71 V",t i i ir- - - WJ. - 1 RURAL NEWS r Alia.. , Not.6. H. 0. Pawner liTttinjt hit-ffdl street 1 in B jwan and Oabiittit c?hntiei . nSS?!! riiSnsf the ooanty woilc hQaft"mtd her ei oape leeelitl'jiinthe blootf hooDdi M IIJS Blown of Granite Quarry, ware balled and ware toon overtaken and brought back, M. B. Eodjtvof Albemarle wm in Sal iabnry-i wdg yf He gol in they, ofngonwbile and it knooifedikWj), rau up on him and! over onvnini, but he did not ieemfco beadlyliort. W. L.Ldd4k planted one bnihel of fotelrjph potatoei and dng twenty serai ibiutata Who oan beahiit? W. fadwl6khaa jast gather ed, shaoked aBd .pat np hii corn. He a jfe . hundred bushels on a f ejr(-aorei?otland. He has a fine grade, pf pom that, he haa im proved by .aeleoting the aeed. thtvftiitBmobiSe -of J . ' D. A . Ftiher ' reolrded1 ' 24 7-10 miles from Faith to Mooksville Tneiday, VenufcflDefctToSiday night at Mr. ana Mri. D. I, Hinceman'e. Mr. Hinoeman haa recently bought a nioe tittreh6me,on 8oulh Main Street, near the-teat treai factory. He own&r& nice -little home aud farm near Faith that he will rent. He worfe at !lhe;big granite out ting abd,Vud ia getting along fine. Hie wif e ia a gic'd $ook and a fipe houekaeperr-heyJiave aix chil dren, Banks, Raymond, Mamie, GnrthieRoy and 'flmj Ghaa. Rsneya new residence is up and cdrered and the carpenters are making-good headway towards the completion B. A. Baney ia the bosa oarpenter and ia a good honae carpenter at well aa a good merchant.' Anatih Gardner ia having a oorn shucking tonight. Venui received a cash order to day for a bottle of hia new dis covered eosema onre. Oot. Slat, ia my birthday. I, John Thomas Wyatt, eon of Wil m Riley Wyatt and Mary A. Wyatt, and grandaon of Jessie Jr. ard Pollie Wyatt, all of Rowan o untv, from vieinity of Bringle'a ferry, and great-grandson of Jessie Wyatt, Sr., of Davidaon county, near Bringie'a ierry. we are thankful that we are living and ding well. Who else haa the aame birthday? Let na hear. Vxnub DlstreM la tbe Stomicta . There are many people who hava a distreaa in the atomaoh af ter meals. It is doe to indigee- tion aud easily remedied by tak iug one of Chamberlain'a Tableta ft&r meala. Mrs. Henry Pad ghaa, Viotor, N. Y , writes: "For some time I was troubled with headache and distress in my atom- aon aiter eating, aiao witn con- atipatiun. Abont aix montha ago 1 began taking Chamberlain's TabletB. They regulated the action of my bowels and the toad ache and other annoyances oeaaed in a aknrl i mm a ' ' Tbi Oiirlotti Ftir ni Sbowirs. The weather prediction yester day waa tor, ahowera. Of course fair and rain go together, at least for this year. In regard to the fair yeaterday'a Obaerver aaid: After several daya of indefatig able labor on the part of officials of the Charlotte Fair Association and a o rpa of induatriona helpera the fair gronnda are all ready and everything in the way of ezhibita is ready for the opening this morning at 9 o'clock. There haa eldum been a fair, when all things were ao nearly completed and ready for the opening aa ia the case thia year. Last night at 10 o'clock it waa atated that every ditail had been oompleted, exoept the decorating of the judge's ataud iu front of the grandatand. where experts will - judge the horse raoing. GAOm da aH Lev WtMncly. Ba anae ajbjtd ia a'thbbdrn ia no Xdisotrravfvou should be. . , In V?ad f Swearing" it "outr get aarjralief by taking Dr. Kingf rN".U830vfy. Dangerous bron CM) &! aud lung railmenta often of k- v y oold irhioh haa been neg- le : d at the beginning Aa your b i ' faithfully battlea those cold gM. a. no bajbtr aid can be given tb. ;he uaeaof thia remedy. Ita m r 6 y u i as been tested by old and Qefcja battle today. bOo; Aite Bote ceiiBCiitilismioa if sfto 6rDJorcM,pr JIartu, Blur ftzt ofihe deien faon of American jshipa and interference with Amer iean oommero&ron theiearl it'4ia ., " c - ' sr n annonnoea - in Lionaon, prooaniy i will not Ae teady :fo"MeTtSl aroneed ao much diaduision, and been the iubject of aome unfavor- abe ommjnh and public Still dnyicg the Serbians before them , the Aastro- Germane haye4 captured Krusefaor on--the--raiN way northwest of Nish end reach ed Ivanjaoa, 27 mitea aontheaat of Kralievo; they are attacking the aoutb of Kralievo and between that town aid . KruaeyaoeA they have crossed the western' Mora va at aeveral pointa . Nothing haaTcome) through , of lat concerning the fighting in the : south of Serbia ..whera f the British and French forces are aaid to have effeoted a junction with the jSerba. and for aeveral daya have been giving battle to the Bulgarians. Aloug the Monte negrin border, the Anitro-Hnn- gariana aud .Montenegrins have been fighting hard, and eaoh aide claims the advantage. For the moment the western zone of Franoe aud Belgium af fords no inoidenta of note - In the eastern zone the Russians have returned to tbe offensive agaiqst the Germans at several points in northwestern . Buaaia and on the central aection of the long battle line- Berlin asserts that south of Biga along the Dvina Biver the Bnaaiana were repulsed with heavy casualties and . that to the north of Czartoryik a Bussian attack was unsucces8ful. A repulse of the Italians on the Ooberdo plateau and Jhe oaptare by King Victor Emmanuel's men of tbe summit of the .Col di Lana from which, however, they were later driven out, are .recorded by Vienna. A British submarine has sunk the German crniser Undine off the coast of Sweden while two German submarines have sank the British armed merchantman Tata "in the east Mediterranean. In addition the British ateamera Bureakr Glen- more and Woolwiok and . the steamer Birgit which waa either of Swedish or Norwegian nation ality, have been sunk by German underwater boats. The crewa "of all the steamers wereaaved. There waa loss of life on both the Un dine and Tara: Young Un Foafld Onl oa Rtilroid Trick Last Saturday night, about 12 o'clook. Policeman Lamb, of the Brown Mill, found the dead body of Oharlea B. Seaborn, lying be tween the traoka of the fiottthern Railway near the Young-Hartael Mill power house, just a little be low the station. The youngs man has a brother living abont two miles south o city, and it is supposed that he waa going to the home of hia brother when he waa atrnok by a paaaing train,' It ia not known luaa now long naa oeen since the accident bappened before the body waa found. The remaina were taken to the undertaking es tablishment of Craven Broa., where it waa prepared for burial. Mr. Seahorn was a son of Charles A. Seahorn, of. this oity, and wss abont 17 years of age. xne inLoral and burial services were field at Gold water Baptist church Monday. Concord Ohron isle. Dliii'i tin ,StrlkB"iStirtYiirs Ago? A "motherhood strike' hat been begun by some women of non-suffrage Statea and may be adopted by others until they are given the franchise by their voting brothers, if a suggestion of Mra. Sara Bard Field made today after her arrival in Chicago . en ronte from SanFranoiaoo to Washing ton ia further noted upon, " "i anow ox certain women m non suffrage States who have denied themaelvea the privilege of motherhood until they receive the ote,' declared Mra. Field. "And Sdo. nbtiblame them . It ia a wonderfnf thing to have the com panionship of children aa I know well in my own boy and.gir), who are the joya of my , life. But the oause of suffrage haa led many a woman to make tremendont sacri- fiaes," Chicago Diapatclu. . FSMjfitA'- at lOo'olock, thia morning did damage estimated at $5,000 to a building on the corner of West bhtijinflt Elm jBtreeta, ocoopiedJ yaWJ4l . vUiinara 'm ramt ai ant te &lft&Otii and'ihe Bleotrio Shoe Repair Company. The, origin of b$ritfli yet andetermined . .lrofelasewaeonfined to a room in.itbe rear cf the Oli nard eatab- ent which: waa naed aB a storage room for wall paper, ff i3 paints, beater board and other de eorative materials. It la thonzht . js cov eredty inanrance. The local leaf ' tobacco market made Jhe Jbeat record the week ending today it haa made this season, by selling 942,087 ponuds for $97,706,72. Although there v been aeveral weeks thia sea aon When "the . market Bold far more tibaooo than thia week, thb average price paid fox the week was better tban for any otntr weea this season. About 9,000,- 000 founds of the crop haa been aold. The general opinion aeemB lo be that thia represents abonb one third of the entire crop. James and Charlie Snipes, ohargdd with participating iu the resistance of revenue offio3rB with their father, Frank Suites, neat Kerneraville recently, gave them aelvea oyer to the officers yeitei day afternoon. Tciough sgree- menti bonds aggregating $12,600 have heen given for their appear anoe with their father at the next term of Federal Ooirt which con Tenet in Greensboro on Deoember 7. A Pine Wieeylei Ceagb Remedy. Mothers. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey is jnst the remedy for ycur children's cold ailments. The faot ia that pine ia a quick enemy of cold conditions. Its qualitit b loosen themuoons in the throat, soothe tha lungs and open np tht- air passages. The combination c I honey 'aoothuig' and pleaaant, with "the loosening pine qualitv pnakerthis an ideal cough remed tor onMdran. ifiacn paaaing year bnnga -or-'t it. new friends. A family frgtCwing-ohildren can no anra to bottled be "without it. 25o a . WIlLYci Belleftvlt New. TheMenaM. The Menao haa atated time and and again that it ia praoticaliy impossible to reach the highest offlLriala of thia government nn lee one stands in harmony with the Roman Catholichurch Ve have charged that Tumulty is the , papal , watohdog at the White House door to keep the re preaVncatiVes, -of interests other than Rome's from oontaot cr communion with the president and othera. We nave charged that Borne has easy acoeaa to -the inner circles beoause of Tumnlty'a preaenoe at the seat of Government. Some mar rhave doubted that such is theioaae." You may have thought that we were aeeing things through the lenae of fanaticism. As evidence that we are not mis - taken,tbaiwe have not overdrawn the picture of Ramish vigilance and mterfenoe, we submit the following, taken from the Detroit News, September 17. 1915: Port Haron, Mioh , Sept. 17. Protestants are diaoriminated against by the present adminis tration at Washington. That waa the charge made by Dr. Franklin Hamilton, chancellor of the American university at Wash ington, to the' Detroit Methodist conference here today. "We are compelled to cool our heela in the anterooms of the high est ofaoials of the government while prelatea of the Catholic ohuroh are rceeived into the inner sanotum," deolared Otaauoellor Hamilton. American University at Wash ington ia designed aa a national Proteatant university to offset the Catholic university establish ed in the national canitol. Rheumatism and Allied Pains Must Qo. The congestion of the blood in ita flow causes pain. Sloan's Lini ment penetrates to tbe congestion and starts the blood to fl jw free ly. The body's warmth is reuew- ed ; the pain is gone, The "man or woman who haa rheumatism. neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's Liniment in their home is like a drowning man re using a rope." Why suffer. Get a bottle of Sloan's. 25s. and 60o. $100 bottle holds six times aa much ae25o. aixa. ifou Need are times in everv woman's life wherfhft .43 : When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable i ingredients, which' act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking 1X1 12 The Womian's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, W F. D. No. 4, Alinaj Ark, says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak, and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Nowfl feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today Sold by all dealers. SI Has Helped v n Hfi FRESH MADE CANDY TO BE SOLD fa POUND l Lri OOR DSOALE.0NE DAY OHLY, OM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 3TH We sell all Candies at a Re duction of 5c pound. Only five pounces to ly. Be sure SALEEBY'S BIG A. B. Saleeby Co. Candy Manufacturers. Salisbury, N, C. Don't Forget the Saleeby's Corner, FREE1 FREE' Those who subscribe for The (1 . ; am. v. mn aav -Kowan ItEpORD, Rowan's leading newspapers, main a lively semi-weekly, and pay one dollar cash in gdvance, will be given from now till Januarv 1st. 191fi .1 frw - the time to get your home naners. tirknim vmiNoif fv. . . - . WinrAr reaninnr ann Iraan nnafa1 tfffairs, ahdjthe progress of the great Enibpean- war, member these papers are not home nanera :TnArUln:lMnrMa:; they are edited, owned, published and nrinted hv SaliaHnW ans, gives home people the preference in every way p&JpJl T nuu auKBior a iair . Qeai Dy I 1 "AS i . 1 - . . Buutscripuon ai nnce ana get two montns free. a Tonic hoi Thousands. J61 AT THIS SALE. any one fami and come to CANDY SALE. Date' Ho v. 13th Where Inniss Meets Main Go to Texas via Cotton. Belt lloute direct line from I 'Memphis through Arkansas Two trains daily witli chair cars and electric lighted sleeeV-. DfrHrig car service. iTraiiw from the South- : east connect at Memphis with these Cotton Belt through trains toTexa' Winter Tourist Fares daily to many places in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. Stopovers. Long return limit of May 31, 1916. All Year Tourist Fares daily to certain points in Texas. 90 day limit. Stopovers. Lqw Fares with liberal stopovers, and? long return limitsshoukl. induce you to Make a trip tS Tesas now! Seewhatfinefarmoppofttfniaes'Tiejfaieflora. Send today ior free il lustra ted took-about MM CMDi Texas, and gret tali fnfoci&tionj about low faresfrom your town to Teialjyla Memphis' and the Cotton BelJ Eonju t?. , Passenfer Agent,109WSt.,;Littaa(ofaJena. ' t---w. jvuibuu xui J WUtATf ' -rr I U nA.Ut.t,, i Jri-i-" T; Home peonie. -Sand m vnni- . . - V"S, rThe TJachovia Bank &T,vu&t?G67 vtn i rik 'ea Wper cent; pud tin oavi ng J am IP m- ; If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. K If j )iihive a F ir n t) SjII, List it with us. SALISBURY una insurance uompany. 4 mmm big mmi mn. k Fall'Liue of Geaeral M3.chiudise -Constantly On Hand. yoa w itit ia inery or r 13 ittur it .vni")i vitl el it if yoa-gdt "Fj3t R-;n " A i th 3 to 3 is aa midnce linat to 'm33tof us. Yoi'll SWdJ VOdf. Nffl V SEJQitrY V&VIV JSS, frju lot jaat re (jeivdd. Piuti, Q urti", aaihilt'iUoris Spring aad S 1 a nr g Lig'it wiglit underwear for mea an1 womj.i, aUj Dcdi Gr)oii, SU-ias, .Pants, Overalls, Hits, Notiom, Uroikir, la y.n-d,' e.te. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stoek of staple a'id fansy groceries, country produce, teed stuff, etc Wueu in need come to see me. Farmra are invited to mike my place tiHadciuar ters wljile in t'ie city. Very truly, W.W.TAYLOR, 'Phone 89. 103 S.'Main St., Salisbury, N. C- A WARM BATH IN A WARM BATHROOM WHY bathq in discomfort and run the risk of catching cold when a PERFECTION SMOKELESS OIL HEATER in five minutes time will make the bathroom warm as toast? Take it wherever it is needed touch a match and its genial warmth soon changes chills to comfort It helps you dress, it helps you work, it makes food taste better. Convenient, clean, no smoke or smell. Ten hours of solid comfort on a gallon of kerosene. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves,-Lamps and heaters. Ten hours 01 solid comlort on a gallon of ' kerosene. " Use - Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil I Stoves,-Lamps and heaters. 1 - Iff STANDARD OIL COMPANY t (New Jersey) v BALTIMORE " Wsh!n(ton, D. C Charlotte, N. C Norfolk. V. Charleston. W. Va. Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C. Look for the Triangle Trade- mark. In many styles and sizes at all I hardware, and general stores. ySj ' PadSe Expotition i I 2SU m lvk. ' Z ,v j.?. I pr-pur-per" I ltf Li L D It2II'l6. PERFECTION j ! I - "I Vf j 1 am, kj imto r . . - ' " wioi- --' m- : LARS EST AS indProtect!ohla'onr::t)rtrsitnra'?. d eposits. Yoncan opefto 51 .4 RE ALT Y I i . . . u n. an a JUL 7 --V; ST' fc U-i. r 1 - .- rrV. . -