.... s- f r- r EARLY SCRIPTURES ALL LOST Oldest Known Manuscripts Show the Bible as It Existed Soon After Apostolic Days. - v NEWS ofiriterest to - ALL OF OUR READERS f'SS''SSiBeBBBWMJMBMBWrtSSSSSSSBSJ Lila Wbite, Hatti Wads- worth and John Hall, negroes of Spencer, are in Raleigh The oldest Bible manuscripts now In AiiKtence data from nhnnf nnn jkaV : WViM 'XOV A. D., and shorw us the Bible as it ex isted soon after the apostolic days. All the earlier manuscripts "were : ei ther lost or destroyed In th- taithi i persecutions which were directed not taking tbe Past OUT tre&tm ant only against the Christians trat against for rabbi hp th K.iHn,.KMJ their treasured sacred writings, their t-f. 6 ' y haTlngbeett! enemies thus hoping to stamp out eveal f Via olichtOQr tnmw' v Vu . The three oldest manuscripts now in existence are known as the Sinaitic the Alexandrian and the Vatican man uscripts, the Christian Herald says. The Sinaitic was found by the eminent Bible scholar, Teschendorf, in a con vent on Mount Sinai in 1844. It. con tains the Septnaglnt, other parts of the Old Testament, the New Testa ment complete, and some of the apoc ryphal books. The writing; after a lapse of more than" fifteen hundred years, Is still clear and legible. The Alexandrian manuscript, which came to light in 1628, is not quite so ancient as the Sinaitic. It has the Old Testa ment complete, except that ten leaves are missing, and the New Testament lacks nearly thirty leaves. It is in the British museum. The Vatican man uscript the most ancient tf all is a great treasure, consisting of about seven hundred leaves of Yellum bound in book form. Part of Genesis is missing, and also a number of the psalms. The New Testament is com plete up to HebrewsT ninth chapter. Other early Bible manuscripts of great value, but inferior to the three men tioned are the Codex Bphraem and the Codex Bezae, besides which there Is a ilong list of later manuscripts. SAFE, BUT NOT COMFORTABLE Rabbit Must Have Passed Some Un easy Moments In Its Peculiar Place of Refuge. Two hunters were in the woods one day with their rabbit dog, named "Skip." They were tramping along iwhen "Skip" suddenly caught sight of a rabbit and gave chase. He ran the victim on to posted land near a farm house. The owner of the dog, hear ing him make unusual noises, deter mined to see what was the matter. Leaving his gun with his companion, he climbed over the fence and looked rfor "Skip." He beheld what he thought was a dog suddenly gone mad. "Skip" was whining, yelping, growling and bit ing at a large milkcan. Dog and can rolled over and over, "Skip" in appar ent frenzy, biting and scratching it with his paws. Then he would en deavor to hurl himself inside without regard for bumped or bruised legs. Upon making an investigation, the hunter found that the unfortunate cot tontail, in seeking shelter, had rushed Into the milkcan, where, although the dog could not get at him, he must cer tainly have had alarming doubts con cerning his safety. Youth's Compan ion. , ... , , Afraid of Their Own Reflection. An interesting bit of animal psy chology Is revealed in a story that comes from Elkins, W. Va., of how a baby's life was saved by the fear of wild hogs for their own likeness re flected from a mirror. Wild hogs that exist in the moun tains of Randolph county came down into the foothills and charged into the home of Sanford Phillips, upsetting furniture and attacking Phillips' two-year-old son. The animals had torn nearly all the clothing from the child when he ran Into a corner where a big mirroi hung. The hogs followed, but soon stopped when they beheld-their likenesc t s in the big glass. Only a second did they hesitate, however, then turned, plung ing from the house back up the moun tain side. The child-was only tUghtly injured. Youth's Companion. Could , Not Be Disturbed Although Jed Hoover was the laziest man In town, he always had srvength to hold r. book or a magazine 'rx his hand. It was only in emergencies that the neighbors called upon him for help. One hot day in July, when the clouds threatened rain, a farmer hurried to his shack and asked him to "rake after" the last load of hay. Jed hesitated a minute, and then his eye fell upon a pile of old magazines that were stacked in a corner of the sagging piazza. "Well, now, I'd like to help out," was the reply, "but m have to refuse ye this time. I'm a little behind with my reading." Youth's Companion. bitten recently by a" dog af meiea witn the disease. The ladies of St. Johifii Lutheran Church are holding a bazaar in the vacant store room of the Washington build ing and are meeting with con siderableg access. About 27 friends of Post master V? D Pethel of Spen cer, surprised him last Son day by giving, him, a fine birthday dinner. Mr Pethel was at the postcffiee until tbe noon hour and knew nothing of the intentions of his wife and friends until he reached home and found preparations had been completed and his guests awaiting his arrival. The members of East Sails bury Council, No 38, Ir O U A M had a big rally end ban quet in their hall last Thurs day night This council is do ing some good work and is rapidly increasing in member ship. The bird law for Rowan expired November 30th and since then quite a number of birds, Treepaass notices can be had at the Watchman offlue printed on good card board at one cent each. At the meeting of the State Teachers' Association held in Raleigh Saturday Prof. A T Allen, Superintendent oi the Salisbury public, schools, was elected president; N W Walker of Chapel Hill, vice president; and Einmett Sams of Raleigh, secretary- treasurer. This is a deserved honor to our popular school superintendent. After the adjournment of the Kowan Superior Court last Wednneday afternoon the Rowan County Bar Associa tion, with L H Clement, Esq., presiding, held a memo rial session 'n honor of the late Hon John S Henderson. monjr ti ;p sveaKers were Overman Mr H-i 1 - ! . BT i r r l N MiBa Myrtle-Hull and- Earl P rles were' married Thanks giving evening at the homo of the bride on Sooth Long street. The ceremony wm performed by fcryron Clark, of the First Pr'fiibyterian Ghurch and ;was Wraesfed by only, a few friends. marriage of interest here took place at the home of Mrs J A Guyin Danville, Va, last Wed nesday when Miss Georgia "N. Eggleton of that place, and Roy S. Wood of Salisbury, were bound in wedlock. They are making their home on North Main Street, Salisbury. The marriage of Miss Carrie Oauble, daughter of Mr and Mrs WL Cauble, and William Trex ler took place at Union Church last Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Pleas officiating. These yonng people will make their home on the farm. : r.u'z Lee aud L ii Uluinent I- jo was a vtry i Certain Curs fsr Mrs. RoseMiddleton, of Green vilTe, 111- has had experience in the treatment of this disease She says. When my children were small my son had croup frequently. Chamberlain's Cough Kerned y always broke up these attacks-immed iately, and. I was never without it in the house. I have taken it myself for coughs and colds with good results." (Hanover Yoa Need a Oeoeral Tbk' spsr'vl " -v '" ' Tbe Old Standard GrOye's Tastttesa & vToaic is equally Tamable sf 5aecal Tonfcf because it contains lfcaown tonic properties of QUINTN 3 1 -t lUON. It acts on the Liver, Dtf9fJ f Materia, Enriches the Blood a4 4u 4& CO the Wbote System. SOoesU I t i anl t'nmily of I)av- Vi Excuse for Breaking Silence Rule. A new story is being told ttbout tertaln London club, famed interna- jtionally for both its exclusiveness and lits dullness. I In one of the rooms a rule of silence JIs stringently enforced, any necessary order to a waiter having to be given in a whisper. The other day occupants of he room were startled to see a mem iber press a bell button with evident jannoyance, and when the waiter ap peared to hear him exclaim, pointing to a neighbor in a chair: "Waiter, remove that member." ; The man in the chair had been dead ! three days. iJ;"oati nr.Hn .jf air bury 'i sV '- ' vf -h: '. ', lar - - ! aftpriu ir' '-'i -t,. rr yaid (.See pTos:Kte-; to i SL Ave;', former Mipfrin tt?ndeut'i t'.' ii'alt here, -a bandsorr chest of silverware The p. -: tatioii speech was made by T U Linu, I . which ws .appropriately re Jspondedtoby Capt Avery Capt Avrry is now superin tendent of term: jals at Nor- Claatr tffidtk hWsh totiteL There was a public install ation of county officials in the court house here Monday. The meeting was presided over by WO Coughenour, Jr, chairman of the county board of elections and the oath were administered by Clerk of the county J Frank McCubbins. Mr Coughenour stated the object of the meeting, which was well attended, prayer was offered by Rev W W Way and Hon Theo F Klutti de livered a very appropriate ad dress, after which the officers first took the oath of allegi anee to the United States and the State, then the individual oath of respective ' oQees, which are as follows: R Lee- WrighV county judge; L A Swictgood, coun ty prosecutor; J H Krider, sheriff; J C Kesler, treasurer; J C Oeaton, register of deqdB; N A Trexler, surveyor; D L Sides, coroner; B B Neave, J. andjtor; R F Cauble, con s f a ' thrt Beven member!? crard of county con sM)iijrs tooK tne oatn in a -i .mt: J S Ball, C J , LA K-sler, E K Vm Kester, N W Men- Patterson, this Judge R Lee nade an interesting id outlined his po- ? ou th " bench. Hi - mdicatad a clear in ito affair -s and took a -i:? ible position in the "; rat? on of justice with to will have to dsal ihe next two years, i V county board' of com-; . . J ' . : oners met ana. orgamsea y iun election ot J 8 HalL f-jw ' i tonshipr chairman. iTceedecl witii the usu- . -S ' 11 en v ' i a m ese Gominir or ine re Ktt'-cif monthly seseion. Thomas 1. Cmeaibf Oxford 1 N C, father:of MrsFr J.tMan pin of Salisbnry Mied at his home Thanksgiving dayv- Mrs. Manpin . was at the bedside of her father when death came. She h&s the sympathy of many friends here in hear -bereave ment. Lewis V Brown, age 74, years ago a resident 01 baiisonry, died at his home' in Ash viUe Fri day. Mr Brown was son of Thos. E Brown, a native of bal- isbnry, ' a father of Prank R Brown, Sr and a first jcousin of J Allen Brown. T B Brown, Dojaglass Brown and ,Mrs J F Cannon of Salisbnry. y He leaves a wife, son and daughter. Chas P Shaping, received a telegram Saturday evening an nouncing the death of his broth er, W A Shuping at Witt, Illi nois, that afternoon. Mr Shup ing was a native of Rowan and has been living in the West for many years, and has not visited here for twenty years. He was one of eight brothers L and the first to die. Those surving are C P of Salisbnry, Robert A and Benjamin of Rowan, J M of Mt Pleasant, H J of New Kirk, Okla; J E of Taylor Springs, 111, and Jacob A of Persia, Iowa. The Shapings are widely related hi the county, are of good sturdy stock and are good citizens, having made good I wherever they locate. Mrs Ann Turner, widow of the late Henry Turner, died at the home of her son, H C Turner, in Scotch Irish township Sunday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. She was '82 years old and the funeral took place Mon day morning, the interment be ing at Bethel church. Mrs Nancy Gallimore, at one time a citizen of Salisbury, died Saturday in Cooleemee at the home of her daughter, Mrs Ellen I James, with whom she had been making her, home. She was 85 years old ana was m very good health until recently. Js&9 Lindsay ts Speak Here. Judge Ben B. Lindsay, of Denver, Col., is to speak in the Tabernacle Tuesday night,. December 12h, to the citizens of Salisbury and vie inity. While this is really a part of the Lyceum course of last year, unfilled on account of the absence of Judge Lind say on the Ford Peace Ex pedition. Judge Lindsay has gained a nationwide reputa tion for his wise course in the conduct of juvenile courts. :?udgWR I e WSghl!fid twelve minor cases before him Monday . when he held his first court as judge of the Rowan county court. They drew fines and short road sen tences commensurate with their crimes. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive Hmlarianrichea the blood, and bnildanp the ir tesi. Atroetosk. For adult and children. Ste For a Weak Stomach. As a general rule all you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your age and occupation and to keep your bowels regular. When you feel that you have eaten too much and when constipated, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets, RELIEVED IT HOME SloanVLiniment Robs Toothache l Its Terrors. PamVanithes in a Few .Minutes Ko hoBdte pac" the floor all night with the stout of a throbbing tooth. Sloan's Liniment will quickly relieve the pain ana give you rest. A sincle airolication and the vain osnally diasopears. Sloan's Liniment ret nht to the root .of the trouble. Like a warming balm it relicres eon Section, and in a few minutes toothache is redneed. To soothe the tlirob' of a tooth that pains with neuralgia apply Sloan's liniment externally. Aching muscles. iheomstism, xout, braises, sprainsv lumbago, ehnbiains, sprains and Stiff neck can also be most enestivelv treated with Sloan's liniment. Cleaner than mossy Blasters or pooltiees. Sloan's liniment at all drag stores in bsc, oue. anatLuu notues. "Why ment?" Hardly the Thing. did she break the engage- "Seemed he mailed her a love letter In one of those envelopes with a glass ; front." Louisville Courier-Jour nal. fork, V" W H t.fty of Vermoot ez-natioixJ vo3cilor of the Sons & Daughter of Liberty iB.expetfed to make an ad dress in he Spencer School hnilrlinc? Fr!y niffht tl which tbe pnblic is invited. The congre gntion of the Spencer Baptist Chnreh is worshipping at the public school build log at present I owing to the damage done by OnfltM hnvA lone been looked on as Sokes in this country, though in some fire to cborch building foreign countries they have been re- - ueu vu u buui tco vi uicai, wu. nuv. -t tjl 'Vol CIKL. iunuoMQi fi saidTslsaili lullstab. The ladies cf the Spencer Presbyterian church will hold a bazaar in the Robinson building Monday and Tues day, December 11th and 12th. Oysters will be served and numerous arties will be on sale. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAX&TXV8 BK.OMO Quinine, it itopi tbe Consh and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. S. W. GHOVB'S signature on each box. 25c A train load, of State con victs frpm Bad in en route to Tillett, -N C,. passed through Salisbury Friday. iSeelliTliace 'pur er tisement in this pajper VVyrey Jhe 1 motorcycle man, vho occDpies the small building next to the alley on East Innes Street, has rented the new store room just com pleted in the rear, of the old Klnttz drug store, i. Mr Arey will carry a, line o yictrolas there. T Cuisine That poes Not Affect The Httd because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXJU riVE BROMO QUININB is better than ordinary ; : OtrinitM and rtrm Tint mnw mrmnneu OOt '- osfias ia hee. Seasember the ful name and - sec tor toe 8-f00t dry Oak WOOd for sale. Call on or 'phone J. B. Speck, mal No. 2, China Grove, N. C. Tiiniers Almanac for 1917, the big gest and best m 88 years, ready November 10. Order now from1 dealer, or. send dime,, coin, or stamps for prepaid copy Turner's Almanac, 190 Times Building, Raleigh 400 Typewriters All kibdsand all grades. REM INGTONM $12 ap. Instractionp with each machine. lype and re- an' pBrts for all maks of Typewriters. "EMPIRE TYPE FOUND RY, BUFFALO, H. Y. 1).M6. 1 pr. JfeUB OUT PAIN wlin good oil liniment That's the surest way to ston them. The best rubbing liniment is , Parai.-anOto the terms cf ft certain mort gage deed of trust executed bf H. L. Mien- -,-ini"- n.u.i rifa. Mora Li. Misnhimr. to Jo i' T. Hondleman, trustee, on July 1 1910. iviiicli is duly recorded in the office oi th-.N :egmAT of Deeds for Rowan eoanty in Hi 'Ok of mortcagwr No 64, pare 98. de- tauU having been made in the payment ot toe not? therein secured, sad upon demand ot the holder ot said note that said mort gage be foreclosed, the undersigned will ezpoi tor Mtle at public auction tor cash at the court house door in Salisbury, on Monday, January 8th, 1917, at the hour of twelre f dig following de scribed real estatet 8itoate ia the Tillage of Rockwell; IT C, adjoining Junior Hall and the Lutheran church lot, beginning at an iron atake on South Main street on Junior lvulslivj U . f?J A K Jfmfs t Ci Horses, Moles, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, v Cuts, Burns, Etc t 25c. 50c $1.. At all Dealers. .material for the manuiacture oi ciotn. jA-.a flnr3 MffltA Oraantrfli. Of recent years the health-giving qnal- t " w Itles of goat's milk are being recog- tD F WlBd Were present at a nlzed,as well as tte rlattblUty of Wd meeting of RoBOWOOd Camp, -meat, and the sllky-halred varieties ... are being pastured on waste lands to Woodmen Ot tne World, last good advantage. The forestry service night when the election of prang inese animals to ciean. out u m., m..i,ii - , - , , dense brush on the reserves, so that i officers waa new and refresh- QUB-rJIY-TISrJ Lutheran church corner: tfeacce south forty raliU. Heaaacnet, Ltramps, Colte two (42) deS. west one hundred eighty-two OpraiitStBnusesJCuti, Burns, Old or.r, uiviki ires. leaeT. luox worm.Eo stfflt, etc Amtimtie AaWyne, vss inuntauy or exteroaUy. 25c feet to a stake on church korth sixty-one and one-half deg. west sixty two anp one-nau feet to m suae on Ti u. Binehardt'alsorser; thence north fortT-flve and one-hsldeg east sight yx sad one half feel to aa iron stake oa T. H. Bine hard fa comer: theses soath fifty deg. east four and one half teet to an iroa stake. thence north forty-nre sad one half dag. Elltf fiSt A. leather re-enforced natter losi ra w lot nacK 01 N P Murphy 'a grocery store eoet one hundred and ten fset to the begin ipinder will please notify WM nmg. "H.T r i Sloop, Kottte z, unina lirove, or iteS wit the Watctata office .d c Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette ! Prince Albert gives ycu everytobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for That's because it's made by a patented process that ''cute out bite and parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality ! you will read: "Pro- U illJ I S cess Patented Ju!y P Sl'.l IVMiffl i ! 5 3oth. iso7." which i iiirllliiKi'li I li J has made, three mem , J,;:jluyMJlUy 1 !! V moke pipes where if fe::l3iilKfjjf ;i in one amelMd before I : Jj;B(jlW.ili4mPtAlt0 S the national joy smoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful You never tasted the like of it! And that isn't strange, either. Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wiiutcaalem, N. C Bay Princm Albert every where tobacco it- Bold in toppy red bag, 5c; tidy red tine, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humi dor and that corking fine pound eryetal-giase humi dor with eponge-moist ener top that keep the tobacco in such clever trim alwayat It Jsn'tthe Getting Up WMlWl " , If a the dressing in a. room like an ice-box that flilHjiif IpyiiOSl I-P WlA aets your teeth on edge. rjBl!ffiiplli 1-fJlP iP8 Your dressing room would be as warm .as !piS M$$k-1 slfeflS Ylilli toast every morning if you bid a Perfection ! I WWmWlmil ' CP Smokeless Oil Heater, t starts thawing out PPiR the chills the minute you strike c. match and I jWMffj1 Mlljp you can carry h wherever you r.ced heat I l'iiVT-iv I I bathroom, breakfast room, or prntry. W SWm, I Clean, dnmble, good4ooking. Inxper.siv to buy; coats It V 'K&SLviSd WJ , ri I I.e. tV.n n coal fire. A-k anv one of the If 2f9 tSV l!Wfl5 V VIS I K II : I more than 2,000,000 users, otexaxnine it at your depart- ' j$s-'!f fJl i i I I ment store, hardware or furniture dealer's. r TTu mwi lllw "Tf UV p L-J ( TJee Almddin Security Oil-for best reettAs r 4 " 1 - J' I STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' - 1 I (New Jersey) I li II BALTQfORB I 1 "i y Washlnfftoo. IX C. R!ehaond,Va Charteeton, W. Va. Vt J C MrfaHt7v Cbarlotte, N. C Cbarlestoa, S. C I HJ?m wajr get started, Jjiments were served.