- TUl Xji H- " - - " ' rirv1lT - ' -r - . , ' i urn 1 I - L - - . i- . .11 iw ' i- i .i ' :; I IS g i I B ! II v I A k I li.lUillt11 IIIIIIOIIIIIlHul 1 III I I- II " V mm I H n mm III I L-r'pivita i .1 mi &T-t fi.L' r- 111 and 3II5A! HEfrg -Written by OUn CORRESPONDENTS. CHRISTIANA. ; Mrs. Beaver, widow of Henry Monroe Beaver, died at Granite "T Quarry Sunday evening of old 1 age and semi 'dementia. She has . been a widow for many years and known as Annie Beaver living on the old home place near Immanuel Lutheran church with her son. When her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Martha Beaver, came to Granite Quarry a few years ago, she came with her. The funeral and buri al was at Low rstone Reformed church on Monday. The Lutheran Southern Con ference met iast week at Luther's church known as Piney Woods. The woman's conlerential mis sionary association met at the same place on Sunday A sermon was preached in the morning by Rev N D Bodie, and in the after noon there was an address by Rev C R Pless with the other program and an interesting order of busi ness. There was a fair repre sentation from different congre gations, but the largest from Christiana. The women seem to be awakened and active in this great work. We think it is well for all Protestant churches to be alive and join hands in the sup port of the Protestant religion for the time has already come wLen repentance is forbidden to be preached to some of the soldiers in the army. Cotton seems to be well picked but some is very slow in opening. Thedry weather has caused the loss of much crimson clover and that which was able to get has been crippled by the late freeze. Calvin Frick is, moving: to it Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in Willing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before I began to use Cardui, ray back and head would hurt so bad, I then' gist the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to cb any of my housework. Alter taking three bottles O.rani, I began to feel like a new-woman. 1 soon lied 33 pounds, and now, I do all my housework. s well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give fcsn r.v The Woman's Tonic a trial, and it I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, lways does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. -3 Get a Bottle Today! il&iMi 64 SB m Granite Quarry and John Cauble has rented his farm. Charley Cauble is building a new honse on part of the eld homestead. Viola. A REMARKABL STATEM TO w- ) I ll lakes ieiev iIB to? Mrs. Sheldon Spent $1900 Treatment Without Bene fits Finally Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. . Englewood, 111. "While goinr through the Change of Life I suffered" 3Wim neaaacnes.uer- !i';vousness, flashes of so much I did ret know vhat I vai doing at time3. I -pent $1900 on doc- ! tors and not one .il jme any good. One ! cay a lady called at I &y house and said i she had been as si :1: as I was atone time, land Lydia E. Pink- Compoundmade hor well,so I took it and now I am just as weli as I ever was. I cannot understand why women don't flee how much and suffering they would escape by taking your medicine. I cannot praisa it,. enough for it saved my life and kept me from the Insane Hospital." Mrs. E. Sheldon, 5657 S. Halsted St., Englewood,, 111. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but often the most scie-.tic treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of th good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Yeeteble Compound. If any co?, "feat ion exists it pays to write j io Lyrtia K. Pink ham 3Iedicif? Jo., Jvmju filss for special Ivice. HIIIIIIIIHUIIIi,,.: Bti ran!: till I Mf . I ml miffmi Interest on investment is the source of surest income. Money worKs 24 hours a day and seven days a weeK. More people are made inde pendent by saving than by slaving. England has invested to wonderful advantage. Ev ery year statistics show that England buys more from other countries than she sells to them. 'But inter est on Investments does not show in the statistical tables. That is why England is rich. Money placed in a savings banK is an in vestment safe and sure. MaKe yourself independent. Oite Dollar Starts an Account I sal is "bWIahk and trust go. WflhtOd to repair sewing- machines and organs. I have also opened a g-eneaal repair shop at Rock well. Bring1 ine your watch and clock work. Will call at your home to do your machine and organ work. 'Phone or write to C W Harrington, Rockwell, N" C Phone, Lowerstone, 3520. Turner's tonac. fr 1917, the big gest and best in 88 years, ready November 10. Order now from dealer, or send dime, coin or stamps for prepaid copy Turner's Almanac, 160 Times Building, Raleigh Peoples' Rational lul Salisbury, N.O. Does General Banking Business WE PAY FOUR HR CENT on time de- posits. Interest payable every Smooths Prompt attenion given to any busi sett entrusted to us. Your business solicited. pPeopEos National Sank John 8. Henderson, J. D. Norwood , B resident. onkhir. , W.T. Busty, V-r resident. Asst. cashier poorly ventilated, drafty school rooms are a frequent source of colds. Contact with l i J : n lillJUldl VY11U UaVC UJ1UB 19 CU1UU1CI UlUSC. Q Damp clothing and wet feet are often responsible for that croupy cough, sore throat and tight chest Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy for your "children when they catch .tti0'0.jr For nearly 50 years it has been used in bronchial aifec- lions with satisfactory results. It quickly loosens the cough and checks the cold. Your druggist has sold it '! Try it rm A ror years. Th!: ?a a prescription prepared eapecic!!? v f..iA.i.sV:SA or CHILLS & FEVER, j've n;-H-? foass will break eny case, and f r.. '.:u t.:-j 8S a tonic the Fever will col -t ii acts on hs J'.ver better that C.J -..i- : and t'oea oot- grioe or sicken. 25 writers All kh-dsnnd all grades, REMINGTONS 5ul2 up. Instruction? with each machine Typss and repair prts for all makts of Typewriiers EMPIRE TYPE FOUND RY, BUFFALO, N. Y. 11 MG. 1 pr. T of SIGNS. iJB-EyiY-TISKVl Will cure Rlieumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores.-Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Eo s;rr3, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, iissd iiiternally or externally. 25c You have noticed people, and children especially, who, when they lookj at some distant object, draw their eyes together, form ing a horizontal chink I Everybody has seen children do that That is a Positive Sign of defective eyes. "A stitch in time saves nine." JOHN R. BROWN Optometrist, CHINA GROVE, N. C. JOBPRITIG Done Promtly and righ Give ly at the Watchman Office, lus a trial. IS We do the Best and will appreciate our order Call at office or address Wm. II. Stewart, Editor" and Meter, Salisbury. N. C. Morpge Sale ot Real Property. Pur;uent to the provisions contained in a Mo gage Trust Peed, resis'ered in Book of Mortgages Number 45 at page 14, made H. P. Jairett pnd wife Elma Jar rett, for the protec ion and benefit of the underr igned, on the 16lh day of October 191.;d-fauft having bten made in the pay ment of this d; bt, which the said mortgage was given to secure, the undersigned will sell at public auction, for cash at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Saturday, December 9th 1916, at twelve o'clock noon, the following de scribed property : 1 Being lots six, seven and eight, in block thirteen as shown npon the map of 4tie K A. Wheeler, addition, in the suburb of Salisbury, North Corolina, said lots IronJ fifty feel each, on First Street, and extend 6ack one hundred and fifty feet. For back title see book ofD eds number 103 at page 144. etc. in the office of the Register ol Deids for Rowan County, N.C For min ute description of s:rd lo!s, see the abov map, and book referred to. Beginning of a stake on the sou laves; side of Meadow Street, seventy feet nor'.li west from the lir.e of Spencer Avenne, and runs thencv; south 58 deg and 15 w. 70 foot to asta e on a twelve foot alley; i he nor uithsaid alley, north 51 deg 45' w c;x y five ftt to a stat e thence noitli 58 deg. 15' E st 170 feet to a sta! e on Meadow Stre t; ther.ce with Meadow Street, Mulh 51 deg 45' E-sixty-five feet to the begim.in,', being lot Pleven in blcck eleven in W bite! ead addition to Spencer, North ( arolina For back tittle see book 112 522 in the office of the Register of Dee,d for Kewan county. North (.'arolina, Conveyed by the said B P Jarrett and wife to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. This the 3rd day of November, 1916. J. M. Bostias, mortagge, Tho nwell G. Furr. fi'ltice. tat of North Oakolina Rowan Countj J n the Superior Coutty February Term '16 L. F. Roseman vs. C. P. Win r and wife Olive P. Minor The (!etandi;nt8 above named 'will take notice tt a' an action entitled an alo e has lieen ion menced in the Superior Court of owan county lortb Carolina to enforce specific crloriii;ince of contrai t to convey certain lands ami the ti le to all 0 at liid !iijatcin theri yo S il D'y ai d deFcr'b d !y metis and l.o mU in Book of Deeds x n. 108 pn: e 4." io wl ich lefe.rence is hereby m:ii!e vfcii li t! e i'eser.dfints had conttKcted id :-gre-d to I! und convey to pliiiniifl; nl the .-aid de er daut wi.l fur. her take notice '.hat In v are required to appe X at ieterm oi tie Sin erior court of said i-ount . i ii i . r. t i r i i iniT i he neut on li:e isn nay oi reurimry in at he court h oum. of said county in Sails i;ury N C and an sw er or demur to t) e con -plaint in said adion or the p!airiif will npply t' the court or the itlief demanded in said roipplaint This Novtm! er 4. 1 91 G J. FtanW MC ubbins, clerk. John L, KendJera.'-n, attorney. BALANCED RATIONS have made the hen one of the best money pro ducers on the farm. Do vou know that flocks on muT farms are paying a net yearly profit of - $2 to $3 a Hen Red Comb costs less than yon would have to pay for materials and mix them yourself. Ask for Free Book. "Feeding: Poultry for Profit." CHAS. C. AOAMS 119 E Fisher St. SALISBURY, N. C. Hales St Edward Co.. Chicago, EL aajrt. OJ wmjampum tow ( MM Horn uairy eeeam IensIheaij Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N. C , Mai nli nt ftilc s-rrmHrnKil fnnth nnste. send 6C In Stamps I your dealer name to Vlvaudou, Depti 5. Times Building, New York. N. Y. m cl YiMMLanH. HKMHMBKKBKKnKMKHKMMMnMKMMMKMMMKMaKMItHMMMMHMKll m m m m t m s E m I Oriyx" M Hosiery Emery "Beers Company, inc. m m rr H M 5 Yo Get GOOD Value at ANY Price Silkj Lisle or Cotton 5 25c to $5.00 per pair s WHOLESALE 153-181 EAST 24th ST. NEW YORK j BMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Get rid of deuidruf f it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE the wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your self. Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world over use and endorse this famous preparation. It keeps th e scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing: bottle. Above all things don't neglect- your hair. PARFUMERE ED. PINAUD, Dept. M ED. PINAUD Bldg., New York p: ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? Tak care ofyeur complexion and your complexion will take care ofyou. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. CHOOSE CREME ELCAYA THE PURE, DAINTY. TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. "Makes the skin like velvet" SEND 10C FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE. 104 FULTON ST.. NEW YORK 3 . i iifaiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiii Beautiful Bust and Shoulders Ws are possible if you will wear a scientifically HI constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. JMEM r JLJ OLJE (BE-AJf tCi-LEBl I BRASSIERES' put the bust back where V belongs, prevent the full bust from having tiro appearance of flab biness, eliminate the danger of dragging ranscles and confine tho flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most wrviceable gar ments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Band eau, etc Boned with "Walohn," the rustless xning permitting v. ashing without removal, riave your nealer show ynu Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stocked, we will glauly send him, prepaid, samples to show you BENJAMIN & JOHNES p 51 Warren Street Newark, N. J ! l!:'!:'!il!!iiUi!!ll!iii iiiiii.iiiiiuitiiiMiifiimii!: SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE i ' V Full Line of General Meiehandise Constantly Om Uund FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance j you want m Hosiery or wheataor it wear you will get it if you get 4 'Foot Rest." And thio too is an euduce inant to most of us. You'll SAVE ONEY. Fall and winter goods, heavy weight underwear for men and wom9u, also Dress Goods, Shoet, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy , groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. . Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mort gage Deed of Trust executed by Lew I. Josey to the undersigned trustee ftcd mort- j : gag-e, on August 17, 1914, which is duly f. recorded in the office of the Register; .of f Deeds for Fowan county, in Book of Mort?. i gages Ko 48 page 274, defaulhaving been -made in the payment ol the mdebtedfiess therein secured, the undersigned will expose to sale at public auction for cash at thb court house door, in Salisbury. N. V.. on . ; Saturday, December 16, 1916, i at the hour of twelve M. tne following de--bed real estate, to-wit: An undivided one-sixth interest into I he following lands: 1st tract Beginning at a stake. Obe - Smith's corner on Lafayette Josey's linc; thence N 86 dte. W. 11 45 chains to a . stone, Overcash's corner on Basingei's-Iine; thence JN. oo acg. w. 08 cnains 10 a sione, John F ick's corner, thence 3 deg. w. 20 22 el'ains to a stone. Flick's corner; thence N. 85 deg w 12 08 chains, to a stake, Frick'a corner; thence S. 2 deg w 20.65 chains, to a stone, Frick's corner on Shuping's line; thence S 85 deg S 29 43 chains to a stone, Lafayette Josey corner; thence IS 2 deg 20 60 chains, to the be ginning, containing 73 acres, more or less. 2nd tract Beginning at a stone, corner to lot No 1, and running thence N 88 J deg w 5.83 chains to a stone; thence S. 20.25 chains to a small sour wood tree; thence 8 88 J deg. E 5.83 chains to a small white oaK, a corner to lot No. 1; thence N 2025 chains tojthe beginning, containing by estimation 11 acres, more or li ss, this being lot No 3, in the division of the lands of the late Daniel Ovei cash. Subject however to the lile estate of John Josey in said lands. This November 13. 1916. 2 John Josey, trustee mortgagee, John Bendleman. attorney. The rjachovia Bank & Tus Go. Lis the Strongest Bank in North Carolina, LARQEST CAPITAL, LARGEST ASSETS This gives Safety and Protection to our Depositors L percent, paid on Saving deposits. You can open an account with one dollar and upwards. Sale ol Valuable Estate. By virtue of the power and pursuant to the provisions contained in a certain mort gage deed of trust, evecuted by Edgar L. - feeler, on the oth dav ot October, and recorded in book 43, page 144 of Row an county record of mortgages to Clemen? tine Bidenhour to secure the sum of seven, hundred (7000 00) dollars, borrowed money, as evidenced by a negotiable note promisor ry note under seal executed by Edgar L, Peeler on the said 5th day of October, 1511 default having been made in payment of. said negotiable promisory note, and it fur ther appearing in said deed of trust that, the undersigned Groyer C Waller is author ized and empowered therein as administra tor of the said Clementine Bidenhour. de ceased, to foreclose said mortgage deed of trust, and the said Grover C. Waller, ad ministrator, having demanded the payment of said indebtedness as evidenced by said note and mortgage, as holder and personal represenative of Irmentine Bidenhour, -and said payment having ben refused by the said Edgar L. Peeler, ihe said Glover 0 Waller, administrator and personal rep resentative of said Clementine Kidenhour, herein offers a public sale the premises and 1 eal estate herein described, snd the said Grover U Waller, administrator, will sell" to the highest bidder for cash at the coin I house dcor in Salisbury, N C, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, December 18th, 1916, the following desribed real estate situated in the town of Fauh, N C, and bounded as follows. Beginning at a stone corner of parsonage lot; alio corner of Willie 8 Bargei's lot, thence N 81. E 210 feet with parsonage line to a stone. Thence N 13 W 200 feet to a stone, corner of Lee Peeler's lot, thence 8 81 W 210 feet to a stone in the street on Willie 8 Bargei's line. Thence 3 13 200 feet to the begsnning. on? taining 42000 squaie feet or one acre, more or less The said seven hundred dollars ($700.00); borrowed on raid property was expended in ihe construction ot the residence now located thereon, which said residence alone tost nine bun Jred (900 00) dollars. Title guaranteed. Grover C. AValier. administiator of Clementine Bidenhour. A. H. Price, attorney. Koilca to frefiifors Having qualified as administrators of P. A. Sloop, this is to notify all peisons hav ing claim against- the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement ot the same with the undersigned on or before the lSihiiayof October, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.. Persons indebted to said estate are notifipdi to make prompt settlement. This 18th day of October, 1916. John A . Sloop, Calvin A. Sloop. Administrators. North Carolina. Kowan county. VT. L Hampton " vs. I Ada W. Hampton J The defendant ahnva nomn,l ' -: i i . i wulucu Will LilltC notice that an action entitled as above has oeen commenced in the Superior Court of Rowan county to absolutely dissolve the bonds ot matriomnv now .rlaiin i the plaintiff and the -lefendant and for the granting of a divorce a vinculo to the plain tiff on the grounds of adultery; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is rea aired to enor court of said county to be on the third t,,f- 1 . . ,u,uj uemre isi .Monday in March 19 7 at the court house of aaid county in Salis- burv. N. C . and answer n. 1.. .l . - - - - , ---- . v,. IU lll? complaint in said ac'ion, or the plaintifi? will apply to the court lor the relief de uiauucu in uie aiu complaint. inis tne latn day of November, 1916. J . Met ubbins, clerk of Superior court. Trade wit!i I.P.SIOPING X THE GROCEfi, He carries a full line of High Grade Groceries at ery low prices, buys all kinds of Prodiii Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watfcina Medicine Ca. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. ' i g.p. siiupitje V1 I 'i si' I v X

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