T if V3 ft! I m mam m in j mil. - - 1 V. :. tV erVec -Ccftilu Ufne'd to hi tttfE a r-Uinbi a;v;tr. ier. v:',. . v - following of wfiiB taken : nltSSi ud w oam -1 p ' jlowa? a m rnber - : KuiiTi lb firii lettleig mitmtm-rw .. ra i-nni nima A.aucavbri WhiJdef', en UraiH'e 1 'r A . . V.t. J.' ' T-- - . 1 'o '.r- Doag- aslas on Crane Jut Wni of dahsbor?. F AV'dii 'L ck-, J hu Brau- nder (Yihev and Jamet tVOrali;0t h8 uoitb ,. a oiliiud ia 1695 iioDt have been strengthened -and it w it mdica It d. today 4fiaibf ore the eu4 of" the , ee k th greater pan j of tbe regal ar troop ac d militia that have been" lent inter tbe three border State wonld be prepared and in position for qaiok service along the international Hue. It is improbable that more troops will be sent to Colonel 8ib ley in oharge of the little expedi tion that orosid into Mexioo near B qui Hat as a r anlt of the raid a Glenn Sprigs and Boqaillss a week ago. Fonr troops of cavalry aud machine gun detach meat ate now. opera-ing close to hr lm, soontiog through a limited tern-. iotj south of the border but there oe,ver has be sending furw panitive ex oampar in Pershing in tbe State of Oculbaa'l part hiclf the cavalry that is opra-1 after J0I19 tiug c-ttth of BoqQilU (f rili-by iikatian locate fnjtodita,; davi lts retain .to statioifa 'ttdrtb bad pubtisbed i Prsf8Sfaalisifiesiai;tt.s:ieGllsri. A Keitturf t sf o' 'paigtori 401m Oabot and Uhriitopber ooinronas, 4gUed rom different ; aeaporti Ju Earope on taitsions wbich brought them to tbewrldV western bem Ispbere They'were fUowBsJ -by oth-rt; aud the otbejc navigators were fofh wed by colomea pioneer settlers, at d advsuturers. ;, i Two streamiof bjamapilrbgn to"flow westvard iu the wake; of QaVot and Columbus? acdtr' In time, these human strssmscrysta lis into two civil unions fcftida mentally diflferenteven ii Cab:t and Columbus, andv tbe coantries from which they sailed were diN ferent. -CJ " -it-.Cabol sailed .from fJifUndi c.qntry almost ripe lortbeRefof mtin. HU 'O0VMfcT' the northern horet'oif l&tfti now rpatt of : this ;0niteJtate4 11 eitabliibed, connwationr.-be twefa Prtleitant England and tbe4 New Blgtand 1o ba, that feeeaiae fixedia Ibe Plymdath Ookmy hiAhfnrmedtlfe firtk benpjneiit MMstntJBtiM$i)l3MP; Oolumbaj tae4tl?n8 .n any intention pf the Kuioviu&fi ajd-al-tbapoiat a The coarse fUmmfS: milLr.W pedition that would WigbtLtoJI siato that of Qenerreaofced; orideA of America Maianau ?r"w' ctra;tij.:tbe l&e lprbb'tble. i flflftirir horA Kf'A- trkdv flaiairbA eflortttaeiMeajr- ea&itfirswejre; jeporte .5 v.-f!-IT? : j lltample'a biftnry aayp titat tnia rv:k Wat balled Qrnt Greek from tWfaet it was made the hoandary tin? grant of land, probably mads by or to Lord Granville 1 i- r I hi. histor also says the county was tamed aftr Hon. Matthew j -wau; the new preidi t of the c u ciV of lord's propriet re aud act nsgcvtnort tfce new coantv, -d faring bis administration, IP as called, after his name." . this p v rngns so oe iDTesig-Ba uu ajb tdeveimiued. Ed. Watch es J " . zs e Creek to)k its name from tit tfreat number of orai8 that or at" from the ssud hills during lb ime. f sthrrtleteirifp, wbich a carded iu h g'adee in this ct-k. - , . ' Jmes Carter and Hugh Foster W(v ! the land where Sal.sbury was -stabl!Bhd aud it was by tb-ir ii.fluuci tbe Court House ?w staMiafced at Salt bar;. Au Vff r was made to oetablisb the Q r H use to he w sto that rl. ab."ut tw- mi t-s. : isbarv. Etiss Brock aid J b- Whites;des buiit tb fiut 0 uriosejind Jail Se'iebury, CM '-be ground where those build ..fis 1 w stand Th?y ware the 0 nn tbat were put n the jail ar it was baiit They were put lii t ludebt- F.rst settlers in Sal- la' ur were Tbr ma D gac, James r?egiu and James Bow?rs. ; PeTr f theOountty. The ooun j try was overed wit re vine, grati ajtd oane. I had the ap-. pyaranse- of .the 1 icbst country. Tbere were the buffalo, bear, &) , f bntighborhood . I Uuuting Gmada. This oooutry f.lbe bontH g gronuds of the atawVasV" j lutfiaa Traces These gner miif uu i'j he glades near tb j. & a - ; . .--.r-.f T7 ' - J- tneBiail ot tne T J sse U of . Alkali. Stieots? tiryipcx i rvsoxfr Hafthj: IWtk ;flM "lib itnaNIirakfox: " Kftfllii on jOwitQtiV-s1an Oou n ty w bose e d tkihl e. : ,ccei8lo finan-ejJ-feTealvutfl Birth of a Arabian gKtsjv? in New York Arrangibtf.f tfLtae preienta- tiln of vlEaattTtofc ipecCaotetb be k.owo HraNattm. This uto-e, pretty ' qn(t be Lib er Thetej;WXftk7 the first weet in upeitb3scial music byrWetferbert.td cost nearly a 'million dollits," ;ScoordiDg to officitl annonncenins, - "M r. QrifSthi uudf hose direc tion;' The Birth;6Jaiion,,'wae piducedtlu -twt'ncernBd in Tbe fill of a tiikV&S This js Mr, Ixon'i own?yr,'iare in which fig'ti iMnwitedtttSBaic-PBa Wall 'liitei)r;' ftllared lirlmade by riifijp;ioo;'' Tbeifaqe&-'ooces8 :of l$&Ue.rJAw SaBft1tijatyoif- "The Cirtb:f20Bpferd J ike :o- l9 trpjAl si- keeper. v It is regarded here as not impossible til a t tbe Mexican trocps may oat off the retreat to wards the interior of the bandit? and forse them back within reach of Colonel Sibley's cavalry. Reports frcm General Pershing today were said to deal with ma- tine matters only. H's entire oolumn of more than 14 000 men is now aim- st a comptt auifi. Lams Back Lame tack is usually, due to rbeumiti m of the musoles of the baok Hard working people are most likely to suffer from it. Ke lief may be had bv massagicg the back with Chamberlain's Lini meat two or three times a day. Try it. O' tainable eery wftre. water ooarseSj when tbry led in he right direoti u, he-ice thrvugn b glad on b tops of ridges. I Captain Qm. He wa f ppoipted C er f Anson County .jjbourt H -came from ths lower C Duties mar Sdeotoi , was a law M and had John Dunn as a der 6t Clerk I John D?nn He was an lush iaau9 and edaOsted for a Bomao priest. He left Ireland suddtnly ' in C3nseoueiice of tome f racas. in h. ir y fetch bairaa . engaged, wanVjoa touched the inainlnd of South America, neat the. Mouth of tbe Orinoco Bivsr. On Dii lourto aud last voyage, in 1502, he got as far this way as the mainlar.d of Central America. Bat be never set foot or eye on any portion of the territory now inoluded in the United States. It remained for another explor eri under the Spanish flag, to con tinue toward the N rth Amerioa-x mainland. Oortt-a led his con quering army into Mexico in 1510 This was praotioally a buodred yars before permauent settle ments were made st Jamestown aud Plymouth B ok R man Catho'10 ca'turb had the start of Protestantism in the New Wrld by about a century? Dees Mtxioo look like it now? Catholic Spain pushed tenth- ward iu search of gold. 'J here it found, and practiosily destroyed, the advanced civilisations o J M xioo and Peru. Rrotatant Dutch and Eugliih carte ,Jibrh ward in search of religious free dom, finding only bands of wand ering Indiaas on the less hospit able shores thy occupied. Tbe p pe of Rome, to enoourage the faithful, divided the New World' iii to two parts, giving one part to Bpin and tbe oihr to Portugal. R me, therefore, had all South Amerioa and part of North America, by occupation as well as by x. ress grant of ita in fallible pope. Was that not. most wonderful opportunity for Roman Cathclio culture to prove its boasted superiority? When we remember that the Spanish were in control of Mexi jo a hundred years before the Puritans landed iu New England, we must couolude that R manism is the worse for a country the longer it is present. Columbus and his successors bestowed upon of it, tb ttfefsoctif' c1.Se41uail board a nrivtt3r and cm- to America. Ho married Muro Red on Ri d's cr-ek, on tbe Ytdkiu in Rowan, and made shoes SLd kept sobool He rtndifd law aud re in vod to Salisi nry, where he fol 'ow d his profession with great success. He married a second wife Betsy B ward, then a third, Frank Pott . iu Lincoln. Alibis children w-re by the first wife He was promoted to the rank of Col. of th militia, I at when the Indian wtr broke out and the mi litia wre to march against the Gherekees in 1760, ue rem ved to fcher Cheraws aid remained there two ) ears, until the troubles were ovpr. When the revolution com menced he was suspected of being rathsi luke-warm, or iqclining to the side of the disaffected. He was apprebecded at d taken a pris oner to South Carolina. At the game time a lawyer in Salisbury named Benjamin Boot Boot he, was apprehended aud taken 4 way with him. He (Boothe) was an Eng ishman Col. Dann commanded the reg iment fr m R)wan, that went to, Hi' labor ugh to protect the Court from the Regulators. .l-6ic-"i.-v-'i bn agent, anexpsactdly eame iu; to a fortune; beaasji it th--abs; or's wiudfalh Her coutrsot With him for placing tbr scenario call ed for 10 pet cent of 'his profits, so that her share of the big clean up nas teeu fill tmu, witu no effort cn her part but to forward Mr. Dixon lmwek y check, mi nus br ocmmission. W. H Oluue, wh se great pic ture, Ramoua," is row coining m ney for him at tbe Frty-fourth Street Theater, New York, has pr fited nearlj $930,000 on "The Birtb. of a Nation' beoause lie ad vanced $30 0r0 toward the original production, aiid received therefor a 30 per cent interest in tbe prof its . S:me B ston men who bought the New Eugland rigbtt for $53 000 have already olearsd netrly triple that amount, aud will make as muh more. Mr Griffith s share has been a bout a minion, ana tbe minor stock holders lesser, but very handsome amoats. rnomos uixon was born in Shelby, Jauuary 11, 1864 and wai gradnstetl from Wake F-rsst Col lege, 1883 graduating from the Greniboro law school in 18?6. He was a member of tbe North Carolina Legislature from 1881 to 1886 and resigned to enter the Baptist ministry in October, 1886. He was paitor of a Baptist Church in Raleigb in 1887 His Wicter home is at 867 Riverside Drive, Niw York. Engineer Guiltj. Flagmia No-, CarHoes to State Sup ems Court on Appeal. 5 The -Southern Railway wreck case oa ueto an end' in Rowan Su perior Oourt last Friday morning. Engineer Tankers ley of No. 88 on the night of the wrsok in the Sal isbury yards, was found guilty of manslaughter. The flagman Clyde Wilson, of the Richmond football special which was telescoped by No. 38 the night before Thanks givibg iait, was acquitted. The case against Kelly, the colored fireman on No. 38 had been oil- charged the day previous The attorneys representing the engineer aud flagman consumed the entire afternoon Thursday in speeches, Holioitor Clemei.t con clu ling the argument w tb a pow erful speeoh for the proBeoution. Jadge Ferguson then charged tbe jury, the case goingLefjre ta body shortly before 7 o clock Thursday evening. After bin out all night the jury brought 11 a verdict Friday morning acquit ting Clyde Wilson, the fijguiau. and Bndiug Engineer Tankerele guilty. This verdict was acccm panied with a recommendation for mercy. This case was disposed of at the c peniug stasion of court on Mon day at whioh time Judge Fergu son pronounced judgment on En gineer Tanksrsley. This was ao compauied by a speech in which the Judge stated that whi? he thought the verdiot wasvjuetifiod be did not believe that anybody was of the opinion that the engiL eer purposely allowed this disas ter- to take place. The court then tated that in yiew of tbe excel - lUtbclepfx the Jifef enit For a more extensive account of John Dunn's conduct and ot arao er, se uWheelfr,s Sketches," oh. 67, Rowan County., vThe forego 1 ug statements oughtfto have been iuoorporat 'd 'n the sketoh of that County. "But its a seecndedt'on. of that work may be exi ected, or some other person will write our history, we ojonfldently trust these iJLlamorauda'liWill be ussfuU Mexioo and ill suuth same papiitio oalture endured by Spain and Co the lie Europe. Cabot," the Puritans who follow ed hi a, and the Piote'ttants of northern Europe, planted the seeds oi progies in America that have yielded like fruit in all Lorth Europe No wonder the pope's m6it ealons inpportfTrf are proud to 01 11 themselves Knights of leniensiyj Mv-poawua vu - w aeu- tehee of four months in the com mon jail of-the county was im posed. Upon suggestion of the Solicitor, the county commiisiou- ers were grauted leave to hire the defend int out. Notioe of appeal was given and the case will now go to ths State Supreme Court on appeal. The cage is believed to have only start ed and as the defendant is said to be backed by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers it is prob able that the case may go f the United States Supreme Court. Thomas Horab, one of the old est guards iu srvioe over oouviots on th Rowan County roads and at conviot camps, was indicted lest Friday for allowing a prisoner to escape The man wr.o got t wiy and who is still at large was tic sy (3 ok, colored, wl o was serv ing tx year b on Supenntei dent rhomascuri gang for killing Game- well Jefferies, alio colored, in a r w over a oard game at Granite Qaarry some time ago. Co. k had enly served about two months of his long term when he escaped. He bad bdn working under He rah with four or five other prisoners at the time of his eacape. Gans Lose tali (0 Frepcl liJbe GifieasBs ma Rossims an'GMtlng lk Their Prcgress Agiiost tbeTirkSr London, May. 15. Little beayv fishting is in progress in any "of tbe various war theatres The French in the Meuse Jbills, to the east of V?rduo, in a sur prise attack hava cleared the Ger mans from treuo.ies over a front of about two hundred yards and alto have put down in Champagne several German attacks, Bjm baidmenta alone are taking place around Verdun. J Along the British line in France bombardments and sapping oper ations are being carried on, at various p Mnts. East . of Loose the Germans suooeeded in giining a footing ia British trenches bat were unable to hold thm only a tew minute under the counter at- ok s. Tbe Italians in the Monte Ada- 1 iie 10 Zvije nave sucoeeaea in oc- ;apyiug positions 'n the sector be ween Ciozz .u Di Lares which are f great mra egic value iu their in v m:;i.t8 against Trenti Th leaiiani also have made further progress against the Auatriaus ol ilout Sperone. Attacks by the Austrians to th north of i Lenzuno were repulsed by the Italians. Elsewhere along this front there have been only ar tiilary engagements. Little fighting ofmoment is go ing ou between the Teutonio allies aud Russiaus on Russian territory except artillery duels. In the Caucasus region the Rus sians are continuing their advance gainst the Turks, according o Petrograd. In thetoptjratioU; to- ward Mosul. bakingfBagdidla ussians mre pressing on in pursuit-. ' ; The differences between Gfeeoe and the Entente Powers have been amicably settled, according to an announcement of the British oreign office. This announce ment possibly means that Greece bai acquiesced in the requests of the Entente Allies for permissioc or Serbian troops to crow Greece o Saloniki from the Island of Corfu. The American Government will soon take op again with Great Britain the questions of. the de tention of mails and of Great Britain's blockade orders in coun cil . The British Prime Minister, who has bsen in conference with the Uleterites at Belfast, it is re port' d from that city received lit tle eucuragemant in his endeav ors to bring the Ulsterites and Nationalists to an agreement with respect to the future govern meLt in Ireland. The question of gen eral disarmament of unauthorised forces, it is farther reported, did not meet with tht. approval of tbe Ulsterites. r - to1 nava retrea r -material xgj. ae-a ed to the western hemipber. There is the same priest ridden condition where iiome reigns in the Americas that there was when Rome reigned in parts of-Butops. South Amerioa is notorious for its illiteracy. Mexioo and 8outh Amerioa ar notorious for the in stability of governments Pro gress exists only where something better has taken tbe plice of R mish priestcraft. Without throwing any boquets at our own oountiy, aud without unwarranted display of national vanity, we oan well thank what ever power has shaped our destiny that Rome is not yet regnant ia these United States of Amerioa, ao excellent reason why we should Oolumboi..r Columbus typifies the j take care that she may nevsr be. caltars that Rome has transplant-The Menses, Germans Must ask tor Peace. Nanoy, May 14. President Poi.ioare in an sddress here today responded to Gefmauy's declara tion regarding peace contained in tbe German reply to the Amen can. note. 'France does not want Germany to tender peace," said the Presi dent, ''but wants her adversary to asa for peace." "So long as that peace is not asgursd to us ; so long as our ene mies will not recognise themselves as vanquished, we will not cease to fight." a - - - A Family.Cougn Syrvp Can be made I y mixing Pine -Tar, Aconite, Sugar, Hyosoyamus, Sas safras, Peppermint, Ipeoic, Rhu tarb, Mandrake, Capsicum, Mun at Amonia, Honey and Glycerine Tt is pleasant, healii g and sooth mg, raises the phlegm and gives almost instant relief. For con venience of those who prefer no to fuss, it is supplied ready made in 25o bottles under name of Dr, Be.l's Piue-Tar-Hot ey. Can be had at your druggist. Insist on getting Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey aud see that the formula is on the package.- - - Reipil Clantanana Enfls Scares fas Usual Success Hen With Its ; High diss MBmbers. I The JRedpath Olaatauqaa- has come to?ari end'so far as Salisbary is . concerned for another year. This great organisation ended a week's program at this place oa Tuesday night, the last attraction to appear herat being U me. Julia Claussen, thefamous prima dontia contralto of the Chicago Grand Opera Company. This world-re- owned singeV held up her repu tation in great style. She- had the sustained bsautv tone. the volume for the full climax, and the strength to carry the phrase through toths end without fatigue. The Chautauqua this year was made up of the juual . bigh-class musical lumbers, lecturer, ?eto. The White Husiare, thirteen in uumbsr, in theic daxziing white uniforms, undoubtedly scored the biggest hit, with the exception of Mms Claussen, among the mutioal umbers. They were vccalists as. well as instrumentalists and they gave a most excellent concert Sat urday afternoon and evening. . There-were many leoturefe by ome of the country's best lectur ers aud among these was Allen D, Albertwhoias gained a reputa tion fpr himself as a city analyzer. : He gave a lecture on Salisbary hioh was htard witjh interest by a large attendance. Soma of hisx findings in the oity were rather favorable to the community but others were veriest roC Q t There were many other hwh bers, iafaof all of them 'received ueacsv . aoniause.- vve .are& thaf iWstfjio atbdfitbfr raicany. at aTtanastinrW: tar as social affairs were con cerned, durmg the Chautauqaa, as all of tbe-social organiz it;ons were interested in the .Universi ty of the People" Is the Chautau qaa has been namedr Saturday and Monday evenings the question of another Chautau qaa for Salisbury next year was disoussed and the guarantee large ly signed. This season has not been a success financially accord ing to the' organization. '1 AvoW Spring Colds. Sadden changes, high winds, shifting seasons cause colds and grippe, and - these spring colds are annoying and daugerons and are likely to turn into a chronio lummer cough. In each cases take a treatment of Dr. ftiug's New Disoovery, a pleasant -laxative Tar Syrup. It soothes the cough, checks the cold aud helps break up au attack of grippe. Its already prepared, no mixing or failing. Just ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's ew Disoovery Tested and tried for over 40 years. Killed by Accident cs Still is Raided. Benson, May 15 John Den ning was shot and instantly killed Sunday night in a raid on a still whioh h?, H, M. Lucas and Gtorge Williams are saii to have been operating. Denning s death, de spite the faot that be was resist ing arrest, was accidental, the fa tal wound being inflicted when Deputy Marshall George F. Moore stumbled and fell and his pistol was accidentally discharged. Accompanying Deputy Marshal Moore on the raid were Possemen Claud Dixon and Willis Potter. The still was looated on Black river, two miles north of Dunn. When the officers closed in on the plaoe Williams jumped behind a large tree where a gun was stand ing, causing the officers to believe that he was going to shoot.. Den ning advanoed toward' Deputy Moore drawing a pistol frojabS hip pocket. At this moment Moore fell and as he did so his pistol accidently went off, the ball pieroing Denning through the left breast and killing him instantly. Lucas, who had run as the officers radvanoed, was oaptured by Posse President tapts Charlotte Program. President Wilson has accepted the Charlotte program for the twentieth of May up to 2 o'olock. He wants to be free after that time. That will give the Queen City a fine day with the President. Mr. Wilson dees not want to tire himself out; he has hard work ahead of him. There is no longer any doubt that tbe President will go to North Caro.ina unless some cew foreign crisis arises to change his present plans. Senator Overman and Sec retary Dmiels will go to Char lotte with the president. Repre sentative Page is tied up on the appropriation bill and oannot go. Senator Simmons is uncertain aa to whether or not he will go. Best Thing for Billion Attick "On account of my confinement in the printing office I have for years been a ohronio sufferer from indigestion and liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had an attack that was so severe that I was net able to go to tbe case for two days. Failing to get any relief from any other treatment i; took three of Chamberlain 'a Tablet and the next day c I felt like, a new man," writes H.XU Bailey, Editor Caro lina News, Chaplin, & Ob- tainabls iTery whars. . i r.. . vWS&t