JXM BILL BEING CONSIDERED. Sale of YU Farming Lands. Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed on July 27th. 1913, by C R Shaver and wife Dovie E sUaver, to W C Carroll, Trnstee and Mot tgagee, which is duly recorded in the office of the register of Deeds for Rowa n 'ounty in Book of Mortgages No. 47, page 11, default having been made in the pay meat of th indebtedness therein secured, the und raigned will expose for sale at public auction for cash at he Court Uourse door in Salisbury, N C, on Saturday, the 9ih day of September, 1916, at the houi of 12 M., Hie foil wing descr bed lands: A certian tract of 32 acres of land situate in Morgan Township, being the same lands deeded by David D Shaver and wife Sarah E Shaver to Charles R Shaver, recorded in Book of Deeds No 127 page 207, and described as follows ; Situated on the Morth Bide of Flat Creek at d bounded as follows: B 'ginning at a white oak on lhe bank ol Flat ' reek, c rner of lotNo 3; thence Nor h 3 deg. East with th line of lot No 3. 25 chains to a stone by a pint pointer on the old line, corner to No 3; thence Noith 87 deg. west with the old 1 ne 14 chain and 20 links to a stone by a white oak pointer; thence ao'.ith 3 deg. west a new line 20 chains and 40 links to a ston. in nvddle of said creek; thence dwn the mpander hi8 of gaid creek 7 chains and 75 'inks to a LicVery on the bank of said creek, co-ner to the brick yard lot; thence south 87 deg el wi h th line of tbe brick yard lot 4 chains and 70 links to a, large Spanish oak on the bank of ajd err ev: thence down the meand ra of said nr-ek to the b'cinnins. containing 32 - t TZJ C? I acres. This August 9th. 1916. W I " I nol Tnialnu in) f rvrl orn VHP. J C i- T tt j Hlii. ! . . --r . . lOr OUlllU 111 V 11 muvcu iu uidijohji L,. KiINUL.tMAiN, Attorney place the revenue bill, rrosj yoking an allatternoon cis cusiiou, which will ba r-: aumed when the Senate , meats tomorrow. Senator Stone, chairman , senator Leads Revolt Against Demi fdtic Caucus to Bring up Immigration Bill 91 An IIMDUlllKlUUi "US' " unexpected Democratic re TOltinthe Senate today re suited in the immigration b;ll bfjinp: taken up in defiauce of the Democratic caucus and opened the way for efforts to displace the revenue bill as unfinished business, an action which might indefinitely pros long the session of Congress. Ten Democratic Senators voted with the solid Republi can minority to take up the immigration bill upon motion of Senator Smith of South Carolina, chairman of the immigration committee. They were Ashuret, Beckham, Chamberlain. Gulberson, - - - m HarwicK, L.ane, Myers, over man, Smith of South Caros lina, and Vardaman. Debate begaa on the meas ure immediately and proceed ed until 2 o'clock when the revenue bill automatically came before the Senate Sena Sale el Valuable Farmiaf Lands. I Pursuant to the teraas of a cartain i Mortgage Trust Deed executed on Apii 4tli. 1914. bv I) It Shaver and wile to ( il .Tnrsn. Trustee unci Mortgagee OI the IOreign relatlOiiS COm which is duly recorded in the office of th Iqp t a . ! fft iritpr of De-ds for KoWan County in . , , j.i 4.u.. ! Book of Mortgage .No. 49. page 44, de rousea over me action iuniy, , b made in the naynient rftvolfprft. Hfl ftharfired them of V e indebtedness therein secun d, the with treachery to the party j undewignei win expose for at public imu ucatuw; . , . . J auction for cadi at lhe Court Hose door 4 EM WWE You Need 'a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanlv organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking fo4 The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong, as I ver did, and can eai most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. KKM in overturning the decision of the Democratic caucus to postpone action on the immi gration bill until December. in Vafiaburv, N. O , on Thursday, Sep tember 14th, lf16, at the hour of 12 ra.. the following described lands: .-atuat.- in Morgan Township beginning ntablaci: gum by a post oak and dog Senator Stones- WOrdS awood pointers on. John V. Uaa-ingers fr roused the tire of. tienaton '1T.,f & JVS Hardwick and Smith Ot chain, same cours.- in all with the line of South Carolina i1(,t 4 42;!0 fl,:,i ,s t0, V,one bv. a ltT . i 4.;., : wiiUe oak pti ttr on llie ol line crossing "I promised my contuu-1 , . No V v e,lct. ,lol,i, 87 deg wo v ith the old line 7.M) c hi h to a s one by a ceil oak and vhite oaV pointers; ihene south 3 Wg wtt :t new line c ossing said reok aai: at 'Jo. bo chain, same c me inJ o d line 42 40 t li "us to a stone bv a d g wood Midf-wtet gum pointers on J (J I5a ringer's Jin ; -hence -ou h-87J dtg. east with his line 7 50 chains to the b gin ning, contai ing 31 acre -, more or less Tail August 9ih, i916. Morgan. Trustee and Mortgagee. JOHN L R EN DLEMAN, Attorney. ent? that I would do all m my power to secure tbe pas sage of the immigration bill, 7 said Senator Hardwick, "and I propose to stand by that promise. My constituency is? greater than the Dmocratic caucus." Senator Smith insisted that the immigration bill mever has been a partisan sut 4 'We should shut our Iton," he aid. "until we Am Americanize the crowd we now have so 1 hat men on this floor might fight for the American flag without fear ing half baked foreigners, whose allegiance, in their hearts, is to another coun try." YVAC J k? VAWVVA.Y S4-U VJ A U V off debate on the revenue bill, but the Administration lead ers hope to get it under way tomorrow. Quickest train Memphis "to Dallas; Cotton Belt Route all the way; no ange of cars. Leaves Memphis 10:10 m. Arrives Dallas 11:50 a. m. next morning, Ft. Worth 1:25 p.m. Cotton Belt Route morning train to Texas, leares Memphis 9:40 a. m. Trains from Southeast connect at MemphU. Low fares to Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma H. H. Sutton, District Passenger Agent, 109 West 9th St., Chattanooga, Tcnn. the only line operating solid through trains from Memphis to Texas. Rowan County Safeguards the Puis. The Rowan County healh board, which issued an order forbidding children under 15 from attending any public gathering, also passed this rule: "That all children un der the age of 15 coming into the city of Salisbury f rom any section of the State or nation infecten with infantile paral yeis must have a doctor's certificate certifying that the child or children have not been exposed in any way to the disease." Bit Dye Plant Started in Mountain Town. Hemlock, Aug. 21 The industrial maneuvers required to meet the exegencies of war times has resulted in an in dustry for the mountain com munity of Hemlock, under the most unusual circumstan ces. Capitalists organized under the name of the Na tional Dye Corporation, pur chased an ideal extract plant at Hemlock which is 13 miles from Shoun, -Tenn., the nearest railway station, and a manufacturing dyes from tropical woods, impoited from Central and South America in shiploads. These woods are brought from port by rail to Sboun's-, Tenu., and are hauled thence on wagons to Hemlock. Fifty moon tain teams are kept busy with thi's task, and the dye pro ducts are hauled to tbe rail road on lhe return tripe. S. H. Fiynn, the mauagr, is said to have explained that this was the only idle plant of the kind his people conld find, and the fact that they kad a contract for quick de liveries resulted iu their de termination t? try tne monn tain plant. Outside opinion j is that probably the idea ot being in the mountains and away from tbe path of foreign spies might have controlled in the adoption of this un usual plan of industry. Rs-Sak oi Vrioalile lul s ate Pursuant to the terms of a certain dctd of tru. executed hy K..A Bainey. Guard ian of Geo. C. Goodman to the under signed trustee on lhe 23rd day of Novem ber. 1912. which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office if the Register of deeds for Powan county, in book of Mortgages No 45, page 3, to eecure a cer tain indebtedness therein provided for, de fault having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and demand having been made unon the trustee for a foreclosure of said deed-of trust, the undersigned trustee will sell at public sale at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on September 18, 1916, at 12 o'clock M., the following described real estate, situaied in Granite Quarry and Crescent, being described as follows: Lot No. 4 of lhe Lyerly land in Crescent known as the store lot marked on, plat M. Beginning at a stone Palmer's corner and nins thence N. 19 W. 2 chains to a Btake corner of No 2;S. 70 W. 5.12 chainB to a ptake on Lyerly's line corner of No. 2; thence S. 19 E. 1.46 chains to a store; thence N 82 F. 5 15 chains to beginning containing 9 10 of an acre. Bidding on this tract to begin at $55 00. Also lot No. 4 of tbe Granite Quarry land mirked N. on plat: Beginning at a an old corner; thence N. 48 W . ISO feet to a Make corner of f o 3; thence S. 44 W. 355 feet to a stake in street; thence S, 48 E. 130 feet to a stake on Seaford'a line; thence S 43 and J E 365 feet to the beginning, containing J acre. For back title see rec ord of division of lands of John C Good man. book of Deeds 121, page 375 of Rowan county. Bidding on this tract to begin at $55 50. Terms of sale ('ash This August 11. 1916. J. B. Doteb. trustee. J . F. McCtjbbins. assignee' Sale ol Ta!uaDl3 City Property. Pursuant to an orde r made by J. Frank MeOubbins, clerk of Sup erior court, in the section entitled J. A. Rendleraan vs. Mrs Carrie Williams and Mrs. ( harlotte Bern hardt, the same being special proceeding No. 256, the undersigned commissioner will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the cerurt house door.in Salisbury, N . C , on Monday, September 18, 1916, at the hour of 12 p. m , the following de scribed city property: Situated in the south ward of the city of Salisbury, at the corner of oncord street and bounded as follows: on the north by laada belonging to Benjamin Caldwell by a line measuring 132 feet from the center of the New Concord road to a rock in Benja min Caldwell's corner; thence south 102 feet to the rock, Joseph Horah'a crrner; aat 132 feet to 1 he center of the n Con cord road; the' ee north 102 fee dow j the center of the new Concord road to the be ginning, containing about 50 qnare roc's. This August 13th 1916. John L Kendleman, Commissioner. Hetics. urn ft jMB GSM For a generovs trial tub ot this 8xcptIonal tooth paste, send 6c in stamps and your dealer's name to Vlvaudou, Dept. t. Times Building, New York, N. Y. "v::i::;ii: ;;i';:;":;iui!imiiiiin;i' m i -iwiiii ill milt iii 'in if ..iii.iiiuwimiiNimniiiniiiii'iiiitiuiiiMi :;!:i:uiX:-i!!i!;!;uK!i;L!:i:'i;ii:;i:r:i! muv. i' n n m ii ' m i '"ii iKi'ii' ' ii i i mi ( Beautiful Bust and Shoulders1 are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Biea Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contoar of the figure is spoiled. B mm r (BE-AN JO -I FJCt BRASSIERES put the bust back where it belongs, prevent lhe full bust from having the appearance of flab binosM, eliminate the danger of draforing muscles and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving: a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar ments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Band eau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the rustless boning permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, it not stocked we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES 51 Wnrrr ii Ftreot Newark, N. J rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE QUININE the wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your self. Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world over use and endorse this famous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all things don't neglect your hair. PAHFDMERTE ED. PINAUD, Dept. H EB. PINAUD Bldg., New York State of North Ojhioj.in, i-owan (.'ounty In the Superior Court, Frank I . Bro a n Before vs. V J.,Frank MrCubbiiig. Benjamin Gay J ( lerk Notice to Ktiij.-irniu Gay; The d -fondant above nsmed will t;i' e notiee that a special proceeding entitled a above has bewi rornmenwd in the Snperh-r CourTof I owan county, " orlh I arolina, to sell certain lands for partition and division, in which mat er he is an interested party and the said Benjamin Gay will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of J. Frank McCubbins, clerk of Superior court, or the 16th day of Sept ember, 1916, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief de manded in paid petition. This the 14th day of August, 1916. J. Fbank McCtjbbins, Clerk. John L. Rendleman, attorcey. HMMHIKHHUaUHIM f 2 jMHMUatMaHKHKMMKkTMBlKKMHMnalHMKalK "Onyx" Hosiery You Get GOOD Value at ANY Price SHk Lisle or Cotton 25c to $5.00 per pair Emery 'Beers Company, WHOLESALE 153161 EAST 24th ST. WlalMatMMWMalMMMMMMMMMMMalMMMMMKMaOTalM NEW YORK J MM A SKIN LIKE VELVET smooth, clear, free of wrinkles. Usfl tk exquisitely fragrant cram of the "1 TT TQI TMT l.1 beauty flower of India Wri Xfi fTfi anl be complimented on your complexion. . w r Yourdealer has Elcaya TT A A V A or wiU get it. I iW.ILA. M. X1l JOBPRI NTING Done Promtly and rightly at the Watchman Office. Give us a trial. "THE BEST WAY TO COOK" IS the New Perfection way. It's a cool way, a clean way! It costs less than any other and cooks better. 1 ' The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove frees you from working over hot coal and wood ranges. It means gas stove com fort with kerosene oil. Saves time, strength and money. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft and the proper heat distribution. It assures 2iclea?i, even flame and lasting satisfaction. Fuel cost only 2 cents a meal for 6 people. More than 2,000,000 users prove the popularity of the New Perfection. New Perfections are made in many styles and si'4es. Consult your dealer who can supply you with the size best suited to your needs. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY Annual Popular Jlngost Virginia Scsftere Ex cursion to Norfolk and return Til S, R. Tuesday, August 29th, 1916. i Soiillinrn Railway will op jerate annual:. North Carolina Norfolk Excursion this .yeai Ion Tuesday, August 29lh. j'Tlirt-e special trains. One special train starting at Mar ion, going via Harbor and , Winston-Salem. One special iraiu start ng at ("harlotte, a d one special train starting at Salisbury All ilirtje of jlfn-H trains will cueist of .'both day 'coaches ud PulN man seeping cars leaving (starting point af let noou iTuetday, August 29th, . ar riving Norfolk early morning ! of August 30tb, and return, h av'ng Norfolk Thursday evening, August 31st Two whole days and one night iu Norfolk. L Low . rounl trip fares for this rxeciilion from principal points vvill be: Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Riohjnood, V. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE MD. TfS THE LONG Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. Charlotte China Grove ilirhuiy High Point li- idt-ville N Wilkesiioro Mount Airy Chester, S. C Hffney. b. S. Marion Hick(jt y StjjtesvfUe Aphe.boro Siler City ('oii'-ord LexiiiRlon I G-etihsboi o i Witistoii-haleiu ;EiMn iMocksville Rck lii-1, S. ii! ;!(: sbi ig. , SI.- 1 1 " i . ! N r i'l i ' Alhviiuti "tj ! Lii.tiiv j Fnref-- from n int ; p( 1: O i : ;fii;n h;i C. rm $4 75 4 75 4 75 4 50 3 76 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 00 5 25 5 25 5 00 4 75 4 50 4 75 4 75 3 75 4 00 5 25 5 00 - r 25 5 00 5 00 5 25 5 25 5 26 4 5 liai- BLUE CHIMNEY SALISBURY'S BIG. GENERAL STORE. A Full Lino of (Jonoral M( ehaiulise Constnntly On Hand. FOOT REST, HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want in hosiery or wheather it wear you will gel it if you get "Foot Rest " And th s too is an enduce ramit to most of up. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SECURITY FRUIT JaRS, fresh lot just rer ceived. Pints Quarts, Mid half-gallons Spring an Summer go-dj, light weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress Goods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notion, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farraprs are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. I icNhit- g hki going ui d re j turning on special I rain only. except tha horn branch lit!'? peims tickets will he. hoiioud Ion legu'ar trains coitMecling ai juiicuuu pun.iH vvuu ti e ciaJ tinins. Si iendid opportunity to visit N rtolk and see, thn many attrac'ive points of interest, including Navy Y a r d . Fortress 'onr, Oct an View. Newport News, etc. Pullman repervatious must l e UKide in advance. Fur iuither informatic ri and ifcsei vations ee vour nearest agent or write, R. Ii. DeButts, 1). t . A. Charlotte, N. C. Hoiiee Ti Creditors. Having iialified as AtlininU Iratrix of tsiale of A M. Gamble tlis U lo nou 'v all pcrso s having fi'aiinaag. I nst he sad dt'cedent to lile an itemized, verified state iiH'iii ol'sa- e against ili- iiiHK r.-iiii'd on or licfi-re tin- 11 tli day of Juljr 19 7, r this notice will lr pleaded in bar ol llieir recov ery. Person indebted to said estate are noti fied lo make prompt pettleuient This Jnb-,.13 1916 Mrs. Jessie M Eagle, Spencer, N. C. John L Hedu;man, Ally. The ITJachovia Bank & Trus Co. Is the Strongest Bank iu North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL, LA RE EST ASSETS This gives Safety an 1 Protection to mi- I)jpoitor 4perjnt d ii 1 o i .Savi depfj.it-1. You can open an account with one dollar and upwards Tra with C.P.SrlUi'l!r. THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Higti Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Produce, Chickens Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkin Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. InniesSt, c.F. s'HUPim THE NORTH U'm &0LLE8! OF AeFilyLiyilE km mEGM&UiB ARTS Yottn men seeklti? at) eli'-:ition w!:ii li will p(piij tlietn i t j.i-ciicil life i: A;riuiillti . and oil its alli.-d ii Jiiv;:i.-s; io'ivii. JC!i-ftiii i tl, and Meelnr.icnl Engineerin; in ''liemis'rv and I)e nr; in Tex ile or o'her itnlusi io, and in Agcienltnral leaehinj; wili find e-vi-fil M. provision u- th'ir cln vi n f:u"r at lite tale's str'al tecbhicnl C ll.'-.f Tills ' d!-s;o lit- m-t: fi.r l-y uivirg practical ins rnction as well as tlm stieniifif ed natio . Four year courses in Agriculture, in ( liernistry, in ( ivii, Eletlricial, and Mechanical Engineering, and in Textile industries. Four year, two year, one year, and summer Normal courses in Agriculture. Numerous practical short courses Entrance examinations heldit each county seat on July 13th. For catalogue, and entrance blanks, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar. West Raleigh, N. C. if flies' NaM ki Sttlisbuiy N.U. ' t cs General Banking BuEirpft i HI f OUR PFR CFNT or int. i . H:'. vU re-1 ji h hi. v-r v H w - I r rr. t nttanion ivet ! my , t.nr f-r I rusted t Vi ur tusinps ! itJ I . Peoples National Rank JcLn B. Ilendeison, J. 1) Ncrwfd, president. "r.lM, I). I.. GaFkill, W T Pi -I r. RUB-rJlY-TISTJl Will dire Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, -Tetter, Ring-Worm,Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyae, used internally or externally. 25q, t