of the meaa ates irhur hi Union seeks to write iutc jr.- The warehouse systomf spo twhioh North Caio lina farmerf:' need perhaps the greatest :repl:jhtenment ia to be disftossad fcVtwo eminent' Sonih Carolinians.bongres8manA-F. Lever andi Senator ohn'iL. moriaorinx gucessor ox oenator Smith wha i.kied the authorship Ot the SmitadLever Federal ware house oiil f iVh Mr, Lever. Sena tor MoLiulinis warehouse com--mtssioufloJ$uth Carolina and wiiliJf' Carolina how well it liaji Woil in South Carolina. 16 tnuetiof markets at Wash mgtou yijft Kieinl OhailetfJ. Brand, lttl 4ilk marketing to the farmers. Upon this need Or. Clarence Poa haa recently written a notable work. Uuioientiflo marketing having cost North Oaroliua farm ers their millions, the Union haB brought the best exponent of in telligent bartering to be found iu the oountry. Theie three from the outside are acknowledged to be the greatest ipeaking attractions that the Union has yet had. And Ex-Judge James S. Man ning on the aabject of laud segre gation between the races, John Sprunt Hill student of iural crad ita, who has conducted au exten sive' stody on both sides of the Atlantic; Dr. G. M. Cooper upon the very quintessence of democ racy, township organization ; and Roland F. Baasiey on taxation evils that promote absentee land lordism, these all to say nothing of those floe side-trip;, make the convention notable How to Prevent Croup. It may be a surprise to you to learn that in many oases croup can be prevented, Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relates her experience aa follows: "My little boy ia subject to cr jup. During the past winter I kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and when he began having that croup cough I would give him one or two doses of it aDd it would , break the attack. I like it better for children than any. other cough medicine beoauae children take it willingly, and it is saf e land reliable." Obtainable everywhere. rot alt Obi Way. Old Fort Sentinel Employes expeot a hundred cents 'for every dollar of their wages and they should therefore be oertain that the boss gets OU min utes' work in every hour he pays for. Honesty is net one-sided. Oat rid of Those Poisons In Your Sys tem! Ynn will find Dr. K'ne's New Lif e PrUfl afnost satUfactory lax I .Te in rewMius tu iw.suus uum . . I mmwm aArn a Annmn lot an or a a. a I 2 'a knl-An BanWincnlfrtia ail.- mania nnless released. Diwinees. SDots before the eyes, blackness f nd a missraDle feeling generally ire lhdioattoos that you need Dt King s JHw uiie riiis. laxe a v w - m - w i a m i ilnwlnniaht and mn twill avnari. g1 Uef b J morning . French Silicate bo Longer Owaers of Oe tilipaeafit (Chariot te Observer, No; 2 ) Perhaps the biggest single deal ever negotiated in North Carolina property ia that wbloh has just bsdn concluded hereby she Southern Aluminium Company has transferred titleftp its Badin and Whitney holdioto the Alu minium Company bf . Amerisa, with headquarters in Pittsborgr Pa., the amount involved in the transaction, it is understood, ap proximating $10,000,000. The negotiations were concluded at a conference participated iu by of-, fioiala of the Frencp . Syndicate and the AlomiLiam Company of Ameiioa at the Rita Carlton Ho tel in Nsw York on Saturday, Oo tobsr 23, aud definite information is just transpiring. It is. stated that the development work will move rapidly ahead and that the plans of the original designets will be carried out with only very alight modifications.;; The out standing feature of this announce ment is that the several thomand employes formerly givja work on this development will 3e returned just as soon as. the details of transfer can be consummated and arrangements perfected for the resumption of operations. This will probably require several weeks aud maybe a .month but it will be forthcoming within the very near future. The announcement', of this rausfer and the infdimation that work will be resumed within a -a- short time is one of the most im portint to the business and com mercial interests of this section that hai been made in a loug time. The Aiamiuium Company of America is a monger.. op rpora "troiiith'iglants at Misiie3a7 N. Y., Pittsburg and various ott er places throughout the country. Tub Tenuessee plant is the one that is oeareat t3 the latest acquis ition of the company.. The work at Badin and Whitney waa undertaken several years ago when the Freuoh Syndicate ac quired the holding) of the original Whitney company, then owned by Pittsburg interests. The plans of the original oompany wre ohaug ed and a new development mapped out, the powtr site being looated nearer the foot of the narrows of the Y idkiu River and a great alu minium pUut being proposed for Bddin the new tjwu to le built. Ihe mjuey was provided by French bankers and was moving sploadidly ahead wheu the great war came on. A magnificent lit tle city had been almost finished, the immense buildings to house the aluminium works, cf steel, concrete and the very best mater ial, were well on their way to completion and the great hydro electric development where ap proximately 10,000 of electrical horsepower was to be generated, was being vigorously proseouted. Just at this moment, the work had to be suspended on aooount of the convulsion abroad in which France was so deeply iuvolved. There were conferencea at which time arrangements were perfected for the holding in suspense of the work and this has been the status ever since. No active work has been prosecuted smoe the war broke out save suoh as was neoes sary to prevent any depreciation of the property. Weaker For-;cas( for Nov. 1915. From Oct. 80 to Nov. 7, fair cool and frost along. From 7th to 18th, fair, but if wind is southwest from 4 to 6 p. m., the 18th cool showers, threat ening and frosty. From 18th to 21st, fair, and warm . From 21t to 29th, frequent showers and cold threatening to witn com winua aioug . ... 1 1 j i From 29th to Deo, 6th, fair, cool Ubreateniugs, and some warm Thi month shows up dry. most- a . l - - I J' H.Rkxp, Route 3 8aluburit Nt 0. Twenty Dead la Fire- at iPubJii, Uass, SeieraifWto njared. Peabody, Masrf, Oat. 28,. Twenty children, sn6Bt of them girls ranging in age from 7 to 17 years, lost theif lives today in a fire whioh destroyed St. John's Paroohial School. Anothergirl has injuries regarded as probably fatal while others were less se verely hurt '. The 600 children had just en tered their olaisrooms when the fire was discovered, and although a majority were guided to safety by Sisters of the Order of Notre Dame, who were their teachers, panic seised a large number as they neared the front door and in their rash to escape they lost then footing and their bodies blocked the exit. Of the 19 bodies at an under taking shop tonight 10 had beei identified. All of the sisters escaped, but Mother Superior Marie Carrnelitt was seriously burned. At the convent house tonight it waasaio that her injuries probably wen not fatal, although she is pros trated by the disaster and the suffering of her charges; The reports say the canseof this fire was the result of rusted and rotten tubes in the heating fur nace, whioh if public inspection had been permitted would have been diBOorered, repaired and the lives of the children saved. Here is a report on an attempt at in spection and the method of the self-important,-self -efficient arro gance whioh prevents it and causes much .suffering, the degradation of hhuan beings and often miser able death for the unfortunates in suoh uu inspected institutions: The Ministers' Conference of GraurRfdrVpSfto mittee last June to visit and in spect the House of Good Shepherd uhere the child delinquents of that city are confined beoause there is no other suitable place for their detention. The helpless! children are handed over to Rimel andmadetodo time in a (boly I mans have driven back the Rus laundry" at city expense and forlsiaus from PJakanen, on the Misa Rjme;s profit This committee J had previously made a 'Thorough inspection cf the jail and were re- oeived courteously, but Father John A. Schmidt is the big boss at the H O. G. S. and every thing must oouiorm to his idea of jus tice aud mercy to Rome. The report of ntrat "committee whioh follows ii a dear exposition of the close watch Rome. Tkaeps upon her slaves. It seems, that there is a decided movement on foot to get acouLty juvenile heme. Grand Rapids patriots should en courage the effort and insist that no child be given into Rome's care who should be in publicly owned and controlled institutions. The CreBtcn Ndws, October 8, 1915, contained the full report of that investigation. (Ores ton is a section of Grand Rapids.)- Note the aeoreoy thrown about the in mates of Rome's prison "and the studied care with which visitors are excluded: 'Your committee on temper ance, appointed at the June meet ing of the conference, to ..make a report on oonditioLS in the con vent aud laundry' of the Good Shepherd, in this city, begs leave to submit the following report: Outhe afternoon of Septem- ber 16 your committee met in the little waiting room oFtae convent, and asked to be shown , through the institution. The Sister in ohar'ge opened a small door in the grating, took our names and the purpose of our visit to the Mother flnpatinr. When the Mother appeared, ac companied by an attendant, they talked to us through the same opening in the wall. - It ought to be said that these, Slsterk were i a -a very ooruiai, ana gave ufj every information, so far as the-rule of the instruction would permit. I But we did not g)t farther than the little waiting room. We were informed that- sti auburn were I never admitted to the home ; that laome of these girU who had been Serbian War Capital aod Haoltlcaa Csatir Boin are TBreifeaed, Oct. 81. A large t section of Serbia ib now in the hands of the invaders. The Austriahs have! penetrated Serbian territory on the Boanianfrontier and . an Aus trian column has advanoed sot th. ward from Valjevo to Raaans, while German foroes, moving from the north andx northeast have entered Milanovao. These places lie from 85 to 45miles south of the Save River,;indioat ing that the Austro-German ad vance haa not been so slow as might be inferred from reoent e porta. r In southern Serbia, the strong fortress of Pierot, east of Nisb, and guarding the war capital, hat fallen to the Bulgarians. Sti 1 further south . the Bulgarians aje r iported to have recaptured Velet, t a cost of 25,0300 men. Austriana and Germans art iiso moving against Krauguyt rata, in the north, the Serbiai munitions strong hold, and ac cording ta the Austrian official statement, the height south wt i of Lapowa, only a short distano from Kraugyevatz, is in German hands. It ia reported from Sofia thai the Anglo-Freuoh fi jet has resum ed the bombardment of Bulgaria' Aegean Coast. The Frenoh and Germans in the Artois and Champagne regions ot Franoe are fighting desperately, and both sides claim successes ai different points, but eaoh also admits a defeat. The Germans in -Champagne atiaoked over a five-mile front, but with the ex ception of reaching the summit of Tahure hill were repulsed with heavy losses, according to Paris. announce the capture of a Frenoh position extending over 1,200 yards in Artois, but admits that north of Le Mesni, in Champagne, a prt jicting trench section was lost to overwhelming numbsrs. On the Russian front the Ger- River south of Riga, while farther south in the region of Czartorysk additional positions have been taken from the Russians by Gen leral von Linsingen's forces, Along the Stripa river in Galicia the Russians are on the offensive. The great offensive of the Ital ians against the Tolmino and Go riza bridgeheads continues. greatly wronged by the world, had requested that the world be kept out; that the parents of others had made the same request, and that we oould not be admitted, exoept we were accimpanied by Father Smith or Judge Higbee. Feeling, as we did, that the com pany of Father Smith or Judge Higtee on this particular occas ion, would defeat the purpose of our visit, we did not; get farther . tin-it tttt v- . a a tnan "rne wioxet urate," as we were told that strangers were nev er admitted. "Inasmuch, as this is a sectar ian institution, and not under the inspection or control of the civi authorities, nor opei to the. ready aocess of Protestants,- yoor-bom- mittee would deem it an improper plaoe for Protestant, or npn- Oatholio girls, as wards of .the Ju- venile or other oouftB, "Therefore; we. recommend that the ministers i: conference bring to the attention of the in pervisors, that in theif opinion, it is greatly necessary that the Juve nile home be mad an adequate and proper plaoe for these Warda of the courts. ' Respectfully. submitted, "Committer on Tf.mpbbahgb; " Chamberlain's fableta. , fhis is a' medioine in(ended ves peeially for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. It is meeting; with vmuch . sucoesa and rapidly gaining in favor and po polarity. Obtainable everywhere. I KK&t It at blitera S ;t$yuait-i Tlti Safari. WashicgtonrOct, 81. The po litical pot is. beginning toboil; the first jsgni oV increasing tem perature are showing in New York aud Washington. ; .The chairman of the Demo- oratio and the Republioan nation al committees" hi?A isiued calif for meeting of their respective organixationB. The Democrat will meet here December 7 to fix the time and place for the nest national convention. The Re publicans will assemble a week ater to arrange for their conven tion. Within the next few week prominent party men will begin to show up in the limelight. The people who pull the wires that tart the candidate going will be taking their positions for the great battle xtf 19T6. " The situation is very different now from what it was four years igo with President Taft trying to sold his own, while Colonel Ro-aae felt waB eheaeed in nnllinir th anndattens ffom under ,hii politi- 3al castle. The Damnnrata w. aopeful but not so much so that they would have wagered heavily jii the final outcome, Woodrow Wiljon. then Governor of New' J er Bey , looked better than any- oody elsethe Democrats could pame, but was comparatively new w the national game, and some tiesitating Democrats feared that he oould not Tun well besause he fas a profesior,M Ma Southern man or 1'an old-tittte Demo crat." There was lota of talk about his alleged Vweak pbinta" aud very little oonoerniog his real itness f or theWhite Hojjse Wil urn J. Bryan, -Speaker Clarke, r wundeHroc Mtarshafl ' and. pthert were being iiscussed for the Democratic nom- tnation. Every faetion had a candidate. The Republicans had to choose between Taft aod Roosevelt. Taft was nominated by strenuous, strong-arm methods, and Roose velt bolted and started the Bull Moose party. The result ie mown. Wilson was elected, and the Colonel horned he G. O. P. into a ditch, and left it there to recover from the wounds he had given it. The popular vote was as fol lows : Wilson, 0,290,818; Roos- velt, -4,123,206, and Taft, 8,484,- 529. The ' eleetoral vote: Wilson, 435; Roosvelt, 88, and Taft, 8. It ia predicted this early in the game that ' President Wilson will be renominated and re-elected by a larger ''majority of the electoral vote thau in 112, and his popu lar Vote will far exceed that of four years ago. Distress in the Stomich. There are many people who have a distress in the stomach af ter meals. It ia due, to indiges tion and easily remedied by tak ing one of Chamberlain's Tablets after meali. Mrs.. Heory Pad ghaoi'Viotdn, N. Y , writes: Fory some tima I was troubled with headache and distress, in my stom ach after eating, also, with con stipation. About six months ago T 1 j. i- t' .". a- uegnu m.iu VQBIuiralltlD S rableta. They regulated the action of my bowels and the head ache and other annoyanoes ceased in a short time," Didn't Hare It ia the Snow Hill SUdard Laconic A few days ago a citisen of this oouoty, whose name we -failed to learo, bad $2,600 in cash stolen from him. It i not known just ho stole the money but it is aup posjd ti have been stolen by a oolored man working on the place as the man disappeared about the tiuie the money waT missed. It is tough J nek to cse an -amount as large as this and may this ba a warning to others wh j hide money actojund in their house, to do away with this risky plau and deposit tin a good, bank where it will Le in aafe keeping.

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