CALOMEL SICKENS! IT SALIVATES! DON'T STAY BILIOUS, C0N5TIPATEC I Guarantee "Dotjson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had Don't Lose a Day's Work! , Calbmel makes you sick; you lose a day's work, c Calomel is quicksilver ! and it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, sluggish and all, knocked out, if your bowels are constipated nd your head aches or Btomach is bout, Just take a spoon ful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson's Liver, Tone is real liyer medicine. . You'll know it next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be work ing, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. Tou will feel like working. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. . Your druggist or dealer sells you a 60-oent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone Belittled His Desperate. Act. She You only married me for my money! jHe Only, woman? Only? To Drive Out Malaria 1 And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE' S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. Policemen, like rainbows, are apt to appear after the storm is over. Deep cuts should be healed by Han ford's Balsam. Adv. Man is an animal on the hunt uf a revenue. SUDDEN Caused by Disease The dose connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poi soning occurs, and the person dies and the cause is often given as heart dis ease, or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of "Anuric" the latest dis covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample "of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ho tel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feel ing, it's time to write Dr. Pierce, de-sf-fs your, symptoms and get his Govtom Iscne, noie pcwe. tratina Biake it preferable. Yow amply rub ft on roar tbgos chert or parti affect- d ta and k it baorbed thru the akin, atopaeoofb. croup and coldi pmntpjy. Re lieves pBeonoesa by reduc ing congestion anai lever. Foe eale by all dealea ia 25c. 50c and $1.00 bottle. Wntefor sample and tertW Daaam! Cmnna beeann Gowaaiii more penetrating COWAN MEDICAL CO. Concord, N. C, The Reliable Remedy for lumbago, gout and RHEUMATISM GETS AT THE JOINTS VROSS. THE INSIDE For sale by all druggists We are tbe largest handlers of EGGS in tbe South. What have you to ship? The high est market m-ice cn.r. I anteed with quick returns. Give us a trial. Bexerence 1st National Bank. Richmond. Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO;, Commission Merchants Dapt. B, Richmond, Va. Ozark Mothers Used To Be Maid Go To Bed At Night Now Sleep Soundly Since They Have Found a Sure Preventive For -Croup. i Many mothers, besides those of Ozark, Mo., have been afraid to sleep at night for fear of being awakened by that dread croupy cough. Mrs. H. H. Givan and Mrs. J. J. Cave, both of . Ozark, : have found, in common with ' many other Missouri mothers, that a Jar of Vap-O-Rub . in the house in sures a good night's sleep. Vap-O-Rub is the external treatment for all forms of croup or cold troubles, introduced here from the South last winter. It isMn salve form and you just rub it over the throat and chest, covering with a warm flannel cloth.' The body warmth releases antiseptic vapors that are. inhaled with each breath, loosening the phlegm, and, in addition, ' Vlck's is absorbed- through and stimulates the skin, relieving the tightness and soreness. Croup is usu ally relieved in fifteen, minutes, and a achiiiery Wanle Wa will pay hih cash prises for new or used Grinde, etc Will buy single machines or entire shops. Send full descriptions and prices, you xn0w,c-f machines for sale, write us. We will pay a big- commission for information, leading tc ausiness. c- ' . ' - ' . - , o .orv SEGAL" MACHINERY EXPORTING CO. ?2 BROADWAY MEW YORK CITY .7 under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel kit wont make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your Uver, clean.your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you can, have your money, back. Chil dren gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them Lsick. ; I am selling I millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver. Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vege table, liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee, Ask your druggist orstorekeeper about me. One Exception. Mrs. Plaindial I don't careif I'm not pretty. Beauty's only skin deep. Her Husband -Not with potatoes. .Important to Mothers - Examine carefully every bottle of L CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria ' Money talks. That is why they put a woman's head on the silver dollar. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. Remorse and economy are always faithful 'followers of the races. DEATH of the Kidneys medical opinion, without charge ab solutely free. This "Anuric" of Dr. Pierce's is 37 times more active than lithia, for it dissolves uric acid in the system, as hot, water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric" is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the sig nature on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription, the ever-famous friend to ailing women. Worry is a frequent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney dis ease. Thousands have testified to im mediate relief from these symptoms after using Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets for the kidneys and backache. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well. No alcohol. Sold In tablets or liquid. , Peace at Any Price. "Do you let your wife have her own way?" "Certainly,; and most of mine." Boston Transcript. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gloss, Thickness. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any store for' "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of the famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try tt! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. Tou dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Adv. The Case Stated. "There isn't, a scrap of evidence about this fight." "Why, man, it was all scrap!" For thrush, cleanse and dry the foot and make thorough applications of Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh. Adv. Many, an outwardly handsome wom- l ah is inwardly homely. good application at night will, in al most every case, prevent a night at tack. But let Mrs. Givan speak for herself. She writes "I have used Vick's Vap-O-Rub on my little girl for croup. I rubbed it on her chest and throat and it is just splendid, and I wasn't afraid to go to bed at night,' Mrs. Cave says "I find Vap-O-Rub the best thing I have ever used for colds, sore throat, croup and all kinds of skin troubles for children. I could not do without it now, as it saves calling a doctorj" The penetrative quality of Vfck'q makes it excellent also for inflamma tions of the skin, such as burns, bruises, itchings, piles and muscular soreness. In thesexsases, particularly in cases of burns, it seems to draw out the inflammation and has a de lightfully cooling effect. Three sizes, 25c, 50c Or $1.00. The Vick Chemical Company, Greensboro, N. C. SXOl this Trade Mr GARAGES, MACHINE SHOPS, MANUFACTURERS! machines, such fiharwrs Miliar. pnn 06-. Jhej Genuine has firv? PRESIDENT WRITES TO HOUSE LEADER jr HAS CHANGED HIS MIND BE CAUSE CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED.. URGING NEW TARIFF BODY However There it No Change In His Attitude Toward Protection Ques tions Deal Only With Facts. Washington. President Wilson Bent a letter to Chairman Kitchin of the House Ways and Means Commit tee explaining why he had withdrawn his opposition to a tariff commission and now was urging the creation of such a body by Congress. He wrote frankly that he had changed his mind because "all the circumstances of the world had changed." Declaring that he had "no thought whatever of a change in attitude to- fward the so-called protection ques tion" the President said the proposed commission would have nothing to do with theories of policy but would be charged only with the duty of seeking facts to guide Congress in legislation. In another letter to Mr. Kitchin he had set forth fully his ideas of what a traiff commission should be and urged that the Ways and Means committee consider the matter immediately. He favored a wholly non-partisan, expert organization. "I have changed my mind," said the letter, "because all the circum stances of the world hae changed and it seems to me that in view of the extraordinary and far-reaching changes which the European war has brought about it is absolutely neces sary that we should have a compe tent instrument of inquiry along the whole line of the many questions which affect our foreign commerce. "I have had in this change of mind no thought whaever' of a change of attitude towards the socalled protec tion question. That is neither here nor there. A commission such as I have sug gested would have nothing to do with theories of policy. They would deal only with facts and the facts which they would seek ought to be the act ual facts of industry and of the coa ditions of economic exchange prevail ing in the world, so that legislation of every kind htat touched these matters might be guided by the circumstances disclosed in its inquiries. ASKS CONGRESS TO SPEED UP. President Anxious . That Congress Work and Adjourn In June. Washington. Agitation for greater congressional activity on the . .Admin istration legislative program receiv ed new impetus when President Wil son asked Majority Leader Kitchin to "speed up" work on the House side of the Capitol and later discussed the subject with other leaders of both houses. The President is anxious that Congress 'finish its work and adjourn in June before the political conven tions. The outstanding features of the leg islative program for the next few months, as Mr. Kitchin forsees thehm, are: A tariff commission bill will be re ported by the Ways and Means Com mittee. . No revenue measure is likely to be reported until after the military and naval committees bring in their bills. This may be weeks or months. No waterways projects and no new public building bills will be consider ed. An anti-dumping clause for the tariff law may be reported later. In addition the shipping bill and the Philippine bill are expected by other congressional leaders to attract much attention. Turks Check British. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville. The British force going to the relief of the troops surrounded by Turks at Kut-el-Amara attacked the Turkish position near Menlari on January 23 but were repulsed. Glanders in Richmond. Richmond, Va. Dr. J. G. Ferney- hough, state veterinarian, inagurated a strict quarantine against the big British stockyards at Newport News because of an epidemic of glanders He said mules to the value of $18,000 already had been shot, and that over $800,000 worth of horses and mules, awaiting shipment, are endangered The British officers in charge, led by General Bridges, he reports, are ex erting every known means of com batting the disease. Miners Will Not Strike. Indianapolis, Ind. After a long dls cussion in convention the delegates representing nearly 400,000 union coal miners in the United States decided that-in the event new wage scales have not Ben negotiated by the time existing -Contracts expire they will re main at work so long as there is hope of drawing up agreements. This de cision of the United Mine Workers of America was made by an overwhelm ing majority and endorses the policy of- President John White; who advo cated the step. Hand-tbTHand Battles. London. Hand-to-hand fighting be tween the French and Germans near Neuville took place when, the French tried to retake trenches captured by the Germans. Berlin reports that-all the attacks were repulsed. The French, however, have taken from ,the Germans mine craters they had occupied several days ago and in mining operations in the Argonne forest have destroyed German trench es. On the Austro-Italian front Ital ian positions near Oslavia have been captured by the Austriaria. 4? r Look ancLFeel Clean, Sweet and ? : Fresfi Every ?Day before breakfast to wash out poisons. Life is not merely to live, 1ut to. live well, eat welt, digest well,, work velV sleep well, look; rell. "What; a glorious condition to attain, and yet how Very easy it is if one will only adopt the morning inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy, when they arise, split ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid . stomach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the, sluices :pf the 'system each morning and flushing;, out the whole of the internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast, drink, a glass dl real hot water with a teaspoonf ut ot iimestone DhosDhate in it to wash. from the stomach, liver, kidneys and" bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary tract before putting more food into the stomach. The ac tion of hot water and limestone phos phate on an empty stomach is wonder-, fully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid ap petite for breakfast While you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phosphate is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disor ders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from any store that handles drugs which will cost very little, but is sufficient' to make anyone a pro nounced crank on the subject of in ternal sanitation. Adv. Pressing' Need. Mistress What do we need for din- oer? Servant Sure, ma'ain, and I've tripped over the run an we need a new set of dishes. Philadelphia Eve ning Ledger. Alabama Man Says Tetterlne Cures Eczema. Morvin, Ala., August 1. 1908. I received your Tetterlne all O. K. I have used it for Eczema and Tetter, Ring worms, Old Sores and Risings and can gladly recommend it as a sure cure. . J. R. DeBride. Tetterlne cures Eczema,. Tetter. Boils, Ring Worm, Dandruff, Cankered Scalp, Bunions. Itching Piles, Chilblains and ev ery form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tet terlne 50ci Tetterlne Soap 25c. At drug gists or by mall direct' from The Shup trine Co., Savannah, Ga. . With every mail order far Tetterlne we give a . box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. AdV. Jealous. "What a beautiful complexion Mrs, Blank has tonight." "Yes; I've noticed that, too. I won der what druggist she is patronizing now?" Had Pellagra Seven Years Thanks God He's Cured Cowards, S. C David G. Pater of this place, writes: "I am glad to say td-you, after waiting forty days, that I still feel like I am cured of pellagra. I had this disease for the last seven years. The fourth day after beginning your medicine I went back to work and have been able to do my work ever since. I thank God for your remedy." There is no longer any doubt that pel lagra can be cured. Don't delay until it is too late. It is your duty to consult the resourceful Baughn. The symptoms hands red like sunburn, skin peeling off, sore mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a flaming red, with much mucus and choking; indigestion and nausea, either diarrhoea or constipation. There is hope; get Baughn's big Free book on Pellagra and learn about the remedy for Pellagra that has , at last been found. Address American Compounding C., box 2090, Jasper, Ala., remembering money is refunded in any case where the remedy fails to cure. Adv. Mean Thing. Elsie Maude's face is her fortune Alice My dear, you mean misf or tune, don't you? OB SICK STOiGK Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do some foods you eat hit back taste good, but work badly; terment Into stubborn lumps and. cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so yop can eat your favorite foods without fear. You feel different as soon as "Pape's Diapepsin" comes, in contact with the stomach distress just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food, Go now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty- cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indiges tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach.. Adv. It is far better to be bent on econ INDIGESTION. GAS omy than broke qb extravagance. PRESIDENT WILL URGE COMMISSlQtJ rWANTS-TAftlFF COMMISSION WITH BROAD 'POWErf TO IN VESTIGATE TARIFFOUTIES. SEEKS IMMEDIATE ACTION Conferred With Majority lieader Kitchin and Others Should Be Non-Partisan. Washington. Announcement has been made that President Wilson , fa vors the creation of an independent, non-partisan tariff commission, with broad powers 'to investigate tariff du: ties, the relations between industries at home and abroad and the entire ta riff and "commercial-machinery of the world. ' The president discussed his plan at length ' with Representative 'Kitchin, chairman' of the house ways and means committee, and asked that the committee consider it immediately with the view of getting action during the present session of Congress. Also he laid the matter before Senators Simmons, chairman of the senate fi nance committee. Later he may ad dress congress on the subject, al though it was said this was improb able. Although the president previously has taken the position that the powers of a tariff commission already are held by existing government bureaus he told Mr. Kitchin he felt justified in pressing for the creation of a sepa rate commission' at this time because of unusual international conditions and on account of the interest the United States will have in commercial adjustments after the present up heaval. Representative Kitchin said he thought the Federal Trade Commis sion should be clothed with whatever additional powers might be necessary but that he believed a majority of the ways and means committee fa vored a new independent body. The president made it plain he did not think the proposed commission should be established with the view of up holding or criticising any particular tariff policy but should be entirely non-partisan, and capable of gather ing facts without any political basis. MANN SPEAKS FOR DEFENSE. Heartily Applauded by Both Sides of Chamber. Washington. Unqualified, non-partisan support of military preparedness was urged by Minority Leader Mann in a ringing speech on the floor of the house. - He was heartily and repeated ly applauded by both sides of the Chamber. While it has oeen understood that most of the Republicans favored army and navy increases none of their leaders had spoken on the subject. Consequently, coming as it did on the eve of the president's departure on a preparedness speaking toun, - Mann's address was regarded as particularly significant. He remarked himself that he always had been known wr a "small" army and navy man. Representative Mann declared that he saw no immediate danger of war and hoped that peace might prevail, but that danger of the United States being drawn into the present conflict or one that might result from it was too great to be disregarded. "I have much more fear in the end of war with .England than I have of war with Germany," he said. That was his only comment on this phase of his subject. Later he declined to elaborate on his remark. Common Steel Pays Dividend. New York. United States Steel Common shares were restored to their regular dividend status of 5 per cent when the directors unanimously de clared a quarterly disbursement of 1 1-4 per cent out of earnings for the last quarter of 1915. Total earnings of $51,232,788 for three months were the largest for any similar period in the history of the corporation, exceed ing the previous record, made in the second quarter of 1907, by $5,729,983. Less Fuel for Navy. Washington. Efforts of the navy department to cut down the cost of fuel and other materials used in main tenance of operation of warships were outlined to the house naval committee by Rear Admiral McGowan, paymas ter general. He was questioned at length by committeemen in connection with the naval appropriation bill. Ad miral McGowan said oil was 50 per cent more efficient than coal as fuel for warships but that at prevailing prices coal was cheaper for the Atlan tic fleet. Good Roads Bill Passes House. Washington. The Shackleford good roads bill, carrying an appropriation Of $25,000,000 to aid the states in im proving their postroads was passed by the house, 281 to 81. Three mem bers voted "present." . States would share in appropriation on the basis of their population and the number of their postroads. The money would be disbursed through the various state highway commissions. Opponents in sisted this would be the forerunner of other similar requests. German Proposal Rejected. Washington. The United States is understood to have rejected as being partially unsatisfactory Germany's latest proposal in the Lusitania nego tiations. Secretary Lansing, with the approval of President Wilson, is said to have so informed Count von Bern3 torff, the German ambassador during a conference at the state department. The ambassador will eonfer again with the secretary. ; It is understood he will then submit another confiden tial tentative proposal for a settlement. LIKED CHRISTMAS IN A JUG Colored Man- Could See No ; Reason Why He Should Be Deprived of. - His "Chleer "The officer tells me hefound you in an alley off Decatur street, asleep and under the influence of strong Irink. This jug was at your side. Have you anything to-say?" Judge Broyles glanced over severely ait the short, thick-set negro, and paused. "Christmas,, jedge," was the reply. "But you had been drinking, Sam," "Christmas, jedge." "Yesyes I know but that is no way to celebrate.'.'. The negro grinned. "Oat's er mattah ob chice, jedge," he observed. "Some likes ter put fun nies ion trees, an' 'some likes ter med lle ijoun' in hot mince pies, an' some sort lob favors lovin' under de missle toes, but me jedge my idear ob Christmas comes in de jug. Yo cain't blame me f er havin' a chice, kin yu?" Case and Comment. ITCHING, BURNING SCALPS Crusted With Dandruff Yield Readily to Cuticura. Trial Free. , Cuticura Soap to cleanse the scalp of dandruff crustings and . scalings, and Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal itchings and irritations. Nothing bet ter, surer or more economical than these super-creamy emollients for hair and scalp troubles of young or old. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Love is not only blind, but seems to be unable to detect a gin breath of long standing. Kidney Trouble Causes Sleep lessness, Dizzy Spells I have great confidence in your medi cine, called Swamp-Root, as I have test ed it- thoroughly. I had Kidney trouble for several years and found no relief, un til I took Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. The doctor said my disease was Kidney trouble of the worst kind. I had pains in my back, dizzy spells and fever. Had a languid feeling and could not sleep on account of having to urinate so often. The doctors told me that I could not get well, but I am well now and feel better than I ever did. Can sleep well and am not bothered any more with my kidneys. Have never taken a dose of medicine since the last bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. My age is 55 years. Have resided in Darlington 20 years. Yours very truly, W. A. LEE, 400 W. Broad St. Darlington, S. C. Personally appeared before me this 8th day of June, 1914, W. A. Lee, who subscribed to the above statement and made oath that the same is true in sub stance and in fact. P. T. WARR, Magistrate, Darlington County. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mationtelling about the kidneys and blad der When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar, size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. Don' think because a woman is out spoken that she can be outtalked. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMBNT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 60c No man ever respects a woman who doesn't respect herself. Obstinate sores should be cured by Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Whisky straight is the cause a croked walk the effect. fin 77 W Q -f WkW v fti n a 11 For Forty Years Lydia E. Pkikham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine Here is More Proof, To? women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking down, the three following letters ought to bring hope: Pmkham remedies." Mrs. Maymk Testimony from Oklahoma. Lawton, Okla. "When I began to take 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. I tired easily and had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I took it again before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of good at that time. I never fail to recommend Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for me." Mrs. A. L. MoCasland, 509 Have St., Lawton, Okla. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, Mass. "I was suffering1 from inflam mation and was examined by a physician who found thut my trouble was caused by a displacement. My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache, and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi cine; then I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Itr has cured me andT am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it." Mrs. B. M. Osgood, 1 Haynes Park, Eoxbury, Mass. If von want soecial advice write to Lvdia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. 'Yon letter wiU be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. . . r , PERUNA TONIC hat would you give to be, perfectly well? All you, have got, of course. It may be that ; your trouble is of a catarrhal nature. Catarrh of the head. Catarrh of the stomach. Ca tarrh of some internal organ. "Jf so, Peruna will help you on the road to perfect health. If -kyou want to be convinced; buy one bottle. No further, argu ment will be necessary. Coughs Colds Catarrh' PERUNA TONIC For Rfieumafio Pains Yager's Liniment, the great ex ternal remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, bruises or congestion gives prompt relief from pain. Mr. John Aberman, Claremont Mills, Md., writes: "For four years I suffered with rheumatism and had to walk on crutches. The doctor said my case was chronic and incurable but I tried Yager's Liniment with sat isfactory results. It is the best lini ment to relieve pain that I ever used, its action is prompt and effective." t Rut up in largo bottles containing eight ounces. Sold by all dealers 25c a. bottle. Prepared by Gil BERT BROS. & CO. Inc. Baltimore, Md. PREVENTIO better than cure. Tutt's Pills If taken In tli are not only a reawdy for, but wul prevent SICK HEADACHE, biliousness, constipation and kindred disease. TRY THE OLD RELIABLE a i VP iriTERSMlTH'5 CHILL IONIC For MALARIA A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 6-1916. ire Toil - 1 ... HW7 w i m it Tufii'i fills Mh hr North Crandon, Wis. "When I "was 16 years old I got married and at 18 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very oor health. I could not walk across the floor without having to sit down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and ne told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would" have to have an operation. This frightened me so much that I did not know what to do. Having heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as well as ever. I cannot sav enough in favor of tha Asbach, North Crandon, Wis.

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