BiiiiiFefDiu An a Cot tcsr cadu ec9 test each Ecs4a ncead-dass ea aisw. Salisbury, N. C.vApr. 12, '16. Return Engagement of "Tbi BatMe Cri st Petce" "Uncle Ton's Capin" of Pictutis At theirs 21st and 22nd. A short time ago at the Vita graph Theatre J, Sturat Black- ton's "Battle Cty of Pesoe" was given Hi initial performance. It ii the greatest pieoe of work jet accomplished by any film record, and it will go down as a piece o epic work clcBely rivalling the famoui "Uuole Tom's Cabin." The situations are not bo Te'y different. In one we have the days of slavery, slavery to power Tb'day we have slavery just as flagrantly shewn in th helpless ness with whioh we lie in the way of any chance enemy that may happen to attack as Unole Tom's case was jast one out of thousands, but what of the ifcnation toda? We are slaves in the grip of onr unpreparedneis We think we are humane when we listen to the peace propaganda that is constantly preached by many of our contemporaries, but are we human? Onr wives and our children will be delivered into the hands of the enemy and we who sat back in onr chain and refused to contemplate war, are we any better than slave diivers? With our own hands we bind the fetters of cruelty on the frail hands of the women acd children of Amerioa who in time of war always suffer the cruelest penalty. MTh Battle Cry of' Peace" is a spur toward preparedness. Not in order to deolare war, bat in order to prevent it Many have read the book "Defensaless Ameli as,", whioh has for its plot the laying bare of every weakness of the country we love to vandal hands, who at the slightest ohanae would tear it to pieces. Through the generalities of war shown in all thsir blatant crudity. w are subtly led up to a specific instance; we are taken into our own homes where the head of tl e family spouta peace and the ohil dren are content to have it to And then com is war. It isn't so difnoult as it sounds. You would be surprised if you knew with what rapidity ur scanty defeossB could be swept away. Our navy, hopelessly inad qiate, is worse stillj so that the fleet may be more easily demolished. The ' Battle Cry of Peace," then, is a frank setting forth of a problem that ought to be faced by every man and every woman of today. It pleads for better sol diers. It shows the folly, of lay ing down arms. It takes up the words of many brave mea of to day as well as yesterday." Men are not afraid to speak what is in their hearts for the welfare cf the country. We are all fighting for the peaoe, universal peaoe, bat to buy it, and at the price cf honor, never. We should educate young America as the youngsters of for eign countries are educated, not to fight and bring carnage over the land, but to hold their country sacred as their homes, and. to up hold its honor above -all other things iu the world. Ths Battle Cry of Peace" is a clarion of evolution. As oar brother, the cave man, had to struggle fcr surviva1, so must we prepare to meet our difficulties, so thst in time a race cf men will take the places we leave them and do honor to cur statesman ship as we dc t3 braver men who have lived and learned before us This tremendous spectaole will play a return engagement at the Iris theatre, Salisbury, on Friday and Saturday, 21st and 22nd of April. The following permits for build tag were issued recently by City BoHirf er J W. W bt : L, Hick- man, fieroom residence cu West Horsb Street 1 1 a ccst of $750; Janus D. Heilig, 2 iwc-s'ory resi- nee cornr Tlumts and Fulton Sirets 12 500 each Or if Dvis- Collet i omber Company, 8 fear ' room h uses at a total of fl,5C0; Ohas. A. Keever, six-rcooa resi dence, North Jdsii Str-t, iesi city limits, $2,fC0; D. L. Arey, b aoksmitb shop, tea1 Washing ton Building, 1850; Sm Carter, seven room residence, N.rth Main Street, edjoining present hDm, 12,150; W. Q. Morgiu, four room home, North Boundary Street, $800; H. K Leszar, bouse on Melrose Ileights, $1,000. There ate a number of buildings now iu oourse of construction and among those contemplated is a modern bailding on East Council Street by the Wallace's for the Ciowder Transfer Company. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the sureft way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is Notice tu Creditors EOT For over forty years it Has been used as A TONIC AND STOMACH REM-' EpDY. Peruna aids the .ap petite and gives. new; life to digestion. YOST. Frank Rodgers had a frolic last Thursday and, had his barn built larffeivhe didn't set it built too soon fcr he needed it. Oar friend Bill Koou shipped a oar load of potatoes over to Ml. Ulla, N. 0., list Saturday and he is f xpeot'ng to get another order an? time Dr. H. C. Honbargor has gene hack to his old trade raising gaus lint. He said he thought he would suoceed in it. Be had hie dog killed, he claimed he coald have raised them before if it had not been foi his dog. Ths Dr. has seven gauzlins and an old gander is setting cn eleven eggs. 0. R. Yost tock the Webb boys and Honbarger boys up to Salem Saturday night. I guess they had a good time walking from Phill Clines home through the mud. Ernest Morris went down to Oarl Safrit's Sunday evening. Lewii Eagle went down to Stella Peelsr's Sunday evening. C. L. Webb hrs taken up th Dr. Honbarger'a trade, making oenter tables. No wender, he hat been arc und the drctor so maob that he has lsarced the trade, though he saya his tables stand better in a corner. L. H H. GIRL COULD NOT WORK How She Was Relieved from Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Taunton, Mass. " I had pains in both sides and when my periods came I had to stay at home from work and suf fer a long time. One day a woman came to our house and asked my mother why I was suffering. Mother told her that I suf fered every month and she said, 'Why don't you buy a bottle of Lvdia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? ' My mother bought it and the next month I was so well that I worked all the month without staying at home a day. I am in good health now and have told lots of girls about it" Miss Clarice Mown, 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. Thousands of girls suffer in silence every month rather than consult a phy sician. If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a safe and pure remedy made from roots and herbs, much suffering might be avoided. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free adviee which will prove helpful. Do You Want' a New Stomach? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N.C ANNOUHCEHEHTS. Salisbury, N, C, Feb. 18, 1916. I hereby announce myself a cai didate for lbs effiae of high sher iff of Rowsn ooruty sut jeotto the acticn of the Republican prima rial and convention, J. B. Yost. LUliu ulni Good for the Ailments c Horses, Mules, Cattle, Eta, Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $!. At all Dealers. ' Peoples' National Bar If . Saliebuiy, N. O, Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 mcnthe Rompt at ten ton given to any bust aess entrusted to us. Tour business solicited. Peoples National Bank John B. Henderson, J. D. Norwood , president. cashier. D. L. Gaskffl, W. T. Busby, V-r resident. Asst. eaibier Moved to 119 East Fisber St. 4 door. below where we were looted. Where -you will always find a full line of Field and Gat den Seed, and for the Ladies BTJLB8 AND FLOWER SEED o We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies; FETALUM A INCUBATORS, and a full line of BPRAYS and INSECT POWDERS for trees and plants. 'Phone 1191. Farmers' Seed House, 119 East Fisher Street, 7 21tf Salisbury, If. G. Trade with G. P.SHUPIfH THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Hig Grade Groceries at very low prices. Bays all kinds of Produce. Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkinr Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. SHUPING Ko'ice to Creditors. Having qua' i tied as administrator of the estate of Daniel Watson, deceased late of Rowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all person i having claims against the said decedent to file aa itemized, verified statement of same with the undereipned on or be fore the 8th day of March. 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebte l to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This 8th day of March, 1916. Roger D.O'Kellby. . administrator. R. Lee Weight, attorney. Sale ol YtaWe Real Estate. Pursuant to the terms tf a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed March 23, 1814, by Manual Oscar Parker and ife,'Alitei It. rarkei, and recorded in book of Mortgages No 49 age 52, to secure an ir.debtedaess therein ore-' v'ded for, and defatlt having been made in the payment of said indebted ness, the uodersigntd, Trustee and Mortgagee will expose for gale at pub lic auction for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C. on Saturday, April 22c d, 1916, at the hour of twelve M., the folio inc described real estate: Beginning at a Hake on Lone St.. co ner of Lot No 32, thence in a west erly direction 50 feet on Long St., to a stake, corner of Jot No 30: thence in a werterly direction with line lot No.3C. 125 feet to an alley; thence with Alley in a southerly direction 50 feet to a stake at c rner of lot No. 32 ; thence in an easterly direction with line of lot No 2, 125 feet to the begin nir e, the same being lot No. 31 of the J D. D: rsett addition to Spencer, as filod in 'he Regis' er of Deed of Row an County. For baclr title see deed G. C. Kesler. to J. D. Dorsett. This the 18th day of March 1916. (J. H. GRAEBER, Trustee and Mortgagee. John L. Rendlemin, AUorney. JTavirg qualified as Administratis t f the estate of Maria-Auat in Jnhnscn, this is to notify all persons havmy laims against the saul decedent to file an itemized verified fctatemer t of 6am with the undersigned on or be ore the 8th day of April, 1917, or this no tice will be nleded in bar o their re covery. Persons indebted t snid es tate are notified to make prompt set tlemei t. This April 8th 1916 Elgene 11. Teas Administrat , Sale el valuable City Real Eslatg. Pursuant to the term of a certuirt Mortgage Trust Deed executed on March 20 1913, by rdwavd Johnson and wile, Maria Austin Johnson, to E H. Walton trustee which is recorced in the office of the Register cf Detds for Rowan county, in Book of Mort gages No. 46 page 188, and by virture of a certain Mortgage In st Deed ex ecuted July 24, 1913, by Maria Aus i Johnson, to Job n J 8tewart, adminis trator and trusted, wh ch is duly re corded in the office of the Registev of Deeds for Rowan county, in Book ol Mortgages No. 53, page 107 and default havirg been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured in both Mori gpge Trust Deeds, and John J. Stewart having died, and Jehu L. Rendleman having been duly appointed adminis trator of the said John J. Stewart, the undersigned, E B. Walton trustee, and John L. Rendleman. administra, tor of John J. Stewart, will expose lor sale at public aucfun for cash at the court house door in Salisbury, . C, on Saturday, May 6tb 1916,. at the hour of twelve M., the following ieseribed real 'estate ; One house and . lot on the N. W. side of and fronts on Caldwell Street, Sal isbury, N. C ard is bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stnka at the ft. corner of Caldwel a.nd Marsh Streets, and runs N. W. with Marth Street 200 feet t a double stake in line across the middle of square; thence N. E. parallel to Caldwell Sreet and a ong line through middle of square 83 feet to a douole stake; thence S. E , paral lel with Monr'e Street 2C0 feet to t stake on N. W. side of Caldwell btreet thence S. W., with Caldwell Street 80 feet to the beginning, situate in the West Ward of the town of Palisbuiy, and being lot No. 22 on Henderson and Woodson map, and iully described in deed registered in Register's office of Rowan county, book 77, page 247, to which reference is hereby made , E. B. Walton, trustee: John L. Rendleman, Admr., of John J. Stewart. Kin Sale oi valuable Real Estate. Pursuant to the terms of a certain deed of trust executed by the Rowan Canning company to the undersigned trustee, on June 26ch, 1816, which said deed of trust in duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Row an county, in book of mortgages 42, page asv, to secure a certain indebted ness therein provided for, default hav ing been made in the payment of said indebtedness and demand having been made uf on the trustee for a foreclosure of deed of trust, the underdgnfd trus tee will sell at public sale at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C, on Saturday, A; r : 29 1916 at 12 o'clock noon, the following de scribed real estate, situated in the East Ward of the city of Salisbury, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake ou (he intergec tion of Clay and Franklin streets; thence in a southwesterly direction with Franklin street 190 fret, more or less, to a stake in an alley ; thence in a southeasterly direction with the allev, 200 feet to a stake, corner to lot No. 5 thenc9 in a northeasterly 'lirection with the line ol lot No. 5, 190 feet, moM or les, to a stake i:i the edge ol Franklin street, thence in a northwest erly direction with Franklin street, 2J0feetto the beginning, being lots Nop. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in b'ock 203, as shown upon map of the Central Land Com pany, si. bj"t to he right-of way of the Southern Railway Company. For back title see deed frcm Central Land company to Rowan Canning com . any, dated July 11, 1914, and duly re corded in book 137, page 109, in office f the register of deeds for Rowan county. Together with the buildings, plant and machinery i'uatae on the above deeciibed premise?, being the nun'i ractu; ing plant operated by ths Rowan Canning com, any. Terms of sale cash- This Mar.h 25 li, 1916. S I A11LK LINN, truster. Salisbury, N. 0. Feb 22, 1010. T hnrhv innnnnfii mvanlf a nan. didate for the Home of Represent Ativan. anhi-cl to tha nrimariAB , . 4 i and convention of the Republican party, pd. A. Ju. Lingl. , Sate ol Valuable Real Estate. Pursuant tr the terms of a ce-tain Mortcacre Trust Deed executed c n Julv 14, 19l4 by Tsom Davis and wife, Emma Davis, to J. J. Stewart, which is dulv recoided in the ( ffica of the Register of Djeds for Rowen Ccunty, in book of Mortgages No. 53, page 108, to ee cure an indebtedness therein provided for. the said J. J. Stewart hating died. and the undersigned 1 aving qualified as administrator of the eaid J J. Stew art, the undersigned, administrator, as aforetaid, will expose for sale at Eublic auction for cash at the court oose dtorih Salisbury, N. 0 at the hour of twelve M on Saturday, April 22nd, 1916, th f Jlowing described real estate : Beginni g at a stak Ben Keir's eorner ; then?e N. 26 E. 5.78 chains to a atakerthai ce S 72 E. 5 60 eh ins to stake; thence S 16 6 W. 6 46 chains to Btake ; thence N. 66 W. 6.59 chair.s to beginning, containing three and one half (S) acres more or less. This land was heired by Emma Davis and hor brother , Ben jamine Gay, the grand children of Peter Airaon. For back title see book No. 65, pace 819, Register's office for Rowan County. This 18th day or Mareu, luio. JOHN L. RENDLEMAtt, Administrator. Sale o! Vamabh Church Properly. North Carolina Rowan County J By virtue of two executions directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court in the actions entitled J B Johnson, trad ing as Atlanta Art Glass Company v. J. H. Johnson, et a I., Trustees of Moore's Chapel Church, A. M. E Zion Church in America, I will, on Vlondv, tb lt day of May, 1916, at twelve M, at the Court House Door of said couDty, sell to the highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said executions, all i the right, title and interest which the Trus- tees oi Moores cnapei vnurcn, n. ai. Zion C hurch in Amerca, have in the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Situate on the Vet extension of Monroe Street, beginning at the West angle where the Statesville road leaves extension of Monroe Street, and runs S. 34 7-8 dep. W. 74 feet to a stake; hence N. 45 1-4 deg. W parallell with Monroe Street 126 feet to a stake; thence N. 42 1-2 deg. E. 74 feet to a stake in the edge of Monroe Street; thence S. 45 1-4 deg. E. 116 feet to the beginni ny, upon wMeh is located a church building. For back title, see Book of Deeds No 116, page 381, subject, however, to a mort gage in favor of B B. Miller, Trustee, for $1250 00. This the 24th day of March, 1916 J H. KRIDER, Sheriff of Rowaa County. John L. Rendleman, Atty. ri M ri M M n M State of North '"arolixa Rowan Couniy j In the Superior (.curt, Before J. F. McCubbins, clerk. J. A. Rendleman, vs (Mrs) farrie Williams and (" NOTICE. (Mrs ) Charlotte Bernhardt. J To Carrie Williams: The defendant above named will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as ; above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina,1 to sell certain lands for partition and di. ; vision, in which matter she is an interested i party, and tie said Carrie Williams will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of J. Frank McCubbins, Clark Superior Court, at his office in the ourt House in said County, on the 2nd day ol ay, 1916, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the re lief demanded in said petition. This the 25th day of March, 191G J FRANK McCUBBINS Clerk Suptrior Court. John L. Rendleman, Attorney. iil)'!lHHf!fmili;' Smart Metropolitan Styles for Live Young Men You. who Know style whn you pee it will appreciate the new Schlops Baltimore Mod els for spring. They're smart; they're good to the last stitch; they're designed for young men by experts; and they're toilored with rare shilU The name injures the quality. fl S C HLO S S i Baltimore , ' if Men's all. Wool Serge Suite, $7.50 to $20 Choose wisely 'his season; good Aus trailian rool, fast-dyed, aie scarce. Many things are no what they seem Remember that the Schloss-Balti more name rroteets you; that Schlos Baltimore Clothes are guaranteed good; The fabri' Style, color, tail oring, fit and satisfaction Ask to see them at your best store, look for the label. Styleplussand . Schlogs Bros. Suits $17.50 to $20 LOW SHOES. You'll ? ant a new pa'r of low shoes to couplete your Easter outfit, and we are well prepared to fit every member of the family. Mst any style an I orice tor men women, boye, girls and children all priced very reasonably an would be much higher if we had to buy at today's prices GOME HERE FOR SHOES. r.HLLirJERY. Easter millinery. We have a big stock of all kind of millinery. Ready trimmed Hats, shapes, flowers, etc. Aiy style you wish, and one beauty about' our hats is the price. When you pay two prices you get two hats. VERY REASONABLE. EASTER SILfCS. Beautiful Bilk here of all kinds. Come here for you Easter Dress. We have what you want, and the price is not ne r so high as you ore asked elsewehe. We eel 1 for cash and stand Betyvken you and high prices Yrd wide Jspouika Silk iu alMhe i cpalar eolers for 25c 5Cc yard wide Silk and cotto i qrere de cb for 39c Yird wide Black Taff-ta for ua y 85c Yard widf CrepB-de-chii e ?11 the popular c -th for 98c B artiful strife '.flfetifoi $1,25 and $1.48 Come here for your Easter Dress and outfit. We ll eae yon money. Salisbury, N. C. lljl The fall of a world power is depicted before your eyes in J. Stuart Blackton's masterpiece, I I j f Thi. call to arms against Tsar deals with America's un preparedness in such a way that it touches W ? the heart strings of your emotion, awakens patriotism within your bosom. I I S i CHARLES RICH MAN, world famous ads?, I? supported by a wonderful Vitagraph cast 3i s nji::MSiiifi!y!!U!uiiiM!iuiii5ymHL!mutiuuii;uuiuuLiriiiiuuwWlwm Return Engagement of two days, Friday and April 21st Saturday and 22nd THE IRIS THEATRE, Salisbury, N. C. M mi in in M n KM mi M mi mww, mt M

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