i J. -X1, """V m i v- A Home Newapaper Published in the Interest othe People and for Governmental Affairs. 1 : . ."V " .--v - ----- -s . - VOL. XH. NO. 51. FOURTH SEBIES - T; . - -2-. - ' , - -1 '' : ' - ;--:.; "-T; 'i's-t vVs:'-;-:-:.A.Wi INCURABLE DEFECT IN- BRAIN Color-Blindness Cannot Be Over Come, Though Word-Blindness May Be Alleviated. Two defects fn regard .to sight word-blindness and color-blindness !are described by an English 'writer. IHe points ont that they are not . de fects of the eyes at all, but are really mental defects, .and, curiously enough, are found very "often in clever men, i-the .discoverer of the defect rDalton, 'the . great " scientist being himself icolor-bfind. Color-blindness occurs In about three to four per cent of pales and in la smaller number of females. It is frequently hereditary, but, strangely enough, though the males suffer from ithe defect, the females . carry it on. Color-blindness is a defect in the (registering apparatus in, the brain and is incurable. It is of importance to recognize the defect early, and to turn Ithe attention of the sufferer to work !ln which this defect will not be a han-i-dicap. Such children should learn ;arly that there is no work for them ion the railway. Word-blindness Is a much more se ,rious defect, and may be the cause of i the dlmaulty some children find in learning to read. They see correctly. jTested with figures or pictures, they jinay pass the standard, but the let ters of the alphabet, when strung to gether to form words, convey no mean ling to them. The effect is due to a want of association of the brain cen ters. The defect is usually mistaken At first to indicate, defective eyesight, but this is not so. It is noteworthy that these same children may show considerable ease in reading figures, even-money sums. To teach these children to read, words must not be taken letter y letter, but as a whole. the word "cat must be taken not as " onnolo- hnt fha TXThrhla X b, X Hl IM .Ml, MWH buv ' ""'V I thing must be the sign for cat. The imethod is known as the 'look and say" plan, and by its aid it is possible to (teach the child to read. WORK ON CAMPAIGN BANNERS ;TweWe Men Employed in Production ofOne of These Wonderful j Objects of "Art." The services of, 12 men are required fto produce one of the big campaign banners. Two men prepate the strips on which the Fettering is done. Two more look after tfut-Afetarine rtf thEA Rtrins. the italntinK oithi nSaes'o cIubT or&f isoclations ordering the banners,: the (captions for the portraits and the of I flees for which, the nominees are to : contend. Two, men work on the centerpieces, generally consisting of an eagle and a shield. One man devotes himself to Ithe special portraits, and the others : assemble the various parts, sew the 'strips together, and give the finishing -touches to the banner. The "portrait man" scorns to do any other work than the main portrait. The rest he calls "filling in." By work ing .on the same faces day afW day this artist becomes so skillful that' he can paint the portrait of a candidate to use the words of one painter) "in the dark", and do it as true to life as the standard of the campaign banner industry requires. Price of Roses. A small flower shop in the humbler quarters of a Southern city. A young hospital nurse, still in training, is : asking the price of roses, her rounded r cheek, itself a rose, half turned to the open door. The dally tasks of the hospital training school are exhausting. But she has managed to embroider a work bag a wedding present wrought by her own hands-and she seeks to adorn the package with a few buds. To the question she puts there is no reply; only a thoughtful leoly Such voice as is "an excellent thing in woman" repeats it. Then the worn .an of the shop, quietly : "I heard you the first time, dear, :and Tve heard your voice before. You were good, so good, to my Alice at the hospital. How she suffered ! And Ihow patient to the end!" Then, turning to the boy, she bids Uilm give the lady all the flowers she may need. And she herself . pins a fwhite rose on the young nurse's ffoosom. New York Independent. ; Earthquake Caused Changes. ' An effect of the Nevada earthquake Of the last quarter of 1915 has been an Increase to three or four times the former amount in the flow of streams land springs throughout the rorthern part of the state. Observers have pro nounced this earthquake more violent ;than the one that caused such disaster in San Francisco in 1906, but in the ithinly settled region the damage was small. Beginning October 2, tnere were more than 500 shocks within three months. The most notable mark jof the disturbance'has been left on the east side of Pleasant valley, where the alluvial detritus at the base of the Sonoma range has settled away 'for a vertical height of 5 to 12 feet and a horizontal width of 8 feet over a dis tance of nearly 25 miles. ; Money No Object. The judge was passing sentence OB a very defiant-looking culprit. "This is a sad case," his. hocor said. "You, who remained honest until you Were forty, have tarnished your name and dishonored your family, all for the I sake of three miserable dollars" V- "Please be. fair," said the prisoner. JWas ft my fault there were so few?" GODDESS OF LIBERTY FLOODED WITH LIGHT the Statute of Liberty in New York Harbor to ' Be Ughted Nightly. The Statute of Liberty was il luminated from porch to base Saturday night at the dedication of a permanent lighting system. President Wilson gave the signal for turning on the lights. The French ambassador, Secretary of the Navy Daniels, Secretary Red field and other distinguished men were present. The illumination which here after will be a nightly feature of the historic Liberty was paid for by popular subscription by the New York World. After the ceremony the Presi dent and other officials rode in brightly lighted automobiles through lower New York and up Fifth avenue. A dinner followed at. which tfayor Mitchell presided and the President was among the speak er s;. A Good Friend A good friend stands by you in need. Salisbury people tell how Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the lest. Mr Glover endorsed Doan's over eight years ago and asfain confirms the story. Could you ask for more convincing test- tnony? John W Glower, shoe repairer 130 N Mai;; -;t., Salisbury savs: ' I suffered severely from back-j ache and p?ms across tny loins. couldu't ge.t out of bed. j Doan s Kidney Pills had great ly relieved orie ol the family of kidney trouble and I began using tbem The pifi in my back stor j bed at.u 1 v. as soon wen aLd (Statement iven January b. 1908.) On March i0. 1915 Mr Glover Doan's Kinney Piils for a long time, i still ccns.der tnem tne best medicine for kidney trou bles." Price 5;e. at ail dealers. Don't simply !.i?Lr tor a kidney remedy, yret Doan's fidnpv Pills, tho v - " . -7 same that Mr. Glover had. Foster-Milburn Co..' Props., Buffalo. N. Y, Rowan Minister Mm Pastorate. Rev. M. L. Ridenhour, pastor of the Bethel Lutheran charge, including Bethel and St. Paul churches near .Salisbury, has resigned ids pastorate, his re signation to akc effect January 1. Rev Ridenhour has not yet decided where he will go but he has several calls under consid eration. Sloan's Linirnint Eases Pain. Sloan V Liniment is first thought of mothers for bumps, bruises and sprains that are continually happening to children. It quick lv penetrates and soothes with out rubbing. Cleaner and more effective than massy plasters or ointments. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia rjain and that grippy soreness aftercolds, Sloan's Lam ment gives prompt relief. Have a bottle handy, for bruises, strains, sprains and all external' nain. Fo1 the thousands whose work calls tbem outdoors, the rains ttnd aches following ex--! nnsure are relieved by Sloan's Liniment. At all Druggists, 25c. SALISBURY, N. C, RUNANMNS FAIL TO MT TEUTONS. Encirclinz Movement ConOnses Witit Invaders Knockins at Doors of Bucharest London, Dec. 5 The political crisis in Great Britain has re sulted in th4 downfall of of the coalition Cabinet headed by Her bert H. Asquith as Prime Min ister. This resignation of Mr. Asquith has been accepted by King George, who has tendered the portfolio to Andrew Bomar, Unionist leader in the House of Commons. Should Mr. Bomar Law decline the appointment the feeling in London is that David Lloyd-George will receive the tender. In Rumania the forces of the central powers are continuing their drive toward Bucharest. Already almost encompassed on the south and southwest by the invaders, the. capital apparently is being rapidly approached from the west and the northwest, with the Rumanians and Russians no where able to stem the tide. The encircling movement to the north west from the regions of Tergo-viste-e and Petrosita is dangerous ly threatening the town of Plo echti and the only railroad run uing from Bucharest except to the east. Xf the pressure of the Teutons is maintained the indi cations are that they soon will be at the doors of the capital. In the northwest, from the Carpathians to the Moldavian frontier region, the Russian of fensive is making little if any progress. While Petfograd an nounces the capture of another range of heights on the Molda vian front, the Russian war office admits the recapture by the Teu tons in the wooded Carpathian sector of a height south of Vor oneshka. Berlin says the Rus sian attacks- everywhere have On the Macedonian front east of the Qerna river Uie Serbians north'of Grunishte and Budi mirtsa have taken an additional fortified position from the Bul garians. The Bulgarians in this region are said to be retreating. Artillery duels and various small attacks by infantry con tinue on the western front in Prancr nnd Belgium. Ta;j ciustro Italian andRussiar war Lh;.. -iters have been barr-en (v :ur riant events. i- Tie luliad steamer Palermo )v been torpedoed and sunk off ; , '"ish coast, according tc isp'Jebos from Madrid. The st;aoi-r is said to have had 25 Air.wj'-iiiis on board. One sailor ir.ix1 .-,- to have been an Amen- icun diird as a result of wounds. After December 18, under an ordei uf the British Board of Trad, no meal in the evening t exceeding -tnree courses, or two course at any" other time, may be served in hotels, restaurants br jjuiiic places. Meatless days in tiie British Isles also are in prospect. Supplies of coal in Great Bri tain to vessels other than Britis'a or Entente Allied craft and neu trals "who have undertaken to use tneiv vessels in sucn a way that British or Allied interests fl,rp hPiittfited pan nn lnnrfor h ov.,.t , lU r...,. bassy in Washington. The shortage and increasing scarcity of tonnage is given as the reason for this action. Weather Forecast for December, 1916. From 1 to 9, fair with slight three tenings along, some cool. From 9 to 17, wind, rains, and slightly stormy, near snow. From 17 to 24, .rain with slight snow, but heavy ncrth. . f'rom 24 to 31, snow north, j changeable here and mild with iome cool aionr. From 31 to Jan. 7, rain and wind, some stormy along, some snow. - - CJ Not so much rain 'till about the 17th to 28 th and first week in jt,.iuary. Henry Rkid, R-3, Box 167, Salisbury, N, C. WEDHESDA. DECEIXBEB 6TH.1916. Silencer Boy tad in Mamfe Contest lr-, -: It is refresbiijg'0cf learn that our colleges and sptiwls are rea lv doing something mdr than play ing foot bail and basket -ball so the Watchman takesjpleasu re in publishing the following: Trinity college, December I The annual 9019 declamated con test, in which about sixty high schools of North '0iiolui a and Virginia were represented, cime to close tonight. Wiptam Bobbiit of Charlotte won outjfn the final contest over eleven other contes tants and received the har.dsome gold med al provided, by th e 90 1 9 the .. local scholarship fraternity under whose aUspicesthe contest was held. , Erwin Brooks presnting the Siler City High School, but whose home is" "at Spencer, made an exceptionally gboilppearance, making second place in final contest- " k .. In the afternoon thecontestants were taken on a sightseeing trip through, the pity audi in partic-ular-through the matgmoth ''Bull Durham" factories After the final contest,.a, bonpuiet was giv en in honor of the. sixty contes tants. " The judges for the; final, conr test ere Hon. A X Brooks, Greensboro; Col JnoB Langston, Goldsboro; and fiB Craven, Esq , Ridgecrest. Deafness Cannot Be Cared By local applicadou, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional renie4iis. Deaf ness is caused by:: inflamed Condition of tlie;mtici' lining of the Eustachian TubeWeri this tube is ipflamed f oHmm a rum- blig scHindor&fdhearitig the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be desioyed forever; nine cases out ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed cond" tion at the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Doliars for arvy case of Deafness cause! by catarrh that cannot be ce3 i-y Hall's Catarrh Cure, .nl iue circulars, free. etiey & Co , Toledo, 'Ohio. u by DrUfirsrJv,is 75c. i Take H.iJPs 1 amily Pills for con- stipati n . Preaches Last Sermon Before Leaving. O. . x. Ft Marr preached his Ust ji jaon to the First Metho dist congregation here Sunday and ",viil lave one day this week for Charlotte -0 take up his new v -)rk as residing elder of the Cu;t; I ie district. Rev. W. A. L i r. belli, who succeeds Dr. Marr here, is no stranger in Salisbury. His firsst ciiarge after leaving college as at Holmes Memorial church, now Park avenue, in this city 11 years ago. in CKan's Stomach. At grow older and Jess I ao.tivp. less and less food is rtw , qaired to meet the demands of i our bod ifes. If too much is ha bitu'lf taken, the stomach will rebel. When a man reaches the I ail sauced age of 85 or 90, you will as careful as you will, however, ii i- 1 1 yo'a " ill occasionally eau more than you should and will feel the need oi Chamberlain's Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do not contain pepsin, but strengthen the stomach a'nd enable it to perform its functions 'nitn rally. They also cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Body of Thos. Osborne Taken to StatesYille. Staifsvide Dec. 5.The body of Thomas Osborne. wHo died yesterday at Richmond, Va., was brought to Statesnille today for burial, interment Jaking place at Oakwood cemetery this after noon. Mr. Osborne years ago resided at Olin in north Iredell being in the revenue service. A m?' 80 year she is survived j by no wife or children. Mrs. :5am Hobson of Cleveland is a sister of the deceased. ; ana -wu?n - j s euiy cjpseq. RIDICULE MINiSITERS IN MOVIES. Something That Onshg to Be Headed eft by rations Who 1)9 the hying. Some weeks ago a valued cor respondent, E W Stahl, called at tention in these columns, to' the persistent attempt through the movies to advertise the Roman Catholic church through introduc tion 6f priests and nunsy present ed in the most flattering manner possible, and often lugged into the play for the palpable purpose of advertising the Roman Cath olic faith; a faith that is repfet sented by-less than 15,0 0 000 of the 100,000,000 people who con stitute our republic. The critic ism by Mr. Stahl w,as thoroughly warranted Numbers of com plaints have come to us from all parts of the country, many of our readers having declared that they ha.v6 ceased attending certain plays, or plays produced by cer firms, because of this offensive attempt to advertise the Roman Catholic church. Mr. Stahl, in the following contribution touch es upon another fact which manv thoughtful people have noted in regard to the way Protestant ministers are frequently held up to ridicule in the tnovies. On this subject he saysj "Talking with a lady some time after the article appeared in the Menace I got from her a thought that had never come to tne before. She agreed with we that the priests were exalted in the movies and further expressed herself by calling my attention to the fact that when a Protestant minister appears in a moving picture re presentation, it is usually in some ridiculous aspect. Often he is pictured as a fool or an idiot. His dress is gotten up in such a way as to esrcjte laughter. . Even the manner OJ his - walk, tne cut of his face, all these seem to betoken a conspiracy to cover him with ridicule. Disgraceful practical jokes are perpetrated upon him. In every way is he exhibited so as to compromise his ministerial dignity. ' Is it not about time for the non-Catholic millions among our patrons of the movies to unitedly and insistently demand of the moving picture corporation that they eliminate this offensire pa pal advertising? Is it not tirue that we protest to the manage ment of the different moving pic ture theaters every time one of these advertisements for the Ro man Catholic political machine is put on the screens? if our people will take a. firm stand in this re gard, the theater managers will soon heed the protest and deniand that this offensive feature be eliminated from pictures that are sent to their theaters, and the movie managers also will be quick to heed the combined pro test of millions of patrous of the movies " The Menace. Constipation Causes Bad Skin. A dull and pimpy skin is due to a sluggish bowel movement Correct this condition and clear your complexion with Dr King's New Life Pills. This mild laxa tive taken at bedtime will assure you a full, free, non-griping movement in the morninarT Drive out the dull, listless feeling re sulting from overloaded intes- A It' 1 1 tines-ana siuggisn liver, uet a bottle today At all Druggist, 25o. Death ot Mr. Cam'gan, Hooresyih'e Farmer. Mooresville, Dec. 5. WP Car- rigan, a prominent and. influent! al farmer, died at his home near iown aiier an limess oi many months. Funeral services were held at Prospect Presbyterian 1 1 m . i i cnurcn oi wnicn ne was a mem ber, Sunday morning at 11 o' clock, conducted by his pastor. Rev W E West, the active pall bearers were the officers :f tie church and the honorary pall bearers werejhe directors of the Merchants and Farmers Bank of this city of which he was director. He is survived by his wife. 'Six children arid two Vrnt 1. ' i hers, Wm. a STJEWABT. ED. AI7D F50P. WILL BUILD AT ISHEIILIt' T - Mr. Bryan Spoto fe Raleigh Conday ti Spend Mimmers Tfiere- - ,! WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, Hon. W. J Hrvan announces hat hereafter he expects to spend ms iuminer in . sheviile rr.d thai :r xt spring he will build a home thec which he viil call ''Mount 'nlm." He staled that he will continue to cail Jncoln Neb hiv hums and will spend part of eaci year there, including election day. 1 By spending the summer in Asheville " Mr. Bryan said can remain home more and yet be near enough to go to Washington whenever it may be desirable to do so ' Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were the guests of Raleigh at a dinner at the Yarborough Hotel Monday afternoon. The dinner was under the direction of the Chamber of Commerce and not only promin ent men of Raleigh were at he dinner but a large number of men from other towns and cities of this sectto the Slte Mr. Bryan, accompanied by his wife, went to Raleigh for the purpose of visiting their daugh ter, Mrs R L Hargreaves, who with her husband, a national bank examiner, reside there. Mr Bryan left at night for Washing ton where he will be the guest of President Wilson at a luncheon at the White House today. Negleoted Colds Grew Worse. A cough that racks and irritat es the throat may lead to a seri ous chronic cough, if neglected -The healing pine balsams in Dr. Bell s Pine Tar Honey Nature's own remedy will soothe and re heve the irritation, breathing will be easier, and the antiseptic pro parties will km the germ, which retarded he?J ing Have i t hand v for croup sore throatand chronk- bronchtal affections. Get a bottle today. Pieasanb to take. At all Druggists, 25c. The Car Had No Li?r,!s H E Nail. 67 years old, whose home is at Cooleemee, is at Dr Long's Sanatorium with a broken leg, the result of being run over by an automobile in the vicinity of Barber Junction, Wednesday night Mr Nail's right leg is shattered below the knee. The doctors hope amputation may not be necessary. Mr JNail says he had gone to a corn shucking in his old home community, in the vicinity of Barber Junction. After the shucking he left for Barber and was walking along the road when an automobile, running without lights, strufk him and knocked htm down, breaking his leg The machine made no stop and Mr Nail was so badly hur' that ne soon lost conscioucuss. He was found lv'r.jr in road in this condition ;,' a mt Barbel, whosumontd nip and a physi cian Dr If urns of Cle viand took charge of Mr Nail and brought him to the Sanatorium reaching Statesville about 11:30 Wednesday night. The uulighted machine was trading, in the direction of States villle and is supposed to have come here. Whether it was a ; Statesville car or who the occu nan ir. M .i. i f " av l;. j pants were is not knon at thra j time. Statesville Landmark, 1 1 . 1 1 , , . v A mm mi ' t "V w I i- WWMWIW : & It SMgm Station 2 ' Statesville, Nov. 30. The Southern railway had a serious wreck at Elmwood. eight miles east of Statesville, this morning shortly after 7 o'clock when pas senger train No. 15 crashed into eastbound freight No. 88 as the latter stood at the station. Three trainmen were injured and a number of oassene-era rtAA minor bruises. The blameifor the wreck it is. said falls on -Engineer Boone of JNo 88 who, it is alleged, read the time incorrectly. It is reoorterf Boone though this watch register ed 6 8 when the time was really 7:08 No, IS is due in Elmwood at 7:lo a, m. Th amg on time. There wm-a rt lers out on No 15 Soone had stoo- ped 88 at the station and it is al leged glancing at his watch and reading the time as hour before the passenger was due. was pre paring to pass her futher down the road Then ir " H1UU ih rough the station exactly on :ime and running at the rate of "5 miles per hour struck the reight. The engineer on No 15 applying the emergencv brakes, lid all pendicle to stop his train, nd then leaped from the cab with the fireman," Others on No 15 were not aware of the danger until the col-; iision had occurred. The 'two kgines were badly torn up, pilots being smashed and cabs knocked in No 15's mail car were crash ed in at each end. Although the passenger train was carrying a rather iarge Thanksgiving crowd ' fortunately there were but few passengers toward the danlafed: ends of the coaches. V ;L W T Abernathx d wife and,,. shattered coaches, were taken rom a pile of debris after the crash only slightly injured ana. their escape was miraclous. Three cars of the freigtt were wrecked. The track was soon cleared and trains were passing within three hours after wreck. Engineer Cline and Firci;' m j r-t; n .vere taken to Sta -sv le So fof tuviduai treaim a, T. e t, mf car ,Gd two Plicias of 15 wer-1 3t ')Ui;ht i .hb af. r- ncDii bv No U. Stop XM ir r, A nac ring cougL whqj., sttsm,drai a Your-, !6; gy and t:h 'TOrse if &Dn,at ; , raw $xu . aesi .es ver, . e- c1, wir-.i )r. overy. '.be ana vt -o xeel sore iiev '.'.j:,! cold 41 ; Kini.;s Mew Dir sooitiin irrit-iiied membranes, ab;i be anti-en.ic aiid laxative qua ies kiL ; i- jerms ard breakup-y ur cold Don't let a. cold lm,, 3r. Get br. King's i ew Dif.nt,;!ry to-d iv f.t your D--cf ist, fj-Jt. rise New S j&oo! Board $ sts. RH'-1 3 new Bend ? Educa ion con.ii i ig of J. rurr (,f u. web tovnship; J. VV. .Pet lei of Rock we 1, and J M McCorkle, of Salisbury, mt? Monday and org anized by elect inp; Mr. Mc Corldc chairman, hea pro:e':ded witli thii usual aiv te'.$ that co.me before t ie board 1 .iese ger le men a.: all interested in tht ad vanc mit of the txhi cation pi in teres ts of the cou ity are prog revive and will continue .nd probably increa?". he good iiore toforc dne by th '.t ard. jtVof. R vi. Kizer, th ' gonial county upf 'nteudent of public ins tuc lion, is secretary t3 the. board. Mrs. P. 3. Stiiciiel! Tells B3 She CmI Her m el a Cold. WhT: jay 8(r W . wn.-. ck with iM.old last vi er 1 . ive him Chamberlain 'is Cougu 1. jm, edy. It helped ai ai at once und quickly broke up bis cold," writ es Mrsr, P. O. Stucriell, Homer City, Pa. This remedy has been in user for many year s. Ti good qualitl-'s hava bf-" 4 aUj- i.r ven by ' is ploasaitt ai bj U. ' 'v.u;a.. ' ' 1 It and wo t2. K,-:-.K'.