27. .. A Horn! Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental Aftairs. 3 V&L Xli iJ(Kl3. FOTTBTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, ft, WEDNESDAY, HARCH 15TH, 1916. - i Wm. H. STEWAET, ED. AUD u ? - - at i?sf Tki aid PlanCalls for More lit PUi tit Tax Reform AdrocaUd by the ; V Pislieillli JoirA of Trade. Brief ly itittTthe Nrih ' Caro Iia canithutioo providet that all propefhy! both real and personal, hall listed at. foil value and IhaVaIl ttialt pay the game tax rala. Of courie, kbit it aotnaUy notabe iind thsrein lies the reas on oi jail the preasnt ineqnality rnQdltfoiiile. A change in the eonsUtiitloQ hf a been tried but failli therefore, the law must be drawqi i& eonfoxmity- with the prewnt ''9ltUtttMjD od:Jhe ob jot ahonld be to leave no room for th present equalities and dig oriminatious ; and also the ltw hoald be , simply drawn because the administration will be num roaa and without teohanical and legal trainihg. . Heretofore th9 property tax law has baeu drawn with tl e idea of raiaiug etftW auaia. of money (hat were eooeisary for the differ ut gcVriKits. State, County od 0?wiw!tot moch thought of whsf ahcf&l.be fair and just to the ownipropertv, Now. every owoertjpf3rty is williag to oontxlbtite pearly seme percentage of biaf holdpga towards govern: oentalifgbnt when the law d9mattdamofe fian abrut ten per cent, cf the av rage possible income from- property, or o its equivalent in money value, the owner will and in faot does evade payment and in doing has the aympfttby and even asiistauoe of verv other owner, aa well -as of the ta gatherers themselves. Ab under ottr present law the govern ment ia demanding for taxes forty to sixty per oent of the possible income from nrooerty or of its equivalent in money value, natur ally there ia evasion, as well as bad adminiatxation. The. objaot ; then should bo a compft f erfaT of our : present . lystsm and to do this it is neoea- ary to first fix a low definita tax rate, to that the assessments may be at full value and all excosss of orocertv owners about the Tax Rate eliminated. To determine State government on subjects the this rite the average interest rate cffioials seemed to think were im over the State should be taken as portnt, but over 95 per cent, cf a base. - This- is practically, six whioh went straight to the waste pr cnt. The owner can and.will pay hot more than ten per cent, of this six percentcm. That would be sixty cents on every hun dred dollars worth of property, real or personal, or a rate of sixty oenta for the combined State County and City, taxes obtained by the property tax system. The plan now endorsed and ad vocated then is this : First Before any tax listing or va-nation is done let the legis lature nut a limit of five mills (fifty cents on the hundred dol lars), as a total maximum com bined tax rate that can b levird by all governmental bodies State, rConnty and City . v Seoohd -Let the legislature then give the Tax Commission and the. governmental bodies full power with which to enforce list ing and full valuation. The question of , how the five- mill rate should be divided be- tween the Stale, County aud City is a matter of detail. The main objeot is first to fix the idea that no form of good government should demahd more than ten per cent, of the possible average in- come i from property or of its equivalent value inmcnev. and the detat of division can readiiy be made by those in authority. m - . . .- . . it win not taxe so muon argu ment to prove; to the owner cf pr" perty, who pays the tax s, that thIs'would be an" equitable and just plan, as it will be to prove to the officials of the preset govern mental bodies that each a law would raise enoush revenue for ihair roUiramant. Pt in anv case the present system is not trailing enough revenue and again if ten per cent, of the poss;b!e avrage income from property all that is just and right, why mUtA j i.u , . iook to oaner sources resides toe general property tax for what bom ii ntceisary? It n the opin ion or some, wno bhcu a suuw, that the true vilue of all the property in any community ii i i iji really fire to seven times the present valua on the tax books, that is including botb lilted and unlisted propprty in the commani ty, and the least estimate would be that a five-miil rate would give morp reve:.ue than at present being raised by the pr;; perty tax aa now administered. There can be no compromise with this plan, cor the rate raised beyond six mills at th- most. If it wers raised to eight m lis for instance, or if thre is left ' per any opportunity for the p?ople by vote or the official in power to taiie the rate af rr the list taking and valuation is done, . the whole thing falls aud the desired results wculd not be obtained any mere than they are under the present way of administering the system. A great deal more could hi said in argument, but if any one read ing this will study from his own experience the resr.lts of what con ditions would be after such planing njB wife. was put into effeot, it is believed that every voting citizen would klrooate its adoption. The Secretary cf the A?heville Board of Trade will ba glad to re ceiva any inquiries or criticism re girding this p'an. The above seems to have s me merit in it, &t least furnishes an idea with which to base a revision, if such is needed. A peculiar thing, however, is, we sea nothing offered that does not indicate the leal intent ;s to stick the people for more taxes, to increase the am on it for our officials to spend as they please. The reviaion is al ways upwards and the burdens of the people under one pretext or another are made heavier every time the matter is touohed or whenever the legislature meets. We are of the op in on that it is notjmire tsxs that is needed so mirctr-saitHs a loppiag-effi4f some of the sinecures aud oueless expenditures beit g made. For instance m one moutb we receiv ed somdthiug over fifty letters from the varrm branches of the basket. This constitutes a rosi tive waste of thousands of dollars monthly, Aa Wal Spring Lsxatlvs A good and time tried rsiu- ii Dr. King's New Life Pills. T i f ist dose will mova the sluggitb lcwl, itimultte the ljvir aud clear the system of watte ar.d I Iced impurities. You owe it to ycufftlf, clear the system o bed? p&i3j accumulated doriog iha tiiBttfe: Dr. King's Nsw Life Pilli mill it. 25c. at your Th Charlotte Observer. The Charlotte Observe: hat an advertisement in this paper to which we call attention. The Observer is probably the mcst satisfactory all-round newspaper read in Salisbury always, giving he very latest and most reliable pews of tbs btate, nation and wond, and more, it generally ges the-Salisbnry dowb from ten to torty-eignt nours earner enen other paper published. The Observer is syne, safe and is not coustactly prodd ng the public to obey its personal views, common l7 oalled "boosting. ii Dangers of Draft Drafts feel best when we are hot and perspiring, jast when they are most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia, Stiff Neck, Sore Muscles or sometimes an at tack of Rheumatism. In snob cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It I stlmulatee circulation to the sore and pail.ful.parl The blood fl:WB freely and in a short time the snirrififlH ana n&in iavo i h a M "1 '1 , jffericg from Nuraigia or Nan- r Uaio Headache vill fndoneor is two appl cationB of Sloan's Lini- m8IiB W1U grteiui reirei, me agoui'ing paiu g ves way to a tingliog sensation of comfor and warmth and quiet rest and sleep is puiMe. Good for Neuritis, - hoc, Price 2oo. at year druggist ! War ob Fi eeflom pf Aueniy l&jesgo Frs Speech Mee'ing Broken up I . by Roman cainonc Hccoiums- Th4 Menace. r i i.p.u the ejaning ; of Msrch -first fe of the boldest attejspts to de sitoy the freedom of speech yet recorded in the present anti-papal ?ade was made in the city cf Ohicsgo, a brief news report of WSioh is taken from the St, Louis LOlObs-Damoctat of March 2nd, "and app3nded hereto. This re port is verified by a telegram just isivfid from a nromment mem bar of the Guardians of Liberkv in Chicago who promises us a full report of this outfaglf for next week's issue of The Venice. Ch csgo, III,, March 1 Heads were broken, knives were drawn, lots vrera uceu uu ju -i liio laiu .. . 'jr-;i.;; all and thajerritory adftqenrfo o , L-li.-l-r-trii.t:. i . LZ I M U .ot I AW ft WW I- arfield bcuUvard and Halstead Street in a reign of terror tonight when a mob broke up a meeting do . ducted by Dr. Joseph Slattery - Dr..Slattery, said to have been formerly a pruet of the Cstholtc church, was driven under a police esoort to his hotel. Charles R. Young, a member of the Board of Education, was strnok with a knuckle." Cant. Horace Wild, the aviator, was struck by a club. The meeting as called at 8:20 ' 1 - v Tk..a a in ma A tr havo I besn arouud 600 persons in the hall when Dr. Sia tery aiose to .nair. rip Slattrw Hftid thire was LVin mmW m - not more than 600, of which 200 seemed to be disposed to make trcuble. 'I was not speaking on an anti Catholic subject,"' said Dr. Slat tery. 'I wib cidained a Catholic priest and later reliiquishod my orders, Bat I merely was lectur ing on tree speech . "I had uot prooaeded far when -tand of -aboatr twentypanglday of Dacember. D tneu entered md refuted to pa) the entrance fes. They ' wtre ejected by the police. Later on an old man started out to disturb me by asking questions. I oalled for order and it seemed that about 200 young men became boister ous." Djxens of men. escorting their wiveB and womea triendi, were taken from them and beaten. A mob of in. re than 250 ran tree, in the stretsh pulling irolieys pfl (Jars were entered and pasieugerfe. eaten and all the snrrqnndiug streats sceaes orShting and ri:,t Only one arrVsi was made. Po licemen of the E'iigle wood Station broaght in Patrick -S. Breanan 821 West aarfield boulevird. He strrckand knooi.ed dona pas senger in a street car.f;.2e was booked on a charge of - disorderly conduct. Later J. WVrHerrion, 5621 South Peoria Street obtained his release on $40t bond. Keep Your Bowlr Regnlar As everyone knowi, the btws are tne sewerage system oi tea body, and it is of the greatest im portance that they move one eaoh day. If your bowels btocm constipated, take a dose of Cbatn herlain's Tablets just after euppir and they will correct the disorder Obtainable everywhere. Nine Rules (or Belting Winter Eggs... 1. Keep more pure-bredrbeiis of a gocd laying strain. rS- r 2. Keep one bleed, the-best you cm get. 3 Select jour breeding eggs from the best lay rs. 4 Select the larg uniform eggs of even shape and color. '. 5. Haoh your pallets in Feb ruary, March and April. 6. Provide good feed and hous ing. ' " . : ,' 7. Feed a variety of -grains, ccr , cats, wheat, sue flower seed. 8. Feed a bran mash of corn meal, wheat bran, cottonseed meal, cr beef scrap. 0. Keep a good scratoh of straw to feed all grain in to induce ex ercise. E. P. Cltyton, in The Progressive Farmer. - Masl Be Mwl If "Mex co is Dragged Into War il Will be j one United States Can Newer Justify. Mexioo City, March 12. Gen eral Carranza tonight issued a manifesto to the Nation declaring that under n o ' cirenmstanoes won'd the Mexican Government grant the right " t4 the United States to violate Mexican territory by sending id an armea iorce in i pursuit cf Villa, without consent and the reciprocal privilege beiog first obtained a Ovd admitted. Word was s'nt to the confidential a8enfe of tne Mexican government in wasniugiou iu iuimoui-uitjruw ate representations lb this effest. (General Uarrsnta says in ris lanifesto: ' "I am sure that 1: interpret in ,.aj- ment acd that the Mexican people " , . iA A will comply in a dianifiad manner - ply in a aizninaa manner i with their duty be? the saorificei what thev may, to; sustain their rishts and sovereignty ir unfortu- rutly, this draea its ints t war, a I war which the U ailed States can never justify. Wjef wili not be re- J iDcnaible for the disastrous con-1 sennences. uoon; ne neaas oi the tTatorious Mecoans who with in and without this ooontry have labored to produce this result, will fa4 the iuexoiaUe justice of upvFxo , Cll.l t fV.n. fli frtr nf Tnlailn: I Luoas County . Fran J. uneney maae oan that he is senior "partner of the - - m. firm of F. J. Chenny & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, county and state-aipresaid, ana i that said firm will par the sum of one hundred dollats for each and every case of catarrh that oanuot I be cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. i Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sab- scribed in mv orasenoe. this 6th (Seal) Notary publio Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally aud acts directly upon the blood and mn sous .surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. . F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. o-u i 1 1 i i 7R. T.k, &.H-. '7SSS Piil. for sBttipation. Road Macs and Tour Book of Western Kotth Carol!na. aThers has ben prepared by th9 North Carolina Good Roads Aslooiation, in oo-ope ration with the Stat) Highway Commission aid the Ncrth Carolina i Geological ani Economic Survey, a bookcen Jainiag maps and rcutts of Wit em North Carolina, whioh is now in the hards of the printer and will be ready for distribution at an early date. This bock is cf especial value to the ante mobile tourists as it will ba the means of pot only bringing them' into this section but will serve as a guide in their ttavs." This information and more is sent out by Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist and Secretary of N. C Gooi Roada Association, evidently with the idaa that the State's money is thus being well spent- Of courie the State shonld do fver?tn ng in its power, to see that our automobile owners are oared for to the fall extent of its ability) while the millions of us who bav3 to foot it cai pay taxe acd takt care cf ourselvts. Great is onr modern version of '-Equal rights to all and speoiai privileges to none. The Court of Last Resert AronL d the stove of the cress roads grocery is the. real court of last resort, for it final'y over-rulei all others. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been brought befors this court iu almost every cross roads grocery in this country, and has always received a favorable verdiot. It is in the oountry where man expects to receive full value for his money tbit tbn remedy is most appreciated. Ob tainable everywhere. M'jaW pounds, 0. L. Walton, Route No. cox iioi oaiisonry . u Heiicai rraop? Hn C oss Bo i!b Ualtetf Stites Enters lato hm Agree racBt WitD Ueilco ti Caleb Bandits. Washington, March 18 The United 8tattl Govern mint en tered into ' a formal azreement with the da facto Government of Mexho todiy under which Ameri can troops a ill orosi ths border to nun t down Villa and h s fa.- aits wun tne expectation pi nearty co - operation from the Carranxa forceg. - Secretary Lansing made public 1 the text of a nose, accepting Gen- erai uarransa's proposal for a re- artnugHia'ns uetwein sue i two Gover meuts and announcing J wmwBumMa ocaces nein vms arrangment to b now in force aud binding upon both parties. Gen eral Fuuiton will carrv out hit task uud this agre3ment u m o i a i announcement wai awaited to light that the Amerijar frroea had crossed the. lord.: Plans for the troop move ire hare "gjne ahead witn ut re to the diplomatic eschargs. Mr Lansing also made public a statt- ment issued in th) name of Presi dent Wi8. n, reithrati . feia' ev ery atep being taken by the Ad ministration was basd on the de liberate intention to preclude thf- possibility of armed intsrventicn in Mexioo, San Antonio, Tex is, Maioh 18. A sufficient forot is new gath ered at the Mexioan border under the command of Brig. Gen. John J. Per shir g, to begin pursuit of iranowo vitit, it waaLnouncea tonight by Major tfeLeral JTreder- IWJk nft uenerai said cnas oniy sue completion of plana fcr backing up he expeditunary foroes now was needed, lie was non-com mital, however, as to the time needed to accomplish this. General Funston said that re ports that American trc ops al ready had Jaendarjd-o cbUalinjtaiioS' will you UQ uuiubi wt uuuue. Reiterating previous statements that the expeditionary force will be a itrong one. General irnus- ton declared that when the expe. dition was fully organized there! iU b Dy ' iKht ,i.nu other than those on the border, left in the Uoitei States, ibis did not take into account troops in the Canal 4)ne and the Philip- pines. Columbus, N. M., Maroh 18 Approximately IV.UUU troops with 40 mountain and field gun batter- ies were on the border tonight be tween Douglas, Ariz., and El Pa so, a line about 200 miles long. A little "more than one-tbird of this for je waa cavalry. From a camp of a few hundred men, uommous voaay grew; so a military establish ment of nearly aT A. 3 . 2 qoo wlfch indications that abcut A nm man are ta he flonoentratad here immediately Farther evi- denoe that this point may be the starting place of the largest col umn in immediate pursuit of Vil la aooeared in the erection of heidquartars for Brigadier Gen. John J. Pershing, whom Major General Funston announced to day would be the leader of the ex peditionary force. Officers here talked of a march straight southward in pursuit ( f Villa. Troop movements teemed to bear ont reports that while the Columbus column i s striking south, another movement will be made from thejvicinity of El Paso and a third from th Ariioca liae somewhere near Douglas. Both the El Paso and uougias move ments would be able to follow rail lines, while the central column here would have to go overland across a desert. Belief here tonight wss that the Columbus column would be ready to start by Thursday or Friday. Intelligence department officers secured maps and topography charts of the mountanious Sonora Ohihuahua border in whioh - it seems- possible for V 11a to enter easily, with his present start, T.nnn fcraina' haArinor ea.TB.lrv. iafnVm.n. .rtill.ry .igB.l and hoipital deiaohmenti and m erai irainioaas oi itvigas auivnu nere tcaay. Liimbering gray wagons rambled all day through ole ud of djet, each wagon piled high with supplies, Buch as arms. munitions, kuaptaos. boses of uniforms, Shoes, blankets, forage and food. In tha town of Columbus the conducts of Mexicans who ar strangers, was closely watohsd . lnuworx .was xendered delicatf by the large numbn of Mexi:are who are American oif seus b y birth, and among the new-omeis were difficult to distinguish. Oo nrosneroui American raLchmaL ofaHermanas, ho omti of a Mexican family, was taken iutr custody teiure his idenity was e?- tablished. L,ieut Col. D O. Uabell of th T mh Cavalry, who it is under sfejod, here, will a:tss adjutan-. to Brigadier General Pershiug, ar rived today from Douglas and be an preparations for the 9rriva I of General Perching. For Your CMld's Ccugb If your chrld has a cold, ncs 'ucs cr coughs much get a smil ottle cf Dr. Boll's Piue-Tar H. t y. 16 s a pt'asaut Fine-lar louey cyrup, just what childra ske sud jas tte medicine t oothe the cough and check the 'old. After takmc children 8 tor retting, sleep good ?nd are sot': ntirely well. Iusist on Dr. Bell Pine-lar-Honey. 25o tt ycu Druggist. Printed Stationary Pays. The Progressive Farmer sajt yen are jndg'd by the itstionen you use. Printed stationery it 0ne of the requleities for a sue- icessiui mailorder Dauuess in live- stock, poultry, plants, etc. Pic Uure to yourself a man who h;e SUswered your advertisement and your competitor's advtrtisement, holding in one hand your lettei written on a sheet frcm a fiv -cer,t tablet, nd iu tl e oth r hand the I letter of the other mac-written ' i inr vonr oomnefcitor ha th hPRt ohance of getting his order? It pays to name vouc farm, and havt the name acd au illustratioL 0f the kiud of cattle and prultn you specialize in printed on your .utionery. Tee Watcema. of- fioe makes a specialty of letter- I hears for farmers and onr nricet I I are very rsasonable. You can buT printed letterheads and envelopes 1 1 a small quantities but it pays to buy two or three yaai's supply at once. Come in and let us serv yog. He Writes From Trenches. Th following letter has been I received by Bruoa WorthingtoD, 1 4 1 7 North Charles Street, from his son Charles, who is now sta- tioned in Belgium with the Nine- 96nih giment of the Canadian ooulIU',Ui "I A.1 1. . wor B8U 6U11 "PPaa me herday; two young boys went i ... j , , - , , over to the enemy's lines and stole a box of bombs, and then begged permitsion t" go over again and see if they couldn't steal some thing more. They armed them selves with grenades and what they thought 4 hey wculd need, bnt. sad to. sav. when oftnfcntarl the devils tied them at nisht. with , , a X 1 o w gags in their mouths, on top of their parapets and let us shoot them But don t think that we shall forget it. We never tak Drisoners if we ran help it: we would lather ki 1 if we can, but but we don't always get the cha-ce. The pups get down on thir knees an1 ory like babies to be spared. It's a shame not to kill them, but the officers won't let us. The weather is becoaoing fine now, cold cignts and mornings and all that, but not as much rain as there has been. Another friend of mine was killed Sunday through his own fault, A shell caught him back of the bead and explod ed almost a yard or two in front of him. They had almost to bury him in a bucket. But don't worry ab"ut me in the itast. I am O. K. and ex pect to remain so, but, if thsy Io get me, whas's the odds? I must die some time, and it's an honor able death. In faot- if they hit you it's ten to one they'll finish yon. 8o that's all. Try ta Recxaiiro Line bat in Riflitai. Artillery Duels on Esstere March 15. Switching their ai tivity from the tast to the north- west of Verdun the Germans arsin are hammsricg at the salient of La Morte Homme and the region of the Bois Bcurgui, io an en tleavor to bring their lino farther loath on the western flank cf the fortrecp. To the east of the Mense and in the Woevie district there baa beea a noticeable let-up in the bom bardments on both sides. Tra mfautry everywhere cn the Ver dun front has been inactive In line with bombardment of IO Morte Homme and the Bour rus, the Germans are assembling men in the region between Forge and the Bois des Oorbeaux, prob ibly with the intention of throw ing them into the fray should the interne bombardment meet with success. The Fienoh artillery, howevsr, have had this assembling point under the firs of their gam. No advantage is claimed by either ide in the latest fighting around the fortress. Back of the German line to the north of Verdun, a French air squadron dropped 180 bombs cn he station at Brieulles and at numerous points around Verdun Frenoh and German aviators have met in oombats in the air with advantage incontestably in favor of the French, aooording to Paris. At least three German aeroplanes are declared to have been brought down while others were seen in aistreii. In the region of Sennois. UDDer Alsace, the Germans essayed an attack on trenches that the French had captured, but were rerjnlsed with considerable casualties. Tha Frenoh gnus have 'done damage to German ; positions north of the. Aisae, in phampagne and ;ia tha ei stern t$3swtl sne Areonner In northwest Russia around Riga, in the Ikskui district and on the Jaeobstadt sector thjre have been violent artillery duels. Ia Galicia southeast of Kolki and along the middle Stripa river the RussiaLB hava been successfol in amall encasements with the Ten- mm ont In the coastal region of the Can casus front the Russians are still driving the Turks before them. Lieut. Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, the former defense minis fcer-of the Union cf South Afriea and now commander of the Brit iih expedition against German Bait Afrioa has had a stiff en gagement with the Germans in the mountanious region west of Taveta, along the frontier. The Germans were driven back, al- . the zghiing wai of the most obstinate character. The British are endeavoring to cut off the retreat of the Germans who are withdrawing to the south. Unofficial advices are that Ad miral von Tirpiti, the German Minister of Marine, is ill, v and that the Ministry is in charge of another official. I ,--. f I mm 4 Tm. tmm f. A J Willi I - - Keep preaching it, that every one-horse farmer' ought to take 5 wrth of papefB, every two-horse farmer $10 worth, every three hofse farmer $15 worth Southern farmers spend $50,000,000 a year to fertilise thir lands. It wa would speed about $1,000,000 more a year to fertilize onr brains would profits likely be doabled? And have yon ever noticed it that the man who is "too ponr to take a paper" is not too po'or to buy whiskey to stunt what God-given brain he htiT Half 4the money the south has spent for , whiskey would give a library and- a per- PesEa IDewiP"PtTri "voty 1 UUiV" XU9 Progressive Farmer. ATaoever You Need a Genera! Tor ia Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless 3hl Tonic is equally valuable 9 a viiesal Tonic because it contains lk&own tonic propertied of QOTNTN3 dXION. It acta on the liver, Ddves fSabria. Bnrichea the Blood and iiQ'tha Whole ByttssH. Q'CC - nut-. m II ' 'ft If m m m :f 1 1 1$: 3 "3Khtmt&-: imtm&'mS-. ".-S 4P?5STO --- -v - i -

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