Luaatmimmammmmmmm. Bones of Lonsi Buried Md Removed From Path of Progress. The last resting places, of the dead have to give way to modern improvements. This from the lyiorgaiiton corres pondent the Greensboro "The Western Poer Com pany (the ne me by which the branch of the Southern Pow Company in this section is known) has recently moved the old Coriley graveyard on Paddy's creek to a nil! near Bridcrewater. The entire vallev where the graveyard was located will be flooded when the proposed dam on Linville river is buit. The Conleys are and have been for over a century among the most prominent people of this and adjoining counties. Several interesting discover ies were made in moving the graveyard. One man's home made shoes were found to be almost as good as when he was buried 50 years ao; the skull of . another (unknown) was found face downward." This from a recent issue of the Albemarie Enterprise: "Remains are being remov . ed from several hundred graves in family graveyards in the Badin vicinity. In many of the graves are found the roots of trees and other vegetation that have penetra ted the decaying coffins and bones of those long since de Darted. The wrk ot remov ing dead near Badin is taking place in order to clear that large portion of land that is to be flooded when the dam, now in process of construe tion at the Narrows, is com pleted." $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disaase that science has. been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Italian Cabinet Resigned Sunday. Londan, June 11. The Italian cabinet, headed by Premier Sal andra, resigned today. This action of the ministry resulted from the failure of the Italian Chamber of Deputies yesterday to pass a vote of confidence in the government after the presenta tion of the Budget of the Minis try of the Interior. A Rome dispatch, received here doday by wireless telegra phy, said the ministerial crisis would soon be ended. All politi cal parties, it was contended, fa vored a national ministry con taining Baron Sonnino. the Min ister of Foreign Affairs, and the present military ministers. Will my Child Take Dr. King's New Discovery? The best answer is Dr. King's New discovery itself. Its a pleas, ant sweet syrup, easy to take It contains the medicin s which . r m years oi experience nave proven best for Coughs and Colds. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery longest are its best friends. Besides every bot tle is guaranteed If you don't get satisfaction you get "your money back. Buy a bottle, use as directed. Keep what is left for Cough and Cold insurance. An Unusual Pig. New Bern, June 11 -Ltiby Sauls, a resident of the Fort Barnwell section of this county, is the owner of a pig- that is at tracting considerable attention up around that section. The porker in--question is equipped with six feet and has twenty toes. The animal is one of the great est curiosities in that section. When it walks one is reminded of a centipede and it can cover ground just about as fast as one of those insects. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives oat Mai aria, enriches the blood, and builds np the sys tem. Atone tonic. For adults and children. 50c. Han Objected tsr Road and Used Con.! AsheviHe : June 11. E. Murray, an employee of. a con- struction company building roads near Marsnall is in a local hos- pital with slight hopes of recov- ery as a result of a bullet wound through the abdomen, inflicted, declared, by Enoch Rector w at Marshall The argument it is declared came up over me " il. I passage of the road in question through property owned by Mr. Rector, Mr. Rector objecting to the building of a road through his property. This, it is declar ed lesulted in a quarrel between : the two men, and during the quarrel. Rector shot Murray. The injured man was rushed to Asheville in an automobile and physicians hold out little hope for his recovery. Mr. Rector, who is a wealthy farmer is held by the authorities at Marshall. Don't Risk Neglect Don't neglect a constant back ache sharp, darting pains or urinarv disorders. The danger f dropsy or Bright's disease is too serious to ignore ues uoaas Kidney Pills as have your friends and neighbors. A bansoury case. Mrs. H. Frost, 603 N. Main St., Salisbury, says: ' I had back ache and other kidney disorders. At times my limbs were so weak and lame, I could hardly get around. In the morning- the troubla was worse Mv kidneys were irregular in ac tion and caused me a lot of an noyance. I had heard of so many who had found Doan's Kid ney Pills beneficial that I began taking them. They lived up to the claims made for them reliev ing the misery in my back and regulating the action of my kid neys Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Frost had Fos ter-Milburn Co. Props Buffalo, N. Y. . m Mrs. Ceoper of Raleigh Commits Suicide. Raleigh, June 12 Broken hearted over the death of her husband and desparing of every for three small dependent chil dren, Mrs J W Cooper of No 118 West Morgan srreet, shot herself through the left breast today and died almost instantly. She spent all resources left by her deceased husband. Her fath er, Bat Barbee section fore man for the Southern Raileway, is fatally ill at this time, and whileshe left no state ment, these conditions are thought to have impelled her to suicide. Oie Strong: Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It purifies ind enriches the blood and builds up he whole system. 50c Motorist Dies as the Result ef an'iccident. Wadesboro, Jane 12. While returninc to Ansion ville from Wadboro, San day afternoon, Jim Hancock and a party of friends were thrown from then automo bile. Hancock received in ternal injuries from which he died in a few hours at iht residence o f M r Howell. One ybung lady had a rib broken. It ee-ms Hancock was driving rapidly, and in turning to pass a buggy, lost control of the car. which wan overturned. EXCHANGE COLUM Say, get one of weather scales at the Watchman Office, Salis bury, at Lee Overcash s Store, at Shuping's Roller Mill, and at Geo. Shuping's Store, all at Rock Grove. Buy one, only 5c. and the almanac, or calander, the hour the moon changes, then look on the scale, find that hour, morning or evening, for any year, and it will tell you what kind of weather to expect. They last for years. Every farm should have one. H. Reid, R. 3, Salisbury, N. C. Sasaparilla Root Wanted Bring to 313 East Fisher Street. Will pay 30c per pound. pd. PeaS for Sale. Rank vining, large yielding and early maturing. Nice clean seed, $1.50 per bushel. G. S, Williams, Salisbury, N. C, Route No. 2. 6 wk. 5 24. For Sale. One (!) "Columbus" burrey. rubber tire, top en closed, almost good as new. Will sell cheap. J. W. Taylor, Salis bury, N. C, R. P. D. No. 8., Box 85, telepeone, No. 3711. 3t-bpd. Does Sloan's Liniment Help Rheumatism? ! Ask the man who uses it, hd knows. "To tninlr l suffered an these years when one zb cent! bottle of Sloan's Liniment cured me," writes one grateful user. ! If you have rheumatism or suffer from Neuralgia, Backache. Sore ness and stifEness, don't put off (tla tt. ti tr si. rif ir,i. 1 1- fi man warms and soothes the sore. stiff, painful places and vou feel . - so much better. Buy it at any Drug Store, only 25 cents. j Notice ! Notice is hereby eiven that at a saje of delinquent taxes held at the court house in Salisbury, N C, by J. H. Kesler, tax col- lector for East Spencer, on No- vember, 1915, at 12 M The fol- lowing named property belong- ing to the following parties, was sold for taxes and bid in by Thos. P. Johnson to wit: 1 house and lot, John Hairston for $6.85, 1 vacant lot, W. O. Laughlin for $1.80,1 house and lot. Dock White for $4.05. These parties are notified to come for ward, pay cost and charges and redeem their property, or applica tion jsrill be made for deeds. This May 1st 1916. T. P. Johnston Atlantic City Excursion, Thursday, June 22d. Southern Railway will operate first excursion of the season to Atlantic City, N. J., Thursday, June 22nd, 1916. Tickets good going only on special train, but returning will be good on all regular trains within limit, which is fifteen days, and will permit stop overs at Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington on the re turn trip only. Following schedule and round trip fares from stations named: Leave Pare Charlotte 7:45 p. m. $13.00 Concord 8:20 " 13.00 Lexingbion 9:37 " 12.50 Reidsville 11:11 " 11.50 Hickory 5:44 " 13.50 Morgan ton 5:03 " 13.50 N.Wilksboro 4:15 " 13.50 Albemarle 4:58 " 13.50 Thomasville 9:52 " 12.50 Gastonia 5:00 ' 13.50 Greensboro 10:35 " 11. SO Salisbury 9:05 12.50 High Point 10:03 " 12.00 Winston-Sal 8:50 " 13.00 Statesville 6:55 " 13.00 Marion 4:20 " 14.00! Mount Airy 3:00 13.00! Norwood 4:30 " 13.50: Newton 6:05 " 13 50 Elkin 5:08 " 13.50 i Low Round trip fares from in termediate points on same basis. Arrive Atlantic City early after noon June 23rd. Steel day coaches and steel Pullman sleeping cars. Pullman reservations must be made in advance. Stop in Washington 30 minutes for breakfast Excellent opportunity for side trips to New Y.ork city and other points from Atlantic City or Philadelphia. This a most attractive time to visit Atlantic City or New York. For Pullman Reservations or other information apply to your nearest agent, or write, R. H. DeButts, D.P.A., Charlotte, N.C. Our ice cream phut ie now in operation and we are ready to serve io our curaerp, any quantity, any nhape and flavor. Made dailv from pun cream Orders filled prompt ly. Give up a trial. Phone 17. SALEEBY'S, On the Corner whre Innes iYlets Main. RU3-SV1Y-TISSVJ Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia. Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c No. 66 Thii ia a preacriptioa prepared eipecUHy tor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doset will break any caie, and if taken then u a tonic the Fever will not return. It ecu on the liver better tha Calomel and doct not tfripeorweken. 25i ICE CREAM FACTORY! ' Weather For Jane, 1916 From 8 to 15, fair and clear witn some threatening-s along. rom 15 to . changeable some mild, with some showers pending, yet some dry along to the 22. From 22 to 30. wind storms and raitJ with some hail in localities around but storms in general. T7 lAil. i T.-1 Oil- Z r rum ouia lo juiy oin Ittlus mostly along for several days some heavy Showers with slight winds. June to July 8 shows up fairly, but from the 22 to 30th heavy storms to follow in general with some more nan locauy arounu ,i and raios from the 3-th v to July 8th- Storms may last for three or tour days. Henry keid, k. No. 3 Salisbury, N. C. s-s WE BUY and PayHighest Gash Prices for. Green Hides, Cattle, Mut ton, Veal, Sheep, Pork, Eggs, Chickens, Etc. You are invited to come to pee us, SANITARY MARKET, H. C- TROTT, Prop., 112 Kat limes Si eet, Salisbury, N. C. 'Phoues 780 781 3 8 100 Where Other SPECIALISTS PHOPOSE The Knife We propose Spectacles, and we will cure more eye de fects two to one than they will. That's Pretty Strong We could not make the as sertion if we did not know whereof we speak. We Guarantee Results JOHN R. BROWN, Optometrist, CHINA GROVE, N C. Tra i- -v. Ci Pi SHDtv THE GROCf H :!h carries a full line M Uii Ci'ad Gruc-i at v-ry low prict-e. Buy. all kindu of Produor Chickens Kge, Bacon. atd vegetables. See him r4U.:. eadquarters for Watkuip Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss SI. c.p. m?m SAMSBUKY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you waut iu hosiery or wheather it wear you will gel it it you gHt "Foot Rest " And this too is an enduce in?Mf.0 mo8t of ,iS- You'll SAVE MONEY. NMV SECURITY FRUIT JARS, trU lot jnpt r. oeived Pitlts Quart?, and half-gallons opnnsr an-1 Summer good, light weight underwear for men and wotim:., also Drs Good, Shoe. Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tiuware, etc. GROCERIES. I liavrt a well selected stock of. staple and fancy groceries, country produce, leetf stuff, etc. When in need come to s-e me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N.C. Do you Know That Dirty hands spread much dis ease? ) A high bred dog has a right to have his birth reg-ister, so has a baby? The U. S. Public Health Ser vice guards American ports to ex clude foreign disease? Health is a credit with the bank of nature? A clean garbage can is a good example to the family? Filth breeds" flies flies cary fever? Slouchy posture menace health? Health brings happiness sick ness sorrow? New President Called "The Savior of China." Li Yuan-Hung, President of China, following the death of Yuan Shi Kia. Li Yuan Hung, who was Vice-President, was commander of the Republican forces in the Revolution of 1911 and over throw the manchus. He is being called the "Savior of China. " Sals of Valuable City Property, j Pursuant to the terms ot a certain i Mortgage Deed uf.Triist, executed on September 22. 1915 by James VV. Worthy ani wife, Hanna Worthy, to the undersigned Trustee, ds f ul' hav ing been made in th.- p ivment of the interest, att pivvtded in sail Mortgage and at he rtquest of the holder of the note secured therein, I vill expose for sale at the court houe do ,t in Sal isbury, North Carolina, on Monday, Juiy 3 1916 at the hpur of twelve M ., at public auction f.r cash, the following de scribed real estate : Lying and beir.p in the West Ward of tl e city of tJallebury : Begin i ing at a t take on the outh eat tide of Cakl well a re t, tind 8J leet from the goulhw.-rt nle of i lionts street, and runs itience ara'l 1 will. Thomas street 160 'Vet io a -take m Mrs L t an'a I'.-uiutary lip- ; thence with her line souif; 43 dei:., we?t 80 feet and 2 i .che? t- a st iki; thence northwest pial:c. w.'h Thoir.a- strt- i 163 feet and 4 i:i :l:e? to & stake on sjuthtast siiif of i aldw-'l! sttert; thence with Caldwell street 80 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 11. on the Hendrrscn ai d Woodson map of the Ennis , ropt-rty . Wee de it recorded in b'vk 1C4. page 458 and bo k 121 . page 544 Keferenc i al o made ' o t,erd f'um K. H. ! a' it son bud wile. t- .lauivs W. v orthy, registeied in book of deeds Nw 129. pvgt 212, in the liegi-tei's office of i owan County.. On thf above described lot is situat ed oi e dwelling house where h party of the first part now resided and a'so one store building. John L Kendlgman, Tt ustee. This the 3rd day of Juna, 1916. talf of North Carolina. Rowan County. j J A l.'EVDLiiMAN, vs (Mrs ) ( 'a it ri h Williams and ( M i.) Ch a rl( ttk Bkrnhardt. Pursuant to an order n:ad' by . !. Frui'it Mc 5 bbins cleik superior c.ivirt, in ihe above entitled ' crio : pM.ding in the nuperior soi rt : Kuw ait et'utity, tl.e 8t'i e b in v-v t p-oce-dng N . 256, he it d.-'siyned con mi -hioner will t xtv se fof si uf. public auction in? qaU at ilu court ! , hojsfl laor in -"alisb Jry. Njrt'i 'aro- ! litia,on .1 , 5 !16 ; at th nont "f 12 M , the fol oh i g de titj! brd tvnl '-.xiai- : Si uatem :h ' ivunh Ward of t!i city of -! ih ut-y, at the corne of Con coid street and M -nroe s'lnet aiij bout.ded is follows On the notth by lands helor g ng to Benjamin Caldwell, by a line me;isur- : ing 132 fe-t In m the center of the: nonr.or(i d to a r, in min Caldwell's coiner; thence so-itt. i 102 feet to a rock,.fo-e. h Uoiah's cor- ner ; thei ce east 132 feet to tl e ce: te : of the new Concord Road; thence; north 102 feet, down the center of the j new Coneoid Road to th? beziimine, I ab ut Hfly (50) rquare rods, be tlte same more or If ?s. This the 15ih day of iMay, 1916. Joiiw L .Kkdi.kmas, commissioner MM It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardiii, the woman s tonic. She says further : "Before I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. Aiter taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soori gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. . I wish every suffering woman would give U&4 The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. IX r-H Get a Bottle Today! WMMM-MM The rjachovia Bank & Trust Go. Is the Strongest Bank in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL, LARGEST ASSETS. ThU give Safety an 1 Protection to on;- Depositors Avwiim ) ii I i S iviuyr drtp iit-. Y m cai open an account with one dollar and upwards. $ . is s i f arm i - If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. D SALISBURY REALTY nnu biioui aline HLf aiSjsEI jf I SAVE TIME COOKING!' THE TOUCH -1 mTroo full V. givw A hccil die flame stays put' ed. It turns on stove!" The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove, the stove with the long blue chimney, is built to save time. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft, and assures a clean, even heat and a lasting satisfaction. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Jamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Washington, D. C. BALTIMORE Norfolk, Va. MD. Richmond, Va. ITS THE IONG LSJ GiTWTWZTW: 7W: 7M s r sale BZ vg vjt? v ii vr m vty m my of a lighted match . 1 un me instant and when it's regulat and oft like a gas Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. BLUE CHIMNEY" " 71 M 71 H V

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