if A. Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the;Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental Aftai SALISBURY, II. tt, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 88Rl,J3t Win. H. ED. MID PIMEV VOL. m NO. 10. FOURTH SERIES (By E. O. SELLERS. Acting Director of Sunday School Course. Moody Bible Institute.) . . . (Copyright. IMS, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 21 THE SEVEN HELPERS. LESSON TEXT Acts . . S GOLDEN TEXT Bear ye one another's kurdens. and so fulfill the law ot Christ. &aL 6:2. , ' . It would be a source at reat bless ing If every teacher and scholar would read through the book of Acts several times during the year. Such reading will give vision, inspiration - and a more comprehensive idea' of the con tinuation of what. Jesus "began" and which, record Is not yet fully written. The time of this lesson is about A-D. 35,. though Ramsey places it at 32, 53; and the place, the city of Jerusalem. I. The Occasion, vv. 1-2. For a timer the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus continued in Jerusalem, but soon the pressure of circumstances thrust it forth as prophesied (1:8). There were two groups of men in the early church: those, who had been born in Juojea who spoke Hebrew (Aramaic), and those born in foreign cities and who spoke the Greek language. "Trou ble arose over the distribution of funds among certain of the dependent wid owsthe text suggests "secret ills pleasure." There was imperfection, selfishness, suspicion and Jealousy in that early church. . - " II. The Method, w. 3, 4. It; does not appear that God gave the chrh cut and. dried program accon&ito which" it must act. Certainly the church had no precedent Jto "Jclbw, and step by step God was 'developing it. This lesson gives us a suggestion of those steps: : (1) As the occasion demanded, (2) The Apostles refused to diminish their praying and preach ing, literally it was "not pleasing" to God for the Apostles to "serve tables." Such work mustV be done, certainly, but it was not to be done by these God-appointed and selected leaders, their 'duty rwas clearly stated. The minister's business - is praying and ministering the. word These things should fully engage hJttenUon, eaid in them he Is "to continue steadfast ly." The minister cannot manifestly "know more about books than the schoolteacher; more about politics than the politician; more about med icine than the doctor; more about psychology than the college profes sor." No, that is out of the question, though he should -be intelligent in tnese lines. But he should be pre eminent in prayer and in the minis try of the word, and. furthermore he should preach that word pre-eminently. (3) . The church, -sot the apos tles, must needs select these new of ficials. (4) The qualifications ot these mga, who were thus to care for these' temporal affairs, were (a) "men of good report," not those bear ing doubtful reputations, nor chosen , because they were rich or shrewd in business, (b) "full of the spirit" It demands the Spirit-filled man to look after financial affairs as certainly as it does to teach or preach the word, (c) "full of wisdom." Men of com- mon sense, a quality often sadly lack ing among spiritually-minded men. Men meeting such qualifications will b men of -'the spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind" (literally sound sense). (II Tim. 1:7). III. The Method of Choosing, w. 5, 6. (1) The people did the choosing. The early church seems to have been re markably democratic. (2) The choice was made after, and not before, pray er had been offered. This is a sug gestion and a warning for present-day practice of choosing church officials. (3) t it was a legal selection, not the selection of a minority, and it was confirmed by the laying on of the hands of the apostles. IV. The Result, w. 7, 8. First of all upon the people. (1) The word "in creased."(2) The number of disciples "multiplied greatly," and (3) Some of the priests of the Jews were "obedi ent to the faith." Secondly, the re sult in the lives of the thus chosen and Spirit-anointed men gave evidence of the good hand of God. They were "full of grace" (Eph. 4:9, Acts 16:15); they were "full of power" (1:8). The first two of them soon became great and mighty ' preachers as well. In deed as far as we can read they even outstripped the apostles themselves in real achievement for God. Ste phen, of course, stands out pre-emi nently. His character is suggested in verse eight. He was (a) "full of faith,' (b) "full of the Holy Spirit," (e) "full of grace" (R. V.), (d) "full of power." How sad it is that so frequently our churches fail to make a wise and spirit-led choice of its leaders, and are content with few, or perhaps none, be ing added to, its membership. No man is fit to be an officer in the Church of Christ unless he is filled with the Holy Spirit, (Acts 1:8, Luke 94:49). h Such: a man will always stir up op- position of the powers of evil, even as did Stephen. Those who opposed Stephen were moral and religious men (v. 9). - Fre quently the opposition a Spirit-filled man encounters is not from the im moral, the worldly, Or the utterly tuv godly; ' bat those who stand out against aim, and reason against, him - (v. 10), and often seek to kill him, rtx moral and religious men. SefflrBl Cflircis Escare One of the guards being intoxi cated and leavit g his pott for 8 few minutes is said to bare been responsible for the escape of sev eral white state convicts in the Salisbury jard on - Wednesday night. The men had been work ing at the Yadkin Narrows and were here preparatory to oemg taken to "the western part of the state. They - were in a car ' at tached to No 85 and a guard was stationed at eaoh door, -at til the guard in ques ioL left hii post. The following ii an offioial list of the prisoners?!!? made their escape: jsari uotpn, oi ttiieigDj 857 MirMlfooammitsing the nbLiwlillmnrdeiin Ban- db $itf; dharlet Hilton, residence and term not learned ; George Ryan, 4 years ; J. W.'Tea? cheyr ten tears fcr autcmpbile Cobb, ten ytarrjrgamOFMemsn Watauga County threear sen tence. All exos ptif reepan made th ii escape in SatiBbjory, the lat ter having jumped o&f the cij wkdow near Majols1aU;uot s?u has also been captured- Jim Freeman one of the escaped oonvicta wjs caught after a very ex citicgand peieistant ohsie by the officers la e Thursday aftern.on- He was kcated dear the Ghaen school in -Fratklin Township and was trailed by L. D. H Brown's blood hounds down to the creek, thence hack to South river where he wai cap ured, it aving covered about fifteen miles. He has made several attempts to escape. It was he who, several years ago while attempting to escape, board ed a freight train and was shct by th authorities of the peniteo- iy. . .;: .... : Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hoaey For your coH, for your cough, for your feverish threat, nose and head, use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. Huey soothes the irri tation, Fine Tar outs the phlegm, hat relieviug congestion. Pine Tar also acts a a an antiseptic, as a result general r a lief follows. Breathit g becomes easier and further inflammation is arrested Insist on Dr. BsH's Pine. Tar- Honey. It is an ideal treatment. Price 25c. Kelt Job Safe Cracking. Lexington, Feb. 16 Safe- arakers last night blew open the safe in the Ooca Oola bottling plaut near the Scuthern dep t and got away -with about $40 in cash and oheoks to the anaont of cearly a all M a Ail or tne cneoKS were cn local banks, exoapt one drawn on a Winston-Salem institution. The job was one of the complet. est ever seen nere. ana was evi dently the work of profeisionals who had , mapped out the plant Entrance was made by breaking out the top pane of a back wiu dow and reaching through and loosing the night lock. The in terior of the safe was complete!; wrecked and the lower corner cf the door was folded baok by the force of explosion, whiah even made a crevice in the heavy por tion of the safe. A deck just over the safe stopped at 11:55 and the pendulum was jarred loose by th force of the fxplosioa, while small bits blown from the safe knocked two holes in a nearby filing cabinet. Although the exiDucn com pletely wrecked the safe, it was not diioovered until this morning Persons passing along Main Street just before midr ight report hear iog a noise as of an explosion just as a train was passing, but thought it was the firing of tor pedoas on the track as a signal A negro woman who lives nearby declared that ih taw a man and a woman outer the . building, but thought it was some of the em ployei and did not raise su alarm The explosion did not wake Her so she did not see them leave, Fresb Uili Caw far Sail, 5 yean old call on or write J. L. Suther, route 2, Salisbury, N, O. siryftears f orkllhngnjih QTjf jrjielferying' a.; Ffrt tors Bai Bi Zepp Paris Reports S wt 6eraia Uichinas Brought Dowi. Russians Parsstng Tutks. Feb. 21 Another of Qet manv's Zennelin airships has come to grief, and it is probable that some, if not all, of its crew perished, as it was engulfed in flames as it fell to earth, a victim of an inoendiiry shell fired from a French anti- aircraf tgun . The Paris offioial communica tion report! that thirahip was southward bound f nmnn of St If enehould when-$lwrFfench guns at Bevigny begafiv lhellling it. At least one cf the misn es At least one cf the found its mark and the huge air- orait iook nre ana iu ia me vi cinTty of Brabant-le Roi. The Qeroans near Iitoni, to the iooh of the Souffle rivir, have met with repulse a t the hacds of the Frenob in an intend ed ,attaok extending over about four and one third miles. The offensive movement was preoeded by a heavy bombtrdment and J clouds of asphyxiating gases. When the German infantry en deavored to -come out of their trenojies for the attack, however, the barrier fire and the fire of the Frenoh riflemen (topped tnem everywhere, aoo1-rdingto Paris, The Germans, in rttSs rwtfe prevented from oooupymg crater of a mine by a strong counter-off e 5 sive it the Frenoh In Ohampagnf, the forests of tht Argonne and in the sntire region of Verdun, thers has beeD muoh artillery activity, in which. Paris claims that considerable ex ecation was accomplish sd by the Frenoh gunners. The Germans report additional repulses of Brit ish grenade attacks against cap tured positions almg she Yeer Oana! and also the putting down oT'-anBntente alli4 -offensive. I aloug thi Lens-ArruB read. Numerous fights in the sir be tween German and French avia tors have taken place. Paris re ports that several of the German machines were brought down by the fire of the Frenoh airmen Aeroplanes have t een oar'ied out by the French and Brit ah aero p'aues squadrons notably on the German aviat on field at Hab Sheim at Mulhsusen and on a monitions faotory at Pagnv-sur. Moselle, British aircraft bombed the town of Don, southwest of Lille. There has ten little fighting on the eastern and Austro-Italiai froi ts. The Albanians fighting for the Teutons, are reported to have reaohed the Adriatic Sea westcf Kava a This wculd in dicate that the Austro-Hnnga-rians and the r allies have com pletely surrounded Durazio. In Asia-Minor, the Russians are persit tently following the Turk who fled from Bri erum, and also are pushing their way n .rth ward from the captured ortrss tothe Black Sea, with the porpoat of establishing a base there for their warships and transports. Bitlii on Lake Van has been captured by the Russians, A Turkish power station on the ttoman frnt eait of the Sees Canal has been blown up by a British aviat r. Again Constan tinople has beea thrown into a state of consternation over the4 presenoe of an Entente allied sub marine in the Bosphorns, accord mg to an unofficial report. The underwater boat is said to have torpedoed six transports loaded with munitions and one tug. For Children' Cougb Rsmady. you cannot use anything better for your child's cough and cold than Dr. King's New Disoovery. It is prepared from Pine Tar mix ed with healing and soothing balsams It does not contain anything harmful and is slightly laxative, lust enough to expel the poisons from the system. Dr. King's New Llisoovery is antisep tic, kins tne com germs, raises the phlegm, loosens the oough and soothes the irritation. Don M. . A. A. f I pus on ireatmeus, uougm and oolds often lead to serioas lung troubles. It is alio good for adulta and the aged. Get a bot tle today. All druggists. Thfl Rennblicausr of Rowan County held their anutral oonven tion in this city lilt Saturday, the same beina qaitej largely at tended A rdBolutijn.f was pre sented bv J.-M. Procter, ip which the Democratic ado&inistration was scored and in wheh:the word deceiSlul" was uiedJIThiB word oaused conaiderableJpuision and argument and was principally ob jected to by Prof. Broirn of Bnoch ville, but the resolution was fin ally adopted on account, of having a number of defenders who spoke in favor of its adoption, Mr. Proctor, in representing the reso lution, made a strojig speech which was received wi J h hearty applause. Attorney w . war- land also made a ipeech. Eighteen delegates Vere chosen. to attend the congressional con vention whioh meetffin Taylcr ville, and eighteen delegates were also chosen to the State conven tion at Raleigh. ? y The primaries will be held throughout the couuty on June 8rd. At the convention Saturday it was deoided to iipjd another convention here immediately fol lowing tht holding pfthe primar ies tojratify the decision on the same. Calls were made fo these who contemplated announcing their oandidaoy for offica and the fol lowing were among those who ipoie out at the meeting; J M Wagoner, fof prosecating attorney; H C Buepk and J W Proctor, for register of deeds; Prof. F B Brow , tut State sena tor; Albert Miller and A A Mvers. or the lowr hemej S A Bai l- hardt, for treasurer; W E Ruisel, J B Yo&t and J M A MVuius, for sheriff; M A Stirewalt, C P Fos ter, O L H-ili P .lieler, J H er J S Campbell land 0 M Fisher, for oounty commissioners. : H Vrtt Cbsrsbsrlsla s Coagb Re medy for ao Vears. nhaaBberJsJD's-Cough Remedy bn rrl in mi honsahold TrrB cist twentv vears. I bs- jar. viviDj it to my children wheu hv wre rmall. As a oaiok re iitf t crcup, whooping cough, i) tJ r?irarv oolds. it has no H1' Being free from opium sj 4 other harmful drugs, I never fs.t afraid to give it to the ohil- irn I have recommended it to uomter of friends and aief-T?. vho bsve used it and fM? 'f it " writes n. y. Mrs Ob- Mi;V Flericil'e, tamable everywhere. Pitt County ConyiQt Brains an Oierseer. Greenville, N.'C, Feb. 15. About 4 o'clock this afternoon Joseph MoLawhoru, nephew of Sheriff McLawhorn, was fatallv hart by being struct? with a pick axe by one of the negro convicts he was guardiug Particulars are hard to get, though it occurred only five miles from here The convicts were working on the road and as yet no information of why the oonviot made the assault has been had. The piokaxe entered MoLaw- horn'B head and much of his brain oozed out. The doctor says it ib impossible for the wounded man to live long. After striking McLawhorn'a the convict took his gun and fired four times at the other guard, missing, however. The guard fired at the oonviot onoe and his gun failed. This convict and six otherB made good their escape. There is much excitement over the matter. Many people have gone to the scene and are assisting offi cers in search for the escaped con victs . - Sciatica's Piercing Palo. To kill the nerve pains of Soia tioa you can always depend on Sloan's Liniment. It penetrates to the seat of pain and brings ease as soon as it is applied. A great 30 m fort too with Sloan's is that no rabbins is reqaired. Sloan's Lin iment is invaluable for stopping muscular or nerve pain of any kind. Try it at once if yon suffer with Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sore Throat, Pain in Chest, Sprains. Braises, eto. It is excellent for Neuralgia and Headache. 25c. at all druggists. The Papacy, tat Sine Yestatflai, Today aid Tjpffai , Tiatr Blast. in WO Kobe rt the Firus was King of Franoe. Robert was more of a monk than a king. He spent more time saying prayers and re peating onants and before the al tar than he did attending to the affairs of his kingdom. He had married a woman whom he loved. This woman was his cousin. The Pope disapproved and exoommu nioated the king. But the yeer 1,000 was approaching, and the year 1,000 was the year in whioh the world came to an end, or at least in which the Apocalypse said it was going to come to an fnd. fhe people were filled with appre hension and half frensied with terror. They wee restive ancy un der the ban of the church. Yield ing to their importunities, R bert the Pious retarced, put aw a y .bis wifs and was restored to Micity in the bosom )f the Holy Oharoh. It "was in his reign in the year 1022, that active p-rentiers bv- j gan under th9 coalitiou of oburcb and state. In that yar thirteer Jews were condemned and put to death at Orleans, and others else where. In the year 1208 Pope In nooent III vicar of thr Churofa and vio reg-i t cf Gcd opou the earth, called upon the Kiu of Fiance to lead an army into tjxe southern provisoes and extermt- nate heretics. The greater part of Southern France was ooouptd by lords, and nobles and peasants. who, while they were substantially Catholios, were not in perfect har mony with the heiraroby at Rome. For a while the kin; resisted the importunities of the Pope. Then the Pops Iunocent III, vioar of the Church and vioe-regeut of God upon the earth, issued a pro- tarnation addressed to kn ights, abbots, noblesand wimorsvefy where, calling npm them to arm and invade Southern France, and promising every knight, every no ble, evrv leader who went with an armed force, that if they should dispossess any of the inhabitants of castles, towns, strongholds or estates, the title to those proper ties would be vested in the oon- qusrers. Thus rope innocent ill, vicar of the church and vice-re gent of God upon the earth, added to religious fanatioism the lost ol rapacity and greed. The armies gathered and the war of religion and extermination began. When a part of the army was besieging a certain town the soldiers said to the ohief i "When we have enter ed how shall we distinguish be tween the faithful and the heretic? How shall we know whom to kill and whom to spare?" and the chiefs replied, "Kill them all; the Lord will surely know his own." In 1545 there was a community of peasants, that is to say, farm ers dwelling in peace and content ment in a provinoe at the foot of the Alps. This community ex tended over a domain of about fifty miles in length and of con siderable width. They had lived there, they and their ancestors, for a period of three centuries They were not Catholics. They were heretics. Tueir heresies con sisted in thtse doctrines: They rejected infant baptism, th sac rifice of the mass. the. adoration of the oross and the sale of indul gences. Pope Paul III, vioar of the Church and vice-regent of God upon the earth, called upon the King of Franoe Francis 1, to make war upon the heretics of the Vandois valley and exterminate them, but Franoe hesitated. These people had' regularly paid taxes and tithes; they were harmless, industrious ana xragai ine ar mies of the king of Franoe had met with reverses in their foreign wars and the internal affairs o the kingdom were not in satisfao tory condition . The clerical par ty urged upon the king that his reverses abroad and his embarras menti at home were plainly due to the faot that he had relaxed persecution of the heretics. Stil the king hesitated. After a while he sent two Cardinals of the church to investigate these people. The Beadey ai ccjt guilty: Two most important cases on the criminal docket in the Rowan Snperior court in session last week have been completed- Both the defendants wtre found guilty. : Bossy Cook, a Negro, wis found f guilty of murder in the ieoond de- degree. His ease consumed the entire day Wednesday in bringing about a decision. Hs was sen tenced to seven years on theeoun- ty roads . Cook was oharged with the murder of Gamewell Jsffents, colored, at Granite Quarry a year ago.. . ' The ease against D. L. Beailey attracted widespread attention'. He was given a hearing pnjThara- day and was found guilty Beae- lsy was sentenced so two years on the oounty roads, fife was mdiot )d on a charge of house-burning nd oar robbery. One of the jhief State witt esses was Howard 'ones, now sfrvng time for car robbery, who related to the jury Jo me important facts in the case. low Air. Davis dot fed cf a Bad ''Some time ago t had a f an bad cough writes Lewis T, Davis, tflackwater, Del. VMy brother vicCabe Davlr gave me aiaall bottle of Ohamberlains T Oonsrh Remedy. Aftsr taking this'! tought half a doten bottles of it mt oi ly used one of them as the ooagh left me and I have not been troubled since." Obtainable everywhere. Cardinals returned and said thtv were farmers laborious, indne trious and happy, and that while their doctrines were not entirely in accord with those of the Oath olio Ohuroh, they, the Oardinals, would not counsel prosecution against them, bue of these Oar dinals went so far as to ecdeavor toersuade th peasants to make eTormal alftdlatTCn will not demand a notary nor even a signature; go through the form that we may satisfy, the authori ties at Rome." But the hardy, rugged and sincere peasants re plied, "How shall we formally ad jure anything, if our dootrines are right and we believe them?" They had not learned the adroit and velvefdiplomaoy that has characterised the Jesuitical me thods of Rome in all these cen turies. They only knew how to be honest; they were densely ig norant. Then the parliament is sued a mandatory decree ordering that all of the dwellers of the Van dois valley should be killed, that every building should be demol ished and rased to the ground, that the cellars should be filled up, that every tree of the forest should be cut down, every tree of the garden rooted out, and the land made unfit for any of the people of their descendants who might escape to farm it or culti vate it for a hundred years. Two armies of the king in obedience to the deoree, marohed into the peaoeful Alpine valleys, and then the work of slaughter began. Thousands of these defenseless. unarmed peasants were killed. Six or seven hundred were sent to the galleys. Hundreds of chil dren were eold into slavery. And those few that escapedjwere met everywhere by a decree proclaim ing the penalty of death for any e a . i ii e m i . one mat snouia oner snem aid or succor, money or vitals. Thns perished the dwellers of the Van dois valley in 1545, by the direc tion of Pope Paul III, vicar of the Ohuroh and vice-regent of God upon the earth. flaayPeesie Don't BCsww. A sluggish liver can cause ft ,CROn an awful lot of misery. 8 1 all s of dissiness, headaches, sosstipation and biliousness are ruts eigne that your liver needs kelp. Take Dr. King's New Life Fills and see how they help ' tone Kthe whole system. Fine for iltomaohtoo, Aide digestion. Pcxif as the blood and clears the etaitacion, Only 25o. at your &ESS2ist Ctsst CJ Sores, O&sr EameSts West Core. no matter of howloncstaadiac vonoemu, oia scum sr. au. MX t mint Oitnt vlxtitibit izsl miidi Jtt&tiuz iWfttil la Btte:x Feb. SO.The RiiasUn surj which oaptared Gnsrua m Ar menia is endeavoring io cz,i ct the retreat of the Turks, who are retiring with as much speed as possible. Dispatches from Petro- grad report the capture of the towns of Hush and Aohlat, to the south, heavy1 fighting prt ceding their taking by storm. The next objective cf the southern wing of the Russian army is Diarbekr. whioh lias, within striking dis tance of the Bagdad Railway. This line would open up the road for the Rcisians into Syria. Along the blaok Sea ooast, Rus tl warships are DoundinB at th Ita&ieh batteries and harraedng the tttreating troops.. The north- ern wing of the Russian armv haa th town of Widl is drtvlhg the Turks baok in the direotion of Gumish Khansh. whioh is on the road to Trsbixond, while large Russian forces art moving westward iron jBrseren with the object cf cutting off theee Turkish troops before they can reach a tew line of defense. The Gercans have been operat ing viigoroutly igjinst the British and FrenJi aljChthe Tscr Osatl in Belgium, to he north of Ypves, - Frota the Britith $60 astsrs ef a position weri captured and held despite hand: grenade attacks to recapture ft. After a heavy bon bard men! the Germans attempted : to cross the canal and occupy Frenoh positions and several groups of them did succeed in making their way to a first line trendh. The French, however, immediately drove thm back. The British to the south of Loos in a lively engagement, sucoteded in making an advance to the ae mans. The Frenoh in Champagne, be tween the Meuse and Moselle rivers and to the west of the forest of Apremont, have bombarded successfully German positions while in the Argonne forest s mine exploded by the Ftssshr chattered the German works. Only isolated engsgenents have taken plaoe on the Russian front. On the Austro-Italian line the ar tillery duels continue. Continuing their advenes in Albania the Austro-Huncarians report the capture near Sjak, a short distance northeast of Durasoo, of an advanced Ital ian pesition. This is the first indication that the Italians wsre onaratwe so far north in Alh&ni the belief having prevailed that their activities bad been confined to the locality adjaoentof Avlona. That progress is being made by the Teutonio allies in the direc tion of Avlona seemingly is shown by the report that the Albtuist who are fighting with them hare occupied she town of Berat, situ ated about 81 miles northeast of Avlona. Four German aeaplanas hare raided the east and southsast ooasts o f England, dropping bombs. Lowestoft and 7alnsr were visited. Two men and one boy were killed and a marine was wounded. The raiders escapedW Unoffioi.il advioes from Salonika are that a Bulgarian patrol which orossed the Greek frontier neat Doiran was repelled byr Greek troops and forced to rstire. fts. B. MickittgittaDlr.rxi ' Mrs. Lois Long Hackett, who hss spent most of her time in, Brooklyn, N. Y., in recent ytaxs, but who for near a year has been hying at Oarson City, Her., with her little daughter, has returned to Statesville. Mrs. Hackett was engaged in teaohing in BevSda. During her residenee there she in stituted suit for divorce against her husband, former Congressman B-N. Hackett of Wilkesboro, and the divorce was granted. Cruelty and non-support were the allega tions in the complaint. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett have been separated for more than seven years. Btateeville Landvrart,

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