RURAL Written by: QUO CORRESPONDENTS. FAITH. May SOth. Richard Hughes ar rived from Cincinnati Saturday. He ii a paving blook oatter and ii working for Chal Eagle. Sam Dimmoth and H. Barton arrived from Ml. Airy. They are paving blook cotters and are workincr at Ganble naitnre of Faith for J. Brenton. Jim Morria arrived from Cin cinnati, Ohio. He ii a native of Sootland and likes Faith flue. He is a good paving blook cutter and is working for B. G. Eagle. If any of the base ball boys want to play the Faith boys call op Dr Peeler, the manager at Faith. Young housekeeper at Mr. and Mrs. Oal. Deal's, May 17th. Harvey A, Beaver of Mt. Airy is in on a visit to see hiB daughter Mrs. Benlah Jacobs at Salisbury and is, now at Faith visiting nil Bister, Mrs. John D. A. Fisher. While J. D. A. Fisher was com ing from Salisbury Thursday night with some citizens of Faith, one of the steering rods of bis automo bile broke and he lost oontrol of the machine at Tar Kiln Hill and it ran into a ditch. Mr. Fisher ap plied the brakes, but it turned over. No one was hurt. It wa about 10 o'clock at night and he left the car the re till next morn ing. When he went after it some one had stolen the speBdometer, a pair of new chains, three inner tubes and the key. J. 1, Wyatt snipped seven pair of millstones Saturday to grind oorn. Some little boys brought a silk worm house to Yenus a week or o ago and last night it hatched out. Mrs. Berry Miller and daughter. May of Rockwell, visited at Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Farmer's May 21. Ghas. Peeler of Palmerville, has been visiting friends at Faith for the past few days. H. 0. Farmer is busy tskmg orders for fruit trees. Robert Mssimore of near Bos tian's X Roads tells Venus that . cwarm of bees came to his house, went into one of his empty bee gnms, went to work and are doing fine. If any one can beat that trot out your bees. We met B. A. Miller in Salis bury on his way home from the Birmingham re-union. He is an old loldier and lives below Rook well. He told us about his trip and' what a fine time they had. Ha said the re-union would be near home, at Washington, next year. John D. Brown was building a new. house last time we were at J. M. Wyatt's. The other day me found it done and Gleve Miller living in it . He works at the Ice land Granite Company's shed and lives just across the road from J. M. Wyatt's. Fisher & McOombs are at work at their quarry with several hands getting cut a car load of mill atones. Mrs. J. E. Holler, who has been confined to her bed for three weeks is slightly improved today. Levi Hawn and Hubert, and his little son, were at Faith today in his new automobile, . James Holshouser and family of Rockwell, Rev. Harvey Fesper man of Startow and Mr. Whitner of Newton, took supper at P. A. Peeler's Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Oldham of Kannapolii, spent Sunday in Faith, visiting at P. M. Barger'a. Mrs. D. Frick of Kannapolia, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. ' P. M. Barger. Mr. and Mrs. James Castor and i Three ohildran of Rook neighbor hood is visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Barger at Faith. Their lit tle girl, only 10-years-old, weighs one hundred and six pounds. Mrs. D. Calvin Lingle has re turned from Charlotte where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bolick. You oan get a sketoh of the life of John Thomas Wyatt, (Venus) by mail post paid for ten cents . Vbnus. KLUTTZ ACADEMY. Rockwell No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. A. Fiiher of Faith, and Harvey Beaver of Mt. Airy, visited at J. T. Garter's Wedtiday. Mrs. Maxwell is visiting her son, Robt Carter. Ohas. Boger had the misfortune to loose a good horse last week. I Orlin Grose has purchased a I A -i -w - r n J 1 new nora. i guess jgr. uiuse aei cided to quit walking. " J J. T. Carter and Adam Wdnsil, are workidg at Yadkin Narrows. Oscar Shimpock had the misfor- tune to loose a fine milch cow last a0fc hv oattintr antanffled in the .iis. ntn, o HUrts ftn1 ut.aiu, breaking her neck . Miss Mary L.on uoisnouser oi . . I of Rook well spent Sunday with Mi U1a PtTknr w , infmrnoA ih.t Miu tw Best has purchased a new automo bile. Adam Wensil of Yadkin Nar rows, spent Saturday nigns ana Sunday at home. A certain vouna man bought an automobile aLd was taking his best girl a joy ride and lo and be hold the John Henry would not gee. so they had to eDjoy walking back home. Sweetheart wishes t o thank Veuus for the nice compliment on our ifefms, come on Venus we en- i-.;oo - mi . -l a i i a wneat ana oats are loosing uue, Cotton is a poor stand in most places, oorn is splendid. i Dfy weather is the cry now, but sweetheart never grumbles. Jacob A Oartar contemplates i navies: his goJd mine started in the near future. The health of this community is good at present I am glad to say. Sweetheart. 2nd CREEK AND DUNN TOWN. Wheat and oats are looking bad around here. There are many cases of measles in this seotion at pieient. Elmer Dnnn has bought a new ante mobile. Ernest Miller has purchased new Frrd. Some cf our reople have been attending the protracted meeting that has been going on at Wood leaf Methodist Churoh for the past week . If the road bosses would fix the bridge over Jump and Run "branch we would have a good road into Salisbury. The farmers around here are having trouble in getting their cotton to grow -as the ground is so dry that the seeds cannot sprout. Laos Godby has th measles. The family of A. E . Miller has the measles. Allen Myers, Carl Myers and Miss Lizzie Harrison have the measles. Old Times. Terrific Texas Tornado Sweeps into Okla. bona Denison Tex., May 21. Nine persons were killed and 38 injured at Kemp City, Okla., eight mileB east of Denison, and the town was badly damaged by a tornado which last Di'ght swept a path three quarters of a mile wide and five miles long in the vicinity of Kemp. Only three small dwellings remain intaot at Kemp, Twelve business bouses, a two story hotel and 60 residences were demolished in Kemp Gity. . This is the second time in recent years that the little town of 300 inhabi tants has been visited by a tor nado. Merchants said that the town probably wou'd not be re built. Eight were killed in the town while the other victim, a child was killed in the collapse of its father's home just across the Red River in Texas, Of the 88 per sons injured, 36 are residents of Kemp Gity . Most cf those injured were caught in th? collapse of buildingB while trying to reach storm cellars shortly after the storm broke at 9:23 p. m. Satur day. The bodies of the dead in sev eral instances were found hun dreds of yards from where their houses had stood. The two-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brinson, who were killed, was hurled 500 feet with flying j debris when the Brinson residence ' was destroyed but the child suf fered only minor injuries. Immediately after the storm passed emergency treatment was given the injured in darkness, with rain falling in torrents. A speoial train carrying 12 physioians from Denison did not reach Kemp until several hours after the tornado passed. The Strong Withstand the Heat of a Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak , will be strengthened ana enaDiea to go through the depress- oSnriSMffSS and enriches the blood and builds up the whole mmu Avow Spring colds. Sudden changes, high winds, shifting seasons cause colds and j . - , l grippe, mua vuese spring eo as are annoying and dangerous and are likely to turn into a chronic summer oough. In suoh cases take a treatment of Dr. King's New Disoovery a pleasant iaxa tive Tar Syrup. It soothes the cough, checks the cold and helps Hoolr nn ait oCf.anW nf T. alreadv orenared. no mixim? or fussing. Just ask )our druggist . a for a bottle of Dr. King's, Nea Discovery. Tested and tried for over 4U years ANNOUNCEMENTS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Judge of the Rowan County Court, sub JCfe he ft0feion he Demc" cratio paimary. Reipectfully, R. Lee Wright. i nerebv annonnoe myself a candidate for tne omoe ot uoun- ty Commissioner of Rowan sob jeot to the action of the Demo oratip primary "-"-f" J p Patterson, Atwell Township May 15, 1916. pd. i nerebv announce myseit a candidate for County Commission er, snoieos to ne aciion or tne Democratic primaries. Mav 4th, 1916. E. E. Quay, China Grove, N. 0. Salisbury, N, C, Feb. 18, 1916. I hereby, announce myself a caL- didate for the office of high sher- iff of Rowsn conuty eul ject to the action of the Republican prima- end convention, J. B. Yost. To the Democratic voters of Rowan County I hereby announce myself a oandidate for Comiesio; -er for Rowan Ccnnty subject to the aotion of the Democratic Pri- mary, June 3rd. Very respectfully, A.M. Rice I hereby announce myself a omdidate for re-election to the House of Representatives frem Rowan County, subjot to the ao tion of the Democratic primaries of June 3rd W, C. GoUGHENOUft, JR I hereby announce myself a oandidate for re-election to the of fice of County Commissioner, sub ject to the Democratic primary. Respectfully, H. 0. Teott. May 5th, 1916. I hereby annonnoe myself a candidate for Sheriff of Rowan County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. May 2nd, 1910. J. &. Kbider. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner subject to the Dem ocratic primary. Respectful lv pd. P. A. Habtman. Salisbury, N. 0., May 3rd, 1916. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of deeds of 'Rowan Countyn sub ject to the action of the,- Demo cratic primaries. h I Respc fully, r J. O. Dbaton. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coun ty Commission and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Rowan county subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to be held June 3rd. .Respectfully, pd. J. S. Hall. May 1st, 1916. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Countv Surveyor sub- jeot to the action of the Demo cratic primaries. Respectfully, N. A. Tbexlfr. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of commission er of Rowan County subject to the action of the Democratic primary. N. White Meniub. Litaker Township. May 16, 1916 ' I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Honse of Represen tatives, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. Oscar II. Phillips. May 12th, 1916. pd. I hereby announce mvself a oan didate for the office of Ccunty Au ditor Subject to the aotion of the Democratic primary. Re pectfully, E. B. Neave, Jb. Mao 9th, 1916. . 7 FW Sale A quantity of hay. Ap- PV Mrs. Josephine Stirewalt', 412 Lincoln Street, Salisbury Owing to bad "hfalth s n.d through the advice of my physi cian I withdraw my name as a candidate far the legislature A. L. LlHGLI. IT YOU b J 3111 TO riyilL II. WMI, Thenumber.of the need, is in With" rJstllPGf ore'B1D8 from month to month All Right. Millions have done so be fore jou. SENSIBLE neople submit to the dic tates of -nature, and when there-is indication of eye.. aA . . f ., - n( de8 fipd for family re-unions in TENT optician and have the proper correction made to their vision. WE GIVE TESTS THAT CANNOT FAIL. JOHN R. BROWN, Optometrist, CHINA GROVE, N. C, BUY and . Pay Highest Gash; Prices for Green Hides, Cattle, Mut ton, Veal, Sheep, Pork, Eggs, Chickens, Etc. You are invited to come 2 to see us. SANITARY MARKET, H. C TROTT,! Prop., 112 East Innes Street, Salisbury, N. C. 'Phones 780-781 3 8 100. D. L. BOYD Democratic Candidate for Corporation Commis sioner of North Caro lina. Against W.T. Lee. one of the Present Commissioners . D. L, Boyd, oi Haywood Cou ty, the men who presents himself as the Democratic can didate for Corporation Commit eiouer for the o moderation of the Democratic ors of the dtate dcessonpL hisezpeiience aud ability ai d pcu'iar know ledge of th1 dnties of a Corpcr ation Ccmtnisjicner. He his had more than twei'ty.fiye yfiSrn experience in actml hnild ing railroads, ar.d ha an inti mate knowledge of the value of lan, public utility properties, and theories of taxation. His candidacy is against W. T. Lce, one of the p?eentcom miieioners who road- tbe order increasibg tx valuations in I Rowan and other oonuties. Trade with G. P. SHUPIWt THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Higt Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Product. Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkin Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. SHUPING Notice to Creditors j Having qualified as Administratcr rf the estate of Maria Austin Johnson, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized verified statement of same with the undersigned on or Del ore the 8th -day of April, 1817, or this no tice Will be pleaded in bar ot their re oovery. Persons indebted to said esr tats are notified to-make prompt set tlemert. Ibis April 8th 1916 uqxn H. Bkan, Administrator. Berlin, May 22. Of normal to tal of about 2.450.C00 Jews in Po land, Lithuania and ourlaud, some 1,770.000 still .remain, and of this' number, about 700,000 ar in urgent andr oontipu ms wa t About 455 000 of these are in Po land and-50,000 ot this number andinpartioularty diitreasmgoir- vsjspi icuuibioB ou atru inui.ev are few, and tboulauds who are still living on their 4viug8 will, soon er or later, Bud Ibese exhausted aud become dependent cn oharity . Re-Unions far 1916. Hna 1 ilia - t i vv m 4v vpn rder fe0 P'6 'OLflioH. jLt9t ue nT o unca or yours as 9ooq as possible. The following have len arrshged: July 20-28. Southern Lutheran Conference, kt Har mooi Oibarrus County. July 26. YjsVStiiewart-Ptesa Re-union. M. Hope Churoh, . Aug. & Nazareth O r p h a n a' Hose Pionic. , Aug . 4-6, Nor tb era Lut h e r a n Conference. Bethel Church Rowan County Sale el YdoaMe Real Estate. Pu'Buaat to the terms of a oer'ain deed of trust exec ted by R. A. Rainey, guardian of Geo. O. Goodman, to the undersigned trustee on the 23d day of Kavembtr, 1812. which said deej of rust is duly recorded in the office of he Register of Deeds for Rowan Ooun y, in Book of Mortgages," No. 46, page , to secure a certain indebtedne s herein ptovided for, default having een made in the payment of esid in eb'edness and demand hav nff been made upon the trustee for a foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will sell at public sale at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Monday, Jan 6, 10 6 at 12 o'clock, M th following de scribed real estate situated irrGranate Quarry and Crescent, being described as follows: Lot-no. 4 of the Lverlv land in Orescent known as the store lot marked on plat M : Beginning at a stone at Palmer's corner and rtms thence N. 19 W. 2 chains to a stake corner of No. 2; thence S. 70 W.6M2 chains to a stake on LyerlyB line corner of No, 2; thence &. 19 Jfi. 1 46 chains to a stone : thence N . 82 E. 5 15 chaina to beginning, con- laming mne-teniaa oi an acre. Also, lot No. 4 of the Granite Ouarrv land marked N. on plat t Beginning at a staae an oia o mer ; tnenae r.48 w. 180 feet to a stake corner of No. 3; thence 8, 44 W. 855 feet to a stake in street; thence 3. 48 E. 180 feet to a stake on Seaford's line ; t) enee S. 43 E. 364 feet to the beginning, containing one-naif acre For back title see rec ord of division oi lunds of John C Goodman, Book of Deeds 121. page 375, of Rowan County. Terms of sale, cash. This May 8, 1916. J. B. DOUB, Trustee. J. F. MoCUBBINS, Assignee. Sale s! Tilnable Real Estate. Pursuant to the terms of a certain deed of trust executed by R. A. Rainey, guardisn of Geo. O. Grodman, to the undersigned trustee on the 9th day of February. 1911, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office i t the Register of Deeds for Rowan Coun tv. in Book of Mortgages No 40, page 202, to secure a certain indebtedness theiein provided for, default hevirgi een made in the payment of said in ! debtedceis and demand having been - made upoa the trustee for a forecloiure of eaid deed of tust, the urdersigaed trustee wiJl tell at poblio sale at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Monday Jn 5. 1916 at 12 o'clock,' M.t the following de scribed real estate, sitnated in Morgan Township, being described as follows: No 4 of the Piny Woods tact in the division of the lands of John C. Good man deceased, and beginning at a pine knot coiner of No. 1, thence 8. 85 E. 85 chains to pine knot on Ritchie's line, thence N. 5 E. It80 chains to a stone, thence N. 85 W . 84 47 chains to a stakf corner of No. 8, thence S, 6 W. 15.75 chains to the beginning, containing 50 acres. For back title see division of estate of John O. Goodman, deceased, recorded in Book No. 121, at page 877, etc., also special proceeding in Clerk's office. Terms of sale, each. This May 8, 1916. J. U. MoCUBBINS, Trustee. State of North Carolina, Rowan County. ) J. A. Rkkdlbman, . V8 (Mrs.) Garrib Williams and (Mrs.) Charlottr Bbbhhardt. Pursuant to an order made by J. Frank McOubbins clerk superior court, in the above entitled action pending in the superior court of Row an county, the same being special proceeding No. 266, the undersigned commiRsioner will' expose for sale at publie auction for eash at the court house deor in Salisbury, fiorth Caro lina, on Jnne 16th, 1916, at the hour of 12 M., the following de scribed real estate : Situs te in the bouth Ward of the city of Sslisbury, at the corner of Con cord street and Monroe street and bounded as follows : On the north by lands belong nsr to Benjamin Caldwell, by a line measur ing 182 feet from the center of the new Concord Roadto a rock in Benja min Caldwell's ; corner; thence . south 102 feet to arockJofehiiorah's cor- ner ; thence east 432 feat -to the center of the new jCoaeord . -Road i thence north 102 ieet down tke center : of. the new Con cord Jload t the beginning; containing apjut nrtyaouj square rods, be the i fame 4npre bp lss. ;r't .. iui tne lDtn aay or lay lWO. J oh? I. Baanijxjur, eoinmiaaioner. V O O O O O O O Saved Girl's life "I want to tell you what wonderful benefi I havetrt- J L . celved from the use of Thedford's Black-DraughV writes 4 Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Oifton Mills, Ky. rli 7 T It certainly has no equal V ' Black-Draught made them break out, and she has hadlno j9. V more trouble. I shall never be without ' -be rv THEDFORDS 1) o o in my home.'' For consfapation, ness, malaria, chills and fever, q; ailments, Thedfprd's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, YV reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. ! O If yoii suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- OJ, O Draught It is a medicine of known merit Sevenry-fiVe C? o o o years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents, i i ii u ii it it it ir inrnnirnirnirnirnrNrNkvNirNJ. SATURDAY, 3 BABY SWINGS Just cpme around once The cheapesPurniture Store. 121 West Inne Street, R fr3 ' l Z3 C51 Vf fWl IS i i U (DIM UUU) If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us, If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY k And Insurance Company. SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want in hosiery or wheather it wear you will get it if you get "Foot Rest." And this toa is an endues ment to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SECURITY FRUIT JARS, fresh lot just ceived. Piuts Quartp, and half -gallons. Spring and Summer goods, light weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress (roods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. r r I have a well selected stock of staple and, fancy groceries, country produce, leed stuff, etc.! When in need come to see me! . Farmprs are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, ' ' I W. W. TAYLOR, Phone 39. 103 S. 'The Wachovia ank & Truot G& Is the Strongest Bank in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL, LARGEST AS8ET0. This give afdty and Protection to our Depositors . A per cant, piid oq aviag deposits. You can open an account with one dollar and Upwards. Sale ol Valaalile ileal Estate. Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed on July 14, 1914 by Isom Davis and wife, Emma Davis, to J. J. 8tewart, which is duly recorded in the effica of the Register of Deeds for Rowsn County, in book of Mortgages No. 53, page 108, to se cure an indebtedness therein provided for, the said J. J. Stewart having died, and the undersigned laving qualified as administrator of the eaid J. J. Stew art, the undersigned, administrator. as aforesaid, will expose for sale at Eublic auction for cash at the -court ouse dcorin Salisbury, N. C, at the hour of twelve M on . Saturday, May 27th, 1916, the following described "reahestae : Beginning at a stake Ben Kerr's corner; thence N. 26 . 6.78 chains to a stake ; therce S. 72 E. 5.60 chains to stake; thence S 16 5 W. 6.46 chains to stake; thence-N. 66 W. 6.59 chains to beginning, containing three and one half (3J) acres more or less. This land was heir ed by Emma Davis and her brother, Ben iamine Gay. the erand. children of-Petc r All-son. For back title see book No. nacre 819, Register's office for Rowsn County. ijiia ioiu nay oi iuaraiit-ivio JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Administrator. RUB-rjJY-Tistn -Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic SprainSjBruiset, Cuts, Burns, Old S(ores.'Tetter, Ring:Wbnn,Ec xema. etc, Andseotio Anodyne. uvsd internally or externally. 25c. k 9 for la grippe, bad eddv C r. rui!f? mm indigestion, headache, dlzzi- -O biliousness, and all similar $2 rrul 1 M MAY 27TH. fnn 1.00 GAGI1. and you'll come again. ? Sal i8bury , North Oar. rr n 51 WVW Mam U VUll COlU 51 51 REALTY 8 Main St., Salisbury, N. C. TWO TUUULE Fllin F01 SUE. : One in the town of Cleveland, . Rowan County. Containa 1 ab"om$f 80 aores. Has a ten room ,twfr story dwelling. Good roomy bTn and other out building! it 'jjSSjJ orchard cor silting of appfea. ' peaooBB, pears, onerriei, oamaQlii grapes, blaokberrica, eta.--.Th dwelliag is situated on a high hill, overlooking (be town ot 01T9 land, commanda a a baauiifal view up and-down the tailroW which is just in front of the atoll . Depot about 800 yards from sV house. -v-'-'-l- Farm No. 2 ie loos ted ii) rUmpl sou County aod oontaint 250' acrea but has no I ut'dirgt. x la aitsaUdt in a model oomtnunity, t tqllaitr frm th besutiful little village of Iugo.'d . Life t p and down poV lio highway. Only about 10 aor e ' cleared laDd. ; - x A. Will make priceg rcaionabls i, and give satiefaotoy trts Writa'" w at (Garland, 8 mptmj Ccunty, if you want a bargain in good farm cr farmi, E F. Eaton. 8 8 If

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