jpjj' waaaaaaaaiaaaaaat - ; r3"--, "" THl ?t r''"-'- r -t ,,,v- p,---.,., . , t JsaowEs coiticnoN A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental A flairs VOL, XII. NO. 17. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N, C, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12TH, 1916. Wxa. H. StEWAET, ED. AOT) PB0P. TllB . kti'20G;Q00 Before Yeita FrucH Wat Qffcs Cla m. That Slaughter " If uirniH His Bten Gigantic. - Pri8 April 7. The Gorman lotfe before Verdun tip to the prtnot have reached a total of 203030 men. one of the greatest battle Wb a iu the whole range-of warfare according to the semi-of-ileiai eatimates made public here todays 'khe remit of oareful in quiry made in the highest quarts an which the figures have been rigorously checked and verified." ' 4,13C amenta ry and verbal teiti tnony gathered and authenticated permit the giving of preoise de tails concerning the U es jb suffered by the German and by ub cii the Verdun front," says the semi-official communication given to the Associated Press, "Oaring the period from February 21, when the battle l)egan, to April 1, it is known that two army corps, name ly the Third and Eighteenth, havt been withdrawn from the froi t. having but in the .first attacks at ltsst cue-third of their force. They hve reappeared since aLd have again suffered like losses. The German reinforcements are practically aied up as ft at at they ate put ia line. The total effectives of the Eighte-nth Corps hate in this way lost 17 000 men and the Third Corps has lost 22,- 000 men. "Concerning the 121it division which took possession of North Vans about' March 12, we have precise information. More than one-ha'f of tin Seventeenth Regi saaalof its reservei was pat out of action by our machine guns in the in ffectual attack against the slopes ; of the fort. The Sixth fitgiment suffered like losser. "The Nineteenth German In fantry, had already suffered simi- 1 Ailoit'ea ifi a tt acxfifgt he v it ra ge otVaux en Maroh 9. Its Thir. teehth Company was surprised aved annihilated. Iu entering he village hocses its first bait lion an redcced 60 per cent. Three regiments of the Elev enth Bavarian Division which led the attack on the Malcncourt and the Avooouit woods on March 20 atd 22 were each reduced by one-half. Their losses varied be tween 53 and 60 per cent. T;e am) is true of the losses of the Fourth Rsgiment cf the Second Division cf Lindwehr e: gaged un der similar conditions." Catarrh Caanot tc Curd with local applications, as t'i6y cannot reach the seat of the d -etie. Catarrh is a blocd or con tituti'nal disease, and in order to tare it you must take internal remedies. Hall's catarrh cure ie takeiFinterually, and sets directly upon the blood and mucous Bar face. Hall's catarrh Jure is not a quick medicine. It was pre scribed by ooe of the best pbysi oat a in this pountry for years and is 8k regular prescription . It is composed of the left tcnic kn-wn, ombined with ths best blood par ifljrp, acting directly on the ruu cons aurfaces. The perfect corn binatiou of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful ro enlts in curiLg catarrh. Sei.d for -teetimouals, freev, F J Chenet&CO., Props., To ledo, O. Sold by druggist?, price 753. Take HallY family pills fcr constipation. CdBitmc'lon Foreman Killed at Coscro. Concod, April 10 Phil Willis, negro foreman for . the Thrasher Construction Company which has the oontract for building a section of the doable track fcr the S :uth em Railway, instantly killed this aft'arcoon about 8 :80 o'clock by th-) explosion cf a stick of dyna mite. The acc;dent happened neat the depot. Willis failed to get the danger signal. Chimket laln'a Coufb Rem dy - From a small Beginning the rale and use of this remedy has ex tended to air parts of the United States and to many foreign crun tries, When ycu have need of euoh a medicine give C him her Iain's cough remedy a trial aLd you will understand why it has btoome so popular for coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable trerywbere. 'Hef Lhe WJ1 People t Slaves Thinks Lawyers Should Net Monopolize LegislaUye Jcbs. Oa the 17th paga of the Pr gres:ve Farmer of April 1st there is a very thoughtful article on the subject of taxation. The qaes tion is the mcst importar.t sa jjct that can e: gge the attention of any people, and if all cur editors would devote more tim') to the intelligent discussion of such sub jects, their papais would devote more time to the intelligent di8CUS3ion of such subjects, their papers would accomplish more end be read with muoh moie interest. The editor of the Progressive Farmer is either right or wrong in the position he takes. If he is right, then the only reme dy for us is to send men to the !egiiiatu!e who will amend our laws as to rmove the injustice from which we now suffer. If he iB wrcug, thea let us continue to send lawyers to the 'egnlature to make our laws even worse (if pos sible) than they new are. How long, otl how long will the com mon people continue to march up tc the polls and vote aB the besses te'l them. In the great European war there is not a soldier in the trenches that can give an intelligent reason why he is trying to kill his neigh bor, ile ia fighting simply to gratify the love of power and greed of gain on the part of his rulers. And there is cot one cf the com mon people of North Caroliua who can give, an intelligent reason why he should vote for a lawyer to go to the legislature. It is simply to gratify the love of power and greed of gain on tbj part of our lawyers. Let me say, lest I be misnnder stood, that I hava no utk od feel ing toward our lawyers- Many of them I knew to be nice gentleman, but they should not have the three-fold power of makmg our laws, interpreting r ut laws, and executing our laws. It is well known that wfcen the present con etitution cf the United States was made b y George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John adams, J.ihn Hay, Jas. Madison, etc, etc, the first thing they decided on was that it wou'd not be wise to entruBt the three fold pwer of making the laws, interpretii g tl e laws atd executing oar laws in the hands of any one set of m?n. Therefore the formed the govern- msnt with three separate oo ordi- nate branches . Now either thes great men made this govemneut -I 1.1 Jl 1 man B kdow wna iney were aom when they made ins government or we d?n't k-jow what we ate d.- ins when we send lawvers to the legislature. U. lctte News. r j K. Reid. Char- The Aches of House Cleanlsg. The pain and soreness cansed by bruises, over exertion and strain- 11)2 durins house c'eaning tun re socthed away by Slosn's Lini- meut. No nead to scffjr this agoi y. Jest apply Sloan s Lini' mei.t to the tore spots, rub orly a little. In a short time the pain leaves, you re;t comfortably aud enjoy a refreshing sleep. Oue gratwful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment is worth it's weight in gold." Keep a bottle on hand, us 9 it aga'nst all sorenesB Neural- sia and I raises.- Kills pain. 25c at your druggists,, Good Roads Association to Meet. The Aunual Good Roads Con- vention held under the auspices of the Noith Carolina Good Roads Association will bs held at Wil mington and Wrightsvllle, N. O., Jude 20, 21 and 22. The Board rf County Commissioners of New Hancver County and the Cham bar of Com not ace of Wilmington are making elaborate arrange ments i or this convention and it is expected that it will be the larg st and most saocesiful Good Roads Convantion ever held in the SUt9. They are planning a big day to be known as ''Governor's Day" when special trains will be ran to Wilmington from Goldsboro. Fayetteville and perhaps other places. Fifteen Officers and 699 Prisoner. Berlin, April 10. Via London. Exceptionally heavy French losses are reported in connection with the German advance south f Hancourt, by which the Bavar ian and Silesian troops now occu py the heights of the so-called Ter mitten hil. The French los sea within a few hours were in orsassd by a counter attack on tin lost positions whioh failed utterly. The captured positions are more than 2,000 yards in width They are on the left bank of the Mease about two-thirds of a mile south ward of Hauoorjrt and ire a con tinuation of height 287. The tak ing of these positions tends to straighten cat the German line before Verdun and is considered of great importance. Fifteen Officers &Dd 699 men were taken prise ner, including numerous recruits of the 1916 clas who were captured nn wounded. The War effise announced today that ia the fighting near Betbin court in the Verdun region, the sown and two fortified points of the fort to the southwest were iso lated. The Fiench were cut off, Using 714 prisoners, two guns and 15 machine sans. The losses of the Frenoh in killed or woanded were coi siderable. London, April 10 h. In Asia tic Tnrkey the Russians have pen etrated to the region of Diarbekr, Armenia, while in the district of B tlis several Turkish attacks have been repulsed. South of LaVe Urumaip region the invaders ap parently are coming np with th Turkish main forcss, the latest official report announcing that in -engage-menta fought .with large numbers of Kurds, the latter were supported by regular Turkish in fantry. From the Dvina river to the lower Stripa there has been spo radic fighting between the Rus sians and the Germans. Consid erable activity by the airmen cf both sides aho has been shown. Near Komrre, in the Pripet marsh region, a German attack, launch ed I y means of brats, broke down under the Russian fire, while on the lower Stripa the Russians cap tured a German trench and held it aginst :cuntf r-attscks, inflict- irg heavy casualties on the Ger- mans. Oood 'rr Col in. I RonflV PirA-Tar and Olvcerine are recozriized cHd remedies. I Dr. Ball's Pme-Ta'-lloiie theie are combined with otne cough medioine in a Dleaeaut svrut Dr. Bell's Hue-Tar Honey qmckl - stops your cough, checks your cold, srotnss irritation cr tne tnroas. Uixceneu lor jouuki .HnH and a a ad Its irfi nf t. hp best couih Byraps mide. Formula - on every bottle. Y u know just what vou are taking and youi doc- tor knows its good for coughs and ooias. xuBiBt on ut, dhu riu- it x rvr.iiTi:. - Tar.Hnnoff Onlt 9.1 at Hrnffaiiti " j w f co Vice-President to Speak at Normal. Washington, April 10. Vice- President Thomas R. Marshall told Sinatar Overmau today that he would accept the invitation to speak May 23 in Greensboro at the commencement exercises of the State Normal acd industrial Colleee. Mrs. Marshall will sc company him. The Vice-President received the first invitation two weeks ago wben'when W. O. Jackson, dsan of the colleg accompanied by Senator Overman and Congress man Steadman called on him. Mrs. Marshall-received from the students of the college a pressing invitation to ocme. Should Not Feel Dlscourtgigr. So many people troubled with indigestion and constipation have. been benefited by taking Chamb erlain's Tablets that no one else should feel discouraged who has not given tiem a trial. The) contain no pepsin cr other digea a, th hDto perform lly, Obtain tive ferments but strengthen the s'omach and enable its functions naturally I able every where. liiOie Best Street Parade Eier 8 ilea. As En tire New PtiformiBce. The best day, as fa r-Sf weather was concerned, that hat ever been txperierced in Salisbury a Sparks airons day, was that of Monday, when this renowned circus opened the 1916 season at this place. The day was an ideal one acd everbody seemed delighted that these shows had such an auspicious aay for their opening. A t 1180 o'clc ok the head of the street parade waa seen coming in West Innes street from; the show I Sparts Ojqiw.a grounds and it turned Into Faltcn, rain and this oontinued through then to Liberty, toMhtto Bank, 001 the w h dty. the af. kn Kiiia m H to incr. wner ia i wended its way back t the show grounds. This parad was con sidered the best that has ever been given here by Spaiks circus, It was nearly a mile in length and was made up the uajal variety of onen and closed deni erf wild ani mal", men and women ridrs in handsome costumes,.ao robats, clowns, slephaoti, camels, etc , V I alio two callippfit, one of these being a new addition to the street pageant. Jack Phillip's band of excellent musioiane rendered an abundance of choice felee.iooi along the line cf marob and at the performance. Several new wig- . .. i . .iji nn anri tni) newiv DRimea oia i vm j 47- ones and in fact everything in the I parade gave evidence of the well kept and olean character of the Sparks shows. A noticeable fea ture of the prootesiou was the ate of American flags only, Mr. Sparks being strictly neutral and believ ing in America nrss, lasa ana ai- wavs The afternoon cerformance was not as wen aisenaea as rxpecsea, i (oneidef ing theexcUi:t wathes. but the evening performance was quite wall attenaed. ine per formance this year is without a doubt the best ever presented to the public by the Sparks manage meut . Among tha many acti, and one that held the attention of the audience from start to fiuiah, was that in whioh Hilliary Long was the only participant. He per foimed some remarkable feats standing on b 19 head. Among them were the seemirgly impes- - lible fiats of siidine down a 100- foot cable, deeondine several t.enn rf a smai stairs. leaniCB th can on a roller sVate. besides 1 - ' o r savral amszing feats on the 1 ra pes", all performed with perfect qcilibrium cn his head without (he ubs Df his hands. In Mr. Long, who, by tie way ia a North Carolinian, the Sparks shows have the mnst daring and highest sal- l . m aned ciraua performer. Muoh credit is du3 Captain Trieber, who presented a marve:- L..,. . .;,h k;. ...1. I ' 1 . ....1 1 1 w&ose iriteingence eeemea aimoB human. Janelie and Whitoml, th atrone man. did Borne wonder- flll hand t0 i,. balaLoine. The i i i i . I.U.. i j: J i i v. e:epunus, ua i(iicuuiu uiiuu rid3rs, the wire walkers, trapexe artist', clowns, and in faot Vcry act in the circm arena vaa giv n in a manner deserving of muoh nraise. The show left here M n (jay night for Winston-Salem. f0d HltsThit There Wss us Cure For H'tn. uAfter suffering for ovar twenty years with indigestion and ba-ii-g seme of the test dctots here tell me there was no care for me. I think it only right to tell yoa for the sake of other sufferers as well as your own satisfaction that a 25 cent bottle -of Chamberlain's TaMets not only relieved me but cured me within two months al thoagh I am a man of 65 ears," wr'tes Jul Grobien, Houston, Tex as. Obtainable everywhere. Fifteen Incites ot Snow. Cumberland, Md., April 9. of snow at There are lo inches Tfccma oa tb6 WtBfc Virginia- Maryland line and it is still snow- -eg tonight, On Savage Moun- tain the fill ii 12 inohei. iBsstiient a Ssccrja Oier 4.300 School Cbildrei laPiriii Rain Fails ro Sp:il Eieit. Though ham pared, aocnewhat by mciemn waaBr. aa annual Rowan Ooanty Behool Coameneewjoiaed the rebeli. Tht Oenttt ment held Iff! Friday tarned oat to bs the biggest aaccesa of any commfnement ever held in the county. In fact it was entirely beyond the expectations of those who superintended it, among whom County Superintendent, R. G. Kizer deserves credit at the guiding spirit. A clear sky early in the morn ing gave pro mite of agcod day, but on toward noon it began to i-j nd while ife Pbabfy did mar thfr success of the cmmencemenil somewhat, the majority of the large crowd of people who came here iu the morning remained un til the dosing hours of the event. The principal feature of the commencement was without .a doubt the parade of the school children of the oounty. Long be fSA t I? A tl Allt) aTlAflV fl J-k illA na.i 4 M U4 ,uo "UW4 "OB 4"4 BUO move Main 8rM wat lined OD both idfti with P60Ple acd tbe anoue schools, man of the lat- ter being represented 100 per cent IJ0D were 1,ned P lne,r de formation points ard it hnnlrl ha ififtn trial ihia navmnt o . wai to surpass all other like pa rades. Chief of Police Miller, who was mounted and in charge of the parade, and other police officers looked after the safety of 'u IUWU u f.-"J -01 oa a single acoiuent occur . mwuiet aer fcneaaie sime ana --- rr Frm Life,6ch:ol of China Grove with two beautiful floats, eset?r were followed by the municipal band. Then followed an auto mobile containing Dr. Archibald He darson, the prino'pal speaker cf dav wilh prominent citiieut. The first siction of school. ohildren, headed by County Superintendent R. G. Kiier and Mayor Walter H. Woodson on foot, earns next, and this proved to be the longest line of school children ever gathered in Rowan 1 i . nil 1 : uouny. ine seoona aivision was mde P of BPencer BPaDOer "u"u r. 1 J ea vy trie oausDury oana. An nflRr.ial oonutof the nnmber of children inline showed 824, these being in addition to the teachers, the members cf the! KanHa and ft nnmber of aahool ccmmittieman and othsre. The wntesfcant showed splendid train- in4 Ayon have been sunk, pre pande formed in front of the 1D The fifBl Pme ln this in aumably by aubmarineP, while the court home and the neighboring ton0, w1en' Siduej Sfrifc ot Danish steamer, Asger Ryg, sup- aaoaak. anri ai-ii mnte over which it moved was up Main to Bank, Baik to Fulton and Fulton to rr -hrft it di.handad. The athletic snorts scheduled to KtthaM nnth Rlli. Strv n!Rv v Ur grounds were called c ff on account i . n.. . of the rain. The other exetoiBes, hnavr w,r hald at the stated na a,,rl -ere decided .nocess . " . T . .- . rne principal exercises ui day were held at the Methodist la- bernacle, where Dr. Henderson de livered the commencemnt address. He was heard by a large and ap- ioHa a..dinn. Snnerin- fndnt Kia.r nresided at the tab- -M-.-rarniaA. and oraver was - Braf i.i. xt x vi tnerea ny laev. v. St. JohL's Lutheran Church. Mnsic was famished by the ma- nioinal band Tm t.h ion? contest there wete I . i sii.i two entries, ureiceni ana vroia Kuob schools, and the prixe of t9 RQ was awarded to Orescent. May:r Woodson after a splendid talk presented the certificates pre motion and perfeot attendance. There were 168 of the former and 180 of the latter eifen oat. Th. rit.tinn. Annfcoaia vara held at the old court house, There were thirteen contesVanta andeach delivered bis or her re titat on waa She Wanted She Wanted Kaow." The second priae was taken b Miss Ida Fink of Ole? e- ucd Township, who recited The Drsao of 8iite Agnti." 1 ffniipj Join Cfes EetEl5 Ritlreaeot tfKai Scsgfct bfSisrtirs 1 Hepauncwno task fiDiittl StttttferU Shanghai, China, April 10. warships stationed at Canton have Uovemment hai recalled the Twelfth Division, 8,000 troopa 0 which arrived at Shanghai, frdm Peking on Saturday. The govern ment also has reioinded order for the Tenth J Division to proceed to Canton, presumably owing to dis affection among the men. Supporters of the republican form of government here are en deavoring to bring about the tiremtnt of President Shi Kai. They ate deiiroui, however, that hit retirement shall b accoop- ished by popular approval rather by the action, of another Nation. They are hopeful that the United Stat or Great Britain will in duce Yuan Shi Kai to sten down in the interest of paaoe. Watch Chlld'a Cough. Colds, running of nose, continu ed irritation of the mncous mem brane if negleoted may mean cat arrh later. Don't take the chance, do something for vour chili. Children will not take every medi cine, lot they will take Dr. King's Ww Disoovery and without brib ing or tearing Its a sweet pleat- ant Tar Byrup and so effective. last laxative enough to eliminate the waste poisons. Almost ths 1 ' 1 first dose helps. Always prepar- ed, no mixing or faising. Just ask your druggist for Dr.. King's vt t; ... . 1 new ijBQovary. is win sare guara yonrohild against serious ailments resulting from oolds. One of the best debates yet held dhring a oounty commenoimentiQ the Lake Naroca reeion con- here was that held in the city school auditorium and presided oyer by Prof, J. A, Leitch. There 1 1L. 1 M. I . I i g wu isigsii numner so enter a debate since the commencement was insgurawa. me essay "Kow - an's Part in the War Between the States, was also held in the school auditorium and was one of the best parts of the program. School field day exercises were beM in i.tha class rooms of the jbiiis street icnooi and Mils Janie river region. Shipman was in charge. There Along the entire Austro-Italian was a contest in reading, spelling front, the artillery of bdth sides arithmetic and story tell ins lnlhaa hnan intvA. An nnrfflni.l which every child in Rowan Ccua- ty bad a chanoe to win a prisa. The declamation contest was held in the ? oowt loom at the court house and was in charge of aufrenntendent M. I.:Barues of . D6uce' oflooii.- There .were mu6 WBOO,B ropresenieu ana every woia 11111 ownsnip, wnoie sun- WM "The ?iJ ol.PorJ" "- aoia meaai. wai- ter Davis ot Providence Township, weired 12.60 as second prixe. The voanl "oreroom in the I aa. a -a - kA wauaoe ouuaing was utilized for I ft U A BiltlAAl aTkvlleaa tlAMn ja. aaaa.H ,u' u"u"t UMV.u.aj OI exDlD1" ln educa- onl ;fk was on display, taste- J fall v arranged and more nnmeil - . . , , - r" "6 'P . mae connay commencement On0 of ne ho windows was ar ranged with an exhibit of sewing I a m -r a a I dv mis scuooi. ine oansDury . w Te ma6 Dy ne,e obooib aua oo FWU "a"1 vi mo apau I - A 1 ,u a6 rooB, I M anv ffold mad a' a crivan hvtra.l fTynm tntn 97 nh.nna.kla n'th 7 ' - A """"s0"1"0 " " 1 riQtts baeioess houses of. the city local rain, and cool wind along, prtieniea as nrst prii'i ne winners 01 ne amerent con I . a iii' cfj seats, mere were several cbbd Prl61- ine exniou prises wen 10 pu Pll 01 ur6BB nrf AaBi opencei I rl TT TM a rt and Ohib Urove SOhOOlS. The onooi winning aue greaaeaa nam I 1 1 z A.t ber of points m the yarious, oon- - 'hta as Woodleaf, 875 points to A ptisa of S10.00 given by V to a piisa 01 Wallace A Sons wa this sohool. China osnd priza with 85C raoeiyed prist of 15. was presentee Grove took 850 points ana .00. . jaw Me at YerfliD Paris Bepsrts Capture of 150 Ultras of Seroaa Trenches Sutbiest ot Doaiuraoat. April 8. The Bethinooart sal ient which for weeks had projected like a wedge into the German lines northwest of Verdun, has been evacuated by the French. Evacuation was carried oat un der oover of darkness and with out interference and the French. through the move, have been en abled to straighten out the line which now runs from the corner of the Av: court wood to the south of the crossing of the Bethit- oourt Esnei and Nethincourt Ohattancourt roads. Violent attacks by the Germani against the new positions found the French line unwavering, and all of them were rennlsed exaimfc - r - between, the Ave court wood and he Fcrget Brook, where the Ger mam succeeded in entering the French trenohei. but were almost immediately driven out. Northeast of Verdun around repper Mill and on the Douau mont Vaux sector, the Germane heavily bombarded French posi tions, 1 ut were unable to launch an infantry attaok in the face of the fire of the Frenoh guns. Cap- tare of loO metres of German trenches southwest of Douaumont 9 reported by Paris. On the rest cf the line in France 1 t i : -. . . uu aoiiaai siery aaeis aioae nftTe 1)66,1 1Q Progress, The offensive of the Russians . . . against the Germans in northwest Rn..i ho. mimA a ..... . . t . . , - a a 1 uuui UBIUIUCUIB BuU IIDTTI n 1 11 g attacks by the Germans and Rns Uian aviatort . Artillery actions' tinue. and an infantry attack ' bw I the Germans M rannlaA1 h tha Rasiian fire. - figbting betweea I the Turki and the Rnssiana has taken place in the Blaok Sea lit- Uorti with the Turks the aairress- 0ri. Three attaoka against the Russian entrenchments on the lriht bank of iha Tr-..i0ra ..ra without result . The Russians i re I pushing their advance acairTst the ottomans in the upper Tohcruk dispatoh from Salonibi reports an exchange of ehots between German ftnd French cavalry on the Mace- donian front and lhe shelliDe. without effect, of French trenchea by the Germans in the region of Qiegell and Doi ran. The British steamers A5amton posedly torpedoed, has been Uightid, badly damaged south 6f lhe Wl of Wight. Pill a Beat for Liver. Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter how bitter or narseating for the sweet"" sugar ooating hides the taste. Dr. a tn. uuutaiii m- . gredients that nuts the liver work ing, m 3 re the bowels freely. Noa gripe, no nausea, aid digestion. JMU, a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pill, and nctice how New Life Pills and nctice how much tetter yon feel. 25o at your druggisti. Wlkthef FOfeCiSt for Alfil. 1916. r . - From 2 to lo frequent showers i"3ai aruuna, ny oooi wmas ana I . . . sjme onaugeaoie, some warm. to and warmer. I .. . - From 17 to 24 fair, with threat emngs but if wiod is southwest, at 8 to 1) p. m. the 17tb, slight - pail round, nut 11 northeast, I m a . rm jiignc snow names. From 24 to May 2, fair and o'ear, with changeable threaten ing to rain, with short storms. Sone broken weather yet to the 2th, look for short storms about from 8r"d, 7th and 18 'h, atd May lit, or about these datea. fJi5BT Rxip, R. 3, box 167, Salia-bury9N04 If

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