aw a " Salisbury, Oct- 25 1916 NATIONAL, STATE AND COUNTY BEMOORAT10 TICKET. For President: Woodrow Wilson Vice President: " Thos. B. Marshall STATE DEMOCR ATIC TICKET For Governor: T. W. Bickett For Lieutenant Governor: O. Max Gardner For Secretary of State; J. Bryan Grimes For State Treasurer: B. fi. Lacy For Secretary of Agriculture: W. A. Graham For Commissioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman For Commissioner of Insurance: J. B. Young For Corporation Commissioner ; W. T. Lee v FOR CONGBESS 8th DISTRICT R. L. Don gL ton , FOR THE STATE SENATE Stahle Linn' House of Representatives: Walter Murphy Oscar H. Philips County Judge. B. Lee Wright V Sheriffi James H. Krider Register of Deeds : Jebn C, Deaton County Treasurer: Joseph C. Kesler County Auditor; E. B. Ne&ve. Junior County Surveyor : N. A.TrexIer Coroner D. LSidea County Commissioners: Joe 8. Hall C. f J. Fleming B.-E. Gray Wm. Hester v N. Whithe Menius F. DeWitt Patterson L. A. Kesler Prohibition Electoral Ticket ' v - At Large: ; J. M. TEMPLETON, of Wake. , TIIOS. P. JOHNSTON, ' of Rowanl r 1st District: . , : GEO. F. SEYFFERT, of Pasquotank. 2nd District: F. J. NELSON, of Wilson. 3rd District: GILES HINSON, of Wayne. 4th District: J. M. HILLARD, of Wake. 5th District: -A. G. HOUGH, of Guilford. 6th District: W. H. VAUSE, of Columbus. 7th District: N. W. NEWBY, of Montgomery. 8th District: H.H.HARPER -. of Rowan. 9th District: ' W. M. WHITE, of Gaston. 10th District: . P. P. McLEAN, of Swain. Ask for tickets at the polls. Dean of Lutheran Ministry In South Has Pass ed Away. ' ov. vj . xj. jjrj uuoiuj,xy. XJ . , for more than 50 years an em inent minister of the Luther an iChurch, founder of St. Mark's Church of Charlotte and builder of probably more missions than any Lutheran minister of recent years in the South, rasped- away at his home in Charlotte early last evening after an illness that had continued for more than two years. For the past month or more his illness had been critical and owing to his . extreme age of 89 years, no hope for his recovery was ever entertained. In addition to hifc widov. he is survived by two daughters and three ons. 1 FIGHTING TURNS ON GERBMNSjJlT VPOH Switch Offensive Possibly as Counter to Ad- yance of Teutonic Allies in London, Oct. 25 Military experts heie point out- that the French coup at Verdun has regained virtually all the ground lost, in the second battle ot Verdun. Um was accomplished with lightning suddenness in a single day, whereas the Germans occupi ed nearly two months in wresting this ground from the French. London, Oct. 24. Switch ing their offensive from the Somrae region in Fraoce, pos sibly as a counter to the ad vance of the Teutonic Allies in the Dobrudia jegion ofl Rumania, the French have smashed the German line of Hermannetandt has been north aud northeast of Ver- broken. Bucharest announces dun over a front of four and that in an attack along the one-third miles, penetrating j entire Oituz region the Ru it along its entire length, in ( manians captured several the center gaining a distance hundred prisoners and ten of nearly two mile3 guns. ' Preceded by a violent bom j Frcm the Baltic Sea to the bardment," such as marked Carpathian Mountains a per the great attacks and counter attacks during theidays when Verdun was the focal point in world interett, the offens ive was delivered approxi mately from the eastern bank of the Meuse River near Bras eastward to the Damloup battery. When night fell, the vil lage and fort of Douaumont, in the center, were in the hands of the French while on their left wing the French men had pushed beyond Thi aumont and captured the Haudeiemont quarry and taken up positions along the Bras and Damloup front. On their right wing considerable progress also has been made from Douaumont to Damloup More than 3,600 prisoners and quantities of war material were captured by the French. In the Dobrudja region of Rumania, the Germans, Bui garians and Turks are giving no rest to the Russians and Rumanians who continue in retreat along'the entire front from the Black Sea to the Danube River, although at some points they are vigor ously opposing the advance of the invaders, Rachova on the r'ver a short distance below - Tcher navoda and Madjidie, on the railway midway between Tch ernovda and Constanza have fallen into the hands of the in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it! It answers every smoke desire vou or any other man cool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time ! Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C hands of the Teutonic Allies In-4 he latter region calvary, is pursuing the retreat Basso Rumanian forces Well to the north of ihe railway line? More than 6,700 prisoners liavfl hftAn tnktm rw TTiplrl Marshal von Mackensen - -Constantinople reports the operations of Turktsh jBib marines in the Black St-a off the Rumanian coast in tbr sinkiugof a 3,000 ton Ruman ian transport aud sailing supply ships bound for. Con stanza with provisions. Predal to the southward 'of Kronstadt on the TransyK vanian trout has been capture ed by th Austro-Oermans according to Berlin and re sistance cf the Rumanians in the Rotheuthurm pass eouth ioq. of comparative calm has again set in. On the Austf o-Italiau front the Austrians and Italians at various points, especially on th&Asiago plateau, in the Sugana Valley in the Plava sector of the middle Isonzo, and on the Carso front are vigorously bombarding op posing positions. The Serbs in in the Cerna region of the Macedonian, front have put down a Gar manBulgarian attack and themselves delivered a thrust which was rewarded by the capture of several trenches. In the Dorian sector the British also captured a Teu tonic Atlied trench. Floods are interfering with opera tions ou the Struma front. Four British and four .Nor wegian steamers have been sunk by submaries or mine'. The tonnage of the British steamer sunk aggregate 12, 291. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. The People's fair is in ses sion now The weather be ing ideal for the occasion, there is the biggest crowd from every direction partici. pating in the fair, - Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Syst a The Old Standard general strengthening tecje GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive out Malaria, enriches the blood, and builds up the sys tem, A true tonic For adults and children, 50c joyment. ever had! It is so Albeit TEW, neckofthe woods you drop into. For, Prince IPJuj kVUO W Wmm i iSS Albert is right then at the Brat place you f f!MIIMUH& JriMJ ISMli i 1 SJV paaa that sella tobacco I The toppy red W M WWW TT j M 5 ( i J il ftTiTTTTl t'SB fSfc, bag sella tor a nickel ana the tidy red w& nn ror ame; rnen mere a xnenana- h i mome pound and half-pound tin cryatal-glasa humidor -with I j Jji! aponge-moiatener top 1 ! M CK that Meepa the to- I H!lr, V. bacco m auch K bang-up trim . I j 1 11 1 It Brings Relief To Boy Standing - His Watch Deep In Mud.' Once upon a time, only a few months after thisterrible world war had begun, Private Bailey, a soldier in the ranks had stood for days in the trenches "somewhere In France." '"The cold rains soaked him to the skin; the mud was deep. He had had no rest, weary and achincr with rheumatic pains, he trailed the faith his mother had in Sloan's liniment. He asked for it in JUS UvAU icuvct uvwn fc, wvvu was immediately sent him and a few applications killed the pain, once more he was able to stand the severe ex posure. He shared thia wonderful mus- cie-sootner wiwi uawuuuci awj. , Bit Bgrccvl lit TVoo iuc gicavcav viuuiw- ment" that had ever come to their rescue. At your druggist, 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Tho People's Fair Opens. The People's Fair was for maljy opeDed Tuesday and will continue till next Satur day. Big crowds of people are pouring in from every where in the county. The weather this week proves tb9 most favorable and the fair promises to be the greatest success in its history. Mr. Bradford Knapp of the department of agriculture in Washington, delivered an able address to a big audience on the grounds. The feature of Tuesday morning was the parage of school children ot the city and county, marching from the city to the grojuds The midway is the greatest that Salisbury ever had and as big as the grounds can accommodate and already patronized liberally all the time There are the usual agri cultural and other exhibits but it is understood that this time they are better in every way. Many of the business hous es in the city are going to close tomorrow for a half holi day that, all can attend the fair. Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding orProtruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c Gasoline is tbe king of the oil markets and its rule extends over many paupers who refuse to walk, no matter how high it is Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because it flavor is so different and s delightfully good; it can't bite your tongue; it can'! parch your throat; you can smoke it as long and as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap piness ! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read : - " PROCESS PATENTED JULY 30th, 1907" That means to you a lot of tobacco en Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality 1 Copyright ltl by R. J. Reynolds Tobaeeo Co. inn!'!! OB AGCO IIS! PREPARED AW MG1 EXPERIMENTS TO tiCHTFUL AND WHOLE; IHUVHWbi ltl I- i 'l W . OMETOBACCOfp TUs" b the reran tide . of tk Princa Albert tidy red tin. Read this Patented Process" mastaga-to-yoa and realize what it means la making Prince Albert so much to yowt liking. mma. Kimm w ml r:imi m iw.ww,. i! ttti .ra We are Read for a Record Break ing Business this Fall. Never before have we had such a Big Stock, most of which was bought many months ago while cotton and all other prices were very much cheaper- than to day's prices, and we are giving our customers the, advantage of our early buying and we are selling lots of merchandise as cheap or cheaper than we can buy at today. Take a tip fronTus and buy all the merchandise you need for the winter as early as possible as prices are bound to be much higher when we sell out of goods in stock M n Fj Uyi o - IF A Our Fall Shoes were all bought very early in the Spring and wsre much cheaper than ,we can bny for today. We have a Big Stock of all kinds of Heavy Winter Phoes, and prices not much higher than iaft Fall. perfection ' LP tMOKEiHjgfli HEATERS ' il pmerever uGof r II W I Anywhere about the house ? J ' ..vSs.- Yi I I that extra heat is needed, you're r - 1 - Jl' I sure f comfort if you have a A I SA J M 1 Perfection Heater. It means f ' ffii kf I 1 preparedness against sudden L V iJ Sk 1 llfcoo! g changes in the weather, com- ' CPP 1 fort insurance when the fires- J ! &-Xva::-: . J As easy to carry as a work-basket. ' ' jh (mfl m! Clean. Handsome. I' III :Sf " J I It cheap inexpensive to bay and I 1 1;-;-:";- -lg costs far less to use than any coal j LSfJ Tl1 ET''''r J iyfey TB There's a Perfection driving away ?Cr IvW kWr" t3sav-S' 1 every chill frcm each of 2,000,000 Jk 1 VV feS B lomes today. Ask your dealer. fij '.V- . '- "raf alS 1 Use Aladdin Security Oil fi7V".-PP 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY I ix IT r I J B Washington, D.C. Charlotte, N.C. If I tV I A J I if .Norfolk, Va. Charleston, W. Va R IJ ri Foi 'I J?.Keller?us, Mal tu1beT' ttte exceptional tooth paste, send 6c In stamps id your dealer's name to Vlvaudou, Deptt S. Times Building, New York, N. Y am JIHMiIUHMiHHIH1IIHIHiMIMHIiH(MH)l "Onyx' s unyx M m You Get GOOD Value at ANY Price-Silk, Lule or Cotton 5 25c to $5.00 per rair ' U H ! Jal S " Enery 'Beers Company xjnc. WHOLESALE 153-181 EAST 34th ST. NEW YORK S nsoo IL Q Sflfl(U)!E Hosiery m u M M M M mi fi KM hi M n M Peepies' Mm) Per1: 8ai?buiriN.U. Does General Banking Buc'ress ttl PAY f OUR ?R CENT or timn h - rosits. Interest payable fvrv 11 i'rompl attenion givfn to any ! -j- nees entrusted to us. Your business oIit.: ted. Peoples Matronal Brnk John 8. Henderson, J. D 'civ rrt president. ; 0. L. GaskliJ, W T Ili-' v, Tfes Ladies - Home Journal, Be Saturda Evening Post and Tbe Country Gentleman Wish to secure the spare time of a man or woman to act as local representative in Salisbury and vicinity, looking- after the renew als of their many subscriptions in this section, and introducing- these publications to new readers. Pay meat will be made in salary and. commission. Previous experience is desirable but not essential. For details address with refer ences Bo. 654 The Curtis Publishing- Company, Independence, Square, Philadelphia, Pa.