.i 14 A Home Newspaper Published in the-Interest of, the People and for Governmental Affairs. ft VOI JUL UO. 2. FOUBTH SERIES SALISBURY, H. C WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27TH. I916. 7m. HJ ISTEWABT, ED. AND PBOP. f--. a LOCAL KSWS rrrrr Of intcifestto - ALL C? ODIl READERS Rev. O. Rlchardifen, the popular piator of NortU Main street and JSaat Spsncer ciiarches, was well pounded Jast Tuesday afternoon and night by the congregations of the ehurchea rBspectively. Owing to a number of drunks coming up in tht county court said to be the result of a "julep" sold at the cheap cafes and at Granite Quarry, Sheriff Krider se cured some of the stuff and sent it to the state chemist for analysis. W F and J L Fleming last Thursday purchased the old Tom Sumner farm from N A Rodgers; The Messrs. Flem ing propose to improve the farm and raise cattle. It is located about five miles southeast of Salisbury. Rev. J. B. Wallace, of Ath ens, Tenn. , having accepted the pastorate of several Pres byterian churches in Cleve land and Scotch Irish town ships, arrived here with his family last Thursday night and left Friday morning for Woodleat where they will re side. Rev. Wallace takes the position made vacant by the resignation of Rev. Doug al Monroe Judge R Lee Wright held court Christmas morning and disposed of a number of mi nor cases, but there were no arrests Christmas day and. the court bad toothing to do Tuesday. Tfe! is an unusual occurrence following Christ mas The Peoples kfttioual BanK Btbnt td their many customers and friends a tttf handsome Christmas and New Year's folder, whieh indicates the thoughlfttlnsss of these clev er peopl for the welfare of their patrons. Christmas was obrtrved here in about the usual man ner. Services were .hsld iu a number of the churches, Christmas trees were nume rous and many family re unions were enjoyed The boys had more or less pleas ure with fireworks but there was no rowdyism or anything to mar the pleasure of the day except the death by fast driving of an automobile by Baldy Miller, which occurred north of Spencer. i3Sevi" You Need a Gcraers Take Grove's 51? OJd Standard Grove's ? v 3hj Tsaia is equally valaabl Tonic because it contain 'J "trvra tonic propertiesof QUIK wipM. it acts on the Liver. l- fcu&ria, Enriches the Blood - j : 4 t Sbe Whole Svstam. 50 v. " .The congregation of St. Mark's E. L. Church,. China Grove, gave their pastor Rev. W. H Riser, a pound ing last Friday evening. Many useful articles were taken to the pastors home and an enjoyable evening was had by all present. An Old Han's Stomach. As we grow older and less active, less ana less 100a is re quired, to meet the demands of, our bodies. If too much is ha - hituallv taken, the stomach will K1 WV,fl o tov, icuci. ""cu i uiuu icouiica iuo advanced age of So or 90, you will find that he is a light eater. Be as PATfif ul as voa will . hnwp.vpr. you will occasionally eat more than you should and will feel the j need of Chamberlain's Tablets correct the disorder These tablets do not contain pepsin, buttrengthea the stomach and ; enable it to perform its functions QtftHrally. They UlSO Cause a e, - . Iv. 1 1 gjfeCtfi raOVtm$VOI We bOWelS. REVENUE TAX FROM INTOXICANTS. How ti Raise Enough Money to Coyer Deficit of $370,000,000. Washington, Dec. 26 Issuance of $125,000,000 of Panama Canal bonds, increased income and estate taxes, additional , taxes on whis key, beer, cigarettes and bottled, waters and high tariff on coffee and tea are proposed in a tenta tive program to be considered by the House ways and means com mittee when it begins framing revenue legislation to meet the prospective deficit of $370,000,000 at the end of thf next "fiscal year. The committee will undertake its task soon after Congress re convenes next week Members al ready have conferred with Sec retary McAdoo and the problem has been given serious attention by the President. The President is understood to oppose bond issues except for ex traordinary emergencies. To square with this view, Democratic leaders in the House propose to put the issue of Panama Canal bonds directly on the military ex penditures on account of Mexico. Speaker Clark believes that an extra session will be necessary to consider revenue measures unless it is possible to meet the deficit by a bond issue and income tax increases. Other Democrats hope, however, that the problem can be solved by pressing through at the short session a complete pro gram, including the omnibus re venue bill in addition to provision for the bond issue and increases in the income tax. S(pp That . A hacking cough weakens the whole system, drains your energy and gets worse if neglected; your throat is rawyour chest aches and you feel sore all over, Re lieve that cold at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. Tbe soothing pine balsams, heal the irritated membranes, and the anli-epiic and laxative qualities kill the germs and break up your cold. Don't let a cold linger. Get Dr. King's New Discovery to-day at ypur Druggist, 50c. Prominent Concord Woman Found Dead. Concord, Dec. 23. At her home on North Spring street Thursday afternoon the body' of Mrs Bettie M Johnson was found dead by her brother, W G ,'vJeans. Mrs Johnson had been heard to 4 say tecently to friends, that she was not well, suffering from shortness of breath, therefore it is supposed she died of heart di sease. Mrs Johnson was the daughter of Col William Means and a sis ter of the late Col Paul B Means. W G Means former city attorn ey, ana teo w Means 01 this city, are brothers. She was the widow of Rev T C Johnson, a Presbvterian minister, who died in 1877. All her children being married, she lived alone. Sue was sixty five years of age, and leaves four children. Mrs Kate Lockett and William T Johnson, of Richmond; Mrs J R Card, of Dallas, Texas, and T C Johnson of Greenville, S. C. Constipation Causes Bad Skin. A dull and pimpy skin is due to a sluggish bowel movement Correct this condition and clear your complexion with Dr King's New Life Pills. This mild laxa tive taken at bedtime will assure you a full, free, non-griping movement in the morning. Drive out the dull, listless feeling re suiting from overloaded intes- 3 1 I . tines aim siuggisn nver. uet a bottle to day At all Druggist, 20c. Ana no w xnere are many en A . 1 . - Al. gaged in the task of laying aside some of their Christmas presents to pass on to some one else next Christmas. : AT. To Cure a 00141 ln 0ne Dy Take LAXATIVE BROMOQuinine.lt stops the Cough and Heaaache and works off the Cold, ; Wv2rB JSTbS.'SS ! VV ashington, Dec. 26. Plans for a great naval demonstration to signalize American acquisition to; of the Danish West Indies are oeing considered Dy mate and : NavJ Department omcials j p,les Curedln 6 to D j Vo Arnztctet will refund monev PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6tol4days. The first applicaUon gives ease and Rest. 50c. RUMANIANS FALL BACK AS TEUTONS DRIVE. Russians Lost Ion than 6,060 Prisoners tether With Anns wd Munitions. The Teutonic Allies are favor able to an immediate meeting of delegates from the belligerent states at some neutral point in order that an exchange of views with regard to peace may becarr ried out. This has been declared by tbe German government in replying to the recent note of President Wilson suggesting that the bel- ligerent nations make known their basis for peace. It is an- nounced in the note that Ger many is of the opiriiqn that the work of preventing future wars can be begun only after the end of the present struggle, but that then Germany will be ready to collaborate with the United States "in this exalted task." Nothing has yet come through to indicate what will be the ten or of the replies of the Entente Allies to President Wilson's sug gestion, and, so far as is known none of them has yet given an answer to the announcement made to them in the note of the Teutonic Allies that Germany is ready to discuss peace. Meantime, the Premiers of Great Britain's colonies have been urged to attend at an early date not!ater than the end of February a series of special meetings of the war cabinet. At these meetings, says the British Colonial Secretary, "urgent questions affecting the prosecu tion of the war, possible condi tions on which, in agreement with our Allies, we could . assent to its termination, and problems which would then immediately arise," are to be discussed Rumania continues the theater of greatest activity. In north ern Wallachia, along the south ern Moldavian border ?.nd in Dobrudja the Teutonic Allies continue to make gains over thf5 Russian - Rumanians, Thirty miles southwest of Braila ,tho invaders have captured the town of Pilipechti and west of Rin nik Sarat are on the offensive. In this latter regioli, during the past few days, 5,500 Russians have been made prisoners. In Mesopotamia the British forces are still in quest of Kut- el-Amara, in which sector they have made further advances on the right oank of the Tigris and consolidated and extended their positions south and east of the i town. Gassabs fort, 20 miles southeast of Kut, a base" from which hostile Arabs have been operating against the British, las been destroyed. Tne British victory over the Turks at Maghdaba 90 miles east of the Suez "Canal was of considerable proportions. In addition to making prisoners of 1,350 men of the Turkish force of about 2,000, seven guns, a large number of rifles, much ammunition and large quantities of other war stores were cap tured. On the other fronts there have been only artillery engagements. DON'T WML Take Advantage Of a Salisbury Citizen's Ex perience. When the back begins to ach Don't wait until backache be comes chronic; 'Till kidney trouble develop; 'Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest Profit by a Salisbury woman's experience. Mrs D A Holbrooks, 213 South Lee street, Salisbury, says: "Some years ago I hacr attacks of lum bago that nearly put me down and out. My back ached constantly. Doan's Kidney Pills were recom mended to me by a friend and I begfah taking them. They help ed me at once. Whenever my back-causes me any misery now, I use Doan's Kidney Pills and get prompt relief." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't , ' ... , simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doan's Kidney Pills, the xi i. -r tt n i i 5 same that Mrs. Holbrooks had. Foster-Milbum Co., Props., d fr l xt -v Uuttalo, w Baldy Killer Killed by Aufo; About 1 o'clock Sunday morn-f ing as a party of four, two women i and two men. were Ire turn in or -tof Salisbury in a Ford car driven by ! " - 1 Baldy Miller, the car turned over, I the result it is saidf of fast driv-j 2 Promotes improved meth irig, and threw the occupau ts out, ; ods in crop production. crushing Miller's skull. The accident occurred north of Spen cer on the road leading to the t6ll bridge just sotth of where the Miller ferry road connects Medical assistance as, obtained from Spencer and Miller was brought to Salisbury and taken to the sanatorium, i and not re- gaining consciousnels, died Mon day afternoon. The ofher mem bers of the party were not seri ously wounded, although a report was circulated to the effect that one of the women suffered a broken limb Mr Miller was the driver of the city fire truck, a meinber of Chest nut Hill Council, Jr4 O. U. A. M., and of the First Baptist church where the funeral as held this morning being contacted by the pastor. Rev C A G homas, offi ciating with the assistance of Revs J W Moore aril W A Lam- beth of the Methodist church. Thef funeral was largely attended ; i i r . J t ana meinDers oi ine lire uepari. ment and Junior Order were present. Mr. Miller was about 32 years old and a son of S. C Miller, who with three brothers. Robert and Ray of Salisburj, and Samuel of Macon, Ga., two sis ters; Mrs Henry Tomlin of Ashe ville, and Mrs William Allen of Richmond, a wife and. three small children survive Sloan's Liniment Eases Fain. Sloan's Liniment is first thought of mothers fr bumps, bruises and sprains that are--'continually happening to children. It quick ly penetrates and soothes with out rubbing. CI; aor and More effective fclmlt:a515s?y plasters " oH ointments. For rheumatic aches, neui algia pain and that grippy soreness aftercokU, Sloan's Lini me'it; jiives prompt relief. Have a bo! tie handy for bruises, strains, sprains and all external pa nr. For i iie thousands whose work calls them outdoors, the iv!U5. and Hhes following ex po.su re are relieved by Sloan's Liiiini-'nt. At all -Dniggisis, 2oc. Conwrnine the Purchasing of and Pilar!. Y A Graham, State Commis s' niev of Agriculture, is sending out ihe following note to the county agents: You will general lv find it pos s;Me to save your farmers consid erable sums of money on their purchases of ground limestone imtl marl by getting prices from the late Department of Agri culture which has state contracts with the leading lime grinding companies that are located near enough to North Carolina terri tory to do business in this State. Nealeoted Colds Grow Worse. A cough that racks and irritat es the throat may lead to a seri ous chronic coujh, if neglected. I The healing pine balsams in Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey Nature's own remedy will soothe and re lieve the irritation, breathing will be easier- and the antiseptic pro perties.will kill the germ which retarded healing- Haveithaudy for croup, sore throat and chronic bronchial affections. Get a bottle todav. ' Pleasant to take. At all t Di uargists, 25c. The big- livery stable at Stan- 1 field, Cabarrus county, was total ly destroyed by fire last night with contents, 22 head of horses and mules, six automobiles, as wen as an me ougies, rougn ness etc., contained in the stable. Drives Out Malaria, B3ds Up Sys The Old Standard general strengthening n 11 n it 1 . tern. A true tonic For adults and children. c We suppose that when those shoes made out of x shark skin rise in price we will be allowed to refer to the sellers as shoe sharks? I Lax;Fos 5 lJii-d'.nEfleSe Ka5e lvcr Ionlc Doe$ Not Gripe nor Disturb ths Stomach: . In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos i contains Cascara in acceptable form, a ' stimulating Laxative andTonic. Lax-Fos j acts effectively and dops not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids ' digestion, arouses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c WHAT DOES A COUNTY AGENT DO? n' . . . , H He Dfltt ft DOtS talfcriblO and IS Very fflaB. 1 Encourages community co- operation 3 Introduces more and better livestock. 4 Assists in the proper man agement of farm business. 5 Establishes "Boys Agricul tural Clubs" for the improve ment tf corn, pig, poultry, etc, production. 6 Assists in marketing and distribution. 7 Aids in the control of hog cholera and other animal diseasr es. 8 Works for the eradication of plant diseases. 9 Helps in the construction and arrangement of farm build ings, such as silo , barns, pi" pastures, etc. .10 Aids in installing- drair ing systems, terracing systen, i water supply systems, etc. j 1L Conducts farmers uicei- tural tours.. 12 Gives aid to the woman COUnty agent in her work . . 13 A ssists in county and community fairs. 14 Forms breeders' and other livestock organizations. 15 Plans systems of crop ro tations for the improvement of the land and the even distribu tion of labor throughout the year. He represents the Agricultural Extension Service, which is con ducted jointly by the A & M College and the State Depart ment of Agriculture, working in co-operation with the United States Department of Agricul ture, and he can have the assist ance of the experts in these in stiiViuuCv.at any time J t is need-i ed. F H Jeter. Certain Cure for Croup. Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Green ville, 111., has had experience in the treatment of this disease. She says, "When my children were small my son had croup frequently. Caamberlain's Cough Remedy' always broke up these attacks immediately, and I was never without it in the house. I have taken it myself for coughs and colds with good results." Santford Martin, editor of the Winston-Salem Journal, will be private secretary to (jovernor Bickett when the latter is inau gurated in January, according to aunouncment made by Mr. iic-r kett yesterday. F. LeeShepuy, sth f loor, 543 w. nth btreet JNew 1 oric Jity, gener al Sales Manager of the largest concern of its kind in the world, wants three or four men in Row an County and several men in adjoining Counties, to work for him spqxe time or all the time. He can use only those who have a rig or auto. Work is very pleasant and no previous selling experience is necessary. Work consists of leaving a wonderful new household - necessity in the homes on free trial. Tests at more than thirty of leading Uni versities' and the Government Bureau of Standards show this new article-to be four times as efficient as article now in gener al use in this section. Article is needed in every rural home and benefits every member of the household, bringing cheer, com fort and happiness into the home. Not necessary to be away from home nights, Pay from $6 00 to $15,00 per day according to abil ity and number of homes visited. In writing Mr Sheppy, mention what townships will be most con venient for. you to work in; what your regular occupation is; your age; married or single; how long you nave lived in the community . 1 1- wnat Kina or rig or auto, you bave; whether vou wish to work spare time or steady; how much time,you will have to devote to the work; when you can start, and about how many homes are within six miles of 'you in each direction. This is a splendid op portunity for several men in Row an County and counties adjoin ing to make good money, work -ing steady or spare time. Some of the field men earn $300.00 per month; one farmer earned $1000 working spare time only. No nvestment or bond necessary. AN BOTMNT INDUSTRY. Deve!c:sflt b Cheese fiakW in Nertli Caro lina- tortanrties for Toons Ben. Nine cheese factories have been established in the western part of North Carolina since the work was begun in 1914, This is one of the most surprising develop ments of the whole woik of the Animal Industry of the North Carolina Experiment Station. Before the work was undertaken, the whole State of North Caro lina was producing only about 30,000 pounds of cheese and this was made in the homes at differ ent ports of the State! The fac tories which have been establish ed are now making more than .hat and at a good profit. The little factory at Grassy :reek made 12.356 pounds oi cheese from July 13, 1915, to January 14, 1916. The Cove Creek factory made almost 15,000 juuuds up iu ihe same "date. A hen it is realized tlat ihet atie factories-cui i'r 4'J0 tr 3800 ri d ;.ic.i i-o obtained re iativc :o ihe amount' ! business wni ;!!: in - ui t up' around a small e pjiptm-nt ui' this, k nJ. The UrriKMs in these cheese communities are also building s i os and spring houses. The men oi the Extensive Service are giving them as much assistante as ,is possible but one of the greatest difficulties connected with the work is in finding men sufficiently trained to man the factories after they have been established. In most cases . it has been necessary to take some man in thee neighborhood and train him in the worlf. This naturally takes much of the time of the specialists in charge of the work and it cannot go forward very fastly until the supply of men to run them exceeds the sup ply of factories. jSS!z'5gt.14w th? Animal In dustfyBepartinTatr oT71sri8l College has now organized a course of special instruction in cheese making, the object of which is to assist those wish to prepare themselves for positions in cheese factories. Th; work will cpnsts,t principally of instruc tian. in cheese making and cheese factory management. Twelve factories have been built in the last eighteen months and more are now under course of construe tiou, so a good opprotunity is open for young men in these cheese factory sections. The course thvs season wil open on January 16, 1917, and close on March 3. 1917. It is in tended to give instruction to any one wishing to study the making of cheese and cheese factory management, and is limited to students 16 years of age and old er. It is expected that the course will be very valuable to those who are thinking of building a cheese factory whether they rre to have active charge of it or not. For a Weak Stomach. As a general rule all you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your age and occupation "and to keep your bowels regular. When you feel that you have eaten loo much and when constipated, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets,! Christmas Exercisss at the Cress School. Last Friday when the Cress school near Grace Church, of which Miss Lillian Miller is prin cipal, closed quite an interesting program was rendered Among the items on the program were the following: Vocal and instru mental music, recitations tab leaux, a Christmas tree and treat for all the pupils The building was beautifully decorated and at the last Floyd ieSperman, acting as Santa Glaus, came in and dis tributed gifts to all. Miss Miller is due much credit for the perfect training of the children and the very interesting enter tainment given. Miss Miller seems to be the right teacher in the right place and is much liked by ail the pupils and patrons of the school. Quite a large crowd was present and enjoyed the oc casion very much. Miss Jane Kehrfedyv about ; 19 years old, a native, of - Gaston county, died at the -home of her parents in Salisbury, Mr and Mrs John Kennedy, Monday from the effects of typhoid fever. The funeral was he'd yesterday -at Christ church, East Spencerp-and the interment was in the cemetery of that church. Mrs Virginia Elizabeth Brown. widow of late James-F E Brown, and a daughter of Benjamin Juli an, died at tbe home of 'her son, u B Brown, about four miles west of Salisbury, Saturday. She was 69 years old and leaves Many re- atives and friends, among- them eing a brother, Frank Julian of rexas: three sons, J. G., B. B. and J. H. Brown of Salisbury and xowan county, and two daugh ters, Mesdames D A Fisher of Salisbury and O R Steele of Albe- aiarle. The funeral was held at Salem E. L. church, of which she vas a member, Sunday afternoon. Dora Ophelia, two-months-old laughter of Mr and Mrs Thos Q tfagan, died at the home of its grandparents, Mr and Mrs J .H Ragan, on East Kerr street Sun- lay afternoon. The littl iriri had never been well and was never seen by its father who is a member of the North Carolina National Guard "with the troops on the Mexican border. The funeral was held Monday and the interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery - Lee Vaughan, aged 45, an inmate of the county jail who had been ill for some time, died Satur day. The interment was at the county home, : " v -fislaKev;er,if-Iineoln--- ton, aged 96, mother, of D P Keever of Spencer, died last Thursday. Mr Keerer is a popu lar- engineer on the Western road and has many friends who will sympathize wfth'him in hi I bereavement. - Harry D Gill, aged 26, was found dead a half block from his home on Henderson street Satur day night. He was subject to epilepsy and while returning home from uptown he fell in a mud hole, with his face down and died from strangulation. He was a son of Mr and Mrs R L Gill. He was a member of the First Baptist church. The funer al was held from the home Sun day afternoon conducted by his pastor, Rev GAG Thomas, as sisted by Rev Bron Clark of the First Presbyterian church. His Sunday school class mates acted as pallbearers and the in terment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. Mrs. P. 0. Stuchell Tells Hew Ste Cured Her i Sou of a Cold. 'When my son Ellis wasj sick with a cold last winter I gave bim Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, it helped him at once and quickly broke up his cold," writ es Mrs. P. O. Stuchell, Homer City, Pa. This remedy has been in use for many years. Its good qualities have been fully proven by many thousands of people. It is pleasant and safe to take. Weather Forecast for December, 1918. From 1 to 9, fair with slight threatenings along, some cool. From 9 to 17, wind, rains and slightly stormy, near snow. From 17 to 24, rain with slight snow, but heavy north. ' From 24 to 31, snow north, changeable here and mild with some cool along. FrGtu 31 to Jan, 7, rain and wind, some stormy along, some snow. Not so much rain 'till about the 17 th to 28th and first week in January, Henry Rbix, R-3, Box 167, Salisbury, N. C. '.itaine Tnst boss Not Affuct The Hft ' 5f it? ten.; and laxative effect, JLAXA- 2j i' 1BKyWO QCIVNEi bettertbsn ordinary Q- Vi.tr f nd doea '-ot cause nervousneM nor Wttukti Ahraember tbe fell name mai i

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