8 fttfVEflS COilECTfflfi AUSTRiAJiS PLUNGE THRODGH GER3UN 12HES EDSSUXS BREAK TEUTONIC RESISTANCE. ! CESSANS SUFFER FURTHER LOSSES. ! "BRITISH GAPTURE 2500 TURKS.- . SECl f ROM YADKET! WRECK J; - .vw. 0&V V --0 fr it V. r 3 'i Urr. over fe'-ih mm-: '.:t-.'- up-..--- Ottoman Troops That Invadea Saez Cana Were Vigorously Pursued. London, Aug-. 6. StrongsT.urk- 'ish forces which attackedr'B British at Romani, 22 miles east of .the Suez Canal, on August 4 was defeated arid put to flight -by a counter attack, says an official statement issued today. ' The Turks, adds the statement. are being1 vigorously pursued .by the British, who have taken more .than 2500 prisoners including- some Germans. - ; -Theofficialxinnouncement says: . The general officer, command: ring in chief in Egypt, reports uner date of 11:15 p. m. August Sv e, following in the vicinity of Roman! "on "August: -y The enemy made a rrontai attack on the British, entrench- ments, in conjunction with a flank attack around the southern flank employing 14,000 men aud heavy howitzers for the; operation i. was successful. Beforejth fiaiil rat- , - :j&smiA tacK our moumeu Trae-p. slowly until the ehejbme involved island aunsjjlae irijthe evening- of tlie, fo't3A"coun4.- er attack'wahetf-made alwHistedtpgiie .ces'sfulanot at dawn on the fifth the'ursu4t--of the retreating entzny was taken up , with vigor is being- continued at the tihiseoort is beinc -sent::. ne-ejiemy::; sunereq neavv lceyviiru n August -5 mtfwounded spjae Germans, four maM;dj aj-number of macfii6epbaderi captured. puraM'tiot' heavy, v -'Aastr'aiiaji' Zealand mbuii te $fooj jties in "b Old ing the strnn g flunk energy and initial -2itl5y'bf.iKcJ iiiiregii in the parsuit. Terri torial troops from England have d ue exceed ingly well especially in maneuver ing over heavy sand in spite of the great heat. "Monitors firing from the bay of Tina assisted materially in the operations, while the work done by the Royal Flying Corps was excellent." London, Aug 6. In fighting along the Somme front in north ern France last night the British made an additional slight advance at Highwood, according to the official announcement this . after noon. ' The Germans actively shelled various portions of the front dur ing the night says the statement t which follows: 1 "The enemy's artillery was active during the night shelling various areas on and behind the front between the Ancre and the Somme. A little further progress was made by us at Highwood. "Northeast of Arras, the enemy, apparently alarmed by one of our patrols, opened a heavy bombardment which lasted 14 minutes The situation is un changed." Berlin, via London, Aug. 6. Desperate engagements continue in the Verdun region, notably in the vicinity of the Thiaumont work, says today's army head quarters statement. The Ger mans have made progress inCha pitre wood. On the Somme, the battle near Pozieres is still in progress. British local attacks near the river and at Foureaux wood were .repulsed. On the eastern front the Rus sians have been driven from the position to which they were still clinging, near Zarecza on the Stokhod in southern Volhynia In the Carpathians Germantroops are continuing their successful operation. The west bank of the river Sereth has been capti red by the Russians, the.statemei t a Ids. Paris, Aug. 6 A further gain ol ground by the French in local operations northeastof the Thiau mont work on the Verdun front was announced by the war office this afternoon. A German count er attack in this sector was repulsed. Engineer Foy Dies -from Bums; RecaiyeJ , When life Engine Is pheyp. Salisbury,' Aug 4. Engineer E. R. Foy is dead, fiis;Meath being the second resulting- from a wreck oq the Yadkitfroad last Wednesday "afternoon in which his fireman, Napoleon; Misen heimer, was instantly killed. Mr-JiW was seriously scalded! ancTls recovery was very doubtful from the first. He was.42 years old and leaves a widow and four children. The funeral will be conducted from the residence in East Spencer Saturday afternoon and the in terment will be in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. - The funeral of Engineer E R ESJjj was u em xiuui uuc v thCdead engineer in East Spetv e'er Saturday afternoon, the Rev SE- Richardson, pastor, of the Hundreds. riends wlroad men'tthd 6tare.'?t--fdibapparently 4aneiffiptnc frarfiity pmcTM&m0& ;)odyJljoVeverencV ableteu give; a 8 burial with spKStJalitrain t6Ha& e body;6f Fiemn Misenheimer . and the fuujei'al -party to Rock,wellwlierfe h.e. f uneial"-and interment took placed, Mr Misenheimer was a popufar employe of the Southern. Hers alrngineer, bnt on ac- coun& of the slack business re- cently, he had gone back to firing and was performing: that kind of duty when he was killed wednes- day," :-:y ': - -;" . , A . delegation! Salisbu nan's &nd vpenchajqi; attended i f uheralThevPErty. includied repr esen tti ves from the junior ir4 errand from the Brotherhood o fToTmottve El remStitfilfe- the dead fireman was a member. Just the Thins for Diarrhoea. "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week, ' writes W. C. Jones, Buford N. D. ' I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommend ed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as ev r." Many druggists recommended this remedy because they know that it is reliable. Obtainable everywhere. Progress for the French south west of Estrees on the Somme front as a result of small engage ments, also was announced. North of the Aisne. an enemy surprise attack in our positions on the Yauclere plateau failed under the curtain of fire of our artillery On the right bank of the Meuse d iring patrol fighting at some points we have enlarged the ground conquered by us at the northwest of Thiaumcnt work. We have repulsed a counter-attack in the same region. In the region of Fleury and in the sectors of Chapitre and Che nois, artillery fighting continues, without any infantry actions. On the night of August 5-6, our air squadrons dropped 40 shells on the region of Combles; 84 on the station of Noyon; 30 on the stations oi Stenay and Sedan; 40. on the station at Metz and the railway establishments there and forty on the military establish ments of Rombach, north of Metz. A; German aeroplane dropped four bombs on Baccarat. There were no casualties and the dam age, was insignificant. The official communication is sued tonight reads: On the right bank of the Meuse the Germans bombarded violently from five o'clock in the afternoon the Thiaumont work and our positions at Fleury in the Cha pitre wood and at Chenois. 1 here was no infantry attack during the a av - The cannonading were aQv,iQzmaBCrciQg:pe uuriai witn 1 gooMMes;riiiu4ou. wiy L Masonic rites. ; He - was imi-tm'erifiesand automatic mts&MMtimss From G&ardsTakin Detroit. Aug. masked autSmbbile baildfts' ttiis afternoon heldp'ah'atrtomobile in wh $500 pay roll mney was beinaken'to the Dhtrit.-of theEtoturQughs Addihg- Machiflei ompaiiy and before astonished guaras coma, onerx resisia,Hce snatched live or six bags kl tbea car , said to have contained, $33, 000 brv$3l,OpOT and -esjiaped. Tli e hold -up took place . oh BurrtugbsrUe'tweeriv W ood ward and Cass avenues in vfew;,v6f hundreds of employes-of" nearby automobile factories Sjid A-the afternoon ithrobgs of Woodward avenue. Rudolph, a Burrongh guard, was shot through the thigh and; struck on the head with the butt enctoa pistol, when he tried to intercept the robbers. T Witnesses declared the five ranged in age from -t8 .tbGO years. No one, good .. desri were nesses Ejine " darmg fob' be;iefeMreinff apparent fail- $p Pay guards to realize wnat was taking place aided tne Jsatijjits' success. One ?. guard 'said : he thought a motion picture scenario was being staged, i- -Although policemen -on motor cycles and in automobiles, were quickly ent in pursuit of the bandits,- thy had not been rounded up tonight." Eleveh machines filled with officers were scoring the country in every V direction tonight after a .fruit less cbaie of j 36 'mire ' : Mrly this, evenings raeV t audits jrere thought to hav .been! cornered about 30 mileanorthwes of,-,jbbe itybl&-($ffi the bandits' car was not to be found.' The amount obtained by the bandits at first placed as high as $45 00, late today was declared by P. G. Chapman, secretary treasurer of the Burroughs Company to have been between $33,000 and $34,000. A car fol lowing the one held up, carrying $75,000 was not molested. Riding in a large motor car with part of the money for the week's Sheahan, paymaster of the company, was within half a block of the plant when a smaller car drove alongside and four men jumped out, demand ing surrender of the money. Within two minutes after the bandit car drew alongside the pay car, the former was racing away with the five cash bags. So far as can be learned not a single shot was fired by any of the guards in the pay car, nor those in a car following. The o-uards in the car behind did not realize what was going on, but seeing Cooper run out from the curb and engage one of the bandits, they stopped their car and ran forward. They were halted by the other bandits, who swung upon them with a rifle and pistols. Four shots were fired at the guards who hastily retreated ninjured. ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous In Salisbury. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger.' In time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective Plenty of Salisbury evidence of their worth. Mrs. T. Robinson 122 E. Kerr street, Salisbury, says: "I had rhewmatic twinges in my limbs and back. I learned of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills through my friends and I used; them. They lived up to the claims made for them. Whenever I notice that my kidneys are the least out of order or my back becomes weak and lame, I take a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and they bring relief. i Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simbly ask for a kidney remedy, eret Doan's Kidney Pills, the same ' that Mrs. Robinson had. Foster MiJburn c Pr0pS. Buffalo, PirchaSj is Give American Geraaent Stra- tegic Position at Gun EnCnce.- , VYashingtoni Aug. 4. -purchase - by the United, States o: the is t. Croix laiids of Sit -Thomas, f andStTlohd -lying to" ast of .Rorfo RiVo and :-cmrlsinff' an archipelagoiknpws as.tfc Danish Vest Indies is provideqfpr in a "treaty signed today By tie united Sta.teslandt)enmark. - Mir J- will be United submitted at once to ttf States Senate and the Danish Parliament,- whose rat fications re trecessary to completl .Ahe pur ch ase agreement. t Ko serioiis oppositiotjis expect ed in the f Senate whre action will be sought at' the nffcsent ses sion. Members . of tile'. Foreign Relation Committee , zxA under stobjbj virtually unanimous tniihiipptoval, of the treaty. ifgmmie, the ranking Re- litthlidanmenlber, issued a state ment ionTght declaring tle argu ments in favor of the acquisition of the islands are unanswerable. The only objection is' expected to come from Senators who believe" the purchase price of $25,000,000 too great. The outcome in th Danish Parliament is mpre Uncertain, although 'the expectation here is that the treaty will be . accepted. European Powers wfeieh haye wanted possession of the islands for military reasons are not ex pected to look wjth favor on the proposed sale to the United States and -they may bring' strong pres sure to bear at Copenhagen. It is recalled that failure tf a simi- -. lar purchase treaty in the Danish Parliament years ago was at tributed to German influence. The signing of the treaty took place in New York, where Sec reltary-Lansing and Constantin Brun,- the Danish ;v Minister, met SiiSalffx the document. Details ot the pact will not be made public until it is transmited to the Senate at least. It is un derstood to provide, however, for complete acquisition of the islands but to stipulate that Danish busi- ness interests there shall be guaiauiccu piuicuiuu. tidusc i alSO IS lnClUaea Ceumg lO Ueu I mark the undefined American nghts of discovery in Greenland, Danish possession. Senator Lodge emphasized in a statement tonie-ht the oossibilitv tvi at h p islands if n.it a ra n ro( - -'I Kit Ua TTioi vcotoo mu foil vjj v w 1 a. kVJi uiig ian into the hands of some European and invnlvp thi vnvpmmptit in difficulties under the Monroe Doc- trine "which might easily lead to war" a consideration which it is J i 1 1 1 : Al upucisiuou, uu piuuixucuuy betorethe eyes ot the officials here in their negotiations for the ourchase. "The population is onlv 33 000 of whom nearly 30,000 are neg- roes," said Senator Lodge. "There is no possibility of any aterial increase in population material increase in popul and annexation would never in- volve at any time the troublesome question of Statehood. "The Danish Islands could be readily defended from attack, oc cupy, a commanding strategic position ana are oi mcaicuxaoie value to the united states " The Best Laxative. To keep the bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exercise, Drink a full glass of water half an hour betore oreamast ana eat an abundance ot truit and vege- tables, also estaoiisn a regular habit and be sure that your bow- els move once each day. When a medicine is needed take Chamber- Iain's Tablets. They are pleas- ant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere, Man Meets Death In Touchia Live Wire. While patching a tin roof on the waterworks pumping station in Charlotte late Friday afternoon, Michael Murphy, 33 years old, came in contact with a live wire and was knocked unconcious to the eaves of the roof. Rushed to the Presbyterian hospital in an automobile, he died later from the effects of his burns and the shock. t Far Pbsnsmccal Gains Apisst Tkcu&bs 0:2s, Capturing 600 Tents! iters. With the British 'Armies in France, Aug. 5, via London, Aug 6. Under the merciless concen tration of shellfire, the Austra lians are holding on to their gains today after their advance last nig-ht on a front of two miles. The Germans already have de livered three powerful counter attacks to retake the lost ground and all have failed. In one of the counter attacks the Germans came forward hold ing up their hands. Behind them the British guns had placed cur1 tains of shellfire through which it was impossible for them to re treat while the Australians ma chine guns and rifles, mowing them down made it hopeless to continue thecharge. It was death whichever; .way they moved death if they stood or lay down in the bulletwept space and they surrendered rather than continue their vain effort. -Their last previous attack ha v . . . ....... I mg peen oy xne ng naa e DfUlSn tCDCWCU UlC UUCUWVC uy the left flank after a week of bombing and sapping. Here the I task fell to the Australians who added another victory to their brilliant record in the taking of Pozieres. Under a blazing sun they had been working in a con- tinual shellfire, digging their new trenches in the open beyond Pp- zieres, facing the German second line trenches on the left of the break the British had already I made in their previous attack. This was one of the remain- new positions from the enemy ing important points on the high which in some places were pro ground which has been so bitter- tected by five lines of trenches, ly contested, by all the gun pow They took prisoners seven offi der, cunning and stubbornness cers, including the commander both sides could bring; to bear Upon this section strong , field fofjications with deep dugou tnlTBittish kept up a tornada shellfire of all calibers. Thfiy smashed the defenses into ir regular mounds of earth which I had no semblance of trenches. ' Not only did the German guns return the compliment on the Australian front line but kept up ... . . . - OCluiaua mauaptu w im iu iuc ruins ot tneir loruncations. mg- gmg new cover as last as wnat they had was destroyed. Evident- My the German staff had deter- mined this ridge summit might be held at an v cost 'Whfn wd fro. we tr0." Sav the I ' - o o J Australians, ''We don't try for a nibble, but for a big bite of the cherry. The Germans were surprised and even the British statt was I crtnomVl Q t C11 rrfl wVl Atl it - iouna nrsi repons wc cortccu and they had taken every rod of the tront which they had attack - ed with their usual switt rush, I . - - . . Some six hundred prisoners were started back, but even after sur rendering their lines were not safe for they had to pass through the German curtain of fire behind tne Australians, wuiun nau ueen l l.j I.. maintained in increasing volume all day. When YOU Have 1 fall Give it attention. avoid ex- r ,1 ; 4- ot-n nn.o fair. Ul juui uici) aioKt vyuuimxvuw ing. Dr. King's New Diseovery. it contains jrme-Aar, aiih3uiiu Oils and Balsams. Is slightly laxative. Dr. King's New Dis co very eases your cough, soothes your tnroat ana oroncuuu iuoe, checks your com, starts to ciear your neaa. in a snort time you know your cold is better. Its the standard family cough syrup in use over 40 years. Get a bottle at once. Keep it in the house as a cold insurance. Sold at your druggists. Lightning DestrayS Ban Rear Gaacsrd. Concord. August 3. Lightning hit and destroyed the barn of Ben Barnhardt, No 4 township, and all of the grain and wagons in the barn The horses had just been sent to the yard to be watered, and were saved The loss will amount to several hun dred dollars The barn was new with only $400 insurance, Seatl if BrsJjr la Galicia, Captnn Six Wsm tii Eire Tkao 3,000 Prisoners. Petrograd, Aug. 6 Via Lon donRussian attacks along a long the Sereth and Graberka Rivers, south of Brody, hi north urn (UK Kmira th TAntn sof- if ir, ua . . A. 0 . - capture by the Russians of six w 4t. VillacAs M nr than 3.000 nris- r - oners were tairen. "South of Brody the enemy offered determined resistance and made several countev-attaks. In the streets of the villages fierce fighting took place and it was neftMsarv to drive the ene- my.out from house to house. 'Gur attack was crowned with success, all counter-attacks of the enemy being repelled and his resistance broken. Our troops have taken the villages of Svyjin, Ratische, Tchistopady, Meidzigory. Gnidava and Zal- voce and the entire ridge of I . . . - .1 heights between them. One of our gallant Cossack rigiments made cavalry attack on an ene- r . . .. utjr y 9 wi n auutuwosh I In these engagements 95 officers and more'than 3,000 men were taken prisoners. "In the regibn of' Dora, Yaremche and Tablonitsa on the River Pruth, to the south of Delatyn, the enemy took the offensive, but was brought to a standstill by ouy fire. "Caucasus front: "In the basin of ,the River Kialkit-Chia our troops contin-1 ued their offensive and wrested of the Blftv second Regiment and 1008 Askaris . They also captured four machine guns. Eaemy counter-attacks - repulsed. "To the south of Erzmgan we captured two lines of trenches, I four officers, 50 Askaris and two machine guns. The enemy I suffered severe losses. I "In the region m x-v . .i i ' e auvcaii. txvo wwu iuu! cu uwv neignts. -m ine region or Musn ana Bitlis tbe enemy assumed tibe offensive but is being held by our j fire. I "In the islack Sea our torpedo- I boats destroyed 42 small sailinff I v n I craft off Kerasun and bombard- ed boats and storehouses at Samsun." nn D.Wjl tlflfl readefS of this win . , 1 0 learn that thpre ;s at least one dreaded disease that 1 science has been able to cure in I .11 Z A. n A. , 3 1.1 X A t a" stages, anu mat is vaxarrn. TTtato ttt edkal fraternity Catarrh beinff a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, I actinfir airectiv uoon tne ninod . r .L tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giymg the patient's strength by umiuing up me constitution ana assisting nature in doing" ltS work. The proprietors have so I -l. iU F- r XT... A n A i tuai lUCJT UUC UUUUICU jLJUl lars for any case that it fails to i cuw, oena ior list or testimoni- als - 1 Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all drug- gists, sc. 1 ake iaii s u amily j .puis tor constipation. The 1. and II. Ctto. We have received a circular illustrating the work and equip ment of the Textile department at the A. and M. College. This gives a very complete description of the textile course and a partial list of graduates from that de partment who are filling respon sible positions. The textile in dustry is the largest manufactur ing industry in North Carolina, and offers exceptional opportuni ties for educated young men. Copies can be had by writing to the college office at West Raleigh. Russians Force Teutons From Trenches and Turks Successful Oyer Czar's Forces. London, Aug. 7.-Tke Ger mans have suffered farther losses at the hands of the Frencn between the Kenwood and the river Somme, losing there a .line of their trencheB ana 120 prisoners and 10 ma nllina "na wn ttv, T cume guns. In tne Verdun gecior ine j? rencn also made progress south of the Thiau m0nt work, capturing five machine guns and taking some houses in the western part of the village of Fleury. After a heavy bombardment Ot the British positions the Germans launched violent in fantry attacks north and east of Pczieres and at two places succeeded in entering British trenches. I heir success was not long lived for the British soon drove them out, inflict- ing- heavy casualties. Amid continuous heavy rame, wnicn nave turnea tne 1 f 1 1 A - . 1 country into a quagmire, the i : i a i "UBtuanH are Keeping up tneir fr"w" A , i .aK"uB I eutonie Allies in northern ftnd have f that. fArnror thaii, against them in the Sereth and Graberki rivers region. Also, along the Stokhod riviir in Volhynia, near the to wn of Zarecze, the Russians have driven the Teutons from their trenches and occupied flrfem,-taking 12 officers and 200 men prisoners and captur ing one machine gun in the operation. In the Carpatb tans the Germans report the capture of two peaks from the Kussians. Constantinople reports a series of gains for the Turks fighting against the Russians and Petrograd admits at least one of the claims that the Russians have been forced to retire under pressure to the region east of Kermanshah, Persia. An attack by the JisRussians on the Buk'an and with heavy losses to the Rus- Pianp, according to Constant- mople and in r urkish Arme- W m nia near Bitlis and Mush the nussians nave oeen put to a:Li i ii m i i bannii i i if iii i nn i hi in n r m I KllSftia ns hflfi nrP.vinnqW Pan The latest' reports COncern- ing tne attacks of Turks against the British forces with the Suez canal their objective indicates that the Ottoman I n ...i torces met with a reverse even more serious than was first I 1 i chronicled. Driven back 18 miles into the desert, fighting rear guard actions, they suf fered heavy losses and of heir total force of 14,000 lost 45 officers and 3,000 men made prisoners. They now have been entirely cleared from the KatiaUmaishi basin. Violent lighting IS in pro I t J J 1 A J gress Detween tne AUStrianS SX'ISnJd JMJ es pec "y "ound the n"h "1n 1 ia A u S. zt the lower isonzo river. Near Monte Sabotino and Monte Min Minhlo t,TtpHanfln tured advanced Austrian positions but Vienna says the greater portion of these were iater re-taken by the Aus friana On flifllnr knnrn I u rt.inllA . ' I lliO XLd.lld.llB . Will Sloan's Liniment Relieve Pain? Try it and see, one application will prove more than a column of claims. James S. Ferguson, Philadelphia, Pa. writes; "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on mv knees. To think after all these A ... years oi pain one application gave me relief. Many thanks for what your remedy has done forme." Don't keep on suffer ing, apply Sloan's Liniment where your pain is and notice how quick yo get relief. Pene trates without rnbbing. at any Drug Store. 25c Buy it The Peeler Re-Union. The annual Peeler reunion will be held at Rockwell on Thursday, August 17th. B Everybody is cordially invited to come,, A de lightful time is expected; G?o, D. Pj5i$i,i$r, Sec. mittent on the rest oi me num. j y. m " .