The A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of tjie Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental A flairs. tlQWERS COLLECTION VOL XL NO. 51. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, G, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 1915. wm. h. Stewart, ed. AUD peo? ft ft How PiMic Sctool. are WicM Wkf art the Romanists Organizing and TirrJening Bloodshed? The Menace. Of all tha methods of the Ro manists to cripple and destroy the publio school system by impairing its efficiency, none is more effect ive than the prevention of the erection of buildings adequate for aeoomodattou of all papils , This is don through Romish obstruo tiooists on boards of education, the difficulties inter posed by Romish fity officials in the obtaining of building permits,, and the raiding Of school fuDdi by Romish free I footers. A fair example of tbese tactics is found in the action?of liitchel, New York City's Knight iof Oolombus may r, in vetoing a ibond issu for the night schcole and following this by slashing four ; million dollars from the general isjohools appropriation. Tfee ef fsotive results of this Romish war lare against our free sobools and in favcr of the parochial school can bt seen in tht following x cjrpt from the report of Commis jidoner Hall which was hcludUd in tjie offioial report cf the beard of education of Biughamton, N. Y.. aipd published iu the Press cf that city for Oct. 26, lOip." At Jarvis street fis Stone re ports 620. registered There are 3$2 in the kindergarten, 80 of whioh cannot peak English, and they have to sit on the chairs, and on tables, ard on the floor. There is! a gain of 101 oyer last June. The seven A has to go to Laurel avenue, she seven B ar d six A to ibe truant room in Clinton street, inhere Mr. Mary Clark and Miss lipQoweu have .charge of them. In, one roc m, 40x60, there are 172 Supils The playground is greatly Depreciated. The school spirit ii tnpre than usually satisfactory, aa reason 1 -r tb crowded coud i fin over there is because of the transference of a class (from the parochial sohool into Jarvi9 street. This was done by the desire of the parents, because out of a class of nearly forty, ranging in ages from is to ten years, that has been to the parochial school over two years, not one can read a word of anything intelligently -and the parents desire that they shall come to a aohool where they will be taught in the proper wiy. The teeobers in the parochial sohool have been young girls and bys from a grade equal to the seventh grade in St Mary 's Home that nave been employed as extra teachers over there, and their own rowded condition wae each that it was impossible to properly take ears of the. children. They are perfectly happy Vin that sohool, only they mourned for their papils that have gone out into other schools, and the teachers cry be cause they . wSit their children back here. By. building more rooms this could be accomplished, Do You Get Tills? If those confident persons wb& 'nyariabiy pooh-pooh all warnings that the Roman Oitholic hier- erjohy is preparing for armed act ion in America could read, as does The Menace staff; all the boldly militant statements which arpear in the papal press, they might al ter somewhat ,thur viens cn the matter and feel a sense of security It is ntarly certain that the crisis f of f iolence will come when the pa triots of this" counjtry refuse to surrender the public school to the ready handiof Rom. Let ell parsons wharaj skeptical cn this subject ponder the following frank and significant utteianoe, merely a speoimen 0$many others in va rious Romish papers, taken from the Catholic Union and Times, an authoritative mouthpiece of the hierarchy inbSer lea. Its mean ing oan not .mistaken by the most unmindful, and it ihould leave no doubt as to the true fane lion of thafcfujtry armed and care inTy drilled, military organisa tion, he.KigliCi of Columhus. Thdat of vtKis it-m is N v 27. 1918, exaoj&twa years ago. Read it, yon mery oprimists, and then eaajbayouTTdo a httle leas laugh Bof an CoM MM Colored Woman S?of op Eight Uoatbs far KHIiog Her Husband. Judsre Shaw finished no the C7 criminal docket of Rowan court Wednesday afternoon and the civ il oases go over to the next term. Flossie Rose, the Negro woman who killed her husband under what was considered most justi fiable oiroumstanoes, plead guilty of manslaughter and was sent up for eight months with permission to the commissioners to hire her out. She proved an excellent character by bcth white and col ored and there were several appli cations to take her for hire Ira Clark, Negro, plead guilty or mur der in the second degree and. was sent up for 20 years He kilted another Negro in Jfiast Spencer, Judge Shaw ordered E. H. Hooper into cm tody of the sheriff until he gets an answer to a letter he had written Judge Lane re garding Hooper's sentence for three months. Judge Lane, who last week heard Hooper's plea of gailty forfthe larceny of a cow wired Judge Shaw that the sen tence should be three montha but with permission to hire. . In the meantime Judge Shaw had writ ten Judge Lane that he tried the joung men who were working for Hooper and that they had done thres months' time. Their trial took place while Hooper was out of town and he thought Hooper should have the same kind of sen tence. If Judge Lane replies to this letter and is still of the opin ion that Hooper should be hired out this will be done. Otherwise Hooper must go to the roads. Hooper at the time of the alleged larceny was running a meat mark et and wsa a well known business man of the city. It seems that the original sentence, that Hooper serve a term with privilege to oe hired out by the commissioners, has been definitely settled. Lee Savage, escape, mistrial, nol pros with leave. Bill Davis, laroeny and beating board bill, not guilty. Henry and J. brown, liquor case going up from County court, $800 and $500 and oost respec tively. Will Johnon, assault with deadly weapon, sixty days. Will Miller, colored, house breaking, gailty; jary asks mercy or prisoner. John Gant, embezzlement, six mouths. The case against Bosey Cook, the Granite Quarry Negro, for murder was continued for the State. Anoeher Negro implicated -in thiB killing, the victim being Gamewell Jeffries, is at large. Iu the case of Walter Leverett, t a a young wpite ocy wno nas been givining the officers trouble, the judgment of the court was: 'It is now on motion for judgment ordered and adjudged that he be placed under the supervision and direction of the probation officer for the term of eighteen months." George Brewer for Assault with deadly weapon gets ten months on the roads and in a ease for carrying concealed weapons judg ment is suspended for two years daring good behavior. The oases against the trainmen charged with responsibility for the wreck in the Salisbury yards on the night of November 24th was continued and the defendants required to give a bond of $1,000 eaoh. ing about the harmless hierarchy : Five thousaud Knights of Ool- unions attenaea a speoiai vesper a . . a service at Saint Patrick's oathe dral,in New York, last Snnday afternoon, celebrating the 1600th anniversary of the Edict of Con stantino. It is good to see this fine society justifying Its exist ence. Just imagine what tbeBe a a a nve tncussna nusxy is as, rein forced many times five thousaud from other places, will do when arrives the psychological moment for an outbreak. for PfOBOt PflBllBK call at the Rea Salisbury Printing Offios, ISO West Innes St., up tain. Graii Jin its Spacer . OeexnolTfciBk UucnofThs "Law and Or der" Administration T&ere. Every now and then we have a real grand jury, one that under stands what needs to be done and does not hesitate to do it. Of such was the last one as its report, given below, will indicate. The Watchman does not rejoioe that conditions are such in our neigh bor town as to justify the grand jury, whioh was oompesed of hon est and capable men, in making the charges and recommendations it did. Rather we would have it the reverse, but if the charges are true, whioh we have no reason to doubt, it waa right and proper that the jury should have taken aotion. It seems that the mayor of Spenoer, wh ie also the recor der, has oalled a meeting lor Fri day night to disousB the mailers, when, we presume thoser making the charges, have done so in good faith, thoroughly understand the situation, have the Leoeisary evi dence, will be on hand, will not Ije howled down and will give a good acoount of themselves. The grand jury's aeport ib as follows: N irth Carolina, Rowan County t November Term Superior Court, 1015. To His Honor, Judge Thos. J. Shaw, presiding: We, the Grand Jury of Novem. ber Term beg to report as follows : We have acted on all bills of in dictments presented by the Solici tor and on all other matters brought to our attention . By committee we inspected the Sheriff's office, offices of Clerk of the Superior Court, Treasurer's and Register of Deeds and found same in ft neat, olean condition and the publio doouments and reoords in all offices are neatly and cleanly kept, in files where they are properly protected and of easy access for reference . By committee we visited the county jail aud found same to be in sanitary condition. We found that the heating f i oilities are not sufficient aud re commend that one more radiator be placed in a suitable plaoe. We find everything in good shape at work house, in olean con dition.' At the county home we find twelve inmates, eight white and four color d, a home that ev ery citizen of Rowan county should be proud of, -although we fjuLd some repairs on nouse snon as patching of roof badly needed, on acoount of leakage, and recom mend that m)re help be furnish? d the Superintendent, By committee we visited con vict camp No. 1, we find 16 oolor ed and 4 white convicts all we)! fed, oared for and clothed and n sickness, the stock is also in good condition. At camp No. 2 we find 17 color ed and 8 white oouviots. Ou? of whom is sick. We rcoommend that a la'ger oookiog department be furnished this camp in 6 very other respect we find it in good sanitary condition. The floating oamp is in good working order, we find 11 convicts in this camp. "We beg to report .that we have thoroughly examined conditions as they exist in the town of Spen ber with regard to the enforcement of the law and hive examined a number of prominent witnesses of Spencer and we find that the criminal law i not being duly and properly enforced, and we also find that the reocrder's court of Spencer is a useless and unneces sary court. We also find that all the business transacted in the re corder's court of Spenoer can be transacted in the Rowan County oourt whioh is a court for the whole connty. rnereiore we re commend that that the Spencer recorder's oourt be abolished." . Respectfully submitted . O. O. Habrington, . Foreman grand jury. i Bear This la Mind. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by fa? the best medicine in the market for oolde and croup," says Mrs. Albert Blosser, Lima, Ohio. M&nv I others are of the same opinion . Obtaiaabla everywhere. T, Bapiisr State Cooieatiif Met la CbirloVe L-uiil urg, Dec. The eighty fifth auuul eessioif of the BaptUt State Conv n ion, opened Iue?da evening, Dcemlri?, in the au ditorium of the First Baptitt church of Charlott, gives every indication of beinjj spiced with interesting featur&i,ai.d of being fraught with the &ott momen tous and far resoling results of any convention held within the last decade and a hajf. The Pas tor's C Deference began Monday night with a sjrnton by Rev. Bruce Benton, Rockingham Dr. A. T. Robertson, of j he Louisville Seminary, And Dr. fa. G. Evans, Fa., made the principal addresses Tuesday. V The convention opened with the introductory sermon jbv Dr. Thos. W. O'Kelley, pastor of the First Baptist ohuroh of Rleigh.' Tuesday evening, at 7:80. The organiza tion of the body followed. Perhaps the one outstanding feature of the convention will be the election of a oorrespoding sec retary to take the place of Dr. Livingtston Johnsoowho resign ed some we ks ago to aooept the pastorate of the First Baptist ohnrch of Rooky Mount. Dr. Johnson bat held this' position fitteeu yean, five years longer than juy one elBe has ever held it, and led the missionary forces of the Baptists of this State to signal vio lories . His recent triumph in raising more than $66,000 for State missions, thus enuabling his board to go to the convention with praotioally a clean sheet, is perhaps the most notable of all his victories. Boy-id and Von Pap-a Oisoissid by Uncle Sua. Washington, Dec. 8. Immedi ate wivhdrawal of Oapt Karl Boy- Ed and CapiFrarr n respectively naval military at taches of the German Embassy, has been requested by the State Department. In making formal announoement of this action late today. Secretary LaLsing said the littiches had rendered themselves persona uon grata to the Uaited StateB Government by improper activities iu connection with naval aud military matters. Th secretary acted with the fail approval of President Wilson, who is understood to have determ ined that the United States shall be rid of for feign officials who make themselves obnoxious by activity harmful to the best inter ests of the Nation. The tate Departm-nt made its rqiest three days ago through Couut Barnstoiff, the German AmLaesador. Laughter Aids Digestion. Laughter is "ne of the most heaitbfui exertions; it is of great uelp tc digestion. A still more effectual help is a dose of Cham berlain's Tablets. If yon should troubled with indigestion give them a trial. They oost a quar ter. Obtainable everywhere. ,- Gerrnaos Scared, in September. London, Deo. 6. The Lausanne correspondent of The Times claims to have accurate information frm Berlin that the Germans got a tremendous fright during the Anglo-French offensive the eid of September and that at Brus sels all the papers and belongings of the headquarters- staff stood for three dajs packed on motor cars ready fpr instant flight be- caoea ihe staff feared the offen sive would succeed. As tne Germans are stiu in a state of alarm the correspondent ooutinues they propose in January to make a desperate offensive at tack of their own on the western front ar d to this end the Krupps are working feverishly to prepare a - -k the necceisary nig guns ana ma terial. "Supposing this attack fails," the correspondent continues they b a ve another card so play . The Pcpe and President Wilson will he invited by Germany to iuitate prcosediogs for- the proclamation of peace. This is the explanation of Prince von Buelow'e visit to Switzerland and his negotiation! there with the Vatican." State News Ileus News Concentrated tor Those wno Want fo Know About Home Attairs. At a meeting of the Iredell Poultry Association held last week it was unanimously decided ; to hold the next annual poultry shbw at Statesville January 5. 6, 7 and 8. Statesville and Iredell have made quite a reputation on their poultry shows and it is the pur pose to sustain that good reputa tion in this season's exhibition. Officers of the' association for the ensuing year were elected as fol lows : R. A. Cooper, president ; D, Matt Thompson, vice presi dent; B. L. Sronce, secretary and treasurer; K. L, Miller, aiBistant secretary and treasurer; J. D. Cochrane, superintendent and general manager of the show rooib. Around Newport. Carteret Co , there are alligators in abundauc and they arexsometimes a menc to pedestrians. However, it was not until a few days ago that one of the critters had the honor of holding up the United States mai for a period of two hours. The alligator in question was encoun tered by a rural carrier a short way out of Newport and he at once exhibited signs of preventing anyone from passing that point oif the road in which he was lying. Mr . R. F. D. carrier at onoe drew his revolver and fired seveh bul lets into the critter, but these proved of no avail and it was no until a shotgun was brought intt aotion that his alligatorship was dispatched. When the smoke of battle had finally cleared away it was found thst the oonfliot had consumed more than two hours. Jaok Bivins, a negro of some 60j odd or 70 years, was struck and instantly killed by a west bound Seaboard passenger train six milei Friday afteTrnidh B.vins, in oompany with three other negroes, was walking in at cut and attempted to cress the traok in front of the looomotive, some part of which struck him in the temple. Bivins lived at Marshville. News of a bold but unsuccessful attempt at robbery took plaoe at Ernal station, a few miles from New Bern, Thursday night. An unknown negro entered the small grocery store of L M. Basden at that plaoe, who had gone down to the railway station for a few min utes, and, being alcne, there was nothing for Mrs. Basden to do but to open the cash drawer and hand out the cash according to the blaok's request. She went arouud in the rear of. the counter, opened the drawer and instantly picked up a revolver whioh was lying iu the drawer. Aiming the weapon at the Negro she pulled the trigger and fired a bullet at him. The black at onoe made a hasty re treat. Lse Jarvil, one of the three par ticipants in the shooting up of the home of W. M. Mehaffee in New hope Township, Iredell County, a week ago Saturday, surrendered to the Iredell County officers Sat urday morning 'phoning Sheriff Deaton to come for him whioh the sheriff did, bringing the prisoner baok with him. Jarvis was given a preliminary hearing before Mag istrate W. J. Laseuby, confessing to his part in the shooting, and in default of a $500 bond, was com mitted to jail. Jarvis gave as his reason for surrendering, the fact that he was tired of lying out in the woods in the oold and in addi tion his wounds reoeived in the battle with Mehaffee were troub ling him. It was found that more than 55 No. 6 shot had pene t rated his leg just below the thigh and in addition he had severe shot in his lett nana ana one in his stomach. In his confession today Jarvis implicated ' Joe Nioh olson, father of Rush Nicholson, one of the men said to have been in the crowd that did the shoot incr. and stated that the elder Nicholson, who has a bad repute tion both in Iredell and Wilkes 0ountiesr was a blookader and bad man. waa tha father of the German Pfotlerc Mncefr Indications irs That Eastern and Westers Gonspiiatois Were Working Together. wew xork, Dee. 4. Dr. Karl Buens, George Kotter andAdolph Haohmeister of the Hamburg American line recently convicted or conspiracy to duraud the Uai- ted States Government, were sen- tenoed today to serve one and a half years in the Federal peniten tiary at Atlanta. Joseph Pop- piuguaaa was sensenoea to one year." The Hamburg-American line was fined $1. Bail was fixed at $10,000 in eaoh case and was acoepted from a sure ty company. The trial of Dr . Buenz and hV associates was the culmiuation of an investigation begun last Winter oy Federal agents into the char tering and sailing of oertain vea- us from Ameuoan ports in Aa-I as, septembfcr and December, 1914. It waa charged that these ves 4ib, concealing their purpose by (Alee mauifeata and clearance pa pers, were engaged in supplying provisions to German cruisers vhioh were raiding E a ten te com merce in the South Atlantic Ocean. Judge Howe overruled motions of the defense for dismissal of the verdict on the ground that it was I contrary to the evidence and law. Of absorbing interest in the de United States District Attorney oision cf the Supreme court from a. .onowaea marsnaii, moving j sentence, said it was "his painful duty to ask for substantial pun-1 ishmant, not as muoh for its ef- I feots on the defendants but to sei ve as a warning to others." Washington, Deo. 4, After weeks of investigation covering the entire country, Department of I Justice officials were convinced tc-1 night that they had under arresi 1 moeK of the jmen, implicated M plots to interfere . with American J oommerce in munitions of war. I The arrest today in San Fran; I oisoo of Baron von Brinoken, who I claims to be oonneoted with the, I office of the German Consul Gen-1 eral there, is regarded here as one I of the most important made in several weeks. The baron, accord-! I ing to the information here, was a prominent figure iu the plans of C. O. Crowley, arrested in the same city charged with plots against munition factories. More arrests are t ) be made in the Crowley case and important developments are looked for when all the witnesses the Government is seeking reach San Franoisco and give their testimony. Although officials would not ad mit that a direot connection has been established between the Crow- ey plots and those in whioh Lieut. Robert Fay and his accomplices were implicated in New York, it is understood many facts point to such a oonneotion. If this proves true, , the Department expeots within a few weeks to have com pletely defeated plans Nationwide to interfere with munition ship- ments in the Jliait to England, France and Italy, and in the West to Russia. plot to shoot up the MehaffeesJ Their original plan, said Jarvis was to kill the entire family and then burn the house. He said tnatit was nicnoison tnat turn- .a . aa . m ished the whiskey presumably to get their nerve up for the shoot - ing, made all tlje plans and bribed the three men charged with the shooting to attempt the dastardly deed in which they failed. None of the othor fugitives have been apprehended up to this time. The elder Nicholson w as arrested chergtd with complicity in the plot to kill Jhe Mehaffee family, and was placed in jail until Mon day when he was given a prelimi nary hearing. Owes Iter Good Health to Ghamherlaia's Tibial!. owe my gooa neaitn e. Chamberlain's Tablets," writet Mrs. R. G. Neff, Crookston, Ohioo Two years ago I was an invalid due to stomach trouble. I took boiBs uumw ui mB saoiesa aua nave uiuce ooou in sue oess ot ft.i.i. a al! ii i isasun maamanta wfwxywnere. Ktl,iprlw This and the Affinatiei ef Tkrn Duti Senteices Stores Coart's Brief Wert Raleigh, Deo. 1 .The uphold- ing of the North Carolina quart law and the affirmation ofKthm death sentenceVjfave today'a de- oision of the Supreme court of North Carolina state-wide inter- eit. The liquor act of the 1916 gen- oral assembly stands and all judges who have deoided cases ia the lower courts are affirmed. Tha solitary oase that has been carried up from below was deoided today after a reeess of several montha dded to the fall sitting. The decision today came no earl ier than it was expected. Near the olose of the spring term a ape cial order was made of a Wake county case bnt theqourt adjourn- ed without attempting any agree ment. A deoiiion of 16 ftvrja r written pages is handed down and a hand-to-hand readme? shoara that the lawyers have read it more than they havedone any other in months. Three murderers who find no help from the court are Jim. Coop er, oi Rowan, who killed Luanda Prios, and George Poston and Er nest Lowry of Gaston, who killed Grant Davis for the Dnrnosa of robbery, .worsu uarouna nanded down in &be oase of Glenn vs. the Southern Express oompany. The opinion of the conrt is elab- orate and is wiitten by Justice Al Men. The constitutionality, of the Webb Kenyon law is oonsidered end npheld. In passing npen the constitutionality of that act tha court says: 'Gongren has not attempted to delegate the, power D "41 te or to grant a power not possessed by the State or to adopt State laws. It has taken oourse and made its'bwn regulation applying to these subjeotl of interstate oommerce one eommon rule whose uniformity is not affected by va- nations in state laws in dealing th sujh property. ' Applying this principle to the North Carolina statute, the oourt holds that inasmuch as the Webb- Kenyan aot makes it unlawful for intoxicating liquors to be reoeived tu any state in violation of the laws of that state and as the North Carolina quart law makes it unlawful for a citizen to receive more than oue quart of liquor within 15 days, tne North Caro lina statute is properly linked np with the federal statute and tthat therefore the judgment of the oourt below holding that the plain tiff was not entitled to recover this liquor was correct." 1 he Raleigh' base will go to the United;States Supreme oourt if it oan be carried. It is purely a tea t and tne express oompany is as kaufcleman wno mig. fchft thir.t narlora And Trill at taIv nrn tha I w mmmj wsvm MW express War Uaon Paint Pain is a visitor to every home and usually ia cornea quite, unex-, peoteaiy. ifut you are prepared lor Vx VJl?7 " y J" P ! hand- It ia kha areatait nRin I " XT killer evr cnmvrA fl.mni. I laid on the skiu-no rubbing re- 1 quired it drives., the pain away. It is really wonderful. Marvin H. Soister, Berkeley, Oal writes: "Last Saturday, after tramping around the tPana- ma Exposition with wet feet. I came home with my neck so stiff that loonldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, next morning the stiffness had almost disappeared, four hours after the seoond application I was as good as new." March, 1915. At Druggists. 25c, Bin Sapper at Slooii'i StM There will be a box snnner at the Sloop "school honae. flhin Grove Township. Diitnat Nn 7- on Saturday msht nmk.. utn. liivsrybody is invited- to ome. All airla .ra ftrAl.t A l . . . a " " v nott lyi, kw BIV if 4 m V v -i it ;. - - - M. : . . - -

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