NEWS Written by OUQ CORRESPONDENTS. 2ND CREEK AND DUNN TOWN The farmers around here are about through sowing wheat. Corn shucking are plentiful around here these days r.rTT 1 Cotton IS a short crop arouud this section but the price is high which makes up for the short crop. James Barger, who has been in the sanitorium in Salisbury for the past month, where he under went an operation for ap pendicitis, has returned home we are glad to learn. ! AE Miller, Walter McCulough I auu uuuu uuuuiuau wcuu iiv tuo mountains in their Fords, Octo ber 23. Will -Martin, who was recently married, working with Charlie Kerr. A E Miller recently took a 1 TV, "I 1 4-V. ! two-horse load of cotton to China ulUHlUttl woiguu wuiBtuuig over twenty five hundred pounds and brought him $215.00. Old Timer. ROCKWELL, ROUTE NO. 2. Prof. Helig of Charlotte, visit ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heilig at Rockwell last Saturday night. W C Peeler, who is travelling for a large gas factory spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents at Rockwell. Hambly Bros, of Salisbury had an auction ale of lots in Rockwell last Saturday at which a number of lota were sold. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller's baby has been sick the past week. Will Lyerly, who lives between Rockwall and Granite Quarry, had a sale of his personal proper .ty last Friday and will move to Kannapolis in the near future. Many of the farmers of this vicinity are complaining of get ting a bad stand of wheat this year. Clarence Bos t is making pre parations to build a large house in, Rockwell. Brantly Beaver, who was con nected with Julius Frick in the mercantle business has sold out to Mr, Frick. POND SCHOOL. . November 6, N. J. Eagrle and family visited at J. W. Morgan's Sunday evening. Misses Blanche and Marie Morgan visited Miss Mamie Mor gan Sunday. Olin Austin visited at Mrs. Delilah Miller's Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Rufus Kirk visited at Mrs Miller's Saturday night. J. Morgan and family visited at Jacob Morgan's Sunday. Mr and Mrs H C Trexler visit ed at J S Surratt's Sunday. Miss Eula Surratt 1 and Mrs Love Troutman visited Miss Lillie Eagle Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs Albert Eagle visit ed at N P T.exler's Sunday. Master Theo Surratt caught two possums in one den Saturday. If Venus can be it that come on. Come on with your Jackson College items We like to read them. Ira. FAITH. Nov 2,r Hon John L. Rendle man, of Salisbury, A. M. Miller and R. A. Kohloss were out at Faith oue night this week. Mr. Rendleman made a good long ad dress in the interest of his party, and also did Mr. Miller, to the citizens of Faith. Mrs Jennie Ford, nurse from Mooresville, is spending the week with her friend and schoolmate, Mrs Ellen Lentz, who lives a few miles south of Faith. Venus took his birthday dinner this year with Mr and Mrs L M Peeler. Mrs Peeler's birthday was the next day, November 1st. Mr and Mrs Leroy Earnhardt phoned for Venus to bring his kodak and come and take a birth day supper with them, it. being Mrs Earnhardt's 20th birthday and Venus' 56th, She was Miss Bertie Wilhelm before her mar riage. I took her picture for the last four years on her birthdays. They had a fine supper prepared and all enjoyed it. The girls and boys of the high I RELIEVE HE D ACHES WITHOUT DOSING By Applying Sloan's Liniment to Forehead You Can Stop the Severe Pains Many headaches are of a neuralgic nrimn. The symptoms of such head- acheTare inteW and lingering pains intne brow, temples or back of the head. There is one certain relief that has been known and recommenaea ior years back, Sloan's Liniment. One application and the dull pain is practi cally gone. It is easily applied without rubbing. Rubbing is unnecessary, as Sloan's Liniment quickly penetrates to the seat of trouble. . Aching muscies,rneumausm,Dnuses, lumbago, chilblains, sprains and stiff neck can also be most effectively treated witll gran's Liniment. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointmente . it does not stain tfce skin or clog the pores. At all drug stores, 25c, 50c, f 1.00. (kcorated Peeler Brothers' , . , Hallowe'en party at the close. Refreshments - of all kinds were served. Venus was invited, the teacher was present and we enjoyed it very mucb. The fortune teller told Venus' fortune, it was awfully good and we would not care if it would come true. W S Guffy of Mocks ville has a jug that belonged to George Washington. Dolnhus Cress killed a squirrel one time with a flint and steel pistol. J A Chick has a lamp that he has been using regularly for forty two years. If you can beat that trot out your lamp. Wm E Deal, of China Grove R-2, has a mule thirty-five years old last Mav and drives it to a buggy sometimes- Who can beat that? The public school will com- tupnee here in Litaker townshio Monday. November 6th, with Professor Myron' Fisher as prin cipal and Misses Mary Stirewalt, Sallies Cauble and Mary Linn as sistants. . Rev and Mrs H A Welker wen up to Newton in their car to visit and assist Rev H A Fesperman in a week's services. Young granite contractor a G Albert Brown's, October 8th. Youu- g-entleman at Willie Foil's October 7th. Boyden Lener is drilling- in his wheat on Miss Tack Bame's farm that he has rented. Robert Foil showed Venus A 11 I sweet potato two reet ana six inches long and one inch in dia .1 lit TTl meter m trie miaaie. wno can beat it? Miss v,arrie Rimer is in China Grove kiting her grandmother, Mrs h T Bame. She went up in her automobile. Mrs Frank Carroll is visiting- her father, John Bartrer and family. Willie Canup's little boys caupfht two possums in steel traps. Whoever can beat that trot out your little boys. KING WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Eere i3 a letter from a woman who had to work, but was too weak end suf fered too much to continue. How she regained health : ' Frankfort, Ky. " I suffered so much with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried it. I took three bottles and I found it to be all you claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am able to do all my own work aerain. I recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub lish my letter if you wish. Mrs. James CONLEY, 516 St. Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky. No woman suffering from any form of lemale troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty year3 proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special imivico. iv will K5 confidential UH.KINj'S JNEW UaSOVEitlr HELP FOR W8R WUI Surely Stop That Cquc& Mrs Charles Bame caught a queer kind of a bird in her yard on the morning of November 1st It is dark blue, block head little smaller than, a crow, partly web footed and it bites like a snake. It bit the blood out of Venus hand It is some kind of a foreign bird that has given out on its way. What is it? Probably, a coot. Ed -IT 1 1 . r T" : xourrgiauy aieore,,, October 30th. The Cathey Buggy Company bought from M Bailey the fine thoroughbred Berkshire boar that niueSc;ate. took the first prize at the fair. It ' Although Republicans party weighed 550 pounds. "''"leaders predicted tonight J B Brown gave Venus an old- that he Democratic majority time Confederate musket gunlock of 23 in the pre-eut House for his collection that was found woull b wipect out, the earli . , . A1 , returns showed a net gain ot two feet deep in the ground, y K while digging post holes at the lu QUgU the defeat of Mc fairgrounds. GiiJienddy in Maine last Septs Miss Louis Neave got the first ember. They gained, two in premium on biscuits at the fair. '.New'' York, but tbis wa&offsnt Venus got to eat some of them. by a Ieino6 a tic gain of Oi.e Mrs Geo Self and daughter iu ii ith Carolina and one iu visited at the fair and saw Venus' iViuisy' vauia collection. They told us that this little girl lived to see her great grandmother celebrate her one-hundred-first birthday at St. Louis, mo., about six years ago D Dennis of Troy, N. C, caught a rattlesnake in may and pulled its fangs out. In three weeks it cut a set of red "teeth, then in . three weeks more he had a nice set of fangs same as before He kept him in a box from may to October without water or anything- to eat. He killed him and he was as pest as he was when caught. Whoever can beat that trot out your snake. Venus got eleven post cards for hi3 birthday and they are still coming every mail. Oue is from a little girl in China Grove who says she is 13 years old on Octo ber 31st. and she wishes Venus many more happv birthdays. Venus wll tell any one how to j raake a craz' 3ar seashells J and trinkets on receipt of a stamp j to Pa postage W W Cannp and family went to John Barger's to a big corn shucking Friday night. A second growth of apples was found on due of Willie Foil's apple trees. Nov. 6. H C Farmer the fruit tree man, delivering his trees' to his customers in several of the nearby towns last and this week. J T Wyatt has just been award ed a contract for a fine lot of cemetery curbing, posts and sill to enclose a private cemetery, lot. Venus took the picture of Dol phus Brown and all his descend ants except two on his fiftieth birthday. His people can get one by mail for 10 cents. Fisher and mcCombs has re ceived an order for another car load of millstones. One car load is piled up at Crescent waiting for a car to be placed to load them on; Venus wants, to. let some one have a corn mill togrind corn for part of the toll. Lots of v?6rk going on here on the granite belt. Venus took dinner Sunday at George Bruce's. Ij was their oldest daughter's birthday. Venus. A Clogged System Most Be Cleared. You will find Dr. King's New ' Late Pills a gentle vet effective laxative for removing impurities from the system. Accumulated waste posions the blood; dizziness biliousness and pimply, muddy complexion are the distressing effects. A dose of Dr. Kind's New Life Pills tonight will assure you a free: full bowel movement in the morning. At your Drug gist, 25 cents. Administrator's Notice. H lying qualified as administrator upon the estate of Ira B. Trexler, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the under signed on or before September 22, 1917, or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to saia estate are notineu to call and settle UTitliriiif Hula it . n.u.uj This September 22, 1916. Gb 'RGB H Pi.ess, Adminislrator. R F. D. No 1. C hina Grove N G R. Lee Wright: attorney. FOR SALE One liorse 14 years old at a bargain P. M. Phillips, Box 43, R 6, Salisbury, N. C. 8-foot dry oak wood for sale- can on or 'phone J. B. Speck, rual No. 2, China Grove, N.C. No. S This U a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25t Control Of Congress Seemingly Retained. New Yory, Nov. 7.. Re turns were insufficient at 12 o' clock tonight to indicate what would be the complexion of Congress. At that hour however, the Kepnblicaus had gained two Senators, one in iSew Y"rk and one in Maine, elected last Sep.;- ember, and he indications were that they would gain at 1 " . - J east three more, fwn in fn idiana and one in New jersey. x() gain control of the Senate the Kepublicans mut gain RUB-MY-T1SM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores,-Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne. ; used internally or externally. 25c i BALANCED RATIONS have made the hen one of the best money pro ducers on the farm. Do you know that flocks on many farms are paying a net yearly profit of $2 to $3 a Hen Red Comb costs less than you would ' have to pay for materials and mix them yourself. Ask for Free Book, .. "Feeding Poultry for Profit." CHAS, O. A0A313. 110 E. Fis'.ier St. Distributors for Jale & Edwards Co., Chicago. IIL ptjrH. oj in e jam out line of Bed Horn Dairy Feeds ImeansIhealthJ Do You Waist a New Stomach ? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY " SALISBURY, N.C We do the Best and will appreciate your orders Call at office or address ffm.- H. Edilofand ProBrietor, Salisbury. N. C. 400 Typewriters All kiftdsand all grades, REMINGTONS IZ up. Instruction? with Pach machine Tjp-nd reniir pwta for all makes of Tvnewr :em h. VI P I F? 10 T Y P K Kl I IT N I") KY, BUFFALO, N. Y. 11 1-16. 1 pr. j WSIltfid to repair sewing machines and org"ana. T have also opened a geneaal repair shop .at Rock well. Bring me your watch and clock work. Will call at your home to do your machine and orp;an work. 'Phone or write to C W Harrington Rockwell, N C Phone, Lowerstone, 3S20. Turner's Almanac for i9i7, -the big gest and best in 88 years, ready November 10. Order now from dealer, or send dime, coin or stamps for prepaid copy Turner's Almanac, 190 Times Building, Raleigh i IViili! Stewart It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. Alter taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now,' I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad. and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use PINAUff ilfj S EAD the wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your self . Note its exquisite q uality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men a::d women the world ever use and endorse this famous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancjT- of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all things don't neglect your hair. PARFIMRIE ED. FfflAUD, Dept. H ED. PINAUD Bidg., New York kAREYU TIPIPI WITH YOUR Tah care of your complexion and your complexion CHOOSE PURE AIDS. THE PURE, DAINTY. TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD ... .1. ..:.:!.i..j:,::..:.,.,m .. ,.-.,.,1, !,!,i:iii::;;....:: : PP in: put full W-7.srrtfK!ft iQ?r coiunie the flesh' of th &ySji im&NiQ. iv'WvIji &rf;ceful line to the entire ir J fW Tliey are the daintiest and - : S J toonta imaginable come i styles: eau, etc. 'Xiiimft 'IMilil'llDitMtl'-.t'ft.!; i'j t. ijjii" SALISBURY'S Bljl GENERAL STORE A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On and -l w m. imo l iivjoih x uu wain in nosiery or waeatUer it wear you will get it if you get "Foot Rest " And thic too is an end nee ment to mostof ua. You'll SAVE OJSfEY. Fall and winter goods, heavy weight underwear or men and women, also Dreps Goode, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of - staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in ueed come to see me. Farmprs are invited to make my place headquaiv ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 89. 103 "S. The WaGhowia Bank & Trus Go. Is the Strongest Bauk in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL, LARGEST ASSETS This gives Safety aa i Protection; to our Depositors 4 percent, piid on Saving account with one dollar and upwards.. 9 WE I 64 WE COMPLEXION? will take care ofou. CHOOSE CREME ELCAYA w 1 THE TEST FOR YEARS. "Makes the skin like velvet" SEND 10c FOR LARGE SAMPLE i JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON ST.. NEW YORK U!::!!:!!ll!!;a:i!!!:l;!!!llimuM .. . . i: ',T r u 1 Ci i i ;i"Uiiu a Li . l mill a ion i oi a,-' posiible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of aq uucanflned bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the coutour of the figure is spoiled. BRAS5"IERE (BE-AN tO - the bust bacfe where it belongs, prevent th bust from having the appearance of fiah unica.-., nruiimie me aanger or arapgins muscles aiid coiuine the flesh' of the shoulder giving a upper body, i most serviceable ear- C.oss Back, Hoik i ront. Surplice, Band A in fi-ii Tnntfriola o ;i ,1 Boned with Waloim," the rustless nermitting1 washing without removal. s flave your aeater show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, it not slix keii we will glaaly send him, prepaid, 3 samples to Miow you, 3 BENJAMIN & JOHNES 51 Warren S'utet Newark, N. J 1 wnerner it s appearance Main St , Salisbury, N 1epsits. You can open aif c ' ' Ill II ! I III lllffl m . - Stands in the way of many an honest' man. r" i The eye is a wonderful creation and har a direct control over a large per cent of the forceo! the body PEOPLE SUFFER 7 And take all manner of drugs and .treatments when . the only relief that they 'will ever get will be when they at last have their eyes fitted with glasses that'will relieve the cause. - - - : ' ' JOHN r. bhtjwh: Of tomet rist,--' :. CHINA GROVE, ft; C. The Ladies' Home Journal, Tha Saturday EveniaaE Pest and The Country Gestkmaa Wish to secure the spare time of a man or woman to act as local representative in Salisbury and vicinity, looking after the renew als of their many subscriptions in this section, and introducing these publications to new readers. Pay ment will he made in salary and commissions Previous experience is desirable but not essential. For details address with refer ences Box 654 The Curis Pub ishing Company, Independence. Square, Philadelphia. Pa. PantS Frefi "'ith every ovde for a cott and pants, we give an e--tra pair pants free. Salisbury Pawn Shop. Neiici to Crete Having qtia'ified as adunni"rarorc of t A. Sloop, this is to nolilj nil je sou- hav ing claims ugainst the said decedent to hi an itemized, verified Ht:tte:ietit tt same with the eiiidernignel on or lalcrv h 18'hdayof October, 1917, or (hi ;otitei will be pleaded in bar o( llieiv ioioverv. Persons indebted to said estate arc notthdi to make prompt Kettlement. This 18th day of October, 1910. I John A Slo.p. A, Si 6K Adiiiitii.tra'or Execsitioo Saig, State of ,rth Cxona, Rowisr-CorNTT l Wingo, Ellett Crump Hiiod Co., ami E & M. Hi raehlet Company V8 H L. Mise'nheimer. By vir ne of two executions direeftd to the undersigned from the Superior ( ourl o;- Rowan county in the aboye entitled ac lions, I will, on - . Monday, November 6, 191 64 at the hour' of twelve M , at .the Court tTouse door of said coun1y, sell to the h'wh est bidder for cash to satisfy said execit- tions, all the right, title and interest whieh the t-aid H.- L.r Mieenheimer haB i& th following described real estate, to wit: A vacant lot ol land situated in the village of Rockwell, N. C, near the Southern H&iU i way Lompany, and bounded as follows; I Bejrinnine at an iron tlakeon the nublie road: 'hence about south 184 feet (n tn iron stake on J. A. Linn's line; i thence about j west 190 fret to an iron stake on C. W. j Holsli -lifer's line; thence about north 187 feet to an iron stake on C. W. Holehouser cornt-r; thence about east 190 feet to the beginning, containing eight-tenths (8 10) of sn acre be the same more or less This the 29th day of September, 1916. J. FI. K rider, sheriff of Rowan county. John L. Rendleman, attorney; Notice To Creditors. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Thomas L, Reid. this is to notify all perons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verifi ed statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of September, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted tosaid estate are notified to make prompt settle ment. This Hept. 22,1916. E. H. Milt er, administrator. Theo. F. Kluttz and T. G. Furr. attorney. Trada with C.P.SHUPIN THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Higb Grade Groceries at ery low prices. buys all kinds of Produce.. Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkina Medicine Cq. 'Phone 57- ; U9 W. Inniss St. v , i Chero-Cola i CP. SiSUPhJG

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