The Carolina Yatchmaa Wo. U. STEWART, Editor and Ownef ' IH2shed Every Wednesday, tnWertlnno Street SUBSCRIPTION PRICE i 'SrcScbman, I yttr, $ 7S Record, lyecst .75 Tb Progressive Firmer, I year, LOO AH3fof year each, only $150 J hi Entered as second-class matter January 19th, 19C5, at die post office at Salisbury, N.C,mdertheactolOoosresioltfarcb Z&W - Salisbury, N.C., Nov. SV'15. Teutons Draw Closer to Nisi Yon never hear of aj football enthusiast leading his classes. Judging by reports the oall to books this fall was somewhat of a false alarm, bat the oall to base ball, basketball football and oth er games has met with an un usually hearty response. We notioe many statements concerning improved conditions and sincerely hope that they are reliable, but judging by the gen eral inability to make eolleotions in this neok of the woods, im provement, like many other things, seems to strike only in spots. Invigorating to the Pale aad Sickly The Olc Standard general tfrengtheiiing toniu GRUVF'S TASTELESS dull TONIC.drives out Mali ria.enriches the blood, builds up the system. A til e Tonic. For adults and children. 60c Secretary Tumulty also seems to be managing President Wil son's social affairs, having -just given out the date and informa tion oonoerning his forth coming wedding. There are going to be a lot of tea cast next year to put Mr. Tumulty oak of the White House. Note that, Our Letterheads can't be matched ii price, quality or workmanshii The real Salisbury Printing Office West Innes Street, up stairs Ditto billheads, note beads, state meats, envelopes, etc. Whenever You Need a General Tv Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Taste??--. Chill Tonic is equally valuable 6$ General Tonic because it contains t well known tonic properties of QUINUv f and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drttr Dot Malaria, Enriches the Blood &f BcOda op the Whole System. 50 cen, Get it at Siffei-d's. Allies Htlplog la the Soatb Whili Rissi is IpproicblBg Through Rnninli, . London, Nov ' 2. Premier As quith's speech in the House of Commons today on the polioy and plana of Great Britain, oonoerning whioh he did not disclose much more than already was known, monopolises the attention of En rope tonight, and the fighti: ? whioh, although has beeu severe on some of the fronts, is receiving little thought. The Anitrc- Qermans and Bulgarians oontinue their advance in Serbia and are daily drawing closer to Nish, mak ing the position of the Serbian army in the North more preoai ious. It is believed here, how ever, that the Serbians will be able to withdraw to ths mountains and resist the invaders until the assistance whioh the Entente Al lies hava promised draws so mo oi the prtsssure from them. The Bluish and French troops which were laud.d at Saloniki al teady are doing this in the South, and news of a Russian contingent, whioh is reported as having land ed at Varna and said to be ap proaohing Bulgaria through Ron mania, is anxiously awaited. On the Western front except for some fighting in Champagne theris little or nothing doing, but on the Eastern front at least three or four big battles are in progress. The Germans oontinue their efforts toapproaoh Riga f rem the West, the Russians aie attack ing west of Cvinsk and among the lakes south of that city, while at tacks and counter-attacks are al most continuous on the Styr Riv er in Volhynia and along ths Stripa iuGalioia. Bjth sides are claiming the advantage. Amsterdam, Nov. 2. Via Lon donA new Anglo-French expe. dition to the Balkans is announc ed by The Berlin Tageblatt. This new paper publishes a telegram from Sofia stating that British and French transports with troops have appeared off Kavala, Greece. Kavala iB the nearest Greek port to the Gallipoli Peninsula, and might be selected as the land ing place in case French and Brit ish trorps were withdrawn from the peninsula for service against Bulgarli. A Berlin dispatohyes terday said troops now on the Serbian front, brought in by way of Saloniki, had been sent from be peninsula.' Senator Overntin's ConMteB Heats. Wiuhiugtoa, Nov 8 Y ater dav Senator Lea 8. Overman con veaed a subcommittee of the Sen ate) Judiciary Committee appoint ed to prepare a supplemental cede. All members were present. The Democrats, in addition to Senator Overman, are Senators Walsh and Chilton and the R oublicaus are Senators Brandegee md Sutherland. The sub-committee probably will meet daily uutil Congress as sembles. At that time will be presented a code whioh would sup plement the judicial code enacted by Congress in 1911. The supple ment will deal with oontrol ct duties and salaries of clerks and marshals in all -Federal courts, regulate appeals from one Federal court to another and govern ad mission of evidence and forms ol pleading in oases iu Federal courts Senator and Mrs. Overman and daughter, Miss Grace, arrived in Washington Monday morning frcm Salisbury. Their daughter, Miis Kathryny will arrive later. President Wilson has received a lettur frcm Rep. Claude Kitchin stating that he would oome tc Washington November 8 and wuld be glad to confer with the President on the subject of Na tional preparedness. The Jette was in response to one frim the President asking a conference on proposed Navy and Army appro priation bills. n n n n u n n n China Will Retina 10 a Monarchal 6omn menu Peking, Nov. 1. The Chinese Government today rejected the proposals of Japan, Great Britain and Russia for postponement oi the decision whether a monarch ical form of government is to be reestablished. The Government' decision was made known by Tsao Yuiiu, vioe-Mimster of Foreigi Affaire. He called at the British, Russian and Japanese Legation and informed the Ministers the Chinese Government had been ad vised by Provincial officials that they would be able to maintain tranquility during re-establish ment of the Monarchy. Tsao Yulin thanked the Powers for their friendly iuterest in the welfare of China. He said the de cision concerning a change in the form of government was wholly in the hands of the people, and thit therefore it would be lmpos sible to adopt the suggestion for a postponement. ThsiVice Minister's communi- catiou!as verbal, as were the re- totd rfot he tnree Powers. r UV mm LK-M amy . one of the Belk's twelve stores that buy goods very cheap for two reasons: First, we bay in very large quantities and for GASH, We buy cheap and sell cheap. This is why you should al ffays see what we have and get our prices. Cotton Goods, Cotton goods are still advanciug and will probably be muoh higher. We are well supplied at old price, and we are selling some ootton goods muoh oheaper than we can buy same goods now. Calico 3i Lt of best grade of calico in short lengths for 3 1-2 10c Chevoit for 6 Salisbury made ohevoit best 10c grade solid blue only in short length 2 to 15 yd sold only by pieoe price per yard 60 Best I2i Outing for 8 L t of dark outing very best quality dress styles for 8c Extra heavy cotton flannel for only 10o. Ligbtie weight canton for 7 1-2o Nice heavy quality of grey and red outing for underwear for 10o A'io cheaper grade at 7 1-2o 10c oolored border ourtain for only 5o Special Table Damask ""Salisbury made" fine meroerii ed table damask 64 and 72 in. wide b3autiful patterns made of the finest sea Island ootton yarns price 45 and 48o Special Value in Woolen Dress Goods 82 iDoh half wool serge for only 25c 50c 86 inch serge in black two or three shades of blup, red and etc , our special price 39o Fine all wool serge 86 inohes wide extra nice quality of serge for 48o Exceptionally fine drees goods in hlaok a or? colors for 98o Yard wide 75s black taffeta spe cial for 59a Yard wide seco silk in light blue pink and etc., for 25c 50c 86 inch orepe-de-ohine for 39o 75c yard silk poplin in all the popular oolors for 50 Coat Suits, Coats and Mil linery Big lot of new fall ooat suits just put on Ble and bought at a sao rifloe. Mostly blue popular sizes suits worth up to 15 00 and 20.00 our special price 9.48 Big selection of suits at 12.50, 15.00,20.08 Women and Children's Coats Big lot of cheap coats of all kinds, TRADE AT 3ALISBYRY, C. War upon Pain! Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unexpectedly. But you are prepared for every emergency if you keep a small bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy. It is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. ( Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required It drives -the pain away instantly. It is wonderful. Sloan's Liniment liiniHiiiifiiilitlillifimil " really m 17 si llPt a t L Rhsjumjstismh W V. V Mil H m n u u n H HLLSPAlK' Rellglm and Dibt Filing. Dr. Johnson gives the prenc e some whlesr me advice ib m dbt payiug The iir'acij r'wbt fails to pay his debts is no wore (uoraliy than atiy lsjmau wh 'ails to p y, but th- urvueber bss ; reputa io tJ. maintain a d ii s impcitiiut tfcii thu :irg iould realiz-i that . ti t3 c n't c ten K8 ice lavmbu qu bi get away wilh .it.' None if m aave any respect ror preacumt vho d not make an honest eff l to meet thsir-obligaticus prompt ljj and the church officers, Sun day School superintendents ai.c others who are gui ly'ci the sum off e; ses are in the fame boat Some cf us have had i d-i ffiih deadbeat t.ders, deacons, stewards, wardet b, fa n ud Spr'ain S0REUS! IS WATCH REPAIR NG For new watches, jewelry and repairs at reasonable prices, g fc". the drug store at Granite Quarry, cr tc R. L. BROWN, N . 6, Salisbury N. C. , 10-27 6 m W. pd. I PAY HIGHEST PRICE GREEN HIDES. CHAS. S. JULIAN, 10 27 3m 8alisburr. N O. for Sale 1 two horse power Mo V; 'ker gasolinp eusii.e Apply to D O Off mai , China Grove, NC. THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD . - Enhanced By Perfect Physi cal Health. The experience of Motherhood is a try ing one to most women and marks dis tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un derstands how to properly care for her self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, trot many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and,' when -it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for. the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. , - There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the ricrht School supetiutm.t Outs and otbtrsi conditions need be no hazard to health o? ho occupy th ch ef t-ate in i beauty. The unexplamable thing is svuaacfiue and for a pretence msk . that, with all the evidence of shattered f 0 I nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic end invigorator of the female organism. 0. ii r C ft Ann r! Chauls aknM -n in ! UUI OCliUIIU dllGG'a ouuaiu ud iu of oij office, 40o pT 1 000 I he real Salisbury Printing Office, 1204 West Innes Street, up stairs. ong Liuvers aud L.k ii 0 th y are not as thei m n, aud if -hey iily knew what contempt meet people hav-) fcr their profession when measured by their practice?, we be.ieve they w uld mend their way? Some of thfa e-pl are good friends at d nnish )jrs. verv trord f Iks. passing and repassing, osidei nce childless there lj I qm tnir iacs oi common non " . "T , 1 t .i cause of the fact will fxcuee that The religion that does i.ot tesch com iron hen-e-ty, and failure ti pay debts is dishonest, isn't worth a wh( op, and as D. Johnson soys, it imt on'y harts the individual, but it In many homes that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. fulfil tVBIA 6 P1NKHAM K you want special advice write T.vIIa X1 Pinrrriam Hfnill nlviA ifrt ( nrtrt it- does irreparable damaee to the, dantiatt Lvnn. Mass. Tour letter 11 be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. ranee ne proiesses a atesville Landmark. Vo Wallace Sons II Open up the first week of the new month with "VALUES EXTRAORDINARY." We adhere to our old standard of straight-forward, Clean and "TRUTHFUL" advertising, selling all goods as advertised. It is with this standard that we iiave gained our "REPUTATION" and won the confi dence of the people in this community. Every one knows that the old reliable firm of V. Wallace and Sons, after giving "iifty Years of 'Satisfaction," will never lower it's standard by FALSE' advertising. What we say it is -IT IS! SUITS We hav on hand a wonderful and most complete stock of suits ranging in pric from $8.50 op throngh to $25.00 Yon will And these euits to be of exceptionally fin valoe. far l.eyond comparison with any other line of suits in tbe State. This WEEK Special which wa especially call your at tention to, i9 tbe wonderful value we place before you at Underwear: Men's heavy weight Undarweir, fleace liued and ribbed Bst grade, the kind that sells everywhere at 50d the garment. Our special pries 35c Hats Yju will ftud here ab ut 50 Moo'a Fine Hate, tbe kind that sell for $1.50 aud $2 00. We will close these out this week at YOUR CHOICE $1.00 Handkerchiefs 50 Ddz9h Fine Qaalhy Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, a good vlue at 253. Our special price for this week 16c On the Bargain to Co u ii You will find a large asr4 T.-nt of m9nfi Odd Coats klk! Vesta from misoatttched and !;.' ' u suits, esoh aud pvoryon yru vill find to be au exopt,ion.l valua which we will e'es out afe HALF PRICE NECKWEAR W have on sale th;s week sbcut 100 Dczn pir-c s cf Men's Neckwear. Thi Nfckweir yru will find to be the kii d iiat soils everywhere at 253 nud 50j. Oar special price ioi thi? wf. k Your Choice 19c 75 Dozen 10s and 12o Haudkerchiefs. Speoial for this week 9c BOYS' SDITd Somthics; neat; R:id np to-date in Boys' Knee Pai.e Suits, the kind y.-u buy eleawh ro at $4.00 and $5.00 We hav them on sale for $2.9; We sell all goods as advertised. You will find us ever ready to livo up to any ad you may read. V. - WALLACE & SONS "All Goods Sold As Advertised" Branch tores Charlotte and Greensboro. 1 i'i '

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