St. - ArHome Newapape Published ite and for Government! Affairs. - 1 X OCTOBER 25 rH, 1916. ri9ie-v11$BEr Wm.1H. STEWABTVEft AI7D: LiiO?; 4 'it -V-. r. .; - -it.?; fL I ' - ft - W I- ?r-i'-. 'l ". -5- -;: " it. '.-. 'A - . -. , i w sll i - Dr. Frsflricfi Ai!sr Killed r far Rrfnslrr fa f r wirelesses? : ic . om JRpme ; re- ports tHttiV re grv'riU of ' Cpnflt;-r"- :?fiTrij&eA;accur by - - licer:rVv . ,esk t(5S uSL " fgovernment surveyors TJbese i:f3Cb mretessalso aljSo?rgortstaf points ,are describedand their Renewal of'. the -manlfestions in:ftudes:'pr elevatfogp givii n a" .v stales mterveninarm DenalrrOt "Vienaa OcU 21. Via Berlin 3 ifi'. 'ct22Via"wireless. The as- !-;;"issmaVioaof the1 Austrian JPrl ; XV- Janief,'0cunt KarT'Stuerffkh,wis '-.:$urelY4 political and .was. induced V VnV shor Uit ter .h is jarres t: " r' Doctor'Adlei'is' "an -cxentric d'superadrcalSoctalist, some-y-f "times knpwn as'the' rMebknecht v locked lap -bet-broTc .r's- poluicaj -.declared Ithe r- to- do, Ihe KeJG"I- U-Dcctor Adler's ..arrest- was not iHlr the wound jfi'" Cotwmenwhx, leaped at himafteihe hadfired on Count vBtjiergkhiHe discharged the HoVemaiaingQhambers-of his f :revol veratihesenieabef ore. Aus ririan and Gfcttnan officers, with crawn 9a bersj overpowered mm. 4 : Count tnergk h Waajt 1 unch - " v, eon with Baron-Aebf en thai, Coun t ;ToggeflburgGoernor- of,; the Ainaa anknown'to the Premier ar- -j-:Tive:and''tttree:-.laUles He" ate Inncheon and paid rV- ShVrUyftetS''oclockHheimff arose, advanced quickly toward the Premier and fired three shots. 'i The first missed- The next two struck the premier inthe head Without a word, Count Stuerkh . fell back lifeless in his chair. Baron Aehrenthal sprang toward Adler. The head 4waiter ran up from behind the assassin and grasped the hand that held the revolver. Adler wrested his arm free and fired two shots. Baron Aehrenthal was wounded in the foot. The waiter received only a superficial wound. Seeing that the struggle was . hopeless Doctor Adler surrendered to the officers who crowded upon him, and gave up his revolver. Apparently, he was the calmest man in the room. He gave his - name without hesitation and . added: 'If you please gentleman, I know perfectly well what I have v done. I shall not resist arrest." SloaVs Liniment for Nsuraisia Aches. The dull throb of neuralgia is quickly relieved -by Sloan's Lin iment, the universal remedy "for pain. Ulasy to apply j it quu uiy penetrates without rubbing and soothes the sore muscles . Clean er and more promptly effective than mussy.plasters or ointment; does not stain the skin or clog the pores For stiff muscles, chronic rheumatism, gout, lum bago, sprains and strains it gives quick relief. Sloan's Liniment reduces the pain and inflam ma lion in insect bites, bruises, bumps and other minor injuries to children. Get a bottle to-day at your Druggist, 25c. Wheat Hakes Another Sensational Mum. Chicago, Oct. 23. Wheat prices made another sensational jump upward today of more than five cents a busnel. The December option reacjjed $1.75 and May $1.7524 as against respectively $1.70 to $1.70 and $1 70 to tL70?6 at the finish on Saturday. Closing quotations here were un settled at gains of 1 to 4 cents, with December at $1.744 find May at $1.74 to 1.74. -VnUisinedi by Mhe Gepioifi - nWAv.'fnH avM a &r - - v - . ' fetate jf . Z Carolfri have been marked -metal-tablets or bulletin gives also, inti appendix',-tho approximate levj Hons pi moretnan iou yf eLtaaw mounliain summits. Amontiese peaks is Mount Mitchell, whose rfisuminitis' feet above- sea Uvel. This is not only, the highr et poinfth the -'slafe. f fNortb CaVoJiuautrthehigh !r,t "east of .tlie!ack:!:M . 1 . . uth .Uakota,tjr' of .t,e JL; , Mounv f '" Color: Eh&f bulletin t,La -names descriptions -ad atti to des. of 12 peaks;in N or tb iJaroi ?a thatf are.higher3nan the 1 dStftbratpd Mnnnt; WahinjO-tnn in NewHam pshi re, wboseeIe,vation is 6,293 Jeet;n;: A SALISBURY m GIVES EVIDENCE. Bis Testimony Will Interest Every Salisbury The value of local evidence is indisputable. It is the kind of evidence we accept as true be cause we know we can prove it for ourselves. There has been plen tf of , such evidence in the Salisbury. papers lately, and this strai g-h tforward ; testimony h as established a - confidence; in the a tpIjSalisbury ype3ple that M. L. EarriharT, caTpenter 128 Caldwell street, Salisbury, says: I have had attacks of lumbagoj nearly all my life and my back has been so stiff and Jame that 1 cduld hardly move. Doan's Kid ney Pills have always given me quick relief when I have taken them." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't ! simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doati's Kidney Pills, the same that Mr. Earuhart had. Fdster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N, Y, Cotton Market Twice Toacnes New High Level New York, Oct. 23. The cot ton market touched new high levels for the season twice here today, a wave of bullish activity sending active months up to new ngures soon alter tne opening and excited buying- in the late trading forcing prices to still higher figures. Between times there was heavy realizing causing slight reactions, but the setbacks were only temporary and the close was firm, within a few points of the best. Advances of from 63 to 72' points were made during the day. January contracts sold at 19.22 ano May at 19.49, or more than $3.50 a bale above the closing prices ot Saturday. Claims that the mills could pay siill higher prices tor cotton, rumors 01 a tailing off in ginning returns, a strong spot market in the South and a bullish Liverpool marke were the chief influences behind the rise Consuoaiion Boils Your Brain. Tne dull, listless, oppressed feeling is due to impurities in your system, sluggish liver clogged intestines. Dr. King's New Life Pills give prompt re-! lief. A mild, easy, non-griping bowel movement will tone up your system and help to clear your muddy, pimply complexion. Get a-bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills to-day at your Drug gist, 25c. A dose to-night will make you cheerful at breakfast. ComMnsd fiastrian, German, Bulcarlan and Forces in Pursuit of Defeated flntagsaists. Bucharest' Oct '22t-VVia- lbnr don, W ithdrawat of the Ruma nian s in'Dobrudja in the face -'of violent attacKS oy r ieia marsuau von Mackensen's army, was ; an nounced tonigh t by he-War , Uit- fice. . The repulse of Tetitonic forcen-theTransylvattian front also is reported. London. Ocff22.--In the face of continued violt;nt attacks ' by thfe .Ttonic . Allies inj Do'brudja frdnjtliexnube torlhe Black ea?-)fthesJxumaQians ana tneir Russian- Allies , afe. still falling k-Tbe ttftf,jot iToprai:iiJt4 i4e3-soutnw,toi vonsnza ajajA Cobadihlfaless tne DanftCwnrD" Rachova, h ave beenti'ken by the combin ed Austrian;. GermariBulgarian and Turkshfofces,who are declared by-derlm to be itTpursuit of their defeated' antagonists. iChi the Transylvania front hard fighUngxontinues in the moun tain passes 7 but with the result in doubt owing to the conflicting statements of the Berlin. Petro gfad and Bucharest war offices. Petrograd said the Rumanians have been forced back in the F3u?eu Valley. Bucharest, how every asserts that counter attacks by the Teu'tonic Allies here were repulsed at the point of the bayonet.: It is evident that no great changes in position have taken place anywhere along this rout, but that the Rumanians are fighting tenaciously to hold back the would be invaders of their country. The battle of the last week along the Narayvka river in Galicia has resulted in an import ant victory for the Austro-Ger- man forces over the Russians, axnftf&g:toJB Russians now hold only a small part 01 the tront on the west bank of the river after a general attack bv the Teutonic Allies be- '; tween Sviteleniki and Skomovo- chy in which the Russians were driven back suffering heavy casu alties Petrograd says, however, that the fighting along the river is still going on and that the positions have changed bauds several timesi Twice today, in the morning and in the afternoon, the Germans launched violent attacks agrainst the positions newly won by t! e French in the Chaulnes wood, south of the Somme river in France. Both attacks were re pulsed, the Germans suffering heavy casualties, according to Paris Some of the attackers in the morning offensive gained a foothold in the French first line, but were surrounded and the 150 survivors made prisoner. Berlin in admitting that in Saturday's fighting the British north of the Somme made gains, characterises the British losses as a "r ckless sacrifice of human lives' Reveral trenches between Blaches and La Maisonnette, south of the . Somme, were re captured Saturday from the French says Berlin. Notwithstanding bad weather on the Macedonia front, slight additional progress has been made by the Entente Allies in the Cerna river region- German troops now aie aiding their Bul garian Allies in the fighting at the band of the Carna. Heavy raintorms and snowfalls are impending the operations in the Austro Italian theater. A German aeroplane which dropped four bombs at Sheesness, England, is believed to have been the same aircraft that was de stroyed later and fell into the sea under the attack of a British naval aeroplane. For a Muddy Complexion. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and adopt a diet of vegetables and cereals. Take outdoor exercise daily and your complexion will be months. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. Jfee 101 Ranc!iMD'nytlttrate4WID - Be Hers mnm jbbi m. - The life of the'soSdieii in camp and on the field of battle, is, it' is announced, graphically portrayed In 'the, new -"miUtJry spectacle, Preparedness,? ' Jhich is offered ?:as tne oig ieaiure:i,Kluc. U,U11U Bill' ( Himself )-10i;jRancb shows Ihis season 7 The cabined shows ate scheduled to exhibit m Falis ury on SaturdayiDctober 281h, and" the even t wilifcave 3. stirring interest for-the public not only because of the re.aHstfc military display, but alsQ .because it will again introduce Cofc Wm. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) as' the real leader of?Americas scouts and rough- i riders. The mere announcement that Buffalo Bill, the Border hero of two generations iaagain in. the saddle, will send a'Tipple of delight across the continent "Preparedness " the new mili tary spectacle, is not merely a preachment for adequate prepara tion on the part of the people of ;he United States to forestall any possible aggression on the part Of foreign nations, but it is also an exhibitiofiSof army life and action and color such as would scarcely be possible without the-co opera tion of the U. S. War Depart ment. That this co operation has been forth-doming is evidenc ed by the factthat the soldiers Utilized in the display are actual ly United States regulars and have been 'loaned" by the. Gov- ernment in order to bring home to the public the necessity lot pro viding an army adequate .for its defence. The military maneuvers, it is announced, are presented on a most elaborate and realistic scale. There are reviews an$ : marches, in which all the various Sarins of the service are represented; there aTe Cavalry drills atfd ' charges; there is mounted infantry; there is field artillery in action, and finally there is a battle with In- dians in nich, it is declared, there are more thrills to the minute than ever before crowded into an exhibition of this kind Incidental features of the military display are evolutions by Rus sian Cossacks, Arabs and Japanese cavalry, illustrating the training as well as the whirlwind riding of thie intrepid military troopers of the Far East. A show, headed by Buffalo Bill, would not be cnaracteristic if it failed to picture something of the adventurous life of the ranch and prairie; and the Buffalo Bill-101 Ranch shows are said to have something especially interesting aIoa& this line to offer. A great company of cowboys, cowgirl?, old scouts and Indians with the famous old Chief Flying Hawk, utilized to visualize the strenuous life of the frontier. There is tjie stage coach hold-up; a buffalo hunt, a round-up with long-horn-, ed cattle; roughriding and bron-cbo-busting, and other interesting offerings, full of the vim and ginger and daring of the people of the untramelled Borderland- The two performances to be given in this city at 2:15 and 8:15 will be preceded at 10:30 m . the roruing by a mammoth military and frontier day parade in which all the processional resources of,' the big show will be in line. The recruiting tent, where enlist ments are daily received for ser vice on the Mexican border, will be open on the grounds show day Reserved seats show day at the People's Drug store at the same price as on the grounds. Oespondency. When you feel discouraged and despondent do not give up but take a dose of Chamherlain's Tab lets and you are almost certain to feel all right within a day or two. Despondenc is ej3ften due to indigestion and biliousness, for which these tablets are es- Pecially valuable Obtainable everywhere. TEUTONS IN CONTROL OF DOBRUDJii. Before iivance of Teutonic Ales Russians and Romanians Retreat Along Front London, Oct 23. The Dobrtt ilja region -of Rumanian is ap- ; parently being oyerrun by the forces of the Teutonic Allies. Cons tan a, Rumania's chief sea- rul luu iv"css on ine rjacK Sea, already has fallen into the ( hands of the troops of the right wing of Field Marshal von Mack- ensens' army, while the left wing is Hearing the town of Tcherna voda, where the Danube is span ned by the bridge of the railroad running from Constana to Buch arest. Near the center of their front, which extends across Dob rudja from the sea to the Danube, the invaders have cut the rail road near Murf at! ar and pushed their troop "far beyond" the rail way line, according to Berlin. Before the rapid advance of the Germans, Bulgarians and Turks, rapid despite the heavy rains and soggy groun, the Russians and Rumanians are in retreat along the entire front, but according to Petrograd are offering stubborn resistance. Aside from the operations in Dobrudja another British smash at the German line in the Somme region of France, which neeted them more than a thousand yards. pf, trenches eart of Gueudecourt L and Les Boeufs and carried their 3. step nearer the Bapaume- Peronne road, is the most natable incident of the fighting on any front. A gain described by Paris as ''appreciable" also is recorded for the French northeast of Mor val whicblles just to the south of the region where the British and Germans were in contact. Berlin, in touching upon .the fighting gainst - the British; and French Sunday between Le Sars and Rancourt, lays the attacks of. the Entente1 Al lies were sangus inarily repulsed- It is admitted in the German official communi cation that the Germans with drew Sunday night from the north of Chaulnes, south of the Somme, to a prepared position lying east of the northern part of the Chaulnes woods. On the Transylvania front, Stubborn fighting is still in prog- ress between the Teutonic Allies and the Rumanians for the moun tain passes and territory inside Rumania which has been captur ed by the Austro-Germans. Bead-Off That All-Winter tan. At the first sign of sore throat, tight chest or stuffed-up head take a dose Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey. The healing pine-tar, soothing honey and glycerine quickly relieve the congestion, loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine for est, it is pleasant to take land antiseptic. The formula on the bottle tells why it relieves colds and Coughs. At your Druggist, 25 cents. Senator Simmons Defended Party. Declaring that the Democratic party had handled the affairs of North Carolina so well the State had made as much if not more progress than any other State in the Union, Senator Simmons Monday night addressed one of the largest audiences of the pres- cat (.duiudiu 111 iuia niy. xac followed Paul Shimmon, a Syrian who a plea for assistance for stricken people. his After having listed many of the wise moves made by the Demo crats in the State during- which he charaterized their big expendi- e tures as wise extravagance and said the efforts of the Republicans in criticizing were only petty faulty finding be launched into the support 01 the President. 1 ne democrats nave so com pletely swept the field the past three years in progressive and remedial legislation," Senator Simmons said, "that the Repub licans find nothing new to pro pose. They do not directly op- e anytning done with the exception of traffic legislation and for the first time in the Nation a big political party is without a confessed or avowed purpose." No Dope for 12 Kiners Trapped hy-Eipfen Birmingham, Ala., Oc. 22. mingham, Ala., OcV 22. tope is entertained for the of 12 men who were trapped l explosion at the mines of No hope lives by an explosion at the mines of the Roden Coal Company at Mar-1 vel Ala., this afternoon. Seven white men, including the chief electrician and.the master mech- anic and five negroes are known to be entombed. The cause of the explosion has Ont., with coal, went' down in a not been definitely learned but it storm, off Erie, Pa, - The tragedy , is expected to have been due to became known only toda -when gas,, although the mines were Capt. Walter Grashaw of Cleve tested for gas and found safe a tend, sole survivor, was picked' few hours before the disaster. P by a car ferry, and taken to Hundreds of people were grouped ponneaut, O., after beine nflnnf about the heading of the mines tonight awaiting news from the rescuers who have reached the ninth entry, 1,200 feet from the men, who are believed to be in the twelfth entry. dsware of Ointments for Catarrh that Cm tain Mercury. As mercury will surely de stroy the sense of smell arid com--leiely derange the whole sys- rtm when entering it Lh r on b I O mucous surfaces. Such articles iiould never be used except 01 prescriptions from reputabh physicians, as the damage thej I will do is ten fold to the good yon I can possibly derive from them I Hall's Catarh Cure manufactured I by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O., contains no mercury, and is I taken internally, acting directly I on the blood and mucous surfar. I es 01 trie svstem. In huvin o Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yqi. get the genuine. It is taken in ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. . V ;;. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. .. . . -. ; Take Hall's Famfly Pills fbr constipation. ; . tr From 4 to 11, cool winds and rains along. From 11 to 18, fair with threat- enings along. But if wind is northeast at from 12 to 2 a. m.. the llth, clear, frosty and cool. From 18 to 26, fair and cool with slight rains and some windy along. l?rn,OttrtVml,.'. t. I able with considerable eaumox storm is indicated. Rough from northeast and cold. There will be some cool, warm and lots of cool winds this month with equinox storm. Henry Reid, R-3, Box 167, Salisbury, N. C. Wnen Von Take Cold. With the average man a cold is a serious matter and should not be trifled with, as some of the most dangerous diseases start with a common cold. Take Chamberlain's Cousrh "Remedv and get rid of your cold as quick ly as possible. You are not ex perimenting when you use this remedy, as it has been in use for many years and has an establish ed reputation. It contains no opium or other nacrotic. Obtain able everywhere. PnysHifh Tribute to Police Force. Yesterday's Charlotte Observer says: w . u. Lask, deputy collector of internal revenue, who has been spending two months in Charlotte on business, will leave this morn ing for Greensboro to report to revenue Agtnt i ti. Vanderrord there. Before leavinar Mr. Lisk 1 if..... expressec, nimseu in the highest terms aoout tne unar'e police department, w! ': :h he has been cn o ?:.. ti.ig ever since hi: arrival "I know of no de pareuient in the State or in the South tor the South for that matter, that approaches the local force in systematic management, emcK ncy and all those things that go to make up a meritorious system," said he. "Chief Moore, Sergeant-Pitts, Col Tom Black and all the other men are splendid officers and it is a source of keen regret that I have been called Weather ForecasUsrOctoliei away." 21 DROWNED CHASE ERIE, ; h,4 : ' WCk Re? eaTsJ Wfiia fU&kfV fforjfefc mtUl r Sv - 7- T l . v t c- Cleveland, O. 0cO2UCwenty. one members of tho crew jof ,thA steamer- James BS Colgate-, were rH- drqwned in Lake .Erie-'Frid'oyrV night when the Colgate bouridXV from Buffalo to Fort -William " 34 hours on a life raft, Captain Grashaw, who was master of the Colgate for only cwo weeks,- becanie unftnncmW : soon after being picked up but was able to tell part of the story if the disaster. . Nineteen of the crew, he said, vrere drowned when the big vhale back vessel foundered and wo others, Second Engineer darry Ossman of Cleveland and tn unnamed coal rasser x , were washed from tha lifA vo-ff. ow - w a um. v (A Vl exposure and exhaustion had rendered them helpless, The Colgate went down tha oiSnt of whit has become known n .marine circles as "Black Fri- day . Six men were lost when &n steamer Filer sank in Lake &ne Friday and on the same dav the steamer Marshal F.: Butter " foundered but its crew of 1 was I saved. Less than an hour after.Jtha V Filer sank the; Colgate by far the largest oithe three lost Ves sels, went down. , . There was no l wireless on tho hhat an nVhir, f .- - '-Jr. w smm, UVVUU1& was learned of the tragedy until Captain ;Gfashaw? half dea4rontila earivridtiiiv:f' V-.?-? - -fir shaw said and immediately it ' ' V '""r was seen that tha- iroasol -aaci doomed. "We got the life raft ready," he said; "just as tbe boat was so far down that the decks were awash. "When -she sank everybody I jumped into the water. I went down and when I came up by "au" W1UUU0U I grabbed it and pull ed myself on it just as Second Engineer Ossman and the coal passer reached it. What happen ed to the others I don't know. I never saw them again. Then our awful fight began. Twice the raft turned completely over and we were washed loese, but managed to regain our hold. We must have been unconscious part of the time, for I can't re member distinguishing niht and day while the storm plugged our raft. 'Ossman and tbe coal passer disappeared, 1 dor-'t knov wiat became of them' KowCatsrn Is Contracted. A'i . 4.1 . . t . iuwtucia are sometimes SO thoughtless as to neglect tbe eclds which their children r.n?itrjr. The inflammation of the mucus mem Or tne, at first acute, becom es chronic and the chronic catarrh, j: . a uiseae tnat is seldom cured and that may prove a life's burden. Many persons who have this loathsome disease will remenaber having had frequent colds at the time it was contracted. A 'little forethought, a bo tU of Chimoer- lain's Cough Remedy judiciously used, and all this trouble might have been avoided. Obtainable every?,'nere. Small Bones, Bat No Skulls Discovered. Los Angeles, Cal. Oct. 23. Al though a uumber of teeth and small bones have been found in the yard of Bentoa L. Barr::t, at Santa Monica, tending to confirm the aged rancher's alleged con fession to the authorities last night that he had killed his wife and stepson afterwards burning their bodies, further search has failed to discover the skulls or larger bones of the victims and the police admitted they were mystified. .Barrett, tbz district attorney said sticks to his story in every detail. 1 'i , ' - - , , - .Av: . si 1 t. -0