FIRST FAMILIES OF ONE VOU STING THlftlC-! V OU ONT BUY ME A D I NO SAlA OS -TOOTH ... . . 05 CXXlf3k .v. . . . . 13 All 3 for yttx each. bc5j .CLE9 ; N10X(CATD WITHJOYl , G-f E , PA. CAN Tu AN DANDY NffKLACP LIKF MAS BOt(r CAVS-. IMCQUV& CART WHefiS RlG-MT HOME TO MAMA iWd, 1879. Salifttmry, N. 0., Mar. lila THE TROUBLES hb .ap: ffmw I ? Mm cy 1 y f 17 j 1 3 i i i Gsrcans AflTaiics on West F.flht RsssIids Drive 6srmans Back in Dvinsfc Rigioo and Claim Blow was Dealt Turks. Feb. 29. With the ' the activity o the contending forces to the north of Verdun, the Frenoh in the Woevre region east of Verdun are using their artilLer? to break up German preparations fori farther advances toward tha : fortress. At various points th$ fire of the Frenbh guns has pre sented the Germans from launch: ing offensives. In the Vosges Mc untains there alio has been great artillery ac tivity by the French hear Senoaes and Ban-de-Sapt; while near Sep pois the Germans have beau diiven oat of trenches they had previous ly taken. In the Champagne re gion, the German fortified works in the region of Hill 193 have bean battered by the French guns and the oratar of a mine exploded by the GermanB was oocupied by the French. The Germans have added sever al additional points to their ter rain in the fighting about Verdun, having been enabled to construct trenohes on the slopes north of the Cote-da Poivre and to capture an armored work nortkveBt of Douaumont, and have taken the towns of Maahuees and Champ- ton! 18 miles southeast of Verdun. In this drive east cf Verdnn, the advance of the Germans has ztended over a front virtually 12 miles from Dieppe to Champion. Berlin reports that thus far they have taken prisoner 228 offi cers, 10,575 men and a large num ber of guns, machine guns and moon war material. There has been considerable ar tillery activity, and fights in the air between battalions of German and British aviators along ;the, British front in Francs and Bel gian. In the Dvinsk region of Russia, the Bassians have driven the Ger mans baok and adranoed their line, and pat down under heavy fixe an attempt at' a counter-attack. In a lengthy statement in reply to an official . communication is aed from Constantinople, the Roasian General Staff describes the powerful defenses whio'i guarded Erie mm, and declares that the force of the blow d salt by theiRussians can be estimated by the fact that some of the Turk ich army corps of three divisions aoh now number only a few thoniand men, all the remainder ither having perished ' or been taken prisoner. Details are lacking concerning the disaster to the French auxil iary srniser Province, which has been left in the Mediterranean. While the French Ministry of Marine estimates the oumber of survivors at 870, no 'estimate is made of the casualties. On the ( eve of the opening of Germany's submarine campaign against armed merchantmen POP'S IN A'T" RS.. ( SB State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County 1 Frank J. Cheney made oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F- J. Chenny & Co., doing business in the City of. Toledo, county and state aforesaid , and that eaid firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. ... Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, thin 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Heal) A. W. Glkasoh, Notary public Hall's Citarrh Cure is tsben internally and acts direotTy upon f he blood and muoous sar faces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. " . ; F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. .Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Salisbury, N, C, Feb. 18, 1916 I hereby announce myself- a can didate for .he office of high sher iff of Rowan ooauty sul jeot to the aoticn of the Republican prima ries and convention, J. B. Yost. Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 22, 1916. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the House of Represent atives, snbject to the primaries and convention of the Republican party, pd. A L. Lingle. Fragment i Wilson has thrown if .dowo the ' gauntlet to congress over the resolutions that have been introduced having as their Mir pass the warning of Americans from traveling on armed mer chantmen. In a letter to Repre ' tentative Pou, aeting chairman of the House of Rules Committee, th President has asked that the 'matter be brougbt to a vote in the House. It is his intention to ask for similar action in the Senate. Thi President's step is taken in c rier that "all doubts and con efttures may be swept away and ant foreign relating once more bleared of damaging misunder-ta-iings." Rei. Sfayfird Peeler Is Installed. The assembly hall of the Young Women's Christian Association. says the Charlotte Observer was fiUel Sunday afternoon by an in terested congregation that attend ed the exercises in connection with the installation of Rev. Shu- ford Peeler, a RpWati boy, son of Mrs . J. L. Holshouser of China Grr ve, as pastor of the First Re formed Church. After the singing of a h inn and the rendering of the doxology, the invocation was made by Rev. W . H. MoNairy, Another' hymn waa sang and; then Rev. J. H. Keller of China Grove, read an appro priate Soriptare lesson After the Gloria Patria, Rev. Paul Bat, rioger, D. D. "offered prayer. Vfiss Rabhsl Summerrow sang sweetly (a sclo) rHe Lpf eth Me V Then followed the sermon by Rev Ji H." Keller, an eloquent and searching. meEsae. Mrs. j; Frokhoeffer and H. J . Summer row sang with fine expression-, "Jesus L-Vft. 0 f Mv Son! J5' DooVor Barringer made a brief address. Then followed th in. stallation by Rev. W. H. MoNairy. a nymn was song, and tae; bene diction followed. . Moved to 119 East Fisher St. 4 doors below wb ere we were looted, Where you will always find a full line of Field and Garden Seed, and for the Ladies' BULBt) AND FLOWER 8EED. We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies. PET ALUM A INCUBATORS, and a full line of BJPRAYB and INSECT POWDERS for trees and plants. 'Pbone 1191. Farmers' Seed House, 119 East Fisher Street, 7 2ltf Salisbury, N. O. Trade with C. P. SHUPI THE GROCER, He carries a full line of HigL Grade Groceries at very low. prices. Buys all kinds of Produce, dhickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkinp Medicine -Co. - 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. ' GOING HOME TO MAMA ' WHOOP . , j. (HERE'S A I AItickleo to death! v 6EAUTMA HOIVIETO MAMA! WHOOP! " ij : -7 P.SHUWW6 )Hvb but Malaria And Buiid Ud The Svtm e the Old Stat dard GROVB'S rBLBSS chill TONIC. You know -vi you are taking, as the. formal is every ttoei, Bowing it Is snc S9a Iran in ft.tMt.. iwin ., Qgsiat&xhta mt ' laslsriA, Hie PE-RU-NA For ' Catarrh Wherever Located. A sure, safe, time-tried remedy for Catarrhal Affections of every description. Sold by all Drug gists. - '.Vrite the Peruna Co., of Columbos, Ohio. They "will ad vise you free, K.tiee to Creditors : Haying qualified as Administratcr of the estate of Henry V. Bitehie. this is to notify all persons having elahns against the said . decedent to file an itemized, verified stAtAmAnt nt with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1917, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar ot their re covery. Persons indebted to said es. tate are notified to make prompt set tlement. This February 16. 1916. Milo A. Klutts -i. :- Admioifttfttor.. IhecFKlutts, Attorney. Re-Sale o!YaMl)le Unts, Pursuant to a decree of the Superior 'Court of Rowan Goun'ty, made In the special proceeding entitled A. A. Wal lace, administrator of- J. R. Wallace gainst Mosella Watson and others, directing a re-sale of lands, because of lack of bidders and insufScienoy of bids at first sale, 1 will offer at public sale at the court k ouse door in Salisbury on Oaturday. March 4. 1916. a; tract, of 19 1-4 acres . of valu ably farming; lands situated in Locke tdwnBhi p, tibout three ' miles from Ohina Grove and about.. 7 miles from Salfstmrv. on : and hoir mMilom pc Cue road between those places, ad Joining James Oorriher, John . Hols h oncer, the old Bruner place and Others. This land lies woll Bit. no f Oft cd has good timber and water. Plot and description may be seen at the tifiseof my attorney in Salisbury. Tftrms On a half In eieht .mouths, with interest on de- xerrea payment. Title. reaervAd till riirnk t) ao mnna. fa all paid. Ihii February 14, 1916. A. A Wallaos, " Admr. and Oom., R. IT v.. aiu. v a , I tec. Iu Aubwiy: ' EXCHANGE COLUM NOtiCB. Any regular sureoril er of The Caroiina Watchman or Rowan Rkccrd may use Jthis col umn without cost tor as much bb a ten-line local fcr two week's at a time. If you' navo anything you want to eeli f-r excf angp write it out in a few words'as poi. einle and send or S rmg it to this oflfioe. This will prove of great advantage to thV farmers cf tbii section if takeii"ad vantage of. I have-14 pigs for the market, 7 ready tow the r ther 7 in March. 1 rtPB9 ar nice pig ai d wuao from 100 to 115. J. ti Campbeil, Rural No 1, OUveland N. G. TreSQISS Notifies free f:r the friends and patrons of The Watchman LJ ana kbcord uaii ana get tnem. HI TRADE AT One of the BelkV chain of 12 stores tlThat sell it for Less." , New spring Goods coming in now, and, whether its Spring or winter goods you need, you'll find Belkilarry Co's the cheapest and best place to trade. Poland China pigs for sale, ready to deliver o&turdav, January 22 Call on or write, L. L. FkspeB' man, Rockwell, N. C. For Sals. AKout twenty buiheli of whit? oeas. iar-e biack eve va riety. Fine tor table me, $3 00 per bushel. Call cr write. Chab, U. (iLQVER, R. No 8, lox 46, Sali8nryj NO.. Hate your butter wrappers printed at The Watchman -ffiob in Salis bury, or th Reobd offioe iu China Grove. Onr charce is onlv 75 cuts per 1,000 for the print ing COTTON GOODS. Although all cotton goods re advanc ing iu price we ' fixed" for it. several months ago by laying in a good supply and you don't have to pay any . advance here et on eoircely anytbi - g. However, when our present, supply ie ?oid we'll have to c dvaoce too. . 39 inch sheeting nice and smooth for only 5c Beit 7o indigo aprom Gingham in short lengths for only 5c 10c ysrd wide percale in ehort lengths for c-nly - Oio Yard wide Pajam check, for 7Q 98a RrRu'ar przft oount"crpne for only 75c TATTING AND CROCHET THREADS Whit; atid ooiors, ah numbers iu -J- & P Couti; C M 0. O N T, Columbia, et3, for 10c J&P Coats silk-finish crohefc, all best colors 5c. 6 for 25c Nw lot croohet needles for 5o Tatti'.fe shutter? for 10c H New Spring Goods Now Coming in, Clothing, Shoes, etc Always Trade at Salisbury, N. C. A. 3 M n n ri O M Ini hi PlEStl Mi k CGW for Sale. 5 years old, call on cr write J. L. Suther, rente 2, Salisbury, N. C. Cabbage Early frcst proof cabbage wants luais oer lUO Uv nar- csl post 15ats for 100. Belgian Uires lour months 01J SI each. sixmcmhs Id $1.60 each. W A Patterson, China Grove, N C. Horses tor Sale. One good farm horse and a good brood mare, ft E. Patterson. China Grove. N. 0. .No.S. RoilghneSS. Such as hays, shucks, Btraw, etc , for sale. Call on J. m. jLddlemau & Co.. Chum &rc ve, N. C. For Sale.New $82 incubator 240 egg capacity, fo: $20 cash A bargain. Sse 8. A. Ilertmau, R 6, box 86, Salisbury, N. G Also one corn and cc-ttoi; planter with fertilizer attachment cheap. Of?. W. C. TAYLOR, Dentist. Hours, 8:80 to 12:80, 2 00 to 5130, and otner hours by appointment. 1 henes Office 147 Residence 254. Office second.floor of " ACHOVIA BANK BUILDING, Entranae first door on Council St, n?vc hero-Cola ksssBiaasMCicaiiuMUfeAAj Big Sale ol Valuable City Real Estate! Pursuant to the terros of a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust executed by W. W. Millar to tha nnderaianoH Trus tee and Mortgagee on July 1st, 1915, . w .... wnicn was recoraeu in tne omce or the Register of Deeds for Rowan fJmintw in Book of Mortgages No. 51, page 132, to secure a certain indebtedness there in nrovidral- default, hftt; in or haan mala in the payment of said indebtedness and the lands havin&r h prpitnf nr hnn sold on February 5 1916. for the sura of Six Hundred Five Dollars ($605 00), ara an auvance Did or Sixty and 50-100 Dollarj ($60 50) having been placed tnereon, ana dv virture or the provi sions contained io Chapter No. J 48, of the Public Laws, 1915, the undersigned will expose for sale at the Court House uoor in oansDury, worth Carolina, on Saturday, 4th dav of March, 1916, at the hour of twelve M ., the following real es ate situate in tha north ward of the City of Salisbury, and described as iouows: Beeinnine at a stake, the Hnnth onr. ner at the inte-ae(.inn of Fran H in nnd Caldwell Streets, and ' runs thenee S. anouc 43 deg. K with the edge of Franklin Street. 148 fees to . stabA in I the west edge of Franklin Street;! thence 8. about-. 47 doer W. nnrllol with Caldwell Street fiftv feet, tn stake; thence N. about 43detr. W. par allel with Franklin Street 148 feet to a stake in the no ith adore nt fialdwoll street; thence W. about 47 deg. E. with the edge of Caldwell Street 60 feet to thd beginning, containing seventy-four hundred (7400) square feet, upon which there is a eottage. For book title see Rook nt Dead Ttfn 122, page 156, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Rowan County , Bidding will begin at Six Hundred! Sixty-five and 50-108 Dollars (f 685 f 0). ! xnis ine lzth day of February, 1916. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Trustee and Mortgagee. State of North Carolina Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution To all to whom the?e presents may come Greeting : Whtreas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record f the proeeedidg for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the tfadin Heierhts Land Ccmnanv. a onrnnm tion of this State, wnose principal office is situated at No. ,Fo ir h Street, in the ttwn ot Sjencer, County, of Row an, State of North Carolina, j , D Dor sett being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied witt. the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal f 1905, entitled "Corporations," f relimi nary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution. , Now, Therefore, I, J, Bryen Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 4th day f February, 1916, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor- , poration, executed by all the st ick- noiuers tnereor, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided- by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official eeal at Kalt igh, this 4th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1916. J. Bryan Gbimks, Secretary ol State. rcuaaiass Horse for Sale A black mare, me dium Bise, 5 years old. Terms to suit purchaser. Gall oh or write to X 8. Oorriher. 108 W . Harri. bo Si, Baliilurj, N, C, At 2 pra., Saturday 4th a $42.0a Genuine Leather Davenport for $29.50 Gash. Just oome around oncH and you'll come again. ROWAN FURNITURE CO., Th Cheapest Furniture Store m W, Innaf Si., Salisbury, N. 0 That monument order should be placed with us soon if it is desirous to have aarrift erected when spring arrives. In purchasing a monument of us you assure yourself of First Quality Stone (no second) and the most per fect workmanship The monument which you wiu ih oi course a lasting one, insure securing just such a monument by purchase i g it of THE CAROLINA MARBLE ANO GRANITE CO." fc5aljBbnry, N. 0. 'Fhrije 495. 'Fiibor Et ; AflmiDi trator's Hotfce. Having aualified the estate of John D of the county of Kowan, Slate of Uorth J'arolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the' undersigned on or before the 10th HnvnfVoKn.... ioi or his notice will be plead in bar oftLeir recovery. All persona indebted to said es tate will please make prompt settlement. This the 10th ay of February, 1916 Mas Minnie Pusskr, administratrix of estate of John D. Poaaer. 'it--? V -

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