.1, A Home eBper Published in the Interest of the Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental Afiairfl. 8A1I8BTIRY, H, C, WfiDNESDAYr DBCEkBER 1915. VOL NO. 1 ' FOURTH SERIES Wm. H. STEWART, ED. iiUD PEOS i v hi. 5 it. t it, 4 At act British Lise Near Yprei OffeDs ie is fits. Do 19 The ponible prelude o a strong Qerman offenive m yement on 4ho weekera fronl here the Germeue are reported to bave reeeWed large reinforce fienti, ocoutred early - Sunday n orbing against the Britieh liner to the uonheaat of Ypree. The Otirnaci directed ehiida of gat aga(iit the Bhlith who, in eon- . jaBciion erith the Frenoh batter ;.. iee, toroed their gnne on the Oer ' man I reach i engaged in the gaa operations The Bitiih official report o! . thl mttaok saya that moit of the - Ckriaau infantry were prevented ky-the fire from iearirg their renehe, while other detatoh ainte were driren back before reiehiBg the British line. . pii the other fronta there hat ' Yfu little fightiLg of importance - hem-lgu iii tfie-Baikahi ex -fcpt for feiene in of$hiTilnia auc t itan&ttll. pidJgTilrlaiit at till ttWnc Mrdit the Qt-k i mVr- " ST"- '.t-r- t tontxet lreeAnf lbrW forces oto;t":...bstil wack to Satofiiki, 3-long b Ans- tro-Italian lit in the mountain nd rain iq thjallejni are Jamv pering the Italian neiii? aiooa against (loriit. a T llmie Ban Uichef an; AttStriaD trenoh whuh for m' ft iaUeut in the Italian line, wai taken by s nrprise Italian infantry 4tjjftck.' Only isolated fighting iahiob no important results werebfikjMd by either tide has taken plaom, the Bnitian front. Artilleryl . feosaberdmeLte of Turk and allied positions end the ehelling of Turk- J reported from the Gailipolf Febktnla. if ' The Grermtn field marshal tou Cklts is repotted at Aleppo, form r lagan army ifeh whieh it is pur posed to operate agmst the Quei -;t Canal. Field Marthil 8ir John Frucb bas re iuquished command of thb British forces in France and Bel gian tc Gen: Sir Dooglas Haig. Caaghs aad Colds are Dangerons Few of us realize the danger of Gouahs auu Colds. We ocnaider thm comojou aud harmless a l- meuts. However statistics tall us ever third person dies of a lung ailment. Daueeroas Brouchial and Lung ditaes follow a neg lected cold. As your bcdv . strug gles against CDld germs, uo bettcr aid can ce Had tnau ur. King s New Discoveiy. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Get a . bottle todav. Avoid the nek ol serious Lang ailments. Druggists, 6ti. Villi. BiBiit Clief. Quits Reislotlos. El Paso, Deo . 18 General Vil la has auit the revolution aud is expected at the border here to night or tomorrow, aoocrdiog to apparently authentic reports from Chihuahua today, OQceri of Villa forces in Jnarez were told to "take care of them selves." ti.. f-nm tha Snnth state that Villa formally announ ead his intention of proceeding to the United States, if permitted to cross the line, or go to Europe. i According to the advices, the ouncil of war held at Chihuahua for several days, decided that Gen villa snouid retire and ne was so informed. In answer General Villa is reported as saying that he realized the time had come for his retirement. Colds Needs Attention Internal throat and ohaat troubles produce inflammation. irritation, swelling or soreness and unless oheoked at once, are likely to lead to serisus .trouble. Caught in time Dr. Bell's Pine Tat Hqney loosens the phlegm and destroys the germs, whioh har aettled in the throat or nose. It iaesoothing and heating. Pine i antiseptic ; honey is soothing tioth together possess exaellent tnedioinsl qualities for. fighting jold germs Insist on Dr. Bell's rine-Tar-Honey, 25o. all Drug- Cl igmio Aidirson, Stools Sob la-ut North Wilkesborc, Deo. 17. Robert Qaeen, who was shot oilrtlMlrIiB, lo TBOSf 8 WlBt to aerionsly wounded last week by Glingman Andertou, at Ander son's home in the Broshy Mount ins is reported by physicians as resting well and will likelye cover. Details of , the- sbil hava oysBij'Ji Q.naiKtiaji are a follows :" ": : - fL The Queens live in Alexander Ooacty. Robert Qaeen yarned Oling Anderson's daigiritt im ronnrlaH thkfc thAtr hbfeSA lifa .wrvr..w. " : - .---.T-g- was uot oongenial and thateBl frequently beat his wife. A"p. days before the shooting oua these home distorbanoea is aaido have takeXplaoe, and after- tbat ftfra-Qaeen left her:: htuband'ii home and oame to har fathers. Her father,, OUng A&derson' nm uot at home. Mrs. Qaeen toldhet mother her domestic tronbleai& the reason for het IcfaTtng horI Wh n Anderson return they told him of tJia A' hile they were telling Audet jco Mrs Queen's husband walkt np tu the porch of the A'f! home Andersont whCK," Jbaia0- very angry at his daughter'e -fi4 x)tal u of . her .husband's r6o;9t grabbed his; gun, -iijs&f or&rsdlsBarcbiDg for the Negroes and an Queeu'to leave the premise the interference of An n'e wif eand daughter preventajyhtm iromehooting Qaeea. on tha spot. Anderson went traokitit 4he housegot another gun, and, went out of the ho U3;iy another door, met iaeen oa;u u on itia-sfia iiiot nim, tn; sact waiDX awt in tEat Qaefed shot as ha wtj fix. and 4o4ng ?ferdasmuM Shtglfeffi thf Mtobting 0iiQUIAl2;lapfi. aud be has uot-'yetjjbaen ap'prehih by officers Anderson, it is said is a law-abiding oitisen and bears reputation that is good; - This te the eeoond time that Robert Qaeen has been shot. A few veare, ago ne was the victim of s shooting sorape, and was so oaoiy nuit tnat an nad to be taken to a sanitorium in btatesville for treatment. $iao Reward $iuo. The rt aders of this paper wilt o pleased to learn tint there is it least one dreaded disease thai 4iencs hB been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now knowu to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be- ing a -constitutional treatment . - . . nan b usttariu uure in sbkq iw ternally, acting direotly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The "proprietors have so muoh faith in its curative power that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case tnat it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY-fc CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. JudgB Soil's BflllPg WIS Oolf IS to jlllU- QlCilOOi - - Morganton, Dec. 17. There seems to have been a slight error in reporting the ruling of Judge the usual Sunday afternoon in Shaw in the suit of the town formal meeting in the churchyard Shaw states his reason for non. suiting the cases is that the suits! were brought through a magis trate's court and tnen appealed to lDe oopenor uourt. ana tne juage holds that a magistrate's court has no jurisdiction m eases of this! i BBnw n appeal was vow 1 11 "' .!! BUU u" oaperior uouri oouio i.M.aa.am.s. a. w .ca ns i nok try n ca8e owing to the lack ot jurisdiction in the lower court, He states that the case should started direotly before the Supe rior Court, instead of upon appeal from the lower oburt. mere is considerable specula tion as to the 'teohnioal point in volved add it will be taken up to the Supreme Oourt Judge Shaw states the cases oan be orougut up again, but hot through a magiatrata'a oourt. ,iJjJoNg: -v. age ? ; acui suuai noHB stilus. r-. n. It. i.. . Coasting, downhill without burning, .an automobile dJiTer jy Bwjrnfielmi dhed ua injrf f reight train olrbliftraiMPptt the outskirts cf Moiiioa FrtMyipihr wrecking oe maoome anoM injuriug mm Bpttii Love so badly that she died 8 itsrday -morning. Her sister. SI isiora oyarwas seriously in itfred and aevQl times it was hpgshe "would die. Misies $tfttis ntt Xethia Davis aud Annie erburk. other passengere, irsre more or less serioutMr injured . VDU illUOUUi UHI U1D IUUUUIVI broken and Green Paxfcon was painfully oat on the head. Brown Helms, the driver ; of the oar, e- witbout a4 loratoh. The machine- was operated as a jitney. Sheirff ,D R. Morelaud of Lee Oojinty Georgia died. Sunday rom . aouuda received Saturday light in a pitched battle which, Cddording to reports, he and six other white men fought with Ne ajroes in Worth County across the ine from Leesburg The Negroes scaped. Posses have been unsonQrmed report said two Ne gross bad been lynched; Sheriff Moreland, it was said, was trying to arrest Jim Keith, a Negro, ac cused of theft. After a few shots were fired in which Keith's wife was slightly wcunded, it was said the Negro fled into Vorh County whsre the battle toox plaoe; when a number of. pother Negroes came to Keith's ad. In a fit of melanoholia brought on by his enfeebled condition re sulting from pellagra with whiob fiVhsd suffered f r more than a year, says ine uoservsr, w. u. suicide Sunday morning at his home in Charlotte by ihootitg himself through the brain with a rifle. Mr. Feunftll wa in anotktr room at the time eettmg break fast and she rushed into the bed room as soon as she heard the re port. Her husband was Uingii bid. with the smokii g 22 caliber magt line rifle on the floor where it bad fallen imm.diately after ihe shot. Mr. Fennell had got ten the rifle, plaoed the muzzle above hie right ear and then pall 3d the trigger with his thumb. fits eatb followedswithin a few momsnts, ? As ih tesult of an altercation a i-. - - -hion took nlaoe ai the Nrth Fork Baptist Churoh, about 20 miies from Asheville; Sunday af ternoon, Martin Burnett is dead. shot through tbelieart, William Burnett is in custody, with a slight wound on hit head and Claud McAfee, the man who used the pistol, is in a looal hospital in a precarious condition as the result of knife wounds inflicted by William Burnett. Acoordiug to accounts of the tronble received here, all three of the young men, who are all prosperous farmers in tne Worth Fork section, had at- tended Sunday: schoool at the North Fork Baptist church. Sun- Sday school was dismissed about 8 iBO b'clook and while the people s lot tbe neighborhood were holding iimation oame with the orack o McAfee's pistol and the crowd - l tamed in time to gee Martin Bur neta fall; to the gronnd. shot througn tne neart. A seooud shot I struck William Burnett a glano ing blow on the forehead, stunn i . . . ... ling mm momentarily, out failing . . -tt to stop ms rusn. lie attacked MoAfee with a knife, it is Btated, aud cut him severly. William be Burnett then escaped . 4- . Laagnter Aids Digestion. Liaughter is one of the most healthful exertions; it is of great help to digestion. A still more effectual help is a dose of .Cham berlain's Tablets. If vou should be troubled with indigestion give them a trial. The? oost a quar tac. Obtainable evervwhera. TOaw Fifi Dalaieller ! A Big Effort Corals to Uught ea the Pift ol im EJtfflte. t London, Dso 20 The an- nonnoement of the British with dfawal from Gallipalioyershad w ed all ether war dews, tonight. For th British public the abopt war offioe statement marks i. the end of one of the great 'ehspters cf the war's history. ' The shock of the news wanhard ..... '. ' ly broken by the fact that fumors had been current in the street for same days, and the withdrawal of. the forces had been a mattef of widespread pro and con discussion ever since Lord Ribbleidale's fa mous speech in Parliament, in whioh he deoiared that withdrawal had been recommended by a high military authority. H The fesliog of the man in the street was generally one of reiisf mixed with regret. A popular half-penny paper sums up jthe British public's attitude as fol lows: "Thus ends the enterprise of whioh the highest hopes were built and whioh, if it bad succeeded, would probably have - turn sdjtbe tide of the war. Oar troops. frpmJ . . . ?k i I the first to last were within a few miles of victory ." -j. The policy underlying theirj danelles expedition ma Vym' carried to a successful issue .o some other part of the Near 5ist but the prcspeot of forsin to Constantinople through moos Straits is apparently. quiahad. British troons oontinue . cup y the tip of the penins Seddal-Bahr, commanding tranoe to the straits where Imany British have declared a- uewTGib - raltar will one day arisee- position here is proteote double line ct snips an& il2fpi"as A fair degree cf quiet has con iL.ard on the war fronts during tb- past 24 boars and uone of the ft repealed thread of a big if fnusive in France, ic ncrth Rae- eiB.-Gilicia and th) Balkans has yet actually materialized. Persistent reports of a Greco Bulgarian encounter, resulting from a Bulgarian euipise attack Uave teen cleared up by tbe Greek felin- pa at We eni statement that the enoounter took ioan beauty roses. They degoeud plase in Albanian territory. No ed to the lower floor wnere the one was k id ai.d few were wounded. O.der was restored promptly and au amicable Rqmry is proceeding. It is aunounoed from Paris that no enemy detaobmeut has yet crossed the Greek frontier. Mean while, Woik on tbe defensive lines around Salouiki is being actively pushed aud the Greek villages in the neighborhood of the lines are being evacuated by the popula tion . Greek military circles deolare they are convinced that the forces opposing the Allies will not at tempt t) cross the frontier, the Bulgarians because they realize the danger of provoking Greece aud the Germans because they are grateful for Greek neutrality and because they realize the tremend ous oost wnicn tne enterprise would entail. War Upon Paint Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unex pectedly. But yOu are prepared for every emergency if you keep a email bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy. It is the greatest ' pain killer Tever discovered. Simply laid on tbe skin no rubbing re- quired it drives the pain away. Yt- im Vaalltr non A A f n 1 . Tj animta, Mervm H. Bolster, Berkeley, CaU. writes: "Last Saturday, alter tramping around the Pana- ma Exposition with wet feet, I came home with my neck so stiff that I couldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went tii hed. To mv anrnriap. nt mornine the stiffness had almost disappeared, four hours after the soona application x was as gooa sn?w.. it March, 1915. At Druggist-. 25c, EaadTsm WarcKMJui and Rnooan ftesii it ill Mrs Gait W fl Nfilller MOSIC, Ulfiers Nor Flower SIllS l .: .i Or:rf.i. il.m. - Washington, Deo. lg-Presi- J I UIUI nUIUUlUU lUH. UUIIU ,-. , - j v 1.1- hng Gait were married here att. t :80 o'clock tonight, with a simple oeremony in the bndee home in 'the presenoe of less thsn, thirty guests, mostly relatives. They left socn afterwards for a two weeks honeymoon at H)t Springs, Va. Their private car was at tached to a special train leaving the Capital for Hot Springs after V VVn . 1 -T "V v 11 i i w u Joint Commission for the obssrv munition plants, which has al 11 o'clock tonight. . , . ; . . A .f, . ' . . . The President dined as usual at the White He use at 7 o'clock with his daughters and afterwards drove to his bride's home about a mile from the executive mansion. A cold driving rain whioh swept the city all day cleared off at sun set and the evening was oool arc pleasant. Everything was T in readinett when the President arrived, am the ceremony proceeded without music. Neither the President not Mrs. Gait had auy attendants aLd there were no ushers or fljwe. girls. Neither the army, the navy, nor the diplomatic corps was represented, tne occasion .be lug what both of the couple had wished it to be a home , wedding 4 On the first floor of the bride's home, in two communicating rooms, a wedding bower had been frranged with a background o. 1 fjgrtpyanoe and maiden-hair ferns extending from the floor to the ceiling.-Overhead there was a oanopy of green in the form of a sht.ll lined with Scotch heather. In the background and at the cen ter was placed . a large mirror frameotwith orchids and refleot- T&ering, thtuScene. Above the mirroi s spray of orchids across a aokgroaud ot lerus and tne cor- tf-ttiflopy. wejecaugbt wiih jcrchids, American beauty roses were on both sides of the catioDv. baneatn wnicn was a prayer rug on whioh the 'President aud Mrs. Gait knelt during the Ma.ramnv ceremouy. Just at the hour set for the oere mouy tne rresiaen ana nis unue appeared at the head of the stair oase, whioh was deoorated with fetus, asparagus vineB aud Amer- guests were grouped about luform - ai'y- - The Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, rector of St. Margaret's Protest- aut Episcopal Churoh, of whioh the bride is a communicant,' waa waiting . beneath the canopy to perform tbe oeremony, and witrrl him, to assist, was the President's pastor, the Rav. James H. Taylor, of the Ceutral Presbyterian Churoh. Mrs. William H. Boiling, the bride's mother, gave her away. The Presidaut stood to the right of the clergymen and the bride stood on their left. At once, Dr. Smith began the words of tbe Episcopal marriage Brrvioe, the President making his responses first, and theu the bride making hers. After the bride prom;sed After the bride fen llrwro nkariah and nh " tk. President placed the w;dding ring, a plain band ot gold, upon ber finger and then, after a pray- er, and while the couple clasped their right hands together. Dr. Smith declared them man and wife . The brief and simple oere- mony was over The entire party then turned to the dining room where a buffet supperwas served. The dec, ra- u a ' ferns and pink roses. The tables were decorated with Lady Stanley rose blossoms. On a table in the center was ton wduuiuk oaae a fruit oake several layers high, or nftmftntft1 lkhanra nf nint onidB jc the oenter. Mrs. Wilson cut the oake without formality and no arrangement wasxmade for be- stowing bits of it upon others than hli the wunng tne ceremony .ana at tne luncheon afterward, during whioh string orohestra played, the bnde wore her Raveling dress, a r'--"-rJ--.r"l ture nat 01 dibok oeaver witn no trimmings whatever,, except one feather slightly upturned on the left side. At her throat she wore the President's wedding gift, a maenifioani diamond hrooch. Wbitehsia Klottz Fir Rfttrility. The following from the Balti- ore San of Thursday will be of interest in Sli.l,n,- nh.Hott .d .l..h,,. th,on.Ln Vh ST".. - ' ' . ann aIi.bIi... 4V.nl.xn& iL. , , . , .ltr ine reaoiens oaore or i hrn.tt. ... U. , n. c . t ,,,.. a : Um 4. -4. nual banquet last night at the Km. erson Hotel, listened to accounts of its past and present gtory and applauded the elcqaent plea of I Whitehead Klnttz of Washington, auwo Ul HIUO UBUbiailtT 1U Ut) I present war. "We are not Germans ol Sng- L lishmen that we should ioin in I this war of hatred,' he said, "We I are all Americans with no prefixes I or amies, ibis Nation has a , greater mission than- oan be ac- jompiishtd by foe o'r arms ot power of wealth. It stands for ihe redecnptiou of the Nations ud is the only NationVnow up- ldmg the torch of humaditj I ud religion. And the time mav I et ojme that through the in strumentality of the UuitedStatei he world will echo again with tht s')ng of that heavenly choir on th 1rst Christmas: 'Pet ce on Earth, urood will to Men." ' Dr. Ryland O. Sadler, the re- firing president, who will be sue heeded by William H. Parker, was tosstmaster, and 'among other ppeakeis were Mayor Preston, William Mat bury, presideat of the Southern Maryland Society; W. Miles, Colleotor of Interna tional Revenue; John Daniels di-1 rector of the Sooial Service Cor- poration, and T. M. Robertson, president of the North Carolina I Society of the Distriot of ColumvPHoe he was a German reservis t bia. I land acted only from pa triotio mo Why Yen Shoiid Use Chamberlain' Because it has an . established reputation won by its good works. Because it is most esteemed by those who have used it for many years, as occasion required, and re best acquainted with its good qualUieii Because it loosens and relieves a 00id and aids nature in restor- i g the system to a healthy con dition. Booause it does not oontain opium or any other narotio. Because it is within the reach I of all. It only oosts a quarter. jpbtainab'e everywhere Wbte Sf4 LlBO WUIlBg to Pay $864,003 Titanic CliiDlI. New York, Deo. 17. The White Star Line has agreed to pay $664, 000 in settlement of all claims arising from the sinking of the Ti tanic on April Id, 1912, when more than 1,500 persons were drowned, attorneys for the line announced here today. Of this amount approximately $500,000 would go to Amerioan claimants and $50,000 to Br tish olaimants, while $114,000 would be fcr in terest and expertB in oonneotiou with trie numerous suits. Forty-four attorneys, represent- ins that number of persona out of m-a th.n An .ho iaA Ar.im. w - . have signified their willingness to aooept the terms, If all of the claimants, both in this country and Great Britain agree to the proposition the White ia... t n u i j 8t" Lloe wlU be releft,ed f rom al1 further liability growiug out of the Titanic disaster, . The agreement is now being cir- ouUtedtamong those having claims land must be aoted upon by De. emoer w to beoome operative. QW8S er 600d Health tO Ch imH 6 rl HQ ' Tablets. "I owe my good health s. Chamberlain's tablets," writet Mrs. R. G. Neff, Orookston, Ohioo "Two years ago I was an invalid due to stomach trouble. I took three bottie. of these tablets and . . r bavesince been in the best of health." Obtainable everywhere. Fill -FrntBrssf nshhiirs Pltsti h. narl -j r post. Jerney Wakefield, Char, leston Wakefield and Succession, 1,000 for $1.00 postpaid 100 for 15o postpaid. R. Q. Pailx. Ulah, KOb -B-10-a. 6 s t . . , : 0,1 V61!1 dllI,w niH 11 r SimWM II JB Frt.rttt. New York, Deo. 18w With the onm.nt A -J m 1 b iuy w rwmi Koenig. said to h.th. i,Maw German secret . oountrv: Rnd RUh.M wn t. eQdecker, a New York art goeda dealer, on a charge of conspiring oIow P the Welland Canal, Federal offioials asserted they had in their hands the olussto acocn- iUJ IBIHIHU 1U IUD 1UH Ol BUU1T lives and destructions of millions of dollars worth of property. For several Tears Koenis? kaa been the head of the detective foroe employed here by the Ham- ourg-Amerioan bteamshin Cam pany. The companyt which ia subsidized by the German govafn- ment, was quick to, come t his d and through a looal surety aonoern, supplied $50,000 bail for nino and $80,000 bail for Leyen- decker. The arrest of Koenig and Lay eudeoker was coincident with tha meat by county authorities of Frederick Soheindt, a clerk in the National City bank. Scheindt, detectives claimed, confessed that' he was employed by Koenig to supply him with information re garding the .shipment of muni tions to the allies. This informa tion was obtained through tele grams and letters to the National 'ity Bank, whioh has had a proa tnent part in the purchasing in this country of supplies for tbe lollies. Scheindt said he reTotived $25 a week from Koenig,.. the po- 03 added. .Scheindt told the po- tives. 1 Soheindt was arraigned before a police inagiattatan an;; a chargiLg him with suspicion in the larceny of documents and messages valued at $100,000 from the National City Bank . He was held in $25,000 bail for a hearing Monday. ' Important evidenoe regarding Koenig'e activities is understood to have been obtained from Fred- P9'0 Metzler, arrested in connec- tion with Koenig and Layendeok- er. Metzler. also was emolovsd the Hamburg-American lino and aoted as steuograpiier to Koe nig. A high federal offioial said Metzler had offered to turn State's evidenoe and had already supplied the government with muo)i valu able information. ST. PAUL ITEMS. Christmas is almost here and weare getting ready for a big time. The Christmas service at St. Panl's will be at one o'clock, Christmas eve. Everybody is cor dially mvit'd to oame. Bill Webb has moved up to Dr. H. C. Hon! arger s for the winter. Bill and the Dr. caught a fine o possuoa. He weighed twelve pounds. Venus if you oan beat that trot out your opossum hunt ers. The St. Paul's B. A. 3. olub had a fine meeting last Saturday night at 0. R. Julian's, Bill Koon was seen in China Grove Sunday evening tha first time in a month or-fohgeri 0. R. Yost, the; wood-sawer; was si wing wood for W.Al Cline yesterday. Any one washing to have any woodeawed see Yost. ' The school at Yost College will olose the 28rd for ten days for Christmas. - I wish every reader of thf se items merry Ohristmai and a hap py new year. YoUTttT Youtsiy. Help Your Liver It Pays When your liver gets torpid and your stomach acts queer, take Dr. King's New Life Pills and yon will find yourself feeling better. They purify the blood, give yon freedom from constipation, bil iousness, dizziness and indiges tion. You feel fine--just like yon want to f ael . Clear the ooxapiax loatjoov zae. at dxuzsiata. t. ''V4