t t - -- H . ' t : i I j V - 1 I I OWE MY HEALTH To Lydia E. PinkHam's Veg. etable Compound, . . - Washington Park, 111. I am mother of four children and have suf - iiered with female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. Jffy chil dren's loud talking and romping would make me so nervous I could just tear everything t4 pieces and I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would bt want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkhmfl Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re- J stored me to neaitn and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth ful looks. My friends say Why do you look so young and well ? I owe it all to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." Mrs. Robt. Stopiel, Moore Avenue Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffer from female troubles, nervousness backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. LOCAL NEWS . -of interest-to ALL OF OUR READERS. f ,i U) p fa P What Splendid Light the RAYO Gives! ITS glow is so soft and bright that you can read all evening without tiring your eyes. The Lamp is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. because it gives a clear, powerful, mellow light because it 'i easy to clean and light - because it is durable, good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one of our many products that bring comfort and economy to the farm. Matchless Liquid Gloss Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mica Axle Grease If your dealer does riot carry these, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Washington. D. C Charlotte. N.fl. Norfolk. Va. Charleston. W. Vg. Richmond. Va. Charleston, a. Om 1 MYALLS MAGiE Ladies! Save Money and Keep in ssss Style by Reading McCaUV Fuaga-i ne and Using McCall Fatterni MeCalTs Magaziaev.il! help you dress styl . 'ihl ot a i moderate sxi.-uiie hy keeping f t'., ocsied on the totes ra-iliicns ii cloilic md hats- K Now i-isliiorr Dasirns in eaca s? ie AUt a'uable infonnation ou all home ant per sonal 'mailers. OuI j 60c a year, incladli) ; a free pattern. Suo scribe today or sent for free sample copy. McCail Patterns will enable you to make in youi own home, with your own hands, clothing foj yourself and children .which will be period n stylu and It. P-'ee- none hietier tli?- in vents- i (r 1; Pattern Catalogue Wc r :: i Yea Fin;- Present; for setting .--.il : nun? y. ;r frier : . fend ioriree :if)lou,- uulCa '.i T'rize O.Ter. r-'.249Wtst??!hSt,SEWvcpi en is K m Salisbury's newest ding corpor ation is the Yadkin Drug Co. Tb-g oompany, which u capital. iz3d at $25,000, hat began busi ness iu the formar Terminal drtfg store in the Hotel Yadkin I mid. iug with a $3,000 capital paid in by J. P. 8ande.s, P. A Hayes, Mrs. P. A Hayes, Greensbcrc. SCd P. J. Haves. RRnrllAman J nu Young, a pciular dragg:st of this city, is in charge. Reports coming in from the dif fefent registrars in the townships of Rowan County show that the births daring 1915 in the county exceeded the deaths 8 to J . The births numlered 844 against 1C8 deaths. The Salisbury 4th Co. 0. A. 0. has been placfd in charge of .First Lieutenant W. L. Ross. A meet, iug was held last Thtrsday night at which Capt. A. Greig, Jr., the Inspector Instructor was present. On eccount of such poor attend ance for drill praotice the latter gave orders that unless the mem bers attended drill praotice more regularly the oompany would be disbanded. A plan has bean inaugurated by the County Farm Demonstrator hioh will enable him to k ep the county residents informed con oerning the program to be carried out each week. This week's pro gram inoludes tome helpful de monstrations in terracing, prun ing and spraying on different county farms. Mr. Haskett of he Division of Markets of the A. & M. college will he on T. E. Webb's farm, Salisbury, route 8, on Friday. The cases growing out of the reck 'on the Southern at this place the night before last Thanks giving were continued until the larch term, one of the extra terms for Rowan, at the opening eeiion of court on Monday. The sase against D. L. Bea,sley was set fo Wednesday. The burning out of a switch board in the office of the Bell Tel ephone Company, this city, caused i small blaze early Monday morn ng, which called out the firemen. The damage was of little conse quecce . Some clothing was burn ed in a slight fire at the home of Key Kessler, on West Liberty" street last Sunday night. George Cruse of the Kluttz and Renins school neighborhood, has movod to Salisbury and P. 0. Shuffler has moved onto Mr. Cruse's farm. Sheriff J. H. Erider last Friday completed his tax -collecting tour of the county, his completion point being at Pooltown, Morgan Township. He reports a very satisfactory round. Building-material .for the big tabernacle to be built b y th Methodists of this city is beirg to the ouilding site, corner Jack son and Fisher streets. The tab ernacie will be 75 by 100 ftt ii dimensions and will seat a; prc x imately 1500 people. Will Daniels, sentenced at rhe last April term of Federal court by Judge Boyd to a year and a dav in the Atlanta piison -for blockading, was liberated on M m day aud passed throagh Salisbury Tuesday on his way home. Mooresville is to hare another dairy in the near future. C. W. Davis, of Elgin, 111., who came to Rowan County some time ago, has located at Mooresvillo. He contemplates purchasing a farm nearby on which he will plao a herd of fine milkers and conduct a first-class dairy. The Bslk-Harry Co., one of car mcst up-to-date mercantile firms, has an interesting advertisement in this paper to whioh the atten tion of our readers is called. Robert B. Parker, who had been a salesman for the Arey Hardware Oompany, has shipped his house hold effects to High Point, where he will make his future home. The Livingstone college orcbes- tra gave a concert in tn9 uity Ha'l auditorium at Concord, last night fcr the beuefis of the A M E Zios. ohurch. The Republicans of the coucty br Id their primaries at the various vi ting pvacps Iset Saturday and ebose de! gates to the cocutj crrT V" tion to be hf ld in Salisbury j next Sa.nrday. A big conventioL is looked for by the leaders. ' It is said that the Republican party, or et TeaBt some of its msm , bers, are making aa effort to per suade a well kuown and popular engineer on the Southern to run for Sheriff of Rowan county. The coi cert which was to have : I been given by the High sohool or- cbestia and gleu club last week was postponed to Friday, Febru ary 18, at 8 p. m., in the graded sohool auditorium. . . Death last Sunday evening claimed ancther Confederate vet eran when it removed from Salis bury, Jacob T, Morton, aged 76 years. Mr. Morion had suffered an attack of indigestion during the day but was not oon fined to his bed. A doctor was called in and while the latter was feeling the veterans' pulse he dropped over dean. Tha deceased was a naeive.1 of Pittsjlvania county, Vat aud came to Salisbury about' seven from Danville in that n. party. uuuBiceiug ui j- TT , , ;4.u ' . afcata Ha nan npn llVinf With vidson County people, among them (his daQgh M. John j -Stew. art, on West Innes Street, where I his death oowurred. He was at onetime engaged in the tobaoco a woman, were arraigned in Ro wai court on Monday afternoon, these being the only defendants uy. xUDjr ua- I business at Danville. The fun- on several charges. The case net-i , , , , , t A . , . m, ,eraltoqk place Tuesday from the ted the court $45 and cost. The . in party was arrested here last Sat urday. The Hulnine That Does Not Affect The Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAX.A TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinarj Quinine and does not cause nervousness noi tinzisc in bead. Remember the full name anc 1ook for the signature of B, W. GROTHt 25c Wy Price Atait Wjjt Patonfpil Prnnoee fc Rpcnnnihlp f fit itc In. ternational Popularity. PSmokers so much appreciate the flavor and coolness and aroma of Prince Albert pipe and cigarette tobacoo that they often marvel that this one brand oould be so different from all others, The answer to this question is to be found on ,the reverse side of every Prince Albert package, where you will read: "Process Patented July 80th, 1907." That tells the whole, story Prince Al bert is made by a patented process that cuts out the bite and parch, whioh makes she tobacoo so mighty agreeable and satisfying to men of every taste of every civ ilized nation on the globe. Smokers Bhould realis that this patented process cost three years' continuous work and study and a fortune in money to perfect. But the result has proven to be worth all that was expended upon it, be lieved they never could enjoy s pipe or a makin's cigarette. Prince Albert makes it possible or every man to smoke a pipe or to roll bis own oigarettes. And, o matter how tender the tongue, rince Albeit oannot bite o r parch. That is cut out by the patented process, leaving fcr the smoker only the joys of the fra s rant tobaoco. ; It is a fact that since Prince Albert "arrived," just about six years ago, it has made three men smoke pipeB where one smoked a pipe before residence at 10 o clock, Rev. Byron Clark officiating . The re a t j t ;i i ! mains were tasen so xanvuie on No. for interment. Hisdaugh ter aud a number of friends ac companied the body to Danville, Mr. Morton was a splendid citizen and had many friends here who will regret to learn of his death. He was a member of Longstreet's, corps, ar d of Company A, 58rd Virginia Regiment, Armistead's Brigade, Pickett's Division, was captured at Gettysburg; and was a prisoner at Point Lookout. He served until the close of the war and surrendered at Appomatoz. Mrs. Matilda Kliffmuller the sged mother of Mrs. T, F. Young, died last Sunday afternoon at the oon.6 of her daughter on South Main Street. Death was due to a general decline due to old age. She was 84 years old and a native cf HesBe, Germany. The deceas ed was also a music teacher of note. MARRIAGES MissTheresa McCubbitiB. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J Frank Mc- Cubblne, this city, and Forest James Allen, of Concord, were married on Monday night at the horn) of the bride's parents by Rev. Byron Clark. The bride-it one of Salisbury's most attractive young women. They will reside in Concord. Jit.N'r ialis i ...if -s tch' .. '-'tia 'ves Esi fciid 6t. 50c ORGAN CHURCH. The wheat and oats are looking fine, From all appearance the ma jority of our iruit will get killed as we notice plum, p?ar and peach bloisoms. Mrs. D. J. Hopkins spent Fri day night with Mrs G, I. Carter. Walter Beaver and Love Ba'in ger spent Sunday with J. I. Car ter. A son at P. 0. Lippard's Feb ; ruarv 4 . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otha WiN son, a sn, January 25. B C. Elcpkn s pulls his shoes off when he goes in the house to keep from waking the babv. a boy. It's Miss Kate Swink, daughtr of Mrs. Charles Swink. of Salisbury. and Charles Grant Robrer, an eiectnoian at aopeweii, va., were married on Mouday, February 7, by Rev. F. W . Mi ore at'HopeweJl. They will reside in Petersbu g. A marriage of interest to their friends was solemnized Monday afternoon at Laadis when Miss Grace F. Melohor became the bride of James E. Jabkson, Jr., of Asheville, N. C. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's father, W. A. Melchor. The decorations were simple but pretty. Rev. P E. Shealey, pas tor of Landis Lutheran church, -wae the officiating olergyman. A few relatives and friends were present when the vows were as sumed. Miss Melchor is a young woman of attractive personality, bright in mind and charming in manner aud is popular wherever she is known. Mr. Jackson hold a responsible position in AshtviM . The bride wore an African blown coat suit with hat to match, The left on No. 40 for Asheville, wher they will make their home. j iDan Erviu has moved ontoG. W. Watts, farm. D. J. Hopkins has returned home aftr spending some time in Randolph oounty visiting relati ves. We understand there is a wile animal of some sort near Mt. Pleasant that is devouring the farmers pigs.. Some people de cided to catch it one night and it whipped six dogs and they never got to see what it was. Mrs. J. I. Carter spent one day last week with Mrs. David Beaver Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carter are visiting relatives iu the vicinity of Gastonia this wsek. Otha Wilson has moved to Davidson College where he will work in a livery stable. . J. 1. Carter tells us that he has out and split fifty rails this win ter. I suppose that is something no other man has done in the state, as rail splitting has gone out of style. The road between here and Rockwell is in a critical condition at places. I th ught ' ur people had better knowledge than to work the road in the fall and win- j ter. Bweit Heart. Why Prince Albert meets men's tastes all over the world ! DR.KING'S NEW DISCOVER? IDfUl Surely Stop That Ccs Invigorating to the Pale ai: J ic!:Iy, The OlG Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVF'S TASTELESS chill TONIC.drives out Mlaria.enriches the blood, builda ud the svstrm. Vl4 tTU" Ionic.. Foe adults and children. SOc 'rEr Copyright lflte by ti8$ i S il' ' 1 ' ' - i ' n j m i m 1 1 1 iiniiiiiiiHHiii mat itqaw rsrw: win u 1 n u n n n .wi rr? Kurr.K ...ill I6i"'" mil' Why bear those pains A single bottle will convince you Sloan's Liniment Arrests Inflammation, Prevents severe compli cations. Just put a few drops on the painful spot and the pain dis- uppearSi n n u n u n n tu n m n n n n n n n n KILMIK How Mr. Davis dot Rid of a Bad Cough. "Some time ago I had a very bad cough" writes Lewis T. Davis, Blackwater, Del. My brother McCabe Davis gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Coueb Remedy. After taking this I nought half a dozen bottles of it mt oi ly used one of them -as the sough left me and I have not beei t ubM since." Obtainable i very where. Mr, Moore is now nsing his iredging outfit in cleai ing out Glrant creek. Hie work is attrac 'ng a lot of atten'Kn frcm peopU iu this section. This creek is oi of a number of stream be is clea og out iu the oounty. Coughs and Colds are Dangerous! One out of every three people die of Lung Diseases all started with a Cough. At First Sign of Cough take Ur. King's New Discovery. Few of us realize the dan of Coughs and Colds. We consider them common and harmless ail ments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung ailment. Dangerous Bronchial and Lung diseases often follow a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no better aid can be had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Get a bottle to-day. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ailments. All druggists. YOU KNOW US, YOU KNOW OUR BUSINESS HARNESS Let ua mke your harness. Our oods cannot be excelled. Oar vork is guaranteed first class. Gold Hill Harness Go. Telephone No. 24, Gold Hill. N. O. Do You Want a New Stomach? If ysu do "Digestoneine" will give you ?ne. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N. C The patented process makes Prince Albert so good in a pipe or rolled into a cigarette that its popularity is now uni versal! It satisfies all smoke desires ! This patented process, which also removes bite and parch, is controlled by us. No other tobacco can be like e Albert Listen: It's easy to change tlio map and color of unsalable brands to imitate the Prince Albert tidy red tin, but it it impossible to imitate the flavor of Prince Albert tobacco ! The patented process protects that J 11X1 the nathnaljoy smoke Men who have stowed away gentle old jimmy pipes for years, have brought them back to the tune of Prince Albert! Get yours out, for your confidence never will be abused ! We tell you Prince Albert will set pipe free the.tenderest tongue! And smoked in a makin's cigarette, Prince Albert is so refreshing and delightful that it gives you a new idea of cigarette happiness. Any way you fire-up Prince Albert, it will win you quick as a flash it's so good and so friendly ! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Prince Albert can be bought everywhere tobacco is mold intoppy red bags. Set tidy red tins, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors and in that classy pound crystal-glass humidor urith sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such fine condition t I "Lone Star" A new, all steel, electric lighted train from Mem phis to Texas vie Cotton Belt Route Leaves Memphis 9:30 p.m. Arrives Dallas 11:15 a.m. Arrives Ft. Worth I2:50noon The only solid trains between , Memphis and Texas Cotton Belt Route all the way no change of cars, no miss ing connections. Morning traip leaves Memphis at 9:40 a.m. Trains from the South east connect at Memphis. Low Fares Winter Tourist Fares daily to many points in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico; stopovers and limit of May 31. 1916. All Year Tourist Fare9 daily to certain Texas points;90daylimitstopovers. Send for illustrated book- get information about low fares from your town. " H. H. Sutton, Di.t. Pass'r Asent, 109 W. 9th S., Cbattanooca.Tena ifi et8 ir HUB OUT PAIN yith good oil liniment. That's he surest way to stop them, ihe best rubbing liniment is CI 1USTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains9 Cuts, Burns, Etc 5c 50c $!. At all Dealers; poi!"-! 'S'in.n;.r Aien Siq mo 'E-Jinaj. -?0 HlfOS! 8,B l08 noi i::cn "BSiid av jti suoau. A !ta JLON OQ asnsi-.n8 jjDsq ianout no mohj -gig Mil i fsannod oxh923m Tnn am ,?wiiNys MSI Famous Silverware Care should be exercised when telect- inz forks, spoons and fancy serving pieces to see that they always bear the famous trade mark 1847 1 111 fil i Wl Wiimwx TRIfU mi! vfil II onr.CDC ddac xs which stamps them the gen uine Rogers silverplated ware. For over 60 years "1847 ROGERS BROS.' silver has been first in the heart of the housekeeper be cause of its wearing quality, workmanship and design. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for cata- Iogue"C-L "showing all patterns. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. (International Silver Co., Successor.) . MERI0ER, f.ii a : . r-' - ff 'f Ark - - Ml i-v : f: i.-' ' I, fir - in - id il" 1 'My Si ! I I:

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