swii res ua nnvj- - way cm ira ivn rrm 11 ayi him f5 -4 4 A Hbme'Ndwapaber ttbli8heiW,thrfnterest;6tlie People and for Governmental Aftaira. SALISBTJRY,lC.i UEDIHBAY, ATTO. 2NB, 1916. 701. niiaio.. 33;fouhth series 1 A-. I." IE 1 )r 'it'1 h .v.-v::'4 ::::t::i c?creat . vcr;r. r"-4 r-tr c-;'.ii cKn.ii th airman firt line defenses np.nYfliin(f Wants j toh eT car RssiTB&!!i . Firs S3 EzreS lSUSYSS u taYB i&iuisa ' T or. , , i . 1 - rf . je s l!::s C:! F;:c::4 Yielded. crumbled, when the Britishnd Ren to ba Shot at fv SteKs r mt i.ppiies. 'rThecWd;yekr.6!t the world French trooPs advaned r"; Hpadqurter &irei BrigadV : Wngtoi Jdly n -No " i'X ,wtr clo?es;Vith:.the-Battle of ported that they found trenches - K. 0. NG.Ca'ni'p Olnn. T pmaL ; invegtlgation ofcjhe : - , -Vii . t" a . , in which there was not a sinerle , !nmn lnn.N. fi . r Mnlorfan at BladfcTotlr Island C AHeS 6nihreetrohts to crush the t Central Powers jrwhich has deve- jopea into titanic "struggle be fore wbiclr'i superlatives, already exhausted," are completely beg- ; France and Great Britr in . in thfewest? Russia in' the ast Italy inti the south "are hurling wave after wtCve of armed men' on the Teutonic lines, together with an avalanche - of?" shells and -Bombs such as the world has not known uo to the present time- 5 For the firstimethe Teutons are tempo rarily at, least, on the defensive on; the thousands of miles of the ; -existing battle Jrohts. - p chjauge in the situation ,;which tb& ye ar has brough t is stHking, 'aUBbugh the: results so far have have been more potenti- 't,:-;, at'ajspectacular than radical, i : Ayearago the Germans, continu mg thetr gfeat dnve'asrainst the Bt5iKussians hurlea the Jslavs back the Slavs-back, alonar the entire J?flMMS!?tero , front,; captured Warsaw 5jgrtortres Kovno, Jv6Jeorgie:vslf andiest- Lit- XlfMwf& 3i4eifittS8ian jterril ory- which they aintaihedvirtuallvaiun broken 5P;:wjhu wiinin me lasi inree,monins. :T7 seledj all-Poland agreat fSSlicfRussia to thersouth vof &J$0vkft6m al iciaa::':aad' Bukd T?iSiMQaiFie J ;tfleriband von Mkckeneen were fCtliaj heroes of -these great success; ,v' -i- -Cthe i western "ftdnt the chang- o hijpar ati yel? smal 1 but the SJSiSmferSEThf 'Utat??OT?f!,7,'8r--the caPital lfhpalr Siting has end the opening oi '-lie jreat Franco British offensive on the Somme took place in this period. The battle of Champagne open ed on September 25. after a week s terrific bombardment of the Ger man lines by the French, British and Belgians. In a week of the b'oodiest fighting that had been known up to that time the "Allies announced that they had taken twenty miles of trenches six towns and 23 00 prisoners. But there they halted. They could not break through the mighty German wall and the grim dead lock which marked the western front for so many months was resumed. , The Battle of Cham pagne marked the removal of Sir John French, the British com-mander-in chief from the begin ning of the war up tb that time. In December, 1915, it was an nounced that he had resigned to take a home command and Sir Douglas Haig was appointed his successor. In sheer human interest the Battle oi Verdun probably sur passed all other individual events of the war. On February 23 the German Crown Prince began his assault of the historic French fortress, known throughout many centuries as . the gateway to France. For five months the de fenders withstood a storm at the fury of which the world stood aghast. Foot by foof, almost inch by inch, the Germans forged forward, with a reckless disregard of their lives, a tenacity and cool courage which was only equalled by the heroic determination of the French. On June 3 an un official estimate of tbe German losses at Verdun placed the total at the appalling figure of 450,000. The assailants fought their way to within about three and a half miles of the fortress but for several weeks haye reported no further progress and the force of their attacks appears to have les sened The Franco Baitish offensive on the Somme opened on July 1 1916. It was preceded by a bom bardmentof unparalleled duration and intensity, featured by the appeorance of new and gigantic British howitzers. UAder this j awful hurriance of big gun fire survivor, only the dead guarded the silent rifles and machine guns. German first lines were carried over an extent of 25 miles and the second positions pierced at certain points but up to the present the fighting has been indecisive in so far as the forcing of the Germans to withdraw their "main lines is concerned. The "fighting has been of the bitterest possible des cription and the reports of press correspondents at the front teem with accounts of the most amaz ing heroism and devotion on both sides. The first move in the great Al lied offensive was not made by the Franco-British however, but by the Russians, On June 4 the troops of the Emperor Nicholas opened a tremendous assault on the Austro-German lines on a three-hundred-mile front extend ing from the Pripet marshes to Rumania. The Teuton lines held firm in the north but to the south General Brussiloff swept with ir resistible force through the Aus trian defenses, tearing a great gap about 103 miles in extent. Through this the Russians pour ed, capturing Czernowitz, the capital of Bukowina and overrun ning the crownland. The Aus trian losses are declared to have been "enormous, a month after the offensive began the Russians making an official announcement that over 200.000 prisoners has been taken and at least an equal number killed or wounded. As the offensive developed the Russians won new successes fur ther north and at the close of the war year are engaged in a mighty as also extended to the extreme north in the Riga-Dvinsk region, but here the Germans have held their own and no decisive result has as yet been gained by either side. In another theatre of the war the year was marked by other and important Russian successes Following the disasters on the eastern front in the closing months of 1915 the Grand Duke Nicholas was removed as com- mander-in chief of the Russian armies and sent to take charge of he operations against the Turks in the Caucasus. After months of preparation he began a great drive across Armenia in January 1916, which resulted in the cap ture of Erzerum and the port of Trebizond and expelled the Turks from the greater part of Armenia. After a comparative lull of some months the Grand Duke resumed his advance simultaneous with a serious uprising agianst the Turks by the Arabs in Arabia. The Arabs took the sacred city of Mecca, Jiddah and Taif, and be sieged Medina, the city where Mohammed was buried and one ot the holiest spots of the Moham medan world. In the meantime the Russians took Mamakhatun and Baiburt, but these operations have not yet reached a definite conclusion. In connection with the Turkish campaign the year saw a serious reverse for the Franoo-British arms and a less important, but highly dramatic, disaster for the British. The disastrous attempt of the French and British to force the Dardanelles and seize Con stantinople was definitely aban doned inNovemher; 1915 and the allied troops" withdrawn from the Gallipoli peninsula. About 150 000 troops had been used in this venture supported by a mighty fleet Six battleships, five British and one French, were sent to the bottom as well as some minor craft and the casualties were un officially reported to be almost equal to the original number of the expeditionary force. This was the result of six months of some of the most sanguinary fighting of the war. The second disaster of the British was the surrender of 10,- " A CALL FOR 3300 YCLENTEERSv - .V - r- : 'July -11,-1916 To the Ed i tor of W atcti m n : North ( 'arolina need a three thousand men, strong -a n d physically fit,, td recruit state troops assembled at .. Camp Gleuu lo required : strength for field service. " This '.coin" raunication is tor urge strong ly that you co-operate with recruiting officers to this end Persuant to the proclaman tion of the President directing militia of the various states mobilize at camp, three regi ments ot infantry, two troops of cavalry, one field hospital and one ambulance company are now encamped at this point. These organizations are far below their proper strength, and it is felt that thiee thousand more men is a moderate demand upon the patriotism of North Carolina. 1 he State has always berne more than its part in the wars of the nation aod it must not fall behind in the present emergency. We need fine able-bodied young men who can bear JiardsHps and dan gers just as th,eir fathers bore them, and we need them now. You are, therefore, request ed to lay the matter, before the commuity which you serve and so assist in arousing the national spifit of our young men. Any publicity you may give this appeal will be a rea1 and effective service to tbe State. Applicants sboulu be at. least . 5 feet 4 inches, . tall, weigh at least 115 lbs., be free from deformity and disease, with good eye -sight aun bearing, and be able to read and write. Recruiting offices are now aJheJoUawingjooiRts: H ree n sboro, rayeHeviile, Henrier8onville, Wilmington, Kaleigh, Murphy, WMkes- boro, Bakersville. Sahsbnry, Welrl on Lawrence w. Young, Brgade General. ANOTHER SALISBURY CASE. It Proves That There's A Way Out For Many Suffering Salisbury Folks. Just another report of a case in Salisbury. Another typical case. Kidney ailments relieved in Salis bury with Poan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. M. A. Winecoff, 331 E. Kerr St., Salisbury, says: "My back ached so that 1 could hardly drag myself around and in the morning I could hardly get out of bed. My kidneys were in bad shape and the kidney secretions were unnatural. My nerves were all unstrung:. - I suffered from headaches and often felt as though I would lose myreason. I tried many medicines but nothing seemed to do me any good until l took uoan s ividney fills, pro cured at the People s Drug Co They relieved me from the first and I continued taking them until my back didn't ache and my kid neys caused me no trouble. ' Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simbly ask for a kidney remedy, get Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Winecoff had. Foster Milburn N. Y. Co., Props., Buffalo, 000 troops under General Town send to the Turks at Kut-El-Amara on the Tigris. This ex pedition had made a sensational dash more than 300 miles up the river in an attempt to seize Bag dad. It was within ten miles of the city when it was decisively defeated by the Turks and forced to fall back 1C0 miles. Here it was surrounded and forced to surrender after a relief force had made several vain efforts at res cue Two new nations entered the ranks of the belligerents during the year. On October 13, 1915, Bulgaria threw in her lot with the Central Powers and on March 9 1916, Germany declared war on Portugal after the repub lic had seized all Germau ships interned in her ports. breai Jr Vnrk Rav will be linden taken bythe Pepartment of develorjed - by -the - police -or I NrtWiYorlraflrentsTjf thjMa- partment's bureau of .invest i- gation that it, was a plot aimed at the deif ruction of munitions of war1 A B Bie- aski, chief of the bureau, ie- ceived word today 'frrm New York that so far n facts bad developed to show that the explosion was the result of a Dint New York, July 30-Prop- inaaB Animated at 25. 000.000 were caused early KJB -w , ' today by a series of terrific explosions oi ammunition a waiting shipment to the Entente Allies and stored on Riir TW, TBiflriri a small 4: nf nrA initincv intn I - - ! B III 1 LI Ul JOUU juvviuq xubv " ,m w I New York Bay lott Jersey "i.. f wr ?--City. The loss df life still fhle conference was said to v.i have been summoned to Dre- was DroDiemancai lomgui. It will not be determined definitely until there has been opportunity to check up the workmen employed on the island and on the boats nearby. The T denominations, which ;ittrnra of Bmall shells then th, blowing up of great quanta i.- a -jnomiio trthitoHnnanA ties oynamiTP,. triniioiiunsue toUottZS thousands of shrapnel shells which literally showered the surrounding country and waters for many miles a- round. l ire that started soon af ter the first great crash which spread death and desolation in its wake, destrdyed thir- teen of the htigearenouBepj side and back and an awful sore- of JUe: Natkfcal iptbrtgeis in jny stomach. I heard of Company on Black Tom island, in which were stored merchandise valued between $12,000,000 and $15,000,000. The flames shooting into the clouds were reflected against New York's "sky line" and towering office buildings, wl ich only a few moments before were shaken to their foundations as by an earth- atiake. Miles ti streets in Manhattan were strewn with hrnban olaafl nA nlmttKiWl gjn8. Early reports of heavy los? of life were impossible oi verification, and the author ities asserted the number of deaths probably would be small. It was said that ow ing to the extent of the wreckage, it might be several dayB before the exact figures could be obtained Thiee are known to be dead and at least two or more are missing. Scores ot persons were injured, some of them probably mortally. Will Sloan's Uniment Relieve Pain? Try it and see, one application will prove more than a column of claims. James S. Ferguson, Philadelphia, Pa. writes; "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these years of pain one application gave me relief. Many thanks ior wnat your remedy nas done for me." Don't keep on suffer- ing, apply Sloan's Liniment wueie juui yam i aim now quicK yo get reiiei. Irene - TV J -"--to -" Bandits Cross Line; Attacked by U. S. Troops El Paso, Texas, July 31 American soldie's reinforced by a small detachment of Carranza troops engaged Mexican bandits who bad crossed the Rio Grande into the United States about five miles below Fort Hancock, Texas, 55 miles east of here, early today. Two Americans were Killed ana one was wounded. Only two of the outlaws escaped across the river into Mexico where they are being pursued by Mexi can troops and Carranza cus tomsg uaras. ma Muiaiua a muio as rust biusi and Seek Presidency in Csxico. Laredo, Texas, July 30. VenusHano Carrauza is to re tire as -first chief of the facto government of Mexico at an early date and will be sac-l les, according to information given out by Mexican ad- ministrative circles in Nuevo Laredo tonight, General Carranza will enter the field as a presidential canaaaie at tne i o u f t n coming general election, it was said today, apparently confirming recent unofficial ad vices from Mexico City, which intimated that the first cniei woum seeK eievaurn to lPe presiaency ar me nannsor the voters. The conference of Mexican' generals with Carrauza toon to be held in Mexico City ac cording to these advices will arrange for the call for gen- mT0 I I Ait v w c 1A J oiai ciouni'uo uuu. lui IUD IT-1 .. . jg . . . - . rivaminr m ha rmma Ah.nF vent possible friction in mili tary circles over the proposed transfer of power. While no date has been set for tbe conference several high officers of the defacto ?over?ail military forces the last few days with the an. njiDmol ipwow ''7. 1". wiiu general carrauza ana ii i . . .T T that the accession of General Gonzales to the administrate W1" UUfc UD uww ,ou8- liver Tnmhlfl. .T . . ... .. J abt twte a year writes Joe Dingman, Webster city, Iowa. "I have pains in my Ch amberlainVTablels and wtried them. By the time I had used half a bottle of them I was feel ing fine and had no signs of pain." Obtainable everywhere. Nuns in Oar Public Schools. Sister M. Angelina and Sister Cleta, nuns of a teaching order from St. Theresa's Academy, of East St. Louise, are among the persons taking special examina- tions for teachers' certificates in County Superintendent Hough's office in Belleville this week. The nuns expect appointments to teach in public schools of Clinton Countv. 111. This is the first time Catholic nuns have soueht certificates for service in the public schools of St. Clair county. Supt. Hough said last night fViaf. it tctq a norm ieoiKla 1ry mm. I to teach in the public schools. He said a teacher's certificate issued in one county wa& good in any other county in Illinois. The foregoing item was taken from the July 13th issue of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Superintendent Hough is quoted qq envinof that. "it. ia rkarmiasihlA schools." We presume that he means by the statement that there is no law at the present time to prevent them irom fQQr.hino. in tho nnhlin sfthnnls. 0 uaA Qa onv, a i,. rmori However, the will of the people Ms law, if the people are awake 1 aT1a where nuna oualifv f ' positions in public c an rmr rrnrt Kit oitHof outright papist or cowardly SST;,,.; Protestant superintendents, it witn tne scnooi boards and pre vent their employment. If Protestant communities stand for Roman Catholic teach ers in tbe public schools, they should take their medicine with out protest when they wake up within a few years and find their boasted free institutions in ruins. "Make America Dominantly Catholic" is the war-cry of the V?: "fj 5?n be no STby getting ntrtYe public schools, and that's just wnat they are going to do if you sleepy -heads don't wake up and I that pretty soon. CUORO WlCCT Cf THE WO. lis Wkslo Stjry Uj-li-ati if t&8 Great Euiisia Stntsgls. 1914 J one 28 Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and wife assasinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by Serb student, Princip July 23-Axistrfa makes im possible demands on Serbia Jul- stria, declares war on Serbta r Germany rzaobilizea fleet" July SfAll stock markets of world closed August 1 Germany declares war on Russia August 3 Germany declares war on France and Belgium and invades Belgium August 4 Britain declares state of war exists with Ger many. Liege attacked August 5 Kitchener appoint-1 ea secretary ior war August 6 Austria declares war on Russia August 9 Serbia declares war on Germany August 11 Germans invade France at Longwy; Montenegro, declares yv&r on Germany, France oh Austria August 12 England declares war on Austria August 20 Germans occupy Brussels "" 26-ermans surren- a TncnianH rh ACf o mmnarmonino- ships sunk of Helgoland Sept 1--Germans defeat Rus- Biaus afc Sept 3 French capital moved to Bordeaux SeP 7 German advance on Paris turned back at the Mame Sept 12-Alhes attack Ger- hnana. in their trenches on the AUne, opening the world's greatest battle upnt . qat 26 Russians ..occupy TJszok pass Oct 3 Russians defeat Ger mans at Augustowa Oct 9 Germans capture Ant werp Sept 13 Boers revolt in Brit ish South Africa Sept 24 Germans driven out of Russia Sept 30 Russia declares war on Turkev Nov 1-Germans sink Admiral " I Cradock's fleet off Chile Nov 9 Germans surrender rsmgiau ov Czernowitz m a Austrians evacuate Dec 1 Gen DeWet captured, ending South African revolt Dec Austrians occupy Bel- erade Dec 8 Four German cruisers unk bT British off Falkland lsianas Dec 14 Serbs retake Bel grade Dec 25 Italy seizes Aviona Albania 1915 Feb 2 Britain declares food contraband all Feb 4 Last lioer rebels sur- I render I Feb 10 Russians abandon I czernowitz I eb 11 umtea states warns I belligerents not to attack Ameri- I ghins Feb 17 -Germans begin sub- marine blockade, despite United estates protest Feb 23-United States steamer carib sunk by North Sea mine March 18 Three aHy battle- ships sunk in Dardanelles March 22 Russians take Przemysl March 23 Allies land at Dar- danelles March 25 Russians take T.nnlrnw r.aa in nftrTihiana . T. . Western Galicia, retreat May 7 Lusitania sunk by U boat; 1,000 die; 100 Americrns May 13 Wilson demands rep aration for Lusitania lives May 22 Italy declares war on Austria June 2 Austrians and Ger mans retake Przemysl June 9 Bryan quits Wilson cabinet June 14 Vo n Mackensen opens great'drive against Russia June 29 Germans in Galicia cross Russ frontier July 8 Gen Botha captures German Southwest Africa Aug 5 Germans capture War saw Aug 10 Bussians drive Turk ish Caucasus army into Armenia Septf" lGermany agrees to sink no more liners without warning Sept 8 Grand Duke Nicholas removed from Russia command Sept 10 United -States asks recall of Austrian Ambassador, Dumba . v Sept 25 Allies' drive begun in France; 20,000 captured Oct 6 French and British land in Greece Oct 9 Germans occupy Bel grade, invading Serbia Oct 10 Bulgaria attacks Ser- Oct 21 Russians halt German - advance Nov 6 Bulgarians take Nishj Serb capital Dec 1 Turks defeat British near Bagdad Dec 4 Ford peace party sails Dec 9 All Allies driven from Serbia Dec 19 Allies evacuate Gal lipoli Pec 25 Ford leaves peace party 1916 Jan 9 Last ally soldier leaves Dardenelles Jan 17 Montenegro makes separate peace Jan 19 Russians begin new offensive on Bessarabian front Feb 14 Russians capture Erzerum Feb 23 Germans open attack on Verdun April 18 Russians capture Trebizond April" 19 Russians land in France ' Lt Irish revolt in Dub- April 28 British surrender to Turks at Kut-el-Amara May 1 Leaders of Irish reb els executed May 15 Austrians open offen sive against Italy May 30 Fourteen British and 18 German warships sunk in great naval battle in North Sea June 5 L o r d Kitchener J 3 1 TV urowDea wnen cruiser mp- smre is torpedoed off Orkney islands June 7 Italians turn back Austrian drive June 9 Russians re-enter Galicia June 17 Russians retake Czernowitz June 20 Arabs rebel from Turkey capture Mecca June 27 Anglo-French drive renewed July 4 Russians reenter Hungary July 9 German submarine liner reaches Baltimore July 18 Great Britain prom ulgates blacklist of American firms under "trading with the enemy act" July 27 Germans execute Captain Fryatt, of British Kner, for alleged attempt to ram sub marine. $100 Riward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the yaiarrn oemg a constitutional treatmft. Haii' Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood anu cous susraces oi me sys- hereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient's strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers rhat they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cura. . Send for list of testimoni als. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all drug gists, 75c. Take Hail's Family Pills for" constipation. PS!"