Walshiian arfe.--. to,-?? Va (X STEWART, C&aot tnd Owner Cray tfcdae&a re . Tbs PtozrcssSvs CiS'Stii S suit LOO Eottrtdtt Kcood-dass matter January 19th, 19C5, ct tht pottoffiet at Salisbury, &j. CcsSerlbtficiolOocsrestollfarcb trd,1379.C mm-bmtw-t Salisbury, N C, Feb. 16, '16. Vtfioever You Need a General ) t Take Grove's ' The Cd Standard Grove's Tas drill Tonic is equally valuable OePeial Tonic because it contains t iPl lnumiii tnnir nrnnArlioc rffYTTTNt'T v 23 IRON. It acts on the Liver, 13 VV feMVT . kvuiv J KWg V W ' tX Malaria, Enriches the Blood & P op the Whole System. 50 cent . ROCKWELL. Tht Barringer Mtnnfaotuiing Oempany is having bad luck with ibe mills. The "pickers broke down Friday night at nine o'clock and atarted up Tuesday morning boat two o'olock. We regret to lose a friend, W. H fiarrif . He is going to move t Davidson College. Bookwell keeps growing H. S. Utsenhtimer is building a big drilling house. It sure seems as Sunday today because about every body is at tcading ohuroh. The wheat crop is looking nice around here. The Ed. Boger Cooper Co., is doing a lively livery business . The bauds are well pleased with the boss man at the Barriuger Mill with B, H. Langton Super intendent and B. L. Linker over Oar mill is running on fnll tine day and night. D. A. Walker says he has a fightingness oat in Rowaa o.uuty Ysnas if you have a cat urwch biraout. Tbe Labor Union organizer has CTganiied a strong camp in Rock trell and will report the operation ftfcdthe good work of the camp later. Bookwtll and! Builtmors orosied feata last Saturday. The game VU 10 and 4 in favor of Rockwell. One teaoher of the graded school keeoe straight with hiB pay. He baa them big stumps for punish Dint. The Republican primary! ware bald at Rockwell on the 12th with abcat 25 present. The following afneeri were eleoted: J. M. Hols, hoaxer, chairman ; R W. Lents, Secretary, The following were lasted delegates to the O-Uuty canvention at Salisbury, February 19th: B. R. A. Beaver, R. W. Leate, J. M. Holshouser. Sever al talks were made ind much in terest and enthusiasm was shown. 111 Drive Out Materia And Bu 1 Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is on every label, snowing it is ! end Iron in a tasteless form. Quinine drives out malaria, the DQ&ds up the system. SO cent : -a John A Stirewalt of the Kbenezer church neighbor h.ood,who recently suffered a stroke of paralysis, is nn proved some, but ;s still con fined to his bed. ftany Peopl Don't Know. A siugeiin liver , oau cause a GCKOn an awful lot of misery Spells of dininesi, headaches, CCSStipation and biliousness are tura signs that your liver needs bslp. Take Dr. 'King's New Life Pills and see how they help tone ea the whole system. Fine for tbe ttomaoh too. Aids digestion. Parities the blood and clears the Caclezioa, Only 25o. at your druggist. XES UJJtOLDiA WATCHMAN 18 published on Wednesday and The pm tv BcnAM RaooBD ou Friday of each Wtak and, so far as news and csrtice is oonoerned, admirably answers tne purpose ot a semi- weekly. They give you all the Cf a&ty news, specially- prepared for their readers, condensed so that yon can get the f aots with wSt having to wade through col CSSa of childish prattle, and ar rtagsd so that you can read the htsie news at a glance,' whioh is given not only the 'preference but Oorrectly. These things, in adrli tioa to the fact that it is, a horns newrpaper. owned by home peo ples aaploys home people and stands for a square deal for home people, regardless of loss or gain, shoald cause every loyal, son of t ne taoaty to make it his business ta adbxsribe for them first, last IjtlBlfn 13 tali Snaih BrfJbh Treicl Front of About 800 Yards Is Caperirl by tbe TtotODS. - Fb. 15. Switching their offen sive from the Artois and Cham pagne regions in France, to the Belgian sector arc and Ypree held by the British, the Germans have amaihed their way by an artillery bembardment and infantry at tacks into a British front line trench over a distance of between 600 and 800 yards; Berlin gives the distance as 800 yards and the British offioial communication in admitting the ga'b, asserts that it vas on a front of aoout 600 yards Borlin says that a majority of the defenders of the trench wer killed and that one offioer and several dosens of soldiers were taken pris oner. v In the Artois region between Lent and Bethune, tbe orater of a mice blown up by tbe Germans was ocoupied by them,, while the French guns have been, fensy shell. ti g German organ nation in the eighborhood of thn Msd t? Lille, Tha French also bombarded Gnr man positions north of Via Sur Aisne and to tbe corthaH of Hoiasoiis, and iu I he. A rgnne ex ploded a mine a: d occupied the orater. Iu Champagne,, Bnrlu assert, French infantry attempt- to re gain lost positions north of Tahure were repulsed, as likewise was a similar attack ia the V:sg-$ uear Ober Sept. There baa been a coiitidtrat le renewal of activity on tbe Rus sian fro;.t arouud Dviusk, to the sjntb ot thr Pxipet river and along i be upper sad middle S'.ripa river !a': uo important changes have oonrred. The Italians are e til I usiug their !?nnf and infantry in attempts to retake fromthe Austro-Huugari-aua tt: pesitiona recently cap tured ou MontsRem o but all uttempta have been repulsed with heavy losset, according to Vienna B:th aides of Sissera occupied by th Auat ians and positions inthe Ssba'ih Valley and ou tbe Ana triaiufront betweeuthe Filla Val ley aud Nisoh Mountain also have been heavily bombarded by ,the Italians. The Russians are still on the off en live agaiust the Turks in the Caucasus region, bat Constanti nople 1 ports their attacks' have been halted ly oouLt9raltacks In Mesopotamia th sitnation irouud Kut-elAmara aud Fela hie, where the British ar operat ing against tbe Turks, is uucbane ed. At the re opening of the British Parliament, both Premier Atqui'h ani Secretary cf war K'tch-ner made speeches in which tbey re viewed the situation au l xpret ed confidence in ultimate victory for the Entente allies. . Premier Asquith informed the Hfnse of Comment that th iv--rnmet was tkiuK fetck 'J all its munition, men, finance and liidustrial reserve, bo as to b in a position to put forth its maximum strength. Hi utimated that mother credit of he larsje amount vould bo ukd for tit an -arly late, aud anuomiC'd that a gen era I oiifereDce of the Eutite al !iei is to he held m Panaat which 11 the stragttioal a d politica tspeots of the war will be cousid ered. lhe Germai. reply, accepting one of the two changes augg-isted by Beoretarv of State Lansing, vhh reap sot to the Luj. tania's Controversy but proposing a new vordiog for the other, has been forwarded to Washington, Dr. Bell's Plnt-Tar-Honey. For your cold, for your cough, for your faverish throat, nose and head, use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. Honey soothes the irri tation, Pine Tar cuts the phlegm, shot r lieving congestion. Pine Far also acts as an autiaeptio. as a result general relief follows. Breathiug becomes easier and further inflammation is arrested. Insist ou Dr. Bi's Piue-Tar-Honey. It is an ideal treatment. Price 25o. hn Walker has a cow that gave 1450 lbs of mi Ik during Janu ary. The cow was milked by the Farm Life School superintendent and gav 561bs in one day from which 2lba cf bntter was made. Yesterday D. W. Boatian bought a fin five-gallon milch cow from H. J. Eddleman, paying $75 there to. SOME OF ROWtil'S OLD FOLKS. We are etill getiiug names for our old folks coltftan and filling in the dates of birth of others and making slight corrections. Any aid extended will be appreciated. If youSknow of any person in your neighborhood who is 80 years old, or older, drop us a postal giving the name and.'date of birth. We believe there are over a hun dred folks in Rowan eligible to this list and we would be glad to have their name at once. John Pethel. Landis. born 1817. now 98 Miss Marv Newsom. Morgan Township, born 1818. now 97 Mrs. Elizabeth Cart net, Sootchlrish Township, bora November 19th, 1818. . 97 PhilliD Sowers. Salisburv Township. born Feb. 18. 1824 91 Abner Walter, Atwell Town ship, born May. 1826. 89 If iss Mary E Gillean, born April 15th, 1826. age 89 Evan L y e r 1 y, Providence township, born October .20. 1826 89 Joseph Ban. Ballard. coi. born N ;v 20. 1826. now 89 Abuer C. Cartuer, ; Scotch Irish tjwnshin. .born July '2 127 Q8 C tpt. Wm. A. Lboky, Cleve land, born Sept., 1827, now George Deal, China Grove No 1, bom July 4th, 1827... .. Wiley Dodge, colored, born Aug. 10, 1827, Salisbury, Mrs. Mary E.Menius, Steele Township, born February 26th, 1828 . Nathan Morgan, Provideuoe Township, born May 81,1828 Alison (jOveroash, Cleveland No. 1, born Feb. 29, 1829, Miss Sarah E. Sechler, R. D. No. 2, China Grove, born November 6, 1829, now. . . . Samuel Deal, China Grove 88 88 88 87 87 86 86 Township, born . January 17th, 1880, now...... ... 85 Jacob A. Klutti, Franklin Township, born April 27th, 1830. - M.J. Walton No. 4 Salibury, Cj. A, 57th N. 0., born April 26, 1880, now Mrs. rV. H. Neave, Salisbury, born January, 1831, Martin Blaokwelder, No. 1, China Grove, born Sep tember 1st. 1881, now. ... Dr . R . M. Eames, Salisbury, born Sept. 15, 1881, Capt. J. O. Low, Salisbury, bjrn Maroh 20, 1882 85 85 84 84 84 8 Mrs. Margaret U. Goodman, Locke Township, born April 28, 1831 Martin L. Efird, China Grove, Lorn Maroh 15, 1888, now Mrs. Eva O.'Trexler, Rockwell, 84 82 born Nov. 18, 1832, Mrs. Amelia Sloop, Landis, 8 born May 9, 1888, 82 Mrs Adeline Yost, Gold Hill town fchip, born March 17, 1880, 85 Mis Catherine A Sloop, Atwell township, born Jan. 11, 1827, 88 L)uis Wilhelm, Scotch Irish township, born 1829, 86 Mra. Louise Jaoobs, Franklin Township, born 1834, ' 8 Baudy Partee, Chin Grove, ago. estimated from 85 to 102 Mra. E H. Marsh, Salisbury, Lorn May, 1832, Rev. John F. Hodges, Morgan Township, born Oct. 19, 1885. 8 80 W. J . itois, Salisbury, born May 28, 1881, Mrs. Kuza Frentis, colored, born 1804, now Mrs. Margaret Riley,.Enooh- ville, born August, 1826, Mra. Si rah Goodnight, Euochville, born Deo. 1st, 1824, Jaouu Barringer, Landis, born 1884, Rufus Rodgers, Enochville, born 1881. Mo a roe Voils, Atwell, born 1S81, J. 0. Casper, China Grove, born 1M5 '85, Henry MoNeely, Salisbury, born 1884, Allison Oorriher, Atwell, born 1833, Mrs. Ann Earnhardt, Atwell, boru 1881, Mrs. Amanda McLaughlin, Atwell, born 1829, 84 11 89 9 81 84 84 80 81 82 84 86 Mrs. Millie Weaver, China Grove, born Nov. 18, 1881, 84 Rev. G. H. Cox, E. D., Spen cer, born 1885, 80 88 Mrs. P. E. Kimball, China Grove, born May, 1882, Mrs. F. E. Shober, Salisbury, boru 1832, 88 80 Mrs. Susana Rodgers, Landis, born 1885, - Mrs, Saiah Overcash, Enoch- viMe, born 1888, 82 J. K. Holshouser, Rock, born 1Q84. i 81 84 Fr hu Overcasb, Atwell, born 1881, Mra. E izabeth Glass, Landis, bom 1880 or 82, 85 or 87 Mrs. I). Cj Cooper. China Grcve, born Maroh 8, 1831, S4 Mrs Mary K Miller, Morgan township, born March 8, 1888, 88 liri. Clara A. Parker, Morgan township, I orti A"gu8t 12, 1S8H. 80 87' 80 88 81 80 Mra Befs T Miller,, Morgan toDibip, lorn 1829, Alex Lverly. Oresoent, born Oct. 28, 1935, Catherine L. KluHz. of Frank lin born Dao. 8 1882, Sarah Ann Smith, unma Grove. No 1 born Jane 27, 1884, J, R. Fisher, Crescent, born 1886, EXCHANGE GOLUM H0tlC8. Any regular su' acnt er of The Caroiina Watchman or Rowan Reccbu may use thia ool umn without oost for as . much ae a ten-line local for two week's at a time.. If you nave anything you want to sail -r exahange write it put iu a few wurd9 as pos sible and send or briug it tD this offije. This will prove cf great advantage to the farmers cf thit section if taken advantage of. HnrfKS for Sale. Oue good farm b';rse and a gocd brood mare. RE. P ttarson, China Grova, N. C. Kii.2. I have 14 pigs for the market, 7 ready low the other 7 in March. These are nice pig and w igh from 100 to 115- J. S. Campbell, Rural No. 1, Cleveland, N. C TO The Public The undeis gued it now running an old-ime corij mill, old time eranit- rock cii Chestnut Hill Salisburv, N. C. If you want good old 5ime sweet corn bread bring along yoar c ru any day except Sunday . No waiting to get up steam, always ready. Old time toll 101 hi. Sat isfaotion guaranteed by an old lifelong miller. Daniel Hartman. Hare yoar butter wrappers printed at Thk Watchman offioe in 9alis bury, or tha Reodbd effioe in China Grove. Oar charge is only 75 oeuts per 1,000 for the print ing. Olir SeCORd Sheets shoiid be in every office, 40c pnr 1,000 J he real Salisbury .Pnutiue Office. 120 West Innes Street, up stairs, Fine Frostproof cabbage flams by parcel post. Jersuy Wakehelcl, Uhar. leston Wakefield aud Succession, 1.000 for 11.00 postpaid. 100 for 15o postpaid. R. O . Parks, Ulab, JN.U. XJ-U'-B. Lost. One automobile tag No 1506 and rear light. Return to Salisbury postoffioe for reward. J. C. Babnhardt. For PromOt Printing oall at the Rea Salisbury Printing Offioe. 120 West Innes St., up stairs. TreSQISS Notices free for the friend t and patrons of The Watchman and Record Call aud get them Poland China pigs for sale, ready to deliver Saturday, January 22 Gallon or write,' L. L. Fesper man, Rockwell, N. C. The Qulllt of our Second Sheets de- mauds no- prioe cutting aud we won't cut quality. Three binds, 60c, 75o aiid $1.00 per thousand. Prompt deliveries. Fnll count,. Peeler's Printeiv. 210 S. Main Ht . phone 506. SUiyeViOg Any o ue wanting surveying don' accurately and promptly, map making, drawing deeds, "r the service of a justice of the peaoe, should write, 'phone or call on P. C. Bernhardt county surveyor, rural No, 3. os'ishnry N. 0., 'phone Faith, No. 1211. A Jack for sale. Those who may re interested in good stcck and itook raising mar call and get my price. If you want to buy call or write me. Salbary, R F. D. No 3, Daniel E. Eagxe HOTSa for Sale A" blaok mare, me dium size. 5 years old, Terms to suit purchaser. Call on or write to J. S Oorriher, 103 W. Harri- son St , Salistury, N. C. Stray Goat- Any one having or knowing of a nanny goat notify T. W. Limgle, Salisbury, N. C. Route No. 6. For Saie. B'ino Berkshire pigs, Phone 8008. , Such as hays, shuoks, straw, etc., tor sale. Call on J. M. Eddleman & Co,, China &rcve, N. C. AMhtrator's Notice 0 Havins Qualified aa administratrix of the estate of John D Pusser, deceased late of the county of Rowan, State of North Carolina, this is; to notify all persons hav ins claims against the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February 1917, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make prompt settlement. This the 10th !ay of February, 1916 Mas Minnie Pusser, administratrix of estate of John D. Pusser. Get it at Siflerd'g. One of the Belk's chain of 12 stores "That sell it for Less." New spring Goods coming in now, and, whether its Spring or winter goods you need, you'll find Belk- Harry Co's the cheapest and best place to trade. COTTON GOODS. Although all cotton goods ire advanc ing iu price we 1 fixed" for it several months ago by laying in a good snpply and you don't have to pay any advance here jet on totroely anything. However, when our present supply is sold we'll have to advanoe too. 39 inch sheeting nice and smooth lor only 5c Beit 73 indigo aprom Gi -sbum in short length .or only 5c M New Spring Goods n Bloc Sale o! Yalaatile City Real Estate! Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust, executed by W. W. Miller to the undersigned Trus tee and Mortgagee on July 1st, 1915, which was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, j in Book of Mortgages No. 51, page 132, to secure a certain indebtedness there in provided, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the lands having heretofore been sold on February 5 1916. for the sum of Six Hundred Five Dollars ($805 00), and an advance bid of Sixty and 50-100 Dollars ($60 50) having been placed thereon, and bv virture of the provi sions contained in Chapter No. 146, -;f the Public Laws, 1915, the undersigned will expose for sale at the Court House Door in Salisbury, North Carolina, od Saturday, 4th dav of Maroh, 1916, at the hour of twelve M ., the followiag real es ate situate in the north ward of the City of Salisbury, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, the south cor ner at the intersection of Franklin and Caldwell Streets, aud runs thense S. about 43 deg. E. with the edge of Franklin Street, 148 feet to a stake, in the west edge of Franklin Street ; thence S. about 47 deg. W. parallel with Caldwell Street fifty feet to a stake; thence N. about 43 deg. W. par allel with Franklin Street 148 feet to a stake in the so ith edge of Caldwell street; thence W. about 47 deg. E. with the edge of Caldwell Street 50 feet to tha beginning, containing seventy-four hundred (7400) square feet, upon which there is a cottaee. For book title see Book of Deeds No. 122, page 156, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Rowan County , Bidding will begin at Six Hundred Sixty-five and 50-100 Dollars ($685 0). This the 12th day of February, 1916. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Trustee and Mortgagee. Every Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stop pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended bv Lvdia EL Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu extraordinary deannna nd sennicida Dower. I Sample Free. 50c. ell druggau. or portpaid by ViP". 1 he PaxtonToflet Company. Boston. Mm. J Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Wounds and Piles quickly healed with Arnica Salve. It prevents infection, is antiseptic soothing, healing. Try it once. Money Back If It Fails. The Original and Genuine. 1 Bucklen's We do the Best and . will appreciate your orders. Call at office or address Wm. H. Stewart, Editor and Pronrietor, Salisbury. N. C. 11111115 I Arnica Salve I I Heals the Hurt I P All Druggists and Dealers, 25c. j Jim -TRADE AT 10o yard wide percale in short leugthH for enly 6q jYard wide Paja.ntu chck for 7c 985 Rfgu'ar siz j oountrpaiie fnr only 75c TATTING AND CROCHET THREADS White and oolor, all uamberi in J & P Coats, OMO.ONT, Columbia, eto, for 10c J & P Coats silk.finish crochet, all best colors 5c, 6 for 25c New lot crochet needles for 5C Tattiufc shutters for 10c Now Coming in, Clothing, Shoes, etc. Always Trade at Salisbury, N. C. HI SALISBURY MARKETS. Corrected weekly by D M. Miller & Son Bacon, sides per Be', 15 to 16. shoulders, per m, ! to 16. ham, per K,20 to 22. round, per fe, 15 to 17. Butter, choice yellow, 20 to 25 Chickens, per lb, 10 to 12. Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 25 to 30. Eggs, per doz, 18 to 20. Corn, per bushel, 8 5 to 90. Flour, straight, per sac, $3.50 44 pat, $3 60 to $3.70 Hay, per. hundred fis, 50 to 60.' Honey, per lb, 18 to 20, Lard, N. O., per lb, 12 to 14. . Meal, bolted, per bu. 90 to $1.00 Oats, per bu, 70 to 75 Potatoes, Irish, peT bu, 80 to 90 Wheat per bush. $1.50 to $1,55 Onions, .90 to 1.00 Rye, per bushel, $1.40 Turkeys 15c per lb, Gteese, 12c per lb. Re-Sale cl table uds Pursuant to a deeree of the Superior Jcurt of Rowan County made in the -pecial p' receding entitled A. A. Wal lace, admn.itrator of J. R. Wallace Bpainet Mo?tlla Watson ani others, directing a re-sale of lands because of lack of bidders and insufficiency of bids at first sale, J ill offer at public sale at the court 1 . use door in Salisbury on Saturday, March 4. 1916, a tract of 19 1-4 acres of valu alle farming lands situ ted in Locke -ownship, about three miles from Jl.ir.a Urove and absut 7 miles from Stlisbury, cn and near the mcadam t tlic roa .!. between those places, ad- iring James Oorriher, John Hols ? cser, the old Bruner place -nd .there. This land lies well situated, trd has good timber and water. Hot and description may be seen at ti i clfeae of my attorney in Salisbury 3 -'res: One half cash balan"e due n , ?h! mor the, with 'n'erest on dr Title reserved till : ictpse money is all paid. Ilil February 14, 19i6. A. A Wallace, Admr. and Com., R. F. D. No., Glass, N. O. lieo. F hluttZj Attorney. N tice to Creditors H ivirg qualified ns Administrator ? -l m vT t r . ine esiaie ui nenry v. rutcnie. tnis is i to notify all- nerst ns havins e!aim ugainst the said decedent to file an itemized verified etatemert of.game with the undersigned on or be'ore the I P . 1 J 1 1A1R At totnuay oi reo. uary, , or tnis no tice will be pleaded in bar ol their re covery. Persons indebted to said es tat are notified to make prompt set tlemei t. This February 16 19:6. Milo A. Kluttz Administrator. Theo. F. Kluttz Attorney. 4 , State of North Carolina Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution To all to whom the.e presents may come Greeting : Whereas, It appears tn my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record f the proceedidg for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, ttrtt the Badin Heights Land Company, a corporation of this Stale, wnose principal office is situated ai No. .Fo'ir h Street, in that wn ot Sjencer, Co.nty of Row an, S'ate of North Carolina, J. D Dor sett being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom procet-s may be served , has complied wit the requiremen i s of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1906, entitled "Corporations," prelimi nary to the issuing of this Certifinatft oi i-i8soiution. Now, Therefore, I, J4 Bryan Grimfta. becretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 4th day of February, 1916, file in mv n(fift duly executed and attested consent in . . . l -l : i i . . . wn ting ie ui sum Lion oi said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said and the record of the Drocaadino-a aforesaid are now on file in mv .h office as proyided bylaw. In Testimony Whereof. I have hera- to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 4th day of Febru ary, A. D 1916 J. Bryan Grimbs, Secretary of State. WATOH REPAIRING For new wutchs, jewelry ai d repairs at, reasonable prices, g ; to the dm? tore fit 1-ump Qaarry, cr tc R. L. BROWN. No. 6, Salisburv. N. U. 10-27 6 m. W. pd. i mi O M mi M M HP. W. G. TAYLOR, Dentist. Hours, 8:30 to 12:30, 2 00 to 5:30, and other hours byappointment, 'f hones Office 147 Residence 254. Olfice second floor of V'ACHOVIA BANK BUILDING, Entrance first door on Council St. In Purchasing tha Monument consider weli the person with whom tfcv' rder is placed, for ir reepi sible ate te fljed the coun trv selling monuments made from qnarrv "seconds" and of distiucfel y inferior workmanship. The monument sold to you here of the highest quaK ity mirble or granite, is of the finest workmanship, rea- sonably priced, and is hacked with out reputation for fair dealing. CAROLINA MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., ' Fitber hr., Salisbury, N. C. Trad) with C.P.SHUFI THE GROCER, He carries a fnll line of Higfe Oxrade Groceries at very low prices Buys all kinds of Product, Chickeus, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkirv Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. SHUPING i Moved to 119 East Fisher St. 4 doors below w ere we were locted; Where you will always find a full line of Fnld and Gaiden Sefd, and for the Ladies' BULBS AND FLOWER SEED. We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies. PETALUMA INCUBATORS, and a full line of 8PRAYa and INSECT POWDERS for trees and plants. 'Phne 1191. Fanners' Seed House, 119 East Fisher Street, 7 Sltf Salisbury, ff. C. Peoples' Nutioaal Bank Salisbury, N. O. Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 3 months Prompt attenion given to any busi oess entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples National Bank John P. Iienilerson, J. D. Norwood, r i n L. President. cashier. V. I PAY HIGHEST PRICE CREEHIDES. CHAS. S. JULIAN, 10 27 8m 8ftluburr, N. 0.

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