A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Peopie and -for Honesty in Governmental Aftem. t .Jf 7 V. - VOL. XI. NO. 48 FOUBTH SERIES SALISBURY, H. ft, WEDNESDAY, UOVEHBER 17TH, 1915. Wia. H. SHEWAK , , . . i . "- ' ' ' '-' .. . - ' : I M G JHrior Spry Will Clear ftale Sift It iBttals to Get Rid of Lawless Ele asm of Population. Salt Lake Oily, Utah, Nov. 19 Governor Spry of Utah tonight anuouuced his it tentions to'olear the State of the lawless element that new infests the State and see to it that nfUmmatory street speaking is stopped." The Governor's statement came as the aftermath to the execution of Joseph Hillitrom, a member of the I W. W. and .a native of Sweden, for the murder of J. G. Morrison and Morrison'? son on Jauoary 1, 1914 Hillstrjoa was executed by a firing squad at 7:42 a. as. today. When the officers went to get Hillstrom they found he had tied the door of his cell with stripes lorn from his blankets. He fought 1 the guards fiercely with the han die of a brom he bad suatohed from an attnndtut iu the oorr dor, butwhen he saw (ha sheriff he be earn calm, saying, "You cat blame a man for fighting for bis life.'1 Acoompanied by tbe offi cers he walked to the death chair. After he .was seated they aiked him if ha , had anything to Bay. fie said: i:: "Gentlemen. I die with a conscience. I uever.did any thing wrong in my life. I die fighting, not like a coward. Well, I'm ging goodbye." When the officer started to give ths oammand to fire Hillstrjm yelled MFire." the squad fired and the ballets pierced his heart. He was dead in one minute and 10 seconds. None of Hiilstrom's 1. W. W. friend witnessed the ex ecution . 4Eil R ani locsl secretary of the indosir al Workers of the World. . took charse of the bodv Would tae piece Sunday. after booo unor the direotion of the I, T7, W.t and that the body would be sent to William D, Haywood, next Monday for burial' at Chi ts gO." Telegrams were reeeived this morning asserting that William D. Busky of Seattle bad mad an affidavit that he was with HilL- sttom the night J G. Morrison was murdared and that Hillstrom was innooent. The sheriff was requested to postpone tbe exe cution until this statement had been investigated. Warden Ar thur Pratt of the prison then ask d Hillstrom if he knew Busky And Hillstrom answered that hb did not. The sheriff wse then directed to proceed with tbe exe cution. ..Police later said an investigation-'-proved Busky's affi davit untrue. President Wilson twice appeal ed for further respite for Hills trom. The president's second re quest made yesterday, was "denied by Scvarnor Spry as not based on any facts. The Swedish Minister also had interested himself in Hiilstrom's behalf and it was at his request that the President made his fiist request for a respite. The Ameri can federation of. Labor in session at San Francises recently passed a resolution, asking Governor Spry to use his efforts to secure a new trial for Hillstrom. In his statement tonight Gover nor Spry said : "Every lawbreaker, every man who defies law and older, every man who is opposed to law and order, oall themselves what they will, will be driven our of the State. I am going to see that the work is started at once. If the city offioers and others whoie duty it is do not do so, I will do it myself. I am going to see that inflammatory street speaking is stopped and at once, let them call it 'free speech or any other name they wish." The governor said the militia would be used . ill neoessary to clear the State of-the men who nave been "writing threatening letters and making incendiary speeches." It is known that aoonsiderable aaont ql evidence has been col lated by the State in the last few Diary Schools for Rtwai Permit me to call attention to the. Diary 8obools thai will be o aduoted in Rowan County next week by the Dairy Division of the Aaricultural College at Wist C7 Raleigh. These dairy sohools in the past . year or so have been of a great amount of good to the farmers in the county and they should call f'( r the largeft crowds that can pos ibly attend. The program wil begin in the mornings at ten o'clock with an intermission of one and onehalf bouts tor dinner whioh will be served by the good people of the o mmunities where the sohools are held. J. A . Arey and J . L Graybill asistd by the County Demon stration agent will have charge. The programme will consist of lectures and questions relating directly tojthe care of cows, cream, how to handle, test, mariet, etc. butter making, raisirg the calf, ind at nights there will be given at each of the places an illnstrat ed lecture on the same subjeot Thete lectures will be illustrated by slides whioh will show almost tvery phase of dairying with the best methods of being - able to ha adle the various nroblems that r,Be I am sure that at each place the perple of the whole of Rowan County will be welcome and we would appreciate it if the people will turn out in goodly numbers so, . that these meetings may be made of greater value to all con cerned. The following are the dates and places. The people of each of these communities especially will takt notice and have the things neoessary on hand. Woodleaf,,. Monday, November Gold Knok, Monday; Nov ember 80th. Lowerstone, Wednesday and Thursday, Deaember 1-2. Bcstian, Friday and Saturday, December 8-4 tb . W B, Cbumptxn, Jr., Demonstration Agent. How to Prevent Creep. It may be a surprise to you to earn that in many oases oronp caa be prevented, Mrs, SH. M. Johns, Blida, Ohio, relates her experience as follows: "My little boy is subjeot to croup. During tne past winter I kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and when he began having that croup cough I would give him one or two doses of it audit would break the attack. I like it better for children than any other oongh medicine beoauie children take it willingly, and it is sate and reliable." Obtainable everywhere. Bury Them Tbrei According to the Savannah Morning News, Ootober 20, 1915, 1.1 i i i . bura unman sxeietons were un earthed by workmen who were ex cavating for some sewer work at the home of tbe 4 Little Sisters of the Poor" where repairs were being made. The skeletons were buried one above another with eighteen inches of lime between The skeletons fell apart when un covered. Polio 9 were notified and the bones were raburied and upon investigation it was determined,' so the, report says, that the spot had once been used as a burying ground, -and "the: skeletons had probably been there for half century." Tint will do to tell. The fact that the bones were found at the heme of the "Little Sisters of the Poor" and that they were buried in lime one above auother leads quickly to the inference that thete may be much troth in the stories of secret burials in lime in Romish institutions. Is there no way to get at tne iaotsr An en forced inspection law might re veal some startling conditions in and around the closed: houses of Rome. The Menace. Invigorating to the Pule and Sickly- The Olc Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVF S TASTELESS chill TONI&drives oat V.ton' .--l-l... VI-aA t.11.t .V. A ttait Xoaic ?m adnlb ftitA cb94isw Jt9u Aleia Ms Farmer'! to Tkt Farotrs Go 01 Record Against Presl . dint Wllsw's Prepariiuss Plans. Durham, Nov. 17. With the election of offioers; an address on the moonlight sohools by Dr. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Publio Instruction ; the passage of a resolution pledging the con vention as favorable to the move ment; and a conference of tbe twelve members of the State so cial service committee, the con vention of the North Carolina Farmers Union came to a close here this afternoon. Officers elect ed were as follows: President, Dr. H. Q. Alexander, of Meoklenbnrg. Vice President, Dr. J. M. Tsm- pleton, of Wake. Secretary Treasurer, E . 0. Faires, of Moore. State Organiser and Lecturer, Z. Green, of Union. Doorkeeper, A. G. Hendren, of Wilkes. Oonduotor, G. H. Glover, of Rowan. Chaplain, Rev. G. M. Duke, of Franklin. Executive Committee, W. B. Gibacn, of Iredell; 0. Wright, of Wilkes; W. H. Moore, of Pitt; Clarence Poe, of Wake, and R. H. Stone, of Gnilford. The farmers went squarely on record as being opposed to spend ing aqy more money for an in crease in the Navy and the Army of the country. They were vigor ous in their opposition to this pol- ioy of the President. That reso lution follows: "Whereaa it now appears that a measure will be put on foot at our National Congress at its next ses sion asking for an enormous jn orease in its appropriationsjor the increase in the n umbef-bf bttttle- ships bail t and also ltr-increasiDg the enrollment .in oar standing army; under the plea of being prepared to protect our country against the invasion of any and all belligerent oountries to make war against our country, therefore be it "Resolved, That we, the Farm ers Union of North Carolina, be ing a peaoably inclined people, hereby enter our protest sg.inst any and all material increase in appropriation for this purpose," Hold Dairy Schools InlStanlj. Under the supervision of J. A. Arey and J. L. Graybill, dairy soho.ls began Monday. Sohools will be held & various points through thsT county until Deoem ber 9. The sobedule is as follows : Smith's sohoolhouse, Nov. 22. Advanoe sohoolhoute, Nov. 29. Fairview sohoolhouse, Nov. 24. Davidson County: Fredonia sohoolhouse, Nov. 26. Holly Grove sohoolhouse, Nov. 27. Rowan County: Woodleaf sohoolhouse, Nov 29. Gold Knob sohoolhouse, Nov . 80. - Lowers 6one sohoolhouse, Deo. 12 Bostian sohool house, Dec . 8 4 Iredell County: Ccld Spring sohoolhouse, Deo. 6 Trinity sohoolhouse, Deo 7. Gilbert sohoolhouse, Deo. 8 Oak Ridge sojoolhouse, Deo. 9 Cbamberlaln's Tablet. This is a medioine intended ei pecially for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. It is meeting with much sucoess and rapidly gaining in favor and po pularity. Obtainable everywhere. Hinest Hons Fair at Livingstone. The faculty students and friends of Livingstone College and Indus trial Sohool are conducting a har vest home fair at the college this week beginning Monday aud olos ing Saturday. They have numer ous splendid exhibits from the farm, shop, school and hemes. It is a show worth seeing and indi cates that the Negro is keeping step with modern life andt is pro gressing as fast, as the white man, if not faster. The daily programs are interesting. Fatal Siootisi at Eastipeieer Bast Spencer's death record by the pistol route added" , inother victim Sunday morning about ana o'clock. Era Clark did the shooting and Will Mills 0 ttn bullet's. These Negrojs were friends and got into a dispute whei; Clark decided to stop the gament. He shot twice, Jtne etc ond bullet penetrated thet heart andcauied initant death. Qproner Summerset was called and.'after holding an inquest comniitted Clark to jail without bond tg awsit a hearing in tbe Supertof AJouit ih HsaioD Clark attemntefl now to - fiaoftfae and had eonensome distance when overtaken bWepu ties Graham and Nash, Rowan Superior Court In Session. The November term of thefRow JL. ' an Sanflrior Oonrt convened Mon day morning with his hpuor, Judge H. P. Lane presidingLand Hayden Clement, Esq , prosecu ting. Judge Lane callcd the jury's attention to their duties a clear and specific manner cid as is customary gave tbem to under stand that a large responsibility rested upon them in the enforce ooent of law and the diminisbment of crime. The grand jury is composed of O. 0. Harrington, foreman j-L. J, Kluttz, J. A. Peeler, . & Overossh, J, A. BlabkwelderV B. Bailey, Gilbert lsenhouF;;" L Kimball, J- L fffird, .T.J, r Swicegood, C. W. Beaver, M L. Rodgera, R. A. Bller, Murry Pal er, John R. Beaver, I. Cowan Shaver, S. F. Lazenby, fl. 0. Farmer. - .. Again there are three oases for inurdtr to be considered to wit ; Fiossie Rose, who recently killed niuawLilwtieJiibe Maims vrasTvacoidrhtaTI MfdSey book, who with others killed Gamevrell Jeffries over a game of oards at Granite Quarry several months ago, and Ira Clark who snot Will Mills in Bast Spencer Sunday morning. Clark olaims be shot iu eit defense, but was trying to get away. Tberti are qaite a number of other cases on the docket inclu ding a charge of robbery, ftrgery and an attempt to murder Ken neth Brown, the night olerk at the passenger station, against S The following cases hav9 been uisuc.ed of: Heury Samoraid titfnrd Freeman, affray. -fouudMaiian suooesses is contained in a " - r m VSI & tfuilly and taxed with costs; Efwport issued by the Serbian Le- IT I r : J r. . I . n 1 n'w V cjuy, given tour moutQB; son ai- . i n .i liscn, selling liquor, found guilty and fiu9d $75 and costs. TheciseofD.L Brown com- iug up fiom the County Court was affirmed, the seutence being fif teen months on tbe gang, four hundred dollars fine and confisca tion of his automobile. He was given until Monday morning to dispose of his business. S. P. Starues, was-found guilty of breaking into the passenger station and plead guilty forging names to the mileage books whioh ho attempted to use. Sentence has not been imposed nor has he ben tried for the assault on Ken neth Brown. Owing to the serious illness of Judge Lane's child in South Caro lina, fee adjourned oonrt until Friday and left yasterday morn ing. Hows This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able tc carry out any obligation made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COM- MERCE, Toledo, O. H ill's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting directly upon kbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonals sent f iesv Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. - nan Hal Greece . Demobilize Melioit: The AlteiDiUiB Is to Fulfill Tmt Obliga tlons to Serbia; If Neither Figbt; Nov 21. Field Marshal Lord Kitchener has left Athens for oth er fields of diplomatic or military action in the Near Bast. . ms m ineiusure policy or ureece is still undefined (ffioislly but die pa tohes from the Gieek Capital quote the Government organ Em- bros as affirming that Lord Kitoh .. v ener receivea formal assurance from King Constantino and his Ministers that Greeoe in no case would take steps hostile to the En tente Powers and that a solution of the differences would be found. A commeroial blockade of Greeoe has been deolared by the Entente Powers, acoording to a newt agenoy dispatch which quotes a note issued. by. thftBrit- ifh "Legation iu Athens saying that the step was taken beoause oi the attitude of the Hellenio Gov ernment "in regard to certaiL questions tbuohing closely the se curity and liberty of action to which the Allied troops have the right under the conditions of their disembarkment on Greek terri tory." ' It is added that while it is not the intention of the Allied Powers to con at ram Greeoe to abandon her neutrality, the Allied Govern ments "have been somewhat dis turbed by certain allusions to eventual measures, whioh if taken by the Hellenio Government would appear to them to be contradic tory to assuranoer they have re ceived ." - - When doubts on the subject are dispelled, the note says,, the Al lied Powers will remove the ob stacles. - . Whatever may -be the . inten tions of -the Greekr Government there. si&inslhM anxj: batement mihe feeling Of former Premier Venixelos and his follow ers that the duty of Greece lies with the Serhs and the Entente Allies. At a meeting in Athens they deoided to urge pon-partioi-pation by their party in the com iug general election on the ground that in the' event of another vic tory ac the polls they would not be able to put the policy of Veni selos into effect. Meanwhile the Teukonia Allies continue their absorption of Ser bian territory, The only devia tion from the oustomary daily re port of Austro -German and Bui- gation at Rome whioh annonnoes an important Serbian victory at Liskovats m the Nish district af ter a battle lasting several days. According to the Legation the Bulgarian losses were enormous. The operations in southern Ser bia are still somewhat beclouded. On the French fiont in the ex treme southeast quiet prevails. Of the sitaation around Monastir, however, nothing official has oome through but unofficial- advices say that the British have arrived there and are being reinforoed. A Buoharest dispatch is authority for the statement that the first contingent of German troops has arrived at Constantinople. Gorizia, the key to Triest, is still under heavy bombardment oy the Italian guns and Rome olaims further suooesses here and also on the Carso plateau and in the Zagora seotor. Vienna admits that at Oslavia the Italians succeeded in penetra ting the Austrian lines, but de clares that most of the position was reoaptured and that extreme ly violent attaoks against Podgora also were repulsed. Along the western front in Franoe and Belgium and on the eastern line in Russia there have been mining and artillery opera tions wbion nave resulted in no important changes of positions. London, Nov. 21. The Bntente Allies have demanded that Greeoe either fulfill their treaty obliga tions to Serbia or demobilize and to impress King Oonstantine that they mean what they say, the Al lies hve declared a commeroial I blockade of the Hellenio Empire, Conference Cte; . Thja Western N. 0. Conference of the Methodist Ohuroh, whioh hag been in session at Reidsville, after deciding to meet at Gastpnia next year and making the annua appointments olosed Monday af ternoon The appointments for the Salisbury district are as fol lows ; J. 0. Rowe, Presiding elder. Albemarle; Central, R. G. Tat tle, C M.Gentry, superLumerary; First Street. W. 8. Hales; Albe marie vircmt, u. f, Starr, sup pl. Badin, to be supplied. Bethel and'Love s Chapel. W. I Hughes. China Grove and Landis. P. E. Parker. Concord; Central, M. F. Moores ;'Epworth and Centre, A. 8. Upr; Forest Hill, O. M. Short; Westford, R L. Forbis; Vet Couoord, R 0. Brady; Con j nd Cironit, P. L. Terrell. Oottouville, Z V, Johnson. 3 ld Hill, J W. Strider. Kinnapohs Station, P. W. Pucker Ksnnapolis Circnir, S. L. Owen. supply. Mount Pleasant', G. A. Stamperv New London, E. J. Poe. Norwood, R, M. Saylor, J. D. Rankin junior preaoher. Oakboro Cironit, to be supplied. Salem, A. L. Ooburn, supply. Salisbury ; Fint Ohuroh, T. F, Man ; Park Avenue, G. W. Vick ; South Main Street, J. H Bren. dall, A. H. Whisner, supernu merary; Salisbury Cironit, R, C. Kirk. jSpenoer, C. M. Pickens; Bast Spencer and North Main Street S.B. Ridhardson. -r Woodleaf, J . . W. Kennedy- mi youiwUOB evangeaee.i oouMtaacjiioiiowmg the Europtran war. Main Street Quarterly Oohferehce,' i;Taylpi; v. J . U . Kowe back as nrestding elder, and Rev. X, F, Marr, as paatorof the First Ohuroh Thej are muoh liked and highly esteem ed! here " H . Beware of Cheap Snbitltutes, la these days of keen oompetion is important that the pub it lid should see that they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and uot take substitutes sold for the sake of extra profit. Ohamber- ain's Cough Remsdy has stood the test and been approved for more than forty years. Obtain able everywhere. according to dispatches from Ath- ens; Therf is no confirmation of these statements available here out it is very-certain that Lord Kitchener, the British War Secre tary, who had an hours audience with the King of Greeoe yesterday and' afterward saw Premier Skou- loodiBf took a firm stand and told them what the Allies could and would do unless the demands were conceded. The'Greei Cabinet met' to. con sider the situation and a few hours should , show what Greece's future attitude will be. The Greek Government has again af firmed its friendliness to the Al lies but has not yet taken the steps required to prevent Greeoe from being counted among the friends of the Central Powers. BriaiMialkCroTil W. J. Bryan spoke in the Colo nial ' Theatre here last Thursday night tea .mall audience, the re sult of a down pour of rain. He 4s introduced by his personal friend, Hon. Theo. F. Klnttz, and oni the stage with him were Hou Jojhn S. Henderson, who was i former Colleague of Mr. - Bryan in. the House of 'Representatives along in the nineties.. Rev Byron Olerk and-Judee P." 8. Carlton Mr. Bryan delivered his set speeoh on! the subjeot: "The European War and its Lessens to Us,' whioh has been published several times. WMIW. VH WVI WW, W W.W. . IMMMHI. ..WW .Ml W. Tht wont ce,iiinariei'wf W loev Basdinr. axe c-rea or ue. woaaenav 014. reuabie Dr. portAiaegtieHg Ba f ifniiihtuluiv d3 Has a Ufaf Plan mt lata itf lua AsKiifirbitit Piapli. : Washington, Nov. si,Pmi. dent -Wilson will devotej muohlcf his time this week to ocrapletinx bis third annual message to Ooxm eress whioh ha nlana tntrMi) nM. sonally at a joint meeting of the Senate and House on Deaemh 7 He has given instructions tnat none but very important engage ments be made for him. . . The president is working , hard to have the message in the hands of the publio printer before Thanksgiving Day. He- has . de clared on the chief features after careful consultation with aloa advisers, and is now writing it out on his typewriter. Although the, president may ubt refer to all of the subjeoti in his message at the opening of Congress the program which he hO DOS Atl BOA d 1 anna Ail n Inn1ni4a i . M. www .nn- Ww iWIUUf. . Strengthening , the army and uavy l n accordance with the plans outlined by secretaries Gar rison and Daniels. A merchant marine bill. Rural credits legislation. Ratification of the Haitian Col ombian and Nicaraguan treaties. The bill to give greater meas ure Of self sovernman. tn tk Philipinet and promising ultimate independence. v r..... Conversation measures whioh failed of final past age at the last session, ; . Amendment of the anti-treat laws so as to allow the use of eem- mon selling age no iss abroad by American exporter! . ation to protect the American market .against the Amendment of the -Sherman"" iw-tiatrnakJaw fv, :ih ederelvBrnmeat ku, pjjsecme niots ' so ; lntxriara A ' '-'''- - m r with American commerce bv blow- ing up factories and ships. The administration ; also is in terested in the efforts to establish budget BjBtem for co-ordinating v expenditures and revenues of the government and in a cloture rule for the Senate. The president. however, is not expected to take a direot part on the cloture fight. Rheumatism and Allied Palaa Moat Oo. The consestion of. tha hlond in its floVcauBes pain. Sloan's Lini ment penetrates to tbe congestion and starts the blood to flow free ly. The body's warmth is renew ed ; the paiu is gone. The "man or woman who has rheumatism. ueuralgia or other nain and fails to keep Sloan's Liniment in their nome is use a drowning man re fusing a rope." Why suffer. Get a bottle of Sloan's. 25o . and 60o. $1 00 bottle holds six times as much as 25o. size. Salisbury Factorj Gets Ortfer for 1000 Mattresses. The Taylor Mattress Factory. WW, . .w ager, has just received a contract for one thousand mattresses from the American Aluminium Com pany for use at Badin. Several oar loads have already been shipp ed and others will follow as fast as they oan be manufactured. This is the b.'2a:est order received lv ww J the Salisbury faotory aud it is gratifying to know its product wins on merit on the open market. A Fine Whooping Cough Remedy. Mothers. Dr. Ball's Pine-Tar-Honev is last the remedy for your children's cold ailments. The faot ia that pine is a quick enemy of oold conditions. Its qualities loosen the mucous in the throat, soothe the lungs and open up the air passages. The combination of hoaey, soothing and pleasant, with the loosening pine quality makes this an ideal oongh remedy for children. Each pts-mg cyear brings for it, new friends. A family of growing children cannot afford to be without it. 25o a bottle'. f er Premnt Printing oaii at the Real Salisbury Printing Offioa, ISO West Innes St., up stairs-. 1 . - . Thb WATCHMiJi and RlOOSI

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