t j Written fay oun con RESPO II DENTS. i R(50KWKLL, ROU B NO 2 Orlin Orai'e, W. B Miienhimr. JohnMi8nhimer nd LutberMeii mer baT parohased new aatom bilei quite recently. Oak Grove Local Farmers' Union ia doing a good butinaai a -long the .linea of cooporation The writer noticea that partiea living near the Shaping Roller mjlls Are doing aome good worfc on the couutry and private roadj in that vicinity This ia another atep towards better roada, let th$ good work continue. Mr. and MriJameiO. Banng er and children visited at Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sifford'c Sunday, May 7th. Orlin Oraie sold a load of inh potatoei in Salisbury laat Monday. There ib a bad place on , the Salisbury and Mt. Pleasant pdblio road near Monroe Ketner'a mead ow, at the Julian Trontman Brinchj that is quit nupleasant for automobile drivers and heavy loaded teams and, for th benefit of the traveling pnblio and tax payers we would suggest that our townahip road oveiseer fix thu plaoe . There is considerable trav el on this road. Unols Bill POOLTOWN. May 13 ;h We are needing rain very bad now. I guess about all the farmers are done planting corn for this season There was a pionio at High Book Baiter Monday. A large orowd was there and enjoyed themselves David Bean, Jr , and Miss Mary Belle Shepherd were married at the horn of Rev. John F. Hodge Sunday, April 23rd, Rev. Hodge Derformins the ceremony. We wish this voudb oounle much happiness through life. Z. A. Klntti waa in this com munity a few days ago and sur veyed land for Jai. N. Wyatt and A. N. Surratt. Tha annual communion sevioes at Wyatt'a Qrove Baptiat will be held' the third Sunday of thia month. The annual communion and foo washing at Flat Creek Primitive Baptiat1 church will be held the third Sunday of this month. Automobiles are getting plenty down here in old Morgan Town ship along now. The following have bought machines recently Oof Miller. Oalvin Arey, W. 0. Lisk. David W. Moiean J. N. Ckl Morgan and Rans Briggi. Thers waa a lot sale at High Bock May 10th . Uncle Joih TRADING FORD. Sam haa taken a long nap but he has waked up and will lend ir a few items. We are dry here and the farm ers are beginning to grumble somewhat. Acoording to the appearance of the wheat and oat crop now we estimate the orcp at about 50 per cent. Politically speaking things are getting a little warm along now. H. A. Wilson is still oon fined to his room with paralysis. We hope to see Henry out again soon. R. P. Leonard and J. H . Bame returned from Moore County last week where they were looking ever some land which they are thinking of buying. Six new applications for mem bership in the W. O. W. at this plaoe were written up last week. Good record for one week . Come along boys, we know you are right. The time it soon here for oar an nual pionio again, known as the Woodman's pionio . Remember it always oomei on Asoensioc day, which will be June 1st, this year. The publio is invited to attend this pionio and yon bet we always have a orowd. This year we expect a atill larger crowd than ever as our program will be better than ever before . We will have State Manager Sovreign, E. B Lewis of Einston, N. 0., here this year, also Head Councilor G. F Wiie of Greensboro, N. 0. So it will be worth coming and spend ing the day to listen to these gen tlemen speak. Remember the date and attend this picnic. .We will announce the program next week. Watoh next week'a Depart Sam Snobt.. ... Drives Out Malaria, BuUds Up System gkovbw tasjtbessb cwii tonic, drive wifbethe same more or less. HalarUnricbea tne ulood,and bailda np the sye texa. A teBf too FofsdulUMkl children. SOc Sara's fvfiR Id AriatlcTnty Beslcfl if UiRirt Vssst igili Ufldtr Londony May 14 Asiatio Tur key is the only war theatre, where infantry aotions of any great in portanoe are rp -fled Oa the line in Franca and B Igium and in the Auatro-Italian theatre there have been minor engagement. On the Raaiian front bombard ments alone are in progress. The Russians end the Turks an continuing their attaoks and ooun-ter-attacks in the region aoutb of the Blaok Sea Littoral and ala west of the Persian bo'der where the Russian are endeavoring to force thair way through the Mes jpotamia region, with Bagdad and janotion with th Britiih forces farther south their evident objec tives. To the northwest of Erse rum it; the Kope Mountain region. Con stantinople repcrta the repulse with heavy losses of Russian attacks to regain loat poeifcicce. Petrogiad admits that in this gen eral region arouud Eriinjran and Atcbka'a, the Turks forced their idvanoe guards to retire at some points, but says the OttomaD forces desisted in their attaoks after having suffered extremely heavy casualtiea. Farther aoutb, to the east of Mosul, the Russian! are throwing fresh force into the attack di rect 3d againat the Bagdad region. Here they hava ocoupied the Bo wandaae region which lies some 120 milta north of Kasr-I-ShiriD, where they were last reported to be cperating. This would place the Russian troops at points abcut 220 miles north and 120 miles n ttheaat of Bagdad . 1 QtMxm That Does Not Affect The Her because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAJLs. riVB BROMO QUININE is better than ordinan i and does not cause nervousness noi in heed, Bctf niTxi the full name anc tne struts a B. w, rovb. ty H MM Fare for Sale Mr. W. B. Meares of Booie Township Davidson County, is hiring Mr N. A. 1 teller of R w- an County, to earrey hisgdfd Jer tey farm, partly oti. tin Yadkin Rifer in Davidson Oonnty end divided - into two parte by th Southern R. R., near Hoi tabu g, Davidson ..uoor ty, iN O., into treats of 25 to 75 aorea each As soon aa the blai prints are com plated, by, Mr. Trezler. terms o sale will te f ally advertised and a bine print can then be seen at this cmoe. These, farms will be sold direct to people who want tr uve npon them. D. L. BOYD Democratic Candidate for Corporation Commis sioner of North Caro lina, Against W.T. Lee. one of the Present Commissioners . D. L. Boyd, ol Haywood Oonnty, the man who, presents himself as the Dem watic can didate for Oorporatiou Commit siouer for the consideration of the Democratic votera of th State does so npon hisexperienc and ability ai.d pjco'iar know ledge of tin duties of a Corpcr ation Commissioner. He his had more than twe. tyfivB year experience in aotn 1 build fog railroads, and has an iL ti ll ate knowledge of the valne of land, pnblio utility propertiei, and theories of taxation. His candidacy is aarainit W T. Lie, one of the present com miss loners who mad the order increasing tax valuations iu Rowan and other conuties. State of Nobth Carolina, Kowan uounty. ) J. A. RXWDLBMAN, vt (Mrs.) Cabbib Williams and (MM.) CHABLOTTB BaftNHABDT. Porsuant to an order made by J. Frank McOobbins clerk superior court, in Ahe above entitled action pending in the superior court of Row an county, tne same Deinsr SDecial proceeding No. 250,' the undersigned eommisioner will expose for sale at Eublie auction for casn at the court ousedeor in Salisbury, JNorth Caro- ina, on June 16th, 1916, at the hour of 12 M., the fol.'owing de scribed real estate : Situate in the bouth Ward of the city of Salisbury, at the corner of Con cord street and Monroe street land bounded as follows : On the north by lands belonar nsr to Benjamin uaiaweii, Dy a line measur- -ns - 1 1 11 1 " new Concord Eoad to a rock in Ben Ja-1 I hereby an: ounce myBelf n min CaldwellV corner; thenee south oaudidate for the offioe of Coun 102 feet to a rock, Jostbj h Hoj ah'g cor- n...;..-j- t Z ner j thenee east 132 feet to the $eoter ?? Commissioner of Rowan sub of the -new .Concord Road; thence Ject to the action of the Demo north 102 feet down the center of the crat.o primary, JSSSA-J R-apectfully, This the 15th day of If ay, 1916. j Johj? JU- JKBiiBLEitAjr.cowmisgidner. Re-l'niim'Jtf 9!6 Ntw4n the time to get ycur dates fixed for family re-unions in order to- prevent any: eoofltets. Let ui hive the date of yourft as i qou aaJ possible. The,.fQllpwipg have I en arff ngedi, j uly 20-38 Saoth ru Lotberan Oonference. Bit Har- .moa, Oibairus County July 26. Y jst-Stirewirt-P 1 e s a Re-ucion. Ml. Hope Church. Aug. 8 Nazareth Orphans' Home PieniQ.. Aug. 4-6, Northern Lutheran Oonferenoe. Bethel Ohuroh Rowan Oounty. Vfesoever You Need a Qeoerai f Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tap. -dhCl Tbtde is equally , valuable i mil Tonic because it contains t Ulikown tonic properties of QD1NH sf tKON. It acta on the Uver, Di t tsalaria, Enriches the Blood 'g&Cthe Whole System. 50 sen . a J ' WeatDer Forecut far Ui. 1916. From 2 to 10 fair, and clear with threstiugaaud pome cool and dry along. From 10 to 17, cool showers pending, stormy west. May reach us sliortly. From 17 to 23 changeable with slight showers, but stormy north and west. From 23to 31 fair, clear and some dry yet in localities round. From 81 to jnne 8, Kainy, with storms, Heavy north, west and south, Some heavy here with hail. Be on your guard for it. Some dry for May. to the 31st Henky Reid R No 8. Salisbu-y. N.O, ANNODHCEHENTS. I hereby BLnouooe myself a oao didate for the offlse of 0 unty An ditor subjeot to the aotion of the Democratic primary. Re peotfully, B. B. Nxave, Jb Mar 9 1916. I hereby announce myself candidate for the cffioe of Judgt- of the R wan County Court, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic paimary. Ret peel fully, R. Leb Wb:oht "ST m i nereoy annouuoe myseir a candidate for Con ty OommissioL it subjeot to the action of the Democratic primaries. May 4th, 1010. E. E. Gbay, China Or ve, N. 0. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 18, 1916 hereby announoe myse'f a eat -didate for the c fljoe of high sher ff of Rowan oot uty sn jeotto the toticn of the Repnblioan prime ins and convention, J. B Yost, I hereby announoe myself a candidate for re eleotion to the of See cf County Commissioner, sub ject to the Democratic primary Res peotfully, H . O. Tbott. May 5th, 1016 I breby announoe myself oandidaie for dheriff of Rowan Oouotv, subjeot to the action o she Democratic primaries. May 2ud, 1916. J. H. Kbidkr. Salisbury, N C. Feb. 22, 1916. I hereby announoe myself a can iidate for the House of Represent itivee, suM-ol to the primaries ud ooaveution cf the Repnblioan party., pd. A L. Lingli. Jali8l)U-y, N. C, May 8:d, 1916. I hereby announoe myself sasididate for the rffiae of Register f deeds of Rowan Ocunty, sub let to the action of the Demo cratic rimaries. Respeo fully, J. 0. Dkaton May 1st, 1916. I hereby announce myself a oas didate for Cennty 8uiveyjr sob- eot to the action of the Demo cratic ptimaries. Respectfully, - N. A. Tbexlfb, I hereCy anunnuce myself a can didate fortbe offiae of commission er of Rowan O uaty subject to tfap action of the Democratic primary. A. H HITK M SKIDS. Litaker T woship. May 16, 1916 I hereby announce myself a cai didate for the House of Represu tetivjs, subjeot to the action of the Demoofatia primaries. Oscar U. Phillips Mj 12th, 1916. pd. p D. Patterson Atwell Township. May lb, 1916. pd. " k?f Ymr SklVc str had H mtiy. ' . HeTe is r u!yf)ne,way clear, health OQmplexi n and t im ta kAantha twela 'aetive regelaf,-,m. .Jttug;.JIei(rTj.; I r " r - -. . .. i v ? Pi.tls wtl) make your crmpTex?qu healthv and o ei, move the bow4 lf-r gently attinSilAte: stieniver, cleenae.the syatem end purify he ilcod A vplepdid , spriiiff medi cine ' S5o at rjtiQt Dtagg . . Tit citr &4I ft'. ' " A city, sani taryj couven ient, Bubstiutial; wtiere the bouses of le-rich and .the poor are aike ' comfortable and beautiful; where the streets are clean and the sky line is cldr as country air, where the architecturai ex cellence of it? buildings adds beauty and dignity to its etreets; where parks and play RUB OUT FAIN with good Qtl Kniment .ThtV the auresV wav to ston tLem. J The best rubbing liniment is lJl Good for the Ailments t Horse, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches, Peine, Rheumatism, Spraisa, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c 50c $1. AtaU Deflate,. Trade with - c. p. shupini THE grocer; He carries a full line of Higt Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Prodoo ; Chickens, Jggs, Bacon, and' vegetables. See him i, ' : Headquarters for Watkiur - Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 Inniss St. CP. StlUPKJG . . lit Sale e! MiUHlnl Estate. A Fn' suant to the terms of a eer'ain deed of trust exes ted by R. A. Rainv guardian of Geo. C. Goodman, to the undesigned trustee on the 28d day of ovembfr, 1812 which aid ded-of rust is duly recorded in the office o he Register of Jleeds for Rowan Ooun; y, in Book of Mortgages, No. 46, ( age , co secure a certain indebtedne s herein piovided for, default having een maue in tne payment ol said in eb'edness and demand hav nir heen mad? upon the trustee for a fbreclojure of said de.d of trust, the undersigned trustee will seg at nublio sale at the conrt horse detor- in ttalisbury, North varoiina, on iy. Monday, Jun 5, 19 6, at 12 o'clock, M..-tlM following de scribed real estate situated in Granite quarry ana Ureseent. being described as follows: Lot No. 4 of the Lyerlv lanu iu ui Bwirm xnown as tne store lot marked on plat M : Beginning at a stone at Palmer's comer and runs thenee N. 19 W 2 chains to a stake efnrner of Nn. 2; thence 8. 70 W.6M2 chains to a stake on lyeriys nneeorner of No. 2 ; thence 8. 19 E. 1 46 chalaato a stone ; thenee . j. o lo chains to beginning, eoni taming ninr-tenths of an acre. Also, lot No 4 of the ';ranite Quarry land marked N. on plat : Beginning at a stske an old o rner ; theiise N. 48 W 180 feet, to a jtaVe corner of No. 8; thence S, 44 Wi 856 tfeet to a stake id si reet ; thencf T 48 E. 180 f eet to i , stake on Seafood's5 line ; t enoe 8 48 E. 364 feet to the beginning, contaieinj otte-BAlf aer e. -JFor nack title see ret ord df divisioe of l-nds of John 0 Goodman, Book of Deeds 121. page575 of Rjwan Courfty. Terms of sale, cash. v This May 8 1916 ' J. B.pOUB. Trostee. i J. F, MoLUBBINS. Assignee. . Sale ol Taioalils Real Estate, i Pursuant to the terms nf Atpfh deed of trust executed by R A Rainey. KuaruiFn or ueo. u. odman, to the undersigned trustee oo-4he 9th day dt February. 1911, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office cf wic gisier oi ueeas ior Kowan Uoun debtedt ess and" made udou the traatpp for forpn.hrtl emana navmsr oeen i oi eaid deed of tiust. the nrdfralffafti trustee will sell at noblia sale at the 1 court house door in Salisbury, North ' Carolina.on T.n.R'ioiA wuc-v. at 12 o'clock. M.. the following da;, t tt in KnAb mf i. j n l; -i- ao 7 ZT "vl 6-s . Ffa u win pieasa; make prompt settlement. . v, Beware -ceriaui kjfweeaness 1 This the 12lh dT of Anril. IBIA. rraDlie e!em prov.tted for. defau t iharjrTgmr - Stnlflf house dc Dee n maae m th oavmetit of said T:tv- -us-? ' - hnni. f d Townahip, being described as follows uUw wiU be pleadisd In bar o their re-1 Buriueu n u eBie. luoaiea in jaoreao j sso oi me rinv Woiids tract fn Lhejanrarv. PANnni rndnhfut tn iM division of the lands of John C. QabdVUat are notified to make nromDt - siet. w i.J . -- a i ,.a. :r f J man deceased, and bt sinning at a nine knot coiner of No. 1, thtnee S. 85 L ZM t chains t" pine kmt on Ritchie's line, F tnence N. 5 E. 11.80 chains to a stone., thence N. 85 W 34 47 chains to a stakf corner of No. 8. thence 8. 6 W. 15.76" chains to the beginning. oontain'ngO acres. For back title see division of estate of John O Goodman, deceased, recorded in Book No. 121, at page 377, etc.. also special proceeding in ClerkTa office. Terms of sale, cash. ' i s This MayS, 1916 J. F. McGTTBBINS, j " - " -Truitae. ., grouuds aitWittiitf ttefe'ach ejar tpiicname -and tipn ,;pier4liiatr- where capital is: .iwfed. hut hot wdr3hippedfwher& commerce in igoods "is wre&t iui not greater tfiaii rthe' interchange of ideas; : wh6rer iuduVtry thrives and brtng prosperity alike to employer and em- a"t have a nlaic? 4n everv home: ; whew .worth and not wealth iiye stiifidig to men where the power of character lifts men tq leadership; : where interest in public affairs is a test; ojf jpiiliigAiid deyo dontb r the public weal is a Wadfee dhdhpr where gov ernment ie always honest and effideht, and the principles of denic)0racy -find 'their ful'est and aest ie presslon ; where th e people of all the ear t h can come and be blended into one mliutrile; fjiDd I where eaehgeneration will vie with tfiepaait o transmit "to the next a city gieftteri better and mdre beautiful than the last. 4rMaypriFe8ler4- - trt- DonTt bny glasses like yon would fihoee; ttey should be fitted by a epecialiet. Don't war otber people's glasses; they were pioba , bly -fitted for.pthertroub lea than yours. Don't let somelcheap fakir tamper with your eyes; call on a legitimate speci alfst .who has an office or axegnlar place, of busi ness JOHII R. BROVII, a u . Optometrist, ciiiha qhove, n. o. l"JE BUV - and Pay DOifJheot for Green Hides, Cattle, Mat ton, Veal, 8heep, Pork, Chickens, Etc. Ton are iavited to come to see as. SANITARY MARKET, II. O. TOOTTs! Prop., r2 "Kaet Inhes Street, .. Salisbury, N. C. 'Phones 780781 3 8 10Q WATCH REPAIRING For new watohesr jewelry and repairs a reasonable prioes, g io the; drag store at OranH Qaarry. or tc n. Le OllOWIL IJJv. 0, Salisbury N. C. l&-376ia. W. pd. ruTinKoaaunea as adoiitiiatrator at the esuta of BetUe. Bovd. deceased of the coaoly of Kowsn. 8ut of Nona ceased to exhibit Chnjitto the undersigi ed I oh oe Won tha 12th AY of An!) iQi? I or hla notice will be plead la bar of tbeii reeovery, Alt persons, indebted to said ss - .. . - t 5 .IftHffrlt :Cfff4llaNl "i '. 1 ' . Having qualified as Administrator cf I leatateof MariaAustin Johnson, this fit to l)6tify all persona having claims against the said decedent to file an aitemiaed verlflad attmTt nt um I withjjiftajaderajgned on or before the 1 Bin aav oi Anrii. ibi7. m this nn. t ' a I f- ' B1:a-a. A rw Luenwii. . . . i thli April 8lh 1916 : . - , , , Ei oona H. Bsah. Administrator, i'lfeadacbes.Craropt, Coltc lJLBwhs, Old Xore,.Tetter Riai-Wonn,-Ec- umnitte. Artiaewtic AnodVoo. 11 )i( hi W"- " CD-- zsrsrecrs55.lrrvtry woman's life when &a needs: at tested fcdp htroverCie hard-pfaces. when thxctts:taroujouknow what tonic to takeCarduClts Voaun's ionic. Carduliscora- ; posedi pf purtl etable Ihedients, whicU act sently, yet sarely,xnto3 weakened womanly orguis. and helps build mem back to rengfii and healS Ir has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, aflfng women la Itxpwt half century of wondexnd success, and wifl do me same for you. Millie Woman Tonte .JyP R F. D.Na4, Alma, Ark, Mys: "I rainkGtrdui is the greatest medicine o? earth! for wMnen. -Before 1 began to fake Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, sad had such : awful dizzy, spells and apoor; ppefitau Now I feel as wen and f??!0, ! LevF dlandcaneatinostanything.w Begin taking Ganhd today. Sold by all dealers. Bm Helped Thousands. Ni-un-ji.afy..fj-ii-ii-n- SATURDAY, MAY 20TH. - ? $0.60 GOUGI1 I APaOOtl - - - foi $0.50 OAOIU Jast eome aroiind onee The cheapest 121 West Innei Street, M AV AJL Av AA AX. XX, XV W mmM BaxBaxsaxBsvaav aav uvs a too3 aD g If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. It you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. g SALISBURY REALTY And Dnournnne fiornnnnt- j i SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand FOOT R8T HOSIERY whether ivum you want iij.hoeiery or wheather it wear yoa will get it if ion get i4Foot Beat n ApdTlhi8 too is ah enduce ment to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SEJURtTY FRUIT JARS, fresh lot just ren ceived. Piute Quart?, and half gallons. . , Spring and Summer goods, light weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress Gtoode, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tin ware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected atock of staple and fandy groceries, country produce, teed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYJLOM, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. Th lnJachovia Bank & Tract Co. Is the Strongest Bank in North Carolina, LAROEGT CAPITAL, LARGEST AOCST6. This gives afety and Protection to our Depositors . perceat. piid oa aving deposits. . You can open an account with one dollar and upwards. Stle el UuWt Beal Estate. Porsuant to the terms of a ee'tsin Mortgage Trust Deed executed cd July 14, 19U by Isom DetIs and wife, Emma uavts. to J. J. Stewart, which is duly reoorded in the efflea of the Register oi weas for iiowsn Ucanty, in book es No. 68 page 108, to se- ebtedness therein provided f or.-the g&id J-J- Stewart having died, and the undersi&ned laving qualified M administrator of the said J. J. 9tew- "5 uo unuersineu. aunuaintrsfor, siqresaiut wui expose ior saie m auction for cash at .tne court orin Salisbury. N. C. at the twelve M .. on Dasuruay, nay 4tn, ivio, s. u. mL a the following described real estate t Beginning at a stake Ben Kerr's corner; thence N. 26 B. i.78 chains to a stake; theree S. 72 E. 6.60 eht ins to Stake ; thence 8 16 6 W. 6 46 chains to atake : thenee rf . aB W . AJifl thatn tn beginning t,conUiniog three and one- wa helred by Emma Davis and her nail ii aarsi mon or um. this land Umithar.lkinliimiiM (4v tha mm children of Peter Allison. : . x m. i a . s Aa loiA Tt c - -QD M - . pot oacs uue see Doos.no o& .mm if ttegiscers omce ior-AOwan uounty. iiui A0iu ut ut awiroBi, liQ JOHN L. RENPLEilAN. A4loMtrator; j-A , r. -'I . This Is a tfesatotfoalprjired cspeeUSr for MALARIA or CHILLS A FCVCR. Fire or abi doses will break ear esKuaad If takeathea as SToaie tbe Ferer w3 not return. It aita oa the Ihret. better that pa and you'll come again. Furniture Store. Salisbury, North m t n i i i in ' ' ' jvuv yuv av irv rv s rs. s. v xr r. su 5 TWO ?lL0iBLE FiiUS FOE ULE : Oue iu the town oL ClavalAod Rowan County. OoDtAtua &boaA 80 acres. -Bap a ten rooei two story dwelling Good roooy bflftt and other oot boildinga ' A food orchard oorsisting of appfts, peaches, peart, cherriea, dansont, grapes, blackberry s, ett Tb dwalliag u itnated on a eigliliill, oTerlooking tha town f Olawe land, commaodf a a baaitifel viewap tod down tb: rftilrbai, which is just in front of the bocaau Depot about 800 yards fjora tie bonaa, . . ;, v- Farm No. 2 is located In 8atar- son OcuDty and contaioi 260 teres but hat no bai Idingt . Ir aitaatad in. a model joomnanity, IT oilss from tbt beautiful little villa-a of Infold. Lies bp And down pob lift high way. Oulv aboat lOaaraa oleared land. Will , make prices reasonable and give satisfaotov terms WnU mt at Uarland, SimDson Countv. if lon'iWtDV a bargain in good frm '.T fctmr E F. Eatoh. JTtttc a -St

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