The ftflWERS COLUCTIQN A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest ef the Peopie and forlEonesty in Governmental Afiairs, VOL XI. NO. 52. FOTJBTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, a, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15TH, 1915. Wm H. STEWART, ED. AOT) PBO? : Loots Lite ScWf Ha.i Di3 i Priistffki Rb Bed and cot op a 6in oil It Eucincalid. The Menace. Death waits at the eleotnc ohair to claim Pritst Hani Sohmidt, tie lteherous brute wbo killed his sweetheart. Add a AnmaUer, and lacked her body to pieces. The Court of Appeals at Albany, N. YM having upheld the verdict of tha lower court unanimously Schmidts laal hope ia gone, with one except Han. exe entire olemenoy. It is tferdly probable that any farther " tatsrrerence trill be made with the oUtSe of jastioe. Tha insanity dodie failed and every other pos- ?sibl itodi of eioape wm tried Without success. Shams, subter f fuges, oonfessious and repudi, tionsdid not avail and there ia nothing left for Priest Sohmidt bat to take his medioine. Perhaps tha,,. execution cf Sshsaidt may serve as a warniug ! other priests who are proua to is their peculiar position to pro mot oertain iuiquitous enterprises At any rats, Haus Sofcmidt is not "ao saush to blams as is the dia bolical syitsm of secrecy and ar. rgranoe which Borne is foisting apm America as a religion and a ekuroh. The closted convents, -which are not closed to priests ; 4he eonfessional, whioh gives op portunity to probe iuto the mot; inner reossses of lunooent mindt and plant the seed of dangerou knowledge whioh may drag down , $q rain ; thecommaud of obedience arnica saakes the communicant la iliti of tha church and so wpen to Ike advances of lecherous priests; the horrible hypecrisy which .asks ruin in religion, ihase, sm centuriss of schooling tin aurers;ti i and treachery, are Ike .fiiuga that have made the s)tieeV -od a urauaoe to life, ft end edaaion. 8:me of the ftftteA eh t rioters, noted for their nofligaey are priest Denes, of I9eltt Moot. , who u now serving a : twemty-year sentence in the pen Tteatiarr for a serious crime; Priest Mullen of Chicago who kill - 4t ike aged station agent at Hill side, 111., while on a drunken spre tasTwha made the iusaoity dodge 'work nicely; Priest Pstrarca of lletsaebnssatt whose horrible hie lory has been given in these col wans and Priest Rivera of New York who fled fr m jastioe and is till a priest. Haus Schmidt may be a wa'ning to other priests, to Hot get caught . SLAY BSEK8 TREBDOM . An application for a writ of ha beas corpus to bring abtut the re lease from a conveut of a youDg woman who wanted to be a nun eSnd then, it is alleged, changed kef mind will be heard before So preme Court Justice Giegerich to day - The proceeding was brooght bv Mrs. Maria Bucellato of 328 West Eleventh street, a widow, in behalf of her daughter, Angelina, SO years old. The petition states that the young woman is detained at tbe 8aored Heart Convent at Fort Washington avenue and 190th street by the Mother Superior. It ia alleged that the authorities at ike convent are falsely represent ing that Miss Buoellato intends to take the vows as a missionary sis- ter of the Scored Heart. Mrs. Bucellato savs that her daughter has pleaded to be taken home New York Times, Nov, 26, 1015. 10 comment, is neoessary ex eept to say tnat chances are against the viotim of Rome's con- Tent System. Without inspection f these prisons the public is forced to depeud upon the word f priests and other wily repre seatatites of the Catholic ohurcb for information concerting the life and conditions of the inmates decreet 1 sieed 1 hvnocriH 1 trnh. iij ah wij bii tuna BUU luUIQ BTo taaseed agaicst the innocent vic tim who listens and yields to the soft .insinuating cunniiig of the priest who bends the ycung mind until it ecoept the treacherous canning fiends as divme wisdom. Once whin the walls of a nun - ajij the world is shut om, and by Male DiilnctMiM at Spacer There was a district meeting of the Masonic order held with the Spenoer lodge Tuesday and Tues day night. After the talks, de gree work and routine, a sumptu ous bauquet was held and greatly enioved bv about 85 members of the fraternity . Rev. 0. B. Heller of Spencer, delivered the address of welcome and the response was by R. E. Austin of Albemarle, distriot grand master. There were a number of the members of the China Grove team presen who, with tha assistanoe of others, conferred the first degree, Andrew Jaokaoo Lodge of Salisbury con ferred th second degree and Stan ly Lodge of Albemarle oonf erred the third degree. Talks were made by W. W. Taylor of Salis bury, Rev J H. Keller of China G ove, Master Harris of Albe marle, Frank Thompson of Cleve land. Rev. Patton, O, W. Spenoer and others. - Baptists Mae! Nat it EHzabstb City. Charlotte, Deo. 9 The busi ness of (he Baptists Convention was completed at a late hoar this evening and adjourned. The next session of the Baptist State Convention will be held in tha Blackwell Memorial church of Elizabeth City. Dr. Calvin 3. WaUer, of Aehsvillf, was ap pointed to preach the annual ser mon, of his alternate, Dr. John Jetr Hurt, Durham. The Baptist Convention now in session nre reached its olimax this morning when Dr. Livingston Johnson made his farewell speeoh as corresponding secretary of the convention, reviewing the fifteen years of bis administration and exhorting his brethren to fidelity to God, to HisWcid and tor one auother. If they would do that he deolar d, the future of the de nominal interests in North Caro lina under the leadership of his sicc-sior, Rev. Walter n. Jobn son, was radiant with hope and promise. the world wa mean the thiuga that humankind -ess and knows, frieuds, relatives, kindness, work, love and happiness. Though per suaded that a cloistered oonvent is the abode of saints, that a mis sionary or other calliug is her des tiny it is human to err, and yet there oan be no release, i.o matter what the aversion, the justifica tion or insatitate desiie of the vio. tim may be. Those withiu R me's prison walls belong to Rome, body and soul, and little hope of release from a calling grind of oppression and coLifiuemeiit is left. This girl has a friend in her mother who will use her last effort to save her daughter from a life of hell. For it is hell to be bound to that which is repulsive and kept in confinemeLt wnen the whole be ing yearns fr freedom. And the sisters and priests stand between the slaves and friends and tell them that the viotim "wilhes to remain 1" All the maohinery is there to help them hold the victim of their greed in bondage. With an enforced inspection law thia could not be. Angellina Buoellato may be but one of hundreds .who are held against their will, but if she were the only one in that plight, then inspection is justified. Let those remain who wish to, but open the doors for the others, Colds Needs Attention Internal throat and ohest troubles produoe inflammation, irritation. sw3iung or soreness and unless cheoked at onoe, are likely to lead to serious trouble. I Cancht in time Dr. Bell's Pine m- n .. ii,. ut I 1K( uuu; luuaoui sua yuieKUl I and destroys the germs which hav settled in the throat or nosn. It isesoothing and healing. Pine is antiseptic; honey is soothing both together possess excellent medicinal qualities for fighting oold germs. lusist on Dr. Bell's 1 Pine-Tar-Honey, 25o. all Drug- j gists. SallsbDrj lofie Elects Offer Rosewood Camp w. 0. W. and Wlaeaa Ho 18 Niqi Officers for Jlixt Tiro. R aewood Camp, No . 175, Wood- mea of the World, at its regular meeting last week elected officers for nexty ear as follows: E. E. Cruse, chancellor Com. S. R. Bradshaw, adviser Lieut Wm. A. Baker, oletk. R. T . Curd, banker. D. M. Bradshaw, esoort. A, H. Werts, watohman. H. T. Cook, sentry. Dr. E. W. Carrie and Dr. J. H. Rosalie, physicians. W. M. Ruth and W. F. Rittz, managers, At iast week'i meeting of Wi nona Council No. 18, Jr. O. U. A. M officers were emoted and the co-operative community Christ mas tree was endorsed . The offi cers elected for the year were as follows : Jr. P. 0., M. B. Seal. 0. , Wm. H. Stewart. v V. 0 O. W. File. R. 8., K. A. Lents. A. R. 8., V. E. Brown. F. 8., J. J. Wert, Treat., W. A. Daniels. Chaplain, W. L. Troutman. Oond., T. O. Ragan. Warden, W T. Workman. 1. 8., James Parks. O. 8 Harry Pluosmer. Trustee 18 months, J. W. Rid- outte x Trustee 12 months, P. 8. Carl ton. Trustee, 0 months, W. L. Troutman. Coogba asrd Colds are Dangerous Few of us realize the danger of Coughs and Colds. We consider thsm common and harmless ail ments. However statistics tali ua vsr tjbird para-m dies -otar lung ailment. Dangerous Bronchial and Lung diaes follow a neg lected cold. As your bod strug gles against oold germs, no bettor aid can be had than Dr. King's New Ditcovety. Its mstit has been tested by old and youug. In use over 45 fears Get a bottle ioday. Avoid the ritk of serious Lung ailments. Druggists. Jnnloi Order Orpluiigo. Trinity, Deo. 7. A movement for a North Carolina Junior Or der Orphanage, started sometime ago by the IocaI counoil iu Trial ty, is meeting .with general ap prova! by tha other councils of the State. The Trinity plan was adopted by the twefth district convention at Asheboro, October 28, and oopies of it ordered sent to all of the nearly 400 looal coun cils. The Trinity Juniors are bearing all the expense of the movement and their resolutions have met en&husiastio approval from the whole State with only two or three, exceptions. It is consid ered certain now that North Car olina Juniors will either establish an orphanage of their own or make provisions for them to be cared for in the orphanage now in ex istence. It is stated that there are 83,000 Juniors in the State and they pay $13,000 a 3 ear to the Junior Orphange iu Ohio where on account of the distance and for other reasons there are very few ocphane from this State. Statis tios are also presented that there are gdveral hundred orphans of jnrJiors now in the State without aoy fciud of homes. Weather Forecast for December 1955. From 6 to 18, cold, rain and snow north and rain south, threat ening to snow flurries. From 13 to 21st, cold with raiu slightly along and some stormy f rr m northeast. From 21 to 29, cool raics with wind and cold dear weather . From 29 to Jan. 5th, 1910 rain I and some windy, and oold with snow threatening from the 13th to Jan. 5th, 1916, and tome 'warm along. This month shows up lots of oold, bliziards, windv weather from north, and northwest and northeast snOw flurries a long. Hfsby Rkld, R. F. D. 8. Salisbury, N. 0. Mr Themas Wiil Jie H re MM Year -y: Paster Charles A. G. Thomas, of tha Pint Bant ist Ghurob.cce of the most popular pastors in the oitr ha imt remembered' this offioa with a d(?o beautiful blot . - . . tars on whioh is printed some very beautiful sentiments, especially appropriate from a true pastor to loving flaok.- It is certainly gratifying to hiaoumerous friends to know that he if to be in Balis- bury another year. He has many frieuds in other churches than his own who greatly ; enjoy his splen did sermons. He says: MY BILOVBD CHURCH. Five years we have bfeu olinb- ing the Mount of service together. From a high peak I greet you with an undivided and unstinted love on this, another anniversary. As we euter the sixth year of service together let us fix our eyes on still higher peaks and press with our might upward. The out lookMor this sixth year is as bright as the promises of God, and there is evry reason to believe that this will be the best year in the history cf our great oburoh. We know and leva eaoh other bet ter. You know my weaknesses and failings, and like loving rieuds have tenderly borne with me. l leve you very tenaeny ana have proven it by staying longer with you than with any other church. We have our Master's wc rk on our heartr, let us get down to it so earnestly and faithfully that we shall see it devilop mori than any of the years whioh have past. By faith let us press onward and upward to onr heavenly goal, May G d bleas you all. Actioually, Chablcb A . G . Tm mas. Dao. lst, 1015v k . Riccliard S Ro&el) esin WiloliEtoi Charlotte Obgsrrer; D IStb. Dr. A. J. Crowell received a telegram yestordev from Wilming ton anuoauoing the death there f Mrs. Crowell's nephew, Rio li ra Smith Rose. Three months L ago jar K ise waa snot oj tn ao ciuctal discharge of a pistol aud since that time has been makibg brave fight for life. He was 27 years 01 age ana is survivea oy hia wife, who was a Mis Worth of Wilmington. He held a high ly respoutibie position with the Seaboard Air Line in Wilmington. He was a son of the late Rev. C. A. Rose and Mrs. Res?, the latter autvivii'g mm. ine ruuerai will tke place this afternoon at 8 o ciocK in vv umiugton . airs. . TT.t 1 m Rote, mother of the deceased, who lives iu China Grove; Mrs. Clyde Lisk of this oiW, a sister, Miss Mary Rose, a sister, Mrs. Junius Rose, a sister-in-law. aud Miss Jeunie Patterson left yesterday afternoon for Wilmington to at tend the fnneral. Mr. Rose wss a pother of Junius A. Rose and Mrs. Clyde Lisk of this oity and a nephew of Mrs. A. J. Crowell. He was a high toned Christian youug man and greatly beloved by all those who knew him. $ioo Reward $ioo. The readers of this paper wil be pleased to learn that there is it least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional treatment Hail s uatarrn uure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the aye tern, thereby deitroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bniiding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative power that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Tamily Pills' for constipation. for PrOIBOI PrltttlDg call at the Real Salisbury Printing Office, 120 West Innee St.', tip stairs. As to lie SpeccerWtashj Mr. Dorsott, tbo wis Present Tolls ibe Facts la tlii Cissr. Mr. Editor: Having seen report of the so-called mass-meet ing of the citizens of Spencer, N. u., ana noting tnat my name We mentioned in snob was to leavethe impression that I advo cated the passage ot the resolution mentioned therein, I desire to make a brief statement that his tory may be kept straight. Having heard that Mayor W. U. Barton was going to have a meeting at the school house on the night of December 10, 1915, for the purpose of whitewashing him self as Mayor and Jadsre of the Recorder's court of tbe town of Spenoer, N. 0., I attended as a spectator only, being drawn then by mere cunos:ty. 0 J arrival j found present about thirty ( 1 forty men in one of the claff rooms of the Spencer sohool build ing. The meeting was called to or Jpi by Mr. Burton and was openec with prayer by Mr. Burton. Next Mr. Burton read four or five let ters written by out of town partiet who stated in response to Mr, Bur ton's request that they had bean no oriticum of the Recorder Court of Spenoer previous to the oriticism and recommendation of the Grand Jury at November term of Rowan Superior Court. The next thing on the program was the resolution whioh was vig orously advocated by Mr. Burton. After a painful silenoe of some minutes some one moved the j adoption of tbe resolution, but no oue seemed inolined to vote . Whereupon Mr. Burton stated that he had secured legal advice and that no one would lay them selves liable in voting for his re solution. Being thus encouraged, about eight cr ten hesitatinelv voted "aye." All others seemed to be present as spectators only. There was no discussion of the re solution or the causes leading Mr. Burton to think such aotion i """i uti poeuu ui ar. i MAMA & Bh K mm I Dartoa. I Scroll discussion as was engaged! in by any of the citizens presaut was provosea Dy sue iniquity oi las J. B. Donevant, who stated that, I in his opinion, before denaite ao- tion should be taken it should be ascertained just what information led the Grand Jury to make the criticism and recommendation complained of by Mr. Burton : Mr. Donevant here suggested that a committee of three be appointed to obtain this neoessary inform tion. This aotion was diBOonrag ed by Mr. Burton. Being called upon by some one present, I made a very brief talk iu which I Quoted from memory a letter written to Solicitor HaV- J den Clement, on November 15th, 1915, requesting him to have Dr E. T. Carter, pastor of the First Baptist ohuroh of Spencer, N. C, testify before the Grand Jury. Immediately, Mr. Burton, be ing oornered, confessed that he was the author of the letter men tioned and made a few remarks seeking to justify himself. I. J. McAdams next oame to the bat and made the home run of the evening. Mr. McAdams spoke concerning the charge that the law was not impartially en forced in Spencer, He reminded Mayor Burton of being with him on Sunday afternoon about two weeks previous, near the Y. M. C. A., when they met a man who was very diunk and staggering over the sidewalk. He further r-indfld U&vot Burton that thev , '.u " stoppeu auu w euo u.uu-. man and how tbe said drunken . , ... . L man Aima nantc ana or now .tne mayor and he had to step to the edge of tbe sidewalk to allow the man to stagger bv. He fnrther remined Mayor Burton of his de olaration at that time that he would have "The Chief" arrest the said drunken man and try I : H.nnlr M v KnriAn .... ..... ... . meuts WOis tiuo, o&& luvauiuia also f orcerd Mr. Burton to admit that he had not tried any person Uzztrds SefiBtf Foot Long. uomo isms, Wyoming, i s olasBio ground to those interested in the fossil remains of animali that inhabited this region long ages ago, for it was here that the first dinosaur bones were dis oovered in the Rooky Mountain region. Some of the dinosaurs were the largest land animals that ever walked the earth, end some were very diminutive. They differed greatly in size, shape, structure, and habits, Seme w re plant eaters ; others f dd on flesh. Some walked on four feet; others with small weak fore limb walked entirely upon the stronglj developed hind legs, Some hao reptile-like feet ; others were bird footed. Some bad toes provided with, long, sharp claws; other uad flatened. hoof-like nails. ('here were dinosaurs with small aeade, and others with large heads. iume were large and cumbersome; xuera were small, light and grace ui aud so much resembled birdt j their structure that only tbt skilled anatomist can distinguish hoir remains. Some of enormous iize were olad in coats of bony irmor, whioh gave them a most oizarre appearauoe. The largest herbivorous o i planteating dinosaur whose fossil remains have been found in Como Bluff was the huge brontosaurus, or'thunder lizrard, as it was called by Prof . Marsi. It was 70 feet ong, stood 16 feet high at the hipi, and had a long tail, an equally long neck, and a bead that was only a little larger than that of a horse. The weights f such a creature has been variously esti mated at 18 to 20 tons. This ani mal doubtless lived on the luxu riant tropioal vegetation, but how itB enormous bulk could be sus tained by such food as oould pass through -ita, , ridiculously small mouth has caused much wonder It is not oertain whether the name thunder lizzard war given to it because of its size or because of the large sum, oyer $10,000, whioh prof. Marsh spent iu ixoavatiug ec-Jand preparing it. Xl . some ainosaurs tnat are even l&rorer than tha brontnflanr have been found more recently: A lplodocus now in the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburg, had the enormous leogth of 84-J feet: At the time these animals flour hihed the Rooky Mouutain region was a low, nearly level couutrv. 1 covered with tropioal vegetation. Iwith many wide, shallow itreama I Und awamnv atarh. thn- f.n;-h r - m " - mm m a m ing a congenial placo for these sluggish swamp inhabiting crea- tares to wade latily about or float in the water, for it has been deem ed improbable that oould be sus- tained without lateral sUDOort suoh as would be obtsined in wa- ter.O. W. Gilmore. Overland mrfAhnn1r RnJltin TT s fion I -.w-wwf v vM W Ml VI W logical Survey. Help Your Liver It Pays When your liver gets torpid and your stomaoh aots queer, take Dr. lung's jxew i.U6 nils and you will find yourself feeling better. They purify the blood, give you freedom from constipation, bil iousness, .dizziness and indiges tion. You feel fine just Jike you want to feel. Clear tbe complex ion too. 25o. at druggists. for drunkeness in the past three weeks. This was one part of the discussion of the evening to which Mayor Burton made no reply. I do not wish to be understood as critncsing in any way that part or me a ministration of Hdsdoii . t 1 , 1 . " , " J wman im iBurBiBnKAn nv tha u a 01 aen. iney are all high- toned irentlamen ftni . , Hnt " u 7-."""" to do their duty as best thev can , - unuer too u iron instances ; as to the Oltizenaaip 01 opancer, there IS I LA. none netter. r- it is to do oepiored that Mayor Burton m tne aiorementioned let ter preoipitatedhis entire contro- versy. and upon him the full re- ibiH t 8penoMi N. 0 Dm. ISsh. 1915. LRead In Waxghmax and Rxooao Cooatj Officers u be PdiSici ts Hsrt More Except Register cf Dtiis. Following is a report of the) work of the board of county eon missioners held in Salisbury Men day and Tuesday at their Deota ber meeting. Dr. E. W, Currie, county phv sioian reported all inmates of th county institutions i n a good healthy oonditioo. It was ordered that the county donate $100 a year to the pablta library, said donation commencing January 1st, 1916. Ordered that Superintendent Thomaion have necessary survey made aud build the road front Gobble's mill to Grabb's ferry. It was ordered that 0100 be do nated to complete the Salisbury and Baden road. Ordered that no damages be al lowed J. A. Trexler for road built acorosshis land. Ordered that a new survey be) made of the Stokes ferry road leading by the home of P. M. Phillips. It was ordered by the board that the Cleveland and Mt. Vernon road, leading across J. H. Koont'i farm be discontinued. The board adopted the present survey of the Stokes ferry road across 0. L. Barringer's farm. It wss orderded thrt the old road from Third creek bridge to the Statesville road be discontin ued, and also the old road from the oreek to the new road. Ordered that the Colonial thea tre property owned by P. B. Beard be assessed at $20,000. Ordered by the board that the order recently given the Nashville Bridge Company for material for several bridges be ooutermanded, pwlngJtQ he fact thai thejr- failed to furnish the neoessarv bond. It was ordered that other bids be asked to be submitted by January 1st. The board allowed township rax Collector 0. M. 0. Barge r the neoessary stationary and postage for his office. Commissioners Fleming and Harrison were commissioned to confer with William Hall relative to the road leading by Mr. Hall's house. Ordered that Township Tax Colleotor 0. M, 0. Birger's bond De renewea cr tne year lyio. Mri reri, keeper of the C0UDty nome. reported nine white end four oolored inmates in the institution. The Peeler Grain & Provision Company was awarded the con tract far furnishing supplies for the county home and work house for tne m0Lh ot Deoember. I was orderd that $300 be ap- DI0Pruted fc0 fene PP1" Agri- cultural fair for 1916 and thatO. O. Harrison, of the board, be elected ex-offioio members of the directors of said fair. The board ordered that two books be purchased for E. M. Hoffman for the Juvenile court and to be the property of the pub lio library. In the matter of granting tele phone franchises on the Gold Hill road the board ordered that this be deferred . Ordered that the Gold Hill road from John Linker's to Gold Hill be discontinued when the new road is located. Ordered that the county tax on ooal dealers in Salisbury be $80 a year. It was ordered by the board that Chairman Trott be empowered to U.ra nntD! tt ttq- I U.t7 WWV MM. AA. AAWfcJC. I r i . . . . , .... WB oraerea oy tne ooata tnat all oountv officers, salarv be the J m netoiore, except mat 01 th. TWi.tar nf TmAm .n th.a 1 a - this beieduced to $8,500, ThR haina no fnrthr hn,inu 0 .n , ufnr tha, hnj. tha i..j sw vvuiw wwiw VUW MWU W W VVMU adiourned . Bear This in Mind. "I oonsider Chamberlain's Remedy by far the best Cough medicine in the market for colds and croup," says Mrs. Albert Blosser, Lima, Ohio. -Many others are of the same opinion ? OMainahla every whaia. . " - , -.. -tiVf I It 1 ii. . - ----- " '