. 4. 5 3i if '" - of interestto ALL OF OUR READERS. A pantheis said to have bPen seen ijpj- the v'cinity of Woo l leaf f&od : hag - created quite a lot of excitement there. So far it has not tbeen killed. 4 ' Z The speecjf 'Warning sign at the intersection of Main and Innes streets is to be changed a? to the speed limit. The limit is ?iven as 12 miles ' per hour but there is ah ordi nance forhidding a speed of more" tban5 -Imiles per hour across the intersection. Hqiice the proposed cnange. Dr. Archibald Henderson of the, University faculty, has accepted the invitation to de liver the add res at the Row an County school commence ment to baheld here in April. Dr Henderson is a native of Salisbury. B H Isenhower spent last Thursday at Conover whre he attended the funeral of his uncle, John H. Isenhower Tne little village of Joiiover had threp funerals 4ast Thurs day being those of Mr. Isen hour, C L Shoaf and Mrs Pe ter Smith. . t ' Clarence lonroe, formerly with the local Western Uui' n Telegraph Company, but who has been in charge of the Monroe office lot sever; 1 months, is in the city voting his mother, Mis. J R Mon-o. Mr Monroe has been made chfef operator for the two Carolinas. HE. Bufty & Company in tend to build a modern brick storeroom for use by the firm near the Kesler mill, in the near future. Tt will replace the frame structure the com pany has been u?ing for a number of year3. The old building will serve as a ware house . V , ' Street Superintendeflt S L McCanless and a force of men, teams and a steam roller, are , rjompleicg the repairing of Lee stiet, od the block front ins on city hall. 1 his street had been in a, bad .condition and fas a menace to the fire apparatus when caMed to use Miss M try Abernaty and Shufofd Parks, both of Salis bury and both employes of the Salisbury Cotton mills, were united in marriage sev eral days ago at Newell by Squire Newell. The coupl have returned tr Salisbury and are living on CLesttm Hill. A party of United States soldiers, members of a hos pital corps, who weie enioutr from Rhode island to the Texas-Mexican border, passed through here o n Tuesday morning on No. 37. J A Rss, who operates a truck farm just across Town creek, between the city and the pnmping station, brought a buckettul of fine Irish po tatoes to town on Tuesday morning for exhibition. They were of the Erly Bliss va riety and he only recently.; gathered tham. An idea of r 'Paul Rem jr; o. had been J f" condnciu g a tilciing estab- aa. closed out Li aliment he business and" will go on tvej road as a salesman for a clothing coucern. He will continue to make, his home here, however. Spencer ay ill have two mere game of baseball this ironth. On the 29Lh the Oak Ridge team will play a game with Spencer acd on the -31st the Catawb-1 College nine will be th e attract'on. Both game? will be played at SpenV fcer. The big d-edge boat at work on Grant creek is now working at the cite of the eld M c Co j mill d m 3 u.i t u or th of the Statesvilie road. ,. The Salisbury High scho 1 girls defeated the Lexington High school team in a game of basketball played here last Friday afternoon. The score was 10 lo 7. This is the seo ond victory for Salisbury over the Lexington five. The -highway to connct Salisbury with Albemarle and Yadkin Narrows is to b rushed to compiation. The interest along the way of this road it is said is keen toward ts completion. A good roads rally ..was held at lbemarle act 1 iur.-day at which time he advocates of ti.is highway met and decided o form an organization for promo' iug he " r"ad. Thi same com mittee met again today to make plans' for getting the road through and in the bes?t of condition. 1 R Lee Mahaley arrived in the citv 'ast Friday from Richmond, Va , and wi'l spend several nays here on buwiuess. ileea!iia here in a new Chandler touring car for which he is 3g?t, and with other car3, he has an aiver- tisement in this paier, to hich attention iscaiied. A B Sa'eeby has brought his brother, i)av:d Saleby, from Lex 'rgtov to this place and laced hi :ii in the sanato rium for treatment. Heisse riously ill. The firt same of ball for this season in this vicinity resulted m a victory for the Siiencer team in a contest a, last Friav on the Speucei diamond with the V'hittsett Institute The score was 13 to 7. Rv M. Shealey wa in stalled as pastor of the jLan- dis charse. which includes Oncordia la't Sunday af terucou. The charge to the rflsfnr wns delivered by Rev M M Kma'd of Salisbury and the eh.-i rsrt; of the psorle by lev Y. 11. Riser of Chiua Grove. . A number -'of Stafesvjll ohvsician- aie planning to attan l the annual ciniventirh of the Ninth District Medical Society whi'h is to he hld in S-i!iburr Thursday, Dr F A Carpenter 'f Statesville is on th convention program. He will read a pape", n j A canvas iace, sven ieeT high, ill yo'.vi'1 the Spen cer !b;il) park V e coming sea- rn y Mrs Martha C Mnrsh died last Saturday night at her; home cn VVe?t In ues street Doath followed a general breakdown due to old age. She was one of Salisbury's oldest residents, r;e.ing 93 years old. The deceased ws the widow of E H 'arsh and leaves sveu children s-fol1-lows: Mrs L A Frazier, Mrs C A Ric and Mrs 1 F Miller, of Salisbury; Mrs F H Ched ester, rCf Ashevilje; R B Marsh, Atlanta; C F VTarsh. Moristown Teun', and E H Marsh, cp.?ncer. The funer al was conducted Mond ay, ihot volcamo fiames into the air. .Hi VK :y . ;" How mi:y mD nf the universe have tot)d -' B.mrued' w hi n ttfej wgre asked 1 1 exprecft'th-ir :opmionl of their awtet and tclovtd mother in law. One' gentleman tpeke np and said; 'Rather than to expreii my piivate opiiioh of my mother? in-law- jphre the conld bat I had raihflr -hn in at Jnarz where (hay. oo ud fo rget you and the am 'and stars, wvflr ehine. Another aaidi-Rather -than m e n t i o n m y - moth e- hv- J a w ' nimp, I won'd jTst as on let theor! tee JSf 'head for a-bell clap-' per." Then gome other fellow broke Qvr the l wind shield aud asid, "Never, never mention mother-in-law to. ms, for any pxparie nee vfith my. mdheriu-law hj6i been a hvh)g death f r -me my eye balli have looped the loop and I huve foamed at . the month and Rev Byron Clak officiating.. Death caused by tubercu losis on Tuesdav morning climd Lonnie Waller at his h-m S3verl miles east of -aiisbury. H leaves a wife. The deceased had been em T,imes grew- woree and;:woiep with the mother-in-law a? yeais of matrimony rolled oni a tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only teel, with au e Jg, tht. grows keener with constant use. It was thought 01 oe that the plcyed in the Spncer shops, devil got frightened at his shadow, rl Mrs ba. it was his mother-iuljtw. John Waller, He was buried at Union Lutheran church. THE PROPER COURSE ufoinution of Priceless Valus to Evsiy Sisbmy Ci; Ztn. It was marvelcus iio some uothers-iu-law become so thprcuRhly iufatuated with their son-ia-laws. if the; think h has unknown quantities of this wcrld'i gocda . They often beccmfr-bighly -sensitive, and strongly auscept- ihle, to obat g and environmenta, The TV-.;. t ' - Supremacy of as a Remedy 44 Years of Leadership ... Returned to His -Work. Mr. Julten Goudean, Erwinvfllo, La., "enffered- with -catswh ol the stomach. He dkl not know what his- trouble was. He waa unable ty work. CooM hardly eat anything. "Alter taking Peruna a short time he is now. in perfect health. He says: "I am now doing all my work. .1. am confident .that any one suffering as 1 was could be cured by PernnaJ . . --Every. Change of Weather Mr. . Arnold, Westerly, B. I., con tracted a severe cold. The cold set tled in his side and produced a condi tion that was-thought to be pleurisy. Every change of weather would bring a return of his trouble. After taking-Pe-runa all his ailments have vanished. , Pain In the Stomach. " Mr. Henry Kneck, Box 850, No. 1118 S. Vista Ave., Janesville, Wis., writes: "I wrota. you about four weeks ago that I had a pain in my stomach. I followed your advice, and tfeed three bottles of your Perunaj and. I am all right now. I am very thankful for your advice and your medicine." . - A Housewife Restored. Mrs. B. W. Copelao, Box 22, Greens boro, Ga., suffered several years with catarrh of the stomach. She was in such poor health she could not attend to her household duties at all. Peruna was recommended by neighbors. She was induced to begin the use of Peru na. She says: "After taking five bot tles of Peruna I am happy to say that I am entirely cured. My indigestion is entirely gone." Once a Chronic Invalid. Mrs. E. Hiker, 503 Grant Ave., East Cedar Falls, Iowa, was once a chronic Invalid. Four different doctors bad been consulted without avail. She had taken five different medicines that had been Recommended, without Improvement. eruna was tried and the good result was prompt and lasting. Expresses Her Gratitude. Mrs. Samuel Ruth, 635 Union Are., Lebanon, Pa., is able to say positively that she has been cured by Peruna. She can scarcely find words to express her gratitude for her recovery. For many years she bad been a semi-invalid from chronic catarrh. Three substantia! men, heads of families, made efficient once more by-Peruna. .Three housewives' restored to their families. These are only samples of what Peruna is doing every day, everywhere; Surely, this is a splendid work. Anything that conserves family life and makes the home more desirable and comfortable, nourishes the heart root of civilization, Peruna is great civilizer How to act in an emergency is if they fail to Bee the gold certifi kuoaUdge of iiifeetia able worti -to .ho. nn ' t hava -kuowD and this is paitxularlY 4ru of - q d bj fiUife iu j he diseases aud ills of the faumau tU01" s i h-dy. If you suffer-with ksduej order to get life into a gold certi bnckaohe, urinary disorders, ci. ficate,. aLd then tb.9 next thitg au term ct kidney trouble, the y0u will hear floating in the a'r is i.iv;ce o ntaiu d m the loll' wn g ,Mcther 1B fi3 unwell. I would tateman should add a valuable fe . fi asset tn your store of knowl-dge L What ojuid be more C0Lvinciug4 nB uuuy uF, ii x nuu roof cf. the effisieucy of Doaii's w:uld prolcDg her life, rhi salt Kidney Pills than the statement air is eo braciug and fxhiUcating, of a Sal!bur oitiz-Mi who Usei ku0t t frtAi Rrft aha wnid live hem and who publicly tills of y " l3n . bei:ef.t derived? x . , M-i.J F 13arb.r,510 W. Iuuee -The ptMoiu.R nf twenty years 5ireei, Sa isbury, siys: "My srunded hke a death kuell, or a, ihc'v causes nae a 1 t of misery bczziug of bumble bees in mj hi ever mv k'd:-cva get gut oT a.pa frr t na alreadv been rdr, I find Doau's KHuev a i. kui- ITS 1? IM 3-iriOne is & lieht. utrre oil com- tnnTi(l that never dims. 3-in-One lubricates FtW cewnrt or m flr.riinetvTwTiterbicvcles.locks,clocks, 0 that ever needs oHinsr in vour home or ' kfa rmic wn i.r;i A little .fn-One on a soft cloth cleans - v givtuvt wvm - - " - - l nXiici,oa Tui-ff1 ail vTiPre(i or varnished lurmture ana wooaworn. tiV1h nn frrri r,f h nr.!c r heeseciotn it maices an taeat uusuczs uusnng wv. f-"" J " . i y V-4.1. 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun Darreis, auxo nxiurea, unu fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pore3 and forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays on. Free 3-ln-Qne Free Write today lor generous free bottle and the 3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 3ize bottles: 10c (1 oz.), 25c (3 oz-J, i oz i piat). Also in new patented Handy uu uan, ix TMfl ni K fiTT. COMPANY iv t 42 D A Broadway , New York City . v i - - wpmm "" u " Lone Star' A new, all steel, electric lighted train from Mem phis to Texas viz. Cotton Belt Route Leave Memphis 9:30 p.m. Arrives Dal las 11:15a.m. Arrives FtWorth 12:50 noon The only solid train between Memphis and Texas Cotton Belt Route all the way y-no change of cars, no miss ing connections. Morning train leaves Memphis at 9:40 a.m. Trains from the South east connect at Memphis. Low Fares Winter Tourist Fares daily to many points in Texas. Louisiana and New Mexico; stopovers and limit of May 31. 1916. All Year Tourist Fares daily to certain Texas point8;90daylimitstopovers. Send for illustrated book lets, and get information about low fares from your town. H. H. Sutton, Dit. PaM'rAnt, ' 109 W. Sib St.. UtttaBooga,Tf 1:1 iL ' 50c (8 v 'v m :j . .t DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING Pilh are the nly mdiciLe for r:;at tr,u,'l'. I "v taken then: for yearB and they have always! b bniipficial. - . Pr.c 50o,,at all dealers. Dpu't -:mn!yi-f r a kidi ey rftmedy t t D n K dney PilU tae sstni hat, Mrs Barber hd, ioster- Milbarn G:., Propi.4 Buffalo, S Y Sloau Pethel, Wade and Sbd Cfcildres, all of Kanua rol:s, the men ho are charg ed with kidnapping M"gge Pethel, were giveu a bear ng before Squire W L Ray cn Monday af'ernoon. It will He remembered that this ae grew ont of the intention to kidna Sloan Pethel'i little girl, who is m Uiecare anl keeping of Mr and Mrs VVD Snider of r-'aliebury, at tbv instigation of Mr Pethei. The tLree man Wrre phced un' raOO b nd each and th ear case will cotre up at the May t-rm f Kowai Superior court. The .child is eigh years old and seems desirous of staying with te Snid-r?. The several .bible classes of the city svow increased at teudance at each Sunday sb gion, which is an iudieat on that weighed about 160 poocds, md really, the etT-ots pf that stinSC was so eicru&;atiugiii gavt me a lernSocase of terfigsutis. Perhaps jameef you fre do fprttrnate ' enttigli to Itnw the meauii c cf "terngautia. It is a very uervons disease, broajjht cn by mother-iu-law, causing you t( 'hrivel into insignificance, canse oy unreasoutible detnancla that uo'hiug bat tat Raid car4ifica'.e; can stop th e$r.ger. N;w boys when y:u thiuk cf hiatriroony Inn't fcrget the temale dread naught. In Cjmedy sh is pathetic, In tragedy very Rest sic, Sfce f xpecte scon to star, And to shiue fur thm a Ruhr, For hr charnos she thi .ks qa te me gcetic . V nvx Hosiery Gives the BEST VALUE for Yeny Money Every Kind from Coilon to Silk, For Men, Women and Children Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair Look for tt Trade Mark! Sold by All Good Dealers. VHOIXSALE Lord & Taj lor NEW YORK WATChf REPAIRING For new watches, jewelry and repairs at reasonable prices, go to the drag store at Granite Quarry, cr tc R. L. BROWN, No. 6, Salisbury, N. G. 10-27 6m. W. pd. Peoples' National Back Salisbmy, N.O. Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de- rceits. Interest payable every 8 month Prompt at ten ion given to any bati aess entrusted to as. - Your business solicited. 0 Peoples National Dank John 8. Henderson, J. D. Norwood. S resident. euhier. W. T. Buiby, V-r 'resident. Asst. euhier Do Something for your Cold Do not let it wear you out and encourage sickness. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. You will get instant relief. Most of tis negleot coughs and colds. iWe brush suggestions aside with the re mark "I'll be, better soon," and often times -we do get better. However, when that cough or cold gets a hold, i usually means annoyance, interference with our mnrb- 'and rrftpn a.enell of Sickness fol- tliat Some good work IS being . lows. Isn't it better famediatbh to ,, r check that cold and ease the cough f Dr. done by these CiasS. King's New Discovery does it ! Search . , 4. as you will, you will not find a better xuc icvi hi un-cuugo ",fcr remedy. the lirpt Fap ist cunrcb are ri-ri - - -......t , lllll!0il!ll!!l!tl!!lil!li!!lll!:il!:i!!ll!li!l!l! Beautiful Bust .and Shoulders g are possible if you will wear a scientifically H constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. s The dragging weight of an unconfined bust a so stretches the supporting muscles that Hi the contour of the figure is spoiled. Silver of Quality Rely on your own judgment as to pattern, but re member durability is the most impor tant feature. 1847 fBS'JUV IO i R5 BRASSIE pnt the bust back where it belongs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of flab biness, eliminate the danger of dragging muscles and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar ments, imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Band eau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the rustless boning permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stocked, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES 51 Warren Street Newark, N. J BlBlimii:iiK,"?niiiiiiiii!!imiiii!iiiiiiiiHililil!!l!lll r . i I v ROGERS BROS.t is the name stamped on the back of spoons, forks and, fancy serving pieces in silver plate of proven quality "SiWer That that Wears" Wide latitude for choice is offered in the many exquisite designs. Sold by leading dealers everywhere, Send for Catalogue "C-i.," showing au designs. KlddlrtaMlaCo. (International Bilrer Co., Bncoewor. ) JL, EXCHANGE COLUM N3t.Ce. Any regular sabsoriber of rhe Caboiina Watchman or ion. TJih . fVncc) -tognther with ?ultah'e po?ts and rig- the'r size may be gained by rgna ha been ordered. It the tact that three of them w;n fi0st several hundred. Dr. King's New .Discovery is made of . .hi nnl. , , . ' i i m-n i t5ne Tar mixed with, soothing balsams m wa maj in session this week and will !Sei-tfrS tisentic and kills Lmn wiihonfc cost for as mnch as continue through next Sun- "the germs, allays the cold-fever and ter-liiie local for two week's at day. This makes, the tl ird time. If yo have anything wppk for the meetrias v-bich congh with less strain. Andif you have you want to sell or exchange weeK lor tne meeu igs v uiun b . grateful wr te it ont id a few worde!aB poe- are being m"St excellently at- relief follows and you soon drop intoa ,ihie end or bring it to this tended. A number of young boys i . e I J t.. -.,1 appearea neioi 'tit 'tween this, city and Ifocss i ton, iu the county court last, - iw. f RnfnrH iv on comDtaiut otiViiia WPS others and 'or smoWrig ci garettes Three o f them wtr" naroled in the custody t.hH nrobation officer for weighed one pound and gix ounces Fire of unknown origin last , Saturday afternoon complete ly destroyed th3 barns of Dr J (x Bnsby ond H M Cooke, in Spencer, and threatened 4.1 mi... i .!thi.aa mnntl's. Kitorts are about $1000 which is only : be'nsr made by Ohiet Miner covered by part'al inanrauce. ! to hod out where these young This is th sco id time Dr , boys obtain cigarettes. DUSDys Darn has oeen brru! A rf'hora misi ea - ' ""'.""''. " H4ont; was rtreente last batj beautuury . " : Golnial tneatre ivipraay restful and refreshing sleep. Get a bot tle to-dav and let Dr. King's New Dis- i .n1A anA ooncrH rlortor An automobile service be a t ail druseists". office. This will prove of great id vantage to the farmer! of this section if taken advantage of. established this week. The trip is made by way. of Cooleemae. Two round trips are being, made daily. ' .: - Tiis Quinine That Cms Not ftf??cTjie. lla jtiige of its tonii and laxative elfu'Ct, tAXA ) iVE BSOMO QUININE is beiurllif.nordmars Opinio 'tn'4 Hoe, r.ot cause tiewrdisnecs jirji wb hMA i"5nher the full namsanc The Klks of Salisbury gave Haie vour bottef wrappers printed :at Thb Watchman r.ffioe in Salis bury, or the Reoobo ( ffi" in Chma Grove. . Oar charee it only 75 cents per 1,000 for the print ing. Fresh Mi h cow tor.Sale, 5 yeara oiJs call on or writ J. L. gather, rente 2, Salisbnrj, N. 0. HorSB for Sale A black mare, me dium size. 5 years old. Terms to suit nurchaser. Oall on or write to J. S Oorriher, 108 W. Harri son St-, Salisbury, N C RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop-them. i! The best rubbing liniment is, n Roughness. Saob astays, ihacki, ' straw, etc, tor sale. Call on J . N.C. ISlllEutlT Poland China piga for Bale, ready to deliver Saturday, January Gall on or write. Li. Lt, jJesper man, Rookwell, N. C. . as 79 Drive Out Malaria I court, aud And Bui Up The System rpn a pvd T&e the Old Star iard GROVE S 1CI1W ' chill TONIC. You Soiow : ': WtStt TOO are taking, as the formula is inxi- - 'i - i o t.- - .;e Zlrktv RtenS-cft every-label, showing it is , r gt.-r-' ; h-.-mr- umv, DsSabM ad-Ion in a tasteless fcrm. gkOv aSi kl.es? -ui it..ic,(u.vesout - - tmtmmim .-1 !,. flip hlnod. builds uo the ststeill. 3 night to a lious packed to itp fnlleet capacity . The par ticipants "w-ere -mostly' local Elks, v - j Good for the Ailments tf 1 Horses, Mules, Cattle Ete Good f o f your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, .Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c50c$f. At all Dealera;'' For SalS. About twenty butheli of . whit? oeas. lar?e blacK eye va riefcv. Fine tor table u?e, 3 00 per I usbol. Call or write. Chas C. Glover, k. No. , tox so Salisb ury, N C. HorteS for Sale. One good farm hors9 and a good brood mare. R E. Patterson, China Orove, N. 0, No, 2, . For Sale. New S32 incubator 240 ess capacity, for $20 cash. A bargain. See S. A. Bartman, R. 6, bos 86, Salisbury, N. 0. Alio I one corn and cotton planter witn fertilizer attachment cheap. I have 14 piga for the market, 7 ready row the other 7 in March. TheBB ar nice pigi acd wngb from 100 to 115 J. S. Campbell, Rural Nr 1, Cleveland, N. C. For Sale. One good farm mcle, pood quality, work anywhere and also icme nice oorn stover. For further information oall or 'phone No. 2482, J. 9. Waticn, B. 9j SftUibary, N, Q. Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do ''Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N. C Ladies! ave Money and Ket in ' Style by Reading McCaD'f Magazine and Using McCall Pattern MACAU'S MAGAZDS MeOO's MaKtlatWir help you dress styl lslily at a moderau expense by keepint you posted on tb latest rtsbJons it clothes and bats. 6i New Fashion Designi in each Issue. Alse va'uable informstlmi on all borne and per sonal matters. Only 60C a year. Including a free pattern. Sub scribe today or send for free sample copy. HeCaB Pattens will enable yon to make in youi own borne, with yourown bands, clotbine fbl yourself and children wbicb will be perfect In style aud fit. Price none higher th""Vll cents. Send Tor free Pattern CataloeU. We Wffl Give Tra Fisa PmBt for fretting ..tib scriptlons among your friends. Send for trei Premium Catalogue aini Cash Prise OfTer. THE leCAU. COMf AX1. Z3S It 249 Vtt J74 X. WW Ttt is. : i;- 'i I1; A;- . -1? - iA T It- n Ill .ti i' IS- - .7r 3; ! 4" - 'H ti 1 I - - m " T-ai. : ( A-