: j. . ,, . - - . ' U,, I - W...:mn nlAMPrt B R II II ILJJ IIIITI UW W IM fltaa, iva nil 111 n t hUIII III' (II H I I I'll I'JIIIIH I 1 1 1 1 1 II kliwlth the feiultsT - --w nose, throat and I II --vu ya Will Vuuiiiunvil, pq S. Pateat Office) greatly relieved by M jf ; - . " ' rT" Li ervuxa." 111 i -t 11 rJV-i ri iv A nf'jn'tftrfentZr-' all or don readers. ft if ii 'i i till v. MU Wlf UUHBPfa rf e, Badi u ind Jl. termed iatb ic.9y :-rid i doing a good t ai;Deiic "!fe4 itum6el"oj' R wab , Vfcrant l-f;S'.i,' . W ' ." - " .' 'It miv g;ue to ilirmingbam. Ah , pu. .'V . 1. i,: attending th 4raks Vefteraos' Re- t 9 Wigbof the Pirit Bi pill Ciaroti of ihi oifcy, is among ihoee f f m 4hti' g olion, trh6 s are Aaitendiiig the Soathero Baptist Oouve::tioa in Aibeville tliie week. ..'At opugregational meeting v.hlil at the First Lntheran Chorcb cf Gref, tvro, la! Sundarmom iug. Rr . B LiDgia of Salii : Ibnrj, wag Jeoted aapply pastor darit g- the rammer, Mr. Liugle ajbond year student of tha Iheologioaisemioacf of Columbia Uunreniiy, New York, , '-4-. hii fcJ tQw. was seri ally io jored on Monday morning while 'aaatttiiig id moving Rofty's saw il'i iu the lower part of the c Dfiy A traotion engine on rhvrb be was riding cvsrttimed fd B as caught betiah it. Hf S t I a badly orasbed left arm at itac, ord bhir and oth r braise pd i. juries. He i in the iosat aanit tim receiving attention. A IS e of $50 ud costs was im . oh a ysaLg Negro in county c rs oh Taaday f r cbrryiuig a piato'. He paid tbo fi-ie. Th4 hOo , 0. A. C. of thie o'rty will leava here Friday after iih in a special oar for Char lotte, Where Saturday they will be in the military amotion or the big praoe. "There will be 85 -t 40 Bfuibera in-line and Ttossib'y ss r "Tue'car which brought Mmo J tti U'aQen aud bar company ai;ibory Taesday moruiug at rasid much attention when it w Iarned tb,i it wb the sam j private car in .whiob President ft thou, made a-prepareduess tour aeV'ra! mouth ago. 'Jt A- ntioa ir-ctlled to the adver i ; tiaeoieut in tbi iims of V.- Val 1 1 lace & ;8odb. Tbis. well kn wn ; fruk ia offering some wonderlul : . valnes in summer waar. j - ph;ne aud -Telpgfapb Oompiny. H y had besp stationed at Atlanta ttut is cw making hs ' headqoai ters KnTicville. Teun, vA special mem rial service .to wbioh the public ir in vi ed is to be held in the old court house an ditoriam on the al feernoon of Sou day, May 31st, by .tbe two. looal councils of Sons aiid Daughters of Liberty having a" membership of jolos' to 500. Rowan County ranked second in7 the production' of gold during the. year 1915. Mntg mory 0oun ty was firs6 according to a bulle- !tin issued Saturday by the U. S. Geological survey. Riwau bad a yield of 2,218 ounces, valn d at $45,864. R. B Yanccy is speedtrg a short visit to his home here, haviug just retu ned from a canvassing trip. He is a salesman for a Urge oroeb ry bouse and his territory expends ovr te Southern and Smthwest em states. Before coming hew he bad been along the Mezioan border in loner Texas w lere the United Stites is having so much trouble, End he has some very in teresting narratives to relate con cerning hii stay along (he border. A new oamp of the P. O. 8. of A.. was orgai ized last Wedne'day night at Be. John's, Cabarrus County, by J. N. Maxwell and W. A . Daniels of Salisbury . Re. W. H. Goler, president of Livingstone College, tendered his resignation as the bead of th s Na gro institution at tbe general con vention of the A. M. . Zion. oon ference held at Louisville, Ky. last weik. An unconfirmed ru mor states that Dr. Goler is to be come, treasurer of th A. M E Ziou Cbur?h in America and tha his probable successor to the pres idenoy of th college will be Rpv, Atkins of the State Industrial In stitute at WinstoD Sa em Dr Goler has done mnr h for Living stone and a man to fill his plact will be hard to fiud. f - By hard work ar d persistent ef forts the persons interested in a oommonitr Y. M. C. A, for Salis bury are meeting with rather atpd AgecT Count Is ReaLCbmmancjr at Verdun. Count Vonf Haesalar, pipbty Years Old, la Adviser to Crown Prince - Many 8torlei Are Told of Grizzled Old Warrio. Berlin. Field Marshal Count ypn Haerfeler, eighty years old, but sitting Mrs. &o&a X "Kfg. S18 Clinton Place, - Kansas f . City. Mo.r "I had B a cold in the-head. I used Peruna. Wa-; ynU pleased A with the results. ; I (tor not need any Other xnedlcine." CReUtered Traae Mark O. Cousrhs, Colds. Stomach Troubles find Catarrh Relieved. No Remedy can Comnete with Peruna The Ready-to-taKe bia horse aa straight as n arrow, is C ClliPg ijll 'for UniOll Ol tile LtJlberail the adyiser oc the crown prince and, SfliOdSV the real commander at Verdun, ' The bronaed and i" griz2le4 Varrlor At the meetitg tf the Nrth Js the idol of hia soldiers. He is a Carolina LutheraD Synod at Cou- veteran indeed, for he fought through- , ... . . out the wars of 1864, 188 and 1870; 00Td "day, rflP0,k of b9 t Despite hia age Count von Haeaeler commissions of the North Carolina is one of the most modern-and un- aDd Tennessee Synods to effect a doubtedly One of the most important . a of German generalg. He is held up merger of the two Synods was pre- to the soldiers aa an example of the sented and discussed. The priu- triie Spartan. s oipal feature of the discussion On horseback riding is the aged , q k;k j, generars favorite sport-he presents centered on.item 3, which duap- a, striking picture. He sits as straight proved tf a minister fceirg or4aini as the youngest recruit and bis smooth e who is a member of a f laterca' flowing snow white hair. V ; the Churoh provides for the sooia ! A great fund bf stories has been ad spiritual wants of roan. SirS'CSS SI TheTeanMe8,nod b.w.y. about him is that of the time "when prohibited its miniiters from be he fooled the kaiser," as one can hear ing members of fraternal orders rr.nrre ,- r maneuvers in May, some twenty years " the proposed merger. The item ago. The emperor made a bet that- as adooted bv a large majority. W I I JIB IB UOJiOTDU V-J WO a lUUjJ BO he would capture the count. the commander in chief of the reds,1" towaid a union of the. two bodies. The preposition for the merger mill be presented to the Tennessee Syncd at its oommiug meeting vnd it is believed it will be adopt d. while Count von Haeseler, comman dant of the fortress ot Mets, was the leader of the "blues," defending the heights of the Ftort Kaiserin against the kaiser's forces. Suddenly "Bxzellena Gottlieb" was heard to mutter between his teeth: "Donnerwetterl What's the idea of that foolhardy cavalry reconnois sance? These fellows seem to be af ter me!" The general staff officer to whom the count had Bpoken galloped with I HIS TsStilDOOJ Will Interest EW Sftll3 un.ii a. uuiuiuu 01 UBYuiry aner uie re connoltering party. The horse of the last man stumbled and threw his rid er. The general Staff ' officer had a A SALISBURY MAN 6IYES EVIDENCE. bur) Reader. success. Many subscriptions arc away, talk with him, then dashed back to his commander. Count von Haeseler thus learned the object of the reconnolsance. After a brief explanation his whole staff rode forward, forming a semicircle around the count, directly towai d Fort Leipzig, immediately in. front of the advancing enemy. There Count von Haeseler unobservedly left the staff. A few minutes later there rolled but of the fort's gate a wagon In which were piled straw and old sacks. It passed closely by the -kaiser and stopped a few steps behind him. "Gentlemen," said the emperor at this, juncture, "I believe we have now surrounded Count von Haeseler I am anxious to- capture his person. Aliens, ahead r ;- And h kaiser's Suttee galloped The value of lecal evidence is indisputable. It : :s the kind of 9videi.ee we accept as true because we knew wo can ptf ve it for our- selves There haa been plenty cf toh evidence in the Salisbury paper lately and this straight, 'orward testimony has estal lished 3oijfil'no j in the minds cf Salie hnrv paople that will net be eaei- y ahakei . M, L. Karnbart, carpenter, 128 1 A irA 1 I fi Sal 1 c tn UQDB I 1 JDIU ncii fcsvt v,ir,,ui 7f e y a a a. ..a a m aave cad attacks oi mmnag nearly all my lite ai d m back has been so stiff and lenir that I ccnld hardly move. D.an'f Kidney Pills have always givn tin qn'ck relief aba. I have tkeii them." Price 50o, at air dealer!. Don't A resolution was passed last Ftidevbytbe Spencer Board of Aldermen wbioh prohibits carni vals ar.d tent shows of all kinds from showing there durirg tb preie t administration, endiig a year hence. Mrs P. H. Meroney was pain fulJv, thagh not seriously ii jur td Tuedi alternoon when a borse trai driving tan aay, oasii8rher to fall from the buggy . She safferd several brnites Rsv. T. F. Marr, D D., pastor of the Fust Meth )dist Chn'ch, will go to High Point Suaday, wheri) in ths morning be ill de- livr tbe arnuhl seimon to tbe schools cf that city,' Moss- Jacksor, sou of M. L. Jrcksrn, will Uave here this week f t Annapolis, Md , vhere he has recei.ed appointment by Senator OfVroiD and Congressman D agbtOQ. Tbe young man hid been attending Rutherford College and if at borne for a short while .before going to Anrapolii. It certainly does sem as bcub rtbere was some truth iu there una k rjrjr some time ag bv a tt anger t" the pfft thst "a per jOi can't get through' Salisbury with any iiquor without vry b dy knowing it." Lhsi Stuiday m ruing Polioeman Kesler looked iiito two aus-jioious lookiug suit ' oaja thst oame iu on No 11 and be found seven quarts of 100 proof c ru liquor in one and fourteen q iirts of the same stuff in the ether, N b dy cared to o'a;m it. 1 ievtenant Governor K. L Danghtridge, who is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for State Governor, spent a short wbile in the c;ty last Friday while en route tu Asheville. Attorney General J. Bryan Grimes, who is a candidate to suo oeed himself, was a visitor here last Thursday in the interest. of bis candidacy. BIditor Roland F. Beasi'oy cf tbe . Monroe Journal, one of the dep t eat thinkers in the State has ao-rcepted-the invitation - to deliver the closing add reii at tha city beina received and if this eood work continues Salisbury will sure- la the eRt timuMment ot troo ly b-ve a community Y. M. C. A. camping around it for another year at lesst. 'CL"6 e?,ttop3 dol"Kr,! Both Salisbury lodves will bf- order of his majesty put out of ao- The count crawled from under the l impiy ask tor a Kianey remeay get Doan's Kidnev Pil!s th- 4ametbatMr. Earnbart had. Frs ter-MLburn Co., Props., Buffalo, ST. PAUL'S. ay 16 During this drv weather the farmers ire goinp. nhing and otherwise enjoyinp themselves. - . Miss Bessie Julian'i Sunday 8ohcol class and Lee Bernhardt' class crossed bats Saturday even ing, May lfab. on the 8, C. B. A. ball diamoud The score being 2 B. vd 1 in favor of Miss Julian' o'ass. Dr H. Ct Honbarger had his picture taken with bis. thorough bred cattle. Any one watiting s picture send 10 cents in stamps and get a pioture by return mail. JV L. Honbarger out his big toe tbe other day while engaged in cutting wocd. The toe is geltine along fine. Johp Henderlite was a visitor st L. J. Beaver's Snnday night. L: H Koon 5k dinner with Ray Sa'frit and family Sunday. Lee Webb spent the night at B. C. Honbarger's May 14tb. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Systen The Old Standard general strengthening tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives oul Malaria,enriches the blood, and builds op the sys tem. Atroctenic For adults and children. 50c Odd Fellows In State Convention. The Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. of North Carolina, a dtheRebeknb State Assembly met in annus' oouvehtions a Wilson this week The first metig last night, st whioh time there were addresses of welcome and respanoes, ths conferring of the Grand Ledge de zrp, appointment of commute and orgai zatiou. o nn if iu iNuAL ur MY ; . ... o MAY ,7 TO 20, INCLUSIVE, PRESIDENT WiLSON WILL BE HERE, Ipo the Governors and their staffs from several States. About four thousands soldiers in lin nf marcb, about ton 'ban is, ircluding famous United States Marine Baud, the most spectacular parade fever seen in this section of the country. State and federal troops will participate in big sham batt e. Dazzling fire works and many shows, including graet Metropolitan Shows, free attractions. BIG DAY SATURDAY, MAY 20TH. Special trains on this date Morganton, Winston Sfilttui, Greensboro, Norwood, Columbia, Spartan- burg anl other points. GREATLY REDUCED FARE FROM ALL POINTS Kound trip tickets on sale May 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th. final return limit May 22ud. For fulll information see nearest ticket agent, or R. H. DsBUTTS, D. P. A Charlotte, N. C. o o I o B O i o Mow fir. Hrro' dot Rid cf Stom c- T rub'e Her ft? Save 5 llj over 40 years cfs, per gal. 'ITS SIMPLE THIS IS HOW Just mix 3 Gals. Linseed Oil costing about - $2.70 Into 4 Gals L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, at $2.25 per gal 9.00 You then make 7 Gals. Pure Paint for $11.70 Ifs only $1.67 per flat Made with right proportions of Lead. Zinc and Linseed Oil, to insure longest wear Use a gal. out of any L.&M. PAINT you buy and if not the best paint made, return the paint and get ALL your. money back, Kesler-Surcmers Hdwe Co., Salisbury G C G 'odman Co., f ooresvilie lav;aBro9.. East Bend J A Logan, Yadkinville T J Lyerly & on, Granite Q iarry Owens Drug Co., Winstou-Salem 9 L Mullen, Hunterville F W Day, Eoonville Ohaa A Peeler, Faith N. Y. represented at the district meet-1 ing of the Knights of Pythias t( be held in L xington On Thurs day May 18th. Washington Cam;;, No. '24, P.I O. S. of A.j of this city, is well represented at the State Cairp Convention in Charlotte this week. The other Rowan can: pf lion!" was the answer. The count gare a hearty laugh. "General, said ne, "upon my re- iponslblllty, attack the Ted army from the . fear. Not cCjatradictlon, please, I am responsible!" Count von Haeseler feeing of supe rior rank, the officer of the "opposing" army had only to obey. A few minutes later the astonished emperor heard the signal of retreat st his back. At the same moment the "blue" army moved forward and the alio have representatives at ibis emperor found himself In such a trap that he had the bugle blow "Dai ganze halt!" mejtmg. It is anncunced that there will be another big Fourth of Jrly celebration in Salisbury this year. 1c ia expect' d tc jnake this tot biggest event of the kind evr he!d bere. Sheriff Sprinkle of Mockivillot wat a visitor here Tuesday. Chestnut Hill Cemetery ii beinfr leveled off at the aontheru end bj a fore a of men. This is beitif done to provide additional rooor for burial plots. When the kaiser heard of the old general's trick It Is said he laughed until tears rolled down his cheeks. "HE SAW. AMERICA FIRST" Whooping Cough 'Wben my daughter had whoop tog c ngh she coughed, eo hard at oT;e time that she had hemorrbgf ot th lungs. I wes terril; alarmed about her condition. 8ei ina Chamberlain's Congh Bemad" ao highly recommended, I gc fcr i bottle and it relieved th cough at onoe. Befcre she bat finished two bottles of this rem4 d? she ws entirely well, wrt?f Mrs. S. P. Grimes, Crooksville, Ohir. Obtainable everywhere. -r " w . I m a m ' - .i a . m. i ui m uae luuue oonxinTea upon this little papoose following the In- N113 Lawyers ana imny Witnesses IB 1 Qian custom oi aeiecnng aa a name Sill! for $10. onapnng ine nrst ining tne IEU V U1W ByvB CBM9 sjuy IVU JBa0 UUlj Ui uio wigwam. TMa papoose was born In the picturesque Two Medicine Lake country during the midsummer en campment of the Blackfoot Indiana. 1,1 1 11 ' We do the Best and will appreciate your orders. Call at office or address Win. H. Stewart, Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury. N. C. ''I suffered with stomach trou- ! b e t r veais aud tried everytlirg ! I beird of, but tha only relief I. got trnporary until last spriLg J I saw Chfcmerlais Tablets adrer i 6 atd and procured a bottle of them at our drug Btore. I get imme diate relief frr m that dreadful heaviness a ter eating and fr o: pain io he etomach," writes Mrs. Unda Harrod, Fort Wayne, Ind, Obtainable everywhere. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF SPENCER, at Spencer, iu the tatr of North Uaru Una, a' the close ot biiiness May lt, 1916. RESOURlE3s Loans and dfcounts $91,149.08 Ovprdrafts secured 69.12 Furniture and fixtures .... 3,000.00 Due from National Banks. . 15,778.32 Due from State Banks and Bankers 4,582.76 Cesh items J.I04.C6 Silver coin , including all min or coin currency 1 009.61 National bank notes and oth er U. 8. notes 11,0.4-fQ Total $127 676.95 LIABILITIES. Capital stock raid in $25,000.00 j Surplus fund 2 5OU.00 Undivided profits les cur- rei.t expen-es and taxes pd. 1.477 20 DepcBitj subject to check. . . 62,990.21 Tim certificates of deposit 120,00 t Savings deposits 35,520 87 Cashier's eheeks outs' and ing 68.68 . Total $127,676.95 State of N. C , County of Rowr n, ss. I, 0. L. Beam, cashier of the auove named 1 ank, dn solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. G L. Bbam, cashier. Correct Attest : J. K. Dorsktt. 1 A. J. Gem a i el, Directors. J. W. Carlton, j Siibscribtd and sworn to before me, this .91'' dey of May, 1916. W. A. Goopman, notary public. FARMERS Raid What Fresno County, California, Offers : Ti is rich p'ro luctiye California county ia spavsely settled com pared to tue East. There are thousands of acres ready for in- " dustrio 8 farmers-ifand that will yield; far more than the aver age farm land thro ghoufc the United States. Here forty acres js, will b ing greater revenue thn a qiurte section in some parts of the country. Th land issuittble for general farming. Al- falfa is cut bix times aa h year anl yields from 1J to 2 tons per acre.' Big opportunities for practical dairymeu, stock men and po ltrymen. Splendid climate. No severe winter. SEND FOR BEAUTIFUL FREE BOOKLET Telis all abou' opportunities in Fresno County ; shows views of growi g ounges, alfalfa, fig?, raisins, etc Send 10c f t sam ple co; y Lf Sunset Magazine , the big monthly magazine of the West, arid ask for Fresno County booklet. SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU, l ...MJ-i .... SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. B "Onyx" M Hosiery llElllIIIIIlKMIHinSIIIIHIIIIHSJH Yon Get GOOD Value at ANY Price Silk; Lisle or Cotton m 25c to $5.00 per pair 77 n ...' g imery -oeers ix)mpany,inc. WHOLESALE 153-IS 1 EAST 24th ST. NEW YORK J After being cut for about hoars the juvy in the case of Den ton Telephone Company vs . Vr ner, in Davidson Superior Court, returned a verdiot in favor of the plaintiff Only about $10 in ac tual proj erty value waso ncerned in the case, bat it took nine law yers, over a day of Saperior Court and about 80 witnesses to uutau gle it. The witness faes amount ed to 91 no 4o vi ne issue wa whetbe Vrli Varnnr, wno lives near Denton, should be allowed t; rnt a telephone on a County line or whether he would have to sur render it to another man who was Do You Want New Stomach? If you, Ho "Digestoneine" will give you -me. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY 8AUSBURY,N.C BBiBHBaBaBaBIHBBHflBaHHBBJBBaHBSJBr, Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use ED. PINAUD'S Mil DE QUININE the' wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your self r 'Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world over use and endorse -this famous preparation. It keeps th e scalp clean and ipehite and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri- can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all things don't neglect your hair. PARFDMERIE ED. PLNAUD, Dept. M ED. PINAUD 5, New York diiiilsiiililiil:! Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Biea Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. (BE -AM tO -LE SI put the bust back where it belongs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of flab biness, eliminate the danger of dragging muscles and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar ments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Band eau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the rustless boning permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stocked we will gladly send liim, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES 51 Warren Street Newark, N. J l!l!lll!lll!:i.ll!l!!!;il!l!ll!!ilil!i!l!ll!lll!HII!!!!!!!!ll A SKIN LIKE VELVET smooth, clear, free of wrinkles. CRflME Use the exquisitely fragrant cream of the beauty flower of India and be complimented on your complexion. my a A -mm is a Kent, tmre OH com- whMnA 4-V navAi' mime tin-On 1nhricate3 IJULU1U UI WVTVA 1UHJ v w w - t.i; onr.mor.l-.n. TrrworrirTS.hir!rcleS.10CkS.ClOCKS, i utma tiiflfwr ntnA oilhiffin vour home or t.t a . xjtu mA nn a soil tiuiu uwuu r ract?. a:srr: : "4. ? and woodwork.- end DOiisnes perxecny uu vcuctuyi , --- - M. i.i ret -if, J -a T-TVa.ltTi if rri'ilrpa nn Irtfinl liUStieSS UVinr.r jwm. 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun barrels, auto fixtures, batn room fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. "sinKS into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays era. Free 3-ln-Gne Free. Write today for generous frte bottle and the 9 r I- 1 li mm mnm in Ui hntt M 1 1 IT I I HE.!. AAi f WI 50c (8 oz, pint). Also iu new patented tlandyuu can, fleiw- 1 4 ft-stockholder in the company . VW