I "As soon as an attack f rhsu autism beg ns apply 81oanV Liri imeut. D-n's -waste, time and after unnecessary agony. .A few drops of Sloan's Liniment on the affottd parts is . all you need. The pain goes at ono, A grateful sufferer writes.: L'.'I. was suffering for three weeks with chronic rhenmstism and stiff ness, although I tried many, med iqiQes, they failed, aud I was un der the care of the dootor For tanately I heard of Sloan's Lini ment and after acting it three or four days am np and well. I aim. employed at. the biggest depart ment store 8. F. whera they' em ploy from six to eight hundred hands, and .they surely will hear all about Sloan's ' Liniment.- H B. Smith, San Francisco, OaI. Jan. 1915. At all druggiiti. A Fdcoliar Afflifitioa Lewis Pei mngton, a young man of Spencer, who ten days ago wis taken to the Johns Hopkins hos pital in Baltimore for treatment, is reported to be suffering from a most peculiar malady. His limbs and body are greatly swolen and covered with big knots. It is said none of the specialists have thus far been able to diagnose his case. Litth hope is entertained for his recovery. His parent, M r. and Mrs, Q. W. Penntagton, have gone to his bedside-. 'i, Haw'a This? We off er One H undred Doll ars Reward tot any; base of Catarrh thatf cannot be oared : by Hall's Oatarrh Care. V- ; F. J.tJHKKiT &0o.t Toledo, 0. - We, the undersigned, have Jcnown F. ; J: Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him-perfect-" iy honorable in ail business trans adieus" and financially able t carry out i ny Obligations made by bis fi m.' NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCE. Toledo O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally; actiug directly npou th blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonals sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all dragg sts Take Hall ' Family PilV for obstipation. Cci'iTcacte Tte Vneetifcg theBowan Coutty TeacjieNKA8S of tfoirHas !)f fn pcstpoeed f rem the 8th in stant to Sit nirp ayy January 15th, ben it wi1l-be hd in - the old cnrt b uss reiii l g aU 1 ooJ6k. B E . 8am of 'sK Sta-e D part' ieij rt Education wll be present and mak an 4kdrh-eas . ; Mist TuUa Slorp, dnughter. ,f Mr and M. -V-.M?SIv.p'?"V T. T. ft nordmau 0 f f Chas Goodman, all-ef tie r Mill BTdg SOfch, at ths' pars tag of fMeir E L ohnrob. Rev, G 0 Bi C h offiatit g. They will mak thnr homo t O O. rrnt ir LnJ M .-ace rui A Witt Have on sale many Extraordinary Values in Men's Hats at 1 98c, $1.15, $1.48, $1.98 YOU WILL FIND THIS ENTIRE LOT OF .HATS TO BE HADE OF THE SAME FINE QUAL ITY FELT OF WHICH OUR STOCK ALWAYS CONSISTS. Shirts At Reduction. 50 dozen Men's white and fancy pattern stiff bosom shirts by the; ; finest shirt makers in the country. Reduction as follows: 81.50 and 2.00 Fancy stiff shirts 50C 1.00 Plain white Stiff shirts 50c 1.50 Plain white stiff shirts 75o 2.00 Plain white stiff shirts $1.00 Pants, Coats i Vests. Our entire stock of "Odd" Pants, Odd Coats &nd Odd Vests arniafked at Money Saving Prices. Boys' Clothing. Throughout our stock you will find .many lots marked at great reductions, M . t ... - Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! ens' Suits and Overcoats. F . .. Q- .... ... : There is always before you, here at this "BIG STORE" of "BIG BAR GAINS" the opportunity of a season in picking up a wonderful value in a Suit or Overcoat, as there are al ways a few numbers at Great Reductions. WE 9mm Branch Stores, Charlotte, Q reensboro. lYxnve Kit the iright tobacco whea you fire-up some Prince Albert in your old jimmy pipe or in a makin's cigarette. And you know it J Can't get in "wrong with P. A. for it is jnade right; made to spread- smoke-sunshine among men who have suffered with scorched tongues and parched throats I t The patented process fixes that-r-and cuts oufbiteand parch. All day long -you'll sing how glad you are you're pals with A Alee the national joy smoke You take this testimony straight from the shoulder, men, You can smoke a barrel of P. A without a kick! It hands out all the tobacco happiness any man ever dreamed about, it's so smooth and friendly. It's a mighty cheer ful thing to be on talking-terms with your pipe and your tongue at the same time but that's what's corning to you sure as you pin your faith to Prince Albert! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. iiaa l it Mrzisr ii jsiv . .m. ss-i fiat m nf r.i ii EiiiLi : tjwsfi It's an easy job to change the shape and color of unsalable brands to imitate the Prince Albert tidy red tin, but it m impossible to imi tate die flavor of Prince Albert tobaccol - The patentedproceM protects thatl Everywhere tobacco is sold you'll find Prince Albert awaiting yoar cheerful visit. Bay it in toppy red bags, Scg tidy red tins, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound, hami dors and in that classy pound crystal-glass humidor with sponge - moistener . top that keeps the tobacco so fit I Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Wont Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how lone standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing- Oil. it relieves do w) Heaia Om ameasi&. 25c. 50c, i-00 Sale ol Valuable He 1 sate. Pursuart to th j tet-ms ol a certain viurtgag? Dee! of Trust executed ,by I. M. Loman and ife warah J La man to John L Rendleman , Trustee, on Jan arv 81. 1914. w. ih is re3".rdi in th ffi e of th Register of Defda 'or Rowan Cour.ty in Book of Mort- guge No. 48. page 261, to secure a eer iun innebtedness therein gecjred. ae ault having been tn ide in the paj ment ! ' $aid indebtedntB? therein dtscritied, and at the request of the holder of the note therein aeeured , the urdersigned Trustee will expose at lublic auction or aah at the Court House Door in Salisbury. North Carol na, on Saturday, the 29th day of January. 1916. t be hour of twelve M.. r foil vipe described real estate, sit uate at Spen cer H, (J . and described a, toliowt: B: ginning at a stake on the south ait tide of Spencer Avenu- 150 feet nc rtheast from tbe lin of Fifth Street ; ihence so ith 81 deg 45' east 145 feet to a etake on the line of a .0 fo t al ley; thence with aid alley rorthSS deg. 15' a-t 50 fret to a stake; thence north 31 deg. 45' west '115 feet to take m lin of Spencer Avenue; ihence south 58 deg. 15' west 50 feet to the plao of beginning, and known as lot No 9 in Block 15 as shown by the map of Whitehead property addi- ion t 8pMJcer. N. O. fee Btok ot Deeds No. 109. page 12; Book 79; pag 165. in thu i ffice of the' Register of Deeds for Rowan County. This the 23rd day of December, 1915. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Trustee Fine Frostproof Cabbage b nnrci post. J trh t. i fi ii. t'har leston Waefiftlf' Succsfi i: 1 0C0 for $1.00 iinstDHiri- 100 f r 15o postpaid R O Tark"?, Uiab N. 0 n-in-t. P! Bget ioinicdiate relief froin Or, ShnD? f.Ujr 0;ntmnf 1 . IE RUB OUT PAIN with good ofl Kniment. That's the surest wav to stoo tkem. 4 The lst rubtinsr liniment lis nn II' II ' Vk. II I U ii j jnnnrpins? iLiibiuy u Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etec Qoodfor your own A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c 50c $!. At all Dealer Famous ( Silverware Goethould be exercised when lekcU ins f6rk, spoons and fancy erfins piece to see that they always bear tbe famous trade mvk DACDC DDAC XS I . II m. 1 1 mm m i i men wv t in an i u mil m m w ii trail mum W. which mmpi thf m the tea nin Roeets aUveipUted vam. For over 64 reais "1847 ROGERS BROS." silver has been fast in the heart of the housekeeper be cfljnse of its wearing quality, wedonaaship and desiim. Sold by leading dealers ererrwhere. Send for cats- loguC-LMsbowbK all paneres. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. ' (losirnational SUreS Osw. Snccesscc) The Perfection Completes Your Shaving Outfit TOUCH a match the Perfection . i glows in response. In five min utes the bathroom is as warm as toast Why endure cold, damp and chilly weather when this inexpensive little portable fireplace is always ready to make things cozy and warm in bedroom, bathroom all over the house. ' ' The Perfection is clean, convenient, eas-" ily carried wherever you want it. Ten hours of comfort from a gallon of oil. It is smokeless and odorless. Costs noth ing when not in use but is always ready to make your house the home of cheer. Use Aladdin Security . Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best rJts in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters.' STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte. N. G. Washington, D. C Norfolk. Va. Richmond, Va. Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold in many styles, and sizes at all hardwarej and general , stores, and wherever you see the Perfec tion Cozy Cat Poster. Cherlcsion, W. Va. Charleston S. C. 1 J U XV t . It X V -s- A-H X 1 l II J . Ii X X I s II WW ( Highest award Panama- W'fl A I mm V