I . n, ,..v. f 1 A Home Newapaper Published in the Int$r$3f Utbfir-Peopld and for GoVernniental Affairs. SALISBURY, N. C, WEDHE3j JOVEELBEg 29T. VOL. XH. NO. 50. FOURTH SERIES Wm. H. STEWART, ED. AUD , .V -s 'V , A A)V ' v - fie i " -v ----- " .-.1. .. A. . ' ... ' ' J-.&liJk ft J I ?'- - " i'i. " . TEUTONS HOLD ALT RIVER LINE Invaders in All Directions Continue Prosrress Towards Capital of Rumania, London, Nov. 27. The entire line of the Alt River in Rumania running north and south through the country from the Transyi vanian Alps to the Danube, now is in the hands of the Teutonic Allies. In all directions the in vaders are continuing to make progress, with Bucharest their main objective, daily coming nearer The southern and eastern drive in the Alt region hasbrougnt the Teutonic forces across .the Topo log River, while to south be tween Rochi de Vede and Valeni their line has been drawn con siderably nearer the Rumania Capital. Alxandria, 47 miles southeast of Bucharest, has been neken by Field Marshal von Mack Jensen's troops. . Considering the swiftness of the advance of the Teutonic Al lies through Wallachia compar ative few prisoners have been taken, although semi-official re ports credit them with having captnred considerably supplies ol needed stores. Near Orsovo, 28 effioers and 1,200 men were made prisoner, while in thcAlt region, near Tigveni 10 additional offi cers and 400 men fell into the Teutons. In a big battle extending over a front of about 17 miles north west and northeast of Mot) astir, between Trnovo and Makovo, the Entente Allies, according to Berlin have met with a severe de feat through the failure of an at tack launched against the lines of the Central Powers. Aside from reprts of the repulse of the Bulgarians by the Serbians and contintxd progress for the kali an Austrian are vigorously shilling the Italians. -. Comparative calm still prevals all along the front in France, so far as infantry . engagemen ; s are concerned. ABerlin semi-official dispatch says, there are indica ticns that the Entents Allies coo template fresh offensives proba bly near Armentieres and east of Arras, where heavy artillery bombardments are being carried out and also on the St. Lichel Salient, southeast of Vtndun. Another semi-official dispatch from Berlin quotes Constantino ple advices to the effect that Arabs on the Tripoli-Tunis Iron tier in North Africa have defeat ed the Italians and carritd the fierht across the border int : Tun is against the French. Tb loss es of the Italian are estimiued at 20,000 men not including prison ers taken into the interior by the Arabs. Great Britain has definitely de--clined to grant a safe conduct to the United States of the -iewly-appointed Austro-Hunarian Ambassador. 1 Clogged System Mast Be Cleared. You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a gentle yet effective laxative for removing impurities from the svstem. Accumulated waste posions the blood; dizziness; obscene matter is in, Latin and , Kidney Pills beneficial that I be biliousness and pimply, muddy j the deioni.; claimed it was ex- : gxz taking them. They lived up complexion are ine aisrressing: c"&., .ririU .."?.! JkWYV Wllv X. lilt WUlgUW UJU M. J. V- you a free full bowel movement in the morning. At your Drug gist, 25 cents. Wilson to Attend Mass. Washington, Nov. 23 Presi dent Wilson will attend pontifical high mass to be celebr ated to morrow at St. Patrick's church here by Cardinal Gibbons in memory of the lato Emperor Francis Joseph of Anstria - Hun gary. secretary .uansing ana members of the diplomatic corps not connected with the Entente Allies also will attend. Do Yon Have Sour Stomach. If you are troubled with sour stomach you should eat slowly and masticate your food thorough ly. then take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper Obtainable every where. I Acting as Counsel Asserts He is Merely Presi . dent of Magazine Company. Augusta, Ga,, Nov 27. Thorn as E. Watson at the opening of bis trial in Federal Court here today, on charges of having sent obscene matter through the mails, laid upon the Government the burden of proof that he was responsible for the mailing, and also stated that he was "merely president" of the corporation which published the magazines containing the articles cited. Selection of a jury was complet ed in one and a half hours and the trial started rapidly forward only to be delayed by a detained examination of witnesses by whom District Attorney Donald son sought to prove the defend ant wag responsible for the mail ing. . During the trial on the same charges last November, which resulted in the jury disagreeing, Watson admitted connection with the mailing "I don't shirk any responsibility," he said then. Today the District Attorney isked Watson if he cared to make the same admission and without entering a denial, the defendant, who is a member of the bar, acted as his own leading counsel, replied : t "Make out your case, Mr. Dis trict Attorney" Watson also declared that The Jeff er soman Publishing Com pany is a corporation and that he is ' merely president" of the company, which he added, has other officers as well as stock holders. This company, he con tinued, publishes The Jefferson ia.n, a weekly magazine, and Wat son's Magazine, a monthly, in which were contained the articles jth'rt!: indictment. The Government today put on the stand J. ,Q. West, postmaster at Thomson, Ga., borne of the defendant and headquarters of The Jefferonian Publishing Company. West identified post office records by which the gov ernment seeks to prove the mag azines were mailed. A. J. Knight a postoffice inspector that the i.-sue.s of rhe testified magazines in queVaoi w nt through the 1 mails. Whik4 Et.igh'. vvason the stand, the ao'-' -cl Huda nt sought to ha"- H .1 ' tJ. ntify several Goveriii.j.- 1 put.-', eati'-cs whir.h the defens.- 5c';-gtit to :'.iii'odnce, and whici- 10 was claimed the Gover;jr:ie;U hl ;irculated thru the mails und ihu;, had "set an exarap iv ' irizf ns." Watson claimed -Jiy contained words similar tu tliose the articles on which be vas indicted All were ruled ou-" h nvev r, on objection of the p-osec.ition thac they were "privikr'g'-M! :i alter. " Wat?on dI.o wag overruled in .... . , , M. . ... which inspired ibi articles which contained attacks on the Roman Catholic church. Attempts to i show thai an "outsider was be- hind" th.; prosecution also were - , . , ruled ou- Part ot the alleged prnf. fr m Wirk-i on Roman Catholic theology How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh (Jure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last ! 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorble in all business tran- - sactions aad financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent - j f ree Price 75 cents rer bottle. -Sold by ail Druggists. I Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. TOH WATSON AGAIN ON TRIAL CHANGES IN METHODIST MINISTERS. Two Changes Bade in the Salisbury District W. A. Lambeth Comes to Salisbury. Gastonia, Nov 27. A number of changes in the pastorates of the, Methodist churches were made when Bishop John C. Kil go, tonight at the closing session of the Western North Carolina Methodist Conference, announc ed the appointments of ministers for the next year. Among those is the return of Rev. T. F. Marr, D D., who. has been pastor of the First Church in Salisbury for the past year, to Charlotte as presiding elder. He succeeds Rev L. T. Mann, who has been appointed commis sioner of Emory University to aid in raising funds for. the great institution of the Methodist Ep iscopal Church, South, in Atanta. The list for the Salisbury dis trict is as follows: ' J C Rowe, presiding elder Albemarle, Central J E Gray Albemarle, First Street W I Hughes; C M Gentry, super numerary Albemarle circuit H F Starr, supply Badin W R Shelton Bethel J T Stover China Grove and Landis W S Hales - Concord, Central MFMoores Concord, Epworth and Center A S Raper Concord, Forest Hill C M Short Concord, Westford S L Owen supply West Concord R K Brady Concord circuit P T Terrell Cottonville J F Starnes Gold Hill J W Strider -Kannapolis P W Tucker . . Kannapolis circuit R bes New London E J Poe Norwood R M Taylor. Oakboro and Love's J J Eads Salem A L Coburn, supply Salisbury, First Church W A Lambeth Salisbury, Park Avenne G W Vick Salisbury, South Main Street J H Brendall Salisbury cicruit R C Kirk Spacer C M Pickens EaH Spencer and North Maiu Str-cr S E Richardson Wood loaf J W Kennedy vV, reuce Evangelist R A i ,i i kor, who has been at Grove goes to Denton in .sou county. Dart Ri& Neslect. Don't neglect a constant back ache sharp darting pains or urinary disorders. The danger of dropsy or Bnghl's disease is too serious to ignore. Use Doan's Kidnsv Pills as your friends and neighbors. A Salisbury case. Mrs. H Frost, 603 N Main St,, Salisbury, says: ''I had backache I ana other kidney disorders, ! r;,oc i;fflKo lrn c m At times jtiv limhs wprp ar wpalf and j ldme, 1 could hardly get around. In the morning the trouble was ! worse. My kidneys were ir- j rep;ialr in actlon andT:au,se2 m! I a lot of annovauce I had heard ; of so man v who had foucd DoaG,s 1 t0 tne claims made ior tnem, re heviug the misery in my back and regulating the action of my kidnays." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doan's Kidrey Pills, the same that Mr. Frost had Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. m . That Great Reflection. That great reflecting, which has been seen in the sky south 1 j of the-city the past few nights and early in the mornings and ; causing much alarm, is nothing j more than a Pilot lighting plant ' just installed on George Bern- hardt's modern up-to-date dairy farm. Mr. Bernhardt is a wide awake man and has all modern city conveniences on arid! about his farm and his equipment will will no doubt be a great aid in the back to-the-farm movement which brings prosperity to any j community. B BURIAL OF mfBrTHORSDAT. i At the Burial HisSsf Cercnooy Will Be Vienna, via-konflon, Nov. 27, The coffin of peror Francis Joseph has beefinally closed1, but the body wiliimain in state1 until ThursdayttSfc-day" set for interment. ;i At the burial ithe cryptu Capuchin, a hisjoric ceremony will be carried Q&U which was anciently design$dfa impress the monarch's successor that in spite of all pomp; sovereign is merely a mortalij-, ' The general process will be halted at the entrance to the vault by a challenge from within.' "Who is there?" .The reply will be made: "His mcjit serene Ma jesty, the Empei;Q, Francis Jo seph." ; f The Challenger v?ill then reply : "I know him not?!. Responding to the second challenge, the an nouncement will Bejpaade: The Emperor of Austria; an apostolic King of HunganJ 'is outside." Again the challenger willanswer: "I know him not.1! vTben for the third tiine the voie from within asks who demands ' admission,, the master of ceremonies reply-2 ing this time: "Aljnful man, our. I portals then will wen, and thf procession enter, g i - Pine-Tar Relieves A Co Dr. Bell's Piue-J ar-Honey coo tains all the sootbffg elements of y : -m the pine forest. ;f ieals the ir ritated raembraje tnd by its antiseptic pro'j. loosens the tliieffm,.(!HrJbi hosier and Mhat Sbretttfoat- Bell's Pine-TarE :pre vent a wearing, cldnjc -cOUffh dragging througnthe . winter. At your Druggist, $5 cents ..." - , Who Wants this Pretty Baby Boy? Asheville, Nov. 26. Mrs. W. L. Miller, who lives near Hen- dersonville, has a perfectly good baby by, about eight months of a re, vfose mother she is anxi- oubj.v seeKinfir. Tne baby is a hi ijatMrs. Miller has plenty of children of her own, and does r.ot desire to keep the latest ad dition to the family which came t her vie!, ti trick that has been worked for lo, these many years. Airs Miller was standing in a store Henderson ville yester p.v vhen a well-dressed young woiaaa approached and asked her hold the baby for a few miuutes. The young woman! then disappeared, and failed to return. After holding the baby lor sometime beyond the alio ted few minutes, Mrs. Miller started an investigation, and found that a suit case of baby clothes, and some baby's food had been left for her, together with a note stating that she was known to be a good Christian mother and had been picked for a guardian to the M't1? stranger on that account. The note explained that the bat3 's name is Albert Lee Ray, and ?sked Mrs Miller to be good to him. The police were notified and are searching for the mother of the baby, but so far without suc cess. Chansons Seasons Bring Colds. "Stuffed-up head, clogged up no, tight chest, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr. King's New Discovery is sure relief. A dose of this combination of anti septic balsams soothes the irriat ed membrane, clears the head loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and realize your cold is broken up. Treat a cold persist ently; half-way measures leave a lingering cough. Take Dr. j King's New Discovery until your cold is gone. For. 47 years the favorite remedy for young and old, At yourDruggist, 50 cents. iU" ? '. -SINKS WITH STARS AND STRIPES FLYING. Paris Dispatcl Says Captain and Crew Refus ed to Lower t&a Flag. Paris Nov. 28, (Cef(Sored).--A Madrid dispatch by wireless an- nounces the arrival at of the crew of the American steamer I Chemung, torpedoed itL- bv a merman submarine. The com- mander gave the crew only a few minutes to abandon the vessel, not allowing them even to take their money and papers L he submarine towed the life- 1 A . .. I uodij, in wnicn tne crew were placed to within five miles of the coast where it abandoned them, 1 ne Chemung went down with 1 the Stars and Stripes floating at ner mast. A lively incident pre- ceded the sinking of the vessel, The German commander grave orders that the American fiatr should be lowered and German I sailors prepared to put them into effect Thev met with stuhhnrn resistance on the part of Ameri can Captain Duffy and his crev , who refused to haul down the colors, Saying that if the ship had to be sunk it would be with the flag flying. The case appears to be similar to the destruction of the Americ I an ships William P. Frve and tbe I Leelanaw. both carrying contra-1 hand. Damages for which are to te awatded bv diolomatic nep-o-ltion tiatioris. A.s there was no loss of o I lie aior apparent violation of Germany's pledges the case is not regarded as alarming. ExpOSBfO. la the rain all day is generally followed by painful twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Sloan's Mniment win give you quick'h relief and prevent tbe twiiJKesJevA,;; lMaabi;.vS jiiw rubbing r - i aiia soomes tne sore ana aching ioirits.' For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that ache and throb from overwork, Sloan's Liniment af- torus quick relief. Bruises. sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's oy oioans ointment Get a bottle today at your Drug gists, 25 cents. Villa Gets Away Anain by Beans of Auto. Chihuahua City, Mexico Nov. 25. ViaMarfa, Texas, Nov.26. L;. te yesterday afternoon a small Dana 01 viua Dana its tooc a toothold in tbe church of Santa Rio de Guadalupe. Thev' .were driven out by gunfire from their stronghold and cavalry dispersed them. The night was spent in expec tation of adesperate attack which did not materialize. In the morn ing of today small groups of ene my cavalry were shelled by the artillery of Santa Rosa hill. Yesterday afternoon Villa drove np in an automobile to within a- bout three miles of the city ffrom the northwest. The automobile was shelled by long range g-uns but he escaped. The column of General MayC&tte, who has al ready left Sauta Rosa with 3,500 cavalry is expected to reach here 1 1 undav and drive off the remain- inff bandits. No figures showing the casualties on either side dur ing the three days, fighting is yet available Villa is expected to withdraw soon to the hills as his forces liana Koflti cr Q rrl Ktt Vl pfc cVklll and rifle fire of the de facto force and his efforis to capture the city are growing less and less forceful. Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as often j happens, or when you have hardly ' gotten over one cold before you contract another, look out for you are liable to contract some very serious disease. This succession of colds weakens the system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, pneumonia or consumption. Cure your, cold while you can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy bas'a great repu tation. It is relied upon by thou sands of people and never disap points them. Try it. It mly costs a quarter. Obtainable every where. ANI1ETT AS TO FATE OF BUCHAREST. Caatnre by Central Powers if Glurgin Snows aavance Dy von oacieoseo's Army. London Nov. 28. With th forces of the Central Powers in possession, according to German official reports, which hitherto have proved accurate with reffard to the recent events in Rumania. of durtea de Arges, an important railway terminal 90 miles from Bucharest, and Giurgiu, on the railway 40 miles southwest of the Capital, anxiety as to the fate of " i- - ' Bucharest is greatly increased. Field Marshal von Mackensen's capture of Ginrg-iu. shows tharl his army has advanced 30 miles iu a single day. Further, a Bul- garian official communication claims that the Dannbe has been crossed near Lorn Palanka and Vidia and the town of Kalafatu opposite Yidin, captured. Nothing is yet admitted by the Rumanians of these enemy ad v.mces but it is assumed that tht i -jmnmans are continuing their oruerly retirement toward the iifie o.f the At l inger however, lies in the pos- rui,u) iuis retirement not heing effected quickly enough to prevent an attack on their flank fim Von Mackensen's forces Giurgiu from which point thert ls Doln ril and direct communica to Bucharest. Sufferer of Ind Won Relieved. "Before taking Chamberlain's Tablets my husband suffered for several Years from indi causing him to have pains in the stomach and distress after eating Chamberlain's Tablets relieved him of these spells rig-ht.awav. " writes Mrs. -Tfioinks fias n TteGrMrBSl Wnffcnr Pmfcrt " ev " ttlcKS &t LouiS the reatest and mst successful "l wcaiua iwiccdsiers, aiea on Oct. 12. 1916, after a short illness Before he took sick he had en tirelv comoleted his work on h great Hicks Almanac for 1q17 and had read the proofs of all his weather forecasts for a year in ad vance. This noted Almanac is now ready and is a fine specimen of Almanac making. Prof. Hicks' portrait was painted by a leading artist of St. Lonis in May. and this portrait printed in colors, makes the frontispiece of the 1917 Almanac The 1917 Almanac is 35 cents by mail. Prof. Hicks' monthly Magazine, Word and Works, will also be continued by the publisher. Word and Works one year with the Hicks Alma nac is one dollar, bend 5 cents for a sample copy of Word and Works. Address Word and Works Publishing Company, 3401 Franklin Avenue, St, Louis, Mc. Her Soa Subject to Croup. "My son Edwin is subject to croup,f' writes Mrs. E. O. Irwin, New Kensington, Pa. "I put in many sleepless bours at night oerore 1 learnea ot unamberiain s cUh Remedy. Mothers n ;ed not fear this disease if they keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and use it as directed. It always gave my bo7 relief." Obtainable every- where. Yiilaow in Control of ChHoa Cty. El Paso Tex., Nov. 27, V ilia is moving northward from Chi huahua City, according to a cia patch from General Trevioo re ceived today b Gv r.cial Gonzales ; 1 at Juarez, who. was ordered to concenirau; ais forces at Juarez. "A private message coming over the same route adds that not on ly is Villa proceeding north but he is ja control of Chihuahua City, which General Treviuo is supposed to have abandoned pro ceeding southward. Geueral Trev ino, according to tne private re port, said that after effecting a junction with General Murguia he would return and recapture j j Chihuahua. KILL ALL THE WINTER fUES. Now Is the Best Time to mt Kaxt Snr Ffies. ;P 'Don't let your; home becotn'a a winter haven -for flies," 0 tne State Board of TWlfh . en the clean homo, whan weather turns cold, becomes aP tractive to flies and only the greatest vigilance will keep out. But when fliea do trat tnfA the home at the coming of xfi$ weather', don't let them go to 'tii ceihng and stay there. And doiH thipk that the first freeze wltf kill them out. Flies are not defidl when they lie around stiff wi?& Cold. The next warm aruAt n next spring will show you bj$ were possuming,' ' 'In case of a freeze, however, every fly in the house should: o swept down and bnrned. The snould be sought out and brought from under cover in every room ia the house, from the cellar to the garret. Scientists tell us that the flies that were hatched late and that have not complete! their life cycle are they which live in an even temperature through the winter and become the progenitors of our counties" millions next summer. don sequently how is the time to fight next summer s flies. "This is the time," says the Bpard, "when swatting flies -wifi be effective. But if there arfe too many to swat, trap or polsoxk tbem. Use fly paper, and evety other means in order that not one may be carried over from one season to the next." Attorneys far Britt Announces tot J;;:tt . jy iu De iaieir. Asheville, Nf mandamus issued against Buncombe County Board of Can vassers in the BHtt Weaver conirdv versy over the election to Congress from the 10th district. Attorneys tor jtmtt announced tnat an ap peal to the State Snrpreme Court will be taken. Democratic leaders say that the State Board of Election which meets Thursday will isshes a certicfigate of election to Vea vsr. be Democratic carMidite. Among the Repuplicans t.iere is talk of legal efforts to enjoin but definite . te.ent to this elfec !..aEi been iri. de. Ijx-Ajs, A rm. Effects UfiOn l Una Ta Goes Jot Gtfjje em ;j six 3 ttt V mrfi. In Audition to other properties, Xix-Fm contains Cascara in acceptable form', s sticlatingLaxativcawiTonic. t$cm acts efi- ctiveiy and does' not grip disturb tfomach. At . je e-ime titae, t cH digejtiou, arcuses the Hvsr and f-eci c-tioca and restores the heal ;.hy inactiuaB, Pracesilfcg af Court. Thn Rowan Superior Court in session here ha ;ri -d a iumber ot cases among wi'.ich are the folio wiag: A suit for $1,600 by the Tien-kel-Uttiige Livestock Coujany agah-st the So - th.rn Express Coaapany was en led Tuesday y a verdict for ?2oo against the express company Robert Fuller a negr', hat beer sentenced lo ten year ; y Judge Carter. Lat week Falter ptead guilty w nianslaugtiter. Ten ywara ago he killed his wife in Salisbury ard was ciy re cently arrested l$ Fountain In'n, S. C. Tuesday judirnent was pagsed by the Judge in the Ollie Tclbert manslaughter case whica vi- is ks fellows: the d-ile.idant t' pity the widow $1,;.G0 an?3 attain from the use of intoxicating liquor for five yt&rsj Last Wednesday afternin jat 2 :30 c; 'clock, i m raecl iateli- "ollow- ing the re-ccnveDi S or ieror j tne ' 'tow cour? a memor'. . f'-rviCv3 H-ndei.u Color dl John S. was a member oi held. tae dissever You Need a Oeoerci tr Take Grove's Vt Old Standard Grovs'e lafiks is e-'.tally valoabi ? ! r i aic a it contaioi tt ten1.-; wxHesof QUOKiS - H. It e w Jie U .er : viia. i- tlie Bk rt - M M T Ami m. - - . 4fM , L Judge. W. J. . A2ams3 tdoarMi 1 iS? "

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