, , , i in II i i - mi i ii ii - 'ii i .. in .. . . i ii. i " i ' 1 ii.m .i ' " .nag" " nwii'i'i n. 'iiwkh.1 'unn.. i'".i;ij i..i..i i .' ' "-J'i?&y'"y.. -,f - - 7 ' ml A Home Newapapr Published in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs. XII. HO. 40. FOURTH SERTES SALISBURY, V. C, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 TH. 1916. Wm. H. STEWART, ED. AND PROP. RErVOICU L0C1L PUTFORn. ' 1 ii IbriusJ it totjr.Ex?3nscs and Rate if (PoUtica! Advertising.) We, the Republicans of Rowan County, endorse the National and State Platform of the Republi can Party, We pledge our sincere loyalty to Cliarles Evans Hughes and Charles W. Fairbanks, as our candidate!! for president and vice-president of the United States, - aud congratulate the country upon its opportunity to choose in November such dis tinguished and capable Readers of the Republican Party. . We, heartily, eudo se the nom ination ef Hon. H. S. Williams, as our candidate for Congress. We believe we have in him,- a candidate who if elected to the high office to which he aspires, will manliest the courage to stand by, ;ttnd maintain L ie in terests of the people he repre ' seats, and we hereby pledge him our earnest support, and the use of our besi efforts in bringing about his election. It is with enthusiasm, we en dorse the Hon. P. A. Linney as I our candidate for Governor, with his well known ability us a law yer, and his faultless record as an officer, we point with pride to him as a leader in State politics, in whom there i? no guile. We pledge 'him, and ail the other HonorableiQentlemen associated with him on the State ticket, out loyal support Among other things in the National Platform, we, emphatic ally, renew our allegiance to the Republican policy of Protection The South, and North Oaroiiua in particular, has protitpd by that'policy in the lUot,- and has every reason to erpnct o-t-'l benefits from it hr the tuiure. Believing, as we do, tij.it h is th. best policy tor tlie Cojniry, w hold that it is 'the duty of all god p.3opte to elect to the Con gross of the United States, men, who believe in the policy of pro tection from principle, them selves. Men who can be relied upon to work and vote for such laws, as will give our section of the country, the benefit of such a policy, leading, as it does, to the final removal of direct taxes, from the shoulders of our people, for revenues to run the National Government. As to State affairs, we have no need to juggle with words, or deal in platitudes or generali ties, after the fashion of our op ponents. We declare in favor of the most liberal educational policy that the State rescources wijl permit. Our children must all have the Opportunity to obtain a good public school education. Our institutions of learning must be maintained, and we favor giving them such support, as to put them in reach of all our young people. Ignorance has no place in modern civilization. We favor the policy of the State furnishing free text books for our children, and to that end, we are in favor of removing our school system out of the realm of politics, that our school offi cers should be elected by the people on account of their known proficiency as scholars, instead of being appointed on account of politiciai influence. We believe that the County Superintendent of Public In struction should be elected by the people, as are the other County Officers, that the various school directors should be elect ed by the people, whom they are supposed to represent. We believe that each school should be supplied with able teachers paid salaries commensurate with the work required of them. We believe that the school dis trict should be so arranged, and the school houses so located, as to accommodate all our children. We believe that our children should receive a larger per cent of the school money than they do, the political mesh between them and the money gathers too J much of it. I We declare in favor of such favor of such tax laws and their execution in j such a way, as will bring about Real Equalization of taxes, to t ie end that all favoritism will be removed. We believe that the tax assessors should be se lected from among our best busi ness men and farmers, who have made a success in life, and are well known for their fairness, and impartially, so that no pre judice or sentiment be felt in the discharge of this important work of honestly assesssing the taxes. We believe in unity and co opera tion in this work, that the bur den of taxation may rest equally up;n all people. We believe that the so-called Dog Tax should be levied as all other tar, upon valuation, instead of so much per head. We believe, that as the valuation of property increases, the tax rate should decrease to the point, where the necessaayy improvements of the County can ba kept up by econ omy, and tne burden ot taxation be lessened, instead of a coutin ual increase, from year to year. We declare against favoritism in the employment of County Employees, either aa superinten dent, bosses, or ordinary labor ers. We declare against the use of the county convicts, in the performance of any work, in the interest of private individ uals, or corporations. We stand amazed at the ruin ous and extravagant policies of those in control of our county affairs. With the high per capi ta tax of about 5.00 per head. of every man, woman and child in the country, and the inclina tion of a still further n c r e a s e i n o u r coun ty taxes: It is alarming to view the reckless incompetence of those in control, as though they had run wild in the Useless expenditure ef the people's money Unnecessary offices have been created to ixtcify those who want to live at the ex pense of the people, with only slight regard for their fitness or competence to use the office as a common good. We delare in favor of abolish ing tne omces ot Auditor ana Treasurer, that save from the tax payers of the county annu ally about $3000.00. We charge that the Board of County Com mrssioners, should have long ago, put in force the law inact- ed for the purpose ot removing the Treasury's 'ffice, which in itself, would have saved the county at least. $1800.00 per year.. We claim this is a high handed evasion of the law, to say the least of ifc. We declare the present Board of Commissioners to be extrava gant in the use of ihe public's money, in the management of building and maintaining the roads of the county. In many instances the roads have been located in favor of a few, to the prejudice of the many. We charge that incompetence, upon the road force, has lead to ex travagance so fiagrant, that pa tience by our people can no longer be regarded as a virtue, and in this connection, we charge that brutal conduct has been resorted to, in handling the county convicts, that should bring a blush upon every chris tian man or woman in Rowan County. We declare, further, in cur tailing expenses, by reducing the number of County Commission ers from seven to five, and their pay from 4.00 to $3.00 per day, and at least eight hours per day should constitute the basis for their pay, and that the Chairman of the BoaiM act as the purchas ing agent of the county, under the direction of the entire Board, who are to pass upon all con tracts. We, further, declare in favor of reasonable salaries for all county officers, and pledge our selves to an economical adminis tration of the affairs in Rowan County, and believing as we d , in the rotation of officers, we de clare m no more than two cou- dare in no more than secutive terms of office, theie- j fore, we ask all good men, re gardless of their past or preent political affiliations, to join us in our efforts to give a better ad ministration. We pledge ourselves to so audit the books of the various county officers, and; make such publication of them, that all may know how the county s business stands, a matter we believe, is due all the people. We deplore the present condition of the county affairs, and demand of the present administration on immediate audit of the books, showing the indebtedness of the couuty and publish same in the counjty newspapers.. The Nominees of the Republi can Party in and for Rowan County, respectfully, ask leave to impress upon the public, a few vital propositions. These matters are of grave concern and ought to be carefully con sidered by the voters before the election in November next. Either carelessness or indiffer ence in the handling of public affairs and governmental mat ters is inexcusable. The long lease of power to one. party and a certainty of a large majority is calculated to work a grave and serious injury to handling of public matters and the adminis tration of local governmental affairs. 1. If the Republican Nominees are elected to office in Novem ber, tbey hereby pledge them selves to see that the govern ment of this County is adminis tered in a careful, economic man ner. 2. That all collections and dis bursements "will be published each mouth in some newspaper. 3. That all contracts and ap propriations will be published each month. 4. That a careful audit of dis bursements and expenditures will be made twice a year, at least, by a disinterested expert accouutant, and published in soine newspaper in the County of Rowan. We desire to call public atten tion to the following facts: 1. The opposition has not made the total debt of Rowan County, or the totU interest charges known. 2. It has not made known the various public appropriations for road-work and other public im provements. 3. It has not explained, why after promising to be economi cal and after being forced to a dopt a salary system, the taxes of the people have been increased at Jeast 25 per ceit. 4 It has not bad an audit made of the accounts of Rowan County by a distingsished ex pert aacountaut. The people are entirely ignorant of this tremen dous increase of taxes, and Ihey are entitled to know what has been done with the public money. This is purely a matter of busi ness and a failure to handle the affairs .if Kowan County in a business-like manner, will ulti mately result in financial ruin aud bankruptcy. By order of the Executive Com mittee. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, j" ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing j business in the City of Toledo, county Estate atoresaid and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chenkv, Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimon als free. F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all drug gists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. F80R MILES Of GERMAN TRENCHES MEN. Archduke Charles Francis Ptsied Back by Czar's Troops. 3,000 Germais Captured. German positions exceeding four miles in length were captur ed Saturday night and Sunday by the British and French armies in the continuation of tbeir offensive north and south of the Somme river in France. In addition quantities of war material and a large number of prisoners, fell in to the hands of the Entente Allies 700 prisoners being taken by the French alone. Heavy counter attacks against the British Sun day were repulsed with heavy losses to the Germans, : according to London. Near Thiepval the British took a fortified position over a front of a mile known as ' the Danube trench " near Courcelette an ad vance of about 1,000 yards was made ?nd finally the strongly defended position at the Mouquet farm, over which there had been numerous hard fought battles for several weeks, fell into their hands. To the south of the river the French pushed back the Germans and occupied the remainder of the towns of Vermandovillers and Berny still in their hands and also captured all the ground be tween Vermandovillers and Uenie- S3 court and between Denieceurt and Berny, the gain being over a front running northeast two miles and thence east another mile. The advance of the British ap parently straightens out the salient that had projected into their lines between Thiepval and Courcelette and brings their front here to within a .scant mile ot Grandcourt and the Albert-Bap-aume Railway. Grandcourt is now beng bombarded by the British. The success of the French seemingly obliterates an other of the many saw-tooth sali ants which mark the entire front of the Somme and is another move of the right flank of the Entente toward the, pocketing of Peroune. Hard fighting, with the Rus sians the aggressors, has been resumed from the Pripet Marsh region in Russia through Galicia and up in the Carpathian inoun tains. Berlin and Vienna claim the repulse with heavy casualties of Russian attacks on a front of about 12 miles in the region west of Lutsk, in Galicia north of Zborow, near Stanislau ; nd in the Carpathions at several points. Near the Marajowka river, how ever Berlin admits that the front of Archduke Charles Francis was pushed back by the Russians a short distance Petrograd records an advance for the Russians south of Brezzany southeast of Lem berg, and the capture of more than 3,000 Germans in righting along the Anraiuvka river and the Podvyscke-Halioz Railway. Bucharest reports the occupa tion of additional towns in Tran sylvania while both Berlin and Sofia assert that the forces of the Central Powers in Dobrudja are still in pursuit of the retreating Rumanians and Russians. Further progress for the En tente Allies on the Macedonian front and by the Italians in Al bania is recorded in the London, Paris and Rome communications. Kavala, on the Aegean Sea, which is held by Bulgarians is under bombardment by the En tente fleet Sofia admits the loss of Nidje Planina, near Lake Os trovo. Combined French and Russian troops have pushed their way to a position near Fiorina, across the Greek frontier south of Monastir, while the Serbians have reached the immediate out skirts of Vetrenik and Kajmacka lan in successful fighting against the Bulgarians. Heavy bombard ments are in progress on the various other sectors. In the Carso region of the Austro-Itali. an theater the Italians in their quest of Triest have won strong positions from the Austrians in sanguinary fighting. To the southeast of the Doberdo Height the penetration of Austrian lines A Splendid Record if True. Washing'on, Sept. 17. Secret arv McAdoo points to the record of the Internal Revenue Bureau as an illustration of Democratic efficiency and economy. The service of Col. W. H. Osborn, Comraissionerof Internal Revenue for the years of 1914-1915 and 1916 broke all records. "During that period," said a statement issued by the Treasury Department today, 'the bureau recovered more than enough taxes to meet the entire expenses of the service, and the cost of collecting the revenue was the lowest in the history of the bureau. "The expenses of the bureau, both in Washington and in the field, for the three fiscal years mentioned, were approximately $19,8 0,00 There was assessed or collected approximately $21 -00 ,000 which was entirely the result of the activities of the bureau and the field force This tax was unearthed through the discovery of frauds, evasions, errorsvand the like. Its recovery was due to effective enforcement of the revenue laws and efficient administration of the service. "This record of efficiency, made by Commissioner Osborn in his administration of the service, under the direction of Secretary McAdoo, has never been approach ed in the whole history ot the m- j ternal revenue bureau since its establishment. Stop the First Cold. A cold does not get well of it self. - The process of wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough becomes serious if neglected. Hacking coughs drain the energy and sap the vitality. For 47 years the happy pom bi nation of soothing- antisep tic balsams in Dr. King's New Discovery has healed coughs aud relieved congestion. Young and old can testify to the effective ness of Dr. King's New Discov ery for coughs and colds. Buy a bottle to day at your Druggist, 50 cents. No Sympathetic Strike in N. Y. at Present. New York, Sept. 18. There will be no sympathetic strike of labor unions to aid the striking street railway employes until Thursday at least and one may be averted altogether if renewed efforts of Miyor Mitchell to settle the present car strike in the mean time are successful. lnis was announced today after a confer ence between Mayor Mitchell and five leaders. The leaders told the mayor the various organizations were determined to strike unless municipal authorities took some action to compel the traction beads to observe recent agree ments with the railway employes and that they had come to bim as a last resort WOMAN'S BACK. The Advice of The Salisbury Woman is ef Certain Value. Many a woman's back has many aches and pains. Of times 'tis the kidneys' fault. That's why Doan s Kidney Pills are so effective. Many Salisbury women know this. Read what one has to say about Mrs. J. P. Barber, 510 W.Innes St., Salisbury, says: "My back causes me a lot of misery, when ever my kidneys get out of order. I find Doan's Kidney Pills are the only medicine for curing that trouble. I have taken them for years and they have always been beneficial." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don' simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Barber had-Poster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y, is admitted by Vienna, but the official communication says the Italian losses were extremely heavy, owing to the large number of troops engaged in the small fighting area. Vultures Give Cine to Body if Dead Fugitive. Mariru, Sept. 17. Virgil Kim, the white man who ran amuck here Sundav. one wenk ago. and shot five peo ple, was frund dead in the woods today, lese than a mile from the -scene of the ehoot hg. J M Houck, about noon attracted by vulturep, began o search for the object of heir prey and foond Butt's body in a decaying condition By his side lay a 22 calibre iiemingtou rifle, a razor, pockn knife, pencil and a small bottle of strychnine tablets. The direct cause of his death i? unknown, but is supposed to have resulted from poisoning. Bloodhounds and officers followed what was thought to be -Butt's trail for many miles and it 'was thought he wa still a fugitive from justice until his body was found aud identified today. The body was buried the sheriff, without a corner's inquest. 1 he hudtng of Bntt'e body brings an end to one of the most no'ed criminal records in the history of McDowell County. Butt's white in the army, murdered the captain of hi company and has been nvolved in mauy othershoot ng duels. The five people wounded by him last Sunday will all reoover, except his wife, who is in a critical con" dition. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that every amily should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be endured until a physician arrives or niedicine can be obtained, Chatnlicriain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it af fords. Obtainable everywhere. Vila's Troops Routed With A Less Of 600 len . Mexico City, Sept. 17 General Obregou Minister of War, announces f hat a thous and followers of Fiancisco Villa who attacked the town of Chihuahua Friday n;ht were ronfed early Saturday moring with a loss os six bun- dred meu killed and many captured. AfMr the battle General Tre vino's troops were able to take tart in the regular Independence Day parade at 11 o'clock Saturday morniug. Daring the Gght' ing irenerai irevmo was slightly wounded i u the shoulder. Aided by some of the town 1 i.1 TT 1 I t . De JUlR IUH Villa TOr.KS R'w tacked at 11 o'clock Friday night and took the peniten tiary and the municipal and Faderal places. General Trevino gathered his troops, placed hU artillery, recap tured the public buildings an completely defeated he at tackers in the early morning The captured men will be tried by courtmartial I Advices from El Paso Saturday night said Villa had attacked Chihuahua Saturday with 600 me:i and penetrated pnrt of the city but wi" driven out with heavy iobses. The men taken pris mer by the Constitu tionalists were immediately put to death, the dispatch ad led. How to Give Good Advice. The best way to give good ad vice is to set a good example. Whe:i others see how quickly you get over your cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy they are likely to follow your ex ample. This remedy has been Tn use for many years and enjoys an excellent reputation, everywhere. Obtainable 700,000 WORKERS TO BE CALLED OUT. Tomorrow Set by Union Leaders for Ordering I General Walkout in Greater New York. New York, Sept. 18. Five hundred motormen and conductors employed by the New York & Q neen's County Railway Co., went on strike at midnight. The strik eis assert that agreements entered into between the company and tie men were broken when the rz ilway officials sent 65 motormen tc Manhatten to do duty on the surface cars of the New York Rjailways Company. Brooklyn a hd Richmond (Staten Island) njnv are the only boroughs of the cijty not affected by the strike. New York, Sept. 18. The United Hebrew Trades, represent ing a membership of 200,000 or ganized workers, tonight voted to go on a sympathetic strike as an aid to the striking carmen, if they are called upon to do so by the Central Federal Union. ! The vote was taken at a meet ing of delegates said to represent eyery craft in the United States, including the garment industries in which many women are em ployed. Arrangements were made to notify the membership of 200,000 to be ready to answer a strike call at any time. New York. Sept. 18. Failure of negotiations being- conducted by Mayor Mitchell to provide a basis of settlement of the traction strike in this city will result in a call Thursday for a sympathetic strike of approximately 700,000 workers, union leaders declared after a conference late today be tween representatives of several crafts. The call will be issued, it was stated, to all unions affiliated with the Central Federated Union of New York, the Central Labor Union of Brooklyn, and the Fed erated Union of the Bronx, West Chester and Yonkers. Some of the unions already have authoriz ed a strike, union leaders said. and referendums are in progress in others Are You Looking Old? Old age comes quick enough without inviting it. Some look old at forty. That is because they neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your bowels regular and your liver healthy and you will not only feel younger but look younger. When troubled with constipation or biliousness take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are intended especially for these ailments and are excellent. Easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. N. C. Troops To Start For Border To-fflorraw. . Morehead City. Sept. 18 Entrainment orlars were re ceived here today from the War Department for the units of the North Carolina National Guard Brigade headquarers, Troops A and B of Cavalry, Fst Field Hospi tal, Ambulance Company No. 1 and the Inf antry will leave Camp Glenn for El Paeo Thursday afternoon. The second Infantry will fol'ow on Friday aud the Third on Saturday. Railroad equipment is arv riviug aud it is said everyi thing will be in readiurs for the ra )veraent of the troops. Forget Your Acbes. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden. If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, ulmbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the univer sal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it penetrates without rub bing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effec tive than mussy ointments or poultices. For strains or spains, sore muscles or wrenched liga ments resulting from strenuous exercise, Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergencies. At your Dru gist, 25c.