:- it THt ROWERS COLLECTS r i Iff; 4- A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Peopx and for Hoaeity in Qar.rnis.ntal Afiaixi. ' -i-i i ( i. " - VOL. XH. NO. 12 FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, C, WEDNESDAY, IIARCII 8TH, Wm H. STEW ART. ED. AUD FHOP II tin Boote Aiy Bill is Int odced Dooamit Certir of Gat Battle lleasnre Pfcposos to lacrosse tbo Armj to RissitRS and 6sniBS Engaged la Furious -1 Strength of 140.000 Fign'iog Troops. Fluting Id Nortawost Russia. ' Washington, March 6 With N arch 5 The ,Grmanf iu the the introduction today of the region of Verdun are being hard house army bill by Chairman Hay held to the positions they occupy of the military committee, the by the Fienoh. The fighting second of the natioual defens throughout the region is till vig measures recommended by Pff si oroai but it contitti mainly of dent Wilson was before congress, artillery duelt. Th fi at of these measures, the Douaumcnt is the storm center, senate army bill, was introduced and here and in the wood to the Saturday. ' east of Vaoherauville on the east The house bill, the result of bank of the Meuse have occurred months of work and investigation, the only infantry attacks. On was accompanied by a report both these sectors the Germans whioh asserts that the committee were repulsed by the French, believes it has suoeeeded in em- The German attack of Douaumont bodying in the measure "every extended from the Hauremont feature whioh is necssary to bring wood to Fort Douaumont, but ac about a reasonable plan for na- cording to Paris, it was stoppsd tional defense " by the curtain of fire d the rifles As o jnp'etsd the measure pro- of the Frenoh infantry and ended poses t increase the regular army with the Frenoh holdtog all their to a strength of 140 OOO flgbti ig positions. ; troop which means the addition Paris reports that in the Woe- Gieat Flies of Dead Nothing Llki Soch an Expendilnro of Mu nitions Evor Knovi Btfore. Panp, March 6 It is stated semi-cfficially that the battle at Verdun continued yesterday throughout tbeday with tre same intensity and without causirg any change in the respective position cf the opposing armies. Fighting is still going on for definite pos session of the village of Douau mont. The situation as a result of this second phase of the German offen sive, is regarded as altogether dif ferent from that of the first days battle . The only progress made by the Germans was daring the first two days of the seoond attack. For the last 48 hours they have not advanced . This information from semi-official sources points out that it must be demoralizing to the Germane to see 40,000 to 50,000 corpses cf their oomiadei, 40,000 men and 7,489 officers. It vre region .abouVFresnes, the bom- lying before the French lines. als ) groid s 789 additional offi cers for deiaobed Berries with the national guard; military shrols And els where. A mazimnm strength, howavr, is tired at 170, 000 nun. bardment is a powerful one but adds that the Frenoh guns are answering thos? of the Germans here and along the whole of the Verdun front. In Lorraine near t'ie forest of Tin bili rov'es for federali- Thiaville the Frenoh fire, cencen Siti jn of the national guard under trated on the positions the Ger a military pa? oill substantially mans had previously taken from simiftar t j that proposed in the the Frenoh, forced the Germans ee. atebill The house plans, I to eviouate them in order, accord h we ver, diff-r fr m the senate bill I ins to Berlin, "to avoid unneces- iu that tfce president is authoriz-rsary losses ea to.oratt navonei guardsmen! The Kusuans and Germans in Renfoivcements brought up by the Germans since the inaugura tion of the se:ond phase of the bat le on Wednesday are estimat ed here at 250,000 men, raising the total forces utilized by ths as sailants to more than 500,000. Estimates of U sees show wide varisnoe. Details of local actions and the size of the reserve forces brought up cause French observ h ive the samr result S3 the Ger- maLs will 1 e compelled to seefc a dec sion elsewhere on the front!, French artillery officers who took part iu the battli of Verdun (Mai! Aulas Ii Tenlii RusIib Trwfs Haa Be?o Abie "to Main Lifllingoo Coast of flick Sea. March 6 Further advances by the Germans in the Verdun region and in Champagne are told of in the latest French oflacial com munication whioh, however, alio ! J . - reooru successes in rsneinns a Cosgralalatos Yotirs tiat ill lattrialDis sibsIo.s an Pissid. estimate that daring tile first four Ths North Carolina Republican days of the straggle the Germans State Convention, du'y aisembled discharged 2,000,000 shells, most in Rileigh on Maroh 1, 1909, con of them of heavy caliber The gratulates its voters that all in- number of projectiles-fired by the tercel dissensions are so happily Frenoh probably was ;a'l great. ended and that the calamity of a Nothing like snob In expendi- J National Democratic Ad sain is-j German attempt to debouoh furth lure of munitions net beta known 1 tration. coupled jrith an ex-ier from captured position, the before, even in ths Ohampagt e at j travagant and inefficient Demo-I driving of the Teutons out of a tack. f leratio State Administration, has I trench thev had taken and the The whole theory of opereti dm 1 brought about a reunion, based hammering with the Frenoh bis was to pulverize defense at long j upon mutual respect and under- guns of German organizations range, drive out or kill defenders standing, whioh reunion is being After having vigorously shelled and then occupy the) ground by strengthened daily by the addi-lthe region between Bethincourt J I ffl I a.1 m . . . . I . mRiiea iuidm vi uijuij. luui iiuu oi voters wno are osssingi ana ine Meuse, tne u-ermans in a principle of ths defense was to aside prejudices and are joining litrong infantry attack captured oru uus uobyj fw!, wi u I in me auvanoement oi tne oom-line viuage oi forges, about nine veriary with edally fsavy shells, aon good. miles northwest of Verdun. Not withdraw f rom deutoliihad first I We are determined to bring I satisfied with the gain, they sever- il times essayed to debouch from he village against ths Cote de li Oie but the Frenoh ;n couuter- ittaoks forced them back into the 'illage and held them there. Iu Hbampagne, th? right and left flinks of the French were at Hcked by tr e Germans iu the re gion between Mout-Tetu and Mai ns d Champagne. At the form r po ut, the Frenoh fire kept the lermaus n hk trenches but near line works and then.J when those I back our nation to pr tection for . 's---- deserted trench ?WJrcs were ap- proaohed by afetackitig forces on the ran, to catch thftl with mul tiplied enfilading artillery and machine gun fire. At times, the fire was suddenly saapei ded and the attackers were f engaged in hand-to hand infantry. The Germans in their assaults Ameri.an iLdnstry and labor and to the prosperity which follows oar time honored pr icty jp i- Hies; we are deter tniu-d t-. nd out itatt cf useless office h d is at d official rxtrarigsuoe a: d tcu dls to the end that the recklete speud iogof the peop e's mo ay shall not be permitted to increase taxes S1J15& are using several sorts of burning I to the point "f confiscation. liquid projectors. One of these is I We demand in State affiirsi in the fcrm of a small tank which is carried on the bank filled with a composition liquid which seems to be mostly kerosene. Attached (1) Fair eleotions. ers to make the deduction that to the nossle is an igniting appar- ftha Germans have oaid a verv atus. heavy price for the sir square intol'federal service on the out- northwest Russia hava been fight- of ground they have gained, breajcj of ya. The ultimate ing furiously near IUoukst for saredgtih of the guard is greater possession of the craters of 14 under the house plan since a max mines exploded by the Russians, imam ' force of 455,000 mcu is Petrograd reports that six of the stipulat d to be organizad within 3 raters were captured by the Bus five years. The senate plan pro- sians and that the Germans are vides for approximately . 850.000 surrounded in a nartlv demolished irdTTmen. ' ' - --- I brockboose, chaving suffered severe- laiso s de Campagne they sue (3) Equitable taxation upon a eeded in occupying a small sec- basis of eonomy. j ion of a Frenoh trench. (8) Auditing of all our fioan- In the Argonne, the French cial affairs. blew up near Courses Ohausiees a (4) Improved sohool system German post with a mine, and r)PO. rather the story of tke and atncultural eduoation. kaptured a pntion of the crater. bjy ana tner,.are tuat ISpiey (6) Convict emolovment in Near Haote Ohiyauchee. the Ger uad "oexed Xne against Kows Consatratoi irTfcw cti Wut to . KMlAi.it HI2I AUlirt. . Aunie Belle Tbooas,. who si is alleged tvok a small quantitps ei Ltstter from the apartment of " Sarah Piatt; in Obarl6ttsvaeir shot Sauday afieirnoon' bf the lat ter and died almosli imaebateiTi" ' Both Negroes. The Pratt Woea! -was arrested and is charged with ' murder. ! In a spelling eontesV given tbe sixth and seveiith gr4detb Hickory graded schools tbe Vfr r age in the sixth grade 5 wu ; tJ$f per ont. and m ine seventb grade - 98.4. In ths seventh gradec snijr ope pupil made below 75 on the test. Fifty words, some of them dinioult. were given the children. and 17 made 100 per cent, not missing a single w ord. This' beats basket ball. During fight tfanday between Robert Lane of Morganten anjd Jehu Tate Jfi play, the full par tiou-' lars of whioh cannot be learned, the eight-yeafld son of Lane is siid to bave f atallj i tabbed 'fipley, The affair bajppe'hed in ' ino yard of Bpley, who lives in the South Mountains out from Glen Alpine, a ad Epley was carried by pbyai cian to Long's Sanatorium at Statssville Sunday night. It is eaid Latie was fisiting in the neigh norhood and the available guai In -the bouse bill as in the sen- losses. ate an effioers reserve corps is J Unofficial dispatches from Bu provided icr, butthe.hcuse planloharest report extensive Russian would double the enro lment stl troop movements in Bessarabia the Military Academy, Chairman There has been another clash Hay's rport estimates that a force! between Bnleahon soldiers and of 1,824 E90 mm trailed for mi. Greek frontier guards in the itary Service "will be at once neighborhood of Maoikovo on the available upon the passage of this Greoo-Serb frontier, bill.' To reach this total he relies The German commerce raider upon the rpgalars with a strength Moewe, the exploits of which have of 140,000 and a reserve of 60,000 been sensational, has ran the En. upon 129,000 national guardsmen tente allies blockade and. entered the guards' present strength, and' a German port, unofficially de upon 895,790 former regulars or dared to be Wil helms haven, national gsardsmeu. Aboard the raider were 119 prU- A feature of the houe bill is oners from vessels she had sunk, the broad scope given its propos- laud 1,000,000 marks in gold bars. the mobilization of co n- In addition to sinking or captur industries and lines of ins nearly a soore of Brit sb. communications for war use. Re Frenoh and Belffian vessels the gularly enlistsd r-serves in all Germans report thit the Mewe civil occupations necessary to the has besn sowing miues, tne of maintenance of au army in war whioh sank the British battleship time are authorised and govern- KingE lward VII. m ut orders for war material are Two German airships bave pass given right of way at all plants by ed over points o:; the northeast law. The bill authoriz s also the coast of England, dropping construction of a plant for the bombs. fixation cf atmospheric nitrogen The resolution warning Ameri f or us 9 in jaanufaoturing explo- oans off armed ships of belligerent ives . powers to which President Wilson The total c:st of the plan for ig opposed probably will coma up the first year is estimated at for final aotion in the house of $116,8)9.271 while for the fifth representatives Tuesday. The year aon oereaisr i is piacea as administration leaden express a!s for merjial In front cf the village of NVaux, alone, 4,000 German oorpses were counted after the eighth unsuccess ful attack. This part of the bat tle overshadowed b- the fight for Dauaumont is regarded in Paris as a serious :heck for the attack ers.; The Germans carried on the assault with gf sat courage inrtil the dead lay thick oi the field. Then tte officers, it is said, were compelled to urg on the troops as they olambered over the corpses of their fallen comrades for the last assaults. Th attack on Vaux begar on the evening of March 2. after a ferocious shelling, ai.d continued until the following night Columns of Germans advanoi g simultane ously froTJ the north and north west tried to envelop the village. Frenoh artillery immediately opened a heavy fire whioh seper ated the. first wave of Germans from thsir reinforcements. Never theless the fresh troops came on a't'd - observeie saw plainly the trasio spectacle of lir es of men The liquid i s projected b y means of a hacd. pump. The radius of aotion of the oil depends publics works. maus sprang two minei aud later feuoe and w beating him when on the skill and the physieal of- General progressive and entered the-lfrench trenches at Ue D6J 8 om niB katf Wittl5 fort of the man who projeoti it ubor legislation. but it is ordinarily from 60 to 90 feet. Some Free oh Soldiers bave beea burned to a crisp by the filming liquid. Other chemical weapons used by the GrmaJ:n ibis bat-1 tie inolude asphyxiating shells. vapors whioh irritate the eye and inoendary shells. We d mand in national afftirs: (a) Rsturn to protection. (b) Preparedness for petce. (c) Honest civil service. ( J) Rural credit system. several points Ccun'er-attaoks. iy n18 lather's aid and plongtsl"" however, drove .tbem out and the the knife into Epley's sidei Sev- - French also occupied a portion of ral bruises on Lane'i fate hcat' the mine crater. o it the story, and he wasprobabl Sxoept for the infautry attacks gating the worst of it. ; Lne aai' at Fonrea. the enm on bnfch aidiia I thiat th y were sittins in the yaxd't iY fcttTriction oHiaaratioth4 ts J.rtB.i region havebeenP4 (f) Upholding rights of Amen- csns. 60 RI6HT AT IT. Will Ffionds lad Neighbors in Saliskiry Show Yoi a Way. Get at the root of the trouble. doing all the work. To the south I I west of Metsj. near Pont-a-Mous- j . . a . 4'-. sn. tne French artillery has heavily' damaged Gsrcsan positions. The Russians under cover of the fire of their fleet, at last have j in a friend y. way whs rauf -on him unawai ley's side of the story oan't be earned, and may never be, as it is said be has no hope of resovery . Hanison Cook, a confederate 8oldier,lost his life ja a micaj mina iu No. 10 Township, Cleveland and emerging thinned to half their strength. Some contingents lost six out of every ten men be ore even having fired a shot. The survivors undaunted, resolutely stormed the French trenches and fought hand-to-hand in fierce melees at the outskirts of the Octai Dlsastir Sroatost Km i, n a a v . raris, maioo, s. it was an nounced st the Frenoh ministry of marines today that there were nearly 4,000 men on board the t" i , i I Franfih inTiliftr nrniiAr Prnvannc I ; ... rtuDDiug id aoning Daox may . . ' Trebisond, oapturiua: the towns of hmrf f th. arnnnA ! I whan iri w .nnlr in ih. IIaHi. . ! I But it won't ours it if the kid- terraneaa on February 26, nana eva tnwzaa tr I a .a , . . i as tne ministry of marine iuu man ihioo iae roof oi 11- the kidneys . Doan'e Kidney Pilla go right at u. I "ioansnrea. i -.-i.-j . -, u . u tk. Reach the canter aitaok the ftTH it i. inHi.t 1,. th. f-rt. - . . T"- uwuj wi 9mm . ' ' I " j v,veu I fjonaiderable nahtinff hatweAn J.i :j j l : u Pn- inr diinatch that nn.ard.nf llxn .. , . ? " rVia mtw iuu, sisnB r isw Are recommended by miny t ' ' m " Bna ne wermans ing gomnd hurried ownS to find Salisbury people. " . V . n fcakn Plaoe 1Q northwest Xfa nook oomoletelv covered mo. Mrs. l. JfTost.OOfttN.MainBt., I . ' Rnsia, the Russian artillery vLKKn.. ..iii .h hUk. was uncovered but life wasextinet. neen amsto make a landing on county. Saturday afternoon while tne tsjaox sea coast to the JCast of I working 80 or 85 feet below the Trebisond, capturing the towns of surface of the ground. ' He was in Atins and Mapraya and driving the mine alone whenthe esWth'1 off the Turks who opposed them, sajyed in and oaagHrh'iia leaiiin."' Tm offifltri and 980 man ra u';- i. iu.t:Lu J.kl' F.bra.r, , .-nca,, th., h. pri.oa()ri 4nd V4 tar.d Hi. bo w. 1.. Jo ' ' nomb.r . f of h.. Pro- i ,ity of mBDUion. " wm A-hoi.l'.to-SS-f:. venos disaster was estimated at J.;mh i ; i . . . 7 plunging into that storm of steel Salisbury, says : "I had backache lives in the sinking of the Frnch imMnig German trenches in the auxiliary cruiser rrovenoe is tne Riga J0tor ftnd diipeiBing B00Ut. $187,494 945 Oaagers of Draft Drafts feel best when we are 1 ot' and perspiring, just when they ara- moat dangerons and the result is Neurtlgia, Stiff Neck, Bofo'Musoles or sometimes au at tack of Rheumatism. In such cashi apply Sloan's Lm imfut the opinion that the President's wishes in the issue will be carried cut. and ether kidcey disorders. At times my limbs were so weak aud lame. I could hardly get around. In the - ornmg the trouble wss worse. My kidneys were irregular in action ind caused me a lot of annoyance. I had heard of so many who had fou d Doan's Kid uey Pills beneficial that I began taki g tbem. village . The bitterest fighting the olaims made for them, reliev- wm for nosfliaion of the road g he misery in my baoV and leadins to Dananmont. the advsn r . - . neys WW"UIUU w 1 uo Price BOc. at al dealnrn. Tinn't Germans charged eight times simply ask for a kidney remedy there. The supreme effort vas get Doan's Kidney Pills the same carried out by his hix regiments. -h M" Fro had . Foster- .dwanniriw in 0lftBe fnrmatinr' Mllbum Co., Props., Buffalo, N.Y. French machine ernes did erne- woamorrorecasi tor uarco isib. Kiwuw.u uimioiui mouwn inj? paItieg in the vicinity of cimes. up so tne preaeni, 106 ,:.,).: largest number of lives ever lost Owing to the heavy rains and in one wreck was when the White ...i.Aha. i Star liner Titantfo struck an ice a.Bai nr An.t m Tfcalian fvnn si berg off the New Foundland banks Berlin reDortg thafc fche z They Jived up to on U1912 and Bank a pelin raid over England Sunday U.gCV U7 UHF.l UVIUI was bombed with effect. All the Ger man aircraft returned safely, A A Specific Armla 1 0I1. RrUifih offioial renorfe iiTi that The nsirest thing to a speciflo I Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Rutland, regulating ths aotion of my kid death Joss of 1.595. numbered 748, jOari Preddy, aged 84, overseer of the spiLuing and spooling rooxs, of the White Oak Cotton llillf, wsi killed in Greensbero at noeu Monday by a second hand whom he bad disobargea.. Mis Haver was Monroe Johnson, aged.t'ttn of J. 0. Johnson 'of GlentWea Tohnson fired a' bullet frosa volver into the ' abd&men of Prxsl- x dy and the latter Tived bnt sfiw(t minutes. The tragedy occurred ag-iost oold is a sleeping poroh or Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire Nor folk, were visited. open bed room and a oold sponge WB.U MI IMUtUlU. Tl UOU TUU Hill I , . , , . ... O J I .vvvm An mwH H A AIMlH.An MAMA W.ll : gtji up. tu .u.u ju win uo- ,d hv tne bombB dronned' and 88 Keep Your Bowels Regular As everyone knows, the boweli are the sewerage system of th( body, and it is of the greatest im- Importance that they move once some execution in the mass and French infantry, held carefully From 8 to 11, rain south snow 1 casionally take a cold, especially I other persons were injured. under oover until the advanoing nrrtb, cool and stormy, by winds I when colds are epidemic, and torce approaonea tne trencnet, From II to iy, snow north, rain -hen vou do von will find Cham- Ma Quickly Relieved leaped out to meet the omush south, some windy and cool when you do you wilt find Cham berlain's Cough Remidya great in the mill, where Johneori said Essex, and Kent Counties r.1 . 7 Three men, four! joo Daox. jounson is wmumw arrest. J. B. Woodell,; aged ii, was held up by some - unknown party Saturday night, near the ball pari. at Sanford, while on hia way home: Upon being told to hjLi; Many people cough and cough j stimulates circulation to tne sore eaoh day. If your bowels become freely, and in a short time the conetipated . take a dose of Cham stiffness and pain leaves. Those Plain's Tablets just after supper f jffering from Neuralgia or Neu end they will correct the disorder. . K. ; -i. VI. sl. i. I tlgio 'Usadaone .in i nd one or uotainaoie every wnere. two applications of Sloan's Lihi- -. . it -i I 1 c mi. i-TS pS: V " ol H8t ta Dti.1. For Hrs t, W.r.lot -ieiKSilUS tingling sensation of comfor and nOSOlatlOB. commander at Verdun, is being warmth and quiet rest and sleep Washington, March 6. The compared more and more careful- J BO I nnAn anil mil hvmi. .4a ikn I - IL. L11. A XT. A l...TI U.1III Usm D . with cold steel. The fighting was Fsom 19 to 26. cold, game hitrh . ., . .. , l .u f - u-i no his hands he did so but thosaht rru. : ' " - Mip m sdsduur yuu w gn im Pi -R.-u.ug ui ru fl, - .-..,,;.. Mmm a finished in a fsw minutes. The winds frequent showers south, and t 1 1 I . . . T vjrermana reiireu, l saving nun- wind Storms. dreds torn and tangled it. the barbed-wire defenses and thous ands laid low by machine gun shots and bayonets. As the battle proceeds, the From 23, to April 2, cold, along and high winds with threatenings. Some stormy for Maroh, from 8rd to 26, mostly about from 8 to 14, and to the 19. Along through March and some rough. At the time the moon ohsnges some of the snow may reaon us oy nurries but all ram it. Try whsre. it. ft a m m . m upon, ana win bring into the house tomorrow a special role for four hours' debate cn the MoLe- more resolution warning Ameri- in the battle of Nancy. General Petain's withdrawal of the Dauau mont platean was like General Casteluau's withdrawal t o the When a woman obeys a man she (tteed never question herself if she iioves him. When she onlv respeols bis opinion he has only leans off armed shfps of the Euro-1 plateau of Amanoe, away from nersteem pen beligerants. 'ibis aotion the heaviest blows of the adver i - a pnts the much ditousied resolution I sary to a dominating position fiorst, Cthw Remedies Won't Cure. J into a parliamentary position from which all efforts failed tc Hvkbt Rkid, Route 8. hex 167, Salisbury, N. C. Proper Treatment for Billows. For a long time Miss Lula Bkel ton, Church ville N. Y., was bil ious andV,"4Jieadaone and diszy ir Obtainable every-1 through to Spring. Others get oold after aold. Take Dr. King's Jew Discovery and you will get almost ins mediator lief. It checks' Some women love with a re servation of personal liberty, yo o61di 8toP the racking, rasp whioh leaves something lacking ing, tissue-tearing oough, heals to the man, whioh years of emp- inflammation, sootheYtne raw tineas in love flly reveale. With nbes. . Easy to take, Antiseptic such natures, love gives a partial f4Halin8- ' Geb 1 500 hM surrender on'y when compelledof5 Dr. King's flew discovery and ilo io: A man of dominatina Keep It in ine uouse. "is is cer some one just rooiing mm ing his assailant in earnest, 1 .' began to make an alanwhexe-v upon he was shot through J ihe 1 lower part of his body. Both lit?' J Woodell and' his assailant rani' Mr. Woodell made his way to the -residence of J. W. Stouts from which place' he was carried io Central Carolina Hospital, whsre m he died Sunday night, Theresa mind . m to h.T. t...bl. ,ith toinlV t..t .d.om. and I ke., .g'Sri wSS .h i oa... boML'of it oonlion.ll, oo h.nd" ' f , m Mtad by the wonderful, old tilbi nT. 1 wuere laurauir.iiun naaers are C3ScJ!u3 oonfldsnt they oan kill it. , lets wei, her r' WfcS9Vr You Need aOeoersl T Take Grove Th Cld Standard OrOTe's Tasi . Cba::Tocic is equally valuable .es writes W. O. Jssseman, Franccnie, N H. Money baok if not satis fied but it nearly always helps. dislodge him. Frenoh officers pre diet General Petain'afBSy will able i rlain's Tab Gorl Tonic because it coritk&Biti iff that aava laowntoofcpropettieaofQUINJF1? 1BJ na gave rnw. ItacteontfaeTJver. TVtfl was unable to give a deeeriDtioa' fof hisaTres Chairman T. D. mrrenor tie 1 f the maD. A regard wOI be X-a fered iel. Obtain- j f-iBnrf 3the'i"ayJ mM 1 - iiX. I 1 matter of temptation, inclint tion I called' a m eWt'; cf that DOtfo cpportunity . Morals ars also be held in Raleigh WnigS. XSis ittecei meed. patpeee of the call ia xSS-j2T r ; -i if tm r. 1 : - IIP' si a; 1.f If It S t. i I-' ml ! 1 1 1 i'.tl " i .... ! .'! . . ft ii .is: .3 .... sjr.