. ..4: V- 4 1 ...i WE apWEIB COliECTKW A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of he Peopie and for ; Honesty in Governmental Afiairs, r- . . - ' . v. i: . VOL, XII, NO. 7 FOUBTH SERIES SALISBURY, . C , WSDM Y, S3T 2ND, K: G Wm. H- STEWART. ED AWTI PTIM 1 Tie f V5 " CIO m w m. m 'mm ..' . i I l I i ft? 1 V- r he WiD ecover So her doctor said. Her fnends and neighbors felt sure of it too. j They haVe ' Used Peruna themselves and know, of its merits. That old cough that had worried her for years and years, for which she had taken all sorts of cougti medicines, has disappeared.. Peruna is doing the work. She will recover. Indeed, she has recovered.. .Her name is Mrs. William npnmann, 2764 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ills. She had suffered WttH catarrh of the bronchial tubes fmd had a terrible cough ew Btace a child. As she got colder she grew worse. f She coughed both winter and sum mer. Had to sit up at night. Could not sleep. v"But all that has left me nowf Peruna has cured me." There are others, and there is a reason.. Cliero-Col EE Yaiualle ni Sals. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan tJounty made in the special proceeding entitled a A. Wal lace, administrator of J. R. Wallace against Mosella Watson an i others. 1 will offer at public sale at the court house door in Salisbury on Monday, February 14, 1916, 1 being the first day tf the 8uperior Court, a tract of 19 1-4 acres of valu able farming lands situated in L'jcUe township, about three miles .froijn China Grove and about 7 miles from Salisbury, on and near- the mcadam Jlic road between those places, ad- ing James Uorrjther-, Jotijfr HqU. ger.the old Bruper plaee--tnd gathers. -TWs' land ltesWell situated, and has good timber ai d water. - Plot and description may be seen at the office of my attorney in Salisbury . Terms: One half cash, balance due in eight motths. Title reserved till purchase money is all paid. This January 4, 19 1 6 A Wallace. Admr. and Com., RF. D. No., Glass, N. C. Theo. F. Kluttz, Attorney. DR. W. C. TAYLOR, Dentist. Hours. 8:30 to 12:30, 2 00 to 530, and other hours by appointment, 'Phones Office 147 Residence 254. Office second floor of VACHOVIA BANK BUILOIhG, Entrance first door on Council St. ROCK . i J. F. Phillips has been remodel h e; bis r. sidei ce. Thp farmers of th?s section are beginning farm operations for the c miug season. Kluttz and Park Academies crossed bats last Friday and scored 20 to 25'in favor cTKlufct. The Shnping roller mill has bju cloitd down for 'some time ut Mr. Shnping states that he ti9 a boiler under way. Jmes Cistor has been draying rur George Bhuping from Salis ary to Rock. Milo John has been assisting Or. M. bhupiug in constructing a nice drive way aLd lawu for hit iew residence . Miss May Shinn, who has been on the sick list, we are glad to o.ot is improving, Dan Jackson haa been doing a lot of chopping. M. A. Oversash is visifeiug over Saturday aud Sunday. Robert Josey has moved his der c ck on Ramsy and Collins granite ell. Riym.nd Fnnderburk hai par ci;uted a tract of land from lye Klut'z. J. M. Trontman visited at Mrs. Frank Taylor's Saturday night aud Sunday. Chas Safnt and J . H. Johnson jfcarted to town Saturday with a toad of-cotton for the Salisbury market. . There was quite a crowd disap pointed at the Rook Grove churoh the fifth Sunday on account of the pastor failing to be present. Aithur Weayer, Arthur Kluttz, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Roseman and the writer ipent Sunday evening at W. H. Earnhardt's. Johu Bost spent Sunday even Ing at G. M. Shnping's W. D. Troutman'spent a pleas aflt evening-at C W. "Ketner'a last Sunday. There will be an oyster supper at Bruuer Ketner's next Saturday night, the 5th, for the beuefit of Ebenezer churoh. We notice tb at Venus haa bsen dreaming some and Uncle Bill decided to dream. We was sail' ing over the Atlantic to aid Ger many and all at onoe was shatter ed by the explosure of a torpedo vhich threw ns out of the bed on the floor, incidentally waking us ep to fiud it onlv -i dream. Tret ou your dream Venus. Unclp. Bill organ cmmoH, T mo Qlnrfr $Mm Wmm U III UlUla IMUUUB IflUUUIO Jan 81. J. T. atd G. L Carter attended the live stcck association at Salisbury last week. Mrs. Robert Garter has been confined to her bed with la grippe but is improving we are glad to say. Calvin Miller ii sawing for Harvey Foutz near Organ. Mr, Foutz will erect a dwelling this sprij g Kluttz., and Otmer crossed bats last Friday on the formers dia mond. The score -was 6 aud 4 in favor of the Ktut'z boys. jaooo Am uarier nas swapped horses. The. Lyerly is confined to his bed with la grippe. M. M. Ketner is clearing a large uew ground. T T . tT I t m j. jjawson ruunz win soon finish sawing lnmber for Rev. R R. Sowers, We are having some work done on the public roads . which are in much need of it . Ady vVenzil spent Sunday even- iug with J, I. Carter. Sweet Hkabt. Has Used Chambarlaln,s Cough Re medy for ao Years, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in my household tor the past twenty years. I bt gau giving it to my children when they wer6 small. As a quick re lief for croup, whooping cough, ana ordinary colds, it - has no 1 r m equal. Being iree tiom opium aud other harmful drugs, I never felt afraid to give it to the ohil dreu. I have recommended it to a large number of friends and neighbors, who have used it and speik highly of it," writes Mrs. Miuke, Shortsville, N. Y. Ob- tainabl6 everywhere. An important meeting was held in Charlotte yesterday when a joint commisiion of the North Oarofiua and Tennessee Synods of the Lutheran church assembled to act upon the question of unit ing these two synods. The mem bers of the North Carolina com- -w-. m a tr mission are: Key. u, r. Mc Laughlin, Concord; Rev. W. H. Riser, China Grove ; Rev, M. M, Kiuard, D. D., Salisbury; and Prof. George McAllister, of Mt Pleasant. The Tennessee svnod embraces all of the churches in weitern part of this state and the opinion of many is tl;at all the Lutheran churches of this state should be inoluded in the North Carolina synod. YouVe Mt the right tobacco when you fire-up some Prince Albert, in your old jimmy pipe or in a makin's cigarette. And you know it! Can't get in wrong with P. A. for it is made right; made to spread- smoke- sunshine among men who have suffered with scorched tongues and parched throats! The patented prdcess fixes that and cuts out bite and parch. All day long you'll sing how glad you are you're pals with TTTI77 ii m the national joy smoke You take this testimony straight from the shoulder, men. You can smoke a barrel of P. A. without a kick! It hands out all the tobacco happiness any man ever dreamed about, it's so smooth and friendly. It's a mighty cheer ful thing to be on talking-terms with your pipe and your tongue at the same timebut that's what's ccming to you sure as you pin your faith to Prince Albert 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wiiwton-Salem, N. C fii . m irM t ii i vii i r- r. .r- !siiiV sin vi in i uj.&r- at m i iiii . I fill iim It's an easy job to change the shape and color of unsalable brands to imitate the Prince Albert tidy red tin, but it is- impoMiible to imi tate the flavor of Prince Albert tobaccol The patented proceMprotecU that! stallion, S Cald T Sum- R wari Cfuhty stock cod whI amort tb ribbon winners, whi-h were an uc u ced at the ol si g sea siu ol ihe liv stock sh w held here lust ida. fbe ribbon wiuuers are gtien below: Horses : Llralt (pure-orea aud - regis tered ) Class 1 Percherou stallion a' aee, 1st A.' E. Lyrly, Salisbury R 4 Class 8 Bro jdmirt 4 ypars olri l nd ov-r. 1st, O H Allen. 0lev laud 2 tii. B B Millr. Pit UHa 0 ass. 8 S;alliOii foal, F 1 Mi.ir, Sal 1 ury, R 4 ('.lass 10 Pair hitched to wa- fic n, stallions, gtldings or mtra Class li. Oh mpion mare, ay age. C H Allen, Cleveland Light Horses (poro-bred and registered ( Class 13 Stallion, any age. Q Brown, Salisbury, R 2. Class 14 Mate, any age, JAW Barkloy, Ststesvule Light Horses f arrade) Olats 21 StaHion, gelding or mare hitobed to buggy. 1st, J A W Berkley Statefville; 2nd, J G Browu, Salisbury, R 2 Saddle Horses : Class 22 Five-gaited gf-lding or mare. 1st, J wall, Mt. Uila; 2nd. W mer, Salisbury : Mules Class 82 Mule 8 years old or over. 1st aLd 2ocL w K Barber. Barber Junotion Class 84 Mule 1 year and under 2, 1st and 2od, C H Allen,' dev. - land Beef Cattle Hereford (pure-bred and regis tared) Class 52 -Bull, 1 year old and under 2, 1st,. B B Miller, M. Ulia Class 53 Bull uuder 1 year. 1st and 2nd, O A Brown Cleveland Class 55 Heifer. 2 years old nd under 3 1st, B B Miller, Mt. una 01 iss 57 Heifer ander l-war. 3ud, O A Brows; Cleveland Grade Hairy Q&ileiaj breed) uiais iw Uow 8 years old or over, 2nd, U Q Wilson, Salisbury. Utner dairy pattle on exhibition uot competing owned by Fisher's Dairy and J F Lndwick. of Salis bury Hogs Berkshire (pure-bread and re sisted) Class 156 Sow. 0 months and under 12, 1st, Samuel P J Yaw. Greensboro, R 3 Class 157 3ow u der6 months. lat, Samuel P J Yow, Greeusboro, K d; 2nd, John Yw, Greensboro. R. 3 Hog? u exhibition bet not o m- petiug were owned by J (T Lud- wiok, Silisbary, Brkshir : S D Barnes, Liuwi cd, O I C Stv ral ether pure bred ani mal- we'rt on exhibition hn. HH or a inpn f, r priz s, among esa t,friife the Pbrchercn Stall ii . w f-d tf e State test farm 1 th- black Peroberon Stallion wiid by G G R tjta e. Sal.Bbury. Mm Uuioa Olfcalilfl Meet ' The Famrs Union is workint v..ry zealously to make the rural SHctious ai.d the com ti at Jare a necfr place to live-. xu uuion earnestly qupt. every, man, woman, boy. and girl or ne eonnty t3d their honoet best to make the prtsent school t-rm a more g'oricus success. The trade ageuts of tho various Fainws U. ion locals in thectun ty are requested to meet with ttie local ffijinls from the various Farmers U .ion Locals m the 3 unty, at their anuual meeti g t ' ' f'eld in the old court hou V aaturduy, February. 6th, at II o'c ck . This is a very importaut me t iug aud it is absolutely neces-a y tht we hav a foil repr -sentatio. . All members are at liberty to meet with us, if they so df sire. Fraternally. OgCAR H Phillips, County Pres. Por Children's Cough Remedy. You cannot use anvthintt I it'nr for your child's cough aud c d tnan Dr. King's New D scoveiv. Ifc is prepared frm Piue Tar mix ed with healiuar balsams It does net couth i. anything harmful and is eligh 1 laxative, just enough to expel tLe poisons trom (be system. Dr. King's New Discovery is autieep tic, kills the cold germs, raises the phlegm, loosens the ocogh and soothes the irritation. Don't put off treatment, Coughs and colds often lead to serious Inns troubles. It is also good for adults and the aged. Get a bot t e today. All druggists. - Rev. W. H. Hardin spent last Saturday in Monroe where he as sisted Rev. Thomas L. Trott in conducting the funeral and burial services over the body of J. W. Farley. Mr. Farley was the fath erof J. W. Farley, of Salisbury, and died suddenly in Monroe last Thurday of heart trouble H w Vlr. Davis Q t Rid of a Bad Cough. "r.mq time apo I had a very bad congV whites Lew is T. Davis, BlackwaW, Dl. "My brothe VIcCibe Davi? uuve nan a small tt i f Chamberlain's Cough R-m-jdv. Aft r tabids this T usht half a d zn bottles of it 'ur. o lv usd one of them as the coiiih left and I havw uot been (fu'l-d since." Obtainable evfrywhre Secis For 1915 Evmrywhmrm tobacco i Mold yoa'll find Princm Albert awaiting your cAeerraiit Buy it in toppy rod batm. Set tidy rod tins, lOc; hanotomm jtoand and half-pound humi dor a and in that clay pound crywtal-glaao humidor with tpongm - moittanmr top that hoop thm tobacco to fit t. Tti following is a statement, of iow many times it showed in the var iyio i reter to b,vh heavy and light sn ws . January, T6 times; February, 2 time ; March, 21 times; April, 6 times; Uecmner, y tims; total 54 times J T Carter. Rock well, R 2, Box 80, N. 0. Constipation When oostive or troubled with oonstipation take Chamberlain's Tablets They ar- easy to take a d moat agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Tn attempt to board a mcving treigbt train in the Southern yard at Concord, Walter Crouch, of that placa was thrown under the wheels, and bcth legs were terribly mangbd between his thigh and knees. He died about one hour lator. Whenever You Need a General Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Taste -i'-:hill Tonic is equally valuable m General Tonic because it contains ? spell known tonic properties of QUINl. and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Dm rrSdiy tneWhokSyste cecU Price 25a, NO TIME WASTED Proipt Action Is Pleismg y toy Sillsbsrj Get down to the cause of every thing. Bad baoks are frequently oaused by wak kidne rs . Help the kidneys to get rid of kidney backache. Doan'a Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only . No time wasted trying to onre other troubles. Salisbury people endorse their merit. Mrs. D, A . Holbrooks,. 218 S . Lee St,, Salisbury, ays: "Five year ago l nad attacks of lum bago that nearly put me dewn aud out. Mv back ached constantly. Doau's Kidney Pills were recom mended to me by a friend and I begun taking them. They helped me afi one. Wbeuever my back causes me auy misery ncv, I use Doai s Kidney Pi'ls and get prompt relief " Price 50o, at all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills th9 me that Mrs. Holbrooke hd iV .. . ti . 1 1. . r t. n . r i" ati-i-uiiiu.uu vu. jriupn., mil falo, N Y. o mm- Deputy Sheriff David Graham lan& Friday tock Jim Cooper from his cell in he Rowan jail to Ral eigh nhwre he was plaoed in the death :ell of the penitentiary to await his execution on February 11th. Cooler will pay the death penalty fcr the murder of Luoinda Price, colored, at her home in the western seotion of Salisbury cev I eral months ago. - i BBS - ... - Sciatica's Piercing Palo. To kill the nerve pains of Scia tica you can always depend on SI an's Linimei t. It penetrates to the seat of paiu and brings ease as soori.as it is applied. A great comfoit too wiih Sloan's is that no rnbbiug is nqaired. Sloan's Lin iment is iuvu uable for stoppit g muscu'ar or nerve painot auy kind, i ry it at ouce if ycu nff r with Rlnumatism, Lumbago, S r Throat, Pain in Chest, Sprains, Bruiser, etc It is excellent for Neuralgia and Headache 25o. at all druggists. mw m The Rjwan Baptist Sunday Sohool Association met in Spenoer Sunday and rendered a very in teresting and appropriate piogiam last Sunday. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. For your coll, for your ecu. h, for your ffeverjisb threat, nnse t ; head, use Dr, Bell's Pu.e-1 r Honey. Honey soothes th- ir tati(u, Pine-Tar cuts the iJ.lw hut relieving Congestion. Piu Tar also aots as an antiseptic. a h r8ulfe general relief fHie Breathii g becomes easier snri further inflammation is arr e Insist on Dr. Bh's Piue Tai Honey. It is an ideal treatment masna SIMS? n n n H H a M M dn 9m paxg apjoq aoo nBqj sssf An sal vj jaaaiioi'j 8,08015 jo jjoiqj 01 psotraqo j n'aqM jom ixa dn faiAi? japituoD oj paoaoj I jBqj stnoaaq ji pip snou S ssspsaj Aubui ova paniBd j -3JOS pn amv omvo -q 3u jpi Am o?B ?aoj o kt-r" Xp9UI9J SI J9lfX iajajjajUT urej saoa I V II I '"T"WIt. m . IK'.i JW n n n n n n n n n n u DnunnuxinnunnuunnunnunuunQ Deafness c si. nur be Cured. by local applications, as they can i.t rraoh tb div ased portion of the ear. Thr6 is only one way to cure deafi es9, aud that is by constitutional remedies Deaf ness is caused by an itiflamed con dition of the mucous liniug of the Buitachan Tube. When this tube is infiamed you have a rumbling or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube. restored to its formal con dition, bearing will be destroved forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is noth ing but an .inflamed condition of the mucous surfaoe We mill give One Hundred Del jars foe any case ot deafness (caus ed by catarrh) that cannot be oured z by Hairs , Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Johu Rogers is spending a few days visiting near China Grove. rjL'- . flany People Don't Know. A sluggish liver can cause a person an awful lot of misery. Spells of dissinesi, headaches, constipation and biliousness are sure signs that your liver needs help. Take Dr. King's New L,fe Pills and see how they help tone up the whole system. Fine for the stomach too. Aids digestion. Purifies the blood and clears the oomplexion. Only 25o. at your druggist. Do You Find Pault With Eeerybody? An irritab'e fault finding dis position is often due to a dis ordered stomach. A man with good digestioa is nearly 'always good'natured. A grat many have been permanently benefited by Chamberlain's Tablets after years cf snfferiDg. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions na turally. Obtainable everywhere. . - Rev Watsyn N)f Charlotte, ireached an excellent sermon at Corinth Baptist church Saturday, Jonuary 29th. - fo Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing It is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The-Quinine drives out malaria- the f ftqflds hp the svstem. SO cents Jas A Morgan is contemplating building a new residence. Standard general str :nSthening tonic. lnvt The 6 GROV"- S TASTELESS chill TONlC,drires out jjcLa-'-Ai snncnes tne Dlooa, builds up the system, A ti i onic For adults and children. 60c Piles -me .ttf . oor drnglst wili ft t s 5t, p OINTMENT fails to cure & is tci "' Blmd.BleedlnsrorProtrnding iie 4i Thefirat apniiflRtion giv?s Ease - t - fhe luinine mat Coes hot Ais6ci ...c Becse of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TTVfi BROMO QUININE is better than ortinary Qninlne and does not cause nervousness nor ringing- in head. Remember the fuU name and "QCIC tar thi -wttrtr nt w w fyorxrr 1 Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how lone standing are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Portert Antiseptic Healing- OU. It relieves PMmaHealaa the aamo fape. t5c.50c tlJQ Ptesiaens Wiisou oa Frioay se lected Louis D Brandies, of - Bos ton, to be asooiate justice ot the Supreme Court to 8U03ed the late Justice Lamir. Mr Brandies will b tb first Jew to bl on ths su nremebnoh. He is . Katuok ian by birth. Bad -Cough--? -Peveris drippy r h? These Ailments Weaken Your System. Your Body Then Needs the Help of Dr. King's New Discovery. Colds are annoying. They inter fere with our duties. In our weak ened condition they may end in a spell of sickness or even more serious ailments. Fear, however, should be overcome, for in Dr. King's New Discovery you have an effective rem edy. Dr. Eng's TT Wseotefr contains the ingredients which fght cold germs, which soothe your cough, healing the irritated and inflame ? mucous membranes. Just as soon 'w you start taking Dr. King's New Discovery your recovery is assured. Without assistance your weakened system tries in vain to throw eff these cold germs. Your system crif for help and Dr. King's New D" -covery is just the remedy neede J . Get a bottle to-day. Take at once . You will feel much better to-morrow. All druggists. TO THE r 'ax Payers of Rowan Coauty You are urgently requested to meet the undersigned at the timss and places named below and settle your State and County taxes. Your attention is respectfully called to the fast that these taxes are past due and thit the usual Bdaroh 'attendance will not be made owing to a change in the law. China Grove at Landis, Tuesday, February 1st China Grove at China Grove, Wednesday, February 2nd Atwell at Overcash's Store, Wednesday, February 2nd Litsfcer at Faith. Thursday, February 3rd Qofd Hill at Rookwel), Friday, February . 4th Gold Hill at Gold Hill Tuesday, February 8th Providence at filler's Store. Tuesday, February 8tb Morgan at Morgan Muster Grand, Wednesday, February 9th Gold Hill at Granite Quarry, Thursday, February 10th Morgan at Pool Towr, Friday, February 1 1th JAS, JEL KKIDER, Sheriff. it .1-1 ; 1 i! j -.ii u .if u