,- t -, If-". 1 n 229 Cray C . g SSL, - '- W AQifsta af " , ? 1 'MiiirTnr- - - - p n , .. . , , 1 , j .ag jMesaappMMiiMiiM - ""-Hiy 1 iivn m - 1 ' n!ii rim in nieiunuuiu. ..11. i w r ri f 1 - r i r rzr rv r- jrr. 4 f cff rr 0:.e Huuored Dollare The Mc Adoo-'hote1 ..i:Gr6ef WJ : t t ' . . ' V Jr. f V , & - v : V - lJ rii ijiy L3 UU U U Lmi U U UMJ U.-: Vro LJ Salisbury, N. C, May 17, '16 BJilcieilllj Slot Jij fill Glenn Rabon, tbe XI yew old on of Mr. and Mri. B F. Rabon, til accidentally ihofc on Tueidtj afternoon with a .22 calbre pistol in the hands of Qleun Mann, nine year-old ion of J B. Marn. The accident oocnrred on East Innei Street. The boys were handling Rabon's diitol and ii some manner the weapon acci dentally went off in the hands of young Mann. The ball passed through R bon'a left hand in twr plaoea and entered his left breast below the heart. The in j cured boy wen ton home qut was later removed to the sanator ium where he underwent ah Xray examination after wuioh the bul let was extrioted. His injuries are not hop?d4o rssult fatally, though they are serious. It is said that Rabon, andin faot eveaal young boys of the oity, hare heen for some time past using what was termed toypistoli. They were in reality capable of discharging .22 aalibre cartridges and many women in the seotions where these pistols had been used weres quite frequently terrorii d MARRIAGES - Otto Foreman aud Mrs. Marv Wallit, both of this cVy, we t married last Friday in Petersburg, Va , at whioh plaos they will go to housekesping. Mist Elizabeth Keeliug MnK3n sie, oldest daughter c f Dr: W. U . MoKei zie aud the lute Mrs Aliot Oaldwell MoKei-zia, aud Petfr Ambrose Walleub ro were marriil j last Saturday ' after aoon in bt. Luke's Fpisoopal Ghucoh by Rev area W. Way, fastor of the onurob. The ceremouy was wit Qehed by only near relatives. Immediately after the marriage the ooaple motored cut to Booi.e e Cave, where they were tendered a sumptuous dinner by the member of the Boone's Gave Club. Th bride is a resident of this phce Mr. Walle born is a native of Chi cago but has been in Salisbury for the past few yoars. They will 40 to housekeepingon Wst B ikhei Street. cae of Catarrh cared by Hall's Reward ior auy that cannct be Catarrh Cure. F J. CHENEY & Oc. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, bae known FJ. Cheney for "the last 15 year', nd believe bim perfect y honorable i all us nesstraiiB actions and fiuaicially able to carry out any obligation made by bis firm. National Bank of Commnce To ledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken in ternally, aoticg directlv upon the blood and mucous surface! of tbe system Testimonials fLt free. Prioe 75 cqnts per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills fcr constipation. The Strong Withstand the Heat of u Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened end enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up tXao wnoie system, sue. Rheumatic Ptin Stepped. The drawing of muioles, tbe soreness, stiffness and agonizing pain of rheumatism quick y yield to Sloan's Liniment. It stimu la tee circulation to the painful part. Just apply as directed to tbt ore spots. Iu a short time tbe pain gives way to a tingling sei aa icn of comfort and warmth. Here's proof L have had won derful relief since 1 used vonr lin iment on my knee. To thinb on" application gave relief. Sorry I havn't space to tell you the his tory. Thanking you for what your remedy h9s don for me " JameB S Fergusou, Phihda, P1. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. 25c at Druggiits. ROOK GROVE. Ma 16. Wheat and oats will be short in this community. There will be an ice cream sup jttt at-M.LOvecash'i store Satur day night, May 20th, by Luther Overoash. Everybody is cordially invited to oomeout. There will be preaching at Reck Grove Oburoh Sunday, May 21. at 11 a. m. Rock Grove has a fioe Sunday school. A large crowd was present-last Sunday. W. A. Sbuipng has staited hii roller mill again. Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Overcasb visited at B. M Detl'i Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nash of Kannapolis, visited atM, A. Over cash's Sunday. Radle Castor went to Kannap olis Monday to work in the mill . We hope he will like it fine. Karl Baiinger visited home f elks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Boitian and C. R. Williams and family visited M. A. Overoash's Sunday . Miss Emma Bosfc visited Luth er at Ovescash's Sunday. I think we will have good roads now. The work is going on now. Peach Tes Oabolina Watohmak is ftbliihad on Wednesday and Tax Braix Rboobd on Friday of tiefa Wtlk and, so far as news and tCZfies) ia concerned, admirably tSlWtri tha purpose of a semi weekly. They give you ,all tbe ccocty news, specially prepared f e r thair readers, condensed so thai you can get the facts witta cut haying to wade through ool Itt&a of ohildish prattle, and ar H&ftdftO that you can read the httaanaws at a glance, which r gif n net only the preference but eoirattly. These things, in addi tioft tt the faot that it is a home B.t?lper, owned by home peo plft toploys home people and tasds for a square deal for home pacfltf ftgardless of loss or gain, aboild aaase svery loyal son of thtmaty to make it his busintu ta CTlcxifca fcr them first iait ielMh?wie Every "Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE DiMehred in water for douches stop pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam nation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and sore eyes. Economical. ISunUFrM. 50a. all Jmnutt, or portDud far hp Quinine That Does Not Affect The cause of its tonic and laxative effect. l.AXA 1IVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinal nine and does cot cause nervousness noi vg in aeacL &enember the full name anc tor uw tjfratwe ef e. ovs. 2. Misi Annie Bright Crcxton, a sister of Mrs Hayden Clement of this oity, 'died Sanday at St Gary's hripftal, Rochester, Minn Death followed an operation for high blood measure.' JeBse Morgan died last Sunday t hit house in Cleveland from the effects of tuberculosis, from which he bad been a sufferer for several months. He is survived by a wife and two children and was a broth -rof Rev. 0. I. Morgan, a well known Lutheren miniBW. rr m z2 Newest, quickest tram to Texas! Leaves Memphis 9:30 p. m. Arrives Dallas 1 1 : 1 5 a. m. Arrives Ft. Worth 1 2:50 noon The only line operating solid trains between Memphis and Texas Cotton Belt Route all the way: no change of cars, no tnisslns connection. Morning train leave Memphis 9:40a.m. Train from the Southeast connect at Memphis. Low Fares to 1 exa. (Louisiana and New Mexico. H. H. Sutton. Dist. Pass. Agent, 109 W. 9th Street. Chattanooga, Tenn. resideuo9 vae ab. m - Bsd Fire Id 6reefisboro. i ne ivic Auoo-luJtui U' vifeet, boro 'waa mined ' by u'fire Thu day afternoon, sayB the News.,: While the fire was in progreti at the hotel other Alarms came in The net 'v -result wae that thp hc roa of C. W. Gold wai barbed ; a reardeuoe' owTed by V:ctcr M - Adoa was I timed th f Will McOoimick half desHyed, and a barn wf was burned. J All these building4 io diff rent localities, whioh mad? ; the circumstance unusual, if no suspioiousi.v v . Origin ,of fires not. . known. Loss partially covered by insor ance. Tbroe pwple were hurt whi! fighting fire a6 the hctel. Or? man fell tbtee stories end esoapti wih a igbt injnrif p. EXCHANGE GOLUM NatiCB. Auy retjuiar euscri er xf I he Cahoiina Watchman oi Rowan Rkccbd may oe tnia ool umh Vrithout cost tor ai mocii a ter-liu local ft r wo week's a a time. If you cave anything you want to eel i f r exctaugt write it out id a tew word6as poe ihle and lend or bring K to. thi ffice. This will prove of greet Advantage to the farmers of thu BctiMi if tabf advantage . of . Ubwm Notices free fcf tb friei.. and patrons or Thb Watchman and Rscobo-. Call nd g-t them.. For Sale 760 acres of land rea? Piueburet, on Saud clay road a; d oi; mile of itasion Addres E H MilUr, Salisf u' v. N . C. Fouitcn ra.n Killed in Powd-r Explosion GibbBtown N J I dait fourteen menwere killed anr about 30 injured tday in a terrifi explosion at tb Reparjco plant of tbe DaPout Powder Comrpny, uearhtr. Tbe I latt ocenred in th building in wh cb trinitroto luol, known generally 88 "T. N. T." is mai ufaoturd ar d wrecked that structure and three others. The cause of the explosion ac oording to ofiicials of tbe oompacy. any DtfVer be ascertained as ell those Relieved t bavj 1 eeu in tbe building wbf re fhe fi-st cxploeion ocenrred are dead. "T. N T.,: is not considered a exoiceive risk atd cfirpi officials believe thst it caught flrr before exploding. This, blast causd a near building in vhicb uitro bei zol i ma-factored, t' blow up. .''We are paying 85a per pcui: 'or butter fat delivered at m creamery at Greensboro. We are pecialh anxious for shipments of cream testing 3Q per cent, or better, lljilimited cutlets for mtter. Wri'e ns if vintarestpd Carolina Oeamery Oo.'Griens- or-) N C. VtttW 1. At 0f Sab A qusutity of bay Ap may iu n , t u : o,: i M Ith for 412 L' colxj 8t.ret, Salisbury P If You Don't Trade with , us We both Loose. One of the Belk's Ghin of 13 Big Stores That do the Business We leep tho Goods the e Uant ane Meed. Jill Priced Very Reasonable this is the (lain Reason always find BelEs Stores Busy. ; New Millinery. Btvlish Millinery and priced cheap Children's bats 25c, 48c and 98o Ladis trimmed Hats real pr-tty a. d very itylmh For only, $1.25, $1 .50 and Up. Shoes. Oome hre for your shoes any kind you want, and we'll make it to Your in terest as well as to ours. Salisbury, N. C. Sill V3'lntr Any one wanting sur . v'eying done aoourttely and promptly, map making, drawing deed, or tbe service of s justice A the peace, should write, 'phoi e r can on f. u isarncarat, crnn- ty surveyor, rural Nr. 8 8alis ? ory, N . C. 'ph'rne Faith, No. 1211. For Sale S cond hand Piano grain reader in .rood oondition. Price 50 J A Fesperman, R D No. Salisbury, N 0. Money to Loan on Real Estate Secnr 7 iy. John L Reud'eman, at ximey. Salisbury, N 0 FOf Sale ---A few bushels of fine jelloW Learning seed corn, deep grain and small red cob Very nice seed corn. Specially sb cted and hand shelled. Pec 45c, bn 80o, 1 bu. $1 50. G. 8 Williams, Route No. S4 Salisbury, N. C For Sale One Percheon mare and colt, or will tradt for automo bile T E. Webb, route 8, 8alif bnry, N. 0. ShepilOid PUPS. Two full blooded Eughsh Shepherd female pups for sale T. 8 Kincaid, No 5, 8alisl ury, N 0. Peoples' lialioDaJ Bank Salisbury, N.O. Does General Banking Business; WE PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de posits. Interest payable every 8 mo&tha Prompt at ten ion given to any busi cess entrusted ta us. . Tour business solicited. Peoples National Donfx Jofen 8. Henderson, J. D. ITarwood, president; . V ' .eashler. D. L. Gaskill , W. T. Bosbv, . V-f wsidiit. Aa st. eashler aR.KlNG'g fEW DISCOVEn Will Surely Sfon That Cijq!v PALM BEACH, AIR-O-WEAVE For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine Here is More Proof. r To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking down, the three following letters ought to bring hope : North Crandon, Wis. "When I was 16 years old I got married and at 18 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very poor health. I could, not walk across the floor without having to sit down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and he told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would have to have an operation. This frightened me so much that I did not know what to do. Having heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as Well fl.S PVPr. T r-minnf act TV IV J ssjj.avu kJ..j t iiUUil 111 ICt V Vi, Ui IX-LU iTiMiliain remedies." Mrs. Mayme Asbach, North Crandon, Wis. Testimony from Oklahoma. Iffton, Okla. When I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's VeRto4?i? c?mPmid 1 seemed to be good for nothing. I tired easily and had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I took it again before my little child was born and it did me a, wonderful amount of at that time. I never fail to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for me. Mrs. A. L. -McCaslaind, 509 Have St., Lawton, Okla. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, Mass. "I was suffering from inflam mation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displacement. My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache, and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi cine; then I was asked to try Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it." Mrs. B. M. Osgood, 1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Mass. J?. y.u want special advice write to Lvdia ii rintnam Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter win be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence COOL CLOTH BBB4SJBJB44S4JBS44JB444t44B44 For the man who wants sum mer comfort. Our Stock is Complete at 5'to mi-B0 ffl'S ' i - ' We call your special atten tion to the wonderful suit values we offer this season, suits of exceptional quality, materials and expert workmanship f or 8 813-50 I I Attention Young Men if you are looking for a suit with real style lines we haye some wonderful models at $I0,$I 2 50,$I5 Specia A dandy big black felt, light in weight and low in i r'ce Underwear Greatest under wear values ever offered. Union Suits PiTe 25CGarment Don't fail to look over onr stock of straw hats for. "Men and Boys" before buying (IT'S A TREAT.) 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. alisbury Charlotte and Greensboro.