- .-j-"'. .y;n!i-i) "i im ' .Wnii ii ii.1 i m rrw;t--r"'i p n -ai-w - - jiit 1 " in"lrlil a-.,. 'jj"HW '.jy g7 " Vjyi''wir:i'll"'ii''i '. I"""'1 ';.,'.. O .mat tmnjli i 1 nt-Tr-i n "V i j. .' J.4 ilijiiii.J ' f A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Aitairs. VOL. NO. 23. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. a, WEDHESDAY, HAY 24TH, 1916. Wm. H. STEWAE1V Wf hXX&WfSQ 1 Ciij Allefifl Meet TjjMflV Geraiai Sncosefl in Tating Trenci Bis HrovflGreets fimim. unais toitiiEe Tieir unie tii 'r mm . y'f 1 1 hi 'fir::- '' . - - " , . ' "t ' : '... . - - TRTv' a- n , r, . 7-., . At m : . . ft- lit n v i , r TiHltllinv0if6it Is Steadilj Becomieg Uiri Siriiis.lopwtiot Positions Captored BffJin, May 32 Via wirele&8. IUliaD have bean driveu frotribeir eutire position oo Lava roDiiat9aat the Austrian War OffidtfiauuDuucemeot today iid. It imitated that the Iialiant de- iai steadily becoming more sertons. Th Austrian lines hart feedforward rapidly, sv- rarradditional positions of strata gio Icipoctanoe having been oap-vt tarid' The number of Italians b; ii'iiut er are is a to iiv- are ieeftjbcreased t j 28 883 Thtsfeat'mentjoliows: 'The Italian defeat on the oafojrn Tyrolean froi.t is cer taioll becoming more serious. An lilaok of the Grax Crps on Lafarone - p'atao vas atecded with complete sacoees. The eiu Ukf wit driven from his entire no ltion., Oar troup captured lUndrioior Fima atd the height immediately. west cf the frontier fronY"the stimmit as far as the As toeh, Valley. Tht'- troops of Grown Prinoe Oharlea "Frauois Joseph reached the Monte TormmoMonte Majo Jine. t ''Since the beginning of the of ftniifir 58883 ' Italian, among whom are 482 officers, have been eftptpced by as. Toe number of oannoni taken has been increased tr 172 Atiitrii auuonncemeut cf sno eeaa n the Tyrolean front was do MriteL:diplQmafea friendly to tha.Oe&tral PJwers tonight as be ipg of the otmost strategical , im poriajnoe. It wis stated thv the drivecver the mountains or. re giouiion the Tylrol Italian hnrt 4 idgf facoo m pi isha d under most diflit eonditions bad for its ul timate' objective the cutting of aha I railroads in. Deuetia the uortbsast raeck of Italy and then pressing on to (he Adriatio-to cut ofT VTsrge nnmber of Italian troops now operating within the neck which is surrounded on the frontier by Tyrol, Cari ithia and Gont2.. Tne Austrian cf&oial statement of today indicated that Austrian trcopsj liftlready had crossed the Italiati frontier. The line between Hoorit Tarmirio and Monte Majo, whi4 is said to have been reached by tha troops cf the Austrian Oiown Prince would carry the of fensive within Italian territory. Uorit Majo is 18 kilometers outhwest of Monte Tormino. Tharoperations against Mandri- lo and the heights west to the As tac Valley also were regarded as being o f great importanoa. They indicate the diplomats Baid lhat aabfther large fore a of Aus trian! Iroopi is driving to the south. - Mandriolo is about 85 kilomsters southwest of Trent. The Aftaoh Valley, mentioned in the i taiemtntr is. preiumtid to be the valley of Asta, immediately to tht west of Mandriolo. , Rheumatic Pain Stopped. The idrawing of musoles, the soreneslt, stiff ness - and agonizing pain of rheumatism qaickly yield to Sioao's Liniment. It stimu. latei iroaiation to the painful pari, just apply as directed to the torsi Spots, jltra short time the pain gives way to a tingling sen saiion of comfort and warmth. Hsrai'j?roof '"I-have had won derful relief since I used your lin iaant 6n my,kcee. To t hin I; on appliQatiop gave relief. Sorry I havntlpace to tell you the his tory.- Thaukinf yon for what yout remedy has done for me " Jam.es 6 Ferguson, Phihda, P'. 81oau(if Liniment kills piu. 25c at Druggiits. fiiorgU Peach Crop Estimated at 3.550 Carloads. -it- 'ir' Atlanta, OiM May 21 It is es tim'ated by the Georgia Fruit Excilpge that the peach crop in this gijte will be about 8 550 cars. Teriildry north of Atlanta will sutfft&bjpBt 850 cars and south of of 2tUnta about 8 200 cars. This ts auofe 10Q0 oars less than last What Catholics ire Doing to put Themselies io Control of fiowments. Haven't we been told that Cath olics are loyal to the government they are under? And were net the Irish the most loyal of all peo ple? What about the fine preach ment by a certain Mr. Scott in St. Lou a, und9r the pay ct th Knights of Columbus? And was not' the tbeme of his discourse "Peace"? And it was Bark Occh ran who spoke on peace in Chicago to a mixed audience of Protes tants, Mason9r Jews, and distin guished citcze. s . , Now it appears that Irish papists have bes i raising mouey. a hun dred thousand dollars, it was re ported, to promote an Irish Ro man Catholic rebellion on the "auldsod." It is suspected, too. and has be9n f reefy charged, that, papists can not be loyal to any gover nment, unless that goverment bows its knee to the pope. This fact has not on y been manifested in the uprising in Ireland and sus tained by the Irish of America, bat is demonstrated by the Boman Oatholio plct against the republio of Mexico, headed by Felix Oias. All this has happened since Pres ident Wilson requested that Amer iotns restrain themselves in speech a :d aotion so as to give no offense to the wardistraoted na tions. We now know what would hap ben hruld this nation become in volved in war with the pope's sub jects, "We are Catholics first, then Americans," said the St L uu vVestern Watchman (Oath- olio). Wore than that, for as soon as the oocfliot is on, Rame would begin to bargain with our foe to seoare pledges ot help to ob tain temporal power and polit ical recognition. It is more than suspected that this is the oase in Europe, as the powers have been nc titled that the pope would he glad to reoeive diplomats to talk orer matters relative to the pope's temporal schemes with offers on his part to serve the interest of the contending nations when peace is negotiated. The attitude of the revolution ists in Ireland, their topes and aim, are set forth in their pro clamaticn issued in Dublin at the outbreak of the reyolt. The last paragraph readsjas follows: ' Hiving partly perfected their discipline and resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal it sslf, she now seizes that moment and, supported by her exiled chil dren in America and by her gal lant allies in Earops, but relying on her own strengt she strikes in full confidence of victory." The pitiful thing about this abortive revolt is that neither the pope, biihopior priests, who. must hate known all aboat it, made any attemptrby authority or advice to prevent so disloyal an under taking. By so much is made dear the attitude of the papal church, ar.d the after folly of relying on its patriotism or loyalty. Rev; Theodore 0. Walker A FamUySCougb Syrup . Can be made by mixing Pine-Tar, Aoonite, Sagar, Hyosoyamus, Sas safras, Peppermint, Ipeoic, Rhu barb, Mandrake, Capsicum, Muri-it-i Araonia, Honey and Glycerine. Tt is pleasant, healir g and sooth ing, raises th phlegm and gives almost instant relief. For con venience of those who prefer not to fnsB. it is supplied ready made in 25o bottles under name of Dr. Bell's Piue-Tar-Hot ey. Can be hsd at your druggist. Insitt on gettiug Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey and see that the formula is on the package. Baptists' Make Record. Asheville, May,-21, The 1916 Southern Biptist Convention, which com8 to a class tomorrow, has hid the largest attendance in it's history, according to figures given t ut here tonight by it's sec ret trial, whioh showed that: 2,125 delegates have registered since the eessnns opened Wednesday last. The largest previous attendance I was 1,980. New Bond Mosey Deposited in Banks at 4 Percent. Much Other Business. A special session of the board of aldermen was held at the city hall last Thursday night. The eleotion c-f city policemen was scheduled to take pi see but as there were 'two members of the board absent, G orge A Fisher and J, D. Norwood, this matter was put off until a latr date, I ut it will be dieptsed of before the first of June. W. F. Kelsey, colored, pre sented a ohait together with re commendations by colored citi zens for a si'e for the new school building t' be eTected for oolored children. Three places were rs commended, -these being Jersey City, corner Oriige and West Streets, and on Loyd Street He was reformed that the aldermen would give these looations con sideration. A letter was read from Manager Hole of the Public Service Com pany stating that this company was resdy to proceed with its part of the work in the pavit g of West Oounoil Street from Jackson to Caldwell. The aotion of the firemen in regular meeting in the election of officers of the fire department was endorsed upon presentation of the list of offtoers elected. They are: W.A. Brown chief; P. A Hartline, assistant chief; Harry Glover, and Baldy Miller, drivers. The purchase of 500 feet of hose far the fire department was order ed at once. This was done upen request of Alderman H. E. Rufty, chairman of the fire o:mmittee, who stated th't the compary was short several hundred feet of hose as required uader the insuranoe laws. ' In accordance with a call issued some days ago several b'ds were reoeived for the paving of West Oounoil Street from Jackson to Caldwell. These were opened bat no awards were made on aoocunt of the absence of Chairman Fish er of the steeet committee. It was stated by City Engineer Webb that the oitv oould do this paving for about II 10 per square yard, but that a larger tnixr would be needed. The city is said to be in need of a lsrger machine of this kind anyhow. Chairman D. A. Beaver of the building committee stated that he had looked over several sites for the new sohool building to be erect ed in the western or scuthwestern part of the city. Among these was one near the Seoond Presby terian Churoh, fronting on four streetB. Several sites have also been viewed on or near North Main Street in the vicinity of Porter's store for the looation of another new sohool building. The board was of the opinion that options ba taken on a number of sites for these various school buildings and that the entire board of aldermen go oat some afternoon tn a body and look them over. The sewer committee reported that the work of going over the territory for the proposed sewer extensioLS wss now in progress. The overhead in that section of the oity hall occupied by the fire horses was ordered ceiled. Alderman J. Ft Ludwick of the police commit' ee, presented an other resolution to abolish the of fioe of captain of police and make the salary of the head effioer of the foroe $85 alio that the pa trolm in showing the best record aooording to bis reports to date, be made sergeant. This motion was seconded by Alderman J. E. Hennessee, also of the polio com mittee, but the metier was earned ever until the eleotion of polios takes place. Hn election of eiay r.ffioials was held and mult-id as follows: J. D Norwood mayor pro-tsm; T. H. VaLderford, Jr., city attorney; J. vv. Webb, oity engineer and building inspector; M. A. Shank, superintendent cf cemeteries ; 8. L. MoOanlsss, superintendent of Stmts, w The $200,000 bond money, vot- Found to 6iY8 Protection lo Direct Exposure to tfc Disease. . The effioaof af typhoid vaooica tion as a means of rendering im munization totyphoid fever has again been tested This time it was by the health department of New York city. .According to fig- area gtvenf oujrby that depart' ment, 8 101 persons had been di reotly exposed to this disease and only 534 of tbefnumber 'accepted the immnniziugHreat.mM.t, receiv ing two or three'dosei . This left a remainder of 7,567 who either refused to become immuniziid rr reoe yed the firftJ.d.ose. only ; . Of the 584 who tooJJhe immunizing treatment, not oria contracted ty phoid fever, bufctf the 7 567 who did not take thejtreatmeu 161 or over 2 p- r oentf ook fever . "These figures' says the State Board of Health? reveal se veral interesting facts regarding anti-typhoid vaccination, In the first place, they strickingly show to what degrees vaccination, three oomplete doses, is'a protection in 3ase of direot expesare to typhoid Not one of the number exposed who took the three treatments took the disease. In the seoond plaoe, il shows to what ixtent vaccination may. prevent institu tional outbreaks; or epidemics, of typhoid ; and again, it all the more emphasizes the importaut point that if vaccination will protect where infeotion is known to ex.st. how much more it ;will protect from insidious carrierjkand where lnfeotien is not knjwii to exist. "While it is exceedingly advis able", says the Board, 4t to be vaooinated against this disease cn having .bsazoi2'io1jU.-jpr & ing where the infection is likely to be met, as on vacation tours or outing expositieni, it is all the more advisable to ba vaooinated as a general precaution and as a- nother form of life insuranoe. Thenumterof the typhoid car risrs have proved to be many and no man can spot them till after they have done their work." President Visits D.vidson College The visit of President and Mrs. Wilson to Davidson College Satur daj afternoon caused great gratifi cation among the friends of that institution. Naturally, the David- sonians are very proud that the oollsge numbers amojg its former students so distinguished a world statesman, and the reoorgnition given by this visit proves that there is nothing mythical about this relationship and that David son nss an aciding place in the insmory and in the affection of President Wilson. The decision to go to Davidson did not oome altogether as a surprise, but was most pleasing. Keep Ytur SkJa CI ear and Healthy. There is only one way to have a dear, health complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and regular. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bow els gently, stimulate the liver cleanse the system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medi cine, zoo at your limes ist . oca ed some time, ago, has been receiv sd and the disposition of this money until it is all expended, was taken up. This money will draw interest at the rate of 4 per sent, in fact it is said to have been doing this sinoe the first of May. Oa account o' w'shing to save any additional expense it M. was decided that the money will not go through the city clerks hands as this would necessitate an additional bond from that cffioial and this would cost the city some thing like $1000, The money has been deposited in the various banks of the oity. It was voted to deposit $10,000 with the Morris Bank, $80 000 with the Wachovia Bank, $30,000 in the Salisbury Back & Trust Co., $80,000 in the Davis & Wiley Bank and the re mainder to be divided squally among the other city banks. Deatflr Battles Progressing Between Ene mies, Etfectiie Work Beiog Bona Paris, May 21.-The battle for possession of important' strategic position on the Verdun fron west of the Meuse River contin ued, with unabated severitj last night. The "French War Offioe aunounctd this afternoon that the Germans, although repulsed in mos'. of their attemps succeed d in captnaing a firs v line trench on Dead Man Hill and gaininggrennd on the slopes west cf the bill. The official communication to night reads : ' On the left 1 ank of tbe Meuse the battle col tinned firoely all dsy on the fiont between Avocourt wood end . the Meuse. Iu the neighborhood of the road frcm Ssnes to. Hancour sn attac lauached by our troops permitted us to occupy two German t enoh es. A small work winch tn ene my occupied May 18, south of Hill 237, was entirely spattered by i r srtillery. "Immediately east of tho Hill 804 the enemy delivered against our positions an attack which af ter momentarily penetrating our first line trench, was driven back "On the slopes west to Lemort Homme a violent cffnsive aotiop ca'iied out by an enemy brigade wts stopped by the fire of our machine guns and by our counter attacks. ''Enemy grenade oolumus whioh followed the assacltiLg wives wete takn under the fire of our batteries and . were obliged to fall badk . 'Pn the right hank of th;e Meuie the artillery struggle was very violent Jtl th?J jsotf : Douaumont our troops in a spirit ed attack captured the HaudrsU mont quarries which had been strongly organize! by the enemyr We took 80 prisoners nnd four machine guns. "There were intermittent ar tillery aotion on the rest of the front. Berlin. May 21. Via London. More than 1,800 French including 81 offioers; 16 maohine guns and eight cannon were captured in a new German assault on the Ver dun front in the region of Drad Man Hill, the War Office annonn eed today. The statement says the German lines were advanced on the south and southwest slopes of the hill. The communication is as follows: "Western front on the south and southwest slopes qf Dead Man Hill oar lines were advanced after effective artillery preparation. Thirty one officers and lt815 tnen, were taken prisoner and in addi tion ts other war material, 16 guns and eight cannon were captured. Minor oounter-attaoks by the ene my were abortive. "East of the Menss: "It has been ascertained that the Frenoh attack with hand gre nades in Callstte wood on the night of May 20 was repulsed. There was no infautry aotion at this point. The firing on both sides at times was very violent. Minor expeditions west of Beau mont and south of Gondrexen were successful. Lams Back Lame baok is usually due to rheumatism of the musoles of the baok. Hard working people are most likely to suffer from it. Re lief may be had by massaging the back with Chamberlain's Lini ment two or three times a day. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. Circus Li opaid Eats Dog. PottstowuPa , May 21 Visi tors to the Lukens Wild Animal Cirous at the carnival being held by the Kmpire Hook and Ladder Company were given a thrill last night, wben a eavageoung-leopard shot cut its Daws between the iron bars of its cage and polled in a $100 Eikimoerfoiming dog. Attaohes with iron bars tried to save the little canine, but in a twinkling the leopard uad made a meal of a gocd portion of it, and it was tome time before the fero- cious beast could be subdued. Mr. Wilson oo wiito Ciiiriotte Makes BiUf Talk DorlB? Stop Hera. A tremendous orowd of people gathered about the looal Southern passenger station last Saturday morning to greet President Wil son, who was scheduled to make a ten micute stop here oa his way to Charlotte to attend the big cel ebration there Saturday. There pro! ably never has been pssted through Salisbury an engine equal in decorations and attractiveness to the one whioh pulltd the Presi dent's spscial thr uh this oity. The veteran engineer W A. Kis ziab was at the throttle and is said to hve considered it a big honor to" all w h.m to haul tbe President from Uptnoer to Char lotte. Mr. Wilson was acot mpjnied by his wife, wheno, hs Siid was 8orijfco etix ouid not be seen at tats tiro. rlBrn were ma ly oth er prominent man in t,h nartt c J I hich included Senator Lee 3. v - i . .. jeurvof the Navy Jjae-fihug Dii!h1s and his aide, J mnr d3.r Wur zbaugh, besides the President's , hjtioiau, secret service men and a party ot prom meut uewsp -p t mcu. When it appeared that the Pres. ident was not going to talk Sena tor Oretman urged him to say something. This canted him tc begin a talk whioh as 'later out short by the pulling out of the train. A number of people got an opportunity to shake bauds with Mr. Wilson daring the brief time he was not speaking. When the speotal stopped hexd oo its re turn to Washington there waB an other b;g crowd at the stitiou i-?P' did A cot sh;r - : . -r tVT . iiimself. Whooping Cough i "When my daughter had whoop, ing cough she coughed so hard at t)ne time that she had hemorrhige of the lungs. I wss terribly alarmed about her condition. See ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy so highly recommended, I got her a bottle and it relieved the dough at once. Before she had finished two bottles of this rems dy she was entirely well," writes Mrs. S. F. Grimes, Orooksville, Ohio . Obtainable everywhere. Arkansas Yallay Will Skip 1,750 Cars of Potatoes.. Fort Smith, Ark., May 21. This territory promises a normal orop of Red Bliss or Triumph pd totoes this season. Tha move ment will begin about June 10 and will last about 10 days to two weeks. The stand is exceptional ly good in the Fort Smith distriot and copious raina on May 15 will make the orop. The fields are in a good state of cultivation and the spring weather, all through, has been such that No. 1 stock wil prevail in the shipments from this section of Arkansas Surer Valley. Owing to damage to the Texas crop and tin present high prices prevailing for Louisiana spuds of $1.50 to $1.75 per 1 ushel the growers in this locality have reason to expect good prices for this year's orop. They figure that the markets shruld open here at $1.25 p9r bushel or better. PROFIT BY THIS. Don't Was;a Another Oar. When you are worried by back ache; By. lameness and urinary dis orders Dn't experiment with an un tried medicine. F ollqw Salisbury people's exam ple. Use Doan's Kidney Pillg. Here's Salisbury testimony. Verify it if you wish: Mrs. M. 8 Brown, 580 N. Wain St., Salisbury, says: '-I had kid any and bladder trouble for sev eral years and was in a very bad way. Since taking Down's Kid ney Pills, procured at Pinmmer's Drug Stor I have bad very little trouble.' As soon as I notice any kiduey disorder, I take Doan's Kidney Pills apd they briog satis factory reaultSr" Price 50o, at all-dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the ter-llirhurn Od-i Props:, Buff alo, New York, BtfthJartiis Rata Strong1 Candidim Oat " for all CeBntj.Offices. " " The members of the Rowan County Board f-E4etions, com posed of E. m Gregory, chairman- & 0. H. Mon.tejomeryi secretary, and 0 E. Mi Is, held a meeting, en Monday for the purpose of, ascer- taming the number and names of . candidates fcr the various pountj , offices on the Damocrstio and Be rnblican tickets to be voted.pn at 1 the primsriea on June 8rd: alaor to arrange for having tickets priojsd ' ma asses d to other mattera ner-f taming to the coming primary elections. The cffioial i ist uf can didates as handed in to the elao- tion board is as follows : : , . DKMOCBA.TIC PBIMABY TIOKIT, State Senate, Stable Linn Hoas3 Ripreseqtativ. Waltap Morphy, R J Holmes. W O Oontfh. enour, Osqar H PhiJlipa Judge County Court. T G Vmr. R Lee Wright Proseouting Attorney. L A Swloegood , Sheriff, J H Krider Register Deeds, J C Deaton Treasurer, J C Keslr Auditor, E B Niavs, Jr County Surveyor, N A Trailer. PC Bernhardt Ooron r, H B Lenta, D L Sidss Justice Peace, Salisburv Town-. ship, B. F Oauble, W; L Bay uounty Commissioners, , L M Lippard, J 8 Hall, L A, Kesler, H -O Trott. A M Bice, O Ji Barge F u ratterson, W D Graham, P A, nartman, K E Grav. N Whit. Memui, O J Fleming, Wm Kester BVPDBLIOAN PRIMABT TI0O6I Senate, A H Price House, AM Miller. J M L Lv Sheriff, W E Russel, Jao A Menius, J B Yost, H G Elmore Register Deeds, H C Boeak. J Will Proctor Treasurer, W H Hobson, T A Earnhaidt Auditor, L L Smith Coroner, W A Foglemtn Judge Rowan Court, Jno L Ren dleman Proseonting Attorney. J M Wag , oner Connty Commissioners, Charles P. Shaping, O P Foster, A B rJdil. ler, M A Stirswalt, John;H Frickj C M Fisher. J 8 Campbell, OL Heilig, J H Hobson, P N Trexler, M G M Fisher Surveyor, A L Lyerly. The following names have been declared nominees by. th-board of elsotioja' at ita meeting Motid4y : A H Pric.eA M Miller, J M L Lyerly, L L Smith, W'A igle man, J L Rendleman, J M Wag goner and A L Lyerly on the Re publican ticket; and E B Neave, L A Swiotgood, J H Krider, J 0 Deaton, J 0 Kesler, Stable Linn, B F Caubie and W L Bay on the Democratic Roiorses Tonnessjo Goirt li Coqi Cola Cast Washington, May 22-$he supreme court to4y reversed the decision f tli'iiiee federal courts, which refused to confiscate oa the petition of the government forty fer rels of coca-cola aft violating the federal pure food law and sent the case back for presen tation to a jury. Jo determine wheather caffeine contained i n cocacola is injurious t o health Justice Hughes, for the unanimous court, said that the Tennessee courts had erred, in deciding that. . no poisonious articles could -by "added"to a proprietary fjpod composed ot ingrad i oq t a brought together . by rp a n within the meaning' of jt,he pure food aw which declared to be adulterateb any product withjt'addediious ojrjn jurious ingrdjtiti" Juice Hughes sad thpro visiont of the sjatue Eere somewhat incongruous, but fnat itas evidehV'aded' 1 Jrija a R t 'artifiMallir ffiro1drieed.,, -