T5 ftcgusiCsss I f MW9 ih.l9C3bCttfagcstoaetttSagcq. Salisbury, N. 0., June, 7 '16. Filed in Iredell anil Bra as Lawyer McLeughlin of Stateiille Records $6,000,000 for Executors Louis Cibot. tStatesville, June 5. The larg est bond evar filed in this count) ii one for $6,000,000, which hat juak been placed by Attorney R B. MoLaughlia for the executors of Louis Cabot, a millionaire bank er of Boston, Mass., who owned coniiderable property in this anc Rowan ConntieB. Mr. Cabot, who was well knowi: to many Iredell people, died at hii home in Boston a short tim ago, leaving an estate which runt into millions. The exeoutoft named in his will were required t give a $6,000,000 bocd for the faithful disoharge of their trust ii disposing of the large estate, auti on account of the deceased own ing land in this county the will acoompanied by the big bond, i being probated here. Mr. Mc Laughlin will take the will and bond to Salisbury this week for probation in Rowen County. Mr. Cabot has owned a hunting lodge at E'mw.od, this county since 1886, and owned large tracts of land in the Elmwood section, some of which is across the line it Rowan County . To secure a large hunting pre serve he paid the taxes on much of the land in ChambersburgTown ship for the hunting privilege. He spent a month or two of every Winter at his lodge hunting quail on his large preserve. A few years ago he suffered a broken leg and ince that time he did his hunting on horseback, tiding from field to field with his dogs and shooting the birds from his trained hone. He was past eighty years old. There i a nothing significant about Mr. Cabct's will, no local people being beneficiaries. Tht bulk of his large estate goes to relatives in the North. $ioe Reward, $ioo. The readeri of thii paper wili be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrb. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, .re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting dirsotly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying, the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its wcrk. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they ofer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials: Addresi: F, J. CHENNY & CO., Toledo, O. ! Sold by all Druggists, 75c . Take Hall's Family Pills Jot constipation. Flowers Flees Following. Sad Durham Tragedy. Lumberton. June 4. The wo man shot in Durham yesterday, as reported in this morning's pa pers, is said here to have been a single woman named Taylor, while the man Flowers, whose wife she is reported to have been, is said to have a wife and children residing here. The woman killed is re ported to have left here last Mon day. Both parties came of good families. Durham, June 4 Mystery sur rounding the horrible tragedy that ocourred here Saturday morning cleared up tonight when telephone calls from Lumberton and North' Wiikesboro explained identity of both Don Anderson, the man who probably fatally wounded Lottie Taylor of Lumberton, and killed himseff. Telephone messages said that the wounded girl is not married and has a sister living in Lumber ton. Also that W. B. Flowers, the man who posed as her hus band, has a wife and two children in that town. It was said by the Tinmhflrtnn nffinnra that the ffirl Lead of Bickett Exceeds 25,000. Raleigh,' June 5 Attorney General T. W. Bickett was nomi nated in the Statewide legalized primary of Saturday as the Demo cratic candidate for Governor b, about 25 000 majority over Liau tenant Governor E. L Daught ridge. For attorney Gereral the ii.di oations art) that Judge J. S . Mai ning of Wake hs bee!1. um?Dated For the other State officers all th incumbents, all Democrats, hav been re nominated . Majority Leader Claude Kitcb in carries every county in th Second Congressional district, hi majority over Clingman W. Mitchell of Bertie beiug abou 7,000. Congressman H. L. Godwin ii she ijixth distriot will have tc g into a second primary with J. A Brown of Columbus. In tb( Seventh, Lee D. Robinson cf An son has a big lead over U. L. Spence of Mour.e, bat it will taki a second primary to decide. Ii the Tenth district Zebulon V. Weaver of Asheviiie is the Demo cratic nominee, having received k majority over his three apponeuts away Bad to Have a Cold Hacg On. Don't ht v'our cold hang on rack your system and becom shrouic when Dr Bell's Piua Tar Honey will help you. It heah she iufiamation, soothes the euugl And loosens the ubhgm Yot breathe easier at ouce. Dr Be 11 PineTar-Hciiey is a laxative Tai Syrup, the pii.e tar lalsaru heal' she raw epjts looses thn muoou md vieventi irritation ot tin rouchial tnbe? Jost get h boi sla of D . Ball's Pi e'iar-H nev 6dav, vt eu?rant-ed tc h it yen. At druggists. - President Wilson ai Biases of Conf derates Washington, June 4 Pxceidnni Wilson attended the memo ia exercises held in (he Confederate seotion o f Arlington National Cemetery today but did not speak. His appearance was unexpected as he had previously announced that he would be unable to attend He w8s enthusiastically received by a large crowd of Southerners. The exercises were impressive ii their simplicity . Senate Varda man, orator of the occcsicn, paid tribute to the Condederate soldier and the S9lf-sacrificing women of the South. Defending the right of the Southern States tc secedf he declared the answer to tht question Is it well that the Con federao? failed?" rested with th6 M future and the way the general Government used iB power. He said be would rather be a free citizen of a Democracy likeSwits rlaud than "the slave of a mili tarism such as Germany." Baptists Meet, June 25 at Wrightsviile Beach. Raleigh, June 5 Baptists of tbe State are looking forwsid with keen interest to tbe opening cf the Baptist's Seaside Assembly tt Wrightsviile Beach Jq; e 25 to ooutinue to July 2 and be devoted to National doctrines and fdvai.o ed methods cf Cbaich work. E. L. Middleton, secretary of the As sembly, is stirring up interest anc has gotten out quite a hand-ome program iu booklet, form, it beiu profniely illustrated. HELP FOB WORKING WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Here is a letter from a woman who had to work, but was too weak and suf fered too much t6 continue How she regained health : Frankfort, Ky.-"I suffered so much with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried it. I took three bottles and I found it to be all you claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am able to do all my Own Work acsin T recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub lish my letter if you wish. "Mrs. James Conley, 516 St. Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which ATP HpH VOfl -Frrun ...w A&vrxxA native roots and herbs, has for forty ! years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigoratorof the female organism. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham MpHi. cine Co., Lynn. Mass.. for snArini 1 Mti Quinine That Does Hn After t The V iSCP.use of its tonic and laxative eifet, 1IVJ5 BROMO QUININE is better than ordirsr? Quinine and does not cause nervousness uo Monei tO ity. torne, ai5 sc. acK i. s.?Eiriiirer tne iuu name aot Quickest train Memphis to Dallas; Cotton Belt Route all the way; no change of cars. Leaves Memphis 10:10 the only line . XT . p operating solid morning, Pt. Worth 1:25 p. m. through trains CottonBeltRoi:temornmgtraintoTejras,leavesMcmph!S from Memphis 9:40 a. m. Trains from Southeast connect at Memphis. to Texas. Low fares to Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma H. H. Sutton, District Passenger Agei t, 109 West 9th St., Chattanooga, Tenn. HOW ARE YOU HANDLING HAY? Save the work cf two or three men quicker by using Hay Unloading They soon pay for themselves MYERS HAY TOOLS, on exhibition FAREtl POWER COfiflPAEyY, (Near Grimes' Mill ) 212-216 :ozn2osKsn:oiiii:o IF rr x THE UNIVERSAL 30,000 workmen in the Ford factory at Detroit, each man concentrating on bis particular job, Tbe most improved working conditions, good pay for reasonable hours and a well-balancf'Tl organi zation. These are reasons vhy Ford cais lt-ad. Exce'fsnce, strength and the spirit of service are built into them. Touring car $440; Runabout 390; Coiipelet 590; Town car 640; Hedan 740. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. Ou display and sale at ROUZER GARAGE CO.,. S&ffebury and China Grove, N. C. Great Rem Begins J 8 A. ova Sloe AT RDAY, $15,000 stock of high grade shoes and oxfords to be completely by low prices. REMARKABLE VALUES Id Ail LINES. " Ladies'; Shoes and Oxfords, for 9Sc in the $2 & Men's Shoes and Oxfords, for Everything Reduced. Remember the Date Saturday, June Brown Shoe Co., North Main St., Salisbury, N. C. Loan od Real Estate Secur John L Rend't-man, at' Salisbur?, N 0 and put your hay ' ools,- and carried in ?tockat North Church Street. CAR. $ BIB raoe M MMIWMMfllWItWMIH T J 10th IdillMMtillilllgi MOT WE1TME at Sheer Colored and White Goods. Colored Lawn 5c Pep Yard. Nice Bf-lecbinii t f Cfioied Isnxe, rf My patterns, sama quality of lawn that wo eo!d last vear st ti'ie pric. No advance price while it lasts. 5C yd, Colored Lawn, 10c Per Yard Alsi sam qnalitv of law: eb wo sold last year, bnt new g ods At same price as last year, tOc yd. Colored yoile, 18c and 25c, Big SFleotiou of preUy new, this season's style in colored v -at 38-in wide. Price 18cand25c. Apron Gingham, 5c Per Yard. Ones again for Saturday a d Monday Domiu apron gjosr bam woith 80, Today in short lei:gths. Special, 5cyd. DresB style gingham, f-r 7 1-2c yd. Ysrd wide 10c and 12c j ght oolr d peroall, in nhvt !fen?tbs 6$C yd You Don't Trade with us We both Loose, Salisbury, N. C. 9 See the Large Assortment of Wash B Suits for the Little Fellows' Gomfort H p Will buy one of the prettiest lit- Cfn U tie summer Hats, cloth & straw Jj j " raw G3aits for Men SI00 SI" vf. mum & m STATE'S LEADING CLOTHIERS" SALISBURY CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO eaiieaiigat lug&Jieaiieaneafi OP ECIALSEI White Goods. 'Yard hloech:- t c 7 1-2c yd. 82-i!'.c lii en finish, suiting wTt!i 15j, for 12 1-2c yd. 15o and 25 1 bleached Tt aad Qsrardvne vard wi ier, in short leiigtbs, uthing mcar for -vd-dies r skirt?, f -r 12 1-2c yd. Bit? stock of whiv sk'tr o 'a 86-inchs wid, for 25c and 39c yd. $1 25 Bolt L ng CI th, 98c Bolt $1.25 BH Long Cicth, 12 varcu to holt, f r 98c Bolt Ready-to-Wear. We show a nice selection of !di-s white ekiits, c fcton or wo'len.' tVsisfcs, muslin underwear. Ladies' white or linen colored skirts, for only 50c Nce selection of wbitf skirs. i or 98c, $ 1 .25 and $ 1 .98 Silk Waists, 98c. Big stock cf waist voile or Jap wnififc silk, for 98c BIG MEN'S STORE" Wallace 1 Sons ANNOUNCE Tha Arrival of Thousands of COOL CLOTH MER SUITS Which Will be Placed A T $.00 & $(1.00 u 50 $1 - 50 TO $2-50 UVJ ! M im M ri Stands well in that community. 1 advice. it will be confidential, I i i

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