AH 3 lot ft ftm tedi oelyJlSO Entered &s ecwad-dass tnsSsr jsry yQth. tfSSb es she fast css at SaSstaty, Salisbury, N.fA Oct. 4 1916 Inhere is some talk of making Senator Overman president pro tempore of the Senate vice Senat or Clark deceased. This would be a well-deserved tribute to Senator Overman's ability as a parliamentarxan ana his many frietidswould rejoice to learn o his selection for the position. GO BULGARIA IS INVADED BY RUMANIANS. GOOD MANAGEMENT We often hear folks talking about how other towns things and suggesting tha Salisbury, at leait plod aloag in the beaten path. To gome extent such advise is wort) while, at least so long as i may be impossible to do bat ter, and, with this idea of the situation, we submit the sug gestion contained n the fol lowing taken fron this mora ing's Charlotte Observer: Water bills for the past month show the promised re duction of 25 cents and con sumers are paying in happier spirit5?. The management cf the water boaid will be the better understood by the pen pie of the city when the last of the indebtedness of the company shall have been paid off the coming Spring and the way will be clear to the estab lishment of a still cheapei schedule of water rates. The board has been steadily liqui dating thi debt and has been doing so with the imposition of the minimum of burden on consumers. In this there ha been an admirable display of financial skill. The plant once cleared of debt water will be supplied to the people of Charlotte at as near actual cost as safety will permit. Appointments for President to Go en Fear Speakins Trias Now Arranged. Long Branch, N. J., Oct. 2. President Wilson's campaig-n pro gram up to election day partly was completed tonight at a con ference that he held with Chair matt Vance C. McCormick. The President also discussed politics with Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer and peace advocate, and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. Arrangements were completed for a trip of the President to Cin cinnati, making four visits that he will -pay to the Middle West. He will speak in Cincinnati, on October 26, under the auspices of the City Club. The President's speaking- pro gram outlined tonight includes the following engagement: Omaha, Neb , October 5; Shad ow Lawn, October 7; Indianapolis October 12; Pennsylvania Day at Shadow Lawn, October 14; St. Louis and Ohio Day at Shadow Lawn, October 17; Chicago, Oc tober 19; Farmer's Day at Shadow Lawn, October 21; Cincinnati, October 26. In addition to these speaking engagements the President will deliver an address at Shadow Lawn, October 28, and will pay two visits to New York State on dates not yet selected. Mr. Mc Cormick said tonight that this program will carry the President up to election day and that few if any additions would be made. Senator Clark Pres. U. S. Senate Dies. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 1. Senator James P. Clarke of Ark ansas, president pro tempore of the United States Senate, died at his home here this afternoon. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy Friday and never regained con sciousness. . Senator Clarke was born at Yazoo City, Mis3?., August 18, 1854. He was educated Iti the schools of his native State and in 1878 was graduated from the law department of the University of Virginia. ZH Quinine Tbc? De?r He! KtUrt The r.;- &ea8e of its totlie J,vi laxr.tivs effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUINiNn i b-nterthan ordmars Qttfaine and doe not ause nervousness not rar M-.JVffl. eieniDer the full name and . rsr it& fcr. ,lwt ei v GROVE. 25c. Charred Body Found in the Ruins if House. Concord, Oct. 3. Martha Reed, a highly respectable colored woman, 80 years of age, who lived near the home of John L. Barnbardt, in No. 9 Township, this morning lost her life in a fire which " de stroyed her heme. Her house was near that of her son, and she was last seen only a short time before the fire was discovered by neigh bors, between 7 and 8 o'clock. All her people were probably in the fields, and knew noth ing of the fire. When the nearest neighbors reached the scene they tried to enter the house, but found the door fastened, and could not gain an entrance. The house then was all in flames, and the roof ready to fall in. After the fire had burned down, the charred body of the woman was found in the ruins. BOARD FUR $6.18 PER MONTH. arna, Chlsf Black Sea Port at Stake. Suc cesses Divided in Galacia Campaip. London, Oct. 2. The Ru manians have invaded Bul garia, on the upper reaches of the Danube between the fortified towns of Kutchik and Turtukal. where the rivpr beauis its bnd northeast ward leaving Bulgarian ter ritory and separating Ku mania proper from Dobrudja. Just Iigw many men were thrown across the river is not disclosed in either the Ru manian or German official communications but the stra tegic value of the maneuver seemingly i two-fold. Nine ty miles eastward from iur- tukui, which Jays at the west ern extremity of southern Dobrudja, is Varna. Bul- eraiias chief seaport on the Black Sea. If sufficient men have been sent across the river and are sent along the Dobrndja-Bulgarian frontier toward Varna., not alone would the seaport be in dan . .i t j ger, inn tne move wouiu. con st i tut ue a serious menace to ward the isolation of the German, Bulgarian and Turkish forces, operating against the Rumanians to the north. Simultaneously with the announcement of the crossing of the Danube comes a le port from Bucharest that a fre?h attack along the entire front in Dobrudja has result ed in the defeat of the center and right flanks of the troops of the Central Powers. In J ransylvauia the 'Ru manians on both sides of the great Kukel river have ad vanced against the Teutonic Allies, whiie westward in the vicinity ot Orsova and near Petrosfnv, the AustroHun garians have captured posi-l-ion$ from the Rumanians. TJiw firrlitincf in f-2-u 1 iro. with Lftm'hHrir fh tfcp has ! Ex-Consressman Henderson III. resulted in sticce.-ses for thej The continued indisposition of Teutonic Allie3 northeast of Col. John S. Henderson is keep- rnecranciaa capital ana ior w him out of the present cam paign and to be out of the fray is Mysterious Absence of Winston-Salem Boy. Winstonj-Salem, Oct. 3. Mystery surrounds the sud den disappearance from home of Lonnie Miller, 13 years of age, son of Mrs Carrie Miller of twenty-seventh street, who disappeared Saturday afternoon one week ago and who has not been seen or heard from since. His mother told the police this morning that she behev ed that the boy's father, Isaac Miller, who is said to be liv ing in Roanoke, and whom she charges with having tried to obtain possession ot the boy three tims pieviously, was responsiblefor tbe young ster's a1 sence this time. Miller, according to his wife, left her 11 years ago Mrs Miller has addressed a letter to the chief of I olice of Roanoke appealing to him i for aid. Farm Life School at China Grove Makes Splen did Financial Showing. Messrs Mc L Ritchie aud R W Gray, members of the Row an Farm Life School Board, located at China Grove, were Salisbury visitors Tuesday and gav- us a splei did financial statement in refer nce to the cost cf board at hat institution. This shows board is costing the pupils in dormitory the very small av erage of only 16.18 fir the month. This is an excellent showing, which, in addition to the- valuable instruction given, makes this school one. of the cheapest and best in this section ot the state It is rendering a real service to the community and deserves the hearty support of all. The following is a state ment of the operating expen ses ot the dormitories of the Farm Life School for the month of September. This includes all food supplier, electric light aud coal for cooking purposes Suplipes on hand Septl $40.95 Supplies purchased, -319 47 Total, 360 42 Supplies on hand ? Oct 1, $133 02 and Mrs J T Carter. Mrs Adaline Yost was born March 17th, 1833, died Sep tember 27th. 1916, aore 83 years, 6 months lo days. She leaves four chhildren, thre daughters and on son, viz: James Yot of Salisbury. Mrs J M Clark, Mrs EDA Siff rd, and Mrs M A Overcash; 37 grand children and 42 great grand childreu and a ho.-t of friends to mourn her death. The funeral took place at Phauiel'a Baptist church Thursday, the burial in the cemetery near by. Mrs J T Carter got so'n ripe strawberries out of her strawberry patch September 21st 1916. Can you beat that Venus? Mi?s Minnie Belle Nussmaii is ppfitdiug awhile with her aui.t, MrsCha- Wh H tarns. Best rewards to the editor of thv Watchman and all the readers Sweetheart. Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effective Uxaftve Liver Tonic Does Not Grips nor Disturb tne StomacA. In addition to other properties, Ivax-Fos contains Cascara in acceptable form a stimulatinglyaxative and Tonic. I,ax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, arouses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia; Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores. - Tetter, Ring-Worm, - Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used; internally or externally. 25c r: srnrTrt a sit n qq vnsnf the Kussiaus in the southeast u r' u;,, iwu something new for the colonel, t-s I untnna Ta rantnrad tht! ground lost Saturday, accord- j wb has Presented this district ing to both Berlin and Vieu in Congfress many years and one of the best posted men is in na aud made prisoner 2,306 Kasaians, while in the Nara- politics in this section, yuvka and Ziota Lipa sectors, j Colonel Henderson has keen the Russians repulsed vicious kept at his home for a number of attacks of the Teutons, inflict, weeks and to his bed a portion ing heavy casualties and ! 0f the time. His continued ill captnriag L 600 men. In the j ness COUpled with his age is giv Lutsk region ot yolhyma, his friends some concerni northwest of bvimnsky, a j Ra?sin attack was repulsed, j Little additional news of ing is taking place on the the fighting on the Macedon- Austro-Italian front, iau front has come to hand. One person was killed and The troops of both sides along injured and y ht t . the front apparently are con J tinning their attacks and ! al damage resulted from the counter-attacks, with no not- i Zeppelin raid over east Eng- abie successes for either. Aside from bombardments, which are. especially severe on the Caro plateau, little fight- land Sunday night. The entire crew cf the Zeppelin which was brought down in flames near London perished o Total Supplies used 227.40 Supplies used in din ning room x225.67 Supplies used in labor atory in cooking 1.73 Average No. boarders for month, 36 5 Average monthly cost per student, 86.18: KLUTTZ ACADEMY Rockwell, K F D 2 .Ot The farmers are very busy getting in shape for seeding Cotton picking has begun around hee, mott coMon b ing late. ueore ruuiB is Dii'imng a muse and barn near here where he coutemplat.es inov ing this fall. r i ft - i Juiiu? sinora nas a new kmn ot corn, that must be frost proof because it has re cently come up and only, ha from 2 to 6 leaves on a stalk J T Carter who has bem working at Yadkin Narrow-" all summer has come home to seed a fall crop. Mrs. Katie Rimer is very ill at this writing. Say Vein, a If I want to get rid ot my rats and mice I wil' get some more cats and buy some rat and mice traps, so what the cats don't catch the traps will, and I will save tbe nickle it will take to write to you, and buy a trap that will be more good to me than al you can tell me. Com6 again Corn shuckings will soon begin, I guess, if anybody- makes enough to have shucking. Mrs W R Burrage returned to her hme in Ooncord last Sunday after spending some time with her parents, Mr We are Read for a Record Break ing Business this Fall. Never before have we had such a Big Stock, most of which was bought many months ago while cotton and all other prices were very much cheaper than to day's prices, and we are giving our customers the advantage of our early buying and we are selling lots of merchandise as cheap or cheaper than we can buy at today. Take a tip from us and buy all the merchandise you need for the winter as early as possible s prices are bound to be much higher when we sell out of goods in stock Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought couid be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a o'pe or a home-made ci -rare tie ! 'V Albert gives - very toUicco sat Hon your smoke . uti ever hankered That's because nad . by a patented :ss that cuts cut ynd parch! Prince Albert has alwavs or premiums. 1 -A 71 P2"6- Ci thout coupons to give quality ! fe'ilifci On the reverse side t -fX k'm s. - A V 6M On the reverse side cf this t;cy red tin you wi'i read: "Prt cess iKt nted July 30lh. li.:7," which has m&d - three nen S-i'.okc ipjs ::;: Cie suo.'.ed bc'orel has And the national joy smoke a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it! tnat isn't strange, either. Buy Pr mc6 Albert every where tobacco is gold in toppy red bag, 5c; tidy red tins, 10cf handsome pound and half' pound tin humi dors and that corking fine pound crystal-glass humi dor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such clever t rim always Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. jrnnce Aioert tobacco will tell its own story 1 Our Fail Shoos were nil bought very early in the Spring and wsre much che per than we can buy for today. We have a Big S'oek of ail kinds of Rtv.ivy hoes, and prices not much higher than la t Fall. in or A Wonderful valn-: suit for th young man who wanls a snappy English Model Suit at a very low price. This suit, (Hie ame as our h-tter clotheRj. is a woadeiful value. Yoj will find also in this lot of Suits, the conservative models for the more conservative dressers. A b for Quality Clothes we lead as usual ilh "KUPPENHEIMER" at the top, followed by many other reliable clothes makers for whom we are Bole agents in this city. S S9-95 $9-95 S O w m M mi. i j Ant oiu rename v. 54 CiJ. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO Winston-Salem, N. C Stores s .95 llace &. Sons, State's Leading Clothiers Salisbury, Charlotte, dreensboro M M $9-95 1 1 r M

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