:- y if : J - '- . , t.?f"r 4if - p.! jr p gpsm f -' awe-? ? 3 m ROWERS COLLECTION Mi' A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental A flair a 8ALI8BTJEY, H, C, WEDNESDAY, HARCH 1ST, 1916. G VOL. XH. NO. "It FOURTH SERIES i-i.'t 4 I t M's tfatm Freb IIfkei Ff t neb Equity Emphatic in Asstrtiig Thai Hm Clsckei Attacks. Feb. 28 The tide of battle trouud Verdnn apptreuily hts not turned iu fvor of either tide. While the Grmaoi claim farther draucei, the Freuch aro equally emphaiio iu Iheir a eerlion that th y checked the attacks of the mataei tf Garm;U iiifautry eeut agnir st thm , Fort Llcuaomoiit hta falleu to the Germans, bat it is reported to be in raius. Arout d this position na mobt desperate fighting cf the battle has been going on siuoa iridy. Here French ccnuter attacks were delivered with inch crashing forc- that tome of the G'iitnsn detachments were driven baok and one regiment is almost encircled. To tha weit of this fort, iu a band to hud enconntet, the Freuch bt ve ejected the Ger oans from a tmaj redoubt which they had oaptor d. Tbroughout the entire sector of Vtrdnu, exoept oa the western bauk of the Meoie Rivert where the Germau bembardment hai alaokeued lomewhit, the artillery duels are still of vast (,rop:rtions. To the southeast, the Frenoh at Frames, in the Woevre region, hato pot down two German at tacks against that t-wu, bnt the G-rmaus have inaugurated an im P or taut movement iu the Cham sjue distr ioti wtere by a snr prse attapk thy saosesded in en tiring Frenoh advanced positions pjf a supporting trenoh ver a front cji ueajriyva mile, capturing more lan a fiousnd men N.twuhBtanUiug the fresh fe f rves the French have thrown in the fray at Fort Djaa .mcnt, tjbe Germau wat office declares tatjeir hues toward Bras and Tcherauriile . It is claimed that is 0rmf ns hate entire" y exp 11 "seFfench from the Meuse oi$saia south aid from 8am- QSneox aud wsst of Yjtch.raurille i Og the KdaViiiu front ' around Friodrichatadt and Illouket' thert eeu heavy artillery, machine in rise nriug. xu urancia nt Qussjans repulied an atteuipt by Aotro Huugaridus to oap.nre a i . . . trenches on the middle otnpa vef . :Tne Acslrians, according to Vi ajina, have put down with at goi rsary' lotsei an Italian attack ja ust poa tions on both aides cf Louts oau M celft aud east of 4tso, and also, 'estrioyed an Ital iju trenoh en the Gjfiria bridge 'J The Bu-sians are still operating eccceufuliy gai ctthel urkk wb. rirituui and thOito mixi foroas iu th Persian battle s,.ne. Farther aoctb, in Mes po ts)Qiia a bombardment by the Buttih jap a Turkish omp on the UfiC bank of tin Tig tie river te- tttltitd ia 'bwavy oatuaJtiea to the It. ' - farther dtails of the fubting baiKdan tha British and trit ea-ncQ- officered by tne Turks iu wjajerC figypt, show that the leyy&MSofithe tribeame:i, Nuri -By, ftibrothtr of trie Turkish war min ister was killed and hii principa subordiLater wound ad and that the tribesmen left larg numbers of dead amd wounded on the field as t&sir main force fled. ' The Italian hospital ihip Mare ohiero Ja been annk in the Adri atic Sea off the coast of Albania, ft is believed the vessel struok au Austrian mine. While the extent of the casualties has not become known it is reported that they wera numerous. The German Ambassador at Washington hi a officially inform ed Secretary Lansing that the as suranoei given in the LasitaLia casa with respect to submarine warfare have not been modified by the recent Gezman memorandum respecting that government's in tention to treat armed merchant men as warships begiuniug March let. SiiipfiidiSh'HililBiM Wahi!;ttti!i, Fab 28. N wcou- '? strnctioi fr the i.ivj hcia ne imited this year onlt by the ooun rv's facilities to build, Rar Ad miral Auatin M. Knight, president of the Navy War College, told the Hcasa Naval Committee today If au adequate nea is so oe maue ready by 125, be declared, a: im- med'ute inquiry should be ; mad, to determine the extent of these facilities and to plan for even greater building p ograms eaqb year until the Uuited States Navy i the strongest fi roe tflcat. 'It is a big program, of coarse," said Admiral Knight,: "tut we have a big country to defend ." Only the limits of construction facilities, thi admiral explained, had' cauaad the genera!.! board to fix 192? as the date the American fleet ahoutd fqual any afloat. 'If we could get it," te added: I would sy we need it now, to day, tomorrow. i A Cflflflicl Com ut Tks itilias' Popt A S3 i tiijr Year L bsr. tits ia Effort to Hike Ailrici Cukoltc- Between the l&w of this republic and the law of pop ry, tht ia a vital oonfliot which is rapidly producing in this oouutry the con 1 ditions which precede evil war,' Let no man deCHive him8Bf : let very man sea the facts, as they are. The conati'ntii n of tho United 8tatea declares that congr8 aball have no power to al rir'ge the free: dom of the pretr. , Yet congress has kuuckled to Rome, and aires dy done that vry thing. Books hoiuatly aimed at un covering the horrible vileneis of the Roman system are proeecuted because they uuoover Rome's rot tenness ' No other books are proseouted. In the whole United 8tates there it not a case pending against a publisher of the prudent new Is, magazines, and Sunday supple ments which p ur from the north ern p.ess by the millions. Books exposing mormonism, prostitution, the white ilave traf fic, the salacious episodes at sea side resorts, and at road-hooaes where joy-riders put up on their automobile trips, all these pass th mails, and arouse no prose cution. But every time a writer attacks the Reman Oathoho ay stem, the govern mens proat-lutes its vast powers: to orush that publisher, and thus gratify the Irish cardi- the United States for Mexioo with nai. who iraiiorruslv iworaV. in the intention of launching new, ttaiyt P that murderous oath, to revolution againat the Oarransa psrseouts protcstants to extermi de facto government. Intorma- nation. 5 tion reaching officials here indi- The law of Rome was teraley cates that he hopes to organise gtated by the great English aUtes and lead the tropps of his native man William E. Gladstone Tin State, Oaxacar and iuhrtrrtrPaeY whOTe'beilign leglstalion, the Proper Treatment for BIllouasMaa. - - -r Vot a long time Miss Lula 8kel ton. Church ville, N. Y., was bil ious and bad sick headaohe and diy spells. Chamberlain Tab ets were the only thing that gave her permanent relief.. Obtain able everywhere. Fillx OiizUij Start Ritolitloa. Washington, Feb. 28 Felix Din, who has been watched for several months by Department of Justice agents tedanse of trftpeot ' ed aotivit'es in violation of Ameri can' neat ra ity apparently has left oan gather about him General Disz left New, Orleans Friday for Havana, where several Mexicans whose names have been associated with bis in reports of a revolu tionary movement were under- atood to be awaiting him. Teo- dore Dehesa, a former Governor General of Vera Crux,: and Gener al Acrelioano Blanquet, war min ister under Haerta, wera reported to be among them. were divided up and so'd on long creait,:st low interest to Irish Catholic tenants 1 he highest law Italian pope Aid his foreign church fiercely oondems and oarsca to eternal per dition. These who maintain the liberty m M W Small; D D Stale llewiIteES Ef Pgolist gue Speaker Wifl Uaka id Address Hen. 0021 Anti Saloon Lei-1 News Co'ceBtnld iiTkse h Wiat ta Know Ahsit Hoct Aftiirs. Yepgmeu early Monday morn ing broke into the Test Durham postoffioe and bliir Opes ta large safe for tho- fourth time -within a little more than oue year. Thirty dollars in cash was tak'n and 200 worth cf it&mps were blown into HeaiUif WFacr.sQ ."jrlww 4 t Sict ViktJli UfsrcatlM Rsltflri fi ti) Giisei-icrjilkiii Headaohe is not u disaue of the headfAti liiatoitb Rev. Sam.fv! Small, the fam- cub Souther evangelist, editor and lecturer, is called 'A Prinze of the Platform." He il) deliver oue of his most famous lectuirers iu the Colonial Theatre, Salisbury, at 8 o'clcck Sunday afternoon, March, 6th and thai pr 89Lt au opportunity fcr our peopie to hear this famoua national evangelist and author. He is a man of exceptional at tainmeLti. He was born in Kncxvillp, Tennesiee, i i the city founded by his family forbears; graduated with h'gh honors from Emory and Henry College in Vir ginia, and after admiaaiou to tie bar in Tennessee beoame private secretary to ex-President Andrew Johnson and followed that states man's political f itunes to tbe United States Senate. He holds the literary degrees of A. B. aud A M. from hts Alma Mat r; Ph D. from Taylor University. He is a trained jjfcrnalist, many yean editor of leading Southern news paper?, principally the noted 'At lama Cobatituticn " He Charlotte Observ r, Feb. 28tb" O P. Heath, oue of Charlotte's oldest, bast known and in his day one of the Sooth's most prominent cotton merbhtnti, corumittsd ni- oiue yesseraay morning 11 o - not a dia aas aril, not any mora elook in hif tffice at No, 21 I S than ihUdimh&Su South College street by skottinirlt iv Only sfeign ifl3thal himself thr mgh the lead with a icmething is wr ng-and,neda at .82 calibre Cols blue steel revolver, tension. Uanallv on cwt of shreds by the nitro-glyciaiuo used. Death was instantanecpi. til natura'a laws has been violated. Tracks of the robbera left in the health with th added tribulations Excesses o ou kin& s aarjiher asbestcs scattered-w th flooriof irrouf hrru 1Sy financial reverses, are the usual violat&nhinaara the offioe is the onlv ,olue-wth- ra assisned to - aciocnt for tha ai.A . jLLj ... .. .. .-m. ., 4UUMSUUM n newt which officers haveto-work. In act -Two notes, sea'ed sod ad- aehe. y In .u' zol the three past roij&riei nearly draised to his wife, were found jby Take comedienne ralth I5OC0 in cash ajij, stamps were those wb reached th aone first ache. Find out the cans int atolen. ' - Theiroonten WOIk there to effect erajJ Don'l Britain Price, OrArlotte, wocd butit is ttated thaJ they : relatjed dope" a headacho. longer yard foreman, died Sajrorday of . ipnte personal matters suoh ygu defer removing tha cause by wout ds reived Fraf at th mght I e anticipated uuder jhe taking headaohe medioine the hands of Joti Bhtntcu, JegroV 0cam8lauce, The My W more .aggravated beoctaeiv your who struck him ovefthB headVitj, lrried to Manroa on the 10:10 p condition caosing your head to a heavy atiok of wodd f flowtbg s roak 8eaboard trainthrii motjn- ache the more. . t --. diapute as to bow much fuel oould ing mnd tbe funeral took lace jat Oonstipation b one of thi caotl be bought for fiv cents. Blanton the Centra 1 Methodist Church iin- oommoj) oauaee jf headache, was arreted nt Crastoma-ahd is mediately upon arrival Rev. Dr. 5uch a headaohe is &rxanUya held iu fail at Charlotte on alJ -Rowe of Sal abury, agisted lieved by. the hie of a timide laxa- by Key. M l. Steele of Hickory tiveandite return j;s-X8?asted Grve, and Rev. J. E. Abermthy not by he constant cxe of laxa of Monroe, had charge of the ser- tiveihut, by regulating. th,e diet, Vioe. eatinsr an .bnndanAA frtsita. vegetable and bulky.-fi&ft Bt- Daaif era of Draft jgular habits thonld oerfaetioed Drafts feel best when we 4rt 4aily to arc idoaiaitipaticn; ' ot and perspiring, just whfeu Over-eating ia of ten', ar csae of they are most daugerona and the headaole. Tha cure in tuca-in- charge c f murder - The government has let t Chandler and Campbell pf Chat tan :oga, Teuu , the contract to ere Shelby's new postcfiEce build ing, work t begin April 1st. Th building is to be ot" gray pressed brisk, fire-proof, tar atd grave roof, steam heat. ItU to be lo- nlai AAlt nf thm nnihAiat nornflr I Ann Xfnanloa nr mmciimu an. al. orthe oourt iquarft on aTdt b etomaoh a rest and avoid repeat- of Major GreenWThe lot is on ?PP 81oau's Linimfnt. ;It ingthw violation. r..-.- wusKing or sleeping u now. Sout'r Wusb ngtqu street, whole is to c at btuut $85,000 uuu iu! (mi luewvuu uviiiiproni venfarated ?4T0 ; foefi freely jand jn a shrrt timeth-k, on hMdMjMtf Saturday Mrs. Mar, J., Gurey !J?i 'v. S f r0m ibis .sala wasawarded 10,000 by a Guilford :fi-MWiir-fBfaa .a-BKamsl. bv walkina fa rh.oan County jury in her suit against Uiipi oatf Us of S16ane 'iiii- air.walkiug alowly at tltttlfhen young . Shropshire' in Ma om- 1915. oroea in Sojdern Mexioo a hlM 6f 4Weral -hooks, r By iliwaaaliowVtfa appointment of President Hayes he served as secretary of th? American Commission in Piris in 1878, and a delegate from th:a cuntry to the International Li . terary CongreBB of that year. He has served iu many notable na tional oouventicns of political t h e Southern Power OompanTimfntl so ai to iti ! ef rowln8 on 01 e lf"1 , Vm WV wi liecti.of the cure air fofed ibao tmgusg sensation 01 comior ano , , , 7 " ,T warmth and quiet rert an1 ilefcp u Pu of the body intf tSe ira- ir pifeblev Gbod fcr Neuritis, purities driven uout t ., V rv tooi :Jric 25c. tt year dtuggUt I Another coomen fcacxe Of htad 1Vm Ki' ttoir .-mm' .TtftnwiT 41. Ji after raiding, writifig or tewing that your bead aches you may bo the pauy'a reservoir JMay ftU, IB I Tha nimtntiff was BBina for l i e . i Of the press. Encyclical letter commercial ana reiormasory cuar of Pope Gregory XVI , in 1881, ft0tet- Wbi,e 1U h Unted and cf Pope Pius IX., in 183$. States Army io Cuba in 1899 he Or the liberty of ccntciecc and wai MilitaTy bupervisor of Publio Instruction, engaging iu the reor- oompany, through its agent G . C Howard, was coudaoui g a bathibg pay ill ion and had been allowing boys to swim in the pool. The at legation thaf thef defendint .had not exercised' due care for the 4 ) safety of tho bather was substan tiated by the" eviduoe; and to Iijiftili iital'le MsA 8truck and run over by sin au-1 quite sure that it 4a due to- va tonobile on North Main Street I strain. This cause can be rriov Keep Your RoWrls Regular As everyone knows, the bowel are the sewerage system of the body, and it is "f the greatest im portance that they mov ooc eaoh day;v ! If ywUf be wets l erom coQStipated. tnke a doae f Ccam ber'am'B Tablets just aftei supper and th y will coirct th die rder Obtainable evryher. near his home, Joseph, the seven led only by the use of properly -ad year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. justed glasses In some fasfaneef W Oarene, ie .in the sanattridm the eye may ac aally ba1 diseased suffering from a crushed hinwa audnetd treatments fl iitn that fact ieattribated the fury's Uola in hwhead atd oVher bvuiies. to see agood ipecialfatwlierhaw- veraioa in ravor oi sne piaiusis. itHp ,A rntnmmo hnm fm in )..... tt- ; -.-i-.- school on Mondav afternoon and traAti1.1lnl latin .-i 60 RI6HT AT lT. at a no ht almost bppiiie the old street oar line switoh on North of worship. Ecoyclical of Pius IX , Dscembe 8, 1864. ganisation of tbe public schools of m m Mi B SlIMBff Will Main Straet be made a move aa . tr t Or the liberty of speech. Syl- ne Asiaua. labus" of March 18, 18fll. Prop. ln 1000 Mr- DmB" lDeQ ft ixxtx E.ioyalrcal of Pope fius promineut editor and publio offi- IX , December 8 1864. ciai, was cnveriea tnrpugn ine Or who contend that papal preaching cf Rev. Sam Jones, the judgments ar d decrees may, with 8real tieorgia evangeiist. a -d join ut am, ha disbejed, cr differed Skow Yod i Wif, Tho Court of Last 4atrf. ArouLd the atove 'of the crosa roada grocery is the reaf eosjurt) of list resort,' for itilhaUy ovartrulas all otheia. Ohamberirainikh I he .topped mf.oatoJUebjgflw. thft oontl in .WoirSrSti ilw. from,; on lee they treat of the r ilea (dogmata) of faith and Charges Great Brltiia VYifh frying to Drag m ra's ibid. Or who aaaign to th State the powr ot defining the civil r'ghts Am fca Into tbe fiv. Wa8hiugton,-Feb. 28 A ate- ment today by Senator G re of Oklahoma author of a resolution tc keep Americans off armed ship , t-J-the tflVct that powerfu' irflu enoea have been trying to force this nation into the" European war, ras served t warm tp a fee'-- 2 .l l -j : I ing ua. wi ttt itB uem u"ug offioe the tense situation last we k. The assertion was ' mado fre quently that Great Britiau would be gltd if she could bring about conditions that would Warrant the United StaWe plunging into the war, and the me. hods she is sup posed to have employed wre look ed upon as being so shrewdly de vis d as to be beybfid positive de tection The feelings that are held by ssveral individuals-art) ex p eased by Senator Gore. l4I fear- We are driftii g on tbe rooks. It looks to me as if pr- - British newspapers, pro-British infiuenoes, and the munitions ma kers were trying to drag us into war." The suspioion is held that one plan of Great Britum ir to- secure American oitiiens to take passage on some of the boats that would be liable to attack, by. employ it g them with at ractive offets. . . ed with mm in noidiug tvaug 1 atio aervics in all the greater cities of the United S.ates aid Canada Ihoee were the mat fa uoua a ' snccoasfu rel-gioi B mea'igs "jver held in this or any finrfll and cravii c- of thaohtiroh. otpr ountry. Dr. Small baa led w 1 Syllabua" of P.pe Pius IX ' r. t U "A : 1 t -.: '3 efs. f V. PAZO tctrng. March 8, 1861. Ibid. Prop. ix. ; Or that tha ch r:b may not em ploy force ErclesU via inferen- doe potestat&m iiru habet. 'Syl labus," Prep. xxiv. of the episcopate, but granted to it by the civil arjthcri ty. Ibid, Prop. xxx. Or that any method of mstrno tion of youth, solely secular, may be approved. Ibid. Pre p. xlviii. Or tha' iu the conflict of laws. oivil aud esclesiastical, the civil law should prevail. Pid. Prop. xlii. Or that knowledge of things, campaigns r suiting m the dos ing f siox ah m 10,0r0 drink sh pa, and is recognized in al' quarters of !hj nation as onecf the formott apostlea of prohibi tum. Ithocgh he intended to board a Get at the root of . the trouble . I passing ' d ad" automobile towed Rubbing an aching back may I by ancther maohine from a Salia relieve it, bury garage. Ai the boy did this bus is woo t care ii n ids neya are weax. i j. ltnii oourt in almost everv You must reub the root of it PHtnger car driven tor W. T J roads grooery in thTs omlnrysiiid tbe kidneys Busby, assistant oaahier of the has always raceittd ifavdrtfblO Doau's Kidney Pills go right at Peoples National bank, and travel- verdict. It ii ra the cductry tj wg in the opposite direction. wer? Inan PrJ JtaafyjWl . Reach the oaue; attack the Mm u: value for bia money thatihia ? ' e boy was unoonscioss wn o .r jtii. -v v usTu pain . . . x . remedy is most appreciated. Ob A r a reoomminded bv miLf taken to tha sauatormm. He IS tainable ever-htfi i4 Salisbury people. reportea to oe getting along mealy Raliahnrv. .. had backaohel raiji, and ether kidiy disorders. At LN . -t . shmms Fb 22th -Some; of John A timet my itmoB woreso weax ana "" ' - lame. I couM hardly get arouud. Ixxvii. Or that in oountnes called Catholic," tbe free (-zeroise of other religions may laudably he allowed "Syllabus"'- Prop. Ixxvii In tbe oromgr itbe- trouble wb worse. M kidneys were irregular in aotion ind caused me a lot of annoyance.. I had heard of so many who had foud Doan's Kid ney Pills beneficial that I began taki-g them. They lived up to the olaima made for them, reliev i ig the miaery in my baoV- and regulating the aotion. cf my kid neys " Price 60o: at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy Peeler's naonle cranra him sk Hrth A meeting of the seoretariea of dm dinna. on ; Vmbrn oW in the various fair asiociation in this kcnor o oig 59 birtbtlay Y- oaaa-i was neia on oaauraay M nu. was among the ownhafe pwa Greensboro and the circuit of L. k.i-.j - m fairs to be held throughout the I dinne 8tte waa arranged. The achef vin. wmm mwAhis.l'Jafc u!e oompUed Saturday is as the dream of Unrdw miWa ah Becky Mount, 8.ptamberlo.a.( Bft kU,inga78 Mi iVntU O r that the Roman pontiff ought to com- to terms with pre-(get Doau' Kidney Pills tbe same I t I- . . I A. I A. arreai. iioeramm. and modern civ 1 sua o ilisatiouv Ibid, How blind we Prop. ixxx. are, if we fail to Mrs. - Frost bad. F.ster Milburn Co. Props, Buffdlo, N Y. philost phical and civil, may and set that thia law is ia absolute should decline to be guided by conflict with cur law, and that a &E33 d Sores, Other Rsmedles WoBt Core. Tb4 tsenScaaes, no matter of bowUmi Mgndtaart tx Head by the, wonderful, old reliable Xr, divine and (coleaiastical acthori ty. Itid Prop. Ivxii, Or that marriage is not in ita essence a sacrament. Ibid. Prop. izvi. ur tnat m inage. not saora- mLtly contracted (si taoramen turn eXdlndatur), baa a binding force. Ibid Prop. Ixxvii. Or tha the abolition of tbe temporal pewer tf ib& popedom would be highly advantageous to the cburcn Ibid . Prop, lxxyi. Also ixx . Or that any ether religion than the Roman religi.n may be estab lished by state. Ibid. Prop.. clash ia Knights drill t lie." bound to pome, as the of Columbus arm amd "make Ameiioa Catho- A Specific Again t Gold. Tha nearest thing to a speciflo agMDst oold ia a Bleeping porch or : yen bed room and a oold sponge bath every morning whan you first get up. -Even then you will oc casionally take a cold, especially when colds are epidemic, and when you do you will find OhanoS Srarts to Oq April HI The initial opening1 of the sea eon foe 8parksJ, cirou hai.Jja)tf fixed for Monday, April 10th, and! Salisbury will onoe more bahf f . I. . ' a aa 1 ' nrit city on ins circuit, ine eir- - - 1 1 j ens will give Ita first performance here and as is the case each year it will be bigger and better thain ever. Charles Sparks, manager of th shows, has suffered some heavv losses amonst his hone re oently, five fine animals havirig died ir the past two weeks. .Oije was one of the best in tha stabl and the others were from a lot as berlaurs Cough Rem dy a gf eat hftln in enabling von fen crnt rid of it. Try it. Obtainable every! nW stock whioh wbare,. monia.in, sJuipiaeW Salisbury, September S2-29. Winston 8alem, October 8-4. Greensboro, October 10-14. Raleigh, Ootober 16-21. Charlotte, October 25-27. Spartanburg.. .Ootober 81 No vember 8. Although the sohedule gives the Bill rt ports. t ,r-sNa Venuj haa bean invited to visit a osrtinoo4.farjainfid hiifaira ily, 8 mileeeast of UtPJesstat, and spend the night 1 Wt 2 will go. a J. T. Wyatt reeived ttn urdcz today forjjro pair iUttonsr. Vsntu .speDt' Saturday nishi mS Oharlotto fair at Oo Mt. and Mraflker SdStw al a Ai "AM. a. a. I w'r r ,at and enjoyed aomeroddaaaia, Pt WORiog to. Kovem-I Xh0 Qontv sOeatinff eontrt t?0! " 4one Willbe htldatBotWtUtmillareli tuiiia will be m the circuit, mh tft m aiui will 1, TtVdflS 'S""7 faiq attend tha bigrmtylwiol-rally were net definitely decided nDonLHi a.u.i,-. .. m 1 m - Arm mm a m mu .m.m li mm m.mm uaas. w - and theV'ars1 nrifiBtmir w'rth an preverby'i'tbey Bdwad f iir linanav gsra, fJi7'";4- i-'-j i Wo understand that there will beTTlrigldrme scl561 exhibition at the close of theOresoenVpablld ohooi term on April lit. '-. Venue wante to buy a chinV af bells like were used on horta0 haaea iu plditin. ; Mr. and Mrs. David Peeler have) XJ U3UN. to&T&Vrnti Vttri, 1 : .r t ui,t; f . xr. rgsrii.cBnHcbea the kml m Ip10 d b IfOO Ka 3mmWm YoitN4.t3aoeral V :? r.iiii -if 7iTa1w'i41rOvfer :r Tte Old Sfafidd GroVfca Tatt--: Toi - tqy uferaaHe 1s?: ! - .- K i V- -A j - i 1 si

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