4 A Home Newspaper Published in theInterest of the Peopie and for Honesty in Governmental Afiairs, VOL, XII. NO. 25. FOTTETH SERIES SALISBURY, N, G, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1916. Wm. H. STEWART. ED. AND PBOP- The mrv i n waxcjaiiDiiM Gfl eff Ike Scrap Heap Lift Like Machinery, will Last Longest When Properly Cared far. If you are forty and thinking of crawling on the sorap heap, or. if you are letting the old sge idea potien yon. causing yon to feel that the best of yonr life is spent, yon are doing yourself the in justice of a lifetime. Unless yoo hare been a "pig-like human," over-fed and underworked, and have acquired one of these fat, flabby, bulgy waistlines, in other words, if you are not "f-rty, tout," the best of life is yet be fore yoo. Even the fat man at forty is not irreparable if he is still frse from the onset of degenerative diseases, snob as hardening of the arteries, heart -diseases Bright! disease, etc He may never be able to liok a Jess Willard or win an athletic championship for tht simple reason that he has lived short on exercise and leng on ap petite, but by adopting a rational plan of living, proper diet, exer cise, rest and freedom from al coholics and other harmful in dulgences, he may live twent) years, thirty or even to be twice his present age and keep in useful service. . To the man that is forty who hat made moderation in all thing his rule, life has only well begu. and fame is still possible. Some one gives the following examples as proof that the best things in a man's life usually come to him after the age of forty : E H. Ilarrimau was hardly heard of before he was forty, and he begin his great work, the re organization of the Union Pacific, at fifty two. Cromwell never saw an army until be was forty three. Grant war a clerk in a store at thirty-inner WoodrtrwrW-ti-s o e became president of Princeton at forty-six Sir Will'am Osier him self would never have been heard ot if he had died at forty, while Gladstone did not intrcdooe the first Home Rule bill until he had reaohed something like maturity at seventy-seven.' ' DON'T RISK NE8LECT. Don't neglect a constant back ache, sharp, darting pains cr uri nary disorders. The danger of dropsy cr Bright's disease is toe serious to ignore. Use Doan'e Kidney Pills as have your friends and neighbors. A Salisbury case. Mrs. H. Frost. 603 N. Main St., Salisbury, says: (iI had backache and other kidney dis orders. At times my limbs were so weak and lame, I could hardly get around. In the morniog the trouble was worre. My kidneyi were irregular in astiou and caused me a lot of annoyance. I bad heard of so many who had found Doan's Kidney Pills here tic lal that I begin taking thm. They lived up tohe claims made for them, releiving the misery in my back and regulating the ao tion of my kidneys." Prioe50ot at all derlers. Don't simpl) ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kiduey Pills the same that Mrs. Frost had. Fos ter Milburn Go., Props., Buffalo, N.Y. Do iou Know. That Kural sanitation a health pro tection to the city-dweller? It's foolish to educate a boy ai d then let him die of typhoid fever? The U. S. Public Health Servicf issues a free bulletin on the sum mer care of infants? Exercise in the garden is better than exeroise in the gmnasium? Clean water, .clean food, oban houses make clean healthy Amer ican citizens? The State ot California has re duced its typhoid death rate 70 in the past ten years? Rats are the most expensive an imals which man maintains? It is estimated that the average manure pile will breed 600,000 flies per ton? To the Public. "I have been using Chamber Iain's Tablets for indigestion for the past six months, and it affords tne pleasure to say I have never used a remedy that did me so much good . '. Mrs. 0. K. Riley, Ilion, &VY. Chamberlain's Tab Jets are bbstainable everywhere". Bnssians Lannch General Offensive Actively Engaged Over Pripet River Front to Rumanian Frontier, About 250 Miles. Juue 5. The long-expected gen eral offensive o f the Russian against the Teuton Allies seemicg ly has begun. Both Petrograd and Vienna report that the Rub sians are actively engaged over i front from the Pripet river to the Roumanian frontier, about 250 miles. The Russians are using large numbers of guns and men, and ao cording to Petrograd, have achiev ed successes on many important sectors, taking 15,000 prisoners and man1' suns and destroying or capturing Teuton positions. Along the Bess arabian front on the lower Stripa, and in Volhynis the Russian attacks have been par ticularly violent. In the region of Olvka. in the zone of the Vol hynian fortress triangle, the Rub siau guns have heavily shelled a front of more than 15 miles held by the Austrian Arohduke Joseph Ferdinand. Around Verdun bad weather his kept the infantry of both sides in their trenohes and only bombard ments have taken place. Around Vaux and Damloup, northwest of Verdun, the bombardment on both sides hag continued while to the west of the Meuse, the shelling has been only intermittent. On the remainder of the front in France, except around Ypres, the situation is reported quiet. About Ypres, however, the Ger mans and Canadians are continu ing the violent fighting that has been in progiees Bince last week when the Germans captured Can adian positions whioh later were re-taken in hand - to - hand and bombing encounters. Sunda-y the Germans agtin forced the Caua dianatc trii?iqulu ;he ouIIl of recaptured ground, but the latter are disputing strenuously the ef forts of the Teutons to oust them from the remainder of the posi tions. Vienna reports that the Aus triaus have made a further ad vance into Italy in the Cengio zone. The town of C alcana and 5,000 Italian prisoners, 3 cannon, 11 machine guns and 126 bomb throwars were captured. Rome admits the retirement of the Italians in the Cengic zone, but says that in the Delgone Val ley, the Lasrarina Valley end on the Posino front Austrian attaoks were repulsed with heavy losses. In Southern Albania, in the re gion of Aviona, - the Austrians have dispersed with their artillery, Italian detachments operating in that vicinity, Stomach Troubles and Constipation. 'I will cheerfully say that Chamberlain's Tablets are the meet satisfactory remedy for stomach troubles and constipation that I lave sold in thirty-four years' drug store service," writes S. H, Murphy, druggist, Wells burg, N, Y. Obtainable every where. State Summer School Opens Tuesday, June 13. Chapel Hill, June 4, The Uni versity of North Carolina Summer Sohool for teachers will open Tues day, June 18, with an attendance that bids fair to set a new mark in North Carolina. The biggest jump in attendance in the past was that of last summer when the total attendance reaohed 731. This summer, however, there is every indication that the registration will reach and pass the 1,000 mark. Bowel Complaints in India Iu a lecture at one of the Dei Moines, Iowa, ohurohes a mis sionary from lodia told of going into the interior of India, where he was taken sick, that he had a bottle Chamberlain's Colio, Chol era and Diarrhoer Remedy with him and believed that it saved bis life. This remedy is used success fully in India both as a perventive and oure for cholera. You may know from this that it can be de pended upon for the milder forms of bowel oomplaint that occur in this country. Obstainable everywhere. Briliai Moinu Loss 4,000 Seamen Loss of Life Ib Great Nival Battle of Nsrth Sea was Frightful. London, June 8. The latest re ports from the British fleet, from uetural vessels which witneBBed parts of the great naval battle in the North Sea and from survivors, cause the British public to believe that the engagement was not so near a defeat as at first appeared, and in no wise a disaster. The British losses, with all the craft engaged accounted for, were three battle cruisers, thres cruisers and eight destroyers. The German losses are believed to have been about toe same number cf ships, although a muoh less aggregate of tonnage. British naval experts maintain that Great Bntian continues to noid toe su premacy of the sea by a safe mar gin and that her enormous navy could better aflord the losses suf fered than could the smaller Ger man establishment. The first re ports of the heavy Iosb of life, un happily, have not been revised. Great Britian mourns for more than 4,000 of her, best seamen, and the whole nation is oppressed with sadness, which is reflected in the faoas of all the people of Lon don. There were some 6,000 men on the ships which sank, and only a few hundred have been saved. The horrors o f modern naval warfare, far ezoeediug those when wooden ships fought snd continu ed to float even when they ceased to be fighting units, were realized to their utmost. From five of the largest shipat-rhich went un der with a complement of more than 4,000 men, only seven junior officers and a few, seamen were rescued. , Rear Admiral The Honorable dbraca Lambert tivod, second in command to Vio&r Admiral Sir David Beatty, and Captains Sow er by, Cay and Prowde were lost with many others,; whose nawes are not yet known because the government has aot so far issued any casualty list. There were no surrenders, and the ships which went down carried with them vir tually their whole crews. Only the Warrior, which was toned part way from the scene of battle to a British port, wai an excep tion. Of some thousand men on the Queen Mary, only- a oorporal's guard is accounted for. The same is true of Invinccble, while there are no survivors reported from Indefatigable, the Defense or the Blaok Prince, London, June 4. A statement issued tonigh by the British Ad miralty, confirming previous ao- counts of the battle between British and German fleets, reiter -ates that the German accounts of German Ioibbs are false, and that aitnougn tne eviaence is stiu in-1 1 . 1.1 -.mm complete, enough is known to jus tify stating that the German loss es were greater than the British "not merely relatively to the strength of the two fleets but ab solutely." There is the strongest ground for believing, says the statement, that the German losses inolude two dreadnaught battle cruisers of the most powerful type and two of the latest light cruisers in addition to smaller craft, includ ing a submarine. The text of the statement fol lows : "Until the oommanderin.chief hat had time to consult the officers engaged and write a full dispatoh. any attempt to give detailed his tory of the naval engagement whioh began on the aft6rnocn cf the twenty-third of May and end ed in the morning hoars of tbe first of June, would evidently be premature. But the results are quite plain . "The grand fleet came iu touoh with the German fleet at 8 :80 on the afternoon of May 81. The leading ships of two fleets carried out a vioious battle m which the battle cruisers, fast battleships and subsidiary craft all took an active part. The lossts were severe on both tides but when the main body of th British fleet came into con tact with the Gt man high seas fleet a very brief period suffierd to compel the latter, who had been severely punished, to seek refuge in their protected; waters. This maneuver was rendered possible by low visibility ana) .mist and although the grand fleet were now 4ad then able to ges in a momen- J tary conflict with tueir opponents no continuous action was possible. 'The continue the pursuit until the light had "wholly failed, while the British dgtroyers were able to make a successful attacx upon the enemy during the night. Meanwhile Admiral Sir Johi. Jelliooe having driven the enemy into port, returned' to the main soene of the action and sooured the sea in search ofr disabled ves els. By noon the next daa4 Jane 1, it became evident there waB nothing more to beLdone. He re turned, therefore to his bases, four hundred miles, away, refuel ed his fleet and in tne evening oi June 2 was again ready to put to sea. German Admiralty Repobt. Berlin, June 2, Via W unless She text of the German Admiral ty report, whioh isolated June 1, says: "Daring an enterprise direoted to the , north-ward our. high sea fleet on May 31 encountered the main part oi the Eugfish fighting fleet, which was considerably su perior to our forces, During the alterooon between Skageiak and Horn Hift a heavy engagement developed which was sucoesBf ul for us and whioh con tinued during the uole night. "In this engagement, so fr as known up to the present there were .destroyed by us the large battleship Warspite, the. battle- cruisers Queen Mary Indefa tigered, arkitfV viwyieri'fev parently of the Achillas type, one small cruiser, the new flagship of the destroyer squad ons, the Tur bulent. Nestor, aud -Aloaster, a large numb3r of torpedobott de stroyers aud ore submarine by observation which was free and clear of objects, it was stated that a large number of English battle ships snffered damage from our ships and the attaoks oi cur tor pedoboat flotilla during the day engagement and throughout the night. "Among others, the larg, battle ship Marlborough was hit by a torpedo. This was confirmed by prisoners. Several of our ships resound parts of the crews of the snnken English s hips, among them being two and the only sur vivors ot the Indefatigable. "On our side the small cruiser vVieibaden, b y hostile gnnfire during the day engagement and His Majesty's ship Pom mem, during the night, as the result of torpedo, were sunk. "The fate of His Majesty's ship Frauenlob, which is missing, and some torpedo-boats, whioh 'have not returned yet, is unknown. "The high sea fUet returned to day (Thursday) into our port. Odea Sloan' Llnlmsnt Help Rheu matism. Atk the man who uses it, he knows. "To think I suffered all these years when one 25 oent bot tle of Sloan's Liniment cured me," writes one grateful user. If you have Rheumatism or suffer from Neuralgia, Backaone, Soreness and Stiffness, don't put off getting a bottle of Sloan's. It will give you suoh weloome relief. It warms and soothes the sore stiff, painful places and you feel so much better Buy it at any Drug Store, only 25 cants. Re-Unions for 1916. Now is the time to get your dates fixed for family re-unions in order to prevent any conflicts. Let ui have the date of yours as soon as possible. The following have been arranged : July 20-28, Southern Lutheran Conference. Mt Har mon, Cabarrus County. July 26, Yost-Stirewarfe-P 1 e s s Re-union. Mt. Hope Church, Aug. 8 Nazareth Orphans' Home Pionio. Aug. 4-6, Northern Lut h e r a n Conference. Bethel Church Rowan County, Germans Fail at Fort Yam Gain a Foothold by Night Attacks on French Trencbes but Were Driven Out. Paris, June 4 -Several attempts by the Germans last night and th e morning to turn the Frenoh posi tions at Fort Vaux, on the Ver dun front from the southeast, were unsuccessful, the War Office announced this afternoon. The night attaoks resulted in their gaining a foothold in the French trenohes in the ravine between Damloup and Fort Vaux, bat they were immediately driven out by a counter-attaok. The assault this morning was ohecked by the Frenoh ourtain of fire. The text of the statement fol lows: "On the right bank of the Meuse there was hand grenade fighting during the night west of Thiamont farm. At the cIobo of the day yesterday, after violent bombard ment, the enemy made several at" tempts to turn Fort Vaux from- the southeast. At 8 o'clock they launohed a powerful attaok intc the ravine between Damloup and the fort which won for thorn a foothold in our trenches. Our counter-attack immediately eject ed the enemy completely. A sec ond German attaok this morning direoted againit the same point was ohtoked by our artillery fire. A German attack launched at 8 o'olook in the afternoon against slopes oLthe Bois Fumin, north east of the fort, was arrested by our machine gun fire, ,Our heavy artillery -greatly damaged three German batteriss in the Oanrieis wood . We .toe k under the fire of our guns and dispensed enemy concentrations in the Caillette woods. "Today at noon a gVoup of Ger man aeroplanes dropped several ? R!tt2 ou .'Tfi-nU. .SIxa'f9fla wore killed and about 10 wpuuded. The material damage wasof slight im portance. No militay establish ment was struck. f "A persuit squadron from Tool took the air immediately and pur sued the enemy aeroplanes, one cf whioh was brought down in our lines at Sanzey, 10 kilometers north of Toul, Two other enemy aeroplanes, struck by th u i trail leuse fire of our machine guns de scended sharply in the German lines. GERMAN STATEMENT. Berlin, Jun 4' West of the Meuse a French attaok near hill 304 was repulsed. An attempt by the British to re gain the ground they recently lost to the Germans near Ypres, on the Flanders front were fruitless. The text of the statement by army headquarters is as follows: "Western front: "The British directed several attacks against the positions won by us east of-the Ypres. They were completely repulsed. "The artillery battle north of Arras and in the region of Albert continued yesterday . British re oonnoitering detachments were re pulsed. "Several explosions caused by the enemy southeast of Neuville dt. Vaaat were without result. "On the left bank of the Meuse a minor enemy attaok west of hill 804 was repulsed. During the attaok we captured one machine gun. "On the eastern bank of the river heavy fighting between Cail lette and Damloup progressed in our favor. Yesterday more than 600 Frenohmen, including three officers and four machine guns were captured. "West of Markiroh (Vosges re gion) several gas attaoks by the enemy were unsuccessful. "Bombs wera dropped in Fland ers, causing the injury of, several Belgians, No military damage resulted. "Near Hollebeoks a British aeroplane was brought down by our aircraft guns, Rome, via London, June 4, The repulse of strong attaoks by the Austrians southeast of Arslero in the southern Tyrol in the Posi na seotor, was announced tonight To be Held June 2123 Inclusive Many Things of interest on the Progiam, The North Carolina Good Roads Association will hold its Annual Convention at Wrigbteville Beach, W i 1 mington, June 2123 inclu sive. The reasons for attend ing and taking part in this convention are numerous. About all the railroads, hotels and boarding houses are offering reduce! rates. The principal subjects for discussion will be: Road Maintenance, Broad Tires, Sign Boards, Federal Ad, the Automobile Tax and How it Should Be Used, Use of the State and, County, Prisoners State Highway, etc. Those who speak at the Jouvention will be men well fitted by training and exper ieuce to discuss the various topics assigned them. There will be a "feast of reason" in good hard facts rather than a "flow of soul" in orakry. An opportunity will be given companies to exhibit road machinery, culverts, road surfacing material, etc. A number of prizes are being offered to counties and cities having the largest re piesentation present in pro portion to distance from WiK mington. Also prizes are of fered to counties for certain exhibits. The very name frights ville" brings . up- visions of happy times; but the Enter tainment Committee of the Wilmington Highway As sociation is planning all kinds of delightful entertainments for the delegates, such as fishing parties yacht races, souvenir dance, athletic stunts by Rotary Club, stunts by Y. M. C. A. boys, and grand illuminated night parade, which you don't want to miss. It there s a good time in you, it will be obliged to show itself. Representatives from conns ties and cities are invited to bring nags, banners and something representative of their county to use in the parade. Any good citizen of the State can register and count as a delegate in the prize con test. M eetings will be held in the convention hall and 'he ad quarters will be at the Oceanic Hotel. For any f uther information address tne North Carolina Good Roads Association, Chapel Hill, N. C.a by the War Offices. The desper ate struggle for the possession of the Monto-Copgio is continuing. Berlin, Jone 4 No further ad vance for the Austrians in their offensive against the Italians in the southern Tyrol is repotted in the Vienna headquarters state ment of June 8, received here to day, but the repulse of Italian at tack in two sectors of the front is announced. The Canadian troops acd the Germans have been battling fierce ly on the Ypres salient. The Ger man guns opened up several days ago, deluging the Canadian posi tions and the surrounding terri tory with shells. Then the Ger man infantry advanced along an extended front o f almost two miles, capturing trenches. In a eeries of oounter-attacks in which bayonets played a n important part, the Canadians regained most of the lost ground and have re organized their positions. On the Russian front violent artillery duels are goiug on in the Besiabarian and Tolhynian sec tors. Several Russian infantry attaoks against the AuBtrians were repulsed. SelEnatei Alreaiy ii Ckicass Fostering of Hughes Merely to Eliminate Roosevelt Proves Bloonerang to Canuldates Ohioago, June 5. Delegates to the Republican National Conven tion poured into Chicago all day and tonight it was estimated that very few hundred are not on the ground. Many delegations came quietly and-sought their hotels without display, but it was a retiring dele gate who was not button-holed be fore he f ound his room and sup plied with information about the "situation." Although the disposition among Republican leaders is to leave de cision on the platform to the con vention itself, consideration was given today to outstanding fea tures. Advanoe prepration haa been lacking, but Senators, Lodge, Borah and Sutherland and many others in the Senate and House have considered suggestions for many weeks. These probably will form the basis for discussion in the committee on resolutions wtih the convention as the final judge. Every effort will be made in the platform, if suggestions an followed, to incorporate some Progressive party ideas. A recall plank propably will not be ap proved, but a strong fight will be made for an endorsement of wo man suffrage. Chicago, June 5 Representa tives of the several candidates for the Republican presidential nom ination are in a perplexing predio Ameus tonight. Having fostered aantimeut t n favor of Justice dughes until they felt sure Colos nel Roosevelt was definitely elim inated, they new fear they cannot oontrol the Hughes movement. During the day it grew to the proportions of a boom, Effort is hei ngjnde Jfeo. conjrataU.elo- . ments against it, and the indica-' tions are that the veto of the Pro gressive party, whioh, of course,, means Colonel Roosevelt's disap proval of Hughes, may be sought as a cheok . Harmony above everything else is the desire of the leaders. With out it any nominee would answer the purpose because it is reooniz ed that unless the Republicans and Progressives get together their chanceB at the polls are very slim. To obtain harmony the Re publican leaders are willing t o concede to Colonel Roosevelt the veto power in some form. Some of the leaders say he should be willing to soleot one or two me'n who would be acceptable to him from the list of candidiates inthe field. Others think h e should suggest men for considera tion by convention leaders, and practically all of the party chiefs are willing to admit that any of the candidates definitely rejected by Colonel Roosevelt .could uot be nominated. Impartial observers within the Republican ranks do uot consid that the unexpected growth of the Hughes boom is necessarily an indication of personal popularity of the Justice among the dele gates. Those who promoted it in opposition to what proved to be au exaggerated estimate of the ex pected demand tor the nomina tion of Roosevelt were surprised at its growth . Robinson May Rave Majority. Wadesboro, June 4. Special. With incomplete figures from all the counties, except Hoke, Mont gomery, Davie and Yadkin, and complete figures from Anson, the vote for Congressman in the Sev enth according to reports received here, is Robinson, 5,326; Varner, 1,736; Spenoe, 2,570, and Finley, 833. ' This gives Robinson a clear ma jority of 187. A 'phone message from a Finley supporter in Hoke concedes Robinson a majority in that oonnty. Messages from Mont gomery strongly indioate a Robin son majority there, and. Varner concedes an even split in Davie. With Yadkin to hear from, it ap pears probable that Robinson haa been given a dear majority in the, district