I " ' - LOCAL NEWS -:.z of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS The work of Ayinjr cnmlui on the foUJPtion of the iievv Met h od i ! tchurch 5 as be hn . aud is in progresgprf There wereaiflaij passed tbrmigSISaHsmrf5)er the Son them KailwayTuVi day transport inlIiDejr of New York artillery eiirotite home from t ha" Mexican border. - ?&?;;yA -5. ;f : Senator F. M; 81 mm on? v a? in the city Moiiriay the gncsf uf Senator and "AlrB; .Ovfi man. He deiivorM a politic al speech here Monday night to a large audiescer At the Statefair in Raleigh ovei 1 bOO fowitj were tin ex hi hi ion ' K. L Gill cf Balis bury las just been awarded the grand silver trophy for best 10 birds in the show in Black Langshaiigs. V; :? Pi of. A 'f Allen, in perin tendent of the city., public school?, who is just recover ing from an attack of typh,oid fever, was out 611 the street J ist wek. His host of friends were glad to see him.ont. The M't Zion colored Bap tist church, of which Kev. Wisher B. Morton is pas or, at a rafly jSiiudayt? night, raifed over 1,000 to apply to an addition recently built to their church. ' "vT The Synod of tb Presby terian church of North Caro lina is now in sess:on here for several .days. About 30 visitors, many of them' promi- nnt men in the religious audi basinets wot Id, are attend ing. ... " : " .. The Inderal court will con vene in SaMsbury next Mon- -rl on o Ti t tr ill Kn a . m Salisbury and v Statesville 4erm . The grand j dry, which ha 8 heretofore sat only, 'at .Statesville, will here this ti me. There are SO cases on the docket for disposal. Ko wan farmers: have form ed a farm loau association at Miranda and.havft asked for $20, GOO in loans. , More than $100,000 have . already been subscribed in this county. A number of loeal as!ocia tions aie in process of forma -1 tion auri will; be legally or ganized and ready for busi ness when the law becomes operative A number of Spencer part ies, iucluding the officials of tun t,wwu uayc uccu puiiimun ed to appear belt reV Clerk of the S u per ior Court ; M cC u b bius on November 11th to show cahH why Gra it' Creek, skirt' ng S pence.' on the uorth, flrnuld Jiot oh dr lined and the exp Mjfirf as Br'sped agninst the city pro perty owners J ostmadter Pethel, of Spen cer, returned home Monday from Atlanta where he at tended the t'iai of Luke Fariow who wa? convicted of J 1 i - J. .1 Bijauug eiamp irom me Speucr postofiiee last winter and wai sentenced to Mi Federal prison for. lit. :eu month. Mr.-.Pethel win .there to identify, his in u fced stamps .Swinging to t he side uf 'j tmrai ng b x t a r, s i e d i u a t 40 miles an hour, J W- i,,iv j -. - -: - an aitenaant u pn, ; a cn r loaded with fin- cattle, va rescued by train mei- in- uoth of Spciiiee ": 'Tuesday. The cattle were dead f i:n moke suffocation. : ..TheyJ were enroute to Canton from the State fair in Kaligh. -i . ' 1 A''&sneU You Need a doners i ! Take Oroye's TM Old Standard Grove's 1 .'tdiU r is equally vala-is & rj Tinic because it ccntaio v. Kfti xjKtim tonic properties of QV IN t I -lzX)N. ItactsontheUseJr 4 fiUliiia, Enriches the Blood 4 5sA Op tbe Wbote System 50 sea, ";f ' i I - 1 " " "j 2! f p " "" i : :'-'-Vv ' J I , i U : f y Ciiarles H. Holmes, agfd 60 years, died Monday afternoon following an illness of many months at his home on South Main street. He was a son of the lae Reuben J. Holmes, one bf the city s wealthiest citizens. His remains were interred in the Chestnut Hill cemetery. Tuesday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev. M MYKinard of St. John's Lutheran chuich. ' - Monday afternoon - while Dr. J. RozzeII was absent from hi office on the fourth floor in the Wallace building, leaving the "door open, a thief entered thH place and made way with a valuable dek clock. The doctor went in' ti of the clock aud thief ' ana wmie gone iub eauie fellow, a white mao, returned and stote he doctor's over m4- UAthi iiru.ii t.q ban - tn a Wfll . uutu noic aiM,u w m. focal pawn shop ana he secur- ed a Bum on them and was believed to have left on an outgoing" tram c: afterwards, t -T.. - ; i v :,! and Overcoat biit had : to pay the: amiiflt secured on the stolen jgpbds..- - - - Ixx-Fos, A Wild, Eifectiva Laxative ft Llvar Tonic Does Not ur!pe tar yisturs tns sumscn. In addition toDther properties, Xax-rFof contains Cascara in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative andTbnic. L,ax-Fos acts efiectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, arouses the liver and secretions J ana restores tne neaiuiy iuncuoaa. &w Explosicn in Alabama Mine Costs 19 Lives. Birmingham, Ala., Oct 23. Nineteen dead ;s the result of "the explosion in the Mar vtfl, Ala., mine of the Koden CoalCompa'ny Sunday after- no in, the last two bodies be-1 ing taken -put early today. j Eighteen were direct victims of lite exploit' ii whil George Jones was killed by a fall from a ladder while doing i s tie work. ml flit tsc TJ - i i tijmc jfii-.l tjiXHtiW efiect. LA'S. A i c. fti CiNJ'fi i better thsa oidican :c fit cause utrvcuaness aoi rf - .--.- -i'-Xtrfi the tull name arc Cotton Jumps $2 a Bala in Single Day. New York, Oct. 24. Early react ions were, followed' by a very snarp anvance in the cotton market here today and prices mad d dhw high records latft in the afternoon with January contracts gelling at 19,60, or 2 a bale above last night's closing figures. DR. SUM1ERELL NEW MODERATOR. PIsas Made for Additional Educational Funds to Help Much Needed Wort. Dr, J. N. H. Summerell, of! Newbern, was elected moder ator of the North Carolina Prepbyter!an Synod here yes terday. Three Charlotte men, Dr. A. A. McGeachy ard Elders J. B. Ross and W. H. Belk were promineutly mentioned in the ni ruina tions. Strong pleas werej made for additional funds to help much needed work now ! being done by the church j The oae hundred and third ' session was opened by the . T t i e n ni . . , '. r , ' J' ! V'n mith A RPrmnn nn "VV Iint : is to be a Christian," This afternoon after an ad dress cn "The Presbyteiian - , j) i T t o ..: , 1 , . , . , ! ... , . n w ll7.-..- t , . , , , . ; White of Raleigh, and stir- ring addresses on the-e causes were made by Dr. H. H. Sweets pf Louisville, Ky , secretary of tiie Gennral As seimhlyV Execati ve Com m ilte and'Dri V. L Lingl. Dr Sweets thanked this Synod tor its splendid roll of the ministry, dne largely to the vork of Da v i d po n : Col 1 ege. He pleaded also for a larger endowment fund for - mini st erial relief. Last Pecerabr this f ind amounted to $332,00. One of -the North Carolina elders has agreed to raise this to 00,000 if the whole church wiJ1 oubie his gift of S68.000 , d th raipe lh tal f j over iwifmillioM. The yesterday evening ses sion was devoted to a popular meeting in the interest of foreign missions After a very interesting report of thr year's work by Dr J. M. Wells of Wilmington, an ad drAs on the fi innci il .i?p "-s .of the wo'k- vv.i- mid-! y Ediii F." M,i5:is"i.-r NashviMn 'lenn., the treasurer H th assembly's executive com mittee. .Several of the mis sionaries now on furlough made appeals for. their Jields of lsbpr. -The Synod of North Carolina is its banner JSyuod of the church in its generous support of this cause as its contributions amount to more than $100,000 a year. THE RURAL CREDITS LAW Passed by Our Democratic Con gress in Interest of the Farmer. It is not unlikely tbat the farm loan bill which Woodrow Wilson's signa ture made law the other day will be considered some 'years hence as the greatest piece of constructive .legis lat'on in the last half century. The American farmer has suffered greatly because he has had to pay an outrag eous price for the money he borrowed. City brokers have no use for farm loans. They make their profits out of short term paper, turning over their money with the seasons, practically. The farmer must borrow for a long period. It takes years o raise a calf to be a steer and a colt to be a horse. Some of the machinery which he buys, such as a binder, he can use only a few days in the year. The remainder of the time it is idle. Anyone who reads the article of Clar ence Ousley, of the Agricultural Col lege of Texas, printed in this paper one month ago, has a fair idea of the tremendous burden placed upon the farmer by the high price he has been compelled to pay for money. The new law and the creation of the twelve land banks will make it pos sible for him to borrow on easy terms, Here is what the farmer can do: First, he must join what is to be known as a National Farm L,oan As sociation, paying in $5.00 for one of its shares for each $100 he wishes to borrow He has one vote a share, but not to exceed ten votes in all. Next, he applies to the association for the loan, giving his personal note therefor, secured bf a first mortgage on his farm. If the association ap proves the loan, it turns' the note morttlffe to a land bank. Th iaH bank sends the amount of the loan to the association, which hands the money to the farmer No commis sion, brokerage or rake-off is charged the borrower No single loan is to be for less than $100 or more than $10,000; nor for less than five years or more than forty years. The loan must, not exceed 60 pertcent and preferably should not go beyond 50 per cent of the market value of the land covered by the mortgage The borrower pays semi-annually, the interest on his note, plus an in Build Up Clear out the congestion that has disturbed your breathing and weakened your digestion, and re invigorate all the bodily processes to do their full share "in cold weather, and thus build yourself up to perfect health. PERUNA IS INVIGORATION It is a tonie that restores the away u.e wusie matter m your Bystem, and keys you up to lacreas ed effort and better health. For nearly half a century thousands nave iouno n vaiuaoie am in all experience points the way for you. PERUNA. has stood the teat that proves its value. Tablet form is convenient for quicK administration Pleasant wiui you. Manalin Tablets are the ideal the habit of constipation, arouse kidneys. Your drueeist has them. The Perona Company, JOB PRIWTING stallment of the principal. He must no be charged over 6 per cent inter est Bach National Farm Loan Asso ciation must hkve at least ten mem bers, and it cannot begin business with less than $20,000 00 in loans ap plied for. It is illegal, under severe" penalties, for any officer, committeeman or member to accept any commission, fee or prequisite of any kind for granting any lean. The only paid officer is a Secretary-Treasurer. Money can be borrowed by this system in order to pay for agricultural land, equipment, oertilizers, live stock, buildings and improvement, or to discharge a prior mortgage. , , The land bank may charge the bor rowing farmer only 1 per cent more than the rate it gets on its bonds This margin of one point is to cover expenses and profits. The day of the range is gone. With its passing we must hereafter raise our cattle on the farm. That means a very great amount of money must be invested in stock We are pass ing, too, from the age of muscle to the age of machinery in agriculture -That means' a great amount of money must be invested in farm machinery. There is need of bel'ter. farming methods. We raise less, than 15 bush els of wheat to the acre. In some countries they produce 35. We rob the soil. A11 these investments will bring good profit to the agriculturist. They will bring profit to the public, too, Unlessjthey are made the costofjlivign will keep rising. The whole public is interested in the condition of the farmer. Under the Rural Credits law the farmer canborrow at 6 per cent, and as long time as 40 years , . ' We have made a good start in the interest of the farmer, an important matter, the republicans never, paid any attention to during their 16 years of control. The prosperity of America is bound up ing, successful operation of the land bank in the interest of the farmer. for Winteq balance to your bodily furjctions, clears catarrhal conditions. Their to take and easy to carry laxative. They correct tke liver and faelo the Si Columbus, Ohio Done Promtly and rightly at the Watchman Office. Give us a trial. m r a Bsm & v mm w m u xx xi. Bad Colds From Little Sneezes Grow. Many colds that hang on all winter start with a sneeze, a sniffle, a sore throat, a tight chest, i You "know the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up Dr. King's New Discovery, "with its soothing antiseptic balsams has been breaking up colds and healing coughs of young and old for 47 years. Dr. King's- New Discovery loosens the ' phlegm, clears the head, . soothes the Ir ritated membrane and makes breathing easier. At your Drug gist, 50c. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The best" rubbing Uniment is mm n 11 lf& "tP TV 1MI "ir IV! Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle Etc. Qoodfor your own Achesl Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c 50c $!. V ' At all Dealers. - RUB-MY-TISrjJ Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores.Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c mm IL (1 ui I Get rid of dandniff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the wotrscu in Paris do. They regularly use - ED PINAUD'S EAU DE QU1MM the wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try. it for 3rour self . Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world over use and endorse this famous preparation.. It keeps the scalp clean and . white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the Hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all things don't neglect your hair. . F?V HT-vD, Depf.M ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? Take care of your complexion . and your complexion will take care of$ou. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. THE PURE, DAINTY. TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD During the last six months Great Brittian's war expenses increased nearly $5,000,000,000 over the same period last year. The increase is almost entirely covered by borrowed money. If you ever see a big man talk ing on the streets you can prob ably learn more about him by asking him how often his wife manages to get up town for an outing. We do the Best and will appreciate your orders. Call at ofhee or address Woi. H. Stewart, EdUciM Prsarietor, SaLSroiy. N. C. ll re?v SlOr ED. PINAUB BMg., nm Ycrk CHOOSE CREME ELCAYA J6S 111! 1 THE TEST FOR YEARS. "Makes the skin like velvet" SEND 10a FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON ST.. NEW YORK 3 , if -

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