Co. a STEWART Editor adOwor jj3,irt Cfissifl i ysss ss r :rrm 3 to ywcacfa, coly ftso - tftmmmA mm mnA4ma mnttmr IflfMiaCV Salirtrary, N 0., Feb. 23, '16. According to the court calendar there seems to be about eighteen applications for divorce before tha Rowan County Superior Court now in session. Cupids fetters must be losing their power. The public road between Salis bury and China Grove, ?s probably the most important highway in tht county. It is in a. conditio has wouia naraiy nave uaeu creditable fiftv vears ago and net only deserves attention but should be made one of if not the beit in the oounty, Money spent on this road would be a benefit to the peo ple of the oounty, those who pay the taxes, while money Bpent on a road to Baden would in no wise be of equal benefit, in fact could hardly be considered more, than a, waste, except to assist in build ing up that plaoe at Rowan's ex pense. Baden, of course, will be a great addition to the industrial activity of the S.fcate, but instead of building up Salisbury will draw, and is drawing, capital, enterprise and popalaticn from here. Let Rowan money be ep8nt where it will most benefit the people of Rowan. The time ior ssleobing candi dates for the various oounty and State onioers has arrived, the ma terial is abundant and the peo ple should manifest interest, suf ficient to see that the most wortny and oapable should not only be eleoted but should be instructed as to what the want done and alto some things they don't want done. In short the present situ ation is the one wherein popular government giveB the people the opportunity and privilege to take matters into their own hands for the wise and complete control oi their own affairs, whioh oppor tunity, if neglected, will be as sumed by political bosses and Belf seekers. If mistakes have been made, now is the time tp oorrec them; if desired objects have been neglected, now is the time to pro mote them; if reforms are to be i instituted, now is the time to put effort into the work,, and if new measures are' to be adopted, now is the time to agitate. To sit still is equivalent to an unoondi tional surrender, hesitation means failure and success can only be secured by well-directed and per istent effort. There is much that should be .done, both in a constructive way and. as a check on schemers, spend thrifts and eekers after special privileges, and numercus projaots that are anti-democratic, Good old Row an should bring her best men, men whose views are known, men who have respect for majority rule and the ,wish of the people, forward and see that they are elected. Experimenting in such matters is very unsatisfactory at best. Whenever You Need a General Tt Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasl,' ChUl Tonic is equally valuable m HfSeral Tonic because it contains t known tonic properties of QUINTS & IRON. It acts on the Liver, Dti & Malaria, Enriches the Blood b up the Whole System. 50 cen ; Wsatber Forecast For February. . From 8 tp 10, fair, clear with cold high winds and some slight threatenings along . From 10 to 18, fair and cool, with rains. From 18 to 26, rain or snow. If wind is seuth than tain, and if southwest, snow. From 26 to Maroh 8, bqow and stormy. ' This month shows us a fairly good month up to the 25th then rough weather comes, snow and stormy. Him Rin, Salisbury, N. C. Route, No. 2. Drive Out Malaria And Bulk Up The System T1t the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know are taking, as the formula is on every label, showing it is aa iron in tasteless form. drives oat malaria, the tessl too IVlArtKlACtS Sadie Essie Ritclriti, ti Richfield, and Walter Hooker of Wicstoc-Salem, were united in marriage at the former place cn February 15th by Rev. C. P. Fisher. Misa Daisy E. !ise! beir .or, daughter id ,W. R. Miseuheimer, of. Rockwell, and John P, Trexler sin of Esq, G A. Trexler, of Gold Hill, weio married at Rack wall on Friday evening, Febrcary 11, by Rev. J. A. Kocns. They will be at home in Salisbury after the 18th at J M. Brady's. A marriage was solemnized last Friday afternoon at Organ Church by the paster, Rev. R. R. Bowers, when Miss Jess Fisher, daughter of Henry M. 0. Fishtr, of Salis bury, became the bride of John Holland, of Norfolk, Va. The Th9 groom is a Pullman conduc tor with headquarters at Roacokp, where tb y will reside. Miss Beulah Merrill, daughter of Mr. aLd Mrs. W. E. Merrill, and John Arthur Hatley, both of East Bp near, were united in mar riage at the home of the bride's parents early last Sunday morn ing by Rev. George H. Cox. They will reside in East Spencer. Constipation, When costive or troubled with constipation take Chamberlain's Tablets; They are easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Delegates ta Republican State and Con gressional Conventions, The following were ohosen del-j egates to the Stste and Congres sional conventions at the Repub lican County convention held here last Saturday: ' AH Price, J D Dorsett, R A Kohloss, W H Hobson, J M Proc tor, Thomas Rosemond, J H Ram lay, 6 W Garland, R M Leonard, C P Foster, T H Stewart, H L Qriswold, Prof. F B Brown, J A Peeler, T V "Holt," H S Bostian, H C Buetk, Dr. J M L .Lyerly, Dan Goodson, Arthur B:st, J A Menius, J E Correll. gThe Slat convention will be held on March 1st at Raleigh. The round trip fare to that city will be $4.20 cn that day. Meeting; at CITS. tie Fist Baptist lEvajgelist I. R. Dean of To ronto, Canada, will preach next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. in the First Baptist Chnrob. He will also preach during next w.-ek at 8 p. m. and 7:80 p. m. His sermons on "Science and the Bible" ar masterpieces and he is me of the greatest authorities in the world on this subject. This is his first trip south. Every body ought to hear him: The iecond and third week of the meeiiLg will be conducted by Evangelist Harrell and Sac, Ra born of Texas. These are the equals of the best evangelist in the south and will stir Salisbury. Eerybody who heard Sam Ra- born two years ago. knews bis power as -a singer, T. T. Martin says "He is twice as good now as then." Let even body come out These meetings were to have be gun ths first Sunday in February but the sickness of T. T. Martin hindered, The public is cordially invited. - Robbers entered and rob bed the store of the Landis Hardware Company at Lan ais. last ounaay nigat or early Monday morning. A number of guns, pistols and razors were taKen. csnerin Krider was unable to find a clue that might lead to the identity of the thieves. Do You Find Fault with Everybody? An irritab'e faUt finding dis position is often due to a dis ordered stomach. A man witb good digestion is nearly always good natured. A gr at many have been permanently benefited by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of suffering. These tablet strengthen the stomach and mable it to perform its functio. s na turally. Obtainable everywhn T Slirieying A n y one wanting surveyiug dons accurately and promptly, map making, drawing deeds, or the service of a justice cf the peace, should write; 'phone or call on P. C. Bernhardt county surveyor, rural No 8, Salisbury. N. 0., 'p'lone Faith, No. 1211, SOME OF ROWAN'S OLD FOLKS. We are still getting names for our old folks column and filling in the dates of birth of others and making slight corrections. Any aid extended will be appreciated. If youjjknow of any person in your neighborhood who is 80 years old, or cider, drop us a pesta) giving the name and date cf birth. We believe there are over a hun dred folks in Rowan eligible to this list and we would be glad to have their name at once. John Pethel, Landis, born 1817, now Miss Mary Newsorn, Morgan Township, born 1818, now Mrs. Elizabeth Cartner, Scotch IrishTownship, born November 19th, 1818,. Phillip Sowers, Salisbury Feb, 18, 1824 Abner Walter, Atwell Town ship, born May, 1826, Miss Mary E. Gillean, born April 15th, 1826, age Evan L y e r ly, Providence township, born October 20, 1826, , Joseph Ben. Ballard, col., born Nov. 20, 1826, now 08 97 97 91 89 89 89 89 Abner j C. Cartner, Scotch Irish township, born July 12 1837 88 Capt. Wm. A. Luckv, Cleve land, born Sept., 1827. now 88 Georze Deal. China Grove No. 1, bom Julv 4th, 1827 88 Wiley Dodge, colored, born Aug. 1Q, 1827, Salisbury, 88 Mrs.' Mary E.. Menius, Steele Township, born February 26th, 1828 87 Nathan Morgan, Providence Township.born May 31,1828 87 Alison .Overcash, Cleveland No. 1, born Feb. 29, 1829, 86 Miss Sarah E, Sechler, R. D. No. 2, China Grove, born November 6, 1829, now. ... 86 Samuel Deal, China Grove Township, born January , 17th, 1880, now 85 Jacob A. Kluttz, Franklin Township, born April 27th, 1830. 86 M. J. Walton No. 4 Salibury, Co. A, 57th N. C, born April 26, 1880, now 85 Mrs. W . H. Neave, Salisbury, born January, 1831, 84 Martiu Blackwelder, No. 1, China Grove, born Sep tember 1st. 1831, now 84 Dr. R. M. Eames, Salisbury, , born Sept. 15, 1881, 8 Capt. J. C. Low, Salisbury. born Maroh 20, 1882 83 Mrs. Margaret U. Goodman, Locke Township, born April 28, 1831 84 Martin L. Efird, China Grove. born March 15, 1833. now 82 Mrs. Eva C.jTrexler, Rockwell, born Nov. 13, 1832, 88 Mrs. Amelia Sloop, Landis, born May 9, 1883, 82 Mrs Adaline Yost, Gold Hill town ship, born March 17, 1830, 85 Mrs Catherine A Sloop, Atwell township, born Jan. 11, 1827, 88 Louis Wilhelm, Scotch Irish township, born 1829, 86 Mrs. Louise Jacobs, Franklin Township, born 1834, , 8 Sandy Partee, China Grove. age estimated from 85 to 102 Mrs. E. H. Marsh, Salisbury, torn May, 1832, 83 Rev. John F. Hodges, Morgan Township, bcrn Oct. 19, 1885. 80 W, J. Roes, Salisbury, born May 28, 1831, 84 Mrs. Eliza Frentis, colored, born 1804, now 111 Mrs. Margaret Riley, Enoch - ville, bom August, 1826, 89 Mrs. Sarah Goodnight, Enochville, born Deo. 1st, 1824, 91 Jacob Barringer, Landis, bom 1834, 81 Rufus Rodgers, Enochville. bom 1831, 84 Monroe Voils, Atwell, bom 1831, 84 J. 0. Casper, China Grove. bom 1115-'35, 80 Henry McNeely, Salisbury, born 1834, 81 Allison Corriher, Atwell, born 1833. 82 Mrs. Ann Earnhardt, Atwell. born 1831, 84 Mrs. Amanda McLaughlin, Atwell, bom 1829, 86 Mrs. Millie Weaver, China Grove, born Nov. 18, 1831, 84 Rev. G. H. Cox, D. D , Spen cer, born 1835, 80 Mrs. P. E. Kimball, China Grove, born May, 1882, 88 Mrs. F. E. Shober, Salisbury, born 1832, 83 Mrs. Susana Rodgers, Landis, born 1885, 80 Mrs Saiah Overcash. Enoch- ville, born 1883, 82 J. R. Holshouser, Rock, born 1884, 81 John Overcash, Atwell, born 1831, 84 Mrs. Elizabeth Glass, Landis, born 1880 or 82, . 85 or 87 Mrs. D. C. Cooper. China Grove, born March 8, 1831, 84 Mrs Mary K Miller, Morgan township, born Maroh 8, 1888, SB Mrs. OUra A. Parker, Morgan township, born Acgust 12, 1888, - 80 Mrs. Betsy Miller,- Morgan township, born 1829, 87 Alex Lyerh. Crescent, born Oct. 28, 1935, 80 88 Catherine L. Kluttz, of Frank lir boru Dec 8, 1882, Sarah Auu Smith, China Gr r ve. No 1 Lorn Jnne 27, 1834, R. Fisher, Crescent, born 1836, Elizabeth Dunn of Franklin township, born Bepteiher 4tb, 1827, 81 80 88 China Grove Lad; Say$ Siie Ha MM no Coolest Mils Mary K. Townsend, a member of the faculty of the China"Grove sohcol, has entered a "Beaut? and Brains" con'est being conducted by a photoplay magazine. The proposition is to sand elev en young weme.: to a film studio at Fort Lee, N?w Jersey, across the river frcm New York city, where they will be given a thorough try out as film actresses, All of their expenses will be paid on this trip and if they show any talent thgy will be given contracts for a per iod of not less tbau one year at regular salaries paid to stars, No effort will be spared to make film itars of thse young' women. Miss Lillian Rossel aid William A. Brady are among the judges of the contest. Their experiences and reputation alone assures con testants of every possible consid eratiou based gclefy upn ability. Th above information was fur nished us by the Photoplay Maga zine of New York city, the seoond and third paragraphs being print ed verbatnm. Ths letter was typewritten on official stationery, was much longer, duly signed, stated that the lady's photograph with other data had been received and that indications for a success ful film-player were encouraging, etc. Last week Miss Kathleen Town send of this place, a member of the China Grove school faculty, notified this soiibe that there was a mistake saying that she was not interested in any such a contest and that possibly the item had reference to some one else, being a coincident in name. The item was published merely as news and bearing as it does every mark cf fact and good faith, the state ments it contained were accepted without question or investigation ; but as Miss Townsend cf this place, emphatically denies any connection with such a scheme, we publish her itatement as a cor reotion of the matter so far as she is ooncerned . EXCHANGE GOLUM Notice. Any regular subscriber of the Cakoiina Watchman or Rowan Reccrd may use this col umn witcout cost tor bb mucn at a ter-line local fcr two week's at a time. If you cave anything you want to sell -r exerangt write it out m a few pes. ible and send or briug it to this office. This will prove of great advantage to tha farmers of thif section if taken advantage of. uobbage Early frostproof cabbage plants lOots per ICO' By par oal post 15ots for 100. Belgian Hares four months old $1 each, six months old $1.50 each. W A Patterson, China Grove, N C. Horses for Sale. One good farm horse and a coed brood mare. R E. Patterson, China Grove. N C. No. 2. I have 14 nigs for the market. 7 ready low the other 7 in March These are nice pigi and wfigh from 100 to 115. Ji 8. Campbeil,' Rural No. 1, Cleveland. N. C. Trasoass Notices free for the friend and patrons of The Watchman and Record. Call and get tbern Poland China pigs for sale, ready to deliver Saturday, January 22 Call on or write, L. L. Fesper. man, Rockwell, N. C. HorS8 far Sale A black mare, eh dinm size, 5 years old, Terms to suit purohaser. Call on or write to J. 8. Corriher, 108 W. Harri- son st , Salisbury, in. u. Or Sale. About twenty bushels of whiti peas, large blaok eye va riety. Fine for table use, $3 00 per bushel. Call or write. Chas, C. Glover, R. No . . 8, Lox 46, Salisbury, N. C. RouehneSS. Such as hays, shucks, straw, etc., tor saie. uau on j . 1 f 11 -w M. Eddlemau & Co,, China &rove, N. C. KaiavTuir butter wraDDers printed at Ths Watchman office in 8alis bury, or the Record office in China. Grove . Our charge is only 75 cents per 1,000 for the print-1 mg. One of the Berk's chain of 12 stores "That sell it for Lees." New spring (roods coming in tiow, and, whether its Spring or winter goods you need, you'll find Bel k-Harry Co's the cheapest and best place to trade. COTTON GOODS. Although all cotton gods are advanc ing in price we ' fixed" (or it several months ago by laying in a good supply aud you don't have to pay any advance hers 3 et on sc roiiy anything. However, when our present supply is sold we'll have to advance too. 39 inch sheeting nice and smooth for only, 5c Best 7o indigo ;aprom Gi lgham in short lengths for only 5c New Spring Goods Bioc Sale ol Valuable City Real Estate! Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust, executed by W. W. Miller to the undersigned Trus tee and Mortgagee on July 1st, 1915, which was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, in Book of Mortgages No. 51, page 132, to secure a certain indebtedness there-' in provided, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the lands having heretofore been sold on February 5 1916, for the sum of Six Hundred Five Dollars ($605 00), and an advance bid of Sixty and 50-100 Dollars ($60 50) haviDg been placed thereon, and bv virture of the provi sions contained in Chapter No. 146, of the Public Laws, 1915, the undersigned will expose for sale at the Court House Door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Saturday, 4th day of March, 1916, at the hour of twelve M ., the following real estate situate in the north ward of the City of Salisbury., and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, the south cor ner at the intersection of Franklin and Caldwell Streets, and runs thence S. about 43 deg. E, with the edge of Franklin Street, 148 feet to a stake, in the west edge of Franklin Street; thence S. about 47 dec . V. parallel with Caldwell Street fifty feet to a stake; thence N. about 43 deg. W. par allel with Franklin Street 148 feet to a stake in the soath edge of Caldwell street; thence W. about 47 deg. E. with the edge of Caldwell Street 50 feet to tha beginning, containing seventy-four hundred (7400) square feet, upon which there is a cottage. For book title see Book of Deeds No. 122, page 156, in the office of the Regis, ter of Deeds for Rowan County . Bidding will begin at Six Hundred Sixty-five and 50-100 Dollars ($665 fO). This the 12th day of February, 1916. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Trustee and Mortgagee. f Every Woman Waiits FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Has extraordinary deansina and germicidal power. Sample Free. 50c all drusmtts. or DoslDHid bv """J." J . IIPWM, ITKW. 3 i i;uis9 jserns, Bruises, Sores, Wounds and Piles quickly healed with Arnica Salve. It prevents infection, is antiseptic, soothing, healing. Try it once. Money Back If It Fails. The Original and Genuine Buckleys Heals the Hurt All Druggists and Dealers, 25c. We do the Best and will appreciate your orders. Call at office er address Wm. H. Stewart itor and Proprietor, Salisbury. N. C. TRADE AT- Now Coming in, Clothing, Shoes, etc. Always Trade at Salisbury, N. C. SALISBURY MARKETS. Corrected weekly byD M. Miller & Son Bacon, sides per ft, 15 to 16. " shoulders, per Bo, 15 to. 16. 44 ham, per fi, 20 to 22. " round, per K, 15 to 17. Butter, choice yellow, 20 to 25 Chickens, per lb, 10 to 12.- Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 25 to 30. Eggs, per doz, 18 to 20. Corn, per bushel, 8-5 to 90. b lour, straight, per sac, $3.50 44 pat, $3 60 to $3.70 . Hay, per. hundred fis, 50 to 60. J Honey, per lb, 18 to 2Q. Lard, N. C, per lb, 12 to 14. Meal, bolted, per bu. 90 to $1.00 Oats, per bu, 70 to 75 Potatoes, Irish, pe' bu, 80 to 90 Wheat per bush. $1.50 to $1,55 Onions, .90 to 1.00 Rye, per bushel, $1,40 Turkeys 15c per lb, Geese, 12Kc per lb. State of North Carolina Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution To all to whom these presents may come Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record f the proceedidg for the voluntary dis solution thereot by u;e unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Badin Heights Land Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. .Fourth Street, in thatcwnol S(encer, County of Row an, State of North Carolina, J, D. Dor sett being the agent therein and in sharge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Kevisal of 1905, entitled 'Corporations," prelimi nary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution. Now, Theiefor0, I, J, Bryan Grimes, secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 4th day f February, 1916, file in my-office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to 1 he dissolution cf said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said censent and the record of the proceedings tforesaid are now on file in my said offiee as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official aeal at Raleigh, this 4th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1916. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. WATCH REPAIRING. For utw ,?atoL8, jeweify and repairs at reasonable prices, go to the drug efcore at Granite Quarry, or to R. L. BROWN. N?. 6, Salisbury- N. G. 10-27 6 m. W. pd. Administrator's Notice. Haying qualified aa administratrix of the estate of John D Pusser, deceased late of the county of Rowan, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February 1917, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make prompt settlement. This the 10th day of February, 1916 Mrs Minnie Pusseb, administratrix of estate of John D. Pusser. Re-Sale cf Yamable Lands, Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County made in the special nccfeding entitled A. A. Wal lace, administrator of J. R. Wallace a gainst Mceella Watson an J others, directing a re-sale of lands because of lack of bidders and insufficiency of bids at hrst sale, ill offer at public sale at the court h :ose door in Salisbury on Saturday, March 4, 1916, a tract of 19 1-4 acres of valu able farming lands situated in Locke township, about three miles from OLina Grove and about 7 miles from Salisbury, on and near the mcadam f rtlic road between those places, ad--fining James Corriher, John Hols Locaer, the old Bruner place and ethers. This land lies well situated, ard haa good timber and water. l;lot and description may be seen at the efflae of my attorney in Salisbury. lerrrtrOne halfeash, balance due in eivht mor ths, with interest on de ferred payment. Title reserved till r t;rcteae money is all paid. This February 14, 1916. A. A Wallace, Admr. and Com., B. F. D. No., Glass, N. C. 1 HO. F.'.&luftU, Attorney. 10c yard wide percale in short lengths for enly 6ic Yard wide Pajams check for 7c 98c Regular size oounterpane for only 75c TATTING AND CROCHET THREADS White and oolorf, alt numbers in J & P Coats, C M C. O N T, Columbia, et2, for 10c J & P Coats silk-finish crochet, all best colors 5c 6 for 25c New lot crochet needles for 5c Tatting shutters for 10c CllAND&LL : ' -V v iV ii fi v -i rrr -'- In Purchasing ths Monument consider well the person with whom the order is placed, for ir responsible agents flood the coun try selling monuments made from quarry "seconds" and of distinot. ly inferior workmanship. The monument sold to you here is of the highest quaN ity marble or granite, is of the finest workmanship, rea sonably priced, and is backed with our reputation for fair dealing. CAROLINA MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Fiiher St., Salisbury, N. C. Trade with G. P.SHUPING THE GROCER, He carries a full line of High Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkine Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. SHUP1M6 Moved to 119 East Fisher St. 4 doors below where we were locted, Where you will always find a full line of Field and Garden Seed, and for the Ladies' BULBS AND FLOWER SEED. We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies. PETALUMA INCUBATOR8, and a full line of SPRAYS and INSECT POWDERS for trees and plants. 'Phone 1191. Farmers' Seed House, 119 East Fisher Street, 7 2Hf Salisbury, N. O. Peoples' National Bank Salisbury, N. O. Does General Banking Business til PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 months Prompt attenion given to any busi--iess entrusted to us. Your business solicited. 1 Peoples National Bank John 8, Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. D. L. Gaskill, W. T. Busby, V-r resident- Asit. caabier L PAY HIGHEST PRICE for CREEM HIDES- GHAS. S. JULIAN, 10 27 8m 8aiiaburr, N. C. FULE. WEIGHT 40 POUNDS; 1 psir 6!b. Pillows to match $1.15. Selected Kew, Live. Clean, Sani tary Featlien, Bert Featherproof Ticking. Sold on money back guarantee. DO NOT BUY iron) anyone at any price, until you get the BOOK Or TRUTH oar big new catalog, mailed FREE. Write DOttal card TODAY. AeenU Wanted. AMERICAN FEATHER PILLOW COMPANY. , . 0ESKM-S NAHVIUJTIMM i

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