4.- 'if- . " -i :J i1 A Home Newspapfer Published in the InterestCdrlfrft; People and for Honesty in Governmental Afiairsi 11 A. ! XI. lI0K47.FOTjRTfl SERIES SALISBURY, N, C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1915. wm. h. sxmmAm - - -' 'in . VOL illiaSllijtflHlfSerSi Hi Dtssfci Opes tor Iritfic Ficm Atistrla - . 1 w6BS!lDllnopl6. Londod, N 7 Tbe political oriiii in Qreece, which has olouded h Baikaiii.iifc beeu fitalljoTer ,11, .fikoojoadia hkvmg ao r 0Ped aLd performed tfie laik of , SSaAistag a Cabinet whicb beiil ompocad of all the members cf the Zvmts Quveiumeut with then XO0ptiou of the z Premier him lf, will coaiiuae the Gurerii tati polioj of iientialityThe QtwOabuiet is at the meroy of the Veniseloa majority in the Cham iMr, bat th impreasiou is that no attempt will be made to tarn it t. thaaToidiuii dissolution of Parliamunt and a jouieqaeuveiso tion, the result of- whioh oootd not he predicted while the army remains, mobilized. While the Allies can now have little hope of QiMk aid ia the defenie of Seibta tha Delist is t till 'held here that it il not too late bo turn the table the invaders. The dep.i.ar for (he Sast of Lord Kiioheuer af tar ooufereuoo in Parts witJt Pre iniec Briand, Qeteral allieot, iha Wac Miuiiter and Genera joffre, she oommVudar-in ohief of tha field forces, has given oonfi denoa that the oampaign iss to 1 carried ou energetically by tht tnan who knows the Sast better than almost any one else. Adficei frum Salouiki andoth r points today show thai macb largeivforoes than were thought t km near the .scene are being lauded v Saloniki aud are proceeding tc psinta where it is believed bey an dp the most good. .. Troop ttaini ar ljoontiuuil ly leaviag Sal niki but so musn esoretoy is bsiDg vfaaintainsd that it is impossible oompata the number of men. Onereport says that an Jivglo-, Italian Arm t has landed atValonift r Avlana) on' the " Adriatic wrthr purpose of crossing Albania. !hm Russians ar still concentra ting in Betsarabia to be prepared to make a decent on Bulgaria from the Bast. Meanwhile in northern and astern Serbia audon the Monte negrin frontier, big battles are in progress.. The Autro-3ermans wlaiBjbe advancing all along thtlinp and to have reaohed the Marava River which has been crossed at some points. In their j advance they are picking up pris oners, guns and war material. The Montenegrin!, like the r Serbian Alius, are fighting stub bornly in defense of their coun try and leport that they have re fiulsed an attempt by tbe Aastri ana to cross their border from Herzegovina and captured four guns, a quantity of supplies and a lawmen. They also claim ac cess over the AuBtriaus in the Sanjak (Noviparar), where they captnred four field guns and sev eral hundred men. In the Soath tbe French are re potted to be over the Bulgarian frontier, where they have taken several villages. It would appear, therefore, that tbe Central Powers, who have ob tained their initial objective, the opening of the road to Son and Constantinople, have a lot cf fighting ahead if Serbia is to be overwhelmed. The weather, which has turned wintry, has not interferred with the Russian offensive along the Eastern front. The Russians have extended their attacks to the dis trict west of Riga and thence to the south of Dviusk. They are heaping the Germans on the move and the latter admit that in the region of Lake Sveuten the Rus sians penetrated their lines. The battles continue, although neither side is making any mater tal progreis The Russians pUim to have taken 8,000 prisoueri" b;af thrust across the Stripe, whilejs, Germans dfcdare ihey. have.pap. tured 6,000,; ' " " The ltalianB are puihiug their flfun.ive. bnfc on the Western wy- - . v pnnt khfl ficrhtinff consists only of ' si w B-n mm m... Get t at Sifierd To Meet at bmrl Ctaai In laterestiog Pfojraa Arisr ffii 7 Tfcr dmm (IK 19.411 The Southern Oonferfnoebe kNorth Oaroliua B L Synod, Mjjill hold its qaarterly 88aron(attA..ui- imaDuel Church, near RbWwljflot "wnicn AST. u. a. risoer la pastpr; .The program is as follow : T Thursday, N member IS 5 a. : Oonferential ermon .hyhe president, follow d byjje nply communion ; 1 8Q p . a peufng tof conference, tuinessA elecjpn' of officers, etc .; "My Duty to ify Church and Pastor, 't Arthur Klutts and Dr. J. HK Peeler. I Friday, 9:80 a. m. ; Devpti 31 services conducted by$Bev 8. Dasher; 10 am., 'ThaYaloa jqd Necessity of Oatecbetioal InstOP tion," Rv. N. D Bodie andev. R. A. Goodman; 11 a.ni., sr mon Rey. J F Origler or Rev,TJ . A. L. Miller; l:80p. m. 'Vhy Should the Country Choroh -bejfn terested in Home Missions?'' R. 8. Patteraon-, D D Mlftj 'Foreign MissionsT'V Re;RlQ Holland, D. D.; Tne UnWl gynod Unification PlanV" glanMl diicuisiou. ' '" Saturday 9:30 -a. jm.: Dejro.- tionai service, ttev. u. m. rx; 10 a. m . "Sdme Methods .of day School Work,' Rev, Piwss; lla. m.t sermon,- RyR. R. Sowers or Rev. H.A. Trezfer; 1:80 p. mM .basinsfl.;' Topicr Why should our Young Men aud Young Women Attend our Ohuroh Schooli?" Rev. J . S. Q; Fisher. The morning trains wjlt be met atijtookwell Thursday JUh whp do not oome on ihesi tralus 'must notify Pastor 0 P. Fishes, -Salisbury, N. O., 1. m0 8unday, rNofsmbaf 81,,Emean ael ohuroh, near R ckwell, N; O. : 10 a. m Sunday schoel; 11 a. m. ConferentUl sermon. Rev . TL, O. Ridenhour: offering for -recita tion, Amy Louise Fisher; song; exercises by Emmanuel Miision band ; Bong; address, Rev . 0. A, Brown; lolo, Miss Addie Cline; offering for Oonferential Conven tion ; business ; roll call and re ports of societies. It is earnestly hoped that every missionary society of tbe Southern Conference will be represented. Mis i Lena Moobk, president. - - . How to Prevent Croup. It may be a surprise to you to learn that n many cases croup can be prevented, Mrs. H. M. Johns, Elida, Ohio, relates her experience as follows : ' 'My little boy is subjeot to or up. During the past winter X kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and when he began having that croup oc ugh I would give him one or two doBes of it end-it would break the attack. I like it better for. children than any other cough medicine because ohi'dren take it willingly, and it is safe and reliable." Obtainable everywhere. Uorgaoton has Two Fires. Morganton, Nov. 6 After hav ing had a rest of over a year with out a job, a remarkable record, the Morganton fire department got busy this week and was called out twice to fight fires which would have beeu .serious but for prompt work A Barber shop and pressing club near the depot and in the midst of one of the worst fire- traps in town were gutted and a few minutes delay in checking the flames would have meant the wip ing out of several blocks o? frame buildings as a high wind was blowing. uaptam Bristol's large residenoe was disoove.ed on fir9 early in the t ....... r, : ;x ' v merning nut tne nre was connneo to one or two rojms, which were lightly damaged. siCeware of Cheap Substitutes In these dayf of keen competion it is important ttftha lie should s a hiElytet Chamberlain's Uough Remedy and not take substitutes sold for the sake of extra profit. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has stood the test and been approved .for mote than forty years. Obtain able everywhere. Toe" Alropt iaoiiti I m as'A. - l sa .' w. sa n .i ... I tL. i 80)311 UB3fCa yjipQ3i5 nSUglOVS LIOBIIJ ll Mem mi or Course tiiiiftiafe Use. - In YepgljziDg Cartanza. as the ru!ep.fof.;MptioO, President Wil soninas ianned 1 R mish hatred of !mdpi.iinto,a freuaf, aud has hfiOiighij thima)fd ctions' of the pKjpal ptiv -tfee priesthocd audi the-hisrarohy down upon his head for daring to . act - upon.: his own initiative wiWnApUkbg counsel with an arrogant iniuor it y v NWhVherthe reoognitton of Car raiz t wai joat he. right aotiou to hay,Uk6u, whether Carranza is the 1oi t p arson to place at the head of the kaxioau government andlthether his reooguitiou will f till, the tempest that has torn our Southern neighbor m bloody revolution ris a matter for con jecture. But whatever may be the result, and however ' publio opinion' may: tendin considering the possible outcome of this at teihVt ad jus iment f the fact re maini that the power making the loudest.; protest f against Wilson's aotiou and attitude is y ety macb in tne minority namercially speak ing. That minority is up in arms sgaintt Wilson, against law . and order, agaihstclpaee,and progress, against everything not of, by and far the Roman Catholic church. And the Rjmau Catholio ohuroh is uuaiterably set in its determi nation to rule the world financial ly politically and spiritually. '. Wilson is threatened with po litical annihilation at the hande of 'outraged" Catholics and for this ''insult' ' the Western Catho lio, October 22, 1915, says that Catholics will "give him such an open answer at the polls as will prove tkS him that uo president of Jthe United States can so flag rantly Qtk.JLheclawful-and re spectful rt quest of 16,000,000 tel. low oitiseus without paying the penalty. This is tbe only way open to Catholics in which they can pick up the gauntlet thrown down by the president of the Uiii ted States." Mexican Catholics have revolted against the oppressive role of the church in their ccnutry which aftef centuries of test, has utterly failed to bring freedom to slave, to lighten the load of penury, to educate and refine; The burdei. placed upo. the people of Mexico has grown heavier with years and Rjme has only herself to blamn or the so called "indignities," 'cruelties' and "destructioLs'' that have been visited upon their priests, sisters and prelates and upon her institutions. Rome has herself brought tbe papal system to disrepute and ignominy by her arrogant demands and uucharita ble and unChristain activities Catholio Mexico has tebelied against Catholio rule and ruin, Whether Carranza can and will bring order out of chaos remains to be seen, Wilson has given him a chance to make good and he has declared for absolute separation of church and state, education and religious liberty. As to his being a bandit, cut-throat outlaw and various other things whioh the "charitable" papal press credits him with being, it may truthfully be said that he could hardly be more, deipioable than the unspeakable Huerta whom Rome claims to leve. The Roman OathiiaTphUrjh has done muoh to maae outlaws ana muraerers in Mexico by her oppressive rule; and haying refuted to reform and give succor to the victims who have felt her cruel dutch she despoti cally refuses to allow any other to attempt regeneration and the establishment of peace and har- mony ' The arrogant minority of po pulation in the United States hurls epithets, condemnation and threats at Wilson because he dares to ignore the arrogant minority in Mexico. :, W) th bleeding, Rome ridden -Mexico at our southern border as an example of the ruin ous rule df;a ttyinAcus and hy- pocntical organisation which calls itself a ohucoht the People of tha Uiiied Sfatei may well psuse and OQQSidefbetore permitting further pouttcaincroachmeDts of that mhst deadly menace to life and liberty, the Roman Catholic church; t Thar arrogant minori ty must be sileatsed,; if eaoa is to ffloosl'iLlit Schools toO03n Moiuaji if Public Meeting fo lis in Olj Coott H use Saturday, uiicnlir Lettei to Teacbeis. Tho following notic; in regard to the Moonlight Sohopls, which will open. through4utjhe oouuty Monday night, BaSien mailed out to the teaoherea.n(' others in terested, by Prof, R;; G. Kiier. county superintendent Of publio instruction: if According to the laid 4out by the Department of)Bduoation for the Stats of Horlh Caioliua, Moonlight Schooli sill open at the publio school f hpuass riu the different school diltmts. in Row an County on Mouajnigbt, No vember 15, 1915, promptly at 7:8) o'clock. The publio sohod;! iaoher of the distriot will be lujcjargeol the work at the stated; Quie ter give iustruotion in reading, writing aud number work t&Teyerybjdy, male abd femle, bat ween the ages of 21 and 100, -ftarfio msy de sire to oome. The fobopls will be open on Monday, Waessy, and Friday nights until twelve lessons shall have' been givenv ' No tuition fee, P! any other contingent fee will e charged the State f uruuhes the tf f Ijbooks and the teachers give$their serv- ices, aud tne awriot iurn ishes the heat-1 and ' light The.e are aooording late ditto- m . m T " J .. . . ... . ty census returns, 80$ white min aud women over 21'lyears of sge in tue county wnooauuos reaa and write aud, whileitis no dis grace, it is a fearfuT handicap and coustaut source of 'anlpyanoe to them, their families pd the State, we earnestly beg them ;to take ad vantage of the suleiMidjbpportuu ity offered at thiaHime by . self saorifioing teachers who are giving their ieryice'aalaof loye -. .Let Lh aim oatnnitin i mighty rf rt to banish' adult illiteracy from the county and Sate, aud now is the opportune time. To the white -Public Schooj Teachers of R wan Co : The fimt meeting of tbe County Publio tichooJ Teapherij Associa tion will beheld in the Commun ity building on uxt Satarday, 18th inst., at 11 o'clcok a. m. Every Publip- ,Sch3ol Teacher' is expected to at tend: this meeting as tha matter of Adult I'iiteraoy will be fully discussed and instructions iveu as to the moonlight schools to begin on the date mentioned. Tbe Couuty Board of Education, School Committeemen, Represen tatives from the Jr O U A M., rom the Farmers' Union, from the Ladies' Civic Oiub of Salis bury and from all the Patriotic Orders, are cordially invited to )iu the teachers on this occa sion. Countt SUPT. Hows This? We offer Que Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of oatarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo.O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by bis firm NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken internally,' aoting directly upen the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonals tent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Take Hairs Family Pills for constipation, Re?. John W. Moore Closing His List Year Here. The last quarterly oonferenoe cf the First Methodist Church was held Thursday night. Dr. W, R. Ware, presiding. Upon the meeting of the next conference Rev, John W Moore will termi nate his residenoe in Salisbury, which is a matter of regret to the members of his own church -and the community in georaU R v. Moore has been actiylein all good works and hre done muoh to stimulate the chriitiau-spirit and good oitiienship. The conference passed resolutions, of ppreoiation of his seryioes-andUinade record of l sorrow ia hi leaving Joiiorc in Giarliitle A. H. Pries of Sillsborr. Ua ' a Splecdld Address. Otarlotte Ot server Not. 9. . .With delegates present from 83 of the ooucoils in the fifteenth distriot, toe distriot meeting of the Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanics, ..convened .in ..this city last night with a publio ses sion in the rooms of Empire Council No 425, at 17 Bast Trade Street-. The conference will be continued? ihrough today when a private session will be held, com mencing at 9 o'olook. D f . W. B . Duttera, district deputy State oounoilor, presided oyer last night's session which wan the nature of a smoker. rh meeting was opened with the reading of Soripture and a prayer by Rev. W. H. Adams, past r of Westminister Presbyterian Ohuroh. J. Lawrence Jones of the looal bar, then delivered an address of welcome to the assem bled delegates from Cabarfue, Rowan, Stanly and Mecklenburg Counties, comprising the fifteenth distriat, " . ; On behalf of the delegates, J. D. Lee of Norwood Council, Nor wood, responds .being intioduced by, Doctor Duttera. Dr. 'Duttera then intrcdup d Hon. A. H. Price of Salisbury, former United States District At torney, whb?delivered the address of the evening. "Principles of the Order," was the subject assigned Mr. Price, whose reputation as an orator was ably sustained last mailt. Forcible and clear in his inter pretation of the" basic prineiples whioh underly the fraternal bear ing Mr, Price applied them to the welfare of the Nation. He held the close attention of bis andienee HRwouhout the "Imistttes of his address "Understanding as I do," said Mr. Pnoe at the Opening ofhis speech, "the great and broad thoughts which inspires the Junior Order, I cannot understand why its membership is only something over 40,000. - It should be 200,000: Any organization whioh takes as its three primary platforms,- thti Bible, educstiou aud devjtion to the ng, has, it ssems to me. the fundamental principles1 whioh go to make the true American citizen. I cannot conceive why every good citizen who is cjguixant of the thii g for whioh the order sta: ds, can remain in theouter darkness. I believe though, that it is based upou a misconception of its prin ciples, this failure to enroll, as it was with me until snoh tiun as I came to know the truth as to its eudeavors. ''There are many who think that, the Junior Order owes its being principally to a desire to swat somebody are some organiza tion. Thst is not true. We Will fight those who oppose our prin ciples, but it is the thought of construction we operate, not of destruction. We are opposed to the coming of that vicious and ignor ant alien from Southern Europe to our shores, not because he is an alien, but because ne is vicious We welcome the hardworking, in telligent immigrant from northern Eprope, keoause we kuow he is able to appreciate oituenship and caBt a vote after his naturalisa tion with integrity and intelli gence. "At this stage I wish to prpphe sy concerning the immigrati6niVnektnctftie. there aooldi not hat bill aud; the sixty-fourth session of Congrpss. I prophesy that those luinaical to this great .and good . measure whioh was vetoed by President Wilson afterjiassing Congress, last year, will use the I cry of 'preparedness' as a oloak to shelve and hinder the bringing of the all important measure before the legislators. The old war scare will be worked over tirne and when the. broaching of the ? immi gration, question! appears"- immi nent, its enemies will redouble their 'preparedness propaganda. I also prophesy that so long as x aiso prppneey tnat so long as god citizens whp wereoiot Jun- Representiye Burnett ofAtajUrl remains chair man of the imml-Tmerely through ignorance of its gratioa oommitsae, the bill will princisUs, Cannot Preterit Pftsi if UakiBg People tiAfrall JfcijJsffiUf afiges. Goidsbojro; 'Not.; JEj fW'e;;hkTSL every reason so neu graseiui soas we hayt as PrendenVa-manwho loves peaoeand is tryjng to fiud a peaceful solution' of all the. pr ob lenjB that confront us," .deoUte'd pliant Jen'nipgs1 Br jran hera to J day . Arriving here; early fee s mtrhing, be spoke first britfiy. In auq toeu went to tne ujo. renews t orphanage, where he talked sin plyand enoouragiuglyjtojthehi drpn. ., The auditorium of the court house was4acked by ' neonle5 f rl nV n v., , x " a ; : 1 try aad towns when at 12 o'ci lck he made his first sat add f ess. il was presented to an enthusint.c audience y W. S. O'B. Rjbi.i ion of the local bar. and before i i: mterd upfiMiis subject expres. a is appr cia ti m of JpBephus Di. tels as a miaand Cabinet mem I and his sympathy afid sorrcw t the Iobs of his newspaper plant ? '-"The W& inlEarpiw;!?' wa t. theme whidi the farmer- Secretin 'it Stati dyuh6uT aLd a half to. "No r5;matOtxrhy - whai standardyou measure this war," said'the speakefr 'it is without preoedeutpr parallel. There bav been, I think, greater wars that. this,-but none that approached it in bigness "I-have triedpy-fiud. 4be-:..oanse, ofthis wn and, if myanalya.sff l & is tqbefbond ihataise phiophy s erty proclaimed, quitepubiiyv now it is no lougeopenly ptf claimedvhui liirmetimesprsc tioedrwen tbe temptation is suT- preparedness without ' submrttic e wunous BOTmmicp l to the-leadership ( i ourselves those who believe in the dootrief that peace 'rests upon fear, that we can ouly preserve the peace by making people afraid of us . Tb u uVu . rine Teiy theory that has lead -Europe into this present conflict " have a worthy exponent and oue hn will Iaiva nn llnna nnlnmcd I in his efforts to fet.h the measure before Congress at its spproachitg term. "It seems to me that the present time is tfai time of fiimes for con sideration' and passage of the im- m grationbilL With: the horrors and devastation of the iEuropasu war, together, with the gloomy future whioh broods over the com mercial life of half I the world, there will shortly; be hundreds oi thousands of undesirable citizens fleeing from the responsibilities of upbuilding their pauperized countries and kuockjng at the dot ib of the United Stages. And so I say that the present is ti crucial hour for immigration re strictions. Let theselrestrictionb not be confined only t test for ignorance jut include the more u- i-i far reaching invest igalidn of in- tegrity. Let the United . States pUce commisBioners.a fhe prin- cipal ports of spotDefo Burop whese duty it will b to secure credentials frombosef wo desire admittance to our country; cra- oetitial. which will icjude-thv exhibition of a clean! reoord tbei native land." .During the course lof his'; re" mark?, Mr. Pri-je paid; a marked tribute , to the .German i oeoorts. Stat iug that whether ohel thoushk ' J them right or wronov in the nres I .i- iD , 3. m w w be extended tad miration I for the loyalty' to country whW bad en- aoieo a nawoo ocoupyin an area no, apprro.aoiv larger tnan Texas whiohhad so far bestd the W tions of the w orld. Tolthe fear of kdj ed ucstion , and d eroti orT to Frce attributed this remarkable J,r""" uwih. achievement of the German arras rTs meeting with much suQoess and Thesesaid ttosphr;"' sd Wdlj gaining in favor and XAt- Ootsinab Everywhere. Mgifoicto closed with an ex- .j.-.. t preesib'o of coLfideuce.,for the fa- ilHlPt S Clfl 5 : ti) BlSf Plf ture effr thfofde itM J IT llg TlS. , ating hir former statement that ..,, . : . , Year Uicls Stssel Uakej ConsiimtJj sC crplalat and ReqstsU Better Ccniactr : Washington, Nov. 7.--The Unit ed States in its latest note H Great Britain,ade public htsi lodftT fovenng exhaustively Pwnrfgrence with Americsa rf 4$ ,inoJJneJ beginning of U , European wardeolaras that tfc SOCalfed btnna1a ' i tbi -iifJS -" le :al and indefensibTn ' f..Wititmstt!fb Got eriment"ttcannot Submit to the outailmeiif f iti neutral rights.? 4-hH 'it ' . :. . ' ' "P-Ooopiaesno. i araersnporuination of ii& rim and interesls. Ambasador Page, to ' whom tho uofe was sent by speoial messen ger, for deliyjTjrpiJmLondoa Foreigh Office, wm instructed -by ; edwtarirIsing, to impreca most earnestiv upon the Brituh Government that the United States 4must insist the. relations between it ana Hif Majesty's Gov rument he governed, not by a poiioy of expendiency, but by hose estaBlisfied rules of inter uational conduct to which-Great Britain in the past has held the United States to account jirhon uhe latter nation, was a belligerent ngaged in1 a struggTe for national ex stenoe." ) Declaring the United States uahesitatingly R a an m am" A &. tk: of championing the intewitT ,4 neutral rights, tbe n n,JZ 1 S18 Amvncan Goyern- UeBt will devote it ni jineask, exeroising- always an denote? neri IK nftrt - a i , "? ntly: 15,000 word to te,nlh waTrJadSuBiTo, by pT1"?? petween the Stste D anfnoBrHishFoi-. Voluminous aooendi rrir V1 tot PPnd, giving the . : VBillBT WIEfl IK SSL " - W.' tious issued in ISeanda'sum- mTJ and tabl& showinglhnndreds Lf vessels deUid'tish an- thonties since he beiSninir of tha 01 ThS body "of the' note is divided into 35 noints. doRlino .uk .11 d bases of tha -- ft . tjuea" seizures and datentinna. prior to, as wjH sasafteri the so called blockade was instituted, and announces - that a1, separa communjeatieh will td sen-aooli dealing particularly , with' 'r the 'prpP'-iply aadright -of the Brit ish Government to include in Bheir listof contraband of war certain articles whiob have been, so included." ' WJilskenet Sacred. Topeka, Kas;, Noy.6. The con- stitutiqoajityof the Webb Ken- yon act; removing the interstate character and protection from li quor shipped into a State to be used iii- vjolaVoniiof law Was up- halrl Its tha r.n... Q . si . """"" vou" a, ' . he Missouri Pacific had tn- , j, , "a mVm pea,8d from 4 decision of a State Oistsiot Court iiaing tlje road $100 ; kyfciH jbuntS for deliver- f' iug intoxioatiog liquors within the - g6at in y. elation of the-Mahin ' ',- , Mm,u VI ! a -ftto 0atem9Utt df tnt shipped into the State. Jobtioeest held that "there is nothing m ore sacred - about whiskey intended for unlawful use ,hwi hej-e is about dissased meat and lottery tickets and therefore Oongressjias the prohibit ' interstate traffio.io one ag in the other. cVaberlaIa'f ffsblsts. ThlSviSv inia. aA .. u'fr wwaroi. uumfeerf-offises to provide Tor those who are apparently fit fat nothing slae,--Daxhara Hexaia 1- - v -as: