f 0 III . - r. '- , . ,.f."--.i - . ' ., , : ... ' i i" URAL WEWS Written by: OilB CORRESPONDENTS. KLUT1 Z ACADEMY. Rockwell, No. 2, Mrs. Ra?pb Barrage of Concord, is vititiug her father, J. I. Carter. Mies Ollie R mer ii now making her home with her auufc, Mrs, Frank Gook. Morris Troutmau. viaited in cur o mmunity Wednesday . J. I. Cattir hai gone to Rock well to work a while. Mrs. Chas Williams vitited her daughter, Mrs. Robert Carter Wednesday. There will be an exhil ition at the close of our school 'he date will be mentioned later. Sweetheart knows a mar that has a watch that was owned and lost by Lord Cornwellia in time of tne revolutionary war. it wae make in 1G62. It is every particle gold and silver only a ffw part being silvor. The rnnuiug are gold with diamond jewels . Will tell any one who haa i for two Of nt stamp. Trot on ycor watoh Vnoa, i 'you can beat it. I know a bed spread that is over a hundred years old and ailk nanaKercnieiaud is over yo years old. If yon can teat that trot oct yonr spread and handkerchief. J. E. Offrter tas a fine variety of pop corn. It pops in the field and is dready to eat when gathered Who evr can beat that trot out your pop corn. Say Viras, I wiil tell you who can make yen any kind of a basket you want out of your peeled wil lows fcr a two cent stump, ad dress your letter to Sweetheart Rockwell, N 0. No. 2, cx 30 FAITH. ! -March 7 Last Thursday morn ing the people of the Lutheran Oburch at Faith and Emaiuel met at the Lutheran parsonage to give Rev. C P. Fisher a por nti ing. The day was beautiful and the crowd being estimated at seven or eight hundred. At twelve o'clock a fine table was .spread ih the grove at the oburch &ud after a few remarks by the pastor, Rev Welker returned thauka and all partook ot the dinner. Among some of the things Rv. CP. Fih et said was that no pastor in tbf whole community had been treat ed with more kindness than tbf Lutheran pat tor a Faith. He taid .every week somethitg wa brought to the parsonage which contributes to the happiness cf the ptstor's family, bat he furth er said this aurpasees anything yet, for bo many people to pound the preacher, After dinner they began to unload the things that were t rcnght, until the antry, sinokehouie. cib and grainer? groaned beneath their burdii. A nioe sum in cash was also receiv ed. The, day will be long remem bered and the pastor and fairi'y wish to thank the people for their kuidiuB' toward thfm. Vsnus was there aud enjoyed the fine dinner and pronounced it th largest ai d best he ever saw. He took tevera) Dictures. By mail post psid ten cents. Sunday, afternoon at three o'clook Leo Lomax c f Ohiaa drove and Misi Ethel Barger of Faith wtra united in matrimony at the home of the bride's father, John 0. Barger. by Rev 0. P. Fisher of the Lutheran Church, A sumptuous supper wjb served at the home of the bride at four o'clock to a number cf invited guestf . Mr. Lomax is a son of John Lomax of Obiua Qrove and 'the bride is the second daughter of John 0. Barger and is beautiful and popular among her acquaint aucjs. They will make their home ' in Ohina Grove where Mr. Lomax has a position. Miss Maadie Bar ger the sister of the bride, and F. Carwell of Kannapolis, stood with the bride and groom while being married , A large tractic n engine passed through Faith today, with a string of wagons headed towards .Salisbury.! Who can beat that for improved transportation? Oq the 18th of Mroh a big . time ia expected hare at thesohool olosiog. The pupils are no mak ing their preparations and getting their dialogues and ipeeches for :.;the'66oasi6ii;C - ' ' ;'iijlriiMjaMiTd 4nlyail&So ; Mrs. Kiibf0 i1 V' k paving bto'oki rn pjir little town, wb,9re:ltte! 4)ei granite is to be 9 MM Get a Fresh Start ! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert has a word or two for what ails their smokeappetitesl Forget you ever tried to smoke, for Prince Albert is so different, such a fine flavor, so cool and cheerful and friendly, youll get a new idea of smoke joy ! The patented process fixes that and curs out bite and parch 1 And this little preachment is also for men who think they're on the right track. All to be said is that the sooner you lay out a nickel or a dime for a supply of Prince Albert, the sooner youll make a discovery that'll be Buy Prince Albert all over the civilised world! Toppyred bag; Sc; tidy red tinm, 10c i pound and half-pound tin humidor and that clatny crytal-glae pound humidor with eponge-moittener top that keep the tobacco in each fine shape alway I 6 .TO APRIL IS 0 0 i , Q V THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER announces the exten sion of if s Special "Bargain Period" to ApriljlOth. Until that date New Subscriptions will be accepted at the rate of $6 00 per year for the Daily and Sunday. $150 for three months trial subscription. The Observer's Special Leased Wire News Service from Washington is worth the sub scription price. "The Foremost Newspaper in the Two Carolinas." found for that purfOie. L A. Gant baa peach blooms! on Maroh 6th. Who can beat that? Will F. Josey, the druggist of Faith, is confined to tisJed with the grippe. Venus wants to buy an o!d time razor, made by M-. Higgiaa, 8bf f field. R. Robert, formerly a boarder with Sam Fraley is .back in Faith as inspector of the big job which is to be cut in faith. Venus has just received an in vitation to com to Mour.t Pleas ant to attend the fiddlers' con vention tc be held there Maroh lltb. We expeot to have a big delegaiicn to go from Faith. Venus understands that a very large contract has been ended iu Faith for paving blocks and every body is rejoicing over the good uewi. The people of this com munity will now have work for a longtime. Faith has the best grade of granite in this lecaiitv for paving purpose! and now that the big job hat come in the outside world will know more about Faith, the little town in Rowan county, six iniie south of Salisbury, in the canter of the great grauite belt of North Carolina, the town of that Venn has heen writing about foit years cr mere and tellirg of the g)ja things we have-here. - Qn Satnrday afternocr, March 4hVthe Lidies Aid and Misskn ary Society of the, Reformed Church, met at the home of Mrs J.L, PeeUr, The regular bni Copyright Wt H, J. Reynold Tobacco Co. worth a lot to your peace or mind ana tongue! Get the idea of smoking all you want without a comeback that's P. A.! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO Winon-Slem, N. C. jE : : ; uess was attended to and a pr gram was rendeied. F fteen mvo bars were present, ooppper was served in the dining room. Ice pr ceede amomted to seven doi-j lara and twentv cents. The cia-' - er m W ty will meet with. mis. u. j. fhive in April, The peopl- are so kind to Venus. They write to him from all parted fronithe t egiuniug of Fall right of the 0 nntry on various sab through to Spring. jOthere get to come to fe thanrthis summer., 6ome young a pavig block makerf, took ap winter quarters here in' our town last winter, leas Ad a tin ledfle of srantte and made the standard fiz piving blocks all winter, knowing f II H'l well that there w -old be a call fox tham when spring came. They will aoon get a big pile of money, due of them told Venue that he waa going to buy au automobile toon. . t Charley Hampton and bis part n era are m:vii g their steam drills and steam boibr to a large ledge of giacite, where they are going to open and get oat grantt for some block makers. Little Sadie; Gant teUi Vent that the haa -a yellow cat , that ia twelve year old. Who: ever can beat that trot oa yoar catr Mr. ud M re. John R . Lyerly's daaghtera Jesite andMary, viiit d Mrs. Lyerly's water, 'Mra, Wei.; ker, Snnday. i ; J A aketoh of the lifeiof John Thomas Wyati hee jait come frrn the press and ia for t)a it teV cents avoopy by mail post paid.' ;' - If yon waut to e a picture of ouf the national joy smoka vice is the real tobacco Jot jimmy pipes and makin's cigarettes Oa & iwrerw of tlu ttfyrtJ til yoa will rcaJ : Ptm hUcM J!y 30th, 1907." whkk ha mUt three ma tmebe naked bcier I that old mule w l i h h grdwo ont nineteen inches long - nd .al' onrled up, tend ten ce itito Venus and get one. It is the only one in the world like it as far as knownr ViNDi. CIda Qokkly Relieved Many people cough and eoogh Niw Discovery and yen will get almost immediate relief. It checks ycurcold, stops thersoking. rasp Ing, tisBuetesring cough, hals the ihflammatiou, soothes tfce raw tubes. Easy to take, Antiseptic; d Healing Get a 50o bottle 6f '-' A K J IHUTIIf . IUU II Z, . I I llfl seep ii in vne nouse. "is is eer- tainly ia great med ciue and I keep a bottle of it ooutina lly on hind" writea W. C. Jess mac. Franc nia. N. H.1 ."on8?.bLiL5ft.H86;ww: Hai' a ten r:om two tied but it nearly always helps Wtttber Foreeut tor March 19 6. Front 8 to 11, rain south enow n rtbcool aod stor.nay, by winds From 11 to 19, snow north, rain southeome windy and cool. Fso n 19 to 20, cold, some high winds frequeu4 ehowers south, and wind storms. ; FrpttV23, to April 2. Oild, along and hJigb wiLds with tbreateniegs. : ttormy for Maroh, from 8rd oisd, mostly about from 3 to lit, atfd to the 19. if fAtobf thrrugb Marob aid apme rocghf: : Al the. time the. jaqon dhangii? foioe of ba pow: may reaohfoa by;flairiet jbat all ' raiu soutb with wtrd. ," Houtae. bfi 167, SalitbMy.C. Lift of Cilrtr Service examina. ti.n toe jeld lu Sliory ou April 12, ufitr Aid, Lighhouse service Astiatani observer, Weather Bu reu, men only Assistant, ph:Vgrapher( Dept. etvioe, mep ti.ly Bookkeeper, Dpt Br?iot men Oadbt engineer, Lighthouie ser Cadet officer, Ligbthoose set vice Civil engineer and draftsmau, Dept ear vice Uierk, ranama uai al service, men only Comptter, Nautical almanac office and Naval observatory, men only : Compute r aLd estimater Drafttman, arcbitotnral Draftsmau, opyiet, marine en gin and boiler, men rn'y uraTCsman copyist, snip navy Dpt., men only " Diaftsman meobaniea), Panama sanal seryica, men only Draftsman telegraphic, Panama oaual S'tyi je, men only Elcctriaian, Dept. serv:'oe Engineer, Iudian aervioe Engineer firt olasi steam, Dept seivics Fiah eultnriat, mn only Junior chemiat, Dept. service. Junior engineer,' civil engineer Dpt. at large Juaior engineer, mechanical or leotrioal, Dept, at laige Juui r engineer, mining, Bu reau of mines Laboratory ass:s ant, men only Postal clerk, Pauama canal ser vice, men only bcientmo asst. J)pt. of Agri culture Teacher, Indian service Trained nurse, Indian and Pan ama canal service Special notice : Eaoh applicant for examination except for posi tions of scaler acd assistant for eat ranger wilt be required to sub mit to the examiner a photograph of himaelf takeowithin two years, thia to fee a means of identifica tion ineaaa he receive an ap pointment. Tintypes, group pho tographs or proofs will not be ac cepted. L7E BUY and Pay Highest Gaoh Prices for Green Ilidee, Cattle, Mut ton, Veal, Sheep, Pork, l Bggs, Chickens, Etc. Yoh are invited to to eee us. come SANITARY MARKET, II. O. TROTT, Prop., 112 Kast Innea iSreet, i Salisbury, N. G. 'Phones 780-781 3 8 100 or. w. c. taylor, Dentist. Hours. 8:80 to' 12:80, 2O0 to 6180, ajpd otbei hours by appointment, 'I honatfflee 147 Reaidenee 25 i Office second floor of WACHOVIA BANK BUILDING. Entrance first door on Council Stt m mum faeus for sale. One ia the town of Cleveland, D saw as r C 'tvi t tap Crsr inia aIvam story dwelling G od roomy barn and ober out buildings A good orchard cor sitting ' cf applet, peaohei, pears, cherries, damsons, grapes, blaokberrirs, etj The dwelliag is situated on high nil', overlooking the town of Gleve lan iamaodi a beautiful via lib and down the railroad, which ia just in front cf the houa. Depot about 800 yards from th houfe. Farm No. 3 is loos ted in Samp sou Ccunty and contains 250 acres but baa no bui'dirg?. Ia situated in a model oommuuity, milee fr nxth beautiful little village cf Iqgold. Lies np aud dow pub Ho highway. Only about 10 acre? cleared laod. ; Will mah e: 'pr'oee rfaaouable and gi?e sat sfaotoy terms. Write marat&arland, 8mpson County, if yon want a bargain in good am cr faros. E F. Eaton. 8 8 tf rCiiero-Cola 1 r' w J - fJ says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., lit writing of 'her experience with Cardui, the woman tonic She says further: "Before 1 beean to tnA-,. Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly ibltt to do any of my housework. After taking three bott&s of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. l $ooa gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my houseworlfj as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering The Woman's Tonic a trial I still use Cardui when I feel a little bsd, and it always does me good." . Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of wpnjAn ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying Carduf for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. S3 Get a Bottle Today t MM MM MI t. , R. Lee Mahalev Livery, Sale Next Door To Postoffice, Cadillac $2,080. Oakland $795.00 T Cars now on sale. Place your orders early for prompt et deliveries. 'Phone S r3 If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. rs If vouh ive a Farm to List it with us. SALISBURY And Insurance m The Ulachovia Banli & Truott Bo. Is the Strongest Bank LARGEST CAPITAL, This afdty and Protection to our Depositors 5 Lper jit Diil oi ayiag dep isits. Yoa can open f acconnt with one dollar and upwards. SALISBOHY'S BIG A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY whether iVs appearance you want in hosiery or wheather it wear yoa will grt it if 70U get "Foot Rest." And this too is an endues raent to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY, NEW SECURITY FRUIT. JARS, fresh lot just r ceived. Pints Quarts, and half-gallons. Spring and Summer good?, light weight under we; for men and woman, also Dress Goods, Shoes, Pajnt , Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and face; groceries, country produce, leed stuff, etc. When ii. need come to see me. Farmers are invited to ters while in the city. W. W. TAYJLOM, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall ont. Mat wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women i. Paris do. They regularly use ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE QUMf the wonderful French Hair Tonic Try it for yaui seif . Note its exquisite q uality and fragrance. Aristp. cr.itic men and women the world over use and endors this famous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean an white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the Bail. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Axneri can Offices for a testing- bottle. Above all things don't negrlec yourhair. - " -:: PARFUMEKIE ED. PKADD, DcpLU EI.:IWUDCit,KIa woman would, give 5 & r.lotor Co., Salisbury, N. C. Ghandlor $1295.00 tlanwell $055.00 . 20 for demonstration. fr i n 1 i -4 in North Carolina, LAI1QEOT AOOET K HI GENERAL STORE. i make my place headquar Very truly, Main St ., Salisbury, ( -km- i 3 1 7 3 A Si- ,'r i.f' V mi mi a: At MM mi J- 'TV-' I: & "3 -W" W JS.

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