i SOME OF ROWIN'S OLD FOLKS. -"I -V 3 j ' We ara liiJl getting names for " our old folki column and filling in the datei of birth of others and Baking alight oorreotions. Any aid extended wilt be appreciated. II you know of any person in jour neighborhood who is 80 yean old, or older, drop us a pcstal living the name and date cf birth. We believe there are over a bun dred folks in Rowan eligible to this list and we w nld be glad to bave their name at ouce. John Pethel, Laudis, born 1817, now Q8 Misa Mary Newsom, Morgan Township, born 1818, now 97 Mrs. Elisabeth Cart n r . Sootoh Irish Township, bora 'J.; November 19th, 1818,. 97 t''Mrs. Lavenia Thomason, Pranklin Townshin. born 1819, now ee Chaa. Morgan, Morgan Town ahip, born November 28, r;1821. 1 93 Phillip Sowers, Salisbury - Township, born Feb, 18, 1824 91 v Ahner Walter, Atwell Town ship born May, 1826, 89 ' Miss Mary E. Gilleau, born v April 15th, 1826, age 89 Kvaij L v e r 1 y Providence townsnip, born October 20, 1826, 89 Joseph Ben. Ballard, ool., born Nov. 20, 1S26, now 89 Abuer C. Cartuer, Scotch Irish t iwuship, born July 12. 1827 , 88 Oapt. Win. A. Lucky, Cleve land, born Sept., 1827, now 85 Gor9 DftL fihm fln Nn 1, boin July 4th, 1827 88 Mrs. Mary E. Meaim, Steele Township- born February 26th, 1828 87 Nathan Morgan, Provideuce Townsbtp;born May 81,1828 87 Alison Overoash. Cleve'and No. 1, born Feb. 29, 1829, 86 Mias SaratrE. Sech!er, R. D. ' No. 2, Ohiua Oroya, born November 6, 1829, now. ... 86 Samuel Dal, China Grove Township, born January 1 1Ti. I. tOOA Be AVU UUVft. i . . . KJtJ Jacob A. Kluttz, Franklin Ta mr rt at Vi i r tryr A twi 1 C7 K vw usuip( W w U Apill mm OU 1880. 85 J. Wilton No. 4 Salibnry, : :- . r - a err.,, xt n i ' April 26, 1880; now 85 Hrs. W rl Weave, Salisbury, yuru 'uarjr, iooi, o 5 -I ..: T I. TT -1 i XI V i ah;p. h.ru April 11, 1881, old dier. ha? been blind for 18 j ears, now 84 - wauei lis. iooi, now. ... o tJ w- f tr tp . - ai:i r K Z ' born Marco 1582 S3 i Mrs. ; Margaret U. Goodman. Locke Township, born April 28. 1881 84 -Martin L. Eflrd, China 3rove, I r-mrr'AK 1R IQOO . O.I y 'Mrs. Eva 0. Trexler, Rockwell, ; born .Nov 13 1832, 83 "Mrs. -Amelia Slop, Laodis, born'May 9, 1833, 82 - Mrs Adahue Yost, Gold Hill town ship, bofii March 17, 1830, 85 "MrsOisherina A Sloop.AtwelJ towfishi., bi ta Jtn. 11, 1827, 88 Louis Wiiheim, Scotch Irish township, boru 1829. 86 Hrg LooifiH JaouLe, Franklin 81 Towiisn.p, b. ru 1834, caiidy Pariee, Chiui. Giove, e age estimated from 85 to 102 83 " I liKwrnotlenal Cartotn Co., N. Y. Mrs. E H. Mareb, Salisbury, ; Lorn May, 1832, ; ' Bev. John F Hodges, Morgan - Township, bcrn Oot. 19, . 1885, ' - -W, J. Boss, Salisbury, born May 28, 1881, Mrs. Eliza Frentis, colored, born 18C4, now Mrs. Margaret Riley, Enoch ' ville, born August, 1826, iM rs. Sarah Goodnight, - Enochville, born Deo. let, '1824, Jacob Barringer, Laudis, born 1884, 'ufua Rodgers, Enoohville, 1 "born 1881. Monroe Voils, Atwell, born 4881, - - Ji O. Casper, Obina Grove, -born U.15 '85, S Henry MoNeely, Salisbury, irjborn 1884, A)Uson Oorriher, Atwell, born 4883, Mrs. Ann Earnhardt, Atwell, ' born 1881, Mrs. Amanda MoLanghlin, 5 Atwell, 6cru 1829, Mrs. Millie Weaver, China Grove, born Nv. 18, 1831, - Be. G. H Cox, D D.f Spen- cer, born 1835, VLx. P. E. Kimball, China ? Grove, born May, 1882, Mrs. F. E. Shober, CaUsbory, born 1882, ' Mrs. Snsana Rodgers, Landis, born 1885, Mrs Sat ah Overcash, Enoch -Tille. born 1888, I J? R Holshouier, Rock, born - r 1884. ' Johr Overcash, Atwell, born 1881. Mrs. EHtabftth Gla. Land's, bom 1880 or 82 85 --i Mra. D 0. Cooper, China ' GroTe born March 8, 1831, 84 1 Presmtation of Baai e 1 to Jnsior Drier Council, No. 26 A moit sucaesiful rally was held in the old court house last Friday evening under the auspices of Ju nior Ordor Couucil, No. 26. The meeting was a public r flair and was attended by other members of this fraternity. The meeting wis for the purpose of presenting a banner to Council No 26 for haviug made the largest percent age gaiuviu memnersoip dunng the past fear and which wa awarded this ledge at the lat S ate meeting of the ordr 7h meeting was prpsided over by J. C. Ke'tlfir and Past cjtate Councilo J. V. Sechrest of High Point, in i happy maui er, mad the pre- sntatioi , p.iymg a bien oomp'i- rnenfc to the memheia f No 26 for their 1 yaity to their lodgn ai d u itiris g forta to iiicreaso thf naemlers! ip The anner wc re ceived Hv A. H. Price, Eta , on babalf of the members of No. 26. He made a mi st xceller.t talk as well as did Mayor Waiter H. Woodson. Musis wjs fu'nishsd by th Salisbury Municipal Baud. Tfap members of Jonior Order Couucil, No. 26. are naturally road of hbvii goaptu edtbi ban ner which shews t-h-m to be ie of the m st progressive orders n the 8 at". OR.KINO'S NEW DISCOVER t JOHN R. BROWN, OPTOMETRIST, Fitting (jrlaBses a Specialty Relief or no Pay. examination Without Drug? or Drops China Grove, N. n. b2 1 DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING I IlilIillMllIlllMlllllllllliMI ! r wtvrT Onyx' Hosiery DURMECMNICS; Gives tLe BEST VALUE for Your Money Every Kind from Colton to Silk, For Men, Women and Children Any Color and Styl-s From 25c to $5.00 per pair Look lor tLe Trade Mark! Sold hj AH Good Dealers. ; r T CO TV ' wholesale jora CS JL ay Lor Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if yon will wear a scientifically . constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. ( The dragging weight of an unconfined btwt so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. : ? POP ALAGAZINB 300 ART1CLK-300 ILLUSTRATIONS fZEEP informed of the World's Progress in -tv. Ensrineerinir. Mechanics and Invention. For Father and Son and All the Family. It appeals to all classes Old and Young Men and women.i It is the jraTonte magazine in tnouranas 01 homes thronghout the world. Our Foreign. Oorreepondenta are constantly on the watch for things new and interesting and it is Written So You Can Understand It rThe Shoo Note Dsvartmant (20 Pages) contains! Practical Hints for Shop Work and easy ways lor the Kiyman to do tnlngs aronna xne nome. iilMf Maehanies 17 Pases) for the Boys and Rirls who like to make things, tellshowtomnke Wire less and Telegraph Untnts, engines, uonts, biiow Bhoes, Jewelry, Eeed Fnrnitnre, etc. Contains in structions for the Mechanic, Camper and Sportsman . $1.50 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES. 15c Or tram yumr assise sr dlrset Irem th pablisbwr, Sample copy win be ant on request. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE No. Mtchlsaa Avenue, cwiwmib fac-At ta-LKii F pnt the bust back where H belongs, prevent Use full bust from having" the appesrancr of flab biness, eliminate the danger of dragging muscle and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar ments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook- Front? SurpftSe, Band eau, etc Bon4d with "Walohn," the rustless boning permitting washing without removal, ' ; Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brass! erea, if not stocked, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES M Warren Street Newark, N. J '' Lfti?!tl iii can't h- m;trcbtd if pr.c. qua!ity :.r workmaufbi Th rea! aiiplury Prii)iDgOW t I;-,; H.a St;t, np tair D;to b hB".d8, noto b' ads, etatf 'n-itg, fn vnloppp, eti"? DRiNiC Chsro 1 PAY HIGHEST . tor PRICE GREEM HIDES- OHAS. S. JULIAN. 10 27 8m Salisbury N C. WATCH REPAIRING. For uew watches, idwelif aud repairs at reaBonable prioer go to the drag efcore at Granite Quarry, cr fcc R. L. BR017N, No. 6, Sali.bnry N. O. 10-27 6 m Wrpd. ro(ifeiiOQ 84 84 80 81 82 84 86 84 80 88 88 80 82 84 87 3-in-One is a lleht. cure oil com- TKinnd that never sums. 3-in-One lubricates nerf ectlr sewinff rjbines.tvDewiiters.bicTcles,locks, clocks, . ... t-.i; 1 Tins, lawnmowers everxtiftns mat ever neeas ouxas in your uoiac ir a. Ma oT-pnu No acid. A little 3-in-One on a soft cloth cleans . anil radishes Tjerfeetlv all veneered or varnished furniture and woodwork. ' SnrinkTed on a vard of black cheesecloth it makes an ideal Dustiest Dushng Llotfi. 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath room fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pores and. forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays on. Free3-liuOne-Fswe. Write today for generous free bottle and the 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. 3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 3-size bottles: 10c (1 ozj, 25c (3 ozj, 50c (8 oz, ?Z pint). Also in new patented Handy Oil (Jan, Zoc (ift ozj. 3.IN-ONE OIL COMPANY 42 D A Broadway Zf aw York City s r : ! ray Hji cLb rU3 th VI rl3 ml - M mI w I nf I o ) m &r (J I i J K ill 120 West Innes Street, J 9 mm To) 9 Salisbury, N. Ca We have one of the best equipped Job Printing Plants in this section of the State md are prepared to, do any kind ot Printing that may be desired. Also have on hand, or can quickly supply, customers with any class of paper, or stationary desired. Can print cards, from the smallest to a full sheet, circulars from the smallest to a full slieet, newspapers, pamphlets, catalogues, books, billheads, letterheads, statements, programs, blanks, envelopes, tags, checks, in feet anything in the line of printing. Work done promptly, neat ly and as cheaply as any. Work done in one or more colors and guaranteed to give satisfaction in every instance, both as to work, stock and price. It will pay you to get our prices Before Giving out your order. Kenlem ber we are - l Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use HK PINAUITS EAO DE QUININE the wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your self. Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world ever use and endorse this famous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealeror send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all things don 't neglect "your hair. PARFUMERIE ED. FINAUD, Dept M ED. PINADD Bldg., New York .I--. rap Yours for business, THE QUALITY SHOP Wm. H. Stewart, Prop , Salisbury, 120 W Innes St., Up Stairs. Remember. Up Stairs. Up Stairs N. C.

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